Where can a schoolchild get money? How to earn money for a schoolchild: basic ways to earn extra money. Completing tasks on social networks

Today, many teenagers are wondering how to make money as a schoolchild. And this is no coincidence - I want independence and independence from my parents. I would like to have, albeit small, personally earned money, for which I do not have to account and can be spent at my own discretion. Although, why are they small? Some schoolchildren achieve considerable success in this field.

Let's see how a schoolchild can earn money? Moreover, we will explore this issue from different angles: earning opportunities, both in summer and winter, both at home and outside it. We will pay special attention to ways to make money on the Internet, as the most promising direction for generating additional income. It should be mentioned that officially a schoolchild can work from the age of 16; in some situations, employment is possible from the age of 14 or 15.

If you look around, there are endless options for how a student can earn money. Just keep in mind that your work activity should not interfere with your studies. Attending class and doing homework should come first. Spend your free time from studying at your own discretion: if you want, relax, if you want, work.

What about school holidays? This is the most fertile time for part-time work! Especially summer - three whole months: enough for both rest and work. Moreover, many schoolchildren spend their summer holidays “in the village with their grandmother.” And there are so many opportunities for part-time work! Read about how a schoolchild in a village can make money below in the same article.

Special mention should be made of the New Year holidays. The pre-New Year bustle, relaxation after the New Year - all this can be used for your benefit. So, let's start in order.

Postal and courier service

An excellent solution for how to make money for a schoolchild! Delivery of correspondence and letters, telegrams and small parcels will bring you not only extra money, but also a feeling of satisfaction. It's always nice to bring joy to people! Maybe the parcel or letter that you will deliver has been so impatiently awaited!

And how good this kind of work is for your health! Fresh air, physical activity. By the way, having a bicycle will significantly save time on completing a task, plus when riding a bicycle, different muscle groups work than when walking. What savings on fitness!

Don't want to deliver correspondence? Start sorting it. Every day a huge number of letters, newspapers and parcels arrive at the post office. Someone needs to sort them by names and addresses.

Couriers are needed not only by postal services - delivery of pizza or ready-made meals, delivery of goods from online stores, delivery of free publications, leaflets, etc.

Flyers and announcements

Another part-time job from the “legs feed the wolf” cycle. Advertising is the engine of trade, and one of the most effective ways of advertising are various types of advertisements, flyers and leaflets. You've probably noticed more than once young people on the streets of your city handing out advertising brochures. It's quite possible that you even have a couple of them lying around in your pockets. There is still some probability that it was thanks to this piece of paper that you visited the specified establishment and even used its services.

This is exactly what we suggest you do by distributing such leaflets. The work is not dusty - the main thing is to “sell” the entire volume, and whether a person will visit the store and buy something there is no longer your concern.

Another variation of this type of earnings is posting advertisements. This activity is most profitable in the summer. In winter, it is unlikely that anyone will be walking around the counter with announcements, and weather conditions can contribute to the fact that the pieces of paper do not hang for a long time.

“Accompaniment” of shaggy friends

If you are a lover of animals and fresh air, then we offer you another great option on how to make money for a schoolchild. Take a closer look at your neighbors who have animals, take a walk in the squares and parks located near your home in order to search for “clients”. Often people do not have the time or desire to walk their pet. And you need to do this at least twice a day.

They came after school, picked up the neighbor’s dog and went for a walk - both useful and an extra penny in their pocket. And if you also have your own dog, then work generally turns into “don’t hit someone who’s lying down” - you need to go for a walk in any case, why not grab another animal at the same time.

Sphere of trade

Of course, we will not talk about any serious types of earnings, based on the target audience for which this article was written. But you can mention a part-time job in the form of selling newspapers, flowers, ice cream and other things.

In any city there are newspapers with free advertisements: about work, about buying and selling things, renting out premises, etc. Such newspapers can be distributed. This will be especially relevant in places where visitors gather: bus stations, railway stations, etc. Large shopping centers and markets are also suitable for distributing this type of correspondence.

Seasonal goods. For example, in the summer you can earn extra money selling ice cream, cotton candy or kvass. Moreover, this can be done either in a small kiosk or on the road, for example, using the same bicycle, which has a small refrigerator for ice cream in the front.

An interesting idea for a schoolchild to make money is to sell flowers, not just at a kiosk, but, for example, in a cafe. Imagine you are sitting with your companion in a cafe, drinking coffee, eating cake. And suddenly a teenager comes up with a basket of flowers and offers to buy a bouquet for the lady. Won't you do this? Psychology! By the way, you can grow flowers yourself.

"Technical staff"

You can earn extra money as a janitor, cleaner, or laborer. Jobs like “bring and serve” are always held in high esteem. Clean up the premises after renovation, paint the fence, landscape the area. By the way, we can dwell on the last point in more detail.

On the territory of almost all government institutions there is a small front garden with plants and flowers. Even many schools can boast of this. Ask if you need help cleaning the area: in autumn there is a lot of foliage, and in winter there is snow, and flowers and shrubs also require care.

We include a car wash in this category. Of course, there is no need to go to the car wash - now this entire process is automated. But you can walk through cars stuck in traffic jams. It happens that the car has just been “washed” and suddenly it rains - the windows and headlights are dirty, and the body itself is no longer sparkling clean. Many car owners won’t mind a little “cleaning of the feathers.”

You can also offer your services at gas stations. It happens that the driver does not even have time to get out of the car to refuel the car, but here is such a lifesaver in your face!

Promoters and merchandisers

Being a promoter is a good option for how to make money for a schoolchild. The essence of the work is to lay out new products in the store on small tables and offer them for tasting.

At the same time, in the same store you can design counters, i.e. put goods on shelves. In this case, they will “call you” a merchandiser. By the way, a very useful experience. After all, the goods are not laid out just like that, but using a special technology: forward and in the center are those goods that are about to expire and need to be sold faster. More profitable and cheaper goods are, as a rule, on the lowest or highest shelves. So it will come in handy!

You can also try yourself as a packer - putting cookies, sweets, etc. into bags. It’s also quite a dusty job.

Summer, ah, summer!

A couple of ideas for a purely summer part-time job.

  1. The ideal way for a schoolchild to earn money is to work as an assistant counselor in children's camps. It's not so much work here as relaxation. Sea, sun, entertainment, food - all this will be within your reach. The job is to carry out the instructions of the counselor.
  2. “Working in the field” is the next way to earn extra money. Weeding vegetables, harvesting, caring for plants and animals.
  3. Rental of sports equipment: bicycles, rollerblades, cars - any schoolchild can rent out any type of “transport” for a certain period of time. Also, any teenager can sell tickets and monitor the time children spend on an inflatable trampoline.

From the series “Homework”

You can do a number of jobs without even leaving your home. Of course, this type of activity is more suitable for high school students who already have a little idea about their future profession.

  1. Everything you can do with your own hands.

Remember what you are good at and what gives you pleasure. Knitting, embroidery, beading, birch bark crafts, etc. – all these products can be made to order and sold independently or through special points.

  1. Repair

If the first way to make money for a schoolchild at home is more suitable for girls, then here all the attention is on the stronger sex. Think about what you like, and most importantly, you are good at repairing. Maybe it's household or computer equipment. Or maybe you are well versed in any type of transport: a bicycle, a moped, or even a car. You can repair all this yourself or work as an assistant.

  1. Manicure and cosmetology services

Are you giving yourself a stunning manicure? Or does your makeup or hairstyle make all your classmates jealous? Or maybe this will be your calling? Get started now! For a nominal fee, you can make your classmates more beautiful and gain valuable experience.

  1. Computer training

Nowadays everyone knows how to use a computer. But often the older generation has problems with this. Almost no one writes regular letters anymore; everything has been replaced by Skype, mail servers and social networks. Some adults don't even know how to turn on the computer - they are afraid of it! Help them - show them the capabilities of both the computer itself and the World Wide Web. Many will simply be grateful to you.

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is exactly the problem that 95% of new entrepreneurs face! In the article, we revealed the most relevant ways to obtain start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

We propose to supplement the list of options for how to make money for a schoolchild from the article.

How to easily make money on the Internet for a schoolchild: 6 simple ways

Probably one of the easiest ways to earn money for a schoolchild, and not only for him, is to earn money through the Internet. You can make money here on literally everything, from regular comments to creating your own website. It all depends on your skills, desire and availability of free time.

As for schoolchildren, today almost all of them spend their free time “hanging out” on social networks, commenting and liking photos of their friends. Why not do it for money? Do you think it's not real? How real it is! Let's look at several directions on how to easily make money on the Internet for a schoolchild.


You can also “click” on links to further view sites. In another way, this type of activity is called surfing. Your task is to go to the site, stay there for thirty seconds for your visit to be counted, complete a small task and receive payment, albeit a very small one. But for a schoolchild who often browses different sites for free, such an “increase” will be very pleasant. As tasks, you may be asked to leave a comment on an article, like a certain photo, etc.

Social media

Another dust-free job. For example, now on the social network VKontakte there are only lazy people. Here the main direction of how to easily make money on the Internet for a schoolchild is the promotion of various communities. In other words, you should attract as many subscribers as possible to this group. How it's done? You can simply invite friends to join the community, or you can do it quietly.

How often do we see photographs from different communities on our friends’ walls? Perhaps some community interested us, and we also subscribed to it. This is approximately what you will have to do. To do this, we register on a special service and complete tasks: repost the post, like it or write a comment. The main thing is that all these actions are seen by your friends, who are potential clients and subscribers. It’s not difficult to guess that the more subscribers and friends you have, and the more promoted your account is, the more complex tasks you will be entrusted with.

Another area of ​​how a schoolchild can make money in this subgroup is creating their own community, promoting it and posting advertising information from the customer. Advertising can include links to other communities or sites, posting photographs, and so on.

Reading letters, taking tests, leaving feedback

Yes, and they pay for it! Read the letter, answer the question, get money. Or you read the text, on the basis of which you answer questions by choosing one answer option from several.

You can also earn money by writing reviews, for example about a product, a movie you watched, etc. You can write both positive and negative reviews. It is quite possible that you will come across a product that you actually purchased and will be able to describe it in vivid colors. Payment depends on the number of views of your review.

File sharing and photobank

Nothing complicated here either. We find a just released movie, album, game, etc., i.e. the information that a large number of people will want to download. We upload files to a file hosting service and advertise it. Anything can be used: your page or group on a social network, some forums, the main thing is to make a link to your file. Payment is made for a certain number of file downloads.

If you are a photography enthusiast, you can try your hand at selling photographs. Go to any site that is a photo bank - a site where photographers post their masterpieces, and anyone can download them for a certain monetary reward. Then it’s a matter of technique: we take pictures, post them, and wait for a potential buyer.

However, problems may arise here regarding permission to publish. For example, the usual nature will not take permission from you to take photographs, but if some person suddenly finds himself in the picture without his permission, then undesirable consequences may arise.

Rewriting and copywriting

If you are fluent in Russian and you like to write or revise various articles, then you can consider this method as an option for how to make money for a student. Here, however, you will have to work hard. But with some experience in this field, you can achieve considerable success.

Computer games

There are also several ways to earn money here. First, you can play a demo game and write a short report. Or, by playing some popular computer game, you can “pump up” your hero and then sell him.

How to earn money for a student at school: 2 options for part-time work

An interesting question is how a student can make money at school. It turns out you can do this too. Well, it’s convenient - you study, and at the same time you earn money. A couple of tips in this direction.

"Help" a friend

If you are strong in any subject, offer your services to your classmates. There can be several variations: either you solve tests or write essays for a fee, or you help your classmates understand the material themselves, i.e. act as a tutor.

Another option is to study not with classmates, but with elementary school students. Here you can also earn extra money by tutoring or sell your no longer needed materials: problem solving, essays, etc.

Some enterprising teenagers even make money by selling cheat sheets.


You can also choose a way to earn extra money, such as cleaning. Inform the school principal that you are ready at any time to replace a sick cleaner or to clean the school grounds.

We offer you to read a couple of articles that may be able to encourage you to start earning money as a teenager: ,. Who knows, maybe you are destined to invent something new or become a successful entrepreneur.

How a schoolchild can make money in a village: 3 great solutions

So we have reached the last point of our story: how to make money for a schoolchild in the village.

First, analyze the areas of possible activity. What is typical for any village? Vegetable gardens and keeping livestock - this is what we will start from.

Help with housework

Pensioners and single women will always accept help in the form of digging up a garden or chopping firewood. You can also offer services in the form of repairs. The roof, porch, fence tend to break and become unusable over time. If there are no men's hands in the house, then any help in renovating the house will go with a bang. And in winter, it is also necessary to clear the yard of snow almost every day.

Teenage girls can earn extra money by weeding the garden or caring for livestock. Offer services for grazing large and small ruminants and preparing food for them for the winter.

Gifts from the garden and forest

An excellent solution to earn extra money in the summer is to sell crops collected from your own garden or forest. “Production” can be realized independently or through special organizations engaged in purchasing vegetables, berries, and mushrooms from the population.

"Office" work

Take a look around. Every village has a library, and in it, accordingly, books. Ask if you need help repairing these books or creating book catalogues.

Administrative offices are also a good option. Offer your services in typing text on a computer or design services. Often, key workers simply do not have time to do all these things.

Let's sum it up

So, there are endless options for how a student can earn money. The main desire here is that schoolchildren have everything in order with their free time, especially during the holidays. Well, if you yourself cannot find something you like, contact the employment center or administration. In many cities, special public organizations are created to provide employment for children.

Having your own money, not depending on the income and mood of your parents, earning money on your own - this is the dream of many teenagers. Often teenagers 10-16 years old try to earn money in the summer. The development of technology allows you to receive money without investment, without leaving your home and even while relaxing in the countryside - through the global network. We will tell you how to do this when you are only 11-15 years old in this article.

Today, every schoolchild can have his own money by earning it on the Internet

Is it realistic for a 10-15 year old student to earn money while sitting at home?

On the Internet you can find useful information and buy something you need (or not so much). However, the global network has long ceased to be a place where money is only spent - it is quite possible to make money here. A schoolchild aged 12, 13, 14 and older is well oriented in the virtual space and may well find a job to his liking and abilities. How can a schoolchild make money on the Internet? Is it possible to start from scratch and make a profit without investment?

Low income job

When you are only 10, 11 or 15 years old, even a small income is important - it allows you to feel like an adult, assert yourself and please yourself with pleasant little things that your parents always don’t have enough money for. The income will be useful to the schoolchild during the holidays. At the same time, you can receive money without leaving your home. To work on the Internet, you do not need to have any special skills.

It is quite possible to earn small amounts of pocket money by browsing websites, taking paid surveys or leaving your reviews.

Surfing various sites

Those who like to “stroll” through various sites and pages can turn this hobby into a way to earn money. The work is essentially extremely simple and even a first-grader can do it. You need to go to the Internet resources specified in the order and stay there for some time (on average half a minute).

The main disadvantages of surfing are that it is boring, gets boring quickly and brings in little income. To get 50-60 rubles you will need to spend about three hours. You can work as an Internet surfer on resources such as seosprint or wmmail. These services have existed for a long time and are trusted among users.

Paid surveys

Some companies specialize in conducting surveys. Such firms are intermediaries - they receive an order, for example, from the manufacturer of a particular product and the characteristics of the target audience whose opinion you want to know. If you want to make money on paid surveys while sitting at home, then it is better to register on several such sites at once.

When registering, you will need to fill out a form - the more detailed information you send, the greater the chances of getting into the target group.

You can earn your first money from paid surveys
  • MYIYO (German service, payments in euros);
  • e-Research-Global (an American company that has been working with surveys for almost twenty years);

Sites for publishing reviews

You can also earn money from reviews. There are a large number of services that pay for user opinions: about cosmetics, household appliances, clothes, shoes, books, game consoles, and so on. The domestic platform Otzovik is especially popular - here the author of the review receives a payment for the very fact of describing his impression, plus every thousand views of the submitted text is paid.

Earnings for creative people

Creative people who have any talents and skills can earn quite a lot of money on the global network - of course, not right away, everything comes with experience and reputation (rating). A teenager of 12-13, 14-15 years old cannot help but try himself as an author on freelance exchanges, sell photographs or complete assignments from the school curriculum.

Writing texts on freelance exchanges

A schoolboy or schoolgirl who is good at writing essays and summaries, with a good vocabulary, can register on one of the rewriting and copywriting exchanges. In the first case, you will simply need to rewrite the finished text in your own words so that it becomes unique, in the second, you will need to come up with something original. Suitable for beginners:

  1. Text.ru. Domestic exchange with an average level of payment. Suitable for beginners - it has an attractive design and an intuitive interface.
  2. Textsale. Suitable for both authors working on orders on a given topic, and for those who want to sell their unique articles and even works of art.
  3. Advego. Will be of interest to experienced copywriters and rewriters. Prices here are higher, but the requirements set by customers are stricter.
  4. Etxt. One of the most popular services where it is possible to sell and buy unique content. The plagiarism checking system on this exchange is considered one of the best.

Etxt – a site for beginner freelancers

Selling photos

To make a website attractive, you need to place a photo on it that is relevant to the topic. Most photographic materials on the Internet have already been copied hundreds and thousands of times, so new unique photographs sell well on photo stocks: Shutterstock, Depositphotos, Fotolia. A teenager is required to have a smartphone with a good camera or a camera, plus free time and artistic taste.

Performing various tasks

An essay, an essay, homework - all this routine is well known (and not at all liked by most schoolchildren). However, if you wish, you can earn not only good grades by completing such tasks.

By registering with the appropriate services, you can do your usual homework for money. You can try your hand at Author24, Mirznanii.com.

Ways of permanent income

Maintaining your blog or website

Running your own blog is very exciting, and if you promote it correctly, it is also profitable. Of course, the content on the blog must be interesting, high-quality and original, which means you will have to spend a lot of time and use all your imagination to interest viewers - and advertisers. On average, they pay $1.5 for one commercial view.

Running your own website is much more difficult; for this you also need to have programming skills. To create a portal, maintain it and fill it, you will need time and effort, but you don’t have to do it alone - you can put together a team. For a resource to be of interest to an advertiser, hundreds of people must visit it every day. So in the first 6-8 months you will have to work hard without reward.

Own channel on Youtube

The principle of making money on your own Youtube channel is identical to blogging described above. The blogger uploads interesting, educational or simply funny videos, and if he is popular and gains hundreds and thousands of subscribers, monetization comes - again from advertisers. Competition in this field is very high, but if you are successful, you can earn a lot of money.

Making interesting videos for YouTube is very profitable

Using social networks to earn money

Spending several hours on a social network, viewing the news feed, liking posts and videos you like, reposting and joining groups is a typical evening for a modern teenager. If desired, this hobby can easily provide income to any student without investment - small, but pleasant. Tasks can be found on the resources VKtarget, Smmok, CASHbox and the like.

You can earn money by playing computer games

Computer games, which, in the opinion of many parents, are an empty and meaningless waste of time, with the right approach turn into, if not a “gold mine” for a schoolchild, then into a source of income for children. How can a schoolchild make money without taking time away from his favorite game?

Some schoolchildren earn money by playing computer games

There are several ways to get not only pleasure, but also profit:

  1. Streaming on Twich. During the broadcast, the streamer is required to do three things at the same time: play incredibly cool, constantly comment on all his actions in the game, and at the same time remain incredibly interesting. 9 out of 10 streamers do not earn that much - within 15 thousand rubles per month (see also:). However, if you try and break into the TOP, then 100,000 is not the limit.
  2. Cybersport. The brilliant “turquoise” dream of all gamers in the world – regardless of age. A progamer earns from 7 thousand US dollars, but even without being among these lucky ones, of whom there are very few in the world, you can try yourself in the role of an e-sportsman. This sport makes strict demands: youth (average age is 16–23 years old, at 27 they are already “retiring”) and constant training (at least 6, and preferably 11 hours a day).

The names of famous e-sportsmen are on everyone’s lips, and competitions today attract entire stadiums of fans and admirers. Of course, you will have to start at the local level, but if you make it to a popular team, you can compete for fantastic cash prizes, amounting to millions of American dollars.

The demand for all these essentially useless “goods” is terribly small, while the supply is growing every day. For example, it takes about two months to “pump up” a character to a “marketable” level. At the same time, there are a lot of gamers who are not averse to raising heroes for sale, while there are several times fewer players who want to immediately get a developed “subject” and are willing to pay for it. For this reason, the price tag for such a “product” is very low - buyers pay 8-20 US dollars for one hero.

Other ways to earn money

There are other methods you can try to generate income online. In the summer, when you have three months of free time, especially if your grandmother in the village already has access to the global network, you can try several methods and choose the one you like the most. What else can a schoolchild earn from:

  1. Links, clicks, captcha entry. Easy but boring job with little pay. Suitable for beginners and the laziest.
  2. Transcription. The customer sends an audio file that needs to be translated into text format with verbatim accuracy. You can earn 2-3 dollars per hour.
  3. Design of advertising banners, illustrations, avatars. You will need artistic taste plus skills in working with relevant editors.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

A little information: not all schoolchildren can earn money. Or rather, not everyone has such a right.

According to Article 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the applicant must be 14 years old. But even in this case, there are still a number of “buts”: the consent of at least one parent is required in writing, the working day cannot last longer than 3-4 hours and you cannot work in areas related to money (and this includes cashiers, and conductors, and postmen, and waiters). Naturally, work should not interfere with learning in any way.

This doesn’t sound very lucrative, of course, and there are few completely legal options left. Let’s add to this the fact that the maximum salary a teenager can receive is only 5,000 rubles. In addition, a teenager can only enter into an employment contract at the age of 16, which means that any work before that is an excellent opportunity to see by personal example whether all people are truly honest and wonderful.

The older a teenager gets, the more opportunities he has to earn money. For example, from the age of 16 you can already earn more than five thousand and even work at McDonald’s, although, of course, there is no talk of any skilled or intellectual work. Officially.

To sum it up, most schoolchildren are not allowed to do anything, and if they can, then just a little. However, they continue to desperately fight for their right to work and earn on an equal basis with everyone else. And many even do it well. We talked to those schoolchildren who already have this experience and found out how they get around the difficulties of teenage employment and why.

Income (per month):

    ~40 thousand rubles - programming (unstable)

Expenses (per month):

    gifts - unstable;

    savings are unstable.

When I started learning the basics of programming, I had just turned 14 years old. At the age of 15, I already started to get interested in game programming. It came out completely spontaneously, I asked myself the question: how do people create games? And after that it began to develop. After I more or less studied the game engine, the programming language that provided for this engine, I began to act. Found indie developers. At an interview with a senior (if you can call him that, it’s still an indie company), I realized that I didn’t have enough knowledge. I was hired mainly because of my great desire to work.

By the way, I never said about my real age. Only those who graduated from university were accepted into the team. So I had to lie and say I was 25 years old.

It's really a shame that people have such a stereotype about age. Even if your skills are decent enough, you can easily be rejected just because you are supposedly too young.

I participated in all interviews, took on everything, in general, showed maximum initiative, and it paid off. I got familiar customers, I began to rise higher.

Alas, the project fell apart, but I took into account our mistakes and understood what should be done ideally. After that I had three more serious projects.

Payment for an indie development project depends on the efforts and skills of the developers themselves. For a project completed in six months in the evenings after school, you can earn 100 thousand rubles. It all depends on the customer and on the project itself, as well as on how you have proven yourself. On freelance exchanges there are projects for 500 thousand rubles, and there are also for 10 thousand rubles. The question is skills, strength and time.

Time cannot be neglected. Now I’m in my senior year, and there’s a catastrophic lack of time, especially in the second half of the year, so right now I simply don’t have time to pursue serious projects. There is no particular need for money now, because I live with my parents, and they pay for all the essentials.


Income (per month):

    4-12 thousand rubles. - parental sponsorship of needs and trips;

    1,200 rub. - pocket money;

    1,500 rub. - salary.

Expenses (per month):

    3-10 thousand rubles. - trips to other regions;

    2,400 rub. - travel and food;

    1,600 rub. - tutor;

    ~200 rub. - flute wear.

My father works as a driver, and my mother is a teacher. Parents pay for food, utilities, communications and everything else, and this adds up to a fairly large sum. We have a family of five, and everyone has needs, so the need to somehow earn money for ourselves arose naturally. For what exactly? Mainly for trips, music competitions, something like that. I don’t buy clothes for myself, I rarely change equipment, so my parents help with this.

I prefer not to talk too much about my part-time job among my classmates and acquaintances - it’s not exactly the most enviable thing. In fact, on weekends I go door to door with my family and deliver receipts, this has been going on for a year now. You could say I work part-time as a postman. It doesn’t take much time, a couple of hours a week, but they also pay the same - 1.5-2 thousand per month.

Of course, I am not officially registered; everything goes through my father. I haven’t tried to get a job in other places yet, there is no urgent need - mostly my parents support me, and I need money for travel. I play the flute professionally, and therefore I constantly go to competitions in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Nizhny Novgorod. It turns out, of course, that it’s not cheap in itself, and many competitions also require an entry fee. Plus, every few years I change my flute, and a good one costs at least 25-30 thousand. Of course, parents help, because the income from the post office simply cannot be enough for everything.

Income (per month):

    ~30 thousand - parental sponsorship of needs;

    4 thousand - pocket money;

Unstable income:

    dog shows - up to 30 thousand at a time;

    group classes (handling) - 3,200 at a time;

    website design - 1-2 thousand for one job;

    sale of paintings - about 5 thousand per one;

    assistance with renting premises.

Expenses (per month):

    2-3 thousand rubles. - products;

    8 thousand rubles. - tutors and training in the gym;

    ~5 thousand rub. - clothes and shoes;

    ~10 thousand rubles. - dogs (food, vitamins, shampoos, etc.)

I often stay at home alone for a long time, so every month my mother sends me money on my card for the most basic things - groceries, clothes, dog food, tutors, etc. By the way, tutors are the most expensive. My mother also pays for the apartment and communications, but this money no longer goes through me.

I myself started earning money by accident about a year and a half ago. There was no great need for this, I just got a dog and started handling. At one exhibition you can get up to 30 thousand rubles at a time, but usually I get three thousand per ring. Then I wanted to buy another dog, and then the need arose to earn money systematically.

I made good friends and acquaintances in the handling community, so I was offered to teach group classes once a week. Eight people came, they paid 400 rubles. Then I started drawing dogs and selling them on Facebook. I saved almost all my money to buy a dog. When I finally bought it, I, of course, slowed down, although I still treat my money quite carefully.

To be honest, I have never come face to face with any age discrimination. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I always had support - familiar handlers, I helped my father with website design, I also rented out my father’s premises. In addition, I look somewhat older than my age, so such problems did not arise. I don't know what would have happened if things had turned out differently.

Income (per month):

    2,500 rub. - Pocket;

    300-2,000 rub. - promotion, posting advertisements (unstable).

Expenses (per month):

    1,200 rub. - travel;

    1,000 rub. - nutrition;

    100-200 rub. - walks, entertainment;

    200-300 rub. - family.

When I started working part-time, I was 11 years old. At that time I was both a promoter and a poster. What is this connected with? Let’s just say that I don’t have the wealthiest family; there is barely enough money and not enough for everything I would like. We cannot eat sweets and cookies every day, we cannot dress expensively... In general, many things are missing. I understood this even then and decided that I needed to try to work on it myself.

When I started working, things went well. At a time I could earn 300 rubles, 500 rubles, 600 rubles, somehow I even earned a thousand. For me it's money. I then spent it on groceries at home, on sweets, and if there was still some left, I simply squandered this money with my friends.

But now the situation has become more complicated. If before they could easily turn a blind eye to age, now they can’t. Many employers do not want to hire anyone under the age of sixteen, although this is permitted by law. As a result, children's jobs are taken by adults who could easily work in some more serious places. Yes, at least by sellers! Teenagers also need money, but at the same time they cannot sit at work all day because of their studies. As a result, there are very few options for part-time work left, and they go to adults. I think this is somehow wrong.

As a result, there are very few options for part-time work left, and they go to adults. I think this is somehow wrong.

Several times I tried to find a part-time job on the Internet. A real case - one organization needed an SMM specialist, I responded. I created a portfolio, did a test task, and the employer liked it. The conversation already turned to salary and registration, they asked me to tell me my age... And then they found someone supposedly more experienced than me. Although, it would seem that I had already demonstrated my skills and would have done it quite well. Teenagers are not stupid by definition.


Income (per month):

    2000 rub. - pocket money;

Expenses (per month):


I received my first salary at the age of 14, when I worked for a month as a counselor at a day camp. But then we were simply deceived at school. We were supposed to receive five thousand rubles each, but about three thousand were simply deducted from us - for the tasteless food in the canteen, which we didn’t even eat. During this month, I realized that this kind of work is not for me at all, and that I want to earn money from what I am passionate about.

Now I am engaged in journalism and write materials for the local municipal newspaper, but I am not paid a salary, although I work on an equal basis with everyone else and, for example, the last issue of my materials turned out to be the most. The editorial office has developed very warm relations and, naturally, I will never complain to anyone about them, but...

They took me so that I could gain some experience in the profession before entering, and I thought that I should have some kind of salary. Apparently, our ideas about my rights differed slightly and what happened was what happened.

I don't have much work left to do, so I don't show up. Although I still hope that their conscience will awaken.

We have a small town, and it’s almost impossible for a teenager to find a job here. Children are most often not trusted to even deliver leaflets. Only one store sometimes does this, and then very rarely. They pay little there, about 500 rubles for three hours. Still, there is discrimination against children.

Or another case. I recently went to an exhibition of paintings in another city as a journalist and witnessed such an incident. The head of the local cultural center is standing, and a girl, about thirty years old, approaches her. The manager began to introduce her to the artist: “Here, this is our new journalist, she doesn’t know anything yet, doesn’t know what questions to ask, so you tell her everything yourself, don’t embarrass the girl.” I was shocked. Seriously? A minute later I was also interviewing, and no one was helping me. However, she gets paid and I don't. Only because she is older and has an education.

They don’t take us anywhere simply because of their age. Some still at least look mature, but I clearly don’t look like a student, and this literally takes away my last chance for some kind of employment. In my opinion, this is unfair.

So what to do?

If you are a minor (or already an adult, but in school) and looking for a job, then, of course, there is bad news for you. You will have to scrupulously clarify every little detail and constantly be on guard if you expect any benefit. You may be required to have professional skills that not all adult employees have. And yet, here are some succinct, realistic tips on how you can work and not be left in the cold:

    Choose an employer. Don't jump at all offers at once and carefully read the contract if you have one - a person doesn't have to look like the embodiment of absolute evil to profit from you. Or choose offers from a trusted person who is simply dangerous to deceive you.

    If possible, do not disclose your age., especially if you are applying for a more or less serious position. Instead, show your skills and initiative.

    Don't expect mountains of gold right away. To earn a lot, you need time, and schoolchildren, in principle, cannot have it in abundance (don’t even try to challenge this).

    Show interest. Preferably sincere.

    If you've been scammed, don't come back.. Write an angry post on social networks and help others not fall into the same rake, maybe it will even help others.

There is a widespread belief that it is impossible to make money online without your own website or investing personal funds. This is wrong. There are a lot of proven ways to earn money that do not require either one or the other from the user. In addition to an additional source of income, working online will help you gain first experience and instill discipline. Earned funds can be spent on goods or services online, as well as withdrawn to a bank card.

Quick navigation:

Earn money on a mobile phone (Android and iOS)

To make money on a smartphone with Android or iOS, you can use the application AppRating. First, you will need to install this application from the Play Market or AppStore (depending on your smartphone). The work consists of simply downloading applications. For one download you can earn up to 25 rubles. The number of possible downloads per day is unlimited. The download speed depends on the quality of the Internet connection. with special zeal, it is possible to earn up to 150 rubles per hour. Funds are credited either to the Webmoney electronic wallet or to the mobile phone account balance. Absolutely anyone can handle this part-time job.

The second application for earning money is called AdvertApp, install it too, to receive income from two sources simultaneously.

We earn money by entering captcha

Every network user was faced with the need to enter verification characters in order to confirm an action. However, few people know that you can make money from this. There are special applications that you just need to install in your browser, and they will automatically recognize captchas. However, not all characters can be entered by the program; some of the test characters can only be recognized by a person.

Service RuСaptcha.com offers additional income to everyone by entering captchas. For 1000 solutions, the user will be credited 36 rubles. It is worth saying that this is quite a difficult job. In order to receive tangible income in this way, you need to be proficient in touch typing in both Russian and English layouts. Otherwise, you will be able to earn no more than 360 rubles per day.

More sites for making money on captcha:

  • Anti-Captcha.com
  • 2Captcha.com
  • Kolotibablo.com
  • MegaTypers.com

Collecting free bitcoins

Bitcoin is the first and most popular digital currency that can be obtained not only through mining. There are a large number of sites that give out this currency for free every hour. Such services are usually called Bitcoin faucets. The best among them is the site freebitco.in

To start receiving bitcoins, you just need to register a wallet to receive cryptocurrency in the blockchain system and register on the mentioned website. In addition to the hourly distribution of Satoshi, the developers provide a free weekly lottery, the main prize of which is 1 Bitcoin. There are also a number of attractive bonuses for activity on the site.

Other good Bitcoin faucets:

  • Bonusbitcoin.co
  • bitfun.co
  • moonbit.co.in
  • Freebitco.in
  • Dailyfreebits.com

Viewing advertisements for money on the Globus-inter website

Fans of passive income, as well as schoolchildren and students are advised to pay attention to the Globus-inter service. This is a unique advertising platform through which everyone can earn money without investment. All you need is a computer or smartphone with stable Internet access. The job is to view advertisements from other users. To start earning money, you will need to install a special application that will periodically display an ad. For viewing one video or post, the user will be credited with a payment of $0.03 to the system’s internal balance. You can earn no more than $1 per day.

It is worth noting that the service provides a referral program, which consists of 7 levels. To earn more than $1000 per month on the Globus-inter service, you need to invite only 7 people to the system. It is important that 7 people also register using the affiliate link of each of the invitees, and so on. Here is a table of potential income depending on the number of participants in the affiliate program:

Earnings on Globus-inter requires virtually no user attention. After registering in the system, you should actively promote your affiliate link. To do this, you can use forums, social networks, classifieds sites and other resources. It is important to note that if the user himself stops viewing advertisements, then he will not receive earnings from the affiliate program.

Video: Working for students and schoolchildren on the Internet - how to make money for teenagers and schoolchildren

Earnings on clicks (mailers)

Postal services (the second name for axleboxes) are a common way to generate additional income, which is mainly used by schoolchildren and beginning freelancers. The essence of earning money is to complete various tasks:

  • viewing advertising sites (30-60 seconds);
  • reading letters;
  • registration on websites;
  • performing simple tasks on social networks (likes, reposts, subscriptions, etc.).

Postal services (boxes) are income that does not require special knowledge or special practical skills. That is why teenagers do this in their free time from school. If you devote 3-4 hours a day to earning money on axleboxes, then at the end of the month you can count on an income of 5,000 to 8,000 rubles. The earned funds will need to be withdrawn first to an electronic wallet and then to a bank card. Transaction fees range from 2.5% to 3%. The service on which the income was received charges a symbolic commission of 1%, but if the money is needed urgently, the user can create a request for an urgent withdrawal of funds. In this case, the money will be credited to your electronic wallet within 24 hours. For urgency, you will need to pay an increased commission fee, the amount of which is set by the administration of a particular site.

Trusted Russian-language email services include:

  • SepSprint.ru
  • Wmmail.ru
  • SEOfast.ru
  • ProfitCentr.com
  • Web-IP.ru
  • WMzona.com
  • Vip-Prom.net
  • Raymoney.ru
  • Socpublic.com
  • CashTaller.ru

To earn more, we recommend registering on several sites at once. The fact is that the list of tasks for earning money is limited and is updated only 1-2 times a day. Therefore, in order not to waste time, it is recommended to register on several services.

Creating an account is not difficult, all you need is:

  • enter your login and create a password for authorization;
  • indicate your email address.

After confirming your registration, you can start working immediately. On some sites you need to link your phone number and Webmoney wallet so that you cannot create many accounts at once.

Writing comments for money

Surely you periodically comment on something on social networks or websites, but you do it completely free of charge. There is a site that pays for writing comments and reviews for advertisers. To earn money, you need to leave reviews about various products or services. After publishing a review, payment will be received for each reading. Withdrawal of funds is available on or Webmoney, minimum 100 rubles.

Exchanges for working in social media networks

Almost every Internet user has an account on one of the popular social networks. Today, a schoolchild or student can earn pocket money even from this. To earn additional income from social networks you will need to complete the following tasks:

  • like;
  • add as a friend;
  • subscribe to public pages;
  • repost;
  • leave comments.

Every modern schoolchild performs these actions daily and absolutely free. To start making money on this, you should choose an advertising service that is willing to pay for performing simple actions. It is recommended to give preference only to trusted sites.

These include:

  1. A proven service for making money on all popular social networks, including video hosting YouTube. Payment is credited to the user's internal balance immediately after completing the task. The minimum amount for withdrawal to an electronic wallet is 20 rubles. You can earn up to 300 rubles a day by simple actions. The number of paid tasks depends on the level of the user’s account on the social network. The more friends and subscribers you have, the more you can earn.
  2. Vprka.com Earn money by completing standard tasks on social networks. Payment can be received in the form of special chips, which you can use to promote your group or page.
  3. BossLike.ru One of the most popular advertising services for making money on your own account on a social network. Payment per action reaches 0.25 kopecks. Payments are made to an electronic wallet within 24 hours. To create a request for payment, you will need the minimum amount allowed on your balance sheet in the amount of 30 rubles.

The choice of services for making money on social networks is not limited to these sites; you will find several more similar exchanges in the article -. To increase your income, it is possible to register accounts on several social networks, and then create accounts on the mentioned sites.


Sites for automatic earnings

Passive income on the Internet is possible without your own website and additional investments. To do this, just register on one of these sites:

  1. JobPlant
  2. Teaser

These services allow users to automatically earn up to 100 rubles per day in the background. Money is credited to the user's internal balance. Payment is made for viewing advertising and is up to 5 kopecks for each banner. To start receiving money, you need to go through a quick registration procedure and install a special extension in your browser. Next, minimal activity is required from the user. Funds will be credited to your account balance automatically. Earnings can be withdrawn to an electronic wallet.

In addition, there are special automatic surfing programs (viewing advertiser sites one after another). Services offer a similar opportunity

  • WMmail.ru (WMmail Agent)
  • WMRfast.com

To earn money you will need to register and install a special program on your computer. Afterwards you will need to log in and start browsing sites. Before starting such activities, it is recommended to install a good antivirus on your computer, since some sites may contain malware. Also, many users complain about decreased computer performance and Internet speed due to automatic surfing programs. Therefore, before installing special applications, you should think about the feasibility of such income. The safe option is to use such programs in a virtual machine, but creating one will require some technical skills.

Writing articles for money (copywriting and rewriting)

Writing informational, news or commercial texts is a very promising source of income. The advantage is that earnings are limited only by personal qualities:

  • the author's experience and areas of expertise;
  • patience and endurance (in the first stages this is the most important factor);
  • self-discipline;
  • literacy.

Almost anyone can make money by writing informational or commercial texts. By devoting several hours a day to this business, after a while you can achieve high rates of profitability. If you have not previously had the opportunity to gain experience as an author, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with specialized educational materials. In order for the finished article to be in demand, important criteria should be taken into account:

  • absence of stylistic, spelling, semantic and other types of errors;
  • thoughtful and consistent structure (introduction, main part, conclusion);
  • presence of explanatory illustrations (if necessary);
  • information value.

Taking into account the mentioned criteria, a novice author will be able to find regular customers in a relatively short time.

  1. Writing articles to order, complying with all customer requirements.
  2. Write about what you like and put up finished articles for free sale.

Both methods can be combined.

How to start making money by writing articles

To make money on copyright texts, you should select 1 or 2 copyright exchanges. The most popular services are ETXT and Advego. Registration will take a few minutes. After authorization, you need to provide information in your profile and complete test tasks to check literacy and to determine your skill level. The higher the author's competence, the higher his work is paid.

eTXT is a text exchange where you can sell your original article or do custom work. The minimum wage for performers on the service is 5 rubles per 1000 characters of text without spaces. In the absence of authoring experience, it is recommended to start working with these orders. In the future, it is possible to increase the payment to 150 rubles per 1000 characters. You will need to show discipline and hard work, as well as creativity. It is possible to withdraw earned money to a bank card, bypassing payment systems. The commission will be 4%. The minimum amount for payment to a bank card is 1000 rubles, and to an electronic wallet - 250 rubles. If you work only with light orders for 2 hours a day, you can earn up to 5,000 rubles per month. It all depends on personal goals and ambitions.

How to get money earned on the ETXT service

After the author accepts the order for work, the indicated amount will be blocked in the customer’s account. After completing the order, the funds will be credited to the contractor’s balance within 3 to 4 hours. The minimum amount for payment is 250 rubles for electronic wallets and 1 thousand rubles for a bank card.

In this case, the user will need to pay a service fee:

  • 2% for WebMoney wallet owners;
  • 4% for withdrawal of funds to a bank card;
  • 1% for transferring the earned amount to a Qiwi or Yandex Money wallet.

After creating a payment request, the specified amount will be credited to the user’s details within 5 working days. The administration of the ETXT service provides the ability to urgently process an application for payment of earnings. To do this, check the appropriate box when creating a withdrawal request. In this case, the user will be charged an additional commission of 5% of the payment amount. Funds will be credited within 24 hours, including weekends and holidays. In case of delay in urgent payment of funds by the administration, no additional commission will be charged.

Taking paid surveys

An interesting way to make money online that is suitable for absolutely everyone. The job involves participating in social surveys. There are many services on the Internet that are willing to pay users up to 150 rubles for 1 survey. In addition, each of them provides a registration bonus. After registration, you will need to provide as detailed personal information and personal preferences as possible. The number of surveys that will be offered for completion depends on this.

Platnijopros.ru- A popular service among schoolchildren and teenagers. For registration, 10 rubles will be credited to your internal balance. the work consists of filling out questionnaires, for each of which the system pays from 50 to 200 rubles. Notifications about new surveys are sent to the email address specified during registration. The main disadvantage of the service is the small number of questionnaires. You can earn no more than 2,000 rubles per month.

Other reliable and proven sites for making money by taking surveys are:

  • I-say.com
  • Internetopros.ru
  • Rubklub.ru
  • Anketolog.ru
  • Voprosnik.ru
  • Surveys.su

It is possible to earn up to 2,000 rubles per month on one site, so to increase your income, it is recommended not to be lazy and register on all the mentioned services. Potential monthly income in this case can be up to 25,000 rubles. To receive ongoing surveys to the email address specified during registration, it is important to indicate as many personal interests as possible when registering on each site. Payment will be made to the account balance of each site. When the minimum amount for payment is reached, the user will be able to create a corresponding request. Funds will be credited to the e-wallet specified in your profile.

Another similar site is AskUsers.ru

To receive payment, you just need to evaluate sites on the Internet. With a responsible approach, it is possible to earn up to 15,000 rubles per month. You will need to devote 1-2 hours a day to work.

To start earning money, you need to go to the service website and register. You will only need to provide your email address. Within 3 minutes you will receive an email with a confirmation link, which will contain information for authorization on the site. Next, you will need to install a special program on your home PC, log in and start earning money. As tasks are completed, the user's rating in the system will increase. The amount of payment for each assessment depends on this, which can reach up to 50 rubles.

Bonus: Two more working ways for schoolchildren to earn money


Write in the comments what methods you have already tried to make money from home and what results you got. And also be sure to write which methods you shouldn’t even try, so that others will be warned!

Hello, dear colleagues!

We are exactly colleagues, because I make money from my projects on the Internet. And you, too, after reading the article, will make money on the Internet within the next hour. You ask: “How can a schoolchild of 12, 13, ... 17 years old make money on the Internet without investments right now?” From the article you will learn what it is like to make money on the Internet for schoolchildren, in other words, How much can you earn in a few hours and in a month?

I understand that you need pocket money, you want a new phone, but it’s awkward to bother your parents, who already give all their money to feed, teach, and clothe you. Consider that the problem is solved: you will receive answers to the questions: where can a schoolchild make money on the Internet and without the Internet, how can a schoolchild make money on the Internet without investments?

Know that free time is your advantage, take advantage of it.

1. Is it possible for a schoolchild to make money?

I will tell you a number of ways to make money for a schoolchild - traditional and completely new. Get acquainted and choose a suitable opportunity to earn money for your needs, so that you no longer ask your parents for “ice cream”. And even more: to buy them ice cream ourselves!

I just beg you, don’t turn into zombies for making money on the Internet, who think that there is no need to study anymore if I’m already earning money. Consider your job simply as a side hustle. Keep learning. In other articles I will tell you about the professions of the future, about the most advanced and promising services for online learning.

Other useful articles: , , .

So let's continue.

Regardless of your computer skills, you have the opportunity make money online. If you are not yet sufficiently computer literate or have poor internet access, you will also learn how earn money for schoolchildren without internet.

Are you asking how a student can make money? I would like to draw your attention to the following. You are still very young and naive. It happens that adults, taking advantage of children’s naivety, promise them “mountains of gold” for simple work and... deceive them. It's hard to believe, but it's a fact.

Therefore, especially for you in the article - only reliable methods that have been tested and reviewed and verification personally by me and my children - recent schoolchildren and students. And only verified sites where you can earn money money on the Internet without investment for schoolchildren.

2. Earning money on the Internet for schoolchildren, without interfering with their studies.

“Is it possible to earn money without interfering with your studies?” - ask schoolchildren who want to earn extra money. Naturally! Follow the rules below and earning money will not affect your grades.

Follow these rules if you decide to start making money on the Internet:

  1. Determine your working hours.
  2. When you come home, do your homework (to free yourself up the rest of the day).
  3. While working, close your email, all social networks, computer games - it’s addictive and distracting.
  4. You should not eat in front of the computer (a habit of many) - this interferes with the functioning of the brain and you begin to feel sleepy. Eat food before work (30-40 minutes before). Gradually this will become a habit.
  5. Take a 15 minute break after every hour of work. The first hour is always the most productive, and then fatigue begins.
  6. Do simple physical exercises or a short warm-up during the break: stretch your legs, back, neck.

The rules, you see, are simple. Follow them and you will not harm your school performance and earn money for fun.

3. Earning money ideas for schoolchildren.

I offer ideas that have been tested not only by me. Choose one from the proposed list, and your “pocket money” problem will be solved. Meet me.

Idea 1. Social networks.

This is an excellent income for a student. Almost all schoolchildren like to “like” photos and videos, leave comments and read the news in friends’ feeds - this is how students spend most of their free time. But almost the same thing can be done for money. Don't want to make money on your “hobby”? How to start?

There are several options:

Firstly, you can turn to well-known advertising services on social networks VKtarget , VKserfing, CASHbox, Smmok-FB.

On these services, you will need to perform simple tasks for a fee from advertisers who want to promote their public pages or groups on social networks.

What tasks will you perform?

  • Share posts, like, join groups
  • Watch videos, mark “Like” on Youtube
  • Many other easy tasks

Such tasks allow you to earn money easily from 50 rubles per hour.

How to learn to work on these sites. Very simple! By this link you will find detailed instructions with screenshots for registering and completing various tasks on the site CASHbox. And from this video You will learn how to register and how to complete tasks on the site. VKtarget:

Secondly, you can start collaborating with an advertising company as an administrator (manage a group) - this will bring you more income. Its size is determined by the popularity of the company. Admins, on average, receive an income of 5 – 20 thousand rubles., but sometimes more.

Idea 2. Browsing websites - surfing

This is a method that does not require special skills and abilities. All you need to do is perform 3 actions, brought to automaticity:

  1. Go to the advertiser's website
  2. Stay on it for 20-30 seconds. (timers on the website)
  3. Confirm completion (the icon that appears in place of the timer)

Sites that allow you to make money by surfing may also contain other simple tasks. For example, write a review or comment on an article, take part in a vote, like or repost, etc. Agree, nothing complicated.

A little more difficult is this type of earnings, such as “reading letters” or simply “writing”. The bottom line is that you will have to read a short advertising text and answer a number of questions. Here’s the catch: correct answers are paid, but incorrect ones... Of course not.

The most popular and trusted sites for making this kind of money: Seosprint And SEO-fast .

All you need is your free time, nothing complicated, but... Surfing (website browsing) will bring no more than 50 rubles for 3-4 hours of work. Therefore, in addition to viewing sites, you need to complete tasks and read advertising letters.

To summarize, I can say that by completing tasks of all three types (browsing websites, reading letters, completing tasks) in 5-6 hours you will earn 100-500 rubles. Therefore, those of you who are asking how a schoolchild can earn 300 rubles a day will definitely be able to earn that amount using this method.

We can fully explain the fact that this kind of earnings is in trend. It is very simple and allows an ordinary schoolchild to get his first money from the World Wide Web.

Idea 3. Computer games.

How can a schoolchild make money on the Internet by playing games? Oddly enough, there are games that allow you to make good money. Personally, I was interested in the strategy game My Lands – mlgame.ru, suitable for both schoolchildren and students.

In short, the essence of the game is as follows. There are 4 races with advantages and disadvantages. You are required to develop and protect your army, attack ruins and other players. For what? Let me explain.

By destroying the ruins, you can find Black Pearls (BL), and if necessary, they can exchange them for very real (not virtual) money. There are Salt Lakes in the game, which also contain black iron. One lake can bring up to 20 black fish per hour, which is approx. 15 thousand CZH per month. The arithmetic is simple: 100,000 ZH (upon withdrawal) = $1000. Not bad, right?

If you do not have the opportunity to spend a lot of time collecting pearls, do it simpler: develop (pump up) your city well, and then sell it. Well-developed cities can generate income of approx. $800-900.

Naturally, in addition to My Lands There are other interesting browser games, but this one has an impeccable reputation. Since its inception, it has always paid players on time.

You see, you can make money doing something pleasant.

Idea 4. Working on Work-zilla (on WorkZilla)

Now I will introduce you to some types of tasks.
  • Transcription or Transcription is the translation of an audio file into a text document. They provide you with a recording, and as you listen, you format it in text format (usually in Word). Recorded interviews are often provided. For example, a journalist conducting an interview, in order not to be distracted by recordings, saves the information on a voice recorder. To save his time, he asks for help, offering to do this work for others. Here, as they say, “your way out.” An hour of such work can bring from 3 dollars (depending on the typing speed and the customer’s price). There are special programs to automate the work.
  • Creation of avatars. This includes their design and photo retouching. Do you have good taste and know how to work in graphics programs such as Photoshop or Illustrator? If so, this job is perfect for you. Work as a designer. Completing such a task can earn approx. 5 dollars per avatar. Moreover, the task does not lose relevance due to the rapid growth in the number of users of social networks. In addition to the avatar, you can create illustrations or advertising banners.

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