How to delete an album "in contact". How to delete an album "in contact" How to delete photo albums in contact

Every day the spaces of the social network VKontakte are filled with a very large number of users. And every day these users and others have questions to which it is quite difficult to find an answer. Recently, it has become very fashionable to upload photos from almost any event to this social network and not only, regardless of the methods of their delivery. We all create thematic albums, edit the title and upload our photos there. Deleting one or more photos is easy, but many users face the problem of deleting an entire album. That is why today we will consider the question of how to delete a VKontakte album. By the way, you can delete an album even if it’s filled with photos.

How to delete an album in VKontakte?

Deleting a VKontakte photo album The procedure is simple, but due to numerous innovations, it is difficult for beginners to navigate these graphics, while older users gradually switched to this style. Please note, this social network has a special “help” function, using which you can study everything yourself, but as we know, when you are looking for an answer to your question, it is easiest to find it in a search engine, or even better, on our website.

To delete a photo album, you must click on the “Photos” button on the main page of this social resource. Large photographs will appear in front of us, then you need to select the photo album you need and find a pencil in its upper right corner and click on it. After that, under the album avatar there is a “Delete album” button. After confirming your actions, your album will be permanently deleted.

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If for some reason you need delete album on VK, then you can do this in a couple of minutes. Now I'll show you how.

Where are your VKontakte albums located?

To find them, go to your page and follow the link "My photos". You will see a list of all downloaded images. At the top of it, existing albums will be shown.

To view photos uploaded to a specific album, just click on it with the mouse cursor.

How to delete a VKontakte album

First we need to go to the album itself. To do this, find it in the list and open it. Please note that you cannot delete the following albums on VK:

  • Photos with me
  • Saved Photos
  • Photos from my page

They are created automatically when you add photos to the appropriate section.

So, we return to the album that we decided to delete. It should already be open. In the upper right corner follow the link "Edit Album".

You will be taken to edit mode. Here we need to click the link "Delete album". You can see its location in the picture below.

A confirmation form will appear. In it we need to click the “Delete” button.

The album will be deleted, along with the photos posted in it.

Since the problem of how to delete an album in Odnoklassniki often arises among new users of the site, we will consider this issue in detail in this article.

The popularity of the social network Odnoklassniki is growing every day. Today it is the largest network in Russia, where every third resident has a profile. Since this site is designed not only for young people, but also for older users, it has the most simple and understandable interface.

This is not difficult to do, the procedure will take no more than a minute and will allow you to quickly erase an empty photo album or one that you no longer like.

So, to delete a folder with photos on your page, you need to follow a number of simple steps:

  • you need to go to your profile page.
  • Go to the “photo” section.

  • You will be shown all the photos that are on the page, divided into folders.
  • You need to open the album you want to erase. Then click on the “reorder, edit” button.

  • Find the "Delete Album" button

  • In the new window, confirm the action - you're done.

How to delete a photo from an album in Odnoklassniki - procedure

Sometimes the user needs to erase not the entire album, but only individual photos in it. You can also do this in just a few steps.

To quickly remove a photo from your album in Odnoklassniki, you need to go to the “photos” section on your personal page. You will see a section with your profile photos. Go to the desired album, move your mouse to the photo you want to get rid of, and click on the cross.

It is worth noting that you can only erase pictures that you have added to the site yourself. Now you know how to delete a photo album in Odnoklassniki or individual files from it.

How to delete an album

Once upon a time, even before the era of the Internet and social networks, every home had a family album with old yellowed photographs, a beautiful binding with an ornament and naive inscriptions on the back of the photographs. Now a lot has changed in our lives, and any user of the Odnoklassniki resource can create virtual albums on their page, post various images there, and write comments on them. How to delete an unnecessary album if the need arises?

The developers of the social network Odnoklassniki have provided resource participants with the opportunity to perform various manipulations with photo collections. If you wish, you can delete any album in your account at any time. This is not difficult to do. Let's try together to perform these actions in the full version of the social network website and applications for mobile devices running on Android and iOS.

Method 1: Full version of the site

The interface of the Odnoklassniki website is traditionally simple and understandable even for a novice user. Any actions on this resource should not confuse the user. So let's begin.

  1. In any browser, open the website, go through authentication, and under your main avatar find the item "Photo". Click on this line.
  2. We get to the page of our photos. At the very top we see the album covers. Select the selection of images that you want to delete and left-click on it.
  3. Open the desired album, click on the button on the right side "Edit, change order".
  4. If you want to remove only the album itself without photos from your page, then first move them to another collection. To do this, click on the check mark icon in the upper right corner of each photo or put a mark in the field "Select all photos".
  5. Then click LMB on the triangle icon in the line "Select Album", in the drop-down menu we determine the new storage location for the photo and confirm our actions with the button "Transfer photos".
  6. Now, when the necessary photos from the album have been moved to another or you delete the photo album along with the images, we find the line "Delete album" and click on it.
  7. A small window appears in which we finally part with the old photo album in Odnoklassniki by selecting "Delete".

Ready! The task was successfully completed.

Method 2: Mobile application

In applications for Android and iOS, you can also easily and naturally delete an already unnecessary photo album from your Odnoklassniki page. To do this you just need to take a few simple steps.

  1. Launch the application, enter your username and password, and click on the button with three horizontal stripes in the upper left corner of the screen.
  2. On the toolbar that opens, find the icon "Photo". We need this section for further actions.
  3. On the next page, move to the tab "Albums".
  4. In the list of your photo albums, select the one you are going to delete. In its block, click on the icon with three vertical dots and in the menu that appears, find the line "Delete album".
  5. All that remains is to confirm your actions to delete the photo album.

  6. So, let's summarize. It’s very easy to delete an album from your Odnoklassniki page both on the resource’s website and in applications for mobile devices. Create your own photo collections, manage them, edit them and delight your friends and acquaintances with new images from your life.

An interesting and useful article about some of the functions of the VKontakte page. When we upload photos, we may eventually want to either delete or change them.

Another life!

Communication on social networks, although it takes up a lot of our time, is still nowhere in the modern world of information without the Internet! Spending a huge number of hours on the pages of VKontakte, you and I live more than one life, posting photos, sharing information about ourselves and events in our lives, living in the real world and developing, getting carried away with more and more new and varied useful and not so useful activities!

But there comes a time when you want to change something or remove something from the page! And there are also times when the question arises of how to delete the “VKontakte” album due to changes in life or simply a change of interests! The creators of social networks, including VKontakte, understand us 100% and have made certain provisions for changing their pages at any convenient time! Great, isn't it?

Where does it all begin?

First of all, let's understand that you can upload/post photos to albums only on your VKontakte page or in a group created by you or in one where this is provided for by the moderators/rules of the group you visit! “How to delete the album “VKontakte”?” - you ask.
Yes, of course, it is quite possible to do this! First, let's try to do without deletion; you must admit, sometimes this process is not entirely relevant!

Instead of getting rid of your work for a certain period of time, you and I have the opportunity to allow/deny viewing by certain individuals/users of the VKontakte social network, thus filtering out individuals who have access to your albums/photos, the same can be done with comments from users of this network. Convenient, right? Still, sometimes you need to delete it.
Since deletion is necessary or inevitable at this point, here is a step-by-step guide on how to easily do it.

So, how to delete a “VKontakte” album? First, go to your page by entering your username and password. The menu we are interested in is located to the left of your main photo, here we see many different useful buttons. Next, go to the “My Photos” tab. We click on it. A new window will open in which all your albums are visible. In the same place, single folders with photos from your page that have marks are displayed. If there are too many albums, then some of them may not be shown on your page. To see them, you need to click on the “Show all my albums” button, which is located below the albums. Thus, you see the entire list, including what you want to delete. Move the mouse over the desired album. On the right we find the “Edit” button, and we click on it. When the window is open, there will be two options under the album: “change cover” and “delete album.” If at the moment you are interested in how to delete the “VKontakte” album, click on the second button. A window will appear in front of you where you need to confirm your action. Click on the “delete” button, and if you change your mind, click “cancel”. We have discussed with you the option of how to delete the “VKontakte” album on your page.

Now let's find out how to delete an album "VKontakte" in a group

In order to delete a “VKontakte” album (in a group), click on the “edit album” button. Select the album that interests us. Select the “delete album” option. By clicking on this button, you delete the entire folder and all the photos in it. Very often, group moderators limit access to deleting albums to ordinary VKontakte users, and these buttons are often disabled/inactive.

If you yourself have created such a community or are its administrator who has the right to delete/edit albums, but you still can’t delete it, then most likely this album is the main one in the group. You cannot delete it; in this case, you just need to make another album the main one and delete the one you decided on.

Is it possible to recover a deleted album and how?

Unfortunately, no. VKontakte albums are deleted immediately and forever. The same as in the case of individual photographs. It is possible to restore an album only if this is done immediately after deleting it, while the “Restore” button is lit on the screen. If you close the page, there is no possibility of recovery. Therefore, be especially careful when deleting an album! Communication on social networks is cool, don’t let your guard down, friends! May the likes be with you in everything!

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