Changing proxy. How to change your computer's IP address and what a proxy is. OpenVPN client program

When connected to the Internet, each computer receives an IP address. This IP address can then be used by servers to identify the user, which in some cases can create some difficulties. For example, your IP address may be accidentally compromised and you will not be able to access a website, game server, or other network resource. In such situations, the question arises of how to change the IP address of the computer. In this material we will look at several methods that will allow you to change your IP address and solve this problem.

Changing your computer's IP address using Anonymizers

Anonymizers are services for quickly changing computers when viewing websites. These services work according to a very simple algorithm: you tell the anonymizer the address of the page you want to view, and the anonymizer downloads this page and transmits it to you. Thus, you do not have direct contact with the site you are viewing, but instead of your IP address, the server determines the IP address of the anonymizer.

One of the most popular services of this type is.

On the main page of this service there is a line in which you need to enter the site address and click on the “Surf Anonymously” button. After this, the page of the site you requested will open in front of you.

How to change your computer's IP address using a Proxy

On the main page of this site there is a large list of free proxies. In order to connect to the proxy server, we need its IP address and port (see screenshot above).

Step No. 2. Browser settings.

After we have found free (or paid) proxies, we need to enter them into the browser settings. If you use Google Chrome, then you need to enter the IP address of the proxy server in the Internet Explorer settings, because Google Chrome receives information about proxy servers from Internet Explorer.

So, open Internet Explorer settings and go to the Connections tab. Here you need to click on the “Network Settings” button.

After this, all windows must be closed by clicking on the “OK” button.

Step No. 3. Checking the computer's IP address.

If you have configured everything correctly and the proxy server is working, then you should see the IP address of the proxy server instead of your IP address.

If, after setting up a proxy, you cannot access any site, then most likely this proxy server is not working. In this case, you need to select another proxy (another IP address and port) and repeat the browser settings. In some cases, you have to try several different proxies until a working one is found.

How to use a VPN to change your computer's IP address

The methods described above for changing a computer's IP address have many disadvantages. Anonymizers can only be used to view websites. At the same time, many popular anonymizers are already blocked almost everywhere. Proxy servers take a long time to find or buy. At the same time, proxies die quickly and do not provide high connection speeds. Therefore, these methods of changing a computer’s IP address are not always suitable.

An alternative is to use a VPN (Virtual Private Network). There are many sites on the Internet that provide Internet connection services using VPN technology. This technology allows you to create a virtual Internet connection on top of your real connection. Simply put, this is a virtual connection to the Internet.

As a result of using a VPN, you get a new IP address, and at the same time the connection speed remains at a normal level. Moreover, when using a VPN, you can use any program. Whereas only a very limited number of programs can work with proxies.

There is no need to be afraid that a VPN is too complicated. In the screenshot you can see the interface of the program for working with VPN from the service.

With this program, the process of connecting to a VPN is reduced to a few mouse clicks. All you need to do is log in to the program (enter your password) and click on the connect button.

The only drawback of this method of changing the IP address of a computer is that this service is not free. So, a VPN costs $8 for a month.

computer. First, let's take a general look at what it is.

After logging into the network, an individual IP address is assigned, by which the user can be identified. But it is possible to assign it yourself. To do this you need to install a proxy.

The proxy address itself can be changed both in the browser and on the computer as a whole, that is, for all browsers.

I won’t describe the reasons for doing this; everyone may have their own. Only everyone wants to achieve the same result - to remain an unknown visitor.

How to change IP in the browser

It’s not worth dwelling on all browsers; I’ll explain on the most popular “Internet Explorer” and “Mozilla Firefox”. Regardless of for which we will change the IP, first we go to the website

There you can select an address by country and see when it was tested. After choosing, remember it, or copy it (don’t forget to do the same with the port).

Open Firefox and follow the following path: at the top “tools” ->>, then at the bottom “settings” - >>, in the window that opens “advanced”, then “network” and opposite it “configure”.

Now check the box next to: manual configuration of the proxy server, and enter the address and port there, and click “OK” in the field.

Let me note right away that these addresses do not last long, so if the pages stop opening, it means they need to be changed.

Explorer is a little different. At the top, click “service” ->>, “next internet options” ->>, then at the top of connections ->> and at the bottom “network settings” and check the box at the very bottom “use a proxy server for local connections” « . The rest is the same as in the first option.

Program to change ip address

If you need to change the IP address quickly and for all browsers, then it is best to use a special program. There are many of them, “Auto Hide IP” is a good one, but it’s paid.

After installation, the address of the entire computer can be changed with one click. Moreover, it is possible to choose the country directly.

You can also find services on the Internet where you only have to enter the address of the page you need, and it will open with a different IP for you.

Only if you use them for free, the pages open only on half the browser screen. You have to pay for the full one.

The best option to change your IP is to use it. It is in Russian, small and easy to use.

One click and you are anonymous, and you can choose an address (proxy) from any country. By clicking on the link you can download (without waiting a minute).

The reasons for changing the IP address vary among users. For example, anonymizing access to Internet resources, for logging into a site or forum where the previous IP was banned by the resource administrator, for increasing votes on different sites, for making money by increasing the number of clicks on advertising, for surfing, etc.

Also, changing the IP address is necessary for users of those countries where access to some resources is limited by law and filtered.

There are many special paid services and programs for changing the IP address. But why pay money if we need to change it just for a few hours, for example, to download some content or obtain sensitive information.

The Mozilla Firefox browser and websites where it is possible to obtain anonymous proxy server addresses for free will help us with this. So, let's start changing the IP by making changes to the browser settings in order to access the Internet through a proxy.


First, we check our current IP address on the website at (, where we see information about it, as well as the name of your computer, operating system, version and name of the web browser, country, provider name and other information .

Next, in a search engine, for example, Google, we make a request for “fresh proxies” and get many addresses of websites that provide free lists of proxy servers. We go to one of them and see a list of anonymous proxies (includes the address itself and the port separated by a colon).

In the menu, click on “Settings”.

Select the “Advanced” – “Network” tab and click on the “Configure” button.

In the window that opens, check “Manual configuration of proxy service”, copy the address and port of the proxy server from the list on the site found in the search engine, paste them into the “HTTP proxy” and “Port” fields, and click the “OK” button.

Close the window by clicking the “OK” button.

We go to the website ( and make sure that the IP has changed to another and access to the Internet is made through a Proxy. We can now surf the Internet anonymously.

To return to the real IP address, mark “No proxy” in the browser settings and click the “OK” button.

This is how we learned how to change the IP address using anonymous proxy servers in the Firefox browser. I would also like to note that not all of them from the list on the site you found may be working at the time of use. If one doesn't work, try the next one until you find the right one.

The English word “proxy”, which means “authority”, is on everyone’s lips, and we have to deal with this concept every day. However, not all PC users know what a proxy is and how it works. Located between users and the system of all Internet servers, this invisible intermediary makes the network possible.

Proxy server - what is it?

The average computer user may not know what a proxy connection is and why he needs it. In fact, access to WWW resources is not possible directly by a client-server system. This requires an intermediate link, which is a proxy. Any request from a personal PC is sending your data in order to get back the necessary information. It always goes to an intermediary - a set of computer programs that processes the request and sends the client to the address. That is, a person connects to the servers through an authorized proxy, acting on his behalf.

What is a proxy server for?

Without the proxy complex, working with resources is impossible. There are several reasons why PC users need to use a server assistant:

  1. Substitution of location. If you access the site through a proxy, you can bypass restrictions on access to services.
  2. Protection of confidential information. An anonymous proxy server hides the client's location and IP address. The client can access the Internet anonymously. This proxy service feature also protects users from network attacks.
  3. Safety. Restricting access to “forbidden” sites. This is practiced in companies so that employees do not waste working time on entertainment portals and.
  4. Caching resources to increase access to them. The server is able to store some data in short-term memory, and when it is static, the client is shown the previously downloaded content.

How to use a proxy?

Even those who are not good with computers can understand that such a connection as a proxy greatly facilitates the work on the network and ensures the anonymity of the client browser. It will help you bypass IP blocking, visit a forbidden site, or request an Internet page in accelerated mode. Basic concepts about the principle of operation of an intermediary server take the user’s skills to a new level. Before you use a proxy server, you need to be able to configure it correctly.

Where can I get a proxy?

Today, individual proxies are bought and sold. They may be free, but you should not skimp on a quality product, because for little money the client receives some useful services. Where can I find an anonymous proxy?

  1. Free ones are posted on special websites. Anyone can use them, so sometimes they can be slow and glitchy.
  2. You can download a proxy using the Proxy Switcher program. It will sort the server by country, allowing you to test the speed and operation of the selected proxy. One “minus” is that the program is paid, you will have to pay about 30 dollars.
  3. You can buy an “authorized” server on the websites, and The list of assistants available for download is updated daily.

How to set up a proxy server?

When the choice in favor of one of the proxies is made, you need to install it on your computer. Setting up a proxy server will not take much time. How to proceed?

  1. Open browser settings.
  2. Go to the “advanced settings” tab.
  3. Select “Connection Settings”.
  4. Specify the settings for the proxy connection.
  5. Enter the server IP address.
  6. To restart a computer.

How to find out your proxy server?

If the computer already has a set of necessary technical means, but the user does not know the port number, there are several ways to find out your proxy.

  1. For ordinary users or members of a corporate network - by opening tabs on the control panel. These are items such as “Connection properties” and “Internet protocol TPC\IP”. If the address column contains numbers other than the usual 192.168..., they indicate a proxy.
  2. If you have problems determining the server address, you can ask your system administrator for advice.
  3. Users of the Mozilla Firefox browser can find their settings in the “Settings” - “Advanced” - “Network” tabs. It gives a full description of the server, if there is one.
  4. Internet Explorer contains the following information in the “Tools” - “Internet Options” sections.

How to change proxy server?

Sometimes an experienced user wonders: how to change the proxy connection? It's not difficult either. In the computer settings there is a tab “Change proxy server settings”, where you can check the appropriate boxes. Exceptions are the Google Chrome browser. It will have to work like this:

  • select “Options” in the menu;
  • go to the “Advanced” page;
  • find the “Network” tab;
  • go to the “Change settings” section;
  • The Internet Explorer browser settings window will open, where you can change the proxy.

How to disable the proxy server?

Understanding what a proxy is and how it helps in work, the user skillfully uses the properties of this assistant. But sometimes there is a need to completely disable connection services. Perhaps this is done in order to switch to another server, or perhaps because it is completely unnecessary. Before disabling a proxy, the user weighs the pros and cons. If the decision is not made in favor of the assistant, you need to act according to the following instructions for different browsers:

  1. In Internet Explorer, go to the “Connections” tab, click the “Network Settings” button, and uncheck the box next to “Automatically detect settings”. Next to the “Use a proxy server for local connections” checkbox. In both open windows, click “OK”.
  2. In Mozilla FireFox, in the connection settings window, check the box next to “No proxy”.
  3. In Opera, go to the “Quick Settings” subsection by pressing the F12 key. Left-click on the line “Enable proxy servers” to uncheck this item.

It is a kind of user’s pass to the Internet space. Orderliness is a key feature of the Internet. Therefore, any connection to it cannot remain uncertain or “suspended in the air” even for a minute. The robotic system obeys exclusively programmed algorithms, so if the user needs to quickly change the IP address on the computer, these instructions will allow you to perform this operation in a matter of moments and gain access to the required Internet site or portal.

Changing the IP address is not difficult

Why is the change needed?

Each computer receives its own network identifier in the form of an IP address. Each city and country has its own range of such identifiers by which computer devices are identified. Access to Internet resources may be prohibited by restricting IP addresses. This happens for numerous reasons, ranging from bans to country bans. Numerous users are faced with the following problem: “Why doesn’t my IP address allow me to access foreign services?” To solve this issue, you need to quickly find the necessary one, with which you can instantly gain access to the desired resource. This is a special service in computer networks designed to allow users to make indirect requests to various network services. Its own port and IP address are integral properties of the proxy server. It is worth noting that if you need to stay anonymously on the Internet, you should definitely change the Internet IP address.

For example, if the user’s computer has a Russian IP and it was blocked by some portal, the user will no longer be able to access this resource. However, this resource provides access to computers located in other countries. In this case, using an intermediary, that is, another proxy server, will be a safe and rational way out of the situation.


Changing IP - reliable methods

This article presents three ways to change your IP. Thanks to clear instructions, each user can easily cope with this task, spending a minimum amount of time.

Method No. 1 - turbo mode in Yandex and Opera browsers

The first method is the simplest. It consists of activating turbo mode in popular browsers. This option should be used when the user does not care which country’s IP will be received.

It is worth noting that the turbo mode is designed to speed up the loading of Internet pages. This happens through the use of a network “intermediary”, which is a server through which even a blocked portal is loaded. Turbo activation is available for the following browsers:

To activate this mode, go to Opera and go to the “settings” menu by clicking on the icon in the left corner at the top of the screen. Then click on the item called “Opera turbo”. Then we reload the Internet page by pressing the “F5” key. After this, the site that was blocked will open.

This browser is rapidly gaining popularity and, like Opera, supports turbo mode. To enable this mode, just go to the official website: Then go to the “settings” item and in the corresponding subsection, check the option called “always on”. Thus, the user can quickly find out the necessary information by IP address.

Method number 2 - setting up a country-specific proxy server in Firefox and Chrome

If you need to change your IP to another country, then in this case you should use the second method, which is to use special sites to find proxy servers. It is worth noting that the Internet is rich in an abundance of such portals, among which is very popular. This resource allows you to determine the IP address of any necessary country. For this purpose, go to the specified site and select the necessary parameters if you need to find out your new IP address.

After the operation to calculate the IP address is completed, go to any of the following browsers and follow the appropriate instructions:

Click on network settings. Then we go to the point where we select the settings for the operating parameters of connecting the browser to the Internet. In this section, click on the item called “Manual configuration of proxy service”. In the appropriate fields, the user should accurately enter information about the port and IP address of the received proxy server.

Once you have completed entering this information, save your settings. Then reload the page by pressing the “F5” button. If this does not work, you should check the IP address and port again. You probably entered them incorrectly.

If you need a proxy service whose IP range differs from a specific country, then go to the Chrome browser. Click on the Settings menu. Go to the section called "network". In the new window, click on the item responsible for changing proxy settings. A new window will appear on the screen again, in which click on “connections”. Then select the option called “network setup”. In the “proxy service” section, enter the required information correctly.

Thus, the user can easily change his IP address. After specifying the port and address, click on “Ok”, saving the new parameters.

Option #3 - use TOR

The third method involves using Tor, which is a special browser. By installing TOR, you can easily open any Internet resource. This is a kind of access key to an unlimited amount of information on the network. The main advantage of using this browser is anonymity on the Internet. It is worth noting that this program for changing the IP address of a computer can constantly change the proxy server. This method is used in cases where any IP address is suitable. The developers of TOR have made the user’s work easier, because no action is required from him. Having installed the browser, you no longer need to specify settings or look for a proxy server. Now the program will automatically perform this task. The user is only required to launch the program. When the utility connects to the Internet connection, it will independently determine the proxy server and allow you to open the desired site. The “change identity” functionality allows you to permanently change user data. Thanks to this, network services will mistake the visitor for a new user.

TOR is a special browser

It is worth noting that the utility is compatible with popular Windows operating systems, including XP, Vista, 7 and 8, both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. The program that changes the computer's IP address is available for download on the official website of the developers: After completing the installation process and launching Tor, you will see the changed ip and will be able to instantly access even previously blocked portals.

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