Error 3194 occurred when recovering the password. Solution by clearing hosts and the program.dr.fone

The firmware of Apple equipment occurs through the proprietary iTunes application. Sometimes errors occur during the software installation process, one of which is “Unable to restore iPhone error 3194.” Let's look at what this is connected with and how to fix it.


The appearance of error 3194 indicates that the flashing process at a certain stage was unable to obtain the necessary data. This failure can be caused by both software and hardware.


Most often, the error occurs because the user is trying to install a version of iOS that is no longer signed by Apple.

iTunes contacts the company's servers during phone recovery in order to obtain certificates for the installed firmware. If they are not available, an error appears.

Note! Check that the software is up to date, as Apple only signs the latest version.

The occurrence of a failure is also affected by:

  1. Unoriginal USB cable.
  2. Outdated version of iTunes.
  3. Conflict with antivirus.
  4. Other factors.


If you couldn’t fix the software problem, then the problem is with the iPhone’s hardware. If the installation process reaches approximately 75% and displays error 3194, then the problem is with the device’s modem. In this case, you should contact a service center to replace the component.

Bug fix

Let's move on to fixing the error associated with software failures.

Note! Check that the cable is working properly before proceeding with the following steps. Perhaps that is where the problem lies.

Update iTunes

Setting up a firewall and antivirus

Advice! If you are using a Wi-Fi connection, try connecting directly via cable.

Sometimes your antivirus or Windows Defender does not provide network access to iTunes. As a result, process disruptions may occur. To fix the problem, you need to add the program to exceptions or disable the antivirus.

Note! For example, we used Windows 10 and Avast antivirus.

  1. Open hidden toolbar icons.
  2. Right-click on antivirus software → Point to “Manage Avast Screens”.
  3. From the menu that appears, select “Turn off until you restart your computer.”
  4. Open the system search bar → search for “Windows Defender Firewall”.
  5. Open Allow an app or feature in Windows Defender Firewall.
  6. “Change settings” → find iTunes in the list → check the “Private” and “Public” checkboxes.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Try flashing your iPhone.

Correct the host file

Note! The method is relevant if you have previously used the TinyUmbrella utility.

After using the utility to obtain digital signatures, a new entry is automatically added to the “host” file, which redirects requests to its servers. This results in iTunes being unable to access Apple data. You can fix the problem by deleting the line in the file.

Note! The name and location of the elements may vary.

On Windows

If you have a computer with Windows on board:

On Mac

If you have an Apple computer:

If all of the above methods do not help, then the problem is a faulty modem. Contact the service center.

If iTunes, when sending a request to sign the firmware with an IPSW certificate ECID(SHSH blobs) cannot receive a response from the Apple server, then an unfortunate problem occurs error 3194. Today we will talk about ways to combat this disease.

There are at least two reasons for this program behavior: 1) Apple has stopped signing older firmware versions. 2) Modification of the system “hosts” file to use Cydia cache servers.

Fixing error 3194 when restoring (updating) the firmware:

Method 1.
1] Download and install the latest version of iTunes. You can do this from the website
2] Try to restore the firmware.

Method 2.

3] Uncheck Set Hosts to Cydia on Exit (connect to Cydia servers instead of Apple’s).
4] Try to restore the firmware.

Method 3.

Mac OS X - Go ->

3] Open the "hosts" file:

7] Launch iTunes.
8] Try to restore the firmware.

Fixing error 3194 when downgrading the firmware:

Method 1.
Similar to the first method for restoring (updating) the firmware.

Method 2.
1] Download and install the program
2] Launch it and go to the Advanced tab.
3] Uncheck Set Hosts to Cydia on Exit (connect to Cydia servers instead of Apple’s.
4] Put your i-gadget into DFU mode - hold the lock button for 3 seconds, without releasing it, press and hold the home button for 10 seconds. Now release the lock button but continue to hold the home button for another 30 seconds. When a gray background appears on the device display, the button can be released. iTunes will report that your device is in DFU mode.
5] Try to restore the firmware.

Method 3.
1] If iTunes is open, close it and disconnect the i-device from the computer.
2] Find the “hosts” file on your computer:
Mac OS X - Go -> Go to Folder in Finder. /etc/ folder
Windows – C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc – “hosts” file
3] Open the "hosts" file:
Mac OS X - Using TextEdit
Windows – with administrator rights in Notepad
4] Find and delete the line
5] Close the file (you need to save your changes when exiting).
6] Connect your i-device to your computer.
7] Launch iTunes.
8] Put your i-gadget into DFU mode - hold the lock button for 3 seconds, without releasing it, press and hold the home button for 10 seconds. Now release the lock button but continue to hold the home button for another 30 seconds. When a gray background appears on the device display, the button can be released. iTunes will report that your device is in DFU mode.
9] Try to restore the firmware.

After the recovery procedure is complete, close iTunes. Find the “hosts” file again and remove the line “" This way, you can update your iPhone/iPad/iPod touch through official Apple servers.

Also, in the same “hosts” file, after deleting the above line, add the “#” symbol before the beginning of all other lines. Then you need to close/save the file and open iTunes again.

Recently, iPhone, iPod touch and iPad users have encountered a new barrier to stable use of the device. Now, when restoring official or custom firmware on iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, error 3194 appears in iTunes. The reason for the error is that the application sending a request to sign IPSW firmware with an ECID certificate (SHSH blobs) cannot receive a response from Apple.

There are theoretically several specific reasons for such a failure: it could be a modified system hosts file, usually it is modified to use Cydia as caching servers. And Apple itself could simply stop signing older firmware versions.

Ways to fix error 3194 in iTunes when restoring firmware:

First way:

Update iTunes to the latest version, reinstall it to be sure, and then try restoring the firmware.

Second way:

Install the TinyUmbrella program. You can download it from here. Open the program, in the Advanced tab, uncheck the Set Hosts to Cydia on Exit item, due to which iTunes can connect to Cydia caching servers instead of Apple. Then try restoring the firmware again.

Third way:

Quit iTunes. Find the system hosts file - on Mac OS X, open the /etc/ folder using the Go to -> Go to Folder command in Finder. On Windows - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\ and find host. Open the file in Notepad or TextEdit and delete the line from it. Save the file and connect your iOS device to your computer, launch iTunes and try restoring the firmware again.

Ways to fix error 3194 in iTunes when downgrading:

First way:

It's all the same as with recovery - try downloading the latest version of iTunes, reinstall it to be sure and then try restoring the firmware.

Second way:

Install the TinyUmbrella program. You can download it from here: Open the program, in the Advanced tab, uncheck the Set Hosts to Cydia on Exit item, due to which iTunes can connect to Cydia caching servers instead of Apple. Hold the lock button on your device for 3 seconds, and without releasing it, press the main button for 10 seconds. While holding the main button, release the lock. Continue holding the button for 30 seconds and you will see the utility begin the procedure in DFU mode. After a gray background appears on the screen, you can release the button. iTunes will tell us that the device is now in DFU mode. After all this, try restoring the firmware.

Method three:

Quit iTunes. Find the system hosts file - on Mac OS X, open the /etc/ folder using the Go to -> Go to Folder command in Finder. On Windows - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\ and find host. Open the file in Notepad or TextEdit and delete the line from it. Save the file and connect your iOS device to your computer, launch iTunes. Hold the lock button on your device for 3 seconds, and without releasing it, press the main button for 10 seconds. While holding the main button, release the lock. Continue holding the button for 30 seconds and you will see the utility begin the procedure in DFU mode. After a gray background appears on the screen, you can release the button. iTunes will tell us that the device is now in DFU mode. After all this, try restoring the firmware.

And also, the easiest way (works in those countries where the iPhone is not officially sold. Tested in the Republic of Belarus): check the hosts as described above and fix it if is present. Before flashing, just turn on "Airplane mode" - the error should not appear. After successful firmware, disable "Airplane mode".

Please note that after restoring the firmware, you must in any case remove the line “” from the hosts file so that your device can now update itself via official Apple servers.

No program can work perfectly, it is not immune from errors, and iTunes is very reliable and stable. However, fortunately, errors when working with this utility will not cause users much trouble, because they are all systematized by Apple engineers - each “glitch” has its own number and a ready-made solution for getting rid of it.

In this article, we'll tell you what to do if your work is interrupted by error 3194 in iTunes.

Error 3194 has a lot of reasons; it can interrupt not only the process of updating the device, but also the attempt to restore it. To understand the cause of the glitch, it is important to pay attention to the exact moment the error window popped up. If it interrupted preparation for the update/restore, in other words, it appeared when the branded “apple” and the progress bar of the procedure being performed were not yet displayed on the screen of the iOS device, then with a 99% probability you are dealing with a software problem. But! If the bug makes itself known when the update/restoration process has already begun, most likely, we are talking about some kind of hardware problem.

How to resolve error 3194?

What to do in both cases? Act as if the problem is of a software nature and try to fix the glitch by “digging” in the software, and if all else fails, diagnose what’s broken and decide whether to fix it yourself or contact service. However, first things first.

First aid

Despite the fact that each error requires a special approach, Apple support, first of all, when a bug occurs with any serial number, recommends taking the following “preventative” measures common to all problems:

  • Reset your computer and iOS device
  • Update the software on your computer - if you own a Mac, open the App Store on it and click on "Updates", if you are a Windows PC user - click the "Start" menu, then "Programs" / "Windows Update".
  • Connect the iOS device directly to the system unit if it was connected to a USB hub, keyboard, etc.
  • Disable antivirus software and/or firewall

It is worth noting that a conflict between software and iTunes, which leads to the inability to contact Apple servers (which is absolutely necessary for updating and/or recovery) is the most common cause

error 3194 appears. This is why it is very important to promptly update and correctly configure third-party programs installed on your PC.

To a greater extent, this applies to various kinds of security utilities, which for some reason may classify iTunes as suspicious programs and, when it tries to contact Apple servers, block it. That’s why it’s so important to follow the last recommendation - “Turn off your antivirus and/or firewall.” If iTunes stops giving an error with the security programs deactivated, then you just need to adjust their settings by adding “tuna” to the list of trusted utilities.

Digging deeper

  • Correcting the hosts file

With your permission, we will not go into explanations about what this file is and why it is needed, but we will tell you what changes to make to it.

If you have a Mac:

If you are the owner of a Windows PC, use the official manual or this instruction:

All! All that remains is to restart the PC and check if the guide helped.

By the way, if you do not want to make changes to the file manually, you can use a special utility TinyUmbrella, download it, install it, open it and in the Advanced section disable the “Set Hosts to Cydia on Exit” option ". Don't forget to restart your PC.

If the annoying 3194 is still there, we move on:

  • In the modem settings, disable TCP/IP filtering

Unfortunately, it is impossible to provide a universal guide here; it is different for each model. Check your modem model and Google how to disable TCP/IP filtering for it.

If this doesn't help either:

  • Connect your PC to the modem via wire

Today, most PCs access the network through a router (also known as a router), that is, the Internet is distributed over the air, and this often becomes the cause of certain problems - connect the computer to the modem via a wire and, perhaps, everything will work out.

What to do if nothing helps?

Well, now for the bad news - if all the above measures did not help resolve the error, most likely you are faced with a hardware problem. There are three potential culprits here - an iOS device, a computer or a modem. To eliminate the last two suspects, connect the i-gadget to another PC that works through a different modem. If the problem is still there, it’s definitely Apple’s fault; otherwise, it’s the modem or PC.

In the first situation, we go to the Apple repair center, in the second, we continue the diagnostics, now we use our PC, but a different modem - if 3194 does not appear in such a “bundle”, it means the modem is broken, but if the bug has not gone away, then its cause - computer.

One way or another, if you discover that the nature of the error is hardware in nature and determine who exactly is to blame, we recommend contacting the appropriate service center. Self-activity in most cases will only do harm.

A very important addition!

Error 3194 will certainly make itself felt if you decide to perform a so-called downgrade, that is, return to the old version of iOS, a rollback to which is already officially prohibited. Such "tricks" are only available to jailbreakers - that is, users who have hacked their Apples. If you are trying to downgrade iOS and receive error 3194, then the only solution that will help resolve it is jailbreaking. However, no one guarantees that a rollback will be possible after it.

One way or another, we wish you good luck and hope that in your case the error will be resolved quickly and easily!

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