Nesvizh baby food factory. Nesvizh baby food plant Nesvizh baby food

When, as part of brand development, it is possible to simultaneously manage production, the marketing component, and the shelf, truly significant projects are born. "Sarafanovo" is one of them.

The X5 Retail Group holding owns Russia's largest chain of food stores and supermarkets: Pyaterochka, Perekrestok and Karusel - more than 11 thousand stores throughout Russia. Nesvizh baby food plant is a modern high-tech enterprise for the production of dairy products. Together with the Mildberry agency, the companies developed and launched the Sarafanovo brand, which belongs to both the factory and the retail partner.

“Sarafanovo” is not just another private label, but a full-fledged brand with all the necessary attributes: a thoughtful assortment and high quality products, unique design and large-scale marketing communications. This is an unusual approach for the Russian market, where the share of private labels in the portfolio of retail chains is 10–15% - despite the fact that, as a rule, these are either first-price goods on the shelf or copies of market leading brands. In the world, a generally different picture is observed: the share of private labels reaches 40–60%, and these are trademarks of different price categories, including full-fledged retail brands.

The peculiarity of the Sarafanovo project is that in the traditional sales model, the food manufacturer never has direct contact with the audience, and the retailer never manages quality and production. In this project, it became possible to manage production, brand, and shelf at the same time - this is a significant change in the market, creating many new opportunities.

In our strategy, we did not strive for absolute brand uniqueness and differentiation - sometimes it makes more sense to find an opportunity in the market that is not being used properly and turn it into a promising growth point. When developing Sarafanovo, we first of all determined exactly where we were going, who our competitors were and who we were playing against.

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The platform for the Sarafanovo brand was the Russian folk cultural code. The consumer missed the fairy tale. The real world has become too complex and dangerous, so the consumer runs into tradition, into a fictional world, light, beautiful and mischievous, in which people live “in the Russian way,” which means with soul, with pleasure, sincerely, cordially, with humor in any situation. The visual content of the brand reinforces this idea: in today’s crowded information environment, when people are already tired of long texts, what can be especially valuable if not lubok - Russian folk comics!

The fairy-tale world, developed in every detail by Mildberry, is subordinated to everything in the communications of the Sarafanovo brand - from the line of slogans to anthropomorphic (human-like) animal characters: Goat (a young guy, a simple merry fellow and joker), Dog (a strong man, a master of all hands, hardworking, straightforward and a little grumpy), Cat (middle-aged woman, charming housekeeper, hospitable, caring and sharp-tongued), Stork (romantic village intellectual) and Owl (blind, absent-minded granny who loves to tell Russian folk tales).

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The key character of the brand is the Cat. This is a visual anchor, which, at the stage of introducing a brand to the market, is on the front side of the packaging of all products and dominates all communication materials. Minor characters are used to further attract attention when introducing new products and flavors to the market, for seasonal offers, promotions and special projects.

Thanks to the Sarafanovo brand strategy, X5 Retail Group was able to quickly solve the main communication tasks associated with the new brand: create primary awareness and attract the attention of consumers, introduce the audience to the brand and its product offering, encourage customers to start purchasing brand products and ensure the decent quality of the product .

In 9 months, the Sarafanovo brand entered the TOP 5 brands in milk in X5 Retail Group.

“It is very important for us that we, as brand developers, were involved in the project at very early stages, when the partnership was just being formed, product concepts were being developed and a business model was being formed,” sums up Oleg Beriev. - The Sarafanovo case is unique in many ways. The Nesvizh plant and X5 Retail Group created a new type of business with the consolidation of partners’ resources, thanks to which it became possible to implement the most daring strategies. At the same time, the consumer had the opportunity to purchase premium quality products at an affordable price. We, as an agency, were not just contractors, we were part of a team, which allowed us to develop an interactive brand that created the preconditions for a new level of communication with audiences.”

Here is an example of a real customer review (quoted from a social network with minor abbreviations): “You do what you want, but I’m talking about the good. My Sonya is an expert in milk and dairy products. She drinks one and a half to two liters of milk a day. This is her “theme” and she feels all the shades of milky. So, the child strictly ordered me to forget everything<другие бренды>and buy only Sarafanovo. I don’t know who these guys are, but their sour cream is like the one at grandma’s market. Tasty".

Nesvizh Baby Food Plant LLC is a modern export-oriented milk processing enterprise in Nesvizh. The construction of the plant is a socially significant project aimed at creating the largest enterprise in the CIS for the production of a wide range of dairy products for baby food. It is planned to produce dairy products with the highest possible degree of food safety for children of all age categories. Construction and installation work on the project is planned to be completed in the fall of 2016.

The main task of First Number LLC is to carry out work on commissioning of server, communication, telephone equipment, configure the workstation and other work.


  • — Create a corporate data network (CSDN);
    — Create a data processing center (DPC) and data storage system with remote backup and scalability;
    — Create a system for protecting the KSPD perimeter;
    — Organize an IP telephony system;
    — Create a system for collaboration, printing, access to external services;
    — Organize employee workstations;
    — Create a managed anti-virus protection system;
    — Install the software;
    — Create a monitoring system for IT infrastructure and business processes.

    Creation of a corporate data network (CDTN).

    The corporate data network is the basis that ensures the functioning of the enterprise’s IT infrastructure. At the first stage, specialists from First Number LLC carried out all the necessary work to organize:

    — access subsystems of various functionality (for video surveillance systems, telephone systems, wi-fi networks, technological systems);
    — aggregation subsystem and network core, including basic configuration of switches, configuration of security system parameters, VLAN, ports and groups of switch ports, network security protocols, statistics collection systems and other settings.
    — routing subsystems and configuration of wireless network controllers with all the necessary security parameters.

    Creation of a KSPD perimeter protection system.

    Protecting the IT infrastructure from external intrusion ensures information security and is an extremely important and, of course, necessary step in creating a data transmission network.

    Our task was to organize a reliable and modern information security system. The implementation of this stage of the project included:

    — installation and configuration of a firewall at the central office in Minsk and at the enterprise itself in Nesvizh;
    — connecting firewalls to local and external networks;
    — creation of a single KSPD with a remote office via an encrypted communication channel;
    — setting up rules for routing traffic and access at various levels to the Internet for enterprise employees;
    — setting up anti-virus and anti-spam protection and many other necessary works.

    Creation of a data processing center (DPC) and data storage system (SDS) with remote backup and scalability.

    Creating a high-performance data center allows you to solve a number of problems related to the automation of production management and business in general. Among the main ones are ensuring the uninterrupted functioning of IT system services, centralizing data storage and management, access control and protection of information resources, as well as reducing the cost of supporting computing resources.

    Software engineers at First Number LLC worked on creating a data processing center that includes:

    — cluster server system;
    — data storage system;
    — virtual machine system;
    — remote backup data storage system.

    One of the advantages of the implemented data processing center is the scalability of the information and computing system.

    Creation of an IP telephony system.

    The company decided to organize an IP telephony system. The advantages are obvious: ease of deployment, high quality of communication, ease of configuration, wide scalability, ability to record conversations.

    We configured stationary IP devices and corporate smartphones, electronic faxes, call routing, voice greeting (IVR), recording conversations, connected the E1 stream (70 city lines). The ability to create conferences between subscribers of different networks and other settings have been configured.

    Creation of systems for collaboration, printing, access to external services.

    Organization of joint work of employees included:
    — creating accounts for enterprise employees in AD and dividing them into groups;
    — creation of shared resources on file servers for shared access by user groups;
    — installation and configuration of MFPs for network operation with provision of access for collaboration among user groups;
    — setting up access to external services by user groups.

    Organization of automated workplaces for employees.

    To create convenient and modern automated workplaces, specialists from First Number LLC carried out the following work:
    — installation of personal computers at employee workplaces;
    — installation and configuration of licensed copies of the Microsoft 10 Windows operating system with registration of workplaces on a domain controller;
    — installation and configuration of user environment software for employees to perform their functional duties in compliance with license purity;
    — setting up shared access to files and printing systems.
    The total number of jobs is 80.

    Creation of a managed anti-virus protection system.

    The managed anti-virus protection system was created based on Kaspersky Lab software:
    — enterprise anti-virus security policies were created;
    — anti-virus clients are installed and configured on user workstations;
    — installed and configured anti-virus protection on the server cluster and virtual server environment;
    — centralized automatic updates of anti-virus databases via the Internet have been configured.

    Creation of a monitoring system for IT infrastructure and business processes.

    The construction of a centralized IT infrastructure monitoring system made it possible to control the availability and quality of IT services, systems and networks at all levels (active network equipment, servers, storage systems, Wi-Fi access points, UPS, DBMS, business processes, etc.). Also, as part of the project, the integration of the monitoring system with the Service Desk system was configured.

    Our specialists carried out the following work:

    — installed and configured Zabbix monitoring system servers;
    — configured IT infrastructure monitoring objects (active network equipment, servers, storage systems, access points, UPS, DBMS, business processes, etc.);
    — drew the network topology in the monitoring system;
    — configured alert groups;
    — set up warning systems based on threshold values;
    — set up centralized event log storage systems;
    — set up the integration of the monitoring system with the Service Desk system.

    Supply of software, workstations, monitors, servers, MFPs.

    First Number LLC supplied licensed software, including Windows operating systems for personal computers and servers, Kaspersky Lab anti-virus and anti-malware programs, and Veeam data backup and replication solutions.
    Supplied workstations, monitors, laptops produced by the world famous company Lenovo, servers and server equipment - the Japanese company, the market leader in information and communication technologies Fujitsu, MFPs - the American corporation, the pioneer of mass production of copying machines Xerox.


    As a result, the enterprise has put into operation and operates a modern, reliable IT infrastructure that meets all security requirements. Thus, the Nesvizh baby food plant was able to effectively manage workloads, quickly scale the infrastructure to quickly respond to increasing needs, and also reduce IT costs and reduce downtime.

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