How to put stress in words. How to put emphasis correctly. Way out

Correct speech is of great importance in our life. After all, even if a person looks decent, but makes a lot of mistakes in stress when pronouncing words, then the attitude towards him cools down. It is much more pleasant to communicate with an educated interlocutor with a correctly delivered speech. But not everyone knows how to correctly place emphasis on a particular word, and this greatly confuses them.

The Russian language is very difficult. It is not enough to be a well-read person to know how to pronounce words correctly. Accents in fiction books, for example, are not marked, so to understand where exactly they need to be placed, you have to turn to Russian language textbooks. Remember that there are the following features of stress placement. For example, in foreign words, the stress when pronounced in Russian remains in the same place where it was originally placed (marketing, blinds, genesis). If the word denotes a measure of length and ends in “meter,” then know that in this case the stress will fall on the last syllable (centimeter, decimeter, kilometer). Stressed vowels are similarly emphasized in words such as kilogramAmm and miligramAmm.

It is worth noting that stress in Russian can be of several types. It can be mobile or immobile. If in the same word, when used in different cases, there is always one syllable under stress, then this stress is called fixed (break, break, break). And when, when pronouncing a word in different forms, it “runs” over it, then such an emphasis is considered movable (board - boards, take out - take out). Orthoepic and linguistic dictionaries, as well as special Internet portals, help in setting stress. Such services provide users with the opportunity not only to see how to correctly place stress in a word, but also to listen to its sound if necessary. This is very convenient, since almost every resident of the country currently has access to the Internet. But hardly anyone will find free time to visit a library or store in search of the right dictionary. Moreover, if a word urgently needs to be checked for the correct accent, then such an Internet resource will be very useful.

If you have excellent memory and imagination, then you can come up with a consonant, rhyming word with the one in which you need to remember the emphasis. Write a funny short poem. By associating words, you will forever remember how to correctly place emphasis in a particular case. Here are some examples of funny rhymes:
  • If you can't fit into shorts, it means you like to eat cakes.
  • I lost the contract, it was probably stolen by Or.
  • Someone is standing nearby, his phone is ringing.
  • It's hard to drag the package - you need to lighten the load.
  • The quarter has already ended, but you haven’t turned in your work.

Work on your speech and try to speak competently always and everywhere. It’s nice to feel like an educated and cultured person. Correct placement of accents will give you the opportunity to gain respect in society, and will also increase your chance of passing a difficult and serious interview when applying for a job in a reputable organization.

Oh, this is it emphasis! It’s impossible to correctly determine its place in a word.

First-graders, before learning letters, learn to divide a word into syllables and put emphasis on a word. It seems to us that this is simple, but in reality it turns out to be far from so. It is very difficult for kids to learn correctly put emphasis. First, the children learned to divide the word into syllables. And when it is necessary to place stress, the teacher asks: “Which syllable does the stress fall on?” Children immediately begin to divide the word into syllables and this makes their work more difficult.

When we pronounce a word syllable by syllable, it is very difficult to determine the stress! How to help kids? And here a fairy tale and a game come to the rescue.

The Tale of the Hammer.

One day Mishka came to a forest clearing. He walked around the clearing and found no one. The bear left its mark. Why did the trail remain like this? (Because the word BEAR has 2 syllables). And he left to look for friends.

At this time, Bunny jumped out into the clearing. He had been running through the forest for a long time in search of Mishka. He didn’t see the bear, but he noticed the footprint and immediately thought that the bear was there. The bunny decided to call him.

“Mishka, Mishka,” shouted Bunny. But Mishka didn’t hear. And then the magic Hammer came to the aid of the Bunny. He hit one syllable and the syllable sounded loud, loud and very long: “Miiiiish-ka”! Mishka immediately heard his name and came. The bunny was glad to have a friend. And Mishka’s trail became like this

Now Bunny and Mishka decided to call the rest of their friends. “Li-sich-ka,” they shouted. But Chanterelle did not respond. Then the Bunny called the magic Hammer for help and struck one syllable. This syllable rang louder and longer than the others, and the Fox heard it immediately.

So the friends called the Hedgehog, the Wolf Cub, and the Squirrel. And every time the magic Hammer helped them. He struck one syllable at a time and this syllable sounded very loud and long.

When all the friends had gathered, Bunny thanked Hammer for his help. And the Hammer smiled and said: “I live in every word and am called Accent. I can only make one syllable in a word loud and long. And to make this syllable sound long, I always tap on the vowel sound, because only vowels can sing. I can also jump from one syllable to another and change words, because I Accent - magic hammer».

And now you can invite the child to determine for himself which syllable the hammer is knocking on. To do this, divide the word into syllables and write a syllable diagram. And then “call” this word, pointing to the syllable being pronounced. If a child finds it difficult, then you should help him.

The main thing is for the child to understand:

  • To determine a stressed syllable, you do not need to pronounce the word syllable by syllable. You need to “call” him, chanting.
  • The stress falls on the vowel sound, because Only a vowel can be drawn out, sung.

Did you like the fairy tale? Your friends will be grateful if you share this material with them. Click on the social network buttons and your friends will also be able to read this fairy tale and teach your child to put emphasis.

guardian of belles lettres

pamper, pamper, pampered



water pipeline, gas pipeline, garbage pipeline, oil pipeline, But: electrical wire

agreement (and agreements)





more beautiful

cooking and cooking ( both options are equal)








loop (loop - appropriate in everyday speech)

You call, they call, they call



dancer, dancer

cottage cheese and cottage cheese ( both options are equal)







What is written with a pen...

The tricky thing about all the rules and lists is that they don’t stay in your head: read it and forget it. There are several ways to retain useful information in memory, in our case, words with the correct accents.

#singing now. A word that is difficult for you needs to be said out loud, clearly, several times (you can also sing it) and... in front of witnesses. Let your friends or colleagues support you and join your impact flash mob with their problematic words (“Venice is more beautiful than Paris, more beautiful, more beautiful, more beautiful than Paris”, “They call me, they call me”, “my boyfriend is a barman, barman, barman”). This is our psychology: what we do not do alone is better remembered.

#wonderfulmoment. For those who have a developed imagination, it is easiest to involve associations and images associated with it in the task of memorizing any information. For example, beets are a healthy vegetable, and the rosy-cheeked grandmother Fyokla sells them. And an excellent marketing specialist knows everything about how to maintain a brand!

#graphomania. Remember how at school, while studying a foreign language, we composed dialogues and stories with new words, selected rhymes for them, or came up with funny poems? The principle also works for the great and mighty, you just need to give free rein to your imagination! There are a lot of ready-made cheat sheets floating around the Internet, take note: “We ate cakes for a long time - the shorts didn’t fit”, “Don’t bring us curtains, we will hang blinds”, “Phenomenon rings on Wednesdays, having accepted a contract for years”, “The bell ringer rings, they ring ring the bell so that you can remember correctly!”

And, of course, dictionaries and reference books will always help out: a spelling dictionary, an orthoepic dictionary (translated from ancient Greek “orthoepia” means correct pronunciation), a dictionary of accents. Online resources will not let you down either: the portals (be sure to look at the “Memos” section) and, Yandex.Dictionaries, the site - which, unlike printed publications, are always at hand thanks to the ubiquitous Internet. Let's speak beautifully!

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Accent in Russian

Development phonetics of the Russian language may be challenging for foreigners starting out To learn Russian. As you should know, the pronunciation of Russian vowels differs depending on the accent whether this letter is located or not.

Unlike some other languages, Russian no strict accent rules– it can fall on any count syllable in a word (compare with French, where the stress almost always falls on the last syllable). It is almost impossible to predict which syllable the stress will fall on in a given word, especially for a foreigner who has just started learning Russian.

The online tool on this page will automatically places stress in Russian words, and also restores the letter "ё" in the Russian text. This will save you time, because... you don't have to look up word stress in the dictionary.

Some Russian words, which are written the same, have different meanings depending on where the emphasis falls. Compare:

lock lock
big bigger

Such words are called homographs. The online tool will show all possible stress positions in similar words. The dictionary contains information about 23,376 homographs (16,609 unique spellings of words).

There is also a group of words in the Russian language that I call “false” homographs. These are words with the letter "e" that become homographs if written with the letter "e". For example, the word "bereg", being written as "bereg", can be read both as "bereg" and as "bereg". The online tool shows both possible stresses in similar words. Other examples:

wheels wheels
lakes lakes

There is another group of words that can also be written with the letter “e” or “e”. The stress position in such words is the same, but their meaning is different. For example:

All All
sky sky

If you select the stressed vowel display mode "paint red", then the letter “е” in such words will be highlighted in purple: everything.

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  • unregistered users – 50,
  • language pack "frequent user" – 10,000,
  • language package "polyglot" – 10,000.

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Stress in Russian words, homographs - online resources

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    I have improved an online tool that places accents in Russian words. One of the improvements is the ability to restore the letter "ё" in Russian text....

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Stress Dictionary: Where is the correct stress in words?

Accent online

The "AKnowLiVy" dictionary of accents contains more than 100,000 words. To find out where the emphasis falls, use the search!

Stress dictionary: how to correctly put stress in a word

To correctly place stress in a word, you cannot do without the help of an accent dictionary. Russian is absolutely amazing, sometimes strange and one of the hardest languages ​​in the world to learn.

Where is the correct stress when pronouncing words in spelling?

You can’t count all the subtleties of the Russian language. The free online dictionary for checking accents online,, is designed to deal with the main ones, those related to orthoepy. Here, on the pages of the online dictionary, we online introduce those who are not indifferent to Russian grammar to the peculiarities of pronunciation of simple words, compound words, words whose appearance was contributed by dictionaries of other languages ​​and which cause difficulties in checking spelling especially often among native Russian speakers. For those who consider themselves a true expert in spelling, we recommend our online dictionary as an easy way to test your knowledge of the basics of spelling online.

Where and where does the stress in words fall?

First published several decades ago, printed dictionary orthoepy simplified checking the correct pronunciation of words. By using our online dictionary to check accents, you will always know where the stress falls and where the stress is in the word.

Orthoepy is a branch of linguistics that studies the rules of pronunciation of words and reflects them in the dictionary. Stress is one of the concepts of the rules for checking spelling. It is easy to assess the importance of stress for the dictionary of orthoepy using the example of the word “chains”: when the emphasis is on the first syllable of the word, the plural is meant (chains), on the second, the case of the word changes (which means “chains”). By changing the intonation emphasis it is just as easy to change the meaning of a phrase.

The peculiarity of Russian orthoepy is that its verification is not based on the general principles of the Russian language, which in the overwhelming majority of cases establishes clear rules. The principles of orthoepy were developed independently over many years, long before the advent of the online dictionary of orthoepy, and continue to be established now. The generally accepted rules of pronunciation are “shaken,” and variant words appear with the emphasis on a different syllable. Regular changes in pronunciation norms further complicate the already difficult check of stress in words.

What is the emphasis in the word?

Using our online spelling dictionary, checking the correct stress in words online is easy and convenient. To find out how to emphasize the syllable of any word according to current language requirements, simply enter what you are looking for in the online search form. The base of our online dictionary for checks the placement of accents is collected on the basis of a dozen publications. Among them are the orthoepic dictionaries of Avanesov and Ozhegov from 1955 and 1960, the dictionary of Ageenko F.D. from 1983, dated 2003, a dictionary on orthoepic authorship by L.A. Verbitskaya. Our online spelling dictionary covers over 100,000 thousand words. Periodically, the virtual database of our dictionary for checking stress in words is updated. If the rules of spelling or the placement of stress in any of the words have changed, after checking the corresponding changes are reflected in our online dictionary for checking stress online. This makes spell checking on online dictionary pages even more accurate.

Checking stress on the website of the online dictionary is available around the clock. Learn the placement of stress online without studying the intricacies of the orthoepy of the Russian language - use the check for stress in words using our online dictionary.

Orthoepic dictionary of stresses find out how to correctly put stress in a word!

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