Do-it-yourself external flash for a mobile phone. The iblazr external LED flash for smartphones has received a start in life. Led flash - LED flash for phone

As you know, a phone's flash can be used as a flashlight. But with prolonged use, it can burn out and fail, and it also consumes a large amount of electricity, which causes the phone’s battery to drain quickly.
Advantages of my flashlight option:

  • Compact size.
  • Bright light (slightly inferior to the phone flash).
  • Low electrical consumption.
  • Ease of manufacture.
For production we will need:
1. LED (diameter 5 mm, voltage 3 volts, color white).
2. Resistor 100.Ohm.
3. Micro USB plug with housing.
Tools: soldering iron and wire cutters.

Manufacturing process:

1. Approximately determine the length of the legs of the resistor and LED.
2. We cheat all contacts.
3. We need to close pins 1 and 2 of the Micro USB with a jumper (as shown in the picture).
4. Solder the LED to the resistor (in this case, it does not matter which contact, without observing polarity).
5.Pin 3 is (+), and pin 1 (-) (as shown in the picture), solder the plus of the LED to the plus of the plug and minus to the minus.
6. All that remains is to install the micro USB into the case and close it.
Thank you for your attention!

Price: $2.17

Go to the store

Greetings, friends! It just so happened historically that I can’t always take a photo of something with a camera during daylight hours. Sometimes you have to take pictures in the dark, and with a smartphone. In my case, this is Nokia Lumia 520. For those who do not know, it is equipped with a 5MP camera without flash. And sometimes it is necessary to “take a pencil” of the daily routine of a particular institution. In the dark, it is not always possible to properly photograph the operating mode of a particular establishment - there is insufficient lighting and, as a result, the camera cannot focus properly. But I solved the problem with this external flash.

This kit includes, in fact, the device itself and a USB charging cable. Yes, I didn’t misspell - for charging.

Firstly, this is not a flash, but a backlight - this would be more correct, since it is turned on manually.

The question is quite logical - why then does it have a 3.5mm jack? It’s very simple - it’s through this that the flash is attached to the smartphone. But there is no electrical connection between the smartphone and the flash. That is, we turn on the backlight, take a photo (or video), and turn it off. That's all.

Another interesting thing that can be highlighted is that the device has 3 backlight modes.

L is short for Low, that is, this is the minimum mode. In this mode, the backlight will not shine very brightly, but for a long time.
M is an abbreviation for Medium, that is, medium and average.
H is short for High. This is the brightest and most voracious backlight mode.

By LEDs. I don’t know if this is good or bad, but both cold and warm LEDs are used here.

The stupidest question I was asked about this flash was “if you don’t connect it anywhere, will it work?” With a charged battery, it will.

Now let's move on to testing.

I think the first thing would be logical to show it in action, but since I was brought up on the principle of “listen to what they say and do the opposite” (like most), I decided to start by testing the battery capacity.

What do we need for the test?

1) the flash itself with the battery already discharged to zero.
2) USB charger. For me it works from a wall outlet.

Any power bank, computer or laptop can be used as such a charger.

3) USB tester. In my case it is .

Briefly, this USB tester combines a charging stopwatch, a voltmeter, an ammeter, and a capacity meter.

4) USB male to microUSB female cable. That is, the one that comes with the kit.

From all this goodness we will put together a diagram like this.

Then we plug the charger into a socket and, when charging is complete, calculate the capacity of the built-in battery.

Before carrying out the test, it is better to either rewrite the initial indicators of the tester somewhere or reset them to zero. I reset it.

Now connect the charger to the outlet. Using a USB tester, you can also observe exactly what current is used to charge. In our case, this is a “symbolic” 70mA.

Notice that the red indicator on the flash lights up.

This indicates that charging is not yet complete. As soon as it goes out, charging will be considered complete.

After 35 minutes, the tester shows that the current has dropped from 70 to 20 mA, which means that charging is nearing the end. At the same time, 35 mAh “accumulated” on the counter.

What’s interesting is that after a minute the stopwatch was stopped and the current dropped to zero. Final readings – 36 mAh.

I agree, this is not much, but I think it will be enough to illuminate the photographing area.

This test does not mean that the flash meets (or does not meet) the stated characteristics, since they are not indicated anywhere at all. That is, this is just an informative test - so that they know.

The second test is exactly the same demonstration of the flash in action. Photos will be taken using a Nokia Lumia 520 smartphone in three flash options, as well as without it. The smartphone will be mounted on a tripod, and photographs will be taken with the main room turned off. And since the room is a basement with three small windows (and they are half blocked), then everything will be very bad with the initial lighting.

I will be photographing this wonderful power bank from Duracell PPS2. To make the difference more clearly visible, I set ISO = 100, fortunately, the camera settings on the Lumia 520 allow me to do this quite well.

So, let's see.

The difference is more than obvious. Of course, with such lighting it is much wiser to use the minimum mode - it is enough to properly illuminate what is needed. And in brighter natural light, it is more effective to use brighter modes.

The only negative I found with this flash is the glass. LEDs hit your eyes quite hard, they literally cut you. Therefore, it would be better to make the glass frosted. That is why this flash, I’m afraid, is not suitable for selfies, shooting animals, people, and so on. But it is suitable for those who constantly shoot video reviews on a smartphone. This is especially true for those who actively buy something on AliExpress, BangGood, eBay, and other garbage dumps.

On occasion I bought this device. Of course, there are flaws in it, but certain benefits can be achieved.
Under<сut>disassembly, detailed illustration of the capabilities and video version of the review. Ask!
I traditionally do not cover issues of ordering and delivery. First of all, because they are purely individual and, depending on the location of the buyer, the terms may differ significantly. And shaking packaging candy wrappers for everyone to see, in my opinion, is somehow pointless. It will be more important to indicate that the parcel was moving with an international track, and the packaging was sufficient to preserve the contents.

So, the flash comes in a factory cardboard box (6x10x1.5 cm). The front of which is occupied by the image of the product in all possible body colors and is replete with pictograms illustrating consumer properties.

From the back we can already see some kind of clarification on this matter, but I hereby warn you to peer into the photograph and try to read anything on it. First of all, because all the characteristics are described in detail on. And secondly, because this device actually has one ability: shine, consuming the power of the built-in battery. He copes with it; the rest is details.

The kit comes with only a standard micro-USB cable, which is not surprising given the dimensions of the box.

It is simple and short (about 22 cm) and for some reason white, despite the fact that I bought a flash in a black casing.

The flash itself is also quite compact. And it is a flattened parallelepiped with a square base, the corners and edges of which are smoothly rounded. And the front side is almost completely occupied by a panel of LEDs arranged in a 4x4 matrix.

On the bottom edge there are (from left to right) a micro-USB connector for recharging the built-in battery, a hole for attaching a lanyard or lanyard (not included) and a mini-jack plug for connecting and attaching to a smartphone.

And the right and left sides carry a switch and a three-position glow intensity switch, respectively.
For those who are interested in looking at the printed circuit board and electronic components, there is a photo under the spoiler.


The housing on plastic dowels can be pryed off from the side of any of the switches even with a fingernail. The body parts come apart easily, there is not even glue. Regarding the installation of radio elements, negligence immediately catches the eye: the edge of the board is jagged and no flux has been washed away in the area of ​​the contact pads of the plug.

Behind this disgrace we see a lithium battery with a charge controller, toggle switches and several more SMD elements.

Now let's get down to business, this flash is supposed to be used in conjunction with the iBlazr application, which you can download to your mobile device by scanning the QR code from the packaging (here is the link encrypted in the code -). By default it is supposed to support the most popular operating systems: Android, IOS7 and Windowsphone, but in fact I was never able to comfortably run this application.
However, the presence of mechanical controls allows you to use the flash in manual mode. That's what we'll do.

This is St. Petersburg’s retribution for the white nights - pitch darkness already at half past seven in the evening. Let's take this photo as a reference. For the starting point.

I conducted the window photo shoot from a distance of 2 meters. And already at minimum brightness you can see the outlines of objects.

Medium brightness allows you to see contours and shades.

And the maximum is clear shapes and even colors.
Therefore, I think it would be appropriate to voice an intermediate conclusion: despite the incorrect operation of the software (in particular, the Android application), the flash is functional, and with a certain skill, even useful.
But let’s not forget that its direct purpose is a selfie, and then I will be the main person involved in the photo shoot.

Hmm... even at minimum I am recognizable and distinguishable when photographed at arm's length.

As brightness increases, photo quality increases proportionally. But the negative factor is also aggravated - glare in the lenses of glasses, for example.

Although, of course, it can be avoided by changing the angle of tilt/rotation of the head or even removing them altogether. But this is more a problem of bespectacled people than of a flash.

And finally, a short video, as promised.

The review turned out to be quite long, so it would be useful to recall the main points of the device reviewed today.

Does not consume smartphone battery power.
+ Lightweight, small, mobile. The weight and dimensions and the presence of a standard loop on the case allow it to be carried on a keychain.
± Hence the dubious point: at full brightness it worked for about 37 minutes, but it didn’t charge much longer.
+ Ability to adjust brightness or even turn it off completely
+ Universal charge connector
+ Has a charging indicator LED that goes out when complete.
- Crooked software

Now I say goodbye. All the best!

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Some of the best things happen at night, but not all cell phone cameras have a flash bright enough or powerful enough to take good photos. So what to do in such a situation? We are pleased to introduce you to the Selfie Light! It is equipped with 16 LEDs that will make the flash strong and powerful enough.

The selfie flash has three modes: low, medium and high to achieve the best results. Are you going to a club, a party, or just for a walk? There's absolutely no reason to miss out on a great photo opportunity when you have this accessory that can handle low-light conditions with ease.

External flash for smartphones

Do you like to take photos with your smartphone or just forgot your camera at home and need to take a photo here and now? But a banal lack of light, as always, spoils your beautiful shot?? Tired of trying to find ways to take good photos in low light or at night? Are you afraid of running out of the built-in battery in your phone due to using the backlight too often?

Introducing LED external flash for your phone! It will not only be a beautiful decoration for your gadget, but will also help you take great pictures and even videos at a time when a regular built-in flash on your phone will only drain your smartphone’s battery.

Led flash - LED flash for phone

Many phones have a front camera that is not equipped with a flash, and it is extremely difficult to achieve a good result when capturing photos or videos. This external flash for iphone and android solves this problem and you can easily take photos and videos not only at night but also just in dark rooms.

The device is specially designed to produce very bright and balanced LED light with the correct color temperature.

This portable and compact selfie flash ensures that you can take quality photos no matter the ambient light. It can also act as a flashlight or become a good friend during a blackout, since it can be activated without the participation of a smartphone.

Phone flash equipped with a built-in battery for good battery life. The device charges very quickly: 20-30 minutes will be enough for long-term operation.

The LED flash has three operating modes: light, medium and high, to adjust the lighting power. But even at the most minimal operating mode, this device will help you take wonderful photos.

Flash on iPhone

This ice flash is unique in that it is compatible with most modern smartphones due to its attachment to the headphone jack (3.5 mm Jack). The iPhone flash is compatible with iOS 6 or later, and Android 4.0 or later.

Provides 3 brightness levels to meet different shooting needs. The brightness can be changed using the switch to give your photos and videos the light and quality you need, especially if your phone's front-flash is too dim.


  • Adjustable brightness (low, medium, high).
  • Suitable for most smartphones
  • Will be a great addition to.
  • Has a small size
  • Built-in Li-ion battery
  • Flash synchronization.
  • Smartphone flash reduces red-eye
  • Built-in LEDs of different color temperatures
  • iPhone flash comes in different colors: black, white and pink - so choose your favorite color and show everyone your photography skills!


  • Size: 38 x 38 x 10 mm;
  • Color: black, white, pink;
  • Color temperature: 3200 - 5500 K;
  • 16 x LEDs;
  • Connector: 3.5 mm Jack.

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