How to remove Chinese program from baidu computer. How to permanently remove Baidu antivirus from Windows computer? Detailed instructions. Baidu - the Chinese are attacking

How often, under the guise of something useful, we are given something we don’t understand. The Baidu program was no exception. Let's try to figure out what kind of Baidu PC Faster program this is, is there any benefit from it and how to remove it forever from your computer. In general, read how to clean your Windows from Baidu.

Baidu - the Chinese are attacking

The Baidu PC Faster program is a very dubious software product that is supposedly designed to improve the performance of the operating system. However, in reality, this program not only does not speed up work, it slows it down, and quite noticeably due to the consumption of a significant amount of computer resources.

Despite the fact that this program is not as dangerous as some Trojans or ransomware blockers, it can still cause damage to the operating system. The Baidu program constantly scans the system; in addition to the fact that it simply consumes processor resources, it also finds many false errors in the registry and supposedly eliminating them requires purchasing the full version. This, of course, should not be done, otherwise you will waste your money.

Baidu is a large complex of programs for PC

This program most often gets onto the computer as attached to other files or programs, and, as a rule, is installed in hidden mode. Therefore, it is important not to download software from “left” resources, and when installing programs, not to mindlessly click “next” without even looking at the screen, and to avoid the so-called “standard installation modes”. If you have a choice, you should always choose the advanced installation mode for advanced users to independently choose what to install and what not.

As it became clear, you definitely need to remove this “canoe”, but we read below how to do it.

How to completely remove Baidu PC Faster?

Baidu PC Faster is loaded into startup mode when you start your PC and constantly runs in the background, so the first step to uninstalling it is to shut it down. To do this, you need to call the system “task manager”; this can be done either by pressing the combination “Ctrl+Alt+Delete” or through the context menu on the “taskbar”. After this, you need to find all the processes whose name contains the word “Baidu”, and in the description of the process there are a bunch of incomprehensible Chinese characters. For easier searching, you can sort processes by image name. There is no need to rush to complete them.

Now we need to open any text document, Word or notepad, in which we will write down all the paths where the files of this malicious program are located. Now we return to the “task manager”, find processes with the name Baidu and right-click on them, now you need to find the item called “open file storage location” and click on it, usually it is located at the very top of the context menu. A Windows Explorer window opens, in it you need to click on the address bar and copy the full path to the folder with the file into our text document. Perform the same operation with all processes whose names contain the phrase “Baidu”. After all the file paths have been copied into a special document, all these processes can be completed, although some particularly “poisonous” processes are unlikely to be completed.

Now you need to carry out the standard procedure for removing programs through a special system utility, which is located in the “control panel”. However, the usual uninstallation procedure does not yet completely remove the program; you can verify this by restarting the PC and opening the “task manager”. To remove the program completely, we will need our file with the addresses of the program folders. We reboot into “safe mode” by pressing F8 at the beginning of the boot. After that, open our text file and completely delete all folders and files that are located at the addresses copied earlier from the Baidu processes. After this operation, you can reboot into normal mode - the Baidu PC Faster program is completely removed from the computer and will no longer interfere with the performance of the operating system.

Now let’s briefly describe everything point by point:

  1. Launch the Task Manager.
  2. We find in the list of all processes those that contain the word Baidu.
  3. We launch notepad and copy the addresses of the files of these processes and save them.
  4. We remove programs through the “Uninstall Programs Panel”.
  5. Reboot and use F8 to enter “safe mode”.
  6. We go through the addresses in the notepad and safely delete everything that is there!

I hope you found out what Baidu is, and once you find out, immediately remove Baidu from your computer completely and without a trace.

What is Baidu? Initially, it was positioned as a good Chinese antivirus, but someone had the crazy idea to start spreading it across the network as a virus.

In the vast majority of cases, the user will not even realize that this software has appeared on his machine, since the installation process is hidden and carried out automatically.

You won’t even have the opportunity to refuse dubious software.

A logical question is brewing: how to remove baidu from a windows computer so that the computer starts working again as it should.

Preliminary preparation

First of all, you need to copy all available addresses on the disks where the miracle antivirus is found. For these purposes, launch the task manager. You can do this in 2 ways:

  2. Right-click on the Start panel and select the desired menu.

In the manager, you need to find and open the tab with processes, and then sort out the malware.

To do this, click on the “image name” column to arrange all running programs and applications in alphabetical order.

The “Description” column will help you localize the Chinese spy - he will identify himself with hieroglyphs.

In this case, you can observe as many as 6 processes that were opened to support the main one.

Create a new document in Notepad into which you will copy the address of the running application.

The algorithm is incredibly simple: right-click on the task and select the item indicated in the screenshot.

You will see a window with the location. All that remains is to find out the full address, which we will need more than once. We copy this set of characters into our document.

For each process (we had 6 of them) we do the same. Remember that this is very important, and even if the paths are repeated, still copy them into the document.

At the end it will look something like this.

Your path may be different, so don't pay too much attention to the example. Only the algorithm and sequence of actions performed are shown here.

Uninstalling software

Despite the fact that the uninstallation takes place in Chinese, which is incomprehensible to many, there is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is to be careful.

First you need to go to “uninstall programs”. Click “Start” - “control panel”. The item you are looking for, by the way, may also be called “programs and components.”

We wait until the entire list of software is loaded and find a malicious product with a blue label. We are not interested in green.

Right-click on it to delete.

You will see a rather unusual Chinese window. Now you will have to rely only on screenshots with explanations, because confusing the button is as easy as shelling pears.

Click on the highlighted key.

Now onto this one.

A window will appear with a question mark and a strange request. Click on the left set of hieroglyphs, as shown below.

This way you confirm the deletion. Now all that remains is to wait while the set of executable files is uninstalled. Don't rush to rejoice, because at the end the window will come out again.

We press the only button, but under no circumstances do we check the boxes anywhere.

Now let’s remember about the second program with the “green” label. You need to get rid of it this way.

Do this until you are finally convinced that the system is more or less “cleansed” of foreign infection of the Chinese type.

Note! If you think that's all, you're wrong. Open the task manager again and make sure that Baidu is still functioning, but to a lesser extent. Now you need to “kill” all residual processes.

Let’s say right away that doing this in the standard way will not work. You will see the following message.

You have partially gotten rid of the unwanted guest. All that remains is to clean out all unnecessary debris. To do this, you will need the text document that was created at the very beginning of the process.

First, reboot into safe mode. Press restart and periodically press F8 on the keyboard. If everything is done correctly, a window like this will open.

We are interested in “Safe Mode”. Open this item using the arrows and pressing Enter. Now Baidu will not be able to start because we have revoked its rights.

All that remains is to “finish off” the unfortunate antivirus.

Open notepad, copy the first path and paste it into Start - the “Run” line. Press “Enter” and go to the desired address.

You see several folders with the desired name, which you need to delete permanently.

Using the previously copied paths, we delete everything related to malware.

Now that you have done all this cumbersome and time-consuming work, and you have managed to remove baidu antivirus from your computer, you can safely reboot the system into normal mode and enjoy the absence of extraneous software.

Advice! Additionally, we would recommend installing a special cleaning program like or. With their help, it would be a good idea to thoroughly scan and clean drives C and D, and then correct possible registry errors. This will only benefit you. At the same time, you will finally make sure that you have removed unnecessary software.

Now you are once again convinced that downloading anything on the Internet from unknown and dubious sources is fraught with danger.

At best, you may download the wrong file. At worst, you get a virus, or some miracle antivirus, and you won’t even know that it has penetrated your system.

If you are unsure, ask a knowledgeable person to help you, or learn to use torrent trackers and safe resources that do not provide such a “disservice.” Good luck to you.

How to remove Baidu from your computer. Baidu how to get rid of the Chinese program

How to permanently remove Baidu antivirus from Windows computer? detailed instructions

I welcome to my blog all guests and those visitors who have installed on their computer Chinese baidu program, in fact, which will be discussed in this note, and to be more precise, we will talk about how to remove baidu from your computer.

For those who do not know what kind of program this is, I will answer - as it turned out, baidu (Baidu) is a Chinese anti-virus protection that has recently been spreading on the Internet more like a virus than vice versa. In most cases, a Chinese program is installed on a computer or laptop unconsciously; moreover, as a rule, the Baidu installation process is carried out in a hidden, fully automatic mode, which, in principle, does not make it possible to refuse to install this software.

Over the past few months, while servicing the computers of different users, I began to encounter this pseudo antivirus more and more often. Most clients asking to remove the Chinese program from their computer even during a telephone conversation, and I, in turn, immediately understand what program we are talking about - baidu.

To make it a little clearer, I will briefly talk about one of these cases.

A woman who works as a teacher in a kindergarten was preparing for a matinee, and she needed to download the children's song “Winged Swing.” No matter how, she downloaded this song, launched it on her computer, but on top of that, now the Chinese antivirus baidu appeared on her desktop, which is really annoying with its mere presence.

To this end, on one of my clients’ computers, I recorded a short video with step-by-step instructions on how to remove this program, which I now present to your attention.

Video: How to remove Baidu

The video is, of course, good, but in addition to the video instructions for removing this program, in addition, I decided to make a few more screenshots and small notes.

So, how to remove the Chinese baidu program?

Instructions: How to remove the Chinese baidu program?

1. Even despite some differences in my actions in the video and here, the first thing I will advise you to do is copy all the addresses (paths) where this program is available. What needs to be done for this?

You can press Ctrl + Alt + Delete and select "Task Manager".
You can second-click on the Start panel and select "".

B) In the window that appears, go to the “Processes” tab and click once on the line called “Image name” or “Description”. This way you can sort everything processes running on your computer and see how many of them come from the Chinese Baidu program.

In this case, Baidu launched as many as 6 additional processes on the computer.

IN) Create a new text document on your desktop and open it.

G) Now, by right-clicking on the first process, where Chinese characters appear in the description, select “”.

D) Another window will appear in front of you, by clicking at the top of which you will see full path to the file from the task manager.

E) Copy this path and paste it into your newly created text document. I’ll explain why this is necessary a little later.

AND) Do the same steps for each process with Chinese characters in the description from the task manager. It is very important that you save all the paths, even if they are repeated. It should look something like this.

In most cases, these paths will be different on different computers, so it is important that you have exactly your paths.

2. Having saved the location paths of the Chinese program in different parts of your computer, you can now start deleting this "Baida".

In principle, the process of uninstalling this program, even though it is entirely in Chinese, is quite clearly demonstrated in my video, so I strongly recommend watching it.

And so, in order to remove the baidu antivirus, go to “ Start» – « Control Panel» – « Uninstalling a program" (in some cases the last paragraph may be " Programs and components»).

In the list of programs that appears, find Chinese characters, click on them with the second mouse button and select “ Delete Change».

3. The first unusual thing will appear in front of you Chinese window, in which you will need to click on this hieroglyph.

In the second window, click on this hieroglyph.

And in the end confirm the removal of the baidu program by clicking the first button of the window that appears.

Immediately after this, you will see the process of removing the Chinese program from your computer, but don't rush to rejoice.

By the way, yes, after the program is deleted, another window will appear in front of you in which you will need to click “OK”.

4. In most cases, not one Chinese program will be installed on the computer, but two or maybe even three, so then you will need to do the same steps again and again in a similar way uninstall all Chinese programs from your computer.

I repeat - you can watch the video in more detail about removing each of the Chinese programs.

Having made sure that there is nothing Chinese left among the programs in the control panel, you can safely move on to the next phase of cleaning your computer from unwanted software.

5. Even though you just uninstalled Baidu, I hasten to disappoint you - it is still present on your computer. Just open the Task Manager again and you will see that there are fewer processes in Chinese, but a couple of them are still present there.

Moreover, usually the most harmful processes, let’s say, remain there - those that simply cannot be removed and those that cannot be completed.

6. Basically, what we just did was just a partial deletion.

To completely remove baidu from your computer, further actions must be performed in safe mode, and this is where we will need the same text document that we created and filled out at the very beginning.

7. We restart the computer, and while nothing appears on the screen yet, we begin to press the key from time to time F8 on the keyboard. In a good way, a menu like this should appear in front of you.

8. Using the “Up” and “Down” arrows on the keyboard, select “Safe Mode” and press “Enter”.

9. After loading the operating system in safe mode the baidu program will not be able to launch its harmful processes, which means that here we can finally get rid of it.

Open our text document in Notepad and copy the first line - the first path.

Click Start and paste the copied path into the line “ Find programs and files" In some cases, you can use the “Run” line.

We inserted the address, pressed “Enter” and went straight to the folder where this or that file of the Chinese program baidu is located, which is precisely responsible for launching additional processes.

What do you think should be done with this file? Of course, DELETE!!! Moreover, I strongly recommend deleting the contents of the entire folder, or even better, the folder itself by going up one or more directories.

IMPORTANT!!! If suddenly the copied file is located somewhere in the system folder, then, of course, it cannot be deleted entirely.

10. Using the paths copied into a text document, we delete everything that may point to the Chinese Baidu antivirus.

How, for example, did I do this?

After doing all the work, I found out that this program was launched from these folders:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Baidu\BaiduAn\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Baidu\BaiduHips\

Looking at these paths, I completely deleted the “Baidu” folder from the “Program Files” directory with all its subdirectories and files in the first case and deleted the “Baidu” folder from the “Common Files” directory, which is already inside the “Program Files” folder. in the second case.

Of course, it was possible to delete only the final folder of the program, but since we want to delete baidu, it means we delete it completely.

Below I attach a list of possible paths where this program or some of its files may be located.

List of Baidu program paths (addresses)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Baidu\BaiduAn\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Baidu\BaiduHips\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Baidu\
C:\Program Files (x86)\BaiduEx\
C:\Program Files\Baidu\
C:\Program Files\BaiduEx\
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Baidu
C:\Program Files (x86)\Baidu\BaiduSd\
Hidden files
C:\Users\your computer name\AppData\Roaming\Baidu
C:\Users\your computer name\AppData\ Local\Baidu\Baidu\
Registry Files
HKEY_CURRENT_USER:Software \Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Run:baidu

11. After you delete all folders with the name “Baidu” from your computer, you can safely restart your computer and rejoice in the absence of this incomprehensible Chinese program.

In the vast majority of cases, Baidu is a free “trailer” for various utilities and files that can be “hooked” when downloading them from the Internet. In this case, it is installed in hidden mode, and then begins to actively interfere with the operation of the computer or laptop, causing a completely justified desire to remove it. Note that, judging by the number of requests and comments regarding the removal of this Chinese program, getting rid of it is not so easy, but it is possible. We have selected for you several of the most effective methods to remove Baidu.

One simple way is to use Baidu's own uninstaller. To do this, find the Baidu folder, and in it there is a file called “unins”. Launch it and in the window that appears, click the left one of the two virtual buttons located below. Don’t be confused by the Chinese characters - in each subsequent window, repeat the procedure until you see a window with uninstalling the program. If in one of the windows you see fields with places for ticks, feel free to put them everywhere and press the same left button. You can “clean it up” using the Unlocker utility. You can also deal with Baidu using the Autoruns program. The most effective way is through safe mode. Therefore, we boot the OS in safe mode, and in it, through “Start” using “Search”, we find everything related to Baidu (folders, files). Then we launch the Autoruns utility and in the startup section we repeat the procedure for deleting everything associated with this Chinese program. To consolidate the result, you can also go to the “ Installation-removal programs" in the same safe mode and repeat the removal (if there is anything left there).

The more authentic way is to remove Baidu using the “Task Manager”. It starts with launching the “Task Manager”, which can be done through the key combination “ Ctrl + Alt + Delete" or by clicking on the start panel with the right mouse/touchpad button. In both cases, select “Task Manager” in the window that appears. In the “Dispatcher...” itself, go to “Processes” and find everything related to the word Baidu. Now we copy all the paths to this unnecessary Chinese program, for which we create a text document on the “Desktop” (Word, notepad - at your discretion), open it and return to the “Task Manager”. In it, on each process “marked” with hieroglyphs or the word Baidu, right-click and check “Open file storage location”. Here another Windows Explorer window will open, where we click on the address bar, copy from it the path to the process we have selected and transfer it to an open text document. We do this with every process whose name contains the word Baidu or Chinese characters. Save and close the text file. Let’s move on to directly uninstalling Baidu in the standard way – through a special system program “Add or Remove Programs” (“Uninstall a Program”, “Programs and Features”). You can access it through “Start” and “Control Panel”. Having opened the program, we again look for and delete all programs with the word Baidu or hieroglyphs. They are deleted via the right mouse button or touchpad.

We complete the Baidu removal process using the “Task Manager” by restarting the computer or laptop in safe mode (via F8). After entering it, in the previously created file with the paths to the Baidu folders, copy the first of them and paste it through “Start” into the “Search programs and files” line. Find the Baidu file or folder and delete it. We repeat the procedure with each path saved in the file. And as a final point, we reboot the computer.

Since Baidu often drags along a couple of other programs, the method that is effective in your case can be used to remove them. We also recommend that after all operations to remove Chinese programs, you clean your PC using CCleaner.

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