How to become the best blogger. How do bloggers succeed? The nuances of blogging

People become bloggers to share their experiences with others. A blog makes money if you place advertising on it. In this article I will share with readers the secrets and intricacies of running a personal blog, tell you how to become a blogger and where to start. I hope the tips will help you realize your dreams, start a blog and make it popular.

A blog is a separate network page on which texts, photographs, messages, videos, and audio materials are published. It provides the opportunity to comment on posts, expressing an opinion about the publication. There is no limit to the topic. Bloggers write about construction, economics, politics, entertainment, humor, and show business.

How to become a fashion blogger

The popularity of fashion bloggers is rapidly increasing. While some brands are engaged in fierce battles over contracts for a collection with a famous designer, competitors prefer cooperation with bloggers.

In Russia, the popularity of fashion bloggers is also growing. Such activities are becoming a mass phenomenon. I will draw up a portrait of a fashion blogger, guided by knowledge in this area. Using it as a guide, you will get closer to achieving your strategic goal.

A typical fashion blogger is a girl under 25 years old. This is a student or representative of a creative profession. The girl closely follows changes in fashion and style and experiments with trends.

  1. A fashion blogger tells readers about their own style, showcases themselves and expresses opinions about fashion.
  2. A blogger must be regularly present on the Internet, not miss significant events, visit popular nightclubs, concept stores, social parties and exhibitions.
  3. Qualities of a fashion blogger: altruism, passion, taste, curiosity, sociability and friendliness.
  4. Blogging is considered a blogger's weapon. He publishes photographs and videos, reports on events.
  5. Before creating a blog, think about why you need it. Some people want to use it as a means of self-expression, others want fame, and others want to earn money.
  6. You won't be able to become a star on the World Wide Web in one month.
  7. Start by starting a blog in a popular fashion community. Reviews of seasonal trends, analyzes of designer collections and fashion photo shoots are accepted here.
  8. Each community member gets access to a monthly incentive system that includes virtual prizes and rewards.
  9. A fashion blogger has style. When choosing clothes, modern bloggers are divided into two categories. Some remain neutral, while others prefer a win-win choice. People seeking fame dress flamboyantly.

Video tips from a professional blogger

Don't try to conquer the pinnacle of fame in one fell swoop. Make it a strategic goal. By moving step by step, you will avoid common mistakes, which will bring you closer to your dream.

How to become a blogger on Youtube

YouTube is a video service where users upload their own videos, put them on display for other users, and watch videos from third parties.

YouTube has been operating since 2005. In 2007, Google Corporation management acquired video hosting. YouTube is visited by several million people every day in search of interesting videos.

  1. First, choose a nickname and come up with a channel name. Usually these words are the same. Choose names and nicknames carefully, as there are many nationalists and trolls on the Internet.
  2. Select the channel address and address for profiles and communities on social networks.
  3. Register the channel.
  4. Create accounts on social networks FB, Twitter and VK and create communities with similar addresses.
  5. Decide on the direction of the channel. You can review the news, shoot let's play, do fashion reviews or something else.
  6. Having chosen a direction, create material and publish it on social networks. Be sure to post the video on your social media pages. One of your friends will definitely appreciate your creativity, and you will get to watch the video and earn a little money from advertising.
  7. There is a lot of quality material, but the number of subscribers is growing slowly? What should I do? Move forward.
  8. If you have money, buy advertising from popular bloggers. If the material is of high quality, their subscribers will view it.
  9. Without money, collaborate with colleagues who write blogs on similar topics and make a joint video. This way you will get likes from your and partner subscribers.

Video tips

How to start blogging on Twitter

Twitter is a microblogging service with a multimillion-dollar audience. The service is used by both users and people who own their own websites. In the latter case, Twitter allows you to promote a resource by publishing links.

  1. Tweet interesting things first. So let your audience know that there is a new post on your blog.
  2. Using the service, look for like-minded people and interlocutors. This will increase blog traffic.
  3. In addition to like-minded people, Twitter allows you to find business partners. They will share ideas and help with blogging.
  4. When blogging on Twitter, position yourself as an expert in a particular field. Using the service, share your knowledge and experience, which will have a positive impact on the popularity of the blog.
  5. Twitter is a limitless bank of ideas. Numerous users will be happy to tell you in which direction to move next.
  6. Feel free to ask questions. The experts will respond with something new. This is a great way to make business contacts.
  7. If you managed to get to the conference or witness the event, be sure to tell us about it on Twitter by sending messages.
  8. Twitter is an advertising tool. All you have to do is use the services of friends, and they will help you advertise your blog.
  9. If you have any difficulties with titles or names during writing, this information can be clarified at any time on Twitter. Believe me, the answer will not keep you waiting.
  10. The service will allow you to find new resources, conduct interesting surveys, receive valuable comments, or interview a celebrity. Twitter offers endless possibilities.

How to get a thousand subscribers and visitors

Creating a blog is not so difficult, novice bloggers have already seen this. The next goal is an audience of thousands of subscribers. Not surprising, because they are trying to get the title of Internet star.

It’s enough to look into the search engine for a minute to see that the Internet is full of articles dedicated to bloggers with thousands of people. There are many rules for blogging, but not all of them work in practice.

Recommendations must be followed throughout the initial stage. Once you achieve results, make adjustments. What does it really take to get blog traffic above one thousand users per day?

  1. Update content regularly. Users do not like useless and monotonous information.
  2. Subject your publications to SEO optimization. To monitor keys, use the service.
  3. Be sure to register your blog in directories.
  4. External advertising plays an important role in achieving the strategic goal. Whenever appropriate, mention your personal blog. Human conversation is more effective than advertising on the Internet.
  5. Don't ignore cross-posting. Make announcements on posts regularly.
  6. Having promoted your blog, enter into a partnership with businessmen in the field of information.
  7. Particularly noteworthy are guerrilla methods that involve publishing links on forums and commenting on famous bloggers. Even the link in the comments to the video on social networks is very useful.

Arm yourself with the instructions and get to work. Don't give up when you're halfway through. Stay true to your strengths and everything will work out. You will build a career online.

Greetings, dear reader, to my blog site. Today I will cover the topic in detail - how to become a blogger and what you need to do for this.

The topic of blogging itself is very popular all over the world, and being a blogger is not only fashionable, but also profitable. Unfortunately, many beginners have the wrong idea about this matter. They think that being a blogger is quite easy, just writing articles or posting videos. In fact, this is far from the case.

You can make a lot of money on a blog, but it may take more than one year. If you want quick results, then you should look for other ways to earn money. Thousands of bloggers abandon their blogs due to lack of patience and diligence, I hope you are not one of those people and are ready to devote your time and energy to this matter!

What you need to do to become a successful blogger

Successful blogger is a relative concept. For some it is popularity, for others it is recognition as a professional, and for others it is business. But to get there, you need to build your brand, have great ideas and become a good writer. As you can see, this is not suitable for most beginners. Is this not about you? Then let's begin!

1. 100% determination

From the above, a very important conclusion should be drawn. If you decide to become a blogger, then you must be decisive. You must love to write a lot. Your articles should help other people. You must have passion for what you do.

2. Choosing a topic

The second thing you need is to choose a topic (niche) for your blog. Under no circumstances should you start blogging about everything and everything. This approach is not correct. You must have a specific topic. How to choose the right niche is possible.

3. Blog platform

Choose a blogging platform. This could be YouTube, Instagram or a regular text blog. This article is for future bloggers who want to write articles. I recommend leading. Almost all bloggers use this free platform. It is convenient, simple and has many advantages than other analogues.

4. Articles for people

Let's be honest, most articles on the Internet are outright garbage that provide no value to readers. There are a lot of lazy bloggers who copy other people's articles and change them to make them unique to search engines, but not to people.

You must develop your own writing style that will differentiate you from others. If three bloggers write on the same topic, then people will read the one who can express his thoughts more clearly and can talk about complex things in a simple and understandable language. Write articles for people. Articles should be useful. They should help readers solve their questions or needs. In addition, you must write articles in such a way that they can be easily found on the Internet. How to write such texts is possible.

5. Be consistent

How to become a popular blogger? You need to gather an audience of loyal fans. And to have fans, you need to be consistent and regularly post articles on your blog.

You must have a clear schedule for releasing new articles. For example, once a week on Thursday. You should always stick to this schedule!

I learned this “secret sauce” from several successful Western bloggers. One of these bloggers was a man who moved from Asia to the states. He was very poor. As a rule, such people are already highly motivated and have nowhere to retreat. So, he made a decision for himself to add one article to his blog every day.

10 years have already passed and he has never broken his promise! Now his income from the blog is $100,000 per month. By comparison, the average American earns about the same in just one year. He admits that he can earn even more, but this will require additional time. But he doesn’t have such a task, because he wants to spend more time with his family.

Consistency is a key factor that most bloggers simply don't know or forget about.

6. Don't be afraid to make mistakes

At school we were told that making mistakes is bad and we were given two marks for this. In fact, mistakes are good, this is how we learn, see what works and what doesn’t, and move forward. So in this matter, do not be afraid to make mistakes.

Only one 5 point can stop many of you. How? How will I write articles every day? After all, I don’t know what to write about and how to write articles that will be read.

Most of my articles suck, since I’m just starting to develop in this direction and it’s also hard for me to write every day. But I try to do it and I understand that in order to learn to write interestingly, you need to do it every day. And I also set a goal for myself: 1 day 1 article on the blog.

I'm also currently using a free template design on my blog. If I wanted to launch the perfect blog, this would never happen. The main thing is to start taking the first steps, albeit with mistakes, but to take them.

Over time, I will improve my writing skills, commission quality designs, and begin to better understand SEO (search engine optimization). Remember, all successful bloggers also once started from scratch and were in the same place where we are now.

7. Understanding the audience

Understanding your audience means that you will understand your readers and know what topics resonate best with them. If you are on the same wavelength as your readers, they will begin to share your articles with other people on social networks and leave comments under them. All this will have a positive effect on the promotion of your brand.

Be sure to respond to all comments and ask people what they would be interested in seeing on the blog next. Plus, by reading the comments, you can find many ideas for future articles.

8. Create your own database of email addresses

Start building your Email database from the first day of blogging. Even if you are not going to sell anything, start collecting it anyway. This will allow you to promote your new articles to a large audience, without worrying about whether the article is in the first positions in search engines or not.

Every blogger wants his work to be noticed and appreciated. Imagine that you have a base of 50,000 subscribers. By sending just one letter about the release of a new article on the blog, some people, and this is approximately 30% or 15,000 people, will follow the link and read it!

Ask your readers to subscribe to your blog news. It will be better if in exchange for the email address you give something valuable, for example, your pdf book or some kind of report.

Greetings, dear readers! If you like the blogosphere or are just thinking about how to become a blogger and where to start, then today’s material may be useful.

I’d like to point out right away that it’s impossible to get any kind of official professional education, as such, in blogging. You can only listen to a few lectures and take part in master classes from people who have already achieved success in this field.

Universities don’t teach this, and there’s no point...

The thing is that bloggers become people who are truly passionate about any direction or area of ​​life. Thanks to their unique abilities, knowledge, great hard work and desire to surprise, they become popular.

You've probably noticed that bloggers are increasingly appearing as experts in various TV shows. Many of them become authors of magazine strips or entire TV shows.

Therefore, this direction can confidently be called very promising.

In addition, these people make great money. For convenience, let's divide our today's topic into two parts:

  • how to become a blogger, if this is almost not taught - where to get knowledge?
  • where should I start?

How to become authors of online diaries

If you decide to start your own blog, then first of all you need to decide on the direction in which you will develop. To summarize, we can distinguish the following groups of spheres:

  • Professional. This may include thematic blogs, for example, on car repair, software development, photography, retouching in PhotoShop, making money, etc.
  • Creative. In such diaries they publish everything: from music to art-house films of their own production.
  • Commercial. Blogs from this group have great potential, but they are also fraught with many pitfalls. By and large, I don’t recommend starting a website just to sell something.

Often these directions intersect. We are talking about cases when a hobby turns into a profession. For example, a travel lover becomes a professional travel agency manager.

To start keeping a diary, you need to learn a lot:

  • post information so that it is convenient and interesting to read or watch (if you decide to create);
  • promote your blog or channel and attract new subscribers;
  • communicate correctly with the audience.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, it all depends on the ambitions of the author himself. If you decide to start a video blog and want to make it high-quality and interesting, you will have to work a lot, often until late at night and on weekends.

But the result is definitely worth the effort.

In the beginning there was a word

In the second part of our review on the topic of how to become a blogger and where to start, we will look at the tools that you will need to blog.

First of all, you need to select or create a suitable site. You can create your own page in LiveJournal, but today this resource is no longer as popular as it was several years ago.

Therefore, I recommend that you still think about developing your own “stand-alone” website on WordPress. If you want to focus on your photographs, welcome to, and if you feel confident in front of the camera, go to.

Here you can communicate with your audience, create surveys, post photos from your personal life and do much more. However, do not forget about the main focus of the blog.

To be fair, I note that so-called lifestyle bloggers are quite popular today. They talk and make videos simply about their daily lives.

But here you need to remember the following: this very life should be as rich and interesting as possible (and, as a rule, very expensive).

And yet, one of the most important tools for any blog author that you need to master is the word. This is where the path to the blogosphere begins.

Even if you decide to shoot videos or post photos on Instagram, you will have to think through the script and interesting captions, so you cannot do without the ability to express your thoughts beautifully or the help of professional copywriters.

In addition, the word will also help you find your blog on the vast expanses of the global web. Therefore, skillful command of written language is one of the important advantages that, unfortunately, many beginners overlook.

First steps

The main thing is the idea, creativity and the ability to think differently than everyone else.

Don't expect to be able to simply edit a Wikipedia article. Your job as a blogger is to share your valuable experience and create content that is unique in every sense.

You can gain knowledge so that your endeavor will surely bear fruit, for example, with the help of a free 3-day intensive Alexandra Borisova, you can watch a free course Evgenia Vergusa Yabloger.

All I can do is wish you good luck in your endeavor and say goodbye with that. Until next time! In previous publications, by the way, I have already talked in detail about how to gain popularity on the Internet.

Are you interested in the topic of blogging? Share your opinion in the comments and subscribe to updates so as not to miss new publications.

What motivates people who want to become bloggers? Everyone has their own motives for this. Some people want to become famous, some want to make good money, and others just need a platform to express their thoughts. As practice shows, the latter become successful much more often - naturally, if you do not take into account those who took the top of the TOP thanks to the big money poured into the “project” at its start. Yes, your blog, first of all, is your project, your business, even if it doesn’t make a profit at first - and you have almost all the tools in your hands to make it work and bring you everything you dream of.

Who are bloggers and their role in modern society?

It’s worth first defining the terminology.

A blogger is a person who produces content.

What kind of content it will be is in most cases a personal matter (we will talk about exceptions later in this text). If we're talking about video- this could be some kind of viral advertising, beauty blogs, movie reviews, cooking recipes, or even video game recordings with comments from the author (called “let’s play” from the English “Let’s play”). When it comes to text content, most often this means some kind of journalism, publications on a professional topic, or simply personal online diaries.

The Role of Bloggers in modern society it is difficult to exaggerate - this category of people (thanks to the spread of the Internet) in our world has received a truly powerful lever of influence on the surrounding reality. Bad employees are fired after an incriminating post on Facebook, revolutions start on Twitter, and your favorite weirdo who records funny videos on YouTube suddenly appears on central television in prime time as a host - and this is only a small part of what what bloggers can actually do.

What is the secret of this power? Oddly enough, but bloggers trust more than large publications - and this makes sense, because usually there is no censorship on blogs, except for the state: you don’t need to adhere to the “party line”, you don’t need to be afraid to write negative posts about some advertiser company (even if it’s a former one), Finally, there is no need to try to please the editor-in-chief or someone else very important with your views. It is the absence of such censorship that makes some bloggers so popular that the number of their active subscribers exceeds the population of some million-plus cities.

The second reason for such popularity is availability of instant feedback(In most cases). What separates the reader from online media? A huge number of staff, the opinion of the general director and editor-in-chief - in other words, a certain number of “walls” through which it is extremely difficult to convey your idea or proposal. And even the most popular bloggers manage to get by with just a couple of moderators and managers, and they themselves do not hesitate to read comments with reviews of their work and respond to them. The result is pleasant for both parties - the blogger receives the trust of subscribers, and subscribers receive higher quality content that meets their needs. Of course, there are exceptions - some bloggers are silent in the comments, like partisans, and the management of some media outlets, on the contrary, has begun to understand that “public relations” is truly a necessary thing for any more or less modern publication.

How to turn into a blogger?

It is not so difficult to start this path; difficulties will come later. First you need to decide your blog niche- some are already crowded, and you can only get through there with big money, some special “tricks” or exceptional talent, others, narrower ones, are more free, but in this regard, you will have to attract visitors not only to your blog, but also to niche in general.

In the process of choosing a niche, it is very important not to overdo it with “narrowing” it - it’s better to have multidirectional, but similar content on your blog than content that is interesting to ten people, including you. However, this is entirely your business - a personal diary on which you do not plan to make money or become a “star”, by and large, does not care how many people read it, it exists for other purposes.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way This can be done using online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue and will completely replace an accountant at your enterprise and will save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronically and sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Site selection

Once you have decided on your niche, you should choose a method to deliver content to your subscribers. Let's highlight the main options and those people for whom they are suitable.


You can guess what you will need to produce here video. The technical requirements include the following - a pleasant voice, a good microphone, a computer capable of processing your video materials and a more or less acceptable Internet channel (at least ADSL or 3G is required). If you will be writing something on camera, then you should take care of it - not everyone will like 360p quality videos in the era of FullHD and the upcoming 4K. What can you do on YouTube? Whatever. As an example: let's plays and guides on computer games, short films, blogs on women's topics, reviews of films or shawarma - now the love of viewers can be won with almost any content. There is one condition - it must be of high quality.

For information on choosing the right equipment for a vlogger, see the following story:

Twitch, Azubu, YouTube Gaming and similar services

It's almost the same as YouTube, but with one big "but" - that's it live. These services are “filled” mainly with games, but sometimes programmers, designers, artists and businessmen, actors and musicians “stream” something on them. It’s not uncommon for a successful YouTuber to come to Twitch and start entertaining his audience with live broadcasts. Recently, streamers with “inadequate” and exaggerated reactions have been the most discussed on the Internet - and you can try to promote yourself on this topic. If you feel like you have acting talent and the ability to work with the public, you should definitely try one of these services.


A platform for those who can express your thoughts briefly- each message here can contain only 140 characters. You can gain popularity on Twitter with your wit - if you put aside celebrity profiles, humorous accounts have the most followers. Can't tell funny jokes? In second place in terms of the most popular ways to attract an audience is your political or civic position. The ability to participate in discussions and concisely express your thoughts will be important here. The platform is extremely interesting because here, probably, there is the fastest distribution of content - compared to other social networks: your tweet can “scatter” around the world in a matter of seconds - it is enough to have several readers with a large audience who will retweet it, after why it will appear in the feed of their readers. There is a "six handshakes theory" - and it's at its best on Twitter. With a successful set of circumstances, you will probably receive a huge number of subscribers - especially if you receive “successful” (and therefore popular) tweets regularly.

Livejournal, Blogspot, WordPress, Facebook, VK, own website...

For a blogger, all these sites are very similar in purpose - they all allow him to write so-called “longreads” (as they now call long texts) and receive feedback on them in the comments. The difference, as usual, is in the nuances:

  • Facebook and VK They do not allow you to insert images into the “body” of the article - only after the end of the text. For a blog with “life hacks” or some kind of instructions, this will be a serious hindrance. Moreover, these services do not have any text formatting. You only have Caps Lock at your disposal.
  • U Facebook extremely strict moderation - your post may offend someone's feelings, and you will lose your account for several days, weeks or months - depending on the number of warnings you have already received.
  • Livejournal- a very scandalous platform. “Paid” bloggers and accusations of being “paid for”, scandals during award presentations... and the level of discussion is sometimes unpleasantly surprising - even on Twitter you almost never see seemingly adequate people leading a discussion that consists 90% of mutual insults and mat.
  • Own website- the site is the most free. No one will moderate you here; you can change the structure of the blog as you please. There are several disadvantages to this approach:

Blog design

As already mentioned, the easiest way to design your blog is to turn to those who make money from it. You can find such designers and programmers on various forums (dedicated to making money on the Internet, for example) or freelance exchanges.

The scope of work will differ depending on the site - for YouTube you will need to make a splash screen and a “header” for the channel, in VK - the full design of a public or group (avatar + menu), on Twitter you can also change the background of the page, and for WordPress or For your website based on this (or a similar) CMS, you will need a whole design theme - you can install a free one and customize it for yourself (free, requires skills); buy the one you like in the ThemeForest store (average $10-100); or order theme development from freelancers or in a studio (from $50 to $500, depending on the developer’s skill level).

The nuances of blogging

After you're done with the design, you should start writing your first post/shooting your first video. There are no general rules: for YouTube you can shoot a channel business card, on Twitter a welcome tweet is created automatically, and in Livejournal you can simply make a post with a greeting and a story about yourself.

At this stage it is very important to think about promoting your blog- after all, in a couple of weeks you will have 10-15 posts or videos. I wanted someone to see them (except you and your friends). There are very, very many ways to promote yourself - it all depends on your intelligence and your financial capabilities.

Let's go through typical methods:

  1. Buying advertising from other bloggers. Expensive, but not lethal. After payment, you will have to wait for a post/video with your advertisement for some time - sometimes this can last several weeks. There are two factors here - the queue for advertising and the laziness of the author. It is very effective if you buy advertising space from several bloggers with a related audience at once and sometimes repeat this procedure to consolidate the result.
  2. Another collaboration option for video bloggers/streamers: conducting a drawing with an invitation to some Internet celebrity. Extremely expensive, just as effective.
  3. PR on social networks- purchase of advertising in VK public pages, Twitter, Facebook accounts. The price is calculated depending on the page and the number of its subscribers. You can buy 10 posts for 200₽, or you can spend 200,000₽ on one. The effectiveness of the advertising itself depends on the video/post to which you “drain” traffic. Explicit advertising content is more likely to scare away visitors, but something similar in topic will, on the contrary, attract new subscribers.
  4. Free promotion for video bloggers at the initial stages it is also possible - upload your content to entertainment portals such as Pikabu, YaPlakal or Users of these resources are quite picky, so you should first think about the level of your work, since you may not get the effect you expect if you post a video that is too narrowly themed or simply of poor quality.
  5. Well, the best “fuel” for promotion is, of course, some kind of scandal. You should not roll it up immediately after creating a channel - you will quickly be discovered. It’s better to try to “catch the wave” - during an “attack” of one blogger on another, take the side of one of them, write a good post, shoot a cool video - everything is in your hands. If successful, feedback will not be long in coming - half of the audience will be ready to kiss you, the other half will be ready to bury you alive. But remember one thing: scandals between major bloggers are also usually initiated for mutual PR, so do not make statements that will later be difficult for you to get rid of.

Bad ways
there is also plenty of promotion: spam, boosting ratings, deception - remember that once a reputation is killed, it is almost impossible to restore.

Now it’s worth saying how often should you write posts and shoot videos?. There is one rule here - don’t let yourself “burn out”. Do you feel like you can make three videos today? Take it off. Before you post, think about whether you can keep the bar tomorrow? If not (there was a one-time burst of energy, you are planning to take a day off, etc.) - it is better to distribute the timing of video publication evenly: for example, one for today, one for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow - and then return to work at your usual pace. This advice is also valid if you are prone to mood swings - prepare several videos in advance and set a timer for them to publish (this can be done by becoming a member of the YouTube affiliate program). Try to warn your subscribers about your lack of desire to film or write, about vacation, or about any major changes in the amount of published content.

Earning money on your blog

In principle, bloggers who have gained some popularity can make money from almost anything - the main thing is to have the desire to do it and not make typical mistakes.

Let's take a quick (very, very short!) list what a blogger can earn by writing in LiveJournal or on his website:

  1. Subscriptions and premium content- the most clumsy option, but if your work is really worth it (try to answer the question honestly for yourself), this method can make you rich.
  2. Placing paid links in posts. Usually it allows you to make money at the initial stage of blog development, when you already have subscribers, but they are still not enough for some large transactions. The amounts here are small and depend on your blog’s performance in search engines and traffic.
  3. Paid posts. Reviews of services and applications, services of some companies - this is usually what bloggers who have gained “weight” turn to, but there are exceptions. They pay more decent amounts here - we are not talking about a couple of thousand rubles, as is the case with links, but about a couple of tens of thousands.
  4. Banner advertising. The most banal, but still works well method. Brings some kind of penny. Payment is made for impressions or for clicks - if the content is close to your blog on the topic, then it is worth agreeing on payment for clicks, but if it is something “general” and your typical subscriber may not need it, payment for impressions will be preferable.

Now video:

  1. Direct advertising in a video, subscribing to someone’s channel, creating your own commercial. It brings in the most money, but it is very important to look for reviews about the advertiser and his service - you can get into a story with a very bad ending for your reputation. However, don’t overdo it, paranoia has never brought anyone any good.
  2. Earning money from the YouTube affiliate program. The money is small, but the main thing here is not earnings - by concluding an agreement with one of the media networks that connect to this program, you will receive help in promoting the channel, technical support, a catalog of free music for your videos and much more.
  3. Advertising through your groups/publics on social networks. If you have a lot of subscribers, then you can post paid posts on your pages through the official VK exchange (or through Sociate and other third-party exchanges).

For tips for beginning video bloggers, watch the following video:

If you are a streamer, then your income depends only on the quality of your content and popularity - the main income of this type of video bloggers comes from "donat" (user donations). You can get $1000 or $5 for one broadcast (and in general you can’t get anything as easy as shelling pears).

Bloggers in Twitter There are not many options for advertising - there are no built-in services for monetization in the system. You can try to enter into product placement agreements with someone, or engage in paid reviews - the main thing is that it looks natural and does not arouse suspicion.

The last tip can be applied to all advertising in general - the more natural it looks on your blog, the more you will ultimately be able to earn from it.

Where to start promoting your blog on Instagram? How do popular beauty bloggers make money? What to do to become a famous and successful blogger?

Politicians, actors, housewives, football players, businessmen, travelers, writers, plumbers and gamers have blogs. At the same time, many not only write blogs, sharing their news, thoughts, ideas and observations with readers and viewers, but earn decent money from their resources.

Want to join their number? Then this article is for you. Denis Kuderin is with you, an expert on financial topics at HeatherBober magazine. I will tell, how to become a successful blogger from scratch, how the authors of LiveJournal magazines, YouTube channels and Instagram pages make money, and what is the secret of a successful blog.

In the final you will find useful tips for beginning bloggers - how to succeed, how not to be disappointed, how not to get lost in the endless digital universe and how to find your audience.

1. Blogging – become famous without leaving home

Bloggers (or bloggers - both spellings are considered acceptable) have long become a significant socio-political phenomenon. Their opinions are taken into account by the central media, they are talked about on television, their posts are discussed on serious analytical sites and on social networks.

To become a famous blogger, you don’t have to be in the public eye, have literary talent, or have any superpowers. It’s not even necessary to leave the house and “hang out” in public places. All that is required is is to write a blog that is interesting to readers.

I will tell you how to run it, where to start and how to earn income from a blog in the following sections. But first you need to clearly define the terminology.

Blog– an electronic diary (magazine, website), which the author maintains online and periodically updates. The content of the site can be text, multimedia, or combined.

Blogs are not just read and viewed, but also comment everyone is interested. This is the fundamental difference between a blog and, say, a handwritten diary that you keep for yourself.

Any Internet user can create a blog. The world's first blogger is considered Tim Berners-Lee– inventor of URL, HTML, creator of the World Wide Web, who had a key influence on the development of the Internet.

There are millions of bloggers in the world now. Some of them keep journals solely for their own pleasure or to communicate with people who share their passions and views. Other make money with a blog. And they earn decent money.

According to Forbes magazine creator PewDiePie on YouTube Felix Kjellberg only in 2016 I started working online $15 million .

That same year the magazine "Half" included him in the list of the 100 most influential people in the world. The number of his subscribers now totals approximately 60 million people. And all this thanks to a channel dedicated to video games!

This is by no means a unique case, but rather the most significant and logical success story in the conditions of absolute accessibility of personal information on the Internet. There are famous bloggers not only abroad, but also in Russia.

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Blogs are created by:

  • on your own domain;
  • using special services;
  • based on social networks.

Some bloggers are experienced Internet users who know how to create websites and manage the “engine” on hosting, while others an Instagram account is enough to become rich and famous.

Among the bloggers there are professional analysts who write on serious political topics, there are ordinary people who write about everything under the sun, make videos, post photographs, recipes, life hacks and other useful or useless information.

The collection of all blogs on the Internet is called "blogosphere".

It’s difficult to say which topics are the most promising in terms of monetization – success is possible in any niche. But you won’t go wrong if you talk about it in an interesting, competent and detailed manner. business, psychology of success, family relationships, making money online and offline.

The unspoken rule of success: the topic should really concern you personally, since a blog is, first of all, an individual view of things, phenomena, people and events.

There are many types of blogs:

  • Thematic– dedicated to highly specialized topics: do-it-yourself auto tuning, cake recipes, winter fishing, travel.
  • Science blogs– magazines that are run by scientific experts and read by everyone.
  • Cultural– magazines about a particular area of ​​culture (painting, cinema, music).
  • Educational– dedicated to the topic of education, enlightenment, school.
  • Personal diaries– the author’s story about the events that happen in his life. Diaries are kept by both media stars and ordinary citizens - among both blogs there is interesting content.

2. What types of bloggers are there – 3 main categories

In addition to the topic, blogs are divided by methods of supplying material. The author himself chooses which option is closer to him - maintaining a text blog, a video channel or a photo blog: it all depends on the preferences of the blogger himself and the characteristics of the audience for whom he creates.

For example, gamers – young people aged 15 and older – have no need to read analytical texts about games: it’s better to see it once. But it will be difficult for political observers to justify their point of view with pictures alone.

Category 1. Video bloggers

These people keep their journals in video format - on YouTube channels (YouTube) and the like. Viewers subscribe to the channel and regularly watch new episodes. The authors shoot and edit the videos themselves.

Among the video bloggers there are professional music video makers and directors. And there are those who limit themselves to a simple slide show or showing their screen and voice-over comments.

In recent years, the so-called beauty blogs. In such magazines, authors talk about everything what has to do with the beauty industry. Reviews of cosmetics, perfumes, makeup and hair styling lessons, skin care tips, etc.

Initially, beauty blogs were exclusively Western, but today there are many Russian channels run by both professional makeup artists and everyone. Young beautiful girls enthusiastically try cosmetic products on themselves, share their results and impressions.

Parallel leading advertise brands openly or covertly, place affiliate links on their blogs, or simply sell cosmetics.

Some useful tips for beginners.

Read, memorize, put into practice!

If you create a blog to increase self-esteem, do not communicate with readers and are not interested in their opinions, such a resource will quickly wither. The audience needs to be loved and respected, then she will reciprocate your feelings.

Blogs are made for people. Embrace this truth. If your resource does not bring benefits to people, no amount of SEO optimization will save it. You have to love search engines too, but focus on people.

All currently successful bloggers made a lot of mistakes at the beginning of their journey. Some even closed their sites and pages to create new ones from scratch.

Mistakes are an inevitable condition of learning. With mistakes comes experience. And with experience comes ease, understanding of the needs of the audience and long-awaited popularity.

Tip 4: Create a database of email addresses

Start building a database of your readers' email addresses from the very beginning. This is necessary to organize the mailing. But she shouldn't be too intrusive. There is no need to bombard readers with daily letters and messages. Be adequate - remind yourself regularly, but delicately.

Blog about yourself. Be yourself – even on a niche blog. You won’t believe it, but there are hundreds, or even thousands, of people in the world who look like you, who share your interests. And never consider your readers dumber, simpler, or more naive than you.

6. How much do bloggers earn - personal experience

Earnings directly depend on the number of subscribers and the activity of the author. Some bloggers do not need monetization at all - they have other income, and they run their sites and pages solely for entertainment purposes. Others combine business with pleasure - they blog for the soul and at the same time make money from it.

You have every chance to earn the same or more - online income depends only on your activity!

7. Conclusion

Now you know more about how to become a successful blogger and make money from your pages and sites. The universal secret of a successful blog is benefits for readers and a competent approach to monetization.

Question for readers

Do you think a blogger still needs his own personal website or can he get by with free resources?

We wish you successful monetization and a million readers on your blog! Write comments, additions and remarks. Share the article with your friends on social networks. See you again!

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