Mac os word does not work. How to install free office on MacBook? Microsoft Office Alternatives

Not long ago, a new operating system from Apple was released, which allows you to update your old Mavericks system or later for free with the latest crown of development and engineering. The update will bring a bunch of new features, such as receiving calls on your computer, a new, more convenient iCloud Dirive, a new design and many other goodies. But besides the obvious advantages, there are also disadvantages of the update, namely program malfunctions.

Today we will look at perhaps the most popular question, “I updated to Yosemite, Word stopped starting, what should I do?”

The first thing you need to remember in case of software failures is not to do anything immediately. Don’t run to reinstall a program that lags or worse the operating system, but read the Internet, because the solution to the problem can be hidden on the surface and only takes a couple of minutes. In principle, as is the case with Word, which does not want to turn on.

What to do if Word does not launch on Mac OS

The solution to the problem, as in most cases, lies in updating the program. So let's first install the latest version of Microsoft Office for Mac. Don't worry, if your office is broken, it's okay. It has been tested dozens of times, updates do not show hacking, and after installing Office it will work for you as before. Well, if you have a license, then you don’t need to worry for a long time.

So, the only question left is how to install updates if Word does not start. Let's try to install updates through Excel which starts.

After this, you can safely launch the editor, it should start and work without any problems.

Problems that may occur when updating Microsoft Office

  1. During installation it asks for a password, but you don’t know it. Yes, everything is as it should be. To change files, the system requires an administrator password. Most likely you just don't have it. Leave the Password field blank and click OK.
  2. During installation the installer crashed with an error. In fact, this problem is very rare. You can solve it simply by running new updates.

Several people have already contacted me with the problem of running Word in OS X Yosemite, which came out a couple of days ago. The problem is that Microsoft Office was not fully ready for Apple's new operating system. But everything can be solved with the help of an update!

What to do if Word doesn't work on Mac

So, if Word does not work on your Mac and an error occurs, then you need to download the latest update for Office. You can do this in 2 ways:

Check for Office Mac updates

Checking for updates
Manually checking for updates

After which the search for updates will begin and the installation of what is found will be offered.

As soon as the update is downloaded, the installation will automatically begin, where you will need to click on Next several times and agree to the rules :)

Manually installing an Office Mac update

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Even after you move to the macOS platform, you will be haunted by certain formats native to Windows PC. Until now, the corporate segment prefers Redmond's Word as the main tool for working with text. In this article we will tell you how to open DOCX documents on Mac without additional software.

In contact with

macOS has long had a fully functional version of Microsoft Office, no different from the one used on Windows. Moreover, there are other free word processors, including Apple's Pages, which can open and edit DOCX files. But what if you don’t want to take up disk space for programs that are used at best once a month?

To tame DOCX files, we will use the services of a standard macOS editor TextEdit, as well as a free application Pages in desktop and browser versions.

1 . Open File Explorer Finder and highlight the .doc (.docx) file you want to edit.

2. Right-click and select Open in program → TextEdit.

TextEdit allows you not only to view DOCX documents, but also to edit them and save all changes. True, there are also disadvantages - images are not displayed and there is no layout in the analogue “ Notepad"There is no need to say.

And if you need more, we strongly recommend installing the Pages program from the Mac App Store, especially since Apple itself offers this option.

How to run .doc (.docx) files on Mac using Pages?

1 . Download (free), install and run Pages, if the program is not installed on your Mac.

The program will be free for those who purchased and activated any Mac computer after September 1, 2013.

2 . Click menu FileOpen.

3 . Select the document you are interested in in Finder and click " Open».

Subsequently, the .DOCX format will be associated with Pages and you will be able to open documents directly from Explorer. With Pages you will have the opportunity to work with both images and layout.

How to export an edited .doc (.docx) file back to .doc (.docx) format in Pages

To export a file from Pages to the original Doc or Docx, use the menu File → Export toWord().

Use the Remove2011 tool to completely remove Office for Mac 2011.

1. Download and run Remove2011 tool

2. Run Remove2011 tool

    Remove2011 and select a team Open. Click again Open to confirm the action.

    Type the letter Y and press ENTER to continue.

    Enter your local administrator password on your Mac and press ENTER. The password is not displayed when entered.

    Note: If you have any Office for Mac 2011 application open, a warning will appear. Type the letter Y and press ENTER to force close the application and continue uninstalling.

    When the message appears ...completed(...complete), close this window and move on to the next section.

3. Run the dockutil tool

    Return to folder Remove2011-master.

    Control-click the file dockutil and select a team Open. Click again Open, to continue.

    The tool will launch automatically. When everything is ready, a message will appear Process completed(process completed).

4. Removing icons from the Dock

    If you've placed Office for Mac 2011 icons in the Dock, right-click each one.

    Select items Options > Remove from Dock.

    All is ready! You have completely uninstalled Office for Mac 2011 from your Mac.

Manually uninstall Office for Mac 2011

The following steps can be performed automatically as described above. However, if you want to remove apps manually without using a special tool, follow these steps.

Yes, I want to delete Office for Mac 2011 files manually.


    You must be logged in as an administrator. If you use a personal Mac, you've probably already done this.

    Note: If you're using a Mac on a corporate network, ask your IT department to help you sign in as an administrator.

    Make sure that in Cart there is nothing worth preserving.

There are several objects that need to be removed. This article describes how to remove each of them step by step.

Important: The location of some files depends on whether Service Pack 2 (SP2) is installed. To check this, open Word and select About Word from the Word menu. If the version number listed is 14.2.0 or later, you have Service Pack 2 (SP2) installed and you should follow the appropriate instructions.

Step 1: Delete the Microsoft Office 2011 folder

    Select teams Go > Programs.

    Drag a folder Microsoft Office 2011 V Cart.

Note: Deleting settings using the following method will delete any customizations you've made, such as changes to toolbars and dictionaries or keyboard shortcuts you've created.

Step 2: Remove files from Library > Preferences folders

    Click Go while holding down the key OPTION.

    Note: Why do you need to hold down the OPTION key? The Library folder is hidden, and pressing this key opens it.

    Select Personal and open the folder Library.

    Open Settings and sort files and folders alphabetically.

    Note: If you have Office 2016 for Mac installed on your computer, DO NOT delete the file

    Drag to Cart

    Still in settings open ByHost directory and drag and drop all files whose names start with "" V cart.

    If you've previously created custom templates that you'd like to keep, copy them to a different folder before continuing.

    Return to library, open Application support > Microsoft and drag the folder Office V cart.

Step 3: Remove files from Computer > Library folders

    Select Go > Computer

    Macintosh HD.

    Click Library > LaunchDaemons and drag V Cart.

    Return to folder Library, open Settings and drag V Cart.

    Return to library open PrivilegedHelperTools. Drag V cart.

    Note: If you have Office 2016 for Mac installed on your computer, DO NOT delete files whose names contain the characters "V2". These files are specific to Office 2016 for Mac.

    On the menu Apple select item Reboot.

Step 4: Delete Microsoft Folders and Office 2011 Files

    Select Go > Computer and double-click the hard drive icon.

    By default the hard drive is called Macintosh HD.

    Open the folder Library and then click Program support.

    Drag a folder Microsoft V Cart.


    Return to folder Library, open Fonts and drag the folder Microsoft V Cart.

    Return to folder Library and open Notifications. Drag to Cart all files whose names begin with Office2011_.


    Finder click Empty trash.

    On the menu Apple select item Reboot.

Step 5: Move to Desktop and Rename the Microsoft User Data Folder

    Select Go > Computer and double-click the hard drive icon.

    By default the hard drive is called Macintosh HD.

    Open the folder Library and then click Program support.

    Drag a folder Microsoft V Cart.

    Warning: If you have the Microsoft Silverlight plug-in installed, you may need to reinstall it after deleting this folder. Go to this site to reinstall Microsoft Silverlight.

    Return to folder Library, open Fonts and drag the folder Microsoft V Cart.

    Return to folder Library and open Notifications. Drag to Cart all files whose names begin with Office2011_.

    Note: They are not always on the computer.

    Make sure you can delete all files and folders in the Recycle Bin. On the menu Finder click Empty trash.

    On the menu Apple select item Reboot.

Step 6: Remove Office application icons

    While holding down the key CONTROL, click the Office application icon (such as Microsoft Word) in the panel Dock. Do this for each corresponding icon on the panel.

    Select Options > Remove from Dock.

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