How to register for free on the social network Odnoklassniki. How to create a page on Odnoklassniki? Step-by-step instructions Register Odnoklassniki my social network

Here they are - those same Odnoklassniki about whom your friends talk so much and directly demand and demand your presence. What to do... you need to register - create a page and connect to the general wave of communication, exchange of photos, “classes” and all sorts of interesting posts. Registration on Odnoklassniki cannot be called a complicated procedure, but we will still write detailed instructions.

What do you need to register?

Before writing step-by-step instructions, we will talk about some important points and rules. No, this is not just a boring theory, but information you need to know. If only because breaking the rules can lead to a lifelong ban, i.e. “expulsion” from the social network. And useful tips will help you “settle in” more comfortably on Odnoklassniki.

Registration on Odnoklassniki involves indicating your personal data, starting with your full name and ending with your place of residence. The policy of social networks is that each user must provide only real data and not fictitious information. Firstly, this makes it easier for people to find each other, which is the primary purpose of social networks. Secondly, this is a kind of protection of users from fakes, under which either some spammers or not very good people who are planning not very good deeds are usually hiding. However, little is monitored specifically in the OK, so this rule is often ignored.

We advise you to still try to provide real information about yourself. Anyway, if you want to find friends, it will be easier this way. By the way, the data can be changed at any time. And add too. Therefore, you can take your time - register on the social network, indicating the basic information, and then correct it.

The second important point is the mobile phone number. The rules of the social network state: you can create one new Odnoklassniki page for one phone number. So, if you need to create another account, you will have to find another mobile number. Moreover, even after deleting your profile, you will need to wait 3 months before you can register a new account in Odnoklassniki using the previously used number.

A similar situation occurs with email. One email address can only be associated with one account. However, a slightly different rule applies here: you can create a new page with the old e-mail, although it will be linked specifically to the new profile. So be careful, especially if someone asks for your email to register with OK. The email registered with OK should always be under your control!

Finally, one more thing. Each new user in Odnoklassniki must have a login and password. Login is your “code” name on the social network. Think of it in such a way that you can easily remember it later. But remember that the login cannot be shorter than 6 characters. The same rules apply to the password. True, it’s worth coming up with a password so that strangers can’t guess it. Let it be something special that only you know.


Looks like we've sorted out the rules. Let's move on to the story of how to properly register with Odnoklassniki. If you follow the instructions, there should be no difficulties:
1. Go to the Odnoklassniki website by entering the address or in the address bar of the browser.

2.Click on “Registration” on the social network welcome page that appears.

3.Select from the list of proposed options the country in which the mobile number is registered.

4.Enter your mobile phone number and click “Next”.

5.Keep the phone next to you - a confirmation code should be sent to the specified number. As soon as it is delivered, we print it in the window provided for this on the website.

6. We come up with a “high-quality” password, which will be needed for subsequent login to the site. The system will prompt you whether the password is good or not. Add numbers and change case to make your password more complex.

7.Proceed to filling out the form - indicate your personal data.

But there is one more step - you need to confirm your registration. To do this, you need to go to your email address where the confirmation letter was sent. Open the letter and follow the link indicated in it. As soon as you enter the site, you can state that registration in Odnoklassniki is completely completed. Congratulations!

Subsequent logins to the Odnoklassniki social network are made through a login and password. You can also change your personal data if you messed something up or didn’t specify something. And of course, don’t forget to put an avatar so that your friends can find you faster.


Let's answer some questions that interest OK users:
Q: How much does it cost to register with OK?
A: You can always register with Odnoklassniki for free. This is not a closed club and there is no fee to join.
Q: How many accounts can I create?
A: You can create at least 50 new pages, but you must provide a new mobile phone number for each account. There is no point in inventing fake ones - to complete the registration, a confirmation code is sent to the specified number.
Q: What should I do if I don’t receive a confirmation code on my phone/e-mail?
A: If several hours have passed and the confirmation code/email with the confirmation link has not arrived, then you need to write to OK technical support.
Q: May I know the creation date of my profile?
Oh yeah. To do this, you need to log into the mobile version of the site – Go to the “About Me” section on your profile page, look at the line “Profile created...”.

So, we told you how to register with Odnoklassniki for the first time or again. In principle, there is no difference - the procedure is always the same. You shouldn’t have any difficulties, but if you suddenly have questions, write in the comments to the article. We will be happy to help you!

The initial stage of registration is visiting the Odnoklassniki website at: The start page of the web resource will load, with a secure connection (checked in the browser line; a “lock” icon will appear to the left of the link). Since the beneficiary of Odnoklassniki is the Mail.Ru company, in the top line of the screen the user will see links to the services of the portal. If a person has a personal profile in the “My World Mail.Ru” service, or an email registered on this site, then Odnoklassniki registration can be performed using a simplified procedure. You can also quickly register for the service through Mail.Ru Agent, Facebook or Google+.

Preparing for registration

To register with Odnoklassniki, it is advisable to have with you mobile phone . The number associated with this phone will be needed in the future to re-authorize or restore your account if it is blocked. Active email address (e-mail) is an additional attribute required by the owner of the page on ok. ru. Notifications from the site support service, news, notification letters (about the arrival of new messages, bonuses, gifts, etc.) will be sent to it.

Securing your personal profile on a social network is the prerogative of each user. Even if the initial registration does not require you to create a password, you will have to specify it in the system settings after the initial authorization. Password – the key to data safety, protecting the page from unauthorized access by unauthorized persons. It is not recommended to use online password generators on third-party sites; the best option is to come up with your own with a high degree of security.

A highly secure password consists of of 6-12 characters , combines upper and lower case letters, numbers, icons ( !#$+* etc.). Of course, not everyone can remember a complex password. How and where to store it is a personal matter for the user. It is advisable to type the password for the first time in a simple text editor "Notebook" to check the correctness of the entered characters. Before entering a password in the site field, you need to make sure that the language bar is switched to English (Latin) and the button is disabled Caps Lock.

Odnoklassniki registration on a social network

There are two tabs on the login banner – "Entrance" And "Registration". The visitor selects the second tab if he is not the owner of an account in the service. The cell integrates two fields – country and phone number. The person selects their country from the pop-up list and then enters a valid mobile phone number. After reading the Company Regulations, click the “Next” option.

A new page will open where additional information will be added. user data :

  • Surname;
  • Date of birth (day, month and year);
  • Country of Residence;
  • City;
  • E-Mail or Login;
  • Password.

Next, a hyperlink with the License Agreement opens. Having read and agreed with its points, press the green button with the inscription "Register". If the procedure causes difficulties, select the “Help with registration” link. Odnoklassniki registration is almost complete, all that remains is to go to the newly created page.

A window with a list of actions will open in the upper right corner of the screen, and the checkbox next to the “Registration Complete” action will be automatically checked. The following list of operations is: Enter a phone number, Add a photo, Find 3 friends, Tell about your place of study, Confirm your email address. You can select one of the items and start filling out the autoform. If there is no time for these actions, one of the listed ones is selected and completed.

Phone number associated with profile

Some users of the Odnoklassniki service specifically buy a new SIM card in order to link it to their social network profile. Such SIM cards are practically never used in real life and are quickly deactivated. If there is a sudden blocking of the page, and phone number turned out to be invalid, then access to the page will be practically impossible. The easiest way is to use an active phone number to which messages from technical support will be sent in case of problems with authorization.

You cannot register using the same phone number more than one account. If the user deleted the page and eventually decided to create a new one, then the phone number associated with the old page can be recognized by the system as used. The old number will be applicable after some time (maybe 2-3 months).

It is allowed to change the phone number in the active profile, in the category "Settings", subsection “Change number”. After completing the operation, an SMS with a confirmation code will be sent to this number. It is indicated in the banner and is automatically saved. Similar manipulations are performed with changing and confirming the email address. First of all, the phone number must be active and real, since in most cases it replaces the login.

Odnoklassniki registration, video:

This topic is intended for those who do not yet have their own page (account) in Odnoklassniki. After reading it, you will learn how to correctly register on the website (Create an account in Odnoklassniki).

To register on Odnoklassniki to you you need to get yourself a mailbox on one of the mail services, for example on Yandex, or Yahoo, as well as you must have a mobile phone. Further we will proceed from the fact that you already have all this. So, after a short introduction, let's move on to the process of registering with Odnoklassniki.

How to register with Odnoklassniki?

Type in the address bar We get to the site login window. Click on the big green button on the left “Register”.

Fill out the registration form. We indicate our first and last name, year of birth, city or town in which we live, and email address. Next, you need to come up with a login (you will need to enter it to access the Odnoklassniki website). The login must be written in Latin (English) letters. Since each user has a unique login, the system will automatically check the login you created and if someone has already registered under this before you, you will receive an error message.

Next, create a password for yourself. Urgently I advise you to create a password consisting of numbers and letters(also English). For example df8ta72. When all fields are filled in, click on the green button “ Continue»

Next, you will be taken to a page containing a notification that a letter in Odnoklassniki has been sent to the email address you specified. You are immediately asked to fill out information about your education. However I recommend go to your inbox and look there for a letter with something like this:

And after another five seconds we again find ourselves on a page where we need to fill out information about education, only there is no longer a notification on it that a letter has been sent to us by email. Let's start filling out school, as soon as we fill everything out, click on the “add” button.

The school we added will be displayed on the right. Similarly, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions can be filled. When everything is ready, click continue.

On the next page you will see those who are already registered as classmates and studied in the same educational institutions as you. If you know someone, you can immediately offer them friendship by clicking on the link “ be friends"under his photo. If you don’t want to add anyone as a friend yet, just click on the “skip” link below.

Next step add your first photo. Click on the green button “ Add a photo».

We indicate the location of this photo on the computer. Click open. In a few seconds the photo will be uploaded and you will see the result. If you don't like the photo, you can immediately change your photo in Odnoklassniki by clicking on the link “ change photo"(the link is on the photo itself). If everything suits you, then click “ save and continue».

Now the last and most important step. Website when registering a new user requires mandatory activation via SMS. It's absolutely free. If you skip this step, you will not be able to use all the functions of the Odnoklassniki website. Therefore, in the window that opens, we enter our phone number in ten-digit format (see example in the picture) and press the button “ to get the code" In a couple of minutes, an SMS from your classmates with a code will be sent to the specified phone number. We enter this code in the window and click confirm.

Voila, you and I have succeeded register with Odnoklassniki By all accounts, congratulations!

To create a page on Odnoklassniki, you do not need to spend a lot of time or pay for this service; in this article we will try to understand all the details and nuances of this process. Now this procedure takes literally a couple of minutes and will not require any costs from you. Let's get started?

Create a page on Odnoklassniki: instructions

  • First of all, in order to create an account, go to the social networking site You can also find it in a search engine or enter it in the address bar.
  • We will immediately find ourselves on the main page of the site, where we will find the “ ” button on the right side. This is exactly what we need - we press it.
  • Here you need to enter your phone number and click the “Next” button. Provide accurate information! The fact is that you should receive a registration confirmation code to this number.

Tip: For the sake of the security of your personal data, do not use a password that is too simple (for example, your date of birth or phone number), and also change the combination of characters periodically. This seems obvious, but many people neglect such a simple rule.

  • Next we see a small questionnaire form that must be filled out honestly and reliably (this is in our own interests). The ease of using the social network will depend on the accuracy of the entered data - if everything was entered honestly, then your relatives and friends will be able to quickly find you.

Good news - your Odnoklassniki page has been created! What's next?

Basic profile settings

Of course, you will agree that there is no point in creating a page on Odnoklassniki and leaving the profile empty. In this regard, let's look at what basic settings are available in Odnoklassniki.

  • Click "Change Photo" and select a photo to serve as your avatar.

  • Click on the photo in the upper right corner of the screen and find the “Change Settings” option. Here you can enter information about yourself - name, date of birth, gender and city. You can also link your email, set up privacy, notifications, etc. In other words, the social network provides a wide range of opportunities to make using your profile as comfortable as possible for you. Be sure to create a page and try it yourself!

Creating a profile on Odnoklassniki - what could go wrong?

It happens that you strictly follow the instructions, but you don’t get the expected result. What can be wrong?

This may happen due to a network failure. We advise you to wait a while (at least 5 minutes) and click “Request code again” and then you will definitely be able to create your profile.

I guess that's all. We hope you now understand how to create a new page in Odnoklassniki. This is a fairly simple and quick procedure that does not take much time even for those who are not very good at working with a computer.

Creating a page

One of the most popular social networks in the Russian segment of the Internet is Odnoklassniki. By becoming a member of the site, a person gets the opportunity to communicate with his friends and acquaintances, receive interesting news, join communities, and share photos. In order to register with Odnoklassniki, you need to have a valid mobile phone number and Internet access. Let's take a closer look at the procedure.

Registration on a computer

Registration of a new user of a social network begins with visiting its main page. To do this, you need to type the text “” into the address bar of the browser you are using, or search using Google or Yandex by entering the name of the resource.

Having completed the necessary steps, the main page of the resource opens, where you will be asked to log in or register. To create a new page, click on the “Registration” tab. The top field will indicate the country, which is determined automatically based on the IP address. If desired, you can change it to another. To do this, click on the line and select from the list of suggested ones.

In the second field, enter the mobile number in international format. By clicking the “Next” link, an SMS message will be sent to your phone. The received code must be printed in a special field called “Code from SMS”. After completing the action, click “Next”. If the SMS does not arrive after 3-5 minutes, you can click the “Request code again” block and the message will be sent again.

The social network will inform you that your phone number is now used as a login, and you need to create a password. Creating a password is a fairly important step, since the security of your profile will depend on its complexity and secrecy.

The length must be at least 6 characters, which may include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters (for example, percent signs, question marks, exclamations, multiplications, etc.).

When entering your password, pay attention to the keyboard layout that is currently enabled. For example, if the Russian layout is enabled when creating a password, then the next time you log in, also switch the keyboard language to it. In order not to forget the password you created, you must write it down on paper or save it on your computer. With frequent use, it will be stored in memory, and there will no longer be a need to use the hint.

A special indicator consisting of three divisions will show how good the password was used. Ideally it should be green with “Good Password” written below it.

If everything is done, click the “Next” button, after which the created page will open asking you to fill out the form. You must type your first name, last name, date, year of birth and gender. Click “Save” and visit the main account page for the first time. Now you can start adding a personal photo, finding friends, joining communities, viewing your feed, and much more.

Registration on the phone

Mobile devices have become a part of the life of modern people. They allow you to listen to music, watch videos, use navigation and much more. One of the most popular functions of a smartphone is access to the Internet to visit social networking sites.

Even when you are away from home, you still have the opportunity to receive free notifications about important events of your friends, maintain communication with them and share current news. Take advantage of these benefits now to stay ahead of the curve.

To register with Odnoklassniki from your phone, you need to open your browser and enter the address “”, or use the search by entering the name of the social network. Registration in Odnoklassniki on a mobile device is similar to the same procedure on a computer.

Having opened the main page of the resource, click the “Registration” link. A new window will ask for your country and valid mobile number. After entering the data, click the “Get code” button.

The SMS message arrives quite quickly. We check the incoming messages, enter the 6 digits received in the provided field, and click “Confirm”.

The registration procedure is completed, you can start entering additional information and corresponding with friends.

There is no need to go through the registration procedure again on your phone after completing it on your computer. It is enough to find the social network address through a search engine, then enter the username and password you created earlier. If no changes are made, your phone number will be used as the login, and the password is a combination of letters, symbols and numbers created during registration.

Registering another page

You can create another page on the site only using an additional phone number. If one is available, exit the old profile by clicking the “Exit” link in the upper right part of the page. Then we go through the registration procedure described above again.

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