The computer freezes completely: what are the reasons and how to fix it? The computer freezes: why and how to fix it The computer freezes on Windows 7

Deadly, Windows 7 stops responding to any commands, it’s even impossible to open the task manager? Such problems appear quite rarely. It must be said that a computer is a rather complex system, and its performance depends on a huge number of factors. The article will discuss the main ones. After reading, you will learn to deal with most of the problems that lead to “freezes” on your own.


The first answer to the question of why the computer freezes is the simplest and most common. It is quite possible that uninvited guests have settled on your computer and are well camouflaged. Typically, viruses not only threaten the security of the system, but also significantly load computer resources. Sometimes this load leads to

Everyone knows how to deal with such a scourge. It’s enough just to install any anti-virus program, update its databases to the latest ones and run the full one. It didn’t help - call and check the processes to see if there are any suspicious ones. It would also be a good idea to look into startup by entering the name of the utility “msconfig” in the “Run” window.

However, if the computer freezes tightly after turning on, it will not be possible to install new software, much less check the PC. In this case, use any antivirus distribution that can create a bootable USB flash drive or CD.


When releasing each new device model, manufacturers try to make it more sophisticated than the previous one. And this requires more power. The latter, in turn. increases heat generation. For some time, the standard cooling system copes with its job, but after a while its effectiveness decreases - as a result, the computer freezes completely. What to do if such a disaster happens?

Dust, which cannot be removed, clogs into radiators and interferes with air circulation. As dust settles on the cooler, it slows down the rotation speed of the propeller. Previously, such problems led to device failure. Today, fortunately, computers have become smarter; there will be no endless or video card. Modern devices have the ability to communicate with the motherboard, entrusting it with temperature control responsibilities. As soon as the values ​​reach a critical point, the controller first tries to unscrew the cooler screw, but if this does not help, the system slows down the device, reducing the voltage. Soon the computer freezes completely.

To prevent such troubles from happening, remember a few simple rules:

Very often, because of this problem, the computer freezes in games or other graphic applications. To check how hot your computer components are, you can download a program. Fortunately, there are a huge number of similar ones on the Internet.

RAM problems

RAM is the most important element of a computer, which has a very large impact on its performance. Normal operation of RAM depends on compatibility with the motherboard, BIOS, and other installed memory sticks. A minor glitch, the smallest manufacturing defect - and the computer freezes tightly when turned on, not wanting to work even at low performance.

If you are going to increase or change the RAM, fully study its characteristics, go to the website of its manufacturer and the motherboard manufacturer in advance, study what speeds are supported, what tests have been carried out and whether it is recommended to use the devices together.

If the computer freezes until the configuration is changed, you can check whether the RAM is faulty using Windows 7. Just click on the “Start” button and type “memory checker” in the search column. During the procedure, the program will display all errors if any were found. There is only one recommendation: if there are errors, change the memory.

HDD instability

A hard drive is a device on which absolutely all data (both user and system) is stored. Accordingly, Windows accesses it all the time, reading and writing does not stop for a minute. This means that system performance directly depends on the speed of this component. Over time, “broken” clusters and unreadable areas may appear on it, which will lead to system failures. Often, because of this problem, the computer freezes on the Internet, because while surfing the browser constantly records and deletes many small files.

Repairing a broken HDD

If the HDD is worn out, you need to check it with special software tools that will find all damaged sectors and mark them as non-working. The OS will stop using “bads” and stop freezing. To check, launch the command line by entering the name of the program in the “Run” window - “cmd”. In it, run the command “chkdsk [drive letter]: /f /r” for each partition.

Experienced users can determine the status of the HDD by the sound of its operation. If it starts clicking or whistling, the equipment is most likely faulty and needs to be replaced. Be careful, often, if a hard drive begins to “crumble”, it will soon fail, and it is very difficult to recover data from such a device. Also, if the computer freezes after turning on, there is a high probability of wear on the hard drive.

Incorrect BIOS setting

If the computer freezes after turning on, very often the reason for this behavior of the system is incorrect BIOS settings. Someone may think that an ordinary user should not even try to fix something, he should contact a professional. But still the computer freezes tightly - what to do if there is no way to call a specialist?

If you approach BIOS configuration with care, even a beginner can handle this procedure. Learn complete information about your computer, and especially about the motherboard. Usually such data is easily found on the manufacturer’s official website. Find out which parameters are most important and what they are responsible for. When using the BIOS setup utility, never change many settings at once. First change a few, reboot, check the computer. Only then continue editing. A special mention should be made of the item that is in every BIOS - “Load Fail-Safe Defaults”. It brings all parameters to optimal - in the opinion of the developer.

Sometimes you can download and install a new BIOS version on the motherboard manufacturer's website. Never refuse such a procedure. Updates often fix critical bugs and improve stability. It is likely that after installing the new version, the freezes will disappear. The main thing is to read the instructions in advance.

Windows Services

The operating system runs a large number of services all the time, either enabled by default or added during operation. The system can work fine without most of them. If some service does not respond or takes up too much processor time, the computer freezes.

To see which of them are in the system and which are running, open the administration window ("Start" - "Control Panel" - "Administrative Tools") and double-click the "Services" shortcut. To get comprehensive information about a particular service, double-click on its name.

First of all, pay attention to those that start automatically. The loading method is indicated in the “Startup type” column. There is only one editing rule - if you do not understand the description, do not disable the component, but find out more about its operation from the Internet. Try to check the stability of the system after each individual manipulation.

Processes and programs

Each program starts its own process (sometimes even more than one), if it enters an endless loop or malfunctions, and the computer does not always freeze completely; Windows 7 still tries to independently cut off oxygen to non-responsive components. It is very easy to identify a frozen element - it usually takes up the lion's share of RAM and almost all the processor time.

Solving the problem using the task manager

You can view the list of running processes in the task manager window. Press the combination “CTRL+ALT+DEL” on your keyboard. If you are sure that some program does not carry a payload, but at the same time takes up 90-100% of the processor time, feel free to terminate it (by pressing “DEL” on the keyboard or by calling the context menu). You can also go to the location where the program is stored from here. This will be useful if you do not understand exactly what you are interrupting.

Checking processes is not always the best solution, but this procedure can often help if the computer periodically freezes. Remember that some programs can load the processor one hundred percent during the most active phases of their work. However, a frozen utility will not stop using maximum resources, and one that performs its functions without failures will again go into passive mode after some time. Also, do not try to end the process called System Idleness. It is used to poll other programs and system resources, and the variable in it does not display the processor load, but just the remaining free power.

When a computer freezes, it is sometimes quite difficult to find the cause. Resolving this kind of trouble may require quite a lot of time.

After the first such incident, you need to be wary and constantly monitor. It may be possible to establish some connection between some events and the “glitch”. Especially if the PC does not respond to anything.


There are a very large number of reasons why a PC periodically freezes. Often this is where the whole difficulty of finding the cause of a given event lies. Since there are many options why your home PC stopped working normally.

The most common malfunctions associated with this kind of trouble include:

Problem of the 21st century – viruses

Despite constantly updated anti-virus databases, as well as powerful firewalls, various types of malware very often penetrate a PC equipped with the Windows operating system.

Because hackers and just hooligans are designing new Trojans and viruses every day. The presence of such applications in the operating system quite often leads to freezes and glitches.

CPU overheating

It often happens that the processor warms up to an abnormally high temperature. In this case, the PC usually reboots on its own - this is a kind of protection against overheating, it is configured in the BIOS. But it often happens that for some reason it is disabled and does not work. It is in this case that the PC freezes.

Photo: CPU temperature control

BIOS Settings

BIOS is a simple configuration tool, but you need to work with it extremely carefully. Entering incorrect parameters can lead to unpleasant consequences: equipment breakdown, “glitches” and a variety of other troubles.

That is why, if it is necessary to make any changes to it, it is advisable to first consult with a specialist. There is a high probability of PC failure.

Incompatibility of the controller with the type of hard drive

Many users assemble their computer themselves. And this is not always good. Since it is necessary to have certain knowledge about some components. Some of them may simply be incompatible with each other, and therefore there is a high probability of various types of problems occurring. Because of this, the car may simply “freeze.”

Windows Services

Operating system services greatly influence the process of PC operation. It is always necessary to carefully monitor which of them are currently active. Disabling any vital ones will result in the OS crashing. You should not take any rash actions with services running by default. This will lead to negative consequences.

Presence of uncontrolled processes

Often, all kinds of programs installed on the operating system launch various processes. Moreover, they begin to conduct some kind of independent activity and its products sometimes affect their work extremely negatively. This often happens when installing Kaspersky antivirus or other similar applications. You need to monitor them as closely as possible.

Disk fragmentation

Hard drives on which large files are stored, which are subsequently deleted or copied or moved, are usually highly fragmented. This leads to a significant drop in the machine’s performance, as well as constant freezing. Dealing with this phenomenon is quite simple; you only need to periodically diagnose the HDD.

Problems with OP

Random access memory (RAM) is one of the most important components of a personal computer. If any malfunctions associated with it occur, there is a high probability of freezing. This may be a consequence of incompatibility between the motherboard and the OP itself; this often happens. It also happens that the bar is simply not inserted tightly enough into the slot.

Small volume of disk C

Sometimes a lot of information is stored on a harddisk: users sometimes fill their HDD to capacity. But you should remember that normal PC operation is possible only if there is about 10% free space. Because otherwise, the data processing process may slow down or even stop altogether, and the machine will freeze.

Software glitch

The market for various programs is currently oversaturated with a variety of applications. They often contain various errors that lead to software failures. This is one of the most common causes of all kinds of PC hangs.

Scanning the system with an antivirus

Very often, the cause of glitches on a PC is viruses. But it is no less rare that malfunctions occur precisely because of antiviruses. Many such utilities are quite complex software packages. This is what can cause the operating system to malfunction. Scanning often results in freezing.

Programs in Autorun

The Windows operating system has a special section that contains applications and utilities that run automatically. Sometimes programs located there cause errors in the operation of the PC. You should carefully monitor the items present there.

Video: 4 ways to fix freezing

A few recommendations on what to do to prevent your computer from freezing

The question is often asked: what should you do to keep your PC in good condition? You just need to follow some of the recommendations outlined below.

Restart your computer

Very often the problem can be fixed quite simply - you just need to restart your car. Moreover, this operation helps in most cases if there are no serious problems with the hardware.

You can use this method if:

Disable unnecessary programs

You can often deal with the problem by simply disabling some unnecessary applications. This can be done through the Windows Task Manager.

This requires:

Afterwards it is advisable to perform a restart.

Check for viruses

Very often, for some reason, many users do not use antiviruses. Having these applications in most cases resolves problems with Restart.

The most functional and powerful today are the following software systems:

Moreover, the use of many antiviruses is free. Their operation and installation require a minimum amount of resources. Removing various types of malicious codes, viruses, and Trojans not only gets rid of glitches, but also speeds up its operation.

Clean off dust

Often the machine begins to freeze if the heating temperature of its individual components reaches critical values. This phenomenon especially often occurs with the central processor.

In most cases, resolving this kind of situation is quite simple - you just need to clean the insides of dust. It happens that overheating occurs due to dried thermal paste - just replace it.

Faulty device

All sorts of problems also occur due to hardware failure. Most often this concerns the following main components:

  • hard drive;
  • random access memory;
  • motherboard.

Power supplies, video cards and other components fail a little less often.

Defragment your disk

Highly fragmented areas negatively impact PC performance. This is why it is necessary to periodically perform the defragmentation process.

To do this, you can use both utilities from third-party manufacturers and a standard program - it is launched as follows:

Obsolete components

It is very important to upgrade your car in a timely manner. Because operating systems are becoming more and more demanding every day.

If you have problems, you should pay special attention to the following parameters of your PC:

  • RAM size;
  • CPU frequency;
  • hard drive speed;
  • video card performance.

It is advisable to update the car at least once a year. It is necessary to eliminate its weak points - this is the key to stable functioning.

Incompatibility of programs and drivers

Often, all sorts of “brakes” arise due to the banal incompatibility of various utilities and drivers. Coping with this kind of trouble is quite problematic.

The only way out may be to constantly monitor newly installed system elements and remove unwanted ones.

Clean the system

Another opportunity to deal with system freezes can be cleaning using specialized utilities.

The most popular today are the following:

Reinstall the OS

Sometimes even complete cleaning, disk defragmentation, and other similar “curing” operations do not save you from the occurrence of “glitches.” Checking the hardware also does not give any results. In this case, the only optimal way out is a new installation of the operating system. It might also be worth changing the version.

In order not to deal with the consequences of various kinds of problems, you should simply follow certain procedures to prevent them.

A user monitoring the state of his computer must:

Following all the above tips makes it possible to get rid of many problems associated with your PC. This will significantly simplify the life and work of the average user. What should you do if your computer continues to freeze? In such a situation, it is best to contact a specialist.

The key to normal operation of a home computer is its timely maintenance and periodic cleaning: both hardware (from dust) and software (from viruses and errors). If the rules and operating conditions are followed, the machine will last a very long period of time without creating any problems. This will make the life of the average user much easier.

One of the most common troubles that a PC user encounters is its freezing. Sometimes this problem simply prevents it from working. It’s not so bad if after a reboot the situation does not recur, but it’s much worse when this phenomenon begins to recur with increasing frequency. Let's look at the reasons why a computer with Windows 7 freezes, and also determine ways to solve this problem.

Read also: How to remove computer slowdown on Windows 7

Main causes of freezing

You need to immediately draw a line between the terms “computer freezing” and “braking”, since many users are confused about these concepts. When braking, the speed of operations on the PC decreases significantly, but in general you can continue working on it. When freezing, it becomes impossible to solve the assigned tasks, since the device practically does not react to the user’s actions, up to entering a complete stupor, from which you can only get out of it by rebooting.

The cause of a PC freezing can be a number of problems:

These are basic groups of factors that directly initiate the creation of the causes of the problem we are studying. Moreover, sometimes different groups of factors can lead to the same immediate cause. For example, a freeze can be caused by a lack of PC RAM, which, in turn, can be a consequence of either a malfunction of one of the physical RAM strips or the launch of resource-intensive programs.

Now let's look at the main reasons for this phenomenon and options for solving the problems that have arisen.

Reason 1: Lack of RAM

Since we mentioned above that one of the reasons for a PC freezing is the lack of RAM, then we’ll start describing the problem with a discussion of it, especially since this reason is one of the most common reasons for freezing. Therefore, we will dwell on it in more detail than on other factors.

Each computer has a certain amount of RAM, which depends on the technical data of the RAM installed in the PC system unit. You can see the amount of available RAM by performing the following manipulations.

In addition, the functions of the RAM, if it is full, can be performed by a special paging file located on the PC hard drive.

Why did we find out all this? The answer is simple: if the amount of memory required to run all applications and processes currently running on the computer approaches or exceeds the total amount of available RAM and the page file, the system will freeze. You can see how much processes running on your PC require through the “Task Manager”.

What to do in this case? If the system is frozen “tightly” and this situation persists for a long time, then there is only one way out - to perform a cold reboot, that is, press the button located on the system unit, which is responsible for restarting the PC. As you know, when you restart or turn off your computer, the RAM in it is cleared automatically, and therefore after activation it should work normally.

If the computer reacts at least a little or at times returns at least part of its functionality, then it is possible to correct the situation without rebooting. To do this, you need to call the “Task Manager” and delete the process that is taking up too much RAM. But calling the “Task Manager” through the “Control Panel” in a frozen situation can take a very long time, since it requires several manipulations. Therefore, we make the call in a faster way by pressing the combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc.

Of course, if freezing occurs relatively rarely, then restarting or manipulating the Task Manager can serve as a way out of the situation. But what to do if you encounter a similar phenomenon quite often and the reason for this, as you found out, is precisely the lack of RAM? In this case, it is necessary to take some preventive measures that will either significantly reduce the number of such cases or completely get rid of them. It is not necessary to take all the steps listed below. It is enough to perform one or more of them, and then see the result.

Read more: Configuring autorun applications in Windows 7

Lesson: Cleaning RAM on Windows 7

Reason 2: CPU load

System freezes may be caused by CPU load. You can also check whether this is true in the “Processes” tab in the “Task Manager”. But this time, pay attention to the values ​​​​in the “CPU” column. If the value of one of the elements or the sum of the values ​​of all elements approaches 100%, then this is the cause of the malfunction.

This situation can be caused by various factors:

We will dwell on the issue of viral activity in detail when considering a separate cause. Now we will look at what to do if other factors were the source of the freeze.

Reason 3: System disk is loaded

Another common source of freezing is the load on the system disk, that is, the partition of the hard drive on which Windows is installed. In order to check whether this is so, you should look at the amount of free space on it.

The only way out of this situation may be to clean the hard drive of garbage and unnecessary files. In this case, it is necessary that the amount of free space on it exceeds at least 2 - 3 GB. This is the volume that will ensure relatively comfortable work on the computer. If cleaning operations cannot be carried out due to a hard freeze, then reboot the system. If this action does not help, you will have to clean the hard drive by connecting it to another PC or starting it using LiveCD or LiveUSB.

To clean the disk, you can take the following steps:

Performing these manipulations will help get rid of freezes.

In addition, you can use hard drive defragmentation as an additional tool to increase the speed of your computer. But it is worth remembering that this procedure alone will not get rid of freezes. It will only help speed up the system, and you will have to clean the hard drive in case of overcrowding in any case.

Lesson: How to clear space on drive C in Windows 7

Reason 4: Viruses

Viral activity can also cause your computer to freeze. Viruses can do this by creating a load on the CPU, using a large amount of RAM, and damaging system files. Therefore, if you observe constant cases of PC freezing, you need to check it for the presence of malicious code.

As you know, scanning an infected computer with an antivirus that is installed on it rarely detects a virus even if it is present. In our situation, the matter is further complicated by the fact that the system freezes, and this is guaranteed to prevent the anti-virus utility from performing its immediate functions. There is only one way out: connect the hard drive of the PC that is suspected of being infected to another device, and scan with a specialized application, such as Dr.Web CureIt.

If a threat is detected, act according to the program prompts. Cleaning the system of viruses will allow the computer to operate normally only if they have not damaged important system files. Otherwise, you will need to reinstall the OS.

Reason 5: Antivirus

Paradoxically, sometimes the reason for freezing can be the antivirus installed on your PC. This can happen due to various factors:

To check if this is the case, disable your antivirus program.

Read more: How to temporarily disable your antivirus

If after this the freezing incidents no longer recur, then it is better for you to use other software products to protect your PC from malware and intruders.

Reason 6: Hardware failure

Sometimes the cause of a computer freezing may be a malfunction of the connected equipment: keyboard, mouse, etc. Such failures are especially likely to occur if the hard drive on which Windows is installed is damaged.

If you suspect such factors, you need to disconnect the corresponding device and see how the system works without it. If no failures are observed for a long time after this, then it is better for you to replace the suspicious device with another one. Using faulty devices connected to a PC can lead to much more serious problems than a normal freeze.

Sometimes the cause of freezing may be static voltage created inside the system unit. In this case, it is recommended to clean the computer from dust and ground the unit itself. By the way, dust can also cause overheating, which negatively affects the speed of work.

As you can see, a fairly wide range of factors can be the reasons for a computer freezing. To solve a problem, it is very important to establish what exactly leads to its occurrence. Only after this can we begin to eliminate it. But if you still haven’t been able to determine the cause and you don’t know what to do next, you can try to roll back the system to an earlier, stable version using the System Restore tool. An extreme step, if attempts to resolve the issue using other methods fail, may be to reinstall the operating system. But you need to take into account that if the source of the problem is hardware factors, then this option will not help you.

When installing the Windows 7 operating system, a nuisance may arise - it freezes during installation. When the installation of Windows 7 freezes at the logo stage with the words Starting Windows, the cause of the problem may be a malfunction of the computer components: hard drive, motherboard, RAM. If the device breaks down, working with the system will not help - you just have to turn to repair specialists for help. If everything is in order with the hardware, but the Windows 7 installation window does not appear, then you can solve the problem in just a few steps, which we will describe in this manual.

The reason the system freezes on the logo is that it was not installed through the BIOS. Installing via BIOS is also called a “clean” installation because you format all data on the computer and accordingly delete information about the previous system. How to install OS via BIOS?

Step 1. Insert the boot disk with system () into the computer. Turn on or restart the PC.

Step 2. When the first inscriptions appear, quickly press the “Delete” key. The appearance of your BIOS varies by manufacturer.

Note! The design of the interface does not matter, since on modern computers the basic BIOS settings are the same.

Step 3. If you managed to click “Delete” when booting the computer, the BIOS window appears.

Step 4. Move through items using the arrows on the keyboard. Press the right arrow until the “Boot” item opens.

Step 5.“Boot” is responsible for booting the computer from a specific device. By default, the computer boots from the hard drive. But now we need to install the system, which is located on a flash drive (or CD). Press the down arrow and .

Select the item “Boot Device Priority” - press “Enter”

Step 6. A small menu opens where we select the device from which the computer will boot. In our example, this is a DVD.

In your case, it may be the name of the flash drive or CD media. Select the device - press “Enter”.

Select the item “Boot Device Priority” - press “Enter”

Step 7 Exit the “Boot” tab – press Esc. This way the changes will be saved and take effect after a reboot. In the window that pops up, select “OK” and press “Enter.”

The computer will automatically restart. The problem is solved - the Windows system will begin a “clean installation” without freezing or crashing errors. It is by working with the BIOS that problems like “Win ​​7 won’t install!! hangs when starting installation."

Windows 7 freezes during installation and installs slowly - what to do

Does your computer freeze when installing Windows 7? We find a way to solve the problem.

The first thing you need to do is to look for the reasons for the slow installation of Windows 7. Let's look at the common sources of problems:

How to solve Windows 7 slow installation problem

For successful installation, two critical parameters need to be corrected:

  1. Serial ATA (SATA) Mode - switch to “AHCI”. This is a more modern type of data transfer. It will help not only in solving the installation problem, but also generally speed up the operation of the OS.
  2. Disable the floppy drive (“Floppy Drive”). Despite the fact that floppy disks are a thing of the past and you may not even have this device, we recommend disabling its use in the BIOS.

Disabling the floppy disk

Step 1. Open the BIOS and press the “Delete” key.

Step 2. Go to the “Advanced” tab.

Step 3. Select the “OnBoard Floppy Controller” item and press the “+” button. The text “Disabled” should appear opposite the line.

Step 4. Save the settings.

Change the mode to “AHCI”

About Windows operating systems

The Windows family of operating systems is the most popular. Microsoft has held a monopoly on the market for more than twenty years. For ordinary users, the window interface has become familiar and convenient. But the main advantage of the Microsoft software product is its support for a huge amount of software. Professionals, from graphic designers to programmers, prefer Windows, since the programs they need for their work simply do not exist on other operating systems. The vast majority of video games are supported by Windows, something neither Linux nor Mac OS can boast of. The abundance of drivers for any components makes the system universal and makes it easier to use. When purchasing a device, you will always be sure that it will work on Windows without problems. Let's look at the history of significant versions of the popular OS.

  • Windows 95. Served as the starting point for the development of window systems. Combining the operating principles of MS-DOS and the Windows family, the 1995 system became a staple for desktop computers. Thanks to the simplicity of the window interface, Microsoft managed to occupy the niche of graphical operating systems and gain a foothold in the market. The Start menu, long file names, and Plug and Play drag-and-drop functionality became the foundation and signature style of all subsequent Windows systems;

  • Windows XP. Released in 2001, the system created a real sensation among PC users. Before the release of the "seven", XP remained the main operating system. Simple, easy to install and use. Occupies a minimum of disk space. Today, Windows XP is not supported by the company, which affects its resistance to virus attacks. However, owners of low-power PCs and laptops install the system on their devices: it is not demanding on technology and works properly without taking up a lot of RAM or loading the processor. The only significant disadvantage of the system is its vulnerability to viruses due to the lack of updates. However, the problem can be solved by installing the latest version of any reliable antivirus (Avast, Avira, Dr.Web);

  • Windows Vista. Released in 2007. Was received coolly by the community. Visually beautiful, but requiring a powerful computer and weak in terms of security, the system turned out to be a failure. Performance problems, poor driver support, and reduced capabilities turned out to be the main shortcomings of the OS. A pleasant graphical interface, as one of the few advantages, will be transferred to the company's next OS - Windows 7;

  • Windows 7. The product was released at the end of 2009. “Seven” remained at the top in terms of installations for 8 years. The most reliable, simple and convenient system of all. It took the best of XP and became more productive. After the unsuccessful Vista, the "seven" was greeted warmly. Great personalization capabilities, support for a huge number of drivers, ease and speed of installation contributed to the system capturing the market. In 2018, it is still installed on computers, despite the end of official support and the lack of updates from Microsoft;

  • Windows 8. It so happens that Microsoft succeeds “every time.” Metro's revolutionary flat interface was met with disbelief and criticism. It was the appearance that affected the failure of the system. Ordinary functions: personalization, uninstalling programs, shutting down and restarting have changed significantly compared to Windows 7. It became difficult for an inexperienced user to find them, and therefore, in order to get started, it took a long time to delve into and study the new interface. But the company made the right conclusions, modernizing the stability and appearance of the system, preparing an excellent release - Windows 10;

  • Windows 10. Essentially, the system takes the best from Windows 7 and 8. Decent performance, additional settings for gamers to improve performance, a free application store and extremely simple settings settings are the main advantages highlighted by users. After release, the system remained free for several months - for the first time in the history of Windows. Windows 10 is installed on new laptops by default. So, when buying a new device, you won’t have to pay extra money to purchase a license. An additional advantage of the system is its versatility. Windows 10 can be installed both on a computer and on mobile devices: smartphones, tablets, and even Xbox. Multiplatform ensures synchronization of settings and data for a single user account. All the innovations and improvements helped the “ten” overtake Windows 7 in popularity and become a universal operating system for personal computers.

Video - Starting Windows freezes when installing Windows 7

What to do if Windows 7 freezes? The newly installed Windows 7 works: quickly, well and properly. Over the course of long, productive work, productivity may decline. When the computer starts to load and freeze for a long time, the user of the device doesn’t really like it and therefore he asks the question “Is it possible to return the former speed and efficiency of work?” This moment always comes to everyone, without exception, even experienced users.

What to do if Windows 7 freezes?

If Windows freezes, it is not always the operating system itself that is to blame. The hardware may be faulty or the computer's characteristics may not meet the Windows 7 system requirements. Below is a list of possible causes of computer freezes other than system errors.

Pay attention to the hard drive your computer. This may be the reason for the freezes. This may be due to its mechanical and electrical damage. If, when your computer freezes, you see a continuously lit hard drive indicator light, then the problem is most likely there. Seek assistance from appropriate professionals.

power unit also plays a role in the possible causes of computer freezes. This is due to insufficient power or insufficient quality of the power supply of your computer. If a load occurs, the computer will take a long time to load and freeze.

Freezes may be caused by RAM, or rather its insufficient volume. The following types of failures are typical for this problem:

  • Slow copying, pasting and moving files
  • If a freeze occurs during them, then look at the RAM.

    Myself CPU and everything connected with it, even motherboards (i.e. the insides of the computer). Freezes occur due to overheating of the processor and the boards in it. Sometimes simply restarting the computer helps.

    A common reason that Windows 7 freezes is drivers. They may be damaged or simply not match the operating system version.

    Windows 7 shell freezes. Causes.

    We'll talk about what usually causes Windows 7 to freeze. Most often, Windows 7 slows down due to programs and settings. This may be due to:

    • A large number of programs that download and run themselves (the so-called “startup”)
    • File fragmentation
    • viruses
    • system file corruption
    • Windows file system errors
    • memory overload with unnecessary programs and registry clogging
    • software that is not configured quite correctly
    • Excessive filling of the hard drive system partition

    How to diagnose and get rid of freezes?

    It is important to clean up your computer: check the disk for viruses, free up space on the hard drive by deleting all unnecessary programs and unnecessary files, unload startup, defragment, check the file system for errors, and check Windows files for integrity.

    Cleaning up autoloading

    To remove excess junk from startup:

      • Open “Start”, enter the command msconfig.exe in the search bar and press “Enter”
      • Go to the “Startup” tab and uncheck the boxes next to those programs and applications that do not need to start themselves when you turn on the computer, if you do not want this

    Putting your disk in order

    To clean your system of unnecessary applications and junk:

    • In the My Computer or Computer folder, you need to find the system drive (the hard drive you are using - Local Disk (C:)) and right-click on it. Then go to the very last tab “Properties”
    • In the “General” tab, click the “Disk Cleanup” button
    • Next, click “Clean up system files,” thereby getting rid of unnecessary files
    • If necessary, you can view the files that will be deleted from your computer by clicking on the “View files” button

    We carry out defragmentation

    This is necessary in order to collect all the files together. Thanks to this wonderful operation, your computer will freeze less.
    Following the instructions, we start the defragmentation process:

    • Go to the “Properties” of the disk (we were already there) and click the “Service” button
    • As you can see, everything is very easy, and with just one click on the “Defragmentation” button you will achieve the desired result. The main thing is to choose disk defragmentation
    • If desired, you can set the frequency of automatic defragmentation

    Checking for errors in the Windows file system

    To check for errors:

    • Go to the “Properties” of the disk in the same “Service” and under the first heading “Check disk” click “Run check”
    • You will be faced with the choice of checking disk parameters; for convenience and automation of the process, you must select both options
    • The check will only be carried out if you click “Run” and restart your computer

    Let's scan the system to check:

    In the Start menu, using the search bar, enter three letters - cmd. Right-click on the icon with the corresponding name (cmd) and select run as administrator
    On the contrary, in the lines called C:\Windows\system32> we write: sfc/scannow and press the “Enter” button on the keyboard, i.e. "Enter." The check will begin and upon completion the system will let you know what errors have been identified and what needs to be done about them.

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