Live wallpaper for Android phone. Wallpaper for phone

7Fon is a service that will help you easily find beautiful wallpapers for your desktop background. We have collected here more than 140 thousand pictures from all over the Internet, we carefully check each one before adding it to the site. More than a hundred new wallpapers appear on our resource every day. And if we find a better copy of the picture, we replace it. All this guarantees screensavers of excellent quality.

Ease of choosing wallpaper

The highlight of our site is a fast and convenient intelligent image search system.

Searching images by color is a unique feature on 7Fon. To search for photos of a specific color, click on the color circle in the search bar at the top of the page. Next, using a convenient palette, select the desired shade and click “Search”. As a result, our smart algorithm will automatically select wallpapers in which this color predominates. Be sure to use this tool - we tried :)

And of course, there is a text search for desktop wallpapers. We assign tags to each picture, which makes searching easier. By the way, we implemented it in 7 languages, including Ukrainian and Russian. Enter into the search field what should be shown in the picture, the language will be automatically detected.

Selecting screensaver size and editing

On the picture page, there are dozens of resolutions of the most popular monitors. You can download the wallpaper in original size or select the one you want before downloading. Using the crop frame, the image can be pre-cropped.

Another feature of ours is photo editing using an online editor. To the left of the “Download” button there is a button with a palette, this is where this monster is hiding. In terms of its capabilities, it is very similar to Photoshop - your imagination will have plenty of room to run wild!

Wallpaper for phone

Using the QR code, you can download the wallpaper to your phone. This is very convenient, because by finding a picture from your computer and then scanning the QR code, you can instantly download it to your smartphone or tablet for a screensaver on your home screen.

We are sure that 7Fon will become indispensable for you when you decide to download wallpapers for your desktop!

7Fon is a service that will help you easily find beautiful wallpapers for your desktop background. We have collected here more than 140 thousand pictures from all over the Internet, we carefully check each one before adding it to the site. More than a hundred new wallpapers appear on our resource every day. And if we find a better copy of the picture, we replace it. All this guarantees screensavers of excellent quality.

Ease of choosing wallpaper

The highlight of our site is a fast and convenient intelligent image search system.

Searching images by color is a unique feature on 7Fon. To search for photos of a specific color, click on the color circle in the search bar at the top of the page. Next, using a convenient palette, select the desired shade and click “Search”. As a result, our smart algorithm will automatically select wallpapers in which this color predominates. Be sure to use this tool - we tried :)

And of course, there is a text search for desktop wallpapers. We assign tags to each picture, which makes searching easier. By the way, we implemented it in 7 languages, including Ukrainian and Russian. Enter into the search field what should be shown in the picture, the language will be automatically detected.

Selecting screensaver size and editing

On the picture page, there are dozens of resolutions of the most popular monitors. You can download the wallpaper in original size or select the one you want before downloading. Using the crop frame, the image can be pre-cropped.

Another feature of ours is photo editing using an online editor. To the left of the “Download” button there is a button with a palette, this is where this monster is hiding. In terms of its capabilities, it is very similar to Photoshop - your imagination will have plenty of room to run wild!

Wallpaper for phone

Using the QR code, you can download the wallpaper to your phone. This is very convenient, because by finding a picture from your computer and then scanning the QR code, you can instantly download it to your smartphone or tablet for a screensaver on your home screen.

We are sure that 7Fon will become indispensable for you when you decide to download wallpapers for your desktop!

7Fon is a service that will help you easily find beautiful wallpapers for your desktop background. We have collected here more than 140 thousand pictures from all over the Internet, we carefully check each one before adding it to the site. More than a hundred new wallpapers appear on our resource every day. And if we find a better copy of the picture, we replace it. All this guarantees screensavers of excellent quality.

Ease of choosing wallpaper

The highlight of our site is a fast and convenient intelligent image search system.

Searching images by color is a unique feature on 7Fon. To search for photos of a specific color, click on the color circle in the search bar at the top of the page. Next, using a convenient palette, select the desired shade and click “Search”. As a result, our smart algorithm will automatically select wallpapers in which this color predominates. Be sure to use this tool - we tried :)

And of course, there is a text search for desktop wallpapers. We assign tags to each picture, which makes searching easier. By the way, we implemented it in 7 languages, including Ukrainian and Russian. Enter into the search field what should be shown in the picture, the language will be automatically detected.

Selecting screensaver size and editing

On the picture page, there are dozens of resolutions of the most popular monitors. You can download the wallpaper in original size or select the one you want before downloading. Using the crop frame, the image can be pre-cropped.

Another feature of ours is photo editing using an online editor. To the left of the “Download” button there is a button with a palette, this is where this monster is hiding. In terms of its capabilities, it is very similar to Photoshop - your imagination will have plenty of room to run wild!

Wallpaper for phone

Using the QR code, you can download the wallpaper to your phone. This is very convenient, because by finding a picture from your computer and then scanning the QR code, you can instantly download it to your smartphone or tablet for a screensaver on your home screen.

We are sure that 7Fon will become indispensable for you when you decide to download wallpapers for your desktop!

7Fon is a service that will help you easily find beautiful wallpapers for your desktop background. We have collected here more than 140 thousand pictures from all over the Internet, we carefully check each one before adding it to the site. More than a hundred new wallpapers appear on our resource every day. And if we find a better copy of the picture, we replace it. All this guarantees screensavers of excellent quality.

Ease of choosing wallpaper

The highlight of our site is a fast and convenient intelligent image search system.

Searching images by color is a unique feature on 7Fon. To search for photos of a specific color, click on the color circle in the search bar at the top of the page. Next, using a convenient palette, select the desired shade and click “Search”. As a result, our smart algorithm will automatically select wallpapers in which this color predominates. Be sure to use this tool - we tried :)

And of course, there is a text search for desktop wallpapers. We assign tags to each picture, which makes searching easier. By the way, we implemented it in 7 languages, including Ukrainian and Russian. Enter into the search field what should be shown in the picture, the language will be automatically detected.

Selecting screensaver size and editing

On the picture page, there are dozens of resolutions of the most popular monitors. You can download the wallpaper in original size or select the one you want before downloading. Using the crop frame, the image can be pre-cropped.

Another feature of ours is photo editing using an online editor. To the left of the “Download” button there is a button with a palette, this is where this monster is hiding. In terms of its capabilities, it is very similar to Photoshop - your imagination will have plenty of room to run wild!

Wallpaper for phone

Using the QR code, you can download the wallpaper to your phone. This is very convenient, because by finding a picture from your computer and then scanning the QR code, you can instantly download it to your smartphone or tablet for a screensaver on your home screen.

We are sure that 7Fon will become indispensable for you when you decide to download wallpapers for your desktop!

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