Letter with accent. Emphasis Word

Quite rarely, Word users think about how to put emphasis in Word. If the document is not for yourself, then it is advisable to put accent marks and not rely on the fact that the person will understand what is being said even without dots above the word. In order to prevent an unpleasant situation, we will now analyze everything and show you which key combination will save you at the right moment.

We put emphasis in three different ways

Let's look at three easy ways to easily put an accent mark on any syllable in the Word editor. Please note that these tips are relevant for versions such as: Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, as well as for the old version of 2003.

Method 1: Keyboard combination

The easiest and most quickly remembered option for writing a letter with an accent is the following key combination – Alt+X.

Important! Pay attention to the cursor, it should be located after the letter that will be emphasized. The next step is to write the numbers “301” together and press the treasured button combination Alt+X.

After pressing Alt+X, the number “301” will disappear and an accent mark will appear on the desired letter.

It turns out that writing a letter with an accent is not so difficult in reality. The numeric code "301" will place the accent slanted to the right. Using the number code "300" will make the accent slant to the left. The other steps are done in the same order. It is important to place the cursor after the letter on which the emphasis is placed, then type “300” and add the main key combination Alt+X. Everything worked out!

The main thing is to correctly follow the sequence of all actions. Then, what seems difficult at first glance, the task will turn out to be a trifle.

Method 2: Hold down the Alt key

In the second method, we will again work with the Alt key, but with a small innovation. We enter the word, but not completely, stop typing after writing the shock letter (the cursor blinks near the shock letter). Next, hold down the Alt key and, without releasing it, enter the number “769” using the additional numeric keypad.

We warn you right away that the row with numbers on the keyboard that is located above the letters will not work in this case. It is important to use the numeric keyboard, which is located to the right of all the letter keys (shown by the arrow in the screenshot above). After entering the number “769”, release Alt and enjoy the word with the correct accent.

Method 3: how to put a dot over a letter using the “Symbol” button.

The last method will take a little longer than the two above. As in the previous two cases, you must leave the cursor after the letter that will be emphasized. Next you need to go to the “Insert” tab.

If your text editor version is 2003, then follow these instructions. Click on "Insert" and select "Symbol" from the drop-down menu. Then repeat the steps completely for newer versions of Word.

A full window will open with all kinds of symbols, select the symbol set “United diacr. signs”, after which you need to click on the required accent sign (with a slant either to the right or to the left) and as a final step click on the “Insert” button.

After the first use of any symbol, it will appear freely in the “Symbol” drop-down menu. This will allow you not to perform a large number of actions as before, but simply select a sign in the already drop-down window.

Please note that any symbol has its own numeric code, which can be viewed in the same “Symbol” window and remembered just in case.

The need to place an accent on a letter in Word occurs quite rarely. Therefore, when users encounter this problem, they most often do not know how to solve it.

In this material we will try to fill this knowledge gap. Here you can learn three simple ways to put an emphasis on a letter in the Word text editor.

Let us immediately note that the article is relevant not only for Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016, but also for the old Word 2003.

Method No. 1. Inserting an accent using the ALT+X key combination.

Perhaps the easiest way to place an accent on a letter in Word is to use the ALT+X key combination.

This is done quite simply. First, make sure the cursor is positioned after the letter you want to emphasize. After that, without a space, enter the number “301” and press the key combination ALT+X. After this, the number “301” will disappear, and instead an accent will appear above the last letter.

When using the numeric code "301", the accent will be slanted to the right. If you need to make an accent slanted to the left, then use the number code "300". The rest is done exactly the same. Place the cursor after the letter you want to emphasize, enter “300” and press ALT+X.

Method No. 2. Inserting an accent using the ALT key held down.

The second way to place an accent on a letter is to use the ALT key. To do this, you need to place the cursor after the letter over which you want to place an emphasis, then hold down the ALT key and, without releasing it, enter the number “769” on the additional numeric keypad.

In this way, you can place an accent tilted to the right above the desired letter. The main thing when entering the numeric code “769” is not to release the ALT key, but to enter the numeric code itself on the additional numeric keypad (a block of keys with numbers, which is located on the right side of the keyboard).

Method No. 3. Inserting an accent using the “Symbol” button.

The last method is quite slow, so it should be used only in cases where the first two did not work for some reason. As in previous cases, you first need to position the cursor after the desired letter.

The next steps depend on the version of Word. If you are using Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016, then you need to go to the “Insert” tab, click on the “Symbol” button and select the “More Symbols” menu item.

If you have Word 2003, then you need to open the “Insert” drop-down menu and select “Symbol” there.

After this, the “Symbol” window will open. Here you need to select the “Combined diacrs” character set. signs" and select one of the stress options (right or left). After this, the selected accent option can be placed above the letter using the “Insert” button.

After the first use, the accent option you have chosen will appear in quick access in the “Symbol” drop-down menu. And you can paste it without opening the entire list of symbols.

Please note that in the list of all symbols you can see the numeric code of any character.

Using this code and the ALT+X key combination you can quickly insert any symbols into your Word document.

Sometimes when writing words you need to put an emphasis on the letter in Word. This is usually used by editors of various educational literature on the Russian language, students of specialized philological departments of universities and colleges. There is no accent symbol on the keyboard of a laptop or personal computer, so to substitute it in Word there is a combination of hot keys and a set of special characters.

There are several ways to place an accent on a letter in Word. The program used as a demonstration is version 2007. In other versions, the execution sequence and functionality of the execution do not differ from those demonstrated. Next, we will look at each of them in detail and try to show as clearly as possible how to do this.

1. Press and hold the “Alt” + “769” button.

Let us describe this method of placing emphasis in more detail. Let the word “call” be written on a page in a Word document, the emphasis in which must be placed on the third syllable (the letter “and”):

To place an accent, you need to place the cursor (“print carriage”) between the letters “i” and “t”:

Next, hold down the “Alt” button on the keyboard, find and press the “Num Lock” button on the right, which activates the additional numeric keypad below it, type the number “769” using the numbers on the additional keyboard without releasing the “Alt” key, and after dialing the number, release the button Alt:

2. Key combination “Alt” + “X” + number keys “301” or “300”.

Let us describe in more detail this method of placing emphasis on a letter in Word. Let’s say the same word is written in a book format Word file as in the first method, and with the same accent letter “and”:

Then to insert an accent mark above this letter, you need to place a print carriage after it:

Note: you can enter the number 300, but then the accent icon will be oriented from left to right

And then simultaneously press the “Alt” and “X” buttons (the English letter “X”). Thus, the result will be this:

3. Using a table of special characters.

This method requires too much time to solve the problem under consideration, so it is advisable to use it only if it was not possible to use the two above. Before opening these special characters, you must also place the print carriage after the letter over which you need to place an accent mark:

In the dialog box that appears, click the “Other symbols” button:

In the dialog box that appears, you need to select the “Plain Text” font, the “Combined Diameters” set. signs”, and in the character list field, select an accent symbol, or you can enter the digital code of a special character in the character code field (the accent character has the following codes: 0301 and 0300), and then click the “Insert” button:

As a result we get:

Hot key combinations are the fastest way to solve the problem in question, so you just need to remember these key combinations on the keyboard and use them as needed in the future.

For those who are not new to this page:

For everyone else

At the beginning of the article about the variety, the name of the violet is indicated with an accent. There are several ways to highlight a stressed vowel using a computer. You can insert stressed vowels not only in articles about varieties, but also in ordinary discussions, when you want to tell readers the correct stress:

“Makuni wrote a lot to his customers, asking about how his varieties bloomed. There was no Internet then, and long-distance conversations were expensive.

Contents: remove/show

Bold stressed vowel

Select the accent letter with the mouse and press the "F" button ("Bold", second from the left in the first row). It will turn out like this:

SK-Afrod And ta (SK- A phrodite), S. Kuznetsov, semi-mini

This method is recommended when initially creating an article so as not to waste time inserting an accent mark over vowels. Later, one of the advanced authors will replace the emphasis through bold font with normal emphasis through the accent mark in one of the following ways.

Copying ready-made vowels with stress

Go to the variety page, click on the “Edit” tab to get into article editing mode

After this, one by one, change all the stressed vowels to stressed vowels. The sequence of actions for replacing one letter looks like this. Below, use your mouse to select the appropriate vowel with stress:

Latin: ÁÉÍÓÚÝ áéíóúý Russian: АЭИООУУИИУЯЯ aeeeeeeeeeeee

  • press CTRL+C (Latin) on your keyboard at the same time to copy the highlighted stressed vowel to the clipboard
  • go to the editing window for the article about the variety
  • Use your mouse to highlight the vowel you are going to replace
  • if it is already highlighted in bold, click the "F" button (second in the first row) to deselect it
  • press the Delete key on your keyboard to delete the previous stressed vowel
  • click the editor button "Insert text only" (the very last one in the first row of message editor buttons)
  • a window will appear. Press CTRL+V (Latin) on your keyboard at the same time to paste the stressed vowel stored in the clipboard
  • click "OK" button to complete the insertion process
  • a stressed vowel should appear in the word.

Repeat these steps for the remaining stressed vowels.

It will look something like this:

SK-Áphrodite, A. Kuznetsov, semi-mini

Potential Difficulties

Inserting via the text insert button

Paste the copied stressed vowel only through the "Paste text only" button. Otherwise, paste together with the letter its design in the article from which you copied it.

Strictly adhere to only the Latin alphabet or only the Cyrillic alphabet

Make sure that Latin stressed vowels are replaced with stressed vowels from the Latin list, and Cyrillic vowels - from the list of Cyrillic vowels. Latin and Russian stressed "a" are completely different letters.

  • the name "Oblachny Vostórg" with Latin accents will appear at the very beginning of the list of domestic varieties, since for the sorting program this Russian-language name begins with the Latin letter "O"
  • search engines, when requesting the name "Cloud Delight", written entirely in Russian letters, will not find a registry entry where this variety begins with the Latin letter "O"
  • when creating catalogs of varieties divided by the first letter, a domestic variety with the first Latin accent letter can only be found in the subdirectory dedicated to the Latin letter "O"
  • The spell checker will highlight Russian words with stressed Latin vowels as incorrect
  • when someone copies information from a registry entry, the erroneous Russian name with a Latin letter will continue to spread throughout the violet world

Insert special character button

In the message editor there is a button “Insert a special character” (to the left of the orange emoticon button in the first row). By clicking on this button, a window with special characters appears. There you can find and select the desired Latin vowel with an accent mark, large or small.

But this method is only suitable for Latin drums. I will repeat the above prohibition on inserting Latin stressed vowels into Russian names.

Accent using the Alt key

In this layout, you can easily enter an accent mark. It is enough to place the cursor after the stressed vowel and simultaneously press the combination Alt (graphic, on the right side of the keyboard) + Shift + "/" 2-3 times.

In addition to entering an accent, Ilya Birman’s layout allows you to enter many useful typographic design marks through a regular keyboard:

  • "herringbone quotes"
  • em dash -

However, all these characters are available in our message editor by clicking the "Insert special character" button, to the left of the orange emoticon button.

Regular Word users rarely encounter situations where they need to emphasize a letter in a word. Usually everyone misses this moment. If a document is made for another reader, and not for oneself, then one relies on the fact that he will already understand what is being discussed.

If you still need to place an emphasis on a letter using the keyboard in Word, but if the document is unofficial, users can simply highlight the required letter in the word in bold.

In a word, without understanding the structure of Microsoft Word, you can find a way out. But we will still tell you how to make and execute the document correctly. After all, we can also be read by teachers who, for example, prepare assignments for students, where to place emphasis in the correct way is simply necessary.

There are several ways to put an accent on a letter in Word

The first method is possible thanks to the support of macros. And so, in order to put emphasis on a certain letter in a word, after this letter we need to write “ 0301 ” without quotes or spaces. After that, press Alt+X. There you go, everything is ready. For a practical example, you can see the picture below.

Thus, in the word stress we placed it above the letter “a”. After marking, you can continue writing the word.

There is another way.

We select the letter over which we need to place emphasis in the word and place the cursor after it with the mouse. Then in the top menu of Word, select “Insert” – “Symbols” and click on the inscription “Other symbols”. Then select the set shown in the picture below. In it you will find the accent symbol.

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