Problems with PS4. The five most common problems with the Sony console. PlayStation console repair. PS4 does not output image to HDMI Ps4 turns on but no image

The PlayStation 4 is without a doubt one of the best gaming consoles of the eighth generation. However, like any equipment, the console is not immune to assembly errors, and its performance is not unlimited. After the release of the original console in 2013, Sony released two more revisions (PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro), in which bugs were worked out.

If you still encounter a problem on your gaming device, then use one of the tips in our article. We'll tell you how to solve the five most common problems with PS4.

1. Blue light flashing on PS4

This problem is more typical for the very first version of the console, released in 2013. If your PS4 is flashing blue, then this is a pretty serious sign. It may mean problems with the technical “stuffing”, and in the worst case, the failure of the PS4.

When you start the PS4, the LED strip along the side of the console should briefly blink blue and then change to white. If there are problems, the blue light will blink constantly until the set-top box turns itself off. What to do in this case?


Sony has compiled a special guide to solving this problem. A flashing blue color may indicate various technical problems. Most often, it means that the PS4 cannot send a signal from the console to the TV. Try this:

    check HDMI output- take a look at the cable itself and the port it connects to. The wire or console may be damaged. To check this for sure, try using a different HDMI.

    check power supply- Press and hold the console power button for at least 7 seconds. The system will beep twice before turning off. After this, disconnect the power cord from the set-top box and inspect it for damage.

    check your hard drive. PlayStation 4 must be turned off. Disconnect the power cable and other wires and open the hard drive bay. Having pulled out the hard drive, inspect it - is there any damage on it? Also make sure it fits snugly in its compartment.

2. Red light flashes on PS4

This problem is similar in symptoms to the previous one, only instead of blue the console flashes red. Also, when turned off, the system will emit three characteristic beeps. This problem means the console is overheating and possibly a faulty built-in fan.


    Give the console a rest. Press the power button for seven seconds until the console turns off. Unplug the power cable and leave the console for a while. It is advisable until the case has completely cooled down.

    give PS4 more space. If your PS4 is flashing red, the system may not be cooling effectively. Place the console in a larger location. Do not place the unit on carpet or in recesses on a shelf. Placing the PS4 in a vertical position also helps with better cooling.

3. No picture or sound on PS4

If the PS4 does not display an image on the screen, this may indicate a damaged HDMI cable. Disappearance of sound and image, as well as output problems, are the result of a bent contact inside the wire. The causes of damage may be different, but the effect is always the same: a faulty connection and the inability to output data to the TV. HDMI cables can also be damaged in other ways.


    check HDMI ports. Take a close look at the picture outputs on both the PS4 and your TV. If possible, try connecting a different HDMI.

    bend the contact. If the bent part inside the wire is clearly visible, then try to return it to its place using improvised means - a pin or a screwdriver.

    try another HDMI.

4. PS4 disk drive problem

If the PlayStation 4 does not accept discs or the disc cannot be inserted into the PS4 at all, then there is a problem with the optical drive of the console. This problem most often occurs with early console models that had a touch-sensitive eject button. The rubber component inside the attachment pushed the disc out. If the console overheated, the rubber increased in size and put pressure on the disc itself. Sony solved the problem by replacing touch buttons with mechanical ones in later models.


    place the console vertically. Problems with the disk drive usually occur on set-top boxes in a horizontal position.

    remove the disk manually. If the disk remains inside the set-top box, press the power button and hold for seven seconds. The system will turn off. Disconnect the power cord and other wires. Follow the instructions with Sony official website .

5. PS4 won't read discs

If your PS4 does not see discs, then the problem may be with the game itself. This is usually accompanied by error code CE-35486-6. Then you know for sure that the disk is damaged. In this case, you should replace or return the disk to the store. However, sometimes problems arise with working disks. What to do?

    turn your console off and on. Do exactly as described. Turn off the set-top box, disconnect all wires and wait a few minutes. Then turn it on again.

    reinstall the game. Even games on physical media are installed on the PS4 hard drive. Remove the game from the console, insert the disc and repeat the installation process.

    do a database rebuild. For this step, you need to enter the safe mode of the console. Turn off your console. Now hold down the power button for 7 seconds. When you hear the second beep, you will be in safe mode. You will have five options. Select number five - “Database Reconstruction”.

Select the fifth option from this list to reconstruct the database

    install the latest software. Check if there are updates for the system and games.

    initialize the system. Sometimes a fresh start helps. Make a backup of all saves and other important files. In system settings, select initialization. PS4 will return to factory settings. Warning: This method deletes all your data from your hard drive!

If the solutions we have indicated do not help, you need the help of a specialist. You can visit the repair service of the PiterPlay store.

The gaming industry is vast and diverse. Almost as much as the virtual worlds created by developers. So that you don’t get lost in it, we have prepared answers to popular questions from gamers regarding PlayStaion and Xbox game consoles, licensed games and accessories for consoles.

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It is not possible to predict absolutely all the technical and software shortcomings of the console during its creation - it would probably have taken years for testing alone and we would have received the console not in 2013, but, for example, in 2015 or even later. But even though problems may arise after purchase, we will try to solve them with little expense.

Blue fire of death

Especially on the Playstation 4, problems with a constantly glowing blue indicator often arose during the release of the console, that is, during the first sales. Now the likelihood of a blue light is minimal, but if this happens, the console does not display an image on the TV screen and constantly blinks blue.

Blue screen of death on PS4 (BLOD).

This may happen for the following reasons:

  1. eating problems;
  2. problems with the hard drive or other hardware of the console.

Sony has presented an official list of actions that can help revive the console:

  1. Turn off the set-top box completely by touching the power button and holding your finger for about 7 seconds until the set-top box beeps twice.
  2. When all the indicators go out, disconnect the power cable from the set-top box.
  3. Carefully check all cables, as well as the body of the set-top box for external damage. You can also try connecting the console using other power and HDMI cables.
  4. Reboot your device.

If that doesn't help, it's time to check your hard drive:

Another way to solve the problem is to reinstall the operating system. To do this, you need to enter Safe Mode:

  1. when the set-top box is turned off, hold down the power button for 7 seconds;
  2. there will be two signals - the first when you just touched, the second after 7 seconds;
  3. connect the controller to the set-top box via a USB cable and press the PS button;
  4. in the menu that appears you need to select item 7 - Initialize PS4 (Reinstall System Software).

be careful- when reinstalling the system ALL data from the hard drive will be deleted, including all games, saves, screenshots, account information, etc. The system will be reinstalled from the prepared flash drive, onto which you must write the necessary files in advance.

If these methods do not bring results, then you should contact the service center and replace the console with a working one under warranty.

Loud noise or red light of death

If the PS4 is noisy, this means that the temperature of the console exceeds the permissible value and the cooler begins to operate at higher speeds. Typically, PS4 noise is caused by improper installation of the console, for example, if you put the console in some narrow place where there is no necessary air circulation. Some people may think that the noise can be overcome by taking the Playstation 4 in for repair, but this is not true - you just need to install the console in a more spacious place where there will be enough air for cooling.

You shouldn’t joke about overheating, because if you don’t pay attention to the noise, it’s possible that the PS4 won’t turn on due to a red bar due to high temperature ( red fire of death). Of course, it won’t be able to burn out - the emergency system will work and the console will simply turn off, but such “dances” in any case will not do the console any good and sooner or later it may fail completely.

Error in saving games

This problem can also arise if the console is from an early batch. This is not a technical defect of the PS4, but only a software one, so everything can be easily resolved.

Judging by the reviews of the owners, the set-top box simply reported an error " ce-34878-0", which corrupted game saves. Yes, that's right, after playing 15 hours in some single-player game, the user could be faced with the fact that he needs to start the passage again in order to see the ending.

You can solve this problem quite simply - update the game and console firmware to the latest version. If this does not help, then PS4 technical support can suggest a solution.

Problem with HDMI port

Some older Playstaion 4 models have a manufacturing defect - there is a small piece of metal in the HDMI cable connector. If you apply force and try to push the cable into the connector, you can damage not only the connector, but also the cable itself.

However, PS4 repair can be done at home - just push the protruding metal down and everything will be fine.

Drive problems

Some Sonya owners report that their console turns on itself and removes the disc from the drive. An unpleasant problem, which, however, is quite easy to solve. There are only three solutions, maybe one of several methods listed below will help you.

  1. Rebuild the console - when you turn on the PS4, you need to hold the power button for seven seconds (entering Safe Mode) and then select the fifth item called “Rebuild Database”.
  2. If it doesn’t help, move on to the second point - delete the PS application from your mobile devices, there is a theory that there is a glitch in it - an order to the system to remove the disk from the drive.
  3. And the third option, which will most likely help, is to place the console so that the distance between the bottom of the console and the surface on which it stands is slightly greater. Your disc eject button may be too sensitive.

No signs of life when turned on

If your Playstation 4 won't turn on, you should see if it shows any signs of working. If no indicators light up when you turn it on and the console seems completely inoperative, be sure to check the power cable, as this may be the problem. For example, you can borrow a cable from a friend or use a similar cable from PS Vita.

It didn’t help and even after these steps your Sony Playstation 4 won’t turn on? You can try disconnecting the power cable from the set-top box, wait half an hour and try again.

But what should you do if your PS4 still won't turn on? There is only one answer - take it to a service center and have it replaced under warranty.

Problems connecting a flash drive

Some PS4 owners do not see the flash drive. The first possible solution to this problem is to have the correct file system for the drive. Format your flash drive using standard Windows tools into FAT32 format.

The second solution is related to the incorrect use of a flash drive - at the moment the drive can only be used to update software or to copy saves, screenshots or videos. Sony promises to add other functions in future firmware.

PS4 won't connect to WiFi

The console does not see the network, interrupts the connection while downloading something, or sees the network, but does not connect.

The solution lies in setting up your router correctly, for example, you can set the channel to channel nine if the default is “auto”.

The second option is to register DNS manually -, and also

The third solution is to restore the router's default settings.

Even if this does not help, you can simply connect not via Wi-Fi, but use a cable.

Quick erase sticks

If there are not very many complaints about the problems described above, then there are many complaints about the low-quality material of the sticks. After purchasing a PS4, many users find the sticks wear out very quickly and the gamepad does not look very nice.

The solution is simple - purchase special pads that eliminate this problem.

Let's finish here, the main problems are indicated. I would like to note that after reading this article, you may have the wrong opinion that the Playstation 4 consists entirely of shortcomings. This is far from true - Sony claims that in the very first batch of PS4 the defect rate was only 0.4%, so the vast majority of users did not encounter any of the troubles described above.

And the consoles of this company have long gained a reputation as reliable devices that can work for years without any trouble.

As you can see, all problems can be solved, so you shouldn’t put off the purchase, especially since it is gradually filled with hits.

Finally, I would like to add a couple more videos.

On forums dedicated to the topic of game consoles, we often find threads where people ask for help in choosing a display for PS4. Many have asked is it possible to connect PS4 to a monitor?, what methods exist, what problems can be encountered, etc.

We decided to collect all the information in one article, describe the basic steps for working with the console and find answers to the most frequently asked questions.

What does PS4 connect to?

This question often worries those who is just going to buy a console or just purchased it.


The classic option is TV. Of course it's best large "plasma". These TVs are connected regular HDMI cable, which comes with the console. After unpacking the PS4, all that remains is to connect the corresponding connectors on the devices and enjoy the beautiful picture.

Some people are sure that the TV is no longer needed and all its functions are performed by the computer. Often such users do not have a large widescreen screen at home, but have old TV. It is unlikely that an HDMI input will suddenly appear on an old TV with a picture tube. In this case you will need HDMI to RCA adapter.

Another way. Using the tulip adapter you can connect PS4 via VGA, but hardly anyone will be satisfied with the quality of the picture.

“Tulips” are rarely used, they are not always produced by conscientious companies, so you shouldn’t count on anything good. The picture may not be displayed correctly, and there may also be problems with sound. This option is suitable for the first time, however, you should think about buying a new TV.

There is only one conclusion. You can connect the PS4 to an old TV, but don’t even think about comfortable gaming.


There is another option - connect PS4 to computer monitor. But even here everything is not so simple.

The newer and more expensive the monitor, the easier it will be to establish a “connection”. It is best to connect via an HDMI cable, but sometimes it happens that the monitor no corresponding port.

Can be found DVI-HDMI adapter. It would seem that I found an adapter and the problem was solved, but in practice the problems will only get worse. DVI can only transmit images, therefore, if there are no speakers on the monitor, you will have to play with headphones, which is not always convenient.


The laptop also has a screen, which means in theory you can connect a set-top box to it. Most models There is an HDMI connector, but it doesn't fit.

Laptops have an HDMI output to transfer images to other devices: monitor, TV, projector, etc.

A special adapter that plugs into USB will help solve the issue. With such a connection there will be low picture quality. There is another option - Remote Play program. With its help, you can transfer images from the set-top box to any device based on Windows, iOS or Android (PCs, smartphones, tablets, etc.).

If the PS4 does not display an image on the monitor or the picture freezes a lot, make sure that the quality of the Internet connection meets the minimum requirements. Also check whether the given model, for example, phone, for working with streaming video.

Adjusting the image on PS4

The first thing you need to do is go to the settings and go to the “Sound and Screen” menu, where you should select “Video Output Settings”.

On the screen you will see settings for maximum resolution, RGB range and Deep Color output.

We set the permission depending on the capabilities of your console. On PS4 and PS4 Slim - 1080p. Provided that the set-top box is connected with an HDMI cable. On PS4 Pro – 4K, if the TV supports this resolution.

Maximum picture resolution depends on connection type:

  • VGA – 640×480;
  • DVI Single Link - 1920x1080;
  • DVI Dual Link - 2560x1600;
  • HDMI 1.3 – 2560×1600;
  • HDMI 1.4 – 4096×2160;
  • Display Port – 4096×2160.

VGA and DVI can be connected only through a special adapter.

Set the RGB range to full. Next, move down to Deep Color and set the value to “Automatic”. Setting up your TV directly depends on its model and capabilities. Find out the exact name and look for information on the Internet. First of all (if available), turn on game mode.

Produced in our workshops PlayStation 4 repair. You can confidently trust the many years of experience of our specialists. Call and make an appointment!

Good to know

Before buying a TV or monitor, you need to know some nuances. All this will help you make the right choice.

If you have a regular console, not the Pro version, and you are planning to buy a 4K monitor, we hasten to disappoint you.

If you want maximum fluidity while gaming, you should consider purchasing a screen with a 60Hz or 120Hz refresh rate. The higher this value, the smoother the image will be.

Input-Lag is a characteristic that reflects the signal processing time of the TV. It is measured in milliseconds. The less time it takes to process, the better. Optimal value 25-35 ms, the best indicator is 13.5 ms. The record figure is set for some Sony TVs.

To reduce Input-Lag, you can enable game mode on your TV.

TV manufacturers people rarely talk about this parameter, but experienced players always pay attention to it. We advise you to spend a little time and find information about this on the Internet.

Playstation 4 relatively new console, and on repair They don't come often. However, this is not the first time this year that when turning on the PS4 no image.

At the same time, the behavior of the consoles during various repairs changed...

For example, in one of the cases the prefix could turn on and boot into safe mode, and when turned on normally, after the logo it started show stripes.

In the second case, the image could be present on different HDMI cables and different monitors/TVs, but with vertical stripes, while the impact on the cable did not bring any results.

Let's figure it out in order! If you have already tried another hdmi cable and monitor/TV, then read on.

PlayStation 4 image problems may be caused by:

  1. Malfunction, i.e. mechanical HDMI port damage.
  2. Malfunction HDMI port controller, is located on the printed circuit board near the latter.
  3. Defective GPUAMD"Jaguar"
  4. One or more GDDR5 memory modules are faulty.

The photo above just shows the AMD graphics processor for sony playstation 4, as well as GDDR5 memory modules. The processor may fail for the following reasons:

  • Using the set-top box in unsuitable conditions, such as rooms with high humidity and temperatures below 5 degrees Celsius
  • A game console falling from a great height (for the same reason, the console’s hard drive may also fail)

Repairing this unit is quite complicated since it involves BGA soldering of memory or processor chips, but if the service center you contact has an IR station, such repairs will not be difficult.

This photo shows a general plan of the PlayStation 4 motherboard. Here you can see the HDMI controller (below, to the left and above the HDMI connector), as well as the HDMI connector, and everything else :)

If there is a problem with vertical stripes on the screen, repair of controller power supply, wiring And HDMI port repair coupled with a new microcircuit decides the appearance vertical stripes on the screen.

Mechanical damage to the HDMI, careless handling of the hdmi cable, or too frequent reconnection of the HDMI plug usually leads to failure of the HDMI controller.

In this photo - the cause of troubles for any electronics is dust. When using a game console, it settles on the fan and other parts of the case. Considering that thermal paste is applied to the PS4 GPU just like on regular PCs/laptops, it also dries out.

Both dust and dried thermal paste can cause the GPU to overheat and subsequently fail.

By the way, our service center carries out equipment repairs

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