How to enable synchronization on Android. Enable Google account synchronization on Android. What is the benefit of syncing your Google Chrome browser data with your Google account?

Google – the entire basis of the “green robot” is built on it. When buying a new mobile friend, you first need to create your account. After creating it, make a few more manipulations for correct operation, the last stage of which is synchronization.

How to complete all these processes and how to enable Google account synchronization on Android at the last stage is described in detail below.

Account creation

Creating one is quite simple, following these tips:

  1. In the field provided, enter any “name” of your choice. It will be registered as an email address. Moreover, you only need to come up with the beginning of the address, since the ending is set by default.
  2. Create a strong password.
  3. After clicking "OK", a user box is created.

It is imperative that you remember your address and password, since they will be required many times in the future.

Copy and restore

After creating an account, the system will prompt you to install backup and restore. What does it mean?

  • backup is the preservation of all information located on the medium, which is transferred to the account of its owner;
  • recovery - since the gadget is a computer brainchild, a failure can occur at any time. In addition, the owner can, on his own initiative, reinstall and reset to factory settings. Any reinstallation will delete all information. To avoid losing it, “Recovery” will help, which after reinstallation will restore everything without loss. The entire database will be stored in the so-called “cloud”.

How to enable Google account synchronization on Android

Synchronization can make work as comfortable as possible. Main advantages:

  1. Browser. After synchronization, the user will gain access to them each time he logs into the sites on which he is registered (for example, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Avito). There will be no need to enter your login and password every time.
  2. Contacts. The function is convenient not only on smartphones. Most modern tablets come with phone capabilities (you can use them to make calls). All numbers available on the gadget will be synchronized with Google, this will allow you to “get” all phone numbers if you change or lose your SIM card.
  3. Access to applications. Applications can be safely downloaded from a special Play Store service, which is installed on all “robot” devices. Such applications include games, antivirus programs, movies, music, books, social networks, text editors, browsers, live wallpapers, translators and many others, depending on your needs. All Play Store features will become available only after synchronization.

The following recommendations will help you figure out how to do this. The assistant is a Lenovo tablet running “robot” RAM version 6.0.

First of all, go to the settings, scroll almost to the end, to “Personal data”, find the “Accounts” column.

A window will open in which to select Google.

Next, click on the email address (will appear automatically), synchronization will begin. Please note that this requires an Internet connection. The process may start on its own, or you may need to manually click on all the arrows.

The process is complete. This system operation synchronizes the following parameters:

  • browser (Chrome in this example);
  • gmail (user's email);
  • Play movies;
  • photo;
  • disk;
  • applications;
  • calendar;
  • contacts.

The gadget is ready for full and systematic work!

Updates are required periodically, especially after the Internet is turned off, to improve overall performance and for other reasons. In order not to bother yourself with all the above manipulations each time, you can turn on automatic mode. We'll look at how to enable it in detail below.

  • To begin, proceed according to the already familiar scheme. Go to settings, go to “Personal data”, select the “Accounts” column.

Important! When auto-sync is turned on, the battery may drain faster. Synchronization will constantly work in the background, will be updated regularly, and accordingly, the equipment will be in an active status, and the battery life will become less long-term.

To disable auto mode, you need to uncheck the box. But when disabled, system messages will not arrive! For example, about received letters in your mailbox. This may result in important information not being received on time. So you have to choose: check your mailbox regularly, enable database synchronization manually, or sacrifice battery power but receive all the important news on time.

If you decide to buy a new smartphone or need to transfer a lot of information from a gadget, synchronization will become a lifesaver. When you access from any medium using your main account address, you can open all the data from the original source.

As you can see from the article, the problem of how to enable regular or automatic Google account synchronization on Android can be solved quite easily. Tricks that are very easy to implement will help make using your favorite “robot” easier! Make your virtual space as comfortable as possible!

This article is for those who use the Google Chrome browser and have not yet used the ability to synchronize their browser data, such as bookmarks, history, passwords, etc., with their Google account. This way, all browser data that can be very important (especially passwords) will be securely stored in your account and will not be lost anywhere as long as you have access to your Google account.

What is the benefit of syncing Google Chrome browser data with your Google account?

    Your data saved in the browser will be safe! In the event of a crash of the system itself, the hard drive, or, ultimately, a simple “breakdown” of the Google Chrome browser, you will not lose important data from your browser. The most important of these:

    • Bookmarks, which sometimes number in the tens and hundreds, and where there may be links to sites that you really need, which you then will not immediately be able to find on the Internet, because you will not remember how you found them.

      Logins and passwords for sites.

      Passwords are, in general, one of the most important points, because many users save all their passwords in their browsers and nowhere else. And if something goes wrong even with the browser itself, your passwords may be deleted! And they can even be accidentally removed through various third-party programs to clean Windows and speed up its operation.

      Saved bank card data that you use when paying on various sites via Google Chrome.

      Browser settings.

      Installed extensions.

      History (which sites were visited and at what time). Sometimes, using history, you can find a site that you lost and did not save, remembering that you visited it on such and such a date.

    It also saves data such as autofill (what you entered into various comment forms, search engines, etc.), browser themes, and open tabs.

    All this is constantly transferred in encrypted form to your Google account, i.e. synchronization occurs. Therefore, if any failure happens, all you need to do to recover your data is to log back into your Google account through the Google Chrome browser. The saved data will be instantly transferred to your computer in the browser!

    Your data from Google Chrome will be available to you on any device where the same browser is installed and you are signed in to your Google account.

    For example, you mostly work from home, but you also have another workplace. All you have to do is log in to your Google account via Google Chrome and all your data will be available in this workplace in a few seconds!

    Also, when using any devices where you use the Google Chrome browser, everything will be synchronized with your Google account. For example, on a smartphone or tablet, log into your Google account through this browser and again all your saved browser data is at hand.

    All this is very convenient!

Let's get started with practical implementation...

How to set up Google Chrome data synchronization.

Setting up your Google Chrome browser data to sync with your Google account is actually simple.

You will need your Google services account. If you don’t have one yet, I recommend that you get one (link to register in Google services: open). Click the “Create account” button there:

Why do I recommend having a Google account? Firstly, you will be able to use the most reliable and secure mail from Google today, which is called GMail, and secondly, you can use the same account on all other Google services, and this is the well-known Youtube, Google Drive, Google Maps, Google Photos, social network Google+ and many other useful services.

Of course, you can use most Google services (for example, maps, YouTube) without an account, but by logging in with your account, you get more features and convenience!

Open the Google Chrome browser menu on your main device, where all the bookmarks, passwords and other data you need for this browser are saved and go to settings.

Since you haven’t yet logged into your Google account through a browser (because if you had, you wouldn’t need the information from this article), all data is saved on the device itself. Our task is to upload them to your account so that you can access them from any device.

A window will open where you enter the login for your account in Google services (this is your EMail in Gmail), click “Next” and then enter the password and “Next” again.

A window will appear telling you what data Google Chrome will sync with your Google account. Click "OK" to complete the setup.

Now in the browser settings, in the “Login” section, it should be displayed that you are logged in under such and such an account and below there will be buttons for the ability to disconnect from your account and change synchronization settings.

That's all! Immediately after connecting the Google Chrome browser to your Google account, all data from the browser (bookmarks, passwords, history and everything else) will begin to be downloaded to this account. This whole process will take only a few minutes, and sometimes it flies by in less than half a minute (depending on the amount of information stored in the browser).

Now you can sit down and work anywhere, from any device, using all the same settings, bookmarks, passwords and other Google Chrome browser information that you already have saved in your Google account.

If you want only certain data from the browser to be synchronized with your account, for example, only passwords and bookmarks, then in the Google Chrome settings at the top, click “Advanced synchronization settings.”

If you changed anything, don’t forget to click “OK” to save the settings.


Synchronizing browser data in Google Chrome is extremely convenient! Because on each of your devices, where you access the Internet from the same browser, you will have different bookmarks, different passwords and other information saved. It turns out that, for example, some of the saved logins and passwords can be on one computer, and some on another. It can't be convenient. And after setting up synchronization, everything will be in one account!

To all Google Chrome users who still do not use the ability to synchronize browser data with a Google account, I recommend setting it all up, because it is very convenient and simplifies the work!

Google, together with Android, has created a whole group of various services that significantly expand the functionality of the device. The Android synchronization function is extremely popular, thanks to which you can quickly and conveniently move data between several phones, including contacts. You can activate synchronization on Android in your account settings in just a few steps.

Advantages of synchronization: how best to enable synchronization on Android

Most people change phones frequently. Buying a new gadget is a pleasant event, but it brings with it one common problem. There is a need to transfer all your contacts from Android to a new gadget. This can be done manually by simply rewriting the list of required numbers and then entering them one by one. If you have dozens or even hundreds of numbers in your notebook, this method will not work.

An equally big problem is restoring numbers if you have lost your phone. Restoring your entire contact list will take a very long time, and some important numbers may be lost forever. Synchronizing the contacts of Android devices with Google will help solve all these problems. As soon as you activate it, all data (phone numbers, calendar, and even photos, if necessary) are synchronized with Google, and you can always restore this information on a new device. You don't even need a computer for this operation.

All you need is a Google account on Android that is directly linked to gmail. You must log in to this account on the phone from which you want to read information. Next, you should log into the same account, but from a different smartphone, and then activate synchronization. After this procedure, you can delete your account from your old device for additional security. However, not all users of Android devices know how to enable Google account synchronization on Android.

Activate synchronization: synchronize android OS contacts with google

The inclusion procedure is not particularly difficult. You will only need to activate contact synchronization once. Once the phone is synced, you can remove it. To activate, follow the instructions provided:

After this, contacts from Android will be recorded on the cloud, and you will only need to download them to another phone. Now you know how to enable synchronization on mobile phones and tablets on Android. If you are wondering how to disable synchronization, then you just need to uncheck the items that do not need to be synchronized. These are all the steps required to disable it.

Activate the display of contacts

The next logical question is how to sync Android contacts with Google on a new device. To do this, you must first perform a similar procedure. If this doesn't work, you may need to reset the display. To do this, follow a few simple steps:

All the necessary numbers will appear in the address book, and you will be able to use the synchronized data. If you have multiple Google accounts, make sure you use the same one for both phones. You can register with Google either from your phone or through a personal computer.

When using multiple devices, it is necessary to be able to obtain the necessary data from each of them. It is for these purposes that gadgets have a convenient function. Let's talk about what synchronization is in an Android phone and why it is needed.

Synchronization - what is it?

Synchronization is a mechanism that combines actions on different devices into one coherent flow, which allows you to get up-to-date, unified information on each device. To fully use an Android device, you need a Google account, which is used to log into the application store. But it also has another function - synchronization.

If this setting is activated, then user data is automatically uploaded to the Google cloud. After logging into your account on another device, the data from the storage will be transferred to the gadget for use by the user. The following elements are synchronized:

  • browser bookmarks;
  • mail;
  • application data;
  • documentation;
  • calendar;
  • contacts;

If you have one of the Google applications installed on your device (Photos, Documents, Notes, etc.), then the corresponding items will additionally appear in your account settings.

How to set up synchronization for Google

Let's move on to setting up the main Android account.

Note! For example, Meizu M5 with Flyme shell is used. The location of the items may differ on other devices.

Note! To sync photos and videos, use the Google Photo app, and for files, use Google Drive.

To disable it, simply uncheck the appropriate boxes.

other methods

It is worth noting that you can copy data to all your devices in other ways.

For branded shell

Almost all smartphone manufacturers use proprietary Android shells (add-ons) on their gadgets. Some of them have a synchronization function for your own profile.

Note! For example, we used Meizu with the Flyme shell, which provides a Meizu account. Different manufacturers' own profile may differ or be completely absent.

Similar actions for Mi-account and others.

Third Party Applications

There are many apps available in the Play Store that allow you to back up your data and sync it to another device. Let's look at the example of one of the most popular programs - G Cloud.

  1. Install and launch the application.
  2. Click "Don't have an account yet."
  3. Select “Register with Google+” → enter your account.
  4. Check the boxes to add the items to the cloud → click on the button with the floppy disk.
  5. Wait for the process to complete.
  6. Your data is now in the cloud.

For automatic synchronization:

To install data on another phone, just install the application on the second device → log into the same account.

  1. Open the side menu → “Restore”.
  2. Select your smartphone.
  3. Go to the folder with the relevant data.
  4. Click on the file → “Recover”.

Synchronization with PC

You can access the elements of your smartphone via your computer using the MyPhoneExplorer program.

Feature overview

  1. Contacts:
    • View and edit all smartphone contacts;
    • Add or remove;
    • Write SMS or email;
    • Transfer to the desired group;
    • Call;
    • Export Import.
  2. Challenges:
    • View the history of current calls;
    • Add a contact from lists or edit the current one.
  3. Organizer:
    • Full work with the calendar;
    • Fully functional alarm clock;
    • Add, edit or delete notes.
  4. Messages:
    • View all messages and conversations;
    • Write SMS;
    • Deleting SMS or transferring them to the archive;
  5. Files:
    • View all files on a memory card or internal memory;
    • View all system storage files.
  6. Additionally:
    • View monitoring of the current state of the smartphone;
    • View available Android memory.

Let's figure out how to enable synchronization on a computer and why is it needed? After all, this procedure helps to access the necessary data from different computers.

Synchronization purpose

This feature is designed to open access to programs and data for different devices. The user is only required to use one account on all required computers.

If you log in for the first time on a second computer, it will take some time and access to the Internet for the specified settings to apply.

Having become accustomed to using a certain set of programs, with the help of synchronization the user will use them in a convenient place. Files are also synchronized. This is especially convenient when you have to work on the go, performing some tasks on a desktop computer and others on a laptop. You can take your work with you.

What is the mechanism based on?

The synchronization mechanism is based on the “backup” principle familiar to many users. It consists of creating a special copy of all settings, programs and parameters, which will be located in the cloud and can be called by the user on demand.

When synchronization is performed, such a copy is created and access to it is made available to the account. Then there are 2 possible scenarios:

  1. Overwriting a copy. Occurs when the computer turns off with synchronization enabled. All settings changes that are included in the list of synchronized ones are overwritten in the backup copy.
  2. Reading a copy. Occurs when any computer is turned on. In addition to reading, the state of the copy is compared. All differences are downloaded and recorded separately so that all devices work in sync.

The entire synchronization algorithm is based on such simple procedures. If there is no copy on the device, it is created. If there is a copy on the device: a comparison is made with the backup sample in the cloud and the state of the copy is automatically adjusted according to this sample. If no changes have been made, Windows will start faster.

Working with synchronization

In order for synchronization to work, you will need to not only enable it, but also configure it. We will consider enabling and setting up, as well as synchronization objects separately. Each of these points is important in its own way and should not be neglected.


A fairly simple and quick procedure. The only caveat is that it must be enabled on all devices where the specified account is used. After all, general data is only available within one account.

So, you will need to create the same “account” on each computer or log in using a Microsoft account. Fortunately, global experience in using this practice has made it possible to optimize this process as much as possible.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that synchronization is only available for devices running Windows 10. Partial synchronization of settings is available for Windows Mobile.

The algorithm is simple:


Synchronization is now enabled for the specified account. But the setting of this option is not limited to one inclusion. After all, there is also a general list of synchronization points that you can customize “to suit you.” The list includes:

  1. Subject. Becomes available after account confirmation. The desktop settings and elements of all menus are transferred. This way you can get absolutely the same appearance of the system on different computers.
  2. Passwords. One of the items that synchronizes with mobile devices. When using browsers such as Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, passwords stored in them will also be transferred between devices. This can significantly speed up visiting certain resources.
  3. Language settings. Ignores the language installed on the computer. The list of language settings includes both system language settings and keyboard layouts for typing. Eliminates the need to make unnecessary switches.
  4. Special abilities. Allows you to move options such as High Contrast or Accessibility, as well as Sticky Keys. We are talking about specific parameters that are not used very often by people.
  5. Other Windows settings. They include a list of installed applications and even connected printers. In practice, this will not allow you to simply print on a home printer while being far away from it, but it will allow you to save the printing parameters that are set for it.

This is just a generalized list of parameters that can be switched directly in the synchronization window. Before prohibiting backup of a specific group, you should familiarize yourself with the list of functions that are associated with it.

Synchronized items

In addition to these categories, there is also an additional sheet that can be found on the official Microsoft website. Although all of these points fall within the definitions from the list above in one way or another, there are exceptions. Let's look at them:

Application data. On the official website they have the “Internal” marker. That is, the parameters of these applications are synchronized separately. In order to access your own Photoshop settings, you will need to have an Adobe Creative Cloud account with synchronization enabled.

Command line options. Settings such as the window size in the command line or its color have separate settings and may also be subject to synchronization. However, this option is hardly obligatory for anyone.

Browser settings. We are talking about the Internet Explorer browser. Other Internet browsers have their own synchronization tools and are more likely to belong to the “application data” section. For specific browsers, synchronization is set separately in their windows.

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