Mereana mordegard glesgorv - video killer. Mereana mordegard glesgorv - video killer One of the legends that appeared around this video

At one time, so-called death files were popular. These were videos, photographs, programs, after opening and viewing which people either committed suicide or went crazy. Today we will discuss one of these death files. Just remember, this is just a horror story, so don't take it seriously.

One of these videos is called mereana mordegard glesgorv. This is one of the most popular and maybe even one of the first killer videos to appear on the Internet. The legend behind the video goes like this:

“In 2008, the main office received a message that the fourth case of cutting out one’s own eyes with a kitchen knife had already been recorded. And before this incident, all four of them watched a video called mereana mordegard glesgorv. The administrator decided to look at this file, closing half the screen, but already at the 40th second he fell into nervous hysteria. The video was completely removed from YouTube, but a “safe” 20-second version remained, viewing which you are in no danger.”

Yes, indeed, there is a 22 second version. On it we see a photograph of a certain mustachioed man, and the entire video is filled with a red tone. Moreover, at the last second, the character depicted in the photograph begins to smile devilishly. Throughout the entire video, incomprehensible frightening music plays (if you can call it music). Well, after the smile the video ends.

Everything that happens on the screen makes your heart beat faster than usual, especially after you read the backstory. Scary, but interesting.

But when people watched this 20 second version, it wasn’t enough for them. Apparently many people wanted to say goodbye to their eyes using a kitchen knife. They were looking for the full 2-minute original version five years ago, and they are still looking for it.

During this time, many parodies and fakes appeared on YouTube, which lasted 2 minutes. But nothing happened in these “originals”, they were simply stretched out versions of the 20 second videos. Sometimes people made their own endings (stretched the face even more, removed the eyes from the character, added screams, etc.) and “filled” them like the originals. But it didn't work. It was not possible to get anyone through.

Although it has long been clear that there is no original version, no one gouged out their eyes while watching it, people are still trying to find it. They hope.

According to another legend, the person in the video is a patient in one of the psychiatric hospitals suffering from a rare form of schizophrenia. He never closes his eyes and has no belly button. He's always screaming and trying to escape, but all he says is the number "2042." Nobody really knows what this number means. The man was never identified. Who is he, where is he from? Unclear.

It was known that until the age of 14 he was looked after by his sister, whom he cut into pieces, and a neighbor discovered everything that was happening and called the police. Later, this neighbor was also found cut up under unknown circumstances.

In general, there are enough similar legends about this video, one worse than the other. If there weren’t so many different versions of this legend, if the numbers and events were always the same, then it would be possible to preserve this horror story longer and continue to believe in the murderousness of this video.


There were many different tales and legends about this unknown person, and many videos were filmed. But these are all just horror stories, i.e. fairy tales. But despite the fact that all this is not real, a share of fear still does not go away. VKontakte even has its own group dedicated specifically to mereana mordegard glesgorv.

But the most important thing I want to say is that the person in the video is not a schizophrenic at all, but an ordinary man named Byron Cortez. He himself knew nothing at all about this video until it became so popular. The friends simply decided to play a trick on Byron and they succeeded. But he himself, of course, was shocked when he learned that he had become the subject of a video that was being presented as a “death file” or “video killer.” But either way it was a great story.

6 “death videos” that will make you go crazy or die

In the film “The Ring,” the whole mess began with a videotape falling into a person’s hands. Well, then follow the established pattern. A zombie girl crawling out of the TV screen, wet panties, a slight smell. There are now a lot of videos on the Internet, after watching which they promise at least insanity, and at maximum - unnatural death.

We would like to reassure you right away that no one is yelling in the videos. This is not a creepy video where in the middle of the video a scary face suddenly pops up and starts screaming. No, these are just stupid psychedelic videos surrounded by darkness of mystery. Let us reassure you once again: everything is safe, we tested it on cats. All members of the site’s editorial staff watched these videos so cutely and remained alive and well. Well, or our mental disorders did not progress from watching.

Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv

According to the legend accompanying this video, after watching it, people cut out their eyes. Sometimes with a kitchen knife, and sometimes with other improvised means. Allegedly, even Youtube employees had to watch this video while sorting out user complaints. So, one brave comrade from Youtube watched the film with caution, covering half the screen with his palm. But he had enough. The insidious video corroded the poor guy's brain. At the fortieth second of viewing, he began to become hysterical. In general, the matter did not end well, the guy went crazy. And from all over the world, reports continue to come that people are cutting out their eyes. What does the name of the video mean - Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv - no one knows. Watch it before it gets deleted.

Wyoming incident

This video can be called the parent of all “death” videos. They say that in the early eighties in the state of Wyoming (USA), an unknown hacker intercepted the local television broadcast frequency and launched some incomprehensible crap - a video with fragmentary messages. After this, many people came to hospitals complaining of headaches and nausea. No one found the sly man, but thirty years later a video of that same frequency interception surfaced. The messages in the video are: “Why do you hate?”, “You are sick,” “We just want to fix you,” “We are standing outside the door,” “You are lost on the way,” “What is hiding in your imagination?” etc.


This is our response to the Wyoming incident. Allegedly, in 2007, attackers seized the frequency of a certain SGU-TV channel during night prevention and launched their brain-liquefying video. Not as cheerful as their American colleagues, but still okay. The text of the message even shows concern for the viewer. Oh, this broad Russian soul!

Curse of the Singing Girl

This is already worse than the red man in the frame or scattered messages from well-wishers. The short video is accompanied by a legend about a girl who really wanted to sing, but did not have the necessary vocal abilities. It happened in 1987 in distant Argentina, and the girl’s name was Selena. We don’t know whether there was no vocal school in her city, or whether her parents didn’t let her. But the girl threw herself out of her bedroom window. And everything would have been fine, but after death, a cassette was found in the VCR with a recording of her favorite band, as well as Selena’s dying screams and her image appearing. Scary, right? No one paid attention to the small detail that VCRs do not record images.

Suicide Mouse

And here, damn it, it’s completely scary. This will be more serious than dead girls. This is the great and terrible Mickey Mouse. Previously unknown Walt Disney cartoon. So unknown that it wasn't even included in the collector's edition. Allegedly, this cartoon was found while going through the archives of old man Disney. After watching it, a studio employee ran out into the corridor, shouted seven times: “Real suffering is incomprehensible!”, then grabbed a gun from a security guard and shot himself. In the video, Mickey simply walks along the houses accompanied by cacophonous sounds. Then the video is interrupted, and you will have to look at the darkness for a while. Then Mouse appears again, but the music becomes a mixture of screams and moans, and the mouse's smile turns to one side. Everything would be fine, but at the end, for some reason, the animation master put an inscription in Russian: “The gates of hell attract the curious.”

Goddess bunny

Well, for dessert, we offer you a video with the participation of Johnny Baym, a transvestite with the creative pseudonym Sandy Crisp. He has suffered from a severe form of paralysis since childhood and has an extremely disproportionate body. In general, the guy was unlucky. He often starred in various freak shows and even took part in the video of Marilyn Manson himself. But we are interested in the video, called Goddess bunny, where Johnny tap dances and looks very expressively at the camera. They say that this video was played over a television signal in Belgium as it once was in Wyoming. And that there were victims there too, vulnerable TV viewers went crazy and even died.

YouTube headquarters in San Bruno received a message about a man who committed suicide in a very creepy way - with a kitchen knife, having first cut out both of his eyes. The letter stated that before this he allegedly watched a video posted on the website with the strange name “Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv”. YouTube employees ignored the letter, but a week later Google and YouTube received two more notifications about the death of people under the same circumstances. One of the site administrators tried to watch this two-minute video, covering half the screen with his palm, and already at 40 seconds he inexplicably began to have a nervous hysteria. The video was deleted and sent for investigation by the federal security service. After this, the office received several more notifications about earlier deaths in different parts of the world, and in all cases, people first tore out their eyes. The user who uploaded the video could not be found.

To calm the hype around the video, YouTube decided to keep the short version, consisting of the first 20 seconds. Viewing it, as experiments showed, did not cause negative reactions in people. At this time, a man’s face appears on the screen against a strange background. Before 22 seconds, he starts smiling. What happens next is unknown.

In the wake of its popularity, various users made a lot of parodies of the video, as well as fake “full” versions, consisting of the same picture as in the short video, but stretched out for two minutes.

The original version of the video no longer appears anywhere on the Internet.

The number of victims of the first video around the world is not known exactly. Figures were given as 16, 47 and even 153 people. It is also unknown what exactly the words "Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv" mean.

If you search for this video, you will find almost nothing. All you will see is a 20 second video of a man staring at you and smirking for the last 2 seconds. The source of the video is not determined. This is just part of the main video.

The full video lasts 2 minutes, and was removed by YouTube after complaints from 153 people who damaged their eyes after watching and sent an e-mail with a complaint to YouTube headquarters in San Bruno. These people are said to have later committed suicide. It is completely incomprehensible how they were able to send emails while blind. And the mysterious inscription that the unfortunate people carved on their forearm has still not been deciphered.

To satisfy users' curiosity, YouTube will not remove the 20-second version of the video. Only one Youtube employee decided to watch the full version of the video, and he started screaming after 45 seconds. Now this man is under the constant influence of sedatives and, apparently, is not able to remember what he saw. Other people who were in the same room as him while watching quickly turned off the video and all that could be heard was a high-pitched sound similar to drilling. No one dared to look at the screen.

The person who uploaded the video was not found and the IP address was not saved. And the man in the video was never identified.

One of the legends that appeared around this video

The information was told by a Belgian policeman who met the man in person:

1) The name of this creepy video is the name of the company that actually made it. This is an American secret service that wanted to try its technologies on users of the “world wide web”.

2) The person in the video suffers seriously from schizophrenia, and the last degree. Also, he has strange physiological characteristics that have not yet been solved: the patient never closed his eyes and he does not have a navel, which is why there was an opinion about his connection with evil spirits. A murderous look in the literal sense of the word confirms the theory, since according to data, the secret service inspectors looking into his eyes during the filming of the video inexplicably began to panic and have a headache.

3) Remember the phrase “and the man in the video was never identified”? True, because few people know his name, or rather, an American psychiatric hospital for especially gifted people. The law prohibits disclosing the name of any patient on the Internet or for any personal purpose.

4) The anonymous patient was first placed in a room with walls and a small window, and as a result he broke out the window and cut a sign on his forearm with a piece of shrapnel, exactly matching the image on the shoulders of the injured people (at the moment he is under strict supervision in special “soft” soundproofing room).

5) The exact age of the man is unknown. Externally, the figures range from 30 to 42 years.

6) The patient behaves inappropriately, cries, screams, breaks out and shouts the number “2042” all the time, but no one has yet known what it means and what it is connected with.

8) There are rumors that if a man is not cured within five years, he may be put to sleep forever, or simply killed, but this opinion is less and less likely.

Another one

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This story N as much P sucker, H That D even X irrigated It pretends to be serious, but is written so poorly that it can only cause laughter.

But Mereana had a son who was a small merchant and was far from home at the time of the murders. He decided to avenge his father when he returned to his homeland. With a force of 1,200 robbers, he marched on a nearby American city. Having defeated him, he set off to wander in search of other prey. The government sent an army to destroy their detachment, which was joined by local residents. They reached Glezgorv and defeated the bandits, and the Storehard family was forever cursed. There is a possibility that the guy in the video is a descendant of Mereana. And so he tries to take revenge for his ancestors and the curse.

Mereana Merdegard Glesgorv is a YouTube meme that has degenerated into an urban legend with strange content: supposedly there was a video on the Internet, after watching which everyone killed themselves with a kitchen knife, having previously cut out their eyes; Now it is impossible to find it; only a 20-second fragment has survived. The meme was born in April 2008 and has become a worthy competitor to the horrific UNLEGGLES, “Wyoming Incident” and Goddes Bunny.

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Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv

This is what the copy-paste of this story looks like.

In March 2008, YouTube headquarters in San Bruno received a message about a man who had committed suicide in a very grisly way - with a kitchen knife, having first cut out both of his eyes. The letter stated that before this he allegedly watched a video posted on the site with the strange name Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv. YouTube employees ignored the letter, but a week later Google and YouTube received two more notifications about the death of people under the same circumstances.

One of the site administrators tried to watch this two-minute video, covering half the screen with his palm, and already at 40 seconds he inexplicably began to have a nervous hysteria. The video was deleted and sent for investigation by the federal security service. After this, the office received several more notifications about earlier deaths in different parts of the world, and in all cases, people first tore out their eyes.

The user who uploaded the video could not be found.

To calm the hype around the video, YouTube decided to keep the short version, consisting of the first 20 seconds. Viewing it, as experiments showed, did not cause negative reactions in people. At this time, a man’s face appears on the screen against a strange background. Before 22 seconds, he starts smiling. What happens next is unknown.

In the wake of its popularity, various users made a lot of parodies of the video, as well as fake “full” versions, consisting of the same picture as in the short video, but stretched out for two minutes. The original version of the video no longer appears anywhere on the Internet.

The number of victims of the first video around the world is not known exactly. Figures were given as 16, 47 and even 153 people.

It is also unknown what exactly the words “Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv” mean

This is the same video

For those who were afraid to watch, the content of the video. A man on a red background looks intently into the camera. In the last two seconds, the face goes into close-up and a photoshopped grin appears on it.

By the way, here is a photo of the supposed hero of the video.

So what is next?

Of course, there were immediately people who knew exactly what was next. Here's another copy-paste. There are two options to choose from: believe it if you want, check it if you want.

I personally know what will happen next, but after watching it I remember I wanted to kill myself and cut myself, fortunately my relatives helped, this is a psychotic attack. The initial 20 seconds do nothing, then he starts laughing, then his eyes roll, then he undresses, and at the end he starts changing the background, the video was given to me from a closed club of admins, it’s better not to look, although the first 20 seconds are normal. The most interesting thing is that in fact everything is very simple, it is enough to create an illusion by influencing the vibration of the video screen impulses on the subcortex of the brain, in which a person’s actions are encouraged through suicide; people described that when they opened their veins, it seemed to them as if they were flying through the clouds and eating fruits and etc. I don’t have a video, they sent it to me earlier, it’s impossible to explain there are manipulations with consciousness when he starts to change his smile, I can throw the game, there’s a dog catching bones, people have ripped open their belly from it.

I looked on one site, I don’t know if this is true or not, but there are pictures of the continuation of this video. There is no full video, but there are pictures:, he smiles very widely only his eyes are visible in close-up background turns black red again there is no man appears in a black cape with a hood again close-up of his eyes

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