Cryptocurrency how to earn step by step instructions. Earnings on cryptocurrency. Earning Ethereum - German click sponsors and autosurfing How to exchange Ethereum for Bitcoin, rubles and other real money

The digital money market of the future - cryptocurrency, is gaining strength and popularity every day, serious publications write about it, the largest companies are investing in it, and are discussing it in government offices.

This is a new industry that is changing our lives, but what is much more important for the average person is that not in any other industry you can make so much money. We offer you seven ways to enter the website, earning virtual and real money.

Taps - simple, but drop by drop

The easiest and most affordable way to get digital currency. No special knowledge or initial capital is required, just a computer and free time. You need to go to certain sites and perform the necessary actions - clicking, watching advertisements and other videos, entering a captcha, etc., receiving bitcoins for this. More precisely, his “pennies”, called satoshi – 10-8 btc.

In essence, the method is the same, only payment is made in digital currency. The advantages and disadvantages are the same - no special skills or capital are needed, but the earnings will be mere pennies

On maternity leave, on sick leave, on a long trip, if there was a wonderful break at work, when you have already completed the old task, but the boss has not yet assigned a new one. You can kill time by reading jokes and playing solitaire, or you can get some satoshi.

Cranes are a method “for schoolchildren”. Read real ways to make money on cryptocurrency in our free book about 25 investment strategies.

Investments and savings

Bitcoin has been called the fastest-growing asset in history, with its price rising more than a million-fold since 2010. And although such a mega-rise has given rise to a lot of talk about a bubble that will inevitably burst, those who understand the essence, capabilities and scope of cryptocurrency unanimously believe that it will continue to grow.

The main advantage of this method is the guaranteed return on investments in the most reliable currencies - ether and bitcoin. If there are still disputes about other representatives of digital money, where and how widely they will be used, then this pair will definitely go around the world, and since the issue is strictly limited, the only way to satisfy payment demand will be an increase in the exchange rate.

A significant drawback is that when investing in Bitcoin, you need to understand their long-term nature. In certain periods, the rate may fall, but this is a temporary phenomenon that you need to wait out, or even buy even more coins at a reduced price.

Mining digital gold

One of the key advantages of any cryptocurrency is its distributed, decentralized structure, which is not backed by one person, organization or even government. Joining and leaving the project is voluntary.

However, for the functioning of even a virtual settlement system, real computing resources are required. And the one who provides them receives a reward in the same digital coins. Theoretically, any computer with a powerful video card can participate in distributed computing, but in practice, miners assemble farms with several video cards or purchase specialized ASIC processors designed for calculating hashes for transactions.

The main disadvantage of mining is the need for significant investments (100 thousand rubles or more) to assemble productive farms for 5-6 video cards, or to purchase even more expensive ASIC devices.

Mining cryptocurrency becomes profitable when the rate goes up. The break-even point for Bitcoin mining is quite high, since miners must pay for electricity and pay for the purchase and repair of equipment that quickly becomes obsolete. In addition, the difficulty of mining is constantly increasing. Therefore, single miners are gradually leaving this market, giving way to large industrial mining farms and pools.

ICO - contribution to the projects of tomorrow

Initial Coin Offering– initial placement of coins. The success of Bitcoin and the open source code of the system spawned a lot of other cryptocurrency projects. The development of each requires fiat money, which the developers collect by inviting everyone to invest, receiving as a reward a certain amount of future currency.

The main advantage of this path for the investor is that at the initial stage, any digital coins are surprisingly cheap, but if the project is successful, the price can soar thousands of times.

The main disadvantage is that there is a lot of scam among such projects, and an unsuccessful investment of money is tantamount to losing it.

Trading is a game of growth

The highest volatility (rates of digital coins can change by tens of dollars per day) attracted the attention of a huge number of traders. At the same time, unlike investors, they are not at all afraid of falls - they know how to make money here too. You just need to predict where the curve will go, and then you can make thousands of dollars in a day.

The main advantages of the method are that you can earn money very quickly, virtually every day, while a fall provides exactly the same opportunities as a rise.

However, the method also has two significant drawbacks. First, for a serious game you need to have equally serious starting capital. In principle, the problem can be eliminated by playing on exchanges that provide leverage, but a second danger can come into play here - the unpredictability of the daily rate. As a product of the information age, cryptocurrency is subject to the influence of good and bad news, which can easily push the trend in either direction. And if the fall exceeds your account, you will lose money.

But if the game is played with funds that do not need to be returned today, tomorrow or in a month, then in the event of a negative trend it is enough to just wait it out, because in the long term the cryptocurrency will grow in any case.

Playing on inter-exchange rates

Digital currency rates not only change throughout the day, but also vary at the same time on different exchanges. Maybe a little, a couple of percent, but you can make money on this too. And if in the previous method the profit is obtained in a day or more, then here it literally takes minutes.

You just need to buy bitcoins and ether at the most favorable rate, immediately transfer them to another site, and sell them there at a higher price. Fortunately, for cryptocurrency there are no distances or state borders, so, having purchased in China, you can safely sell btc in Europe, America, and Russia.

Of course, to earn decent earnings, you must, firstly, operate with impressive sums, and secondly, know cryptocurrency exchanges very well. So this method is not for beginners, but anyone who is seriously involved in digital coins can easily use the method as a main or additional source of income.

Cryptocurrency consultant

The rising rate of Bitcoin and the accompanying hype attract the attention of a huge mass of people, most of whom have no idea what cryptocurrency is. And due to mental laziness, many do not try to understand all the intricacies of the world of blockchain and digital money, wanting to immediately receive a simple and ready-made solution, step-by-step instructions, or at least smart advice.

So those few who really understand most aspects of buying and selling cryptocurrency, investing, stock trading, etc. can make good money as consultants.

And if in the past a person worked in the banking or investment sector, consulting, etc., he can safely register, for example, BitcoinInvest, CryptoConsult or some other company, offering its services to both individuals and businesses.

And further...

In fact, the 7 listed methods do not exhaust all the possibilities of making money on cryptocurrency. Processor manufacturers make money by selling integrated circuits, owners of powerful data centers buy them by renting out mining capacity, programmers feed themselves by creating applications for paying in Bitcoin, analysts predict the movement of the cryptocurrency rate, and the owners of exchange exchanges receive their commission from each transaction. . And thousands more people in one way or another receive income from this and related industries.

Of course, not all options are available to the average user, but the world of digital money is growing inexorably, opening up new opportunities for everyone, so that soon there will be at least 17 ways to make money available, and then 77.

To find out more, download free book and attend our master class on making money on cryptocurrency.

Changed people's understanding of remittances. The appearance of this currency prompted many developers to create something similar. Among all the forks, Ethereum deserves the most attention in 2017. This system does not work according to the rules we are accustomed to; it does not obey banks, states and other regulatory bodies. The guarantors are the participants themselves, who support the life of the system.

Ethereum is a fork of Bitcoin and is a platform with which you can create decentralized online services based on blockchain and smart contracts. As a result, we get a virtual machine, and all participants can use it on equal terms.

The author of the idea is Vitalik Buterin, a Canadian programmer with Russian roots. He became interested in cryptocurrency back in 2011. This year he created Bitcoin Magazine. It became the first major print publication dedicated to the topic of cryptographic currencies.

The idea to create Ethereum appeared in 2013. At the same time, an article was published in Bitcoin Magazine. Gavin Wood is considered the creator of Ether, along with Vitalik Buterin. In the so-called “yellow book,” he described in more detail what the Ethereum cryptocurrency is. Together with the first participants in the system, fundraising was launched using crowdfunding. The developers managed to raise $18 million in Bitcoin, but in return they must provide 60 million ether.

After the startup was able to attract such large investments, large companies became interested in it. Among them are:

  • Microsoft;
  • Acronis;
  • Sberbank and others.

What is unique about the Ethereum cryptocurrency?

After the advent of Bitcoin, it remained for a long time the only cryptocurrency that has high growth potential. The bulk of analogues did not attract really serious attention from the public. But the Ethereum cryptocurrency has a unique difference, which is the use of smart contracts or smart contracts.

Each transaction of the system is carried out using a computer program. It verifies the terms of the transaction and the fulfillment of obligations between the sender and the recipient. Since compliance with all points is monitored not by people, but by machines, this ensures fairness and impartiality. Thus, the smart contract cannot be circumvented or canceled.

Smart contracts are also embedded in the Bitcoin blockchain, but their capabilities were deliberately limited by the creator of the cryptocurrency, Satoshi Nakamoto. It is based on the Script programming language. He does not have access to the blockchain or transactions, so he cannot check all the terms of transactions. Therefore, smart contracts in the Bitcoin system are able to cope only with the simplest tasks.

The Ethereum platform uses programming code similar to JavaScript. A contract is considered completed once it has received a notification from another user or another smart contract. The computer program independently sends money after fulfilling the conditions, and can also work with a database that accompanies each transaction. After the transaction is completed, the computational result is recorded in the blockchain. The sender will be able to immediately notice it if he observes the smart contract.

Ethereum cryptocurrency: main terms

If the user was not previously familiar with cryptocurrencies, then it is quite difficult to immediately understand the basic principles of operation of such a financial system. If you further plan to seriously study cryptographic currencies, trade on the stock exchange, or start mining, then you definitely need to study the basic definitions. ProfitGuide has selected several of the most important terms. They will help you get to know Ethereum better.


Blockchain is a database in cryptocurrencies. It stores all information about completed transactions. Data is stored in the form of a chain of blocks, hence the name of the storage facility. The term blockchain can often refer to the following concepts:

  • the technology on which cryptocurrencies are based;
  • protocol;
  • peer-to-peer network where all participants have equal rights;
  • decentralization of the registry.


Ether, gas or ETH is the currency used for transactions. It was called “gas” because, in the minds of the developers, it serves as a kind of fuel. This exchange unit has fractional parts. Among them:

  • 1/1000 - finney;
  • 1/106 - szabo;
  • 1/1018 - wei.

In terms of capitalization, Ethereum is in 2nd place after Bitcoin. The total cost of ether is $ 1 142 410,000 .

Smart contracts

Smart contracts or smart contracts are protocols (mathematical algorithms) used to verify obligations between participants in the Ethereum system. The user will not receive the transfer of the asset until he fulfills the conditions specified in the contract. Thus, fulfillment of obligations is ensured without regulatory and government bodies.

Smart contracts can be used in different financial products:

  • partnership programs;
  • insurance;
  • periodic payments;
  • trade.

You can give a simple example of how a smart contract can be used now. For example, two people want to play betting and bet on the same match. Their bets are stored on the blockchain. After the match ends, the smart contract checks the result and transfers the winnings to the winner.

In the future, such contracts will be able to easily control the execution of more complex obligations. For example, a person rents a house, but did not manage to pay the rent on time. A computer program blocks the lock to the apartment and the tenant cannot open it. The development prospects are truly enormous.

What do you think about smart contracts? How soon will they become widespread? Leave your opinions and reviews in the comments.

Ethereum rate: exchange analytics

The first broadcast took place on July 15, 2015. From this moment on, you can easily track how the cryptocurrency rate has changed on the market. This will allow us to evaluate possible growth prospects to understand whether it is worth it. For the convenience of readers, we will track the dynamics of the Ethereum exchange rate against the dollar for each month from the moment it appeared on the market until June 15, 2017.

dateETH rateChange
15.08.2015 $1,63 00,00%
15.09.2015 $0,90 -44,78%
15.10.2015 $0,54 -40,00%
15.11.2015 $0,89 +64,81%
15.12.2015 $0,98 +10,11%
15.01.2016 $1,23 +25,51%
15.02.2016 $1,19 -3,25%
15.03.2016 $5,63 +373,10%
15.04.2016 $12,55 +122,91%
15.05.2016 $8,31 -33,78%
15.06.2016 $10,18 +22,55%
15.07.2016 $17,97 +76,52%
15.08.2016 $12,12 -32,55%
15.09.2016 $11,56 -4,62%
15.10.2016 $11,80 +2,07%
15.11.2016 $10,01 -15,15%
15.12.2016 $8,12 -18,88%
15.01.2017 $9,93 +22,29%
15.02.2017 $9,87 -0,60%
15.03.2017 $28,65 +190,27%
15.04.2017 $47,71 +193,11%
15.05.2017 $91,88 +92,58%
15.06.2017 $350,06 +280,99%

If we compare ether with a regular currency that is traded on Forex, its rate changes much more often and more rapidly. This makes it possible, even with a small capital, to quickly increase it.

Almost 2 years ago, ether could be bought for $1-2, but now its cost fluctuates between $200-400. Thus, the capital could be increased at least 200 times.

You can start making money on speculation now. For example, on June 14, ETH was sold at $395, but after 1 hour its price exceeded $411. The only downside to trading Ethereum is that this cryptocurrency can also quickly lose value. This happens because large holders of ether deliberately collapse its value by starting to sell it on exchanges. After the price decreases, the reverse process usually occurs. If you pay attention to the cyclical nature of the graph, the next jump should also occur in the first half of 2018.

In some exchangers and exchanges you can exchange Ethereum for rubles.

Where can I buy/sell Ethereum?

The Ethereum cryptocurrency has become quite popular in a short period of time. Today it is freely sold and bought on stock exchanges and exchangers that specialize in cryptocurrencies. has selected the best official sites where every user can register and buy or sell ether. We recommend exchanging on the following platforms:

These are the 4 largest converters by trading volume where you can buy and sell Ethereum.

It is convenient to follow news and quotes on stock exchanges. In addition, the sites have online chats. Miners and traders can quickly exchange information and share their successes in the market. Withdrawals are available to several wallets at once. Keep an eye on the ruble to find the best entry point if you want to start investing in cryptocurrency.

Mining Ethereum: how to start mining cryptocurrency

Buying a couple of coins is not the only way to acquire ether. If you have free funds for investment, you can invest them in creating a “farm”, special equipment that is used to mine cryptocurrency. If in the case of Bitcoin, ASIC and special processors are needed to issue new coins, then to work with Ethereum you will need a good video card, or better yet several at once. The most commonly used models are:

  • ATI Radeon R9 -280x;
  • Radeon R9 290;
  • AMD Radeon HD 7970;
  • Radeon HD 7950.

And here novice miners will face the first problem. The above video cards have already been discontinued, so it is very difficult to get them on the market. You can find an alternative on the CryptoCompare website. Of the relatively new video cards, pay attention to the Radeon R9 390. It pays for itself quite quickly.

Depending on how many models you have selected for Ethereum mining, you will have to select other equipment. You will need a motherboard, cooler, and so on. If you have experience building computers, then you should not have any problems setting up the farm.

“Farm” for Ethereum mining

After we have assembled the farm, we can move on to choosing a pool. For those who don’t know what it is, in simple words it is a platform where miners unite so that their overall network power is higher. This increases the likelihood of receiving rewards. In current conditions, the complexity of mining has reached such a level that it is not economically profitable to mine Ethereum on a regular PC. Firstly, you will have to spend a huge amount of time to get at least 1 ether. Secondly, energy costs may not be recouped.

When choosing a pool, you should pay attention to several factors:

  • hashrate level (the higher the power of the pool network, the greater the chances of receiving a reward);
  • rules for distribution of remuneration between participants;
  • number of cryptocurrencies for mining.

If you want to mine not only Ethereum, we recommend paying attention to the Nanopool platform. Several of the most promising cryptographic currencies are presented here.

For stable operation, you need to take care of a high-quality Internet connection, since cryptocurrency is mined online. After the miner receives a reward in the form of ETH, you should not immediately dump it on the exchange. Profitability will largely depend on the rate at which Ethereum can be sold. Therefore, miners have to monitor quotes and participate in stock market games to find the best moment to sell.

But even with the most pessimistic forecast, investments in Ethereum mining will pay off in less than a year. Experienced miners say that investments are returned in 3-4 months, after which you can already gain profit.

You can get ether without investment. To do this, users can use "faucets". These are specialized platforms where they give you cryptocurrency for performing simple actions, for example. However, the payments are so small that they turn out to be less than the payment on task exchanges. Therefore, faucets are suitable only for those who want to get to know the work of the Ethereum cryptocurrency, and not for a permanent source of income.

Ethereum Classic: Where did it come from?

Once you move to a major exchange, in addition to regular Ethereum, you can find Ethereum Classic. Beginners can be misled by this phenomenon, since the exchange rate of this currency is very different. As of June 15, 2017, the price of Ethereum Classic is 20 times less than regular ether.

The code for The DAO, a platform for autonomous investment management, was powered by Ethereum. A bug was discovered and hackers took advantage of it in June 2016. Their attack ended with the attackers being able to transfer about 1/3 of the entire ether to ChildDAO. Only the attacking side had control over this score.

The total amount of theft when calculating ether at that time was $ 50 000 000 .

According to the rules of the Ethereum cryptocurrency, refunds cannot be made. However, the community still raised this issue for discussion. Despite the lack of decentralization, a hard fork took place on July 20, 2016, causing the Ethereum block chain to split and the stolen ethers to be returned. Since some participants in the system were outraged by such a change, which was contrary to the rules, Ethereum Classic appeared. The new cryptocurrency continues to operate as The DAO project.

Features of the Ethereum cryptocurrency

Smart contracts can radically change the relationship between parties in the field of law and finance. With the development of the “Internet of Things,” when almost all household devices will be connected to a common network, Ethereum, through smart contracts, can enter the lives of ordinary users. Among its features it is worth highlighting:

  • high degree of user protection due to authorization through cryptographic signatures, provided that he stores them on recording devices that are not connected to the network, for example, regular flash drives;
  • resistance to DDoS attacks;
  • the history of all transactions is stored in the blockchain.

Analytics show that the Ethereum price will continue to grow. In 2018, this cryptocurrency can easily exceed several thousand dollars. This means that by investing your money today, you can earn twice as much in a year. What do you think? Will Ethereum be able to overtake Bitcoin?

You can get Ethereum to your cryptocurrency wallet in different ways, for example, simply buy it on the exchange, but of course it’s not that interesting - it’s advisable to get Ethereum for free. It may seem unrealistic to some that it is possible to earn Ethereum by simply clicking a button on special sites, but it is true. All sites that allow you to earn money without investment are built in such a way that advertising pays for your clicks. The following instructions are more suitable for BTC, but are applicable to any cryptocurrency, including ETH.

Lottery (faucets)

The Internet is full of free cryptocurrency faucets that present themselves as a “free lottery.” You press a button, a random number appears and you receive a random amount of money.

One such lottery can bring 3-10 thousand satoshi per day ($0.1) - which is very little! Therefore, many register in 10 lotteries at once and save satoshi in order to invest them in investment projects.

The best faucets without investment

  • FreeBitcoin - allows you to earn 500 satoshi every hour. The service also has the opportunity to earn additional income.
  • ClaimBTC - earn 150 satoshi every 20 minutes (450 satoshi per hour).
  • BonusBitcoin - gives 100 satoshi every 15 minutes (400 satoshi per hour).

Games with real crypto withdrawals

There are free games that offer withdrawals of real cryptocurrencies. They are similar to the lottery above, but differ in that earnings can really depend on your actions.

Best Cryptocurrency Games

Games can bring in up to 100,000 thousand satoshi per day. It all depends on the game you choose and your strategy. I will recommend only a few of these games that actually pay.

  • BitKong is a gambling game where you need to guess the cells. Somewhat reminiscent of a casino, only the game is completely free!
  • BoxBitcoin - open boxes and receive a random amount of btc. Sometimes you get 250,000 satoshi in a chest.
  • ChopCoin - completely repeats the popular game Agario, only here you can earn crypto if you get into the top 5 on the map.

Automatic taps

Automatic faucets are sites that require users to register, and then you can visit such sites once a month to collect crypto money.

When registering, you automatically receive satoshi as a gift, which is enough for one of the tariffs, which will generate profit, but if you want to earn more, then you will have to invest real money.

With an investment of 1000 rubles, you have the opportunity to increase your account by 25%. That is, after 4 months you will be able to fully win back your money. And for the year your income will be 3,000 rubles. If, of course, the site works for a whole year.

Earning Ethereum with small investments

Now we will find out how to earn Ether with small investments. All the methods described above can consistently bring you up to 100 thousand satoshi per day ($2 per day). Which is not enough to earn a normal profit from this. Therefore, we recommend investing all the satoshi you earn in other projects.

Cloud mining

Cloud mining is investing in the production of new Ethereum, and this is the safest way to make money, where you steadily increase your capital by 15% per month or up to 200% per year.

It’s true that a good website that provides cloud mining services is not easy to find. Since there are many projects on the Internet that simply deceive investors.

HYIPs are risky investment projects

HYIP is an investment project that offers to earn a lot of money in a short time, but such projects have high risks.

For example, anyone can invest 1,000 rubles, and in a month the account will already have 1,500 rubles. And if you reinvest, then 2500 rubles and so on. It sounds like fun, but in reality such sites don’t last long, so there’s no point in playing around with little things, and it’s dangerous to pour large amounts of money into them.

Trading ETH on the exchange

And this method is already quite “adult”. And the most reliable. Having bought Ethereum at one price (let’s say $120 in a recession), you sell it at a higher price, for example $250. Put the difference in your pocket, minus interest, of course.

How to make money on cryptocurrency? Many people are interested in making money on cryptocurrency. This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to make money on cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is one of the most attractive assets for investment today, as its value is constantly growing. Here you will find a detailed guide on working with cryptocurrencies. We will give answers to the following pressing questions: “Where to start making money on cryptocurrencies”, “How and where to buy cryptocurrency”, “Which cryptocurrency exchange is better”, “How to trade cryptocurrency on the exchange”, “Where to store cryptocurrency”, “Which cryptocurrencies are profitable buy" and "How to cash out and withdraw cryptocurrency to a bank card." Also, here you will find reviews of popular cryptocurrencies, news and analytics, price forecasts for popular and promising cryptocurrencies, and much more. I advise you to bookmark this article in your browser (the information will be constantly updated) and subscribe to our YouTube channel. You can buy cryptocurrency at the most favorable rate on the Binance exchange:

Trading on the stock exchange is the most profitable way to make money on cryptocurrency. Surely, you are interested in the answer to the question “How to make good money on the stock exchange and not waste time on professional training?” This is possible with Binarium. The broker offers a real opportunity to get 90% of the profit from the transaction amount. To start making money on cryptocurrencies today, take advantage of the possibilities of binary options with Binarium. Binary options are fast trades with returns of up to 90%. To make money, you only need to correctly determine the price movement of the cryptocurrency over a certain period of time. Binarium is a convenient trading platform for working with cryptocurrency binary options. Beginners can participate in real trading on a demo account without risks and learn how to trade binary options for free. A review of the Binarium broker can be found here. Just below there is a video lesson that shows how I earned 420 rubles in 12 minutes of trading Bitcoin. If you are interested in Bitcoin and the crypto industry in general as a source of income, I recommend opening a trading account with a broker Binarium and start earning decent amounts of money on cryptocurrency:

Why do I store cryptocurrency on an exchange? Cold wallets have little functionality, have problems with confirming transactions (money may not arrive at its intended destination for several days or more) and charge excessive transfer fees. The same Blockchain is famous for multi-day delays in the transfer of bitcoins and commissions reaching up to half of the increased amount. Yes, yes, this is not a typo, the transfer commission can reach up to 50%, I myself encountered a similar situation! Plus, each cryptocurrency requires a separate wallet, which is basically inconvenient. To make money on cryptocurrencies, you need to instantly respond to the market situation. Unfortunately, by keeping money in specialized wallets, you won’t be able to quickly sell or buy the desired cryptocurrency. The stock exchange is another matter. Within one service, you own the wallets of all cryptocurrencies presented on the exchange. All transactions within the exchange are instant, you can exchange between any cryptocurrencies, the commission for the operation is very small, on average 0.2%. As you can see, the advantages of the exchange over cold wallets are obvious. By storing your altcoins on the exchange, you can instantly complete the desired trading operation and make money on it.

Cryptocurrency exchanges. As I wrote above, exchanges are an ideal place for storing and trading cryptocurrencies. Our task is to use the most reliable, convenient and profitable exchange in terms of commissions. In my opinion, Binance is the best cryptocurrency exchange for traders in the post-Soviet space, suitable for the above parameters. I myself have been working on Binance since 2017, I am completely satisfied with this exchange. Registration on Binance:

Crypto wallets. By storing money on a Blockchain (or any other specialized) wallet, an investor significantly limits his earning potential. In the event of a sharp drop or rise in the value of a crypto asset, an investor cannot quickly react to the situation on the market, because specialized wallets are limited in functionality. In particular, it is not possible to instantly sell or buy cryptocurrency and lock in profits, which leads to losses.

The Quantum crypto wallet allows you to avoid problems of this kind. Using Quantum as a wallet for storing personal crypto assets, you can instantly exchange cryptocurrency for fiat money in the event of a sharp drop in exchange rate, avoiding the loss of funds. On the Quantum wallet you can store four cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Zcash), three fiat currencies (USD, EUR, GBP) and make exchange transactions between them. Withdrawals are available both to crypto wallets and to bank cards. Create a wallet on

Earnings on cryptocurrency

Ways to make money on cryptocurrencies. In addition to investing, there are a number of other ways to earn money. All methods are discussed in more detail in a separate article (look for the link above, under all articles). The most popular ways to make money on cryptocurrency are:

1) Investing in cryptocurrency (in detail) and trading on the stock exchange (in detail).

2) Faucets for collecting cryptocurrency (details). This method of earning allows you to earn cryptocurrency absolutely without investment. There are many sites on the Internet that are called faucets for free distribution of cryptocurrency. The earnings are not big and require a lot of time; the maximum you can earn per day is two dollars in cryptocurrency. If you are a beginner and just learning how to make money on the Internet, then this method is suitable for you.

How to earn cryptocurrency without investments and reviews of the most reliable Bitcoin faucets are presented in the article “”.

If you are interested in earning cryptocurrency and Bitcoins without investments, I recommend registering in all projects for the free distribution of cryptocurrency, which are sorted in the table below. Explanation of the table: project – project name; distribution – what cryptocurrency is distributed; interval – the period of time after which the next cryptocurrency collection is available; satoshi – earnings in satoshi; payments - where the faucet pays. With these services you can earn cryptocurrencies continuously. The faucets are sorted by profitability, the first faucet in the list is the most profitable. Add this page to your browser bookmarks and earn cryptocurrency without investment. If something is not clear, look at the reviews of all cranes; there is also a breed video review under the table.

Project Giveaway Interval Satoshi Payments
FreeBitcoin Bitcoin 60 min 22 — 2158664 Binance
FreeDogecoin Dogecoin 60 min 0.15-26000 Exmo
BonusBitcoin Bitcoin 15 min 18-5000
BitFun Bitcoin 5 min 10-5000
MoonBitcoin Bitcoin 5 min 10-40
MoonBitcoinCash BitcoinCash 5 min 50
MoonDogecoin Dogecoin 5 min 0.35-4
MoonLitecoin Litecoin 5 min 600
MoonDashcoin Dashcoin 5 min 120
adBTC (books) Bitcoin axle boxes ~2000+/day Binance

So we looked at the main ways to make money on cryptocurrency.

How to trade cryptocurrency. Trading cryptocurrency on the stock exchange is a fairly extensive topic. Read more about cryptocurrency trading in this article “”. The main rules for trading cryptocurrencies are diversification, risk control and storing money in different cryptocoins. Stick to money management, that is, do not invest more than 2% of your total capital in opening one order. This way you will have enough funds to win back a possible losing trade.

How to withdraw cryptocurrency to a bank card. Earned profits must be cashed out, otherwise earnings are meaningless. Be sure to read the article "

Cryptocurrency rates are setting new records right now. Bitcoin, which cost $900 in January, has already surpassed the historical level of 2,860. Its closest competitor, Ethereum (ether), is selling today at a price of $250 per coin - this is 3,000% more expensive than at the beginning of the year. In addition to trading, you can also earn money from the reward that the system gives to a person for processing random payments in cryptocurrency by his computer. This method is called "mining". The more powerful the special computer - the mining farm - the more often the miner receives a reward. To assemble a small farm at home, you don’t need to have any knowledge - just watch videos on YouTube and buy the necessary electronics at a computer store. Investments in it will pay off in four months.

One of the largest Russian industrial miners anonymously spoke to The Village about the shortage of video cards in Russia, balconies filled with farms, and why the ether train has already left for newcomers.

About industrial mining

Only schoolchildren and amateurs like to talk about their successes in mining on YouTube. Professionals do not disclose details; we have a very narrow circle of communication. Now mining is booming - thousands of people think they have found an easy way to press the "money" button, drink beer and count numbers. In fact, this is complex, exhausting and painstaking work. The difference between home mining on the balcony and my current scale is the difference between a grandmother who knits woolen socks and a knitting factory where bundles fly off the assembly line every second.

I graduated from the Oil and Gas Institute in Moscow a long time ago. Then he worked as a senior manager in an engineering company. Until 2016, I knew nothing at all about trading and cryptocurrencies. But one day I burned down employees who were mining bitcoins on our local network, right on their work computers - the machines froze and slowed down terribly, and all the productivity was leaking somewhere. Of course, this is incredibly profitable when someone else’s office pays for the electricity consumption for mining, and not you yourself. The guys had to explain to me what exactly they were doing. That's when I got involved.

I assembled my first farm using Valera’s video instructions ( ValeraTV) on YouTube. Valera is a Ufa resident, an apologist for popular mining, who in his video blog shows how to assemble a setup at home. Video cards of ordinary personal computers cope best with mining - those parts of the system unit that gamers upgrade for better graphics in games. The simplest mining rig (computer for mining. - Ed.)- these are five Radeon RX480 video cards, a motherboard and a power supply designed to consume at least a thousand watts (1 kW/h - Ed.) electricity. All this is packed in a wooden cube without walls. I assembled one for 100 thousand rubles. You can find a lot of mining on the Internet, you don’t even need to be able to count in a column. The average profit from one rig of five video cards is 30–40 thousand rubles per month. I took it as fun. Problems arose when, in an apartment designed to consume 8–10 kilowatts of electricity, the plugs were knocked out by a hairdryer turned on by my wife: all the rest of the energy was taken by the mining installation.

I looked at mining seriously only when I switched from Bitcoin to another cryptocurrency - Ethereum - and figured out how to scale the farm and how much income it could generate. Then my investment project was born: partners invest in the purchase of equipment, and I assemble and set up huge farms for round-the-clock operation.

Industrial mining is a closed business. I'm the only person who's in the hangar

Friends became the first partners in the fall of 2016, then the information spread through word of mouth. I left the company, rented an industrial hangar with an area of ​​one hundred square meters, set up ventilation, 22 thousand cubic meters of fresh air per hour - the farms get very hot. With my first investment, I assembled the same installation as at home, but with high-quality heat dissipation. Then another farm, with more expensive video cards, then another and another. I cannot disclose income. Now the entire investor farm consumes more than 200 kW/h. For comparison: my home setup with 30 video cards consumes only 5 kW/h (its profitability is about 200 thousand rubles per month. - Ed.). This winter the landlord asked what we were doing. I explained. A month later, he also entered into the share. My investors are very different people. They never give away their last money. There are a couple of people with super income, but there are no oligarchs yet.

Industrial mining is a closed business. I'm the only person who's in the hangar. Equipment worth tens of millions of rubles is viewed by video cameras from all angles. I can't even hire a cleaner because if she spills water or just wants to wipe the trusses with a wet rag, it will be a disaster. An hour of equipment downtime is costly to my investors. All contracts with them are concluded in words - the law simply does not describe the services that I provide.

About the structure of cryptocurrencies and “money from nothing”

The most common complaint miners hear is: “You make money out of thin air!” To understand why this is not true, we need to look at a simple economic model. Let's imagine that I'm going to send a small amount to a friend, non-cash. Money allegedly goes from my debit card to his card. In reality, capital does not move anywhere. The money remains in the same place, only the numbers on the accounts have changed - indicating how much the bank owes me. People shift responsibility to banks and trust them, but holes are regularly discovered in the banking system because it is run by people. In addition, the bank charges a commission even for transactions between individual individuals, even if it is small. If you manage the capital of a corporation, the bank commission becomes simply enormous.

Cryptocurrencies eliminate these two problems at once - intermediation and large commissions. Bitcoin is the very first and most popular cryptocurrency, and it is convenient to use it as an example. The sender of Bitcoin (BTC) connects with the recipient directly, peer-to-peer, money is not transferred through third parties. But the transaction record is confirmed by the miner - or rather, his computer, or mining farm. There are hundreds of thousands of such farms all over the planet. That is, the system is decentralized. The only function that farms perform is to record new transactions in blocks, and the blocks are added to a giant common database. The database is called a “blockchain”, and it stores traces of absolutely all chains of transactions that have ever occurred in bitcoins. All miners must have identical blockchain data - it is impossible to deceive the system, the transaction will not go through if somewhere in the system there suddenly appears a record of “extra” bitcoins that are not in the records of other miners. In this case, the transfer fee is on average 0.001 BTC. That is, for 2 dollars you can transfer from continent to continent either a million or a thousand dollars.

About the unprofitable Bitcoin and the Chinese monopoly

Where then do new bitcoins come from in a currency system where there is no central bank? A new coin appears in the miner’s account automatically when his farm has added another block to the blockchain. New bitcoins are like a reward for the computing power that the miner provided to the system. Without the power of miners, the system will not be able to confirm and process payments. This mechanism is written into the program code itself on which the cryptocurrency operates, and this code is also strictly identical for everyone. At some point, the release of new bitcoins will stop - this is called “limited emission.” Everyone knows that 14 of the 21 million Bitcoins have now been issued. At the same time, the reward for the miner for a new completed block decreases - that is, the difficulty of mining increases.

There are a lot of cryptocurrencies that use blockchain in their work, and the principles are similar everywhere. I used Bitcoin just for the sake of analogy. In fact, in Russia no one has been mining Bitcoin for a long time - it has become economically unprofitable. Now it is held by China, that is, more than half of all Bitcoin transactions in the world go through three or four Chinese mining pools - several miners unite in a group in order to quickly form and record blocks on the blockchain.

Yes, the demand for cue ball is huge, capitalization is $47 billion. But the difficulty of mining has also increased tens of thousands of times, the reward has become meager, and the wait for it is very long. The Chinese have completely different conditions. Their factories mass-produce a device called an ASIC - it's a metal box the size of a toaster, it contains a bunch of chips and a fan. It is designed exclusively for Bitcoin mining, and can do nothing except its cryptographic operation. In China, entire buildings and city blocks are loaded with ASICs, which are given over to mining farms that look like giant server workshops. The latest buzz is mining cars. The chips are immersed in sealed baths with a dielectric liquid; the baths are filled with classic containers. ASICs are freely supplied to Russia, but even if you buy 20 of them on AliExpress, you still won’t be able to compete with the Chinese scale.

Don't ask me if it's cost effective. Just look at the courses. Everyone who started mining, like me, last fall, has already paid for their equipment several times over. Dozens of blockchain-based cryptocurrencies, such as Ethereum, ZCash, Lightcoin and many others, have all skyrocketed in price, although electricity and mining costs have remained the same. Except for Bitcoin - just forget about it: it is traded on the exchange and bought, but not mined.

Miner's Dictionary

Bitcoin- the very first (launched in 2009) and currently the most popular cryptocurrency in the world. The author-developer is unknown, hiding under the name Satoshi Nakamoto.

Blockchain- a general database of all transactions that have passed through cryptocurrency over the entire time. Information is recorded in the blockchain as a chain of blocks. The blockchain is identical for all cryptocurrency holders, that is, it exists in many copies around the world.

Farms- computing devices connected to the cryptocurrency system and configured exclusively for mining. Farms can take up as much as a bookcase or entire buildings. The farm requires only electricity, cooling and an internet connection to operate.

Ethereum is the second most popular cryptocurrency in the world, developed by Russian Canadian Vitalik Buterin between 2013 and 2015. Ether has a more reliable program code than Bitcoin. Ether allows the use of blockchain technology not only in financial transactions, but also in various types of legal transactions.

Block- a digital type of recording information about several transactions in cryptocurrency.

For example:

from N. to B., 500 coins

from I. to N., 100 coins

from R. to K., 1 coin

from V. to G., 500,000,000 coins

A package of several such records is one block. It has a strictly defined size, and transactions are recorded in it in a random order, regardless of the transfer amount.

Mining- a way of earning money, where the source of income is the miner’s reward for a new block added by his computer to the blockchain. Mining is the only way to issue (issue) new coins in most cryptocurrencies. The amount of the reward is set by the developer of the cryptocurrency program code.

Cryptographic algorithm- a special type of encryption in which you need to spend a certain amount of energy and computer time in order to make changes to the data.

Miners- participants in the cryptocurrency system, whose computers process random transactions - that is, they perform work on solving a cryptographic algorithm in order to add a record of a new transaction to the blockchain.

Hashrate- the power parameter of the video card for mining or the total power of the entire farm. It is measured in megahashes per second (Mh/s) - that is, how many transaction records the device makes to the blockchain per second.

Cryptocurrency- an electronic money system, the security of transfers in which is ensured by a cryptographic algorithm. Cryptocurrencies are not controlled by any single bank, meaning they are decentralized.

Riga- a standard small assembly of a mining farm that can also work at home. Typically, a rig includes from 3 to 8 powerful video cards for gaming computers, a power supply, a motherboard and a cooler.

About the shortage of video cards, the life of miners and the cunning of Ukrainians

Now, in June 2017, you simply won’t be able to find standard video cards for 12–15 thousand rubles and power supplies per kilowatt - miners have bought up all the profitable components for farms on a wholesale scale. Moreover, even suppliers from China, whom all professionals know by sight, do not have good cards. The demand for video games for miners exceeds the demand from gamers tenfold. Chinese factories are so loaded with orders on the domestic market that they have officially suspended exports.

For the last month I have been sleeping three to four hours a day. When you need to combine and coordinate the work of 1.5 thousand video cards, you have to write the programs yourself. Although home mining software can be downloaded for free. I spent a lot of time establishing remote control over the equipment - from a phone or tablet, through “team viewers”, but I still go to the hangar every day. It is hot and very noisy there; it is impossible to spend more than four hours in the room. Parts of the farm fall off every now and then, they need to be replaced with new ones, and the total capacity must be constantly increased. I guarantee stable returns to my investors only for the next two to three years.

The main parameter of the farm is its “hash rate”, that is, how many times per second the installation calculates the cryptographic algorithm to verify a new transaction. One good video card should produce an average of 25 to 28 Mh/s (mega hash per second) or $5 per day if you are mining a popular cryptocurrency. For home miners, all creativity lies in which cards to choose, how to balance on acceptable power and profitability, how to calculate the payback of a rig, in which room to place the farm for better cooling. Mining as a hobby quickly develops into an activity, and then into a lifestyle.

Some perverts make rigami for 15–20 cards the entire balcony in a Khrushchev-era building or a separate room in a high-rise building - overload the outlet, heat the air in the room to 60 degrees

I don’t know a single miner who, after four months of payback, has not invested even more money in new farms. Some perverts use rigami for 15–20 cards on an entire balcony in a Khrushchev-era building, a garage or a separate room in a high-rise building - they overload the outlet, heating the air in the room to 60 degrees. I wouldn't like to have neighbors like that.

My industrial farm is part of a large international pool, where we are in the top 10 in terms of capacity. In Russia, you can count a maximum of 200 such farms - most of them are located by businessmen in the Far East, where electricity is traditionally cheap. In Moscow and the region - no more than fifty. By the way, China is building entire hydroelectric power plants for its industrial farms. Russia is in seventh or eighth place in terms of mining capacity, but our gap to Brazilian or European capacity is huge.

Ukraine has gone even further, where mining is a real epidemic among young guys. Many Ukrainian miners do not pay for electricity at all, they simply run a cable to a transformer or street wires. Video cards are smuggled from Poland or directly from China. In our country, the consumption and voltage in the network are monitored more strictly, although arrogant and cunning miners still try to rent premises in the region, in villages where they can connect illegally.

About the key market players

Until April, everyone was trying to figure out which cryptocurrency was the most technologically advanced, that is, which one, not people, but large companies and corporations, would want to invest in. Based on the jump in the exchange rate of the Ethereum currency in May, it became clear that its creator, programmer Vitalik Buterin, came to Silicon Valley. Microsoft, IBM and even the legendary American bank JPMorgan Chase have already officially entered into cooperation with Buterin. In Russia, German Gref is considered the main lobbyist for cryptocurrencies. Sberbank also recently announced integration with ether. This cryptocurrency is called second generation bitcoin. In addition to the fact that Ethereum’s encryption protocols are better and more reliable, it allows the blockchain principle to be used in almost any area of ​​business. The script itself allows system participants to enter into agreements and distribute dividends without the participation of a third, controlling person - this is called “smart contracts”. At Headhunter, a programmer in the field of smart contracts is a unique talent with enormous potential. There are maybe ten of them in all of Russia; they offer about 150–300 thousand rubles for a vacancy.

The miner market is structured in such a way that the more competitors you have within the same currency, the lower your share of capacity, that is, the lower the system reward for each completed block. We managed to jump on the departing ether train, everyone who comes after us is already in question. Therefore, I would not talk about crypto technologies, the mining of which you can still effectively invest in. YouTube is full of videos of people who assembled their home farm, then took out a loan and collected several more, now continue to invest their last money in farms, borrow and re-borrow - why? Due to the shortage of video cards, the price list for them is updated every three days. If you didn't do it sooner, you won't be able to increase your farm's capacity quickly enough to keep up with the growing difficulty of mining. I would like to tell newcomers directly: guys, don’t interfere, you are already late, this is not profitable for you.

Bitcoin rate

About terrorism and “pyramids”

Every year they buy so many weapons, cocaine, heroin and prostitutes’ services for dollars, euros and rubles that the share of cryptocurrencies on this black market is microscopic. The volumes in which terrorism is paid for in dollars are millions of times greater than those that pass through Bitcoin. Everything else is fairy tales for ordinary people. My grandmother can be convinced that ISIS is financed with bitcoins, and I know that no one will sell you a batch of 500 Kalashnikov assault rifles for bitcoins. In addition, the Bitcoin algorithm allows the police to effectively combat drug trafficking - to track a network of dealers, you just need to catch a drug addict, take away his mobile phone with an open wallet and track the transfers. This way you will find dealers' wallets without even having to make any inquiries to banks or mark the cash. Yes, the authorities must continue to work to identify and catch all these people.

The second thing you hear from the average person is that if it’s not terrorists who are behind Bitcoin, then it’s certainly “the pyramid and Mavrodi.” It is useless to argue with this if a person does not know how stock and currency exchanges work. The price of any currency is determined by the demand for it and nothing else. Only people who have a large share of capital in it relative to the total number of invested funds can move the exchange rate of a particular currency sharply. The first time the Bitcoin rate was made liquid was by an American who paid with cryptocurrency for two boxes of pizza. This was the first transaction in history in which electronic currency was exchanged for real goods. Now May 22 is the professional holiday of all miners (Bitcoin Pizza Day).

Nowadays, MMM players need to own at least 5–10 billion dollars in total in order to greatly influence the Bitcoin rate. I think it's just funny. Only Chinese miners and American speculators now have such influence over Bitcoin. And they constantly pour their income into dollars from the growth of the exchange rate - then we see a correction, like now, after the mark of $2,800 per 1 BTC. There will be another correction in the fall. Vitalik himself owns really large reserves of ether. I don’t know, perhaps the fact that Forbes does not yet count assets in cryptocurrency is the only reason why Buterin is not yet put on the same level as the oligarchs.

About mining and the law

The state resists cryptocurrencies not because of security, but because it destroys sources of budget replenishment. As long as the state needs taxes, it will stick its hand into your pocket through the banks. And national security has nothing to do with it.

The attitude of the authorities towards mining has changed in just three months. At the beginning of winter, they were going to give 8 years in prison for mining and illegal business.. Now blockchain is the main topic of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, and the head of the Bank of Russia, Elvira Nabiullina, promises to create a national cryptocurrency. Lobbying groups are fighting among themselves over this initiative. Just two weeks ago I would not have spoken to the press for fear of my freedom.

In our legal system, there is not even suitable terminology for mining - this method of issuing any currency is simply not described in the legislation, which means that income from it cannot be legal. But if a policeman comes to me and asks about all these thousands of flashing lights, I will say that the machines are just busy doing calculations. Which ones don't concern him.

About personal motives

I don't mine for money. I get a thrill from being part of the future before others. Just six months ago, NFC or Apple Pay technology was a curiosity. Now you can pay with your smartphone, contactless, at any gas station. In the States, you can buy a donut or an apartment with Bitcoin. I am sure that Russia will come to this too. I now have more virtual accounts than debit accounts, and I don’t remember the last time I handled cash.

I explain less and less to my friends what I do. I’m sharing all the nuances only with my new investors. My family already uses cryptocurrencies. My wife left work and sometimes helps me press the buttons. The eldest son is gradually trading on a crypto exchange. This has a great effect on his perception of work - he sees how much effort needs to be spent in order to acquire capital and build his production.

My business model is universal for any country. But who said that in Germany someone will need me, that the shares of miners’ capacity there are no longer allocated? Who guarantees that I can find suppliers of scarce equipment? I'm not ready to go through this again. I had great difficulty setting up remote control of my production. I have developed a narrow circle of friends in Russia who understand me. After all, life is not determined by hashrate.

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