What to do if you put money in? How to return money sent to the wrong phone number. How to get money back if you deposited it on MTS, Megafon or Beeline numbers

When replenishing your balance, you need to carefully check your phone number, otherwise, due to an error in the numbers, the money will go to another person. Often this situation can be resolved by simply choosing the appropriate return method. A person can return the money if he placed it on the wrong number when he fulfills certain conditions. In particular, you need to confirm the transfer of funds using a check or payment history. The main thing is to resolve the issue in a timely manner, because it is easier to resolve the problem without delay.

Is it possible to get money back if I put it on the wrong number?

Errors when replenishing a mobile phone account are common. Sometimes a person himself accidentally indicates the wrong number. It also happens that the number was dictated to him incorrectly, which is why the funds went to someone else’s balance. When the amount is small, it can be easier to forget about what happened and top up your account again, this time by eliminating the error. However, transferring large amounts of money makes you nervous, and it’s definitely worth returning them.

Now it is possible to return an erroneous payment. To do this, you will need to have his details so that you can confirm the sending of funds. Some people are confused about where to go and what it will take to get their money back. The conditions depend on the specific situation and the method of replenishment, but in any case it is possible to send your funds back.

Required conditions for refund

Some people, in order to restore justice, write to the recipient’s number and ask to send the funds back. Of course, the addressee may be a decent person who will fulfill the request. However, he is not obligated to transfer anything at all, because the payment was made voluntarily, albeit erroneously. That is why other ways to solve the problem, as well as the necessary conditions, should be considered.

What you will need:

  1. If a person used the terminal, then it is important for him to save the receipt. It will make it much easier to complete a return. When there is no such document, you will need to know the exact address of the terminal, as well as the time of the transaction. Without this, it will be impossible to return funds if you deposited money to another phone number.
  2. When using the “Fast Payment” service, all supporting information can be obtained when contacting the bank. The cardholder must go there.
  3. When a person uses online sites to top up his balance, the entire transaction history is stored there. There will also be an option to print payment information.
  4. It happens that the transfer is carried out from your number to the phone of loved ones. In this case, you need to contact the branch of the mobile communication company to find out detailed information and solve the problem.

Please note that when contacting any organization, you will need to have an identity card with you, that is, a national passport. You will also need to have documents confirming the transfer, if any. You will need to fill out the appropriate application on site in order to carry out the return procedure. There are also remote methods that allow you to transfer funds back to your account.

Review of effective methods

The easiest way would be to use the Internet, because you can quickly return funds through it. You will need to go to your operator’s website and read the return conditions. For example, MTS allows you to recall a payment if no more than two weeks have passed since it was made. Moreover, no more than three digits of the number must be mixed up, or the sequence of a maximum of four numbers must be broken.

Important! A person will need to go to the website and select the desired application form. It will need to be sent via feedback and then wait for a response.

In the event that all conditions are not met, or the money was sent to a subscriber of another operator, you will need to appear in person at the communications department. There you already need to present a passport and a document confirming payment. After this, the issue will be resolved individually.

Note that this method is suitable for all operators. By the way, you can also make a refund by calling the hotline of MTS, Megafon, Beeline, etc. You will need to provide your personal information and explain the situation.

How to return when replenishing through the terminal:

  1. The person must have a receipt with him. If available, you should call the hotline indicated on the device.
  2. You need to provide information from the receipt such as time, special code and enrollment number.
  3. Wait for a response from the hotline. As a rule, they agree to return the money.

Some people top up their mobile phone from a bank card through the short number 900. If you deposit funds using this method, then you will need to contact the financial institution Sberbank. There you can get information about the completed transfer, as well as return funds.

Please note that returning money from a phone to a Sberbank card is possible through the website. To do this, write to the online customer support chat and report your problem. Once the application is processed, the money will be fully refunded.

How to protect yourself in the future

Of course, it is much easier to prevent an erroneous payment than to return the funds later. This is why people should take care to transfer money correctly. It may be enough to double check the entered number, because you may make a typo. It is even more necessary to make sure that it is correct if you have to top up an unfamiliar mobile account. Only after this should you send funds.

As an option, you can activate the “Autopayment” service, for example, on the bank’s website or in electronic wallets. Then the funds will be consistently credited to the correct number that was once specified. In this case, there will definitely not be an error in the numbers, but there is a minus. Automatic payment will be made consistently at the specified time, so money can be transferred even when a person does not need it. But still they will come to the right account.

There are often cases when a mobile user transfers money to the wrong number by mistake. If you find yourself among such people, do not panic. Found an error? Here your actions should be as fast and decisive as possible. There are several options for how to return money deposited to another number. More on this in the article!

Refund methods

When replenishing your account using a terminal or ATM, we recommend that you keep payment receipts confirming that the replenishment procedure has been completed. Found an error when replenishing? Go to the office of the operator serving you with your passport, a receipt and an application requesting a refund. In the case of Megafon, MTS and Beeline, funds are returned within 14 days. In order to prevent fraud, refunds can only be made if there are three errors in dialing a number or if four digits are confused.

If you have credited funds to another subscriber, call or send an SMS to this subscriber and politely ask for the funds to be returned to your number. But the law does not stipulate that he must return the money to you, so you can expect a refusal.

It even happens that funds are credited to a non-existent number. Then you should contact the operator’s technical support, explain the situation and provide information about the payment from the check. In this case, your money will be returned to you instantly. Now you know what to do if you put money on the wrong number. But there are other circumstances. For example, money does not arrive when the deposit is made correctly through the terminal. Let's look at it too!

The money did not arrive on the phone through the terminal according to the correct data. What to do?

When using the terminal to replenish your account, it may happen that the funds have not been credited to the account, but the check seems to have been credited. Then call technical support related to the terminal. You will see the service number on the terminal itself in the form of a sticker. Call, explain the situation and provide payment information from the check. They will be required to issue a refund.

I don't have a receipt with me

Many people top up their accounts from electronic wallets. In such cases, the user does not have a receipt, and at the same time he has practically no evidence of an error. But in some cases you have a chance to correct the mistake. Replenishment through such services can usually take up to a day. But there are operations that take place within a few seconds.

If there is a large delay in payment, you can send a request to the technical support of the system you are using. You can increase your chance of a refund if you provide your phone number, the exact time of payment, and the amount.


This way you can almost always solve the problem in case of an error when replenishing your account. And you shouldn’t give up ahead of time. As a rule, there is almost always a solution to a problem.

If you still have questions on the topic “I put money on the wrong number. What should I do?”, then ask them in the comments to this article. We will answer all your questions!

Anyone can make a mistake. Even in the digits of a number that has long been familiar. If you accidentally deposited funds on the wrong mobile phone when depositing, do not worry, because you can still get the money back, even if the user has already spent your transfer. The refund procedure depends on which operator the subscriber to whom you credited the money belongs to. Let's consider each return method in detail.

How to get money back if you deposited it on MTS, Megafon or Beeline numbers

The three largest operators are the so-called “Big Three”. Their services are very similar and any user moving from one operator to another will be able to quickly get used to the options and settings. Therefore, all three have the “Error translation” service. Look at the methods of each operator separately, but first, be sure to check which operator the other subscriber’s number belongs to. To do this, dial the command *444*phone_number#Call key on your phone. Please note that the number is entered without the number 8 or 7 at the beginning.


A prerequisite is that the other subscriber also belongs to the MTS mobile operator. If you checked his number using the USSD command indicated above, and the subscriber really has a number from MTS, then check whether the situation satisfies the following points:

  • no more than two weeks have passed since the erroneous replenishment,
  • you mixed up no more than three digits of the phone number,
  • The erroneous number contains a broken sequence of no more than four digits.

If all points are not violated, then you can independently fill out the application form for an erroneous payment using the link to the official website: http://www.mts.ru/mob_connect and select the required sample.

After this, send your completed form through the MTS feedback form: http://www.pda.mts.ru/feedback be sure to indicate your region at the top and fill out all fields.

If the items do not satisfy all the rules or you deposited money on the subscriber number of another operator. Take the check from the terminal, your passport and head to the nearest MTS office. You can view all communication stores using the link: http://www.mts.ru/mobil_inet_and_tv select your region and city.


The Beeline operator also has a number of conditions for a quick refund:

  • both you and the erroneous subscriber number must be from Beeline,
  • you were wrong in no more than two numbers,
  • less than two weeks have passed since the replenishment,
  • the subscriber number does not start with the number 6. For example, +7 6** *** ** **.

If the situation meets all the conditions, then follow the link to the Beeline website: https://moskva.beeline.ru/customers and download application forms. After that, fill them out and paste them into a special form, also do not forget to indicate the correct number on the site and confirmation code.

But if the conditions are not met, then you need to apply with your passport to the nearest office of the mobile operator Beeline, the location of which can be found at the link: http://moskva.beeline.ru/customers, do not forget to select your city in the site header.


The conditions of Megafon are very similar to Beeline:

  • no more than two weeks have passed since the replenishment,
  • no more than two errors were made in the issue,
  • The erroneous number also belongs to the mobile operator Megafon.

You can request a refund by calling 8 800 550–70–95, following the operator’s instructions, you will quickly return your funds.

If not all conditions are met, then do not forget your passport and check from the terminal when heading to the Megafon office. You can find out the coverage and opening hours of stores by following the link: https://moscow.megafon.ru/help/offices In the site header, also indicate your city.

How to return funds deposited to the wrong number using the number on the terminal

If you have deposited funds through a payment terminal, you may have noticed that almost every such automated terminal has a hotline number on the front. By calling this number, you can return your funds by giving all the data from the check: the exact time accurate to seconds, a special code, as well as credit numbers.

If you do not find such a number, then look for it on the receipt at the very top or bottom. It will definitely be indicated and is free.

Other ways to return money credited to the wrong number

In addition to the suggested options, do not forget that the person to whom you transferred the funds may turn out to be quite respectable and will return the transfer amount to you. Just write an SMS message explaining the situation and asking for a refund, or call him.

If you transferred money from a bank card, the solution is even simpler: write to the online customer support chat, which is available in the personal account of each bank, and report your problem. The funds will be returned to you in full after the application is processed.

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Quick response:
How to return money if the payment amount exceeds the threshold of 200 rubles? In this case, you will have to personally visit the nearest provider office. Here you need to perform three steps:

If funds were mistakenly credited to the number of another operator, you need to contact this provider. You can identify the subscriber's affiliation with the command *444*number without eight #.
The operator allows the return of an erroneous payment to a bank card. In this case, you will have to personally visit the company’s office and write an application for a refund. To do this, you will have to indicate not only your passport data, but also your service bank details. It is worth clarifying that this option is only possible in cases where funds to pay for services were debited from a bank card. In addition, a refund is only possible to the payment instrument from which the transaction was made.

Everyone tends to make mistakes, especially in the hustle and bustle of the modern world. For example, a subscriber deposited money on the wrong Beeline number. An ordinary situation that can happen to anyone. To solve the problem, you can call this number and ask the person to deposit a similar amount into your personal account. In most cases, people are willing to cooperate. However, this scheme does not always work. In this case, Beeline provides automatic refunds within the system. The procedure is simple if you know the model of its implementation.

Incorrect payment Beeline

It is immediately worth noting that an erroneous Beeline payment can be returned only in cases where the subscriber can confirm the fact of payment. To do this, you must always save payment terminal receipts until the money arrives in your personal account. When paying for communication services via the Internet, you can print the receipt yourself in the appropriate section of the payment form. Almost all electronic systems offer this service.

There are three ways to return incorrectly transferred money:

  • Call the operator's technical support.
  • Return application submitted electronically.
  • Personal visit to the provider's office.

Important! Regardless of the form of appeal, funds can be returned only in cases where an equivalent amount is available on the number where the money was transferred by mistake.

If we are talking about a small amount (up to two hundred rubles), the situation can be resolved through the technical support service, which is available around the clock at 0611. To adjust the payment, the operator must provide the following information:

  1. The number from which you want to issue a refund.
  2. Dota and transaction time. This information is indicated on the check.
  3. Your passport details.

After checking the compliance of the information provided in the payment system, the operator will automatically perform a reverse transfer to the subscriber’s number.

Step-by-step way to get your funds back

How to return money if the payment amount exceeds the threshold of 200 rubles? In this case, you will have to personally visit the nearest provider office. Here you need to perform three steps:

  1. Confirm the identity of your number and the fact of an erroneous enrollment. To do this, you need to present your passport and check.
  2. Write an application for payment adjustment. In this case, the funds will be transferred to the correct number.
  3. Write an application for a cash advance. Here, the incorrectly credited payment will be canceled and the applicant will receive an equivalent amount at the cash desk.

Important! The transaction fees that most payment systems and terminals charge are not included in the refund amount.


Under standard conditions, you can return an erroneous payment from Beeline in a few minutes. However, the operator provides a number of conditions, failure to comply with which makes a refund impossible. The following rules apply here:

  • The payment amount does not exceed 3,000 rubles.
  • When paying the check, the subscriber made a mistake by no more than two digits.
  • Less than two weeks have passed since the incorrect payment.
  • Both numbers are serviced by Beeline.
  • The contact code does not start with 6.

Important! If funds were mistakenly credited to the number of another operator, you need to contact this provider. You can identify the subscriber's identity using the command *444*number without the eight #.

The operator allows the return of an erroneous payment to a bank card. In this case, you will have to personally visit the company’s office and write an application for a refund. To do this, you will have to indicate not only your passport data, but also your service bank details. It is worth clarifying that this option is only possible in cases where funds to pay for services were debited from a bank card. In addition, a refund is only possible to the payment instrument from which the transaction was made.

If it is not possible to contact in person, you can submit a return request electronically. The following procedure works here:

  1. Download the application form on the provider’s website.
  2. Go to the “Contacts” section on the BEELINE portal.
  3. Fill out the application form, where you need to indicate personal data and the number where the funds were mistakenly sent.
  4. Attach a copy of the payment document.
  5. Send an application to the operator's e-mail.

The processing time for such requests may take up to 3 days. If no contradictions are found and the fact of erroneous crediting of funds is confirmed, the operator transfers the funds to the subscriber’s personal account specified in the request.

Additional features

What to do in cases where a subscriber receives an erroneous payment? In the current situation, little depends on the user and operator. The provider will not return the money “to nowhere”, because it is practically impossible to determine the identity of the mistaken subscriber. In this case, all that remains is to wait for the user to contact the company for a refund. In this case, the funds will be debited from the account automatically. It should be noted that a person can contact the subscriber personally, asking for the incorrectly transferred amount to be transferred to his account. Here it is worth treating with understanding, saving a person from unnecessary difficulties.

I put money on another number - how can I get it back? This question periodically arises for many people who use mobile communication services every day. The causes of errors when replenishing accounts are overwhelmingly related to the inattentive attitude of users to entering the subscriber's phone number, untimely interruption of the transaction when using payment terminals (if an error was detected immediately), and when paying through virtual electronic wallets - omission of a proposal to confirm the entered data. So, anyone can make a mistake. If you put money on the wrong number, you take steps to get it back without breaking the law.

Conditions for refund

There is an opinion that it is not possible to return funds if you put money on the wrong phone number. This assertion has no basis.

If such situations arise, you must remain calm and immediately take measures to ensure your money is returned, including:
  • if the payment was made through payment terminals not to your current account, then the task would be simplified if you had a check;
  • in the absence of a document confirming payment using the terminal, it is impossible to establish the phone number that the subscriber topped up, which means that the minimum requirement is to know the address of the payment equipment location and the time of the transaction;
  • when making a payment using Internet services, the telephone number of the erroneous payment can be obtained by opening the event history; there is also the technical ability to print a detailed payment invoice;
  • if the payment was made using the “fast payment” service on websites from a bank card, then full information about the erroneously replenished number is obtained when contacting the branch of the bank that owns the card;
  • in the case of transferring funds from your phone number to the numbers of friends and relatives when registering with one mobile communication company, the address of the incorrect transfer and the time are truly known;
  • When making payments through mobile service centers where the operator made a mistake, it is also possible to request payment history and then print a payment document.

When contacting any organization to resolve the issue of moving funds, a mandatory requirement is identification with valid and correctly executed documents. When communicating remotely, the responsible person may need personal data and contractually agreed secret passwords (if any) for identification.

Refund options

There are several ways to return funds sent to an incorrect mobile account, depending on the circumstances surrounding the payment and the time it was made, including:

  1. A payment error was detected immediately after payment was made at the terminal. If the payment was made in person, then the received payment receipt, containing information about equipment identification, territorial location and time of payment, allows you to make an urgent call to the service center. Employees will conduct a review and make a decision on redirecting funds. If, for technical reasons, the equipment did not issue a receipt, then its ownership can be determined by a sticker placed on one of its walls.
  2. Solving the issue of refunding money through a mobile operator remotely. Often, the fact of misdirection of funds is revealed a considerable time after the payment has been made. In this case, contacting the responsible persons servicing the terminal is futile - the money has been transferred to an unwanted account. That is why it is necessary to contact your mobile operator to resolve the issue. Provided that the applicant’s number differs from the number of the incorrect payment by one or two digits, the owner of the number from which the call originates and the transfer must be made to, the operator can make a positive decision remotely. In cases where this is not possible, the issue cannot be resolved without a personal appeal.
  3. To contact the mobile operator’s office to return an incorrect payment, you must provide the following:
  • passport identifying the owner of the phone number;
  • if the payment was made through Internet services (SMS, mobile applications), a bank card and a printout of the payment document (bank statement) are presented;
  • payment is made at a customer service point - a receipt (other payment document) or written confirmation of the fact of acceptance of funds is presented, linked to the number and client;
  • electronic wallets - a printout of a payment document from the history of payments made through the system, while information about the owner must be identical to that found in the passport.

The result of the request, subject to the above conditions, may be a transfer of funds to the required number (intranet transfer), a return of funds by postal order, or their transfer to the current account of the payment system from which it was made.

An attempt to return funds by contacting the person who received the unjustified payment has little prospects. The payment was made voluntarily, therefore, the person who received it is a respectable citizen, and the applicant’s actions of a demanding nature can be attributed to the characteristics of Article 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Considering the information on how to return money if the payment did not reach the recipient’s mobile account, we can convincingly conclude that it is much easier and cheaper to avoid such mistakes. Before making a payment, it seems advisable to read the instructions for using the payment instrument, be it a terminal or an electronic wallet. Carefully enter the telephone number required for replenishment and do not ignore the payment system’s request to verify the correctness of the data entered. These simple measures will protect you from future mistakes.

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