How to disconnect other devices from Wi-Fi. Disconnecting users from a WiFi router - tips and examples. Disabling and blocking someone else's user

Without Wi-Fi technology it is difficult to imagine a modern cafe, educational institution or ordinary home. These waves are so intertwined in our lives that sometimes there are too many of them, and then there is a desire to make the network inactive. Below we will talk about how to disable Wi-Fi on a router and why to do it.

Why do you need to stop the distribution?

For most people, the Wi-Fi router has not been turned off since purchase. This isn't a big deal if you actually use the connection all the time. And if not? In order not to tempt your neighbor programmer to train in the art of attacks, it is better not to broadcast your network. In general, turning off Wi-Fi on the router, as it is logical to assume, is the best means of protection against any intrusions.

Often people turn off the distribution as a punishment for children. Of course, almost every child has his own personal smartphone, and this will serve as a good lesson. And some are convinced that Wi-Fi waves are a harmful type of radiation for humans and one should be under its influence as little as possible. The reasons for turning off Wi-Fi can be very varied and probably depend on your personal beliefs.


Oddly enough, the question: “Is it possible to turn off Wi-Fi on the router?” - quite common. Although the procedure itself is extremely simple, the action policy differs on different routers, but in general the methods are very similar. Here are some of them:

  • The easiest option to stop broadcasting is through the custom settings menu.
  • Click on the WAN button on the router.
  • Some routers are not able to work without external antennas, or the coverage area without this element is significantly reduced.
  • Well, the most reliable way to protect your Wi-Fi connection is to throw away your router and start using a wired connection.

The easiest way is to use the first method, so let's find out how to disable Wi-Fi on the router using manipulations in the control panel.

You can access the user panel either through a wired connection or via Wi-Fi. Without setting up the equipment, any client connected to the network can terminate the connection in just a few simple steps. Keep in mind that this method can either turn off Wi-Fi on the router or block Internet access for all Wi-Fi devices.

We work with Ethernet routers

Ethernet is the most common type of router. Use connection via RJ-45 connector. The technology is in many ways superior to signal transmission over telephone lines and is different in many ways. Are there any differences in how Wi-Fi is turned off on Ethernet routers? The answer is no, the procedure on such routers is absolutely identical and looks like this:

  1. Open the browser and enter the gateway address - in the address bar.
  2. Next, log in to your personal account. For authorization, the subscriber's password and login are required. Typically, this data is indicated on the router case or on a sticker directly on the board. Although most often by default, data in the admin/admin format is used for login and password, respectively. Enter them and proceed to the next step.
  3. We are looking for WIFI/Wireless/WLAN items or something similar.
  4. Uncheck the box “Enable Wi-Fi”.
  5. Be sure to apply the settings.

Once the settings are approved, the page will reload and the wireless network connection will disappear. It is worth noting that there are different firmware versions even for routers of the same model, so some steps may differ.

Disabling distribution on DSL modems

DSL technology is based on data transmission over a telephone line. DSL modems are no longer as common a device as Ethernet routers. They were actively used in the era of landline phones, and now they are gradually losing their popularity and yet are still used where there are no normal connections.

D-Link and ZTE

There is also a custom settings menu, which can be accessed by entering the address of the modem's default gateway into the address bar of the browser.

Several years ago, Rostelecom used D-Link DIR 300 as Wi-Fi routers. You can disable distribution on these devices in the following way:

  1. Open any browser, enter, then authentication data.
  2. In the window that opens, go to “Configure manually”, then to the “WIFI” tab.
  3. Uncheck the “Enable wireless connection” checkbox.
  4. Apply the settings.

If you have a different router, browser, or menu language, then you may have to look for the necessary tabs yourself.

In addition to vintage "D-Links", the ZTE H108L is still actively used to this day. The modem is unremarkable and does not even have an external antenna, but is suitable for office tasks and home work. In the control panel you can disable Wi-Fi, as on Rostelecom routers of other models:

  1. Enter in the search bar of your browser, then enter your username and password.
  2. Go to the Network tab and then to the WLAN section.
  3. Uncheck Enabled Wireless RF.
  4. Click on the Submit button.

To return the distribution, you must re-activate the Enabled Wireless RF item. If for some reason you were unable to connect to the router after turning off the wireless network, you may need to reset your user settings.

If you only use a laptop, then most likely you have never connected it to the network wired, and perhaps you have already forgotten where the router itself is located. How to disable Wi-Fi on the ZTE H108L router if there is no cable? As mentioned above, the presence of a cable is not at all necessary and it is only important to have full access to the wireless network.

It is worth noting that you can work with the router menu through any device: phone, tablet, laptop, computer and even smart watch.


You can disable Wi-Fi not only for all existing devices, but also for a specific group or, conversely, allow only yourself to use the connection. To do this, there are various types of filtering based on MAC, URL and IP addresses. This will be useful if:

  • Only you want to use Wi-Fi.
  • It is inconvenient to turn off Wi-Fi through the router control panel several times a day.

To enable filtering, open the Windows Command Prompt and enter the command "getmac". It will give you your physical MAC address, which must be entered into the allowed MAC addresses in the filter. You can do the same with IP addresses if you know them.


Summing up, we can come to specific conclusions:

  1. For all equipment, the procedure looks approximately the same and only slightly differs in the names of the tabs and sections.
  2. You can stop distribution on any router.
  3. You can enter the router menu from any device that supports a network connection, and it is not necessary to use a twisted pair cable.

Based on all of the above, the question is: “How to disable Wi-Fi on the router?” - can be considered closed.

In this article I will talk about blocking Wi-Fi clients that are connected to the router. Simply put, I’ll show you how to block a connected device by MAC address in your router settings. Or block absolutely all devices and allow only some to connect. It’s not surprising that the article on using a Tp-Link router is very popular. It’s not uncommon to have to restrict access to the Internet through a router for a device, or block it completely.

Let's take a closer look at blocking devices by MAC addresses on Asus, Tp-Link, D-link and Zyxel routers. They implement this function, although each manufacturer has its own way. But it’s okay, it’s not difficult to figure it out. The main thing is that you must have access to the router settings. I won’t describe here why such a blocking might be useful; there are actually a lot of options. By the way, you can prevent absolutely any device from connecting to your Wi-Fi: smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc.

Generally, there are two ways in which you can block Wi-Fi clients:

  • Block absolutely all devices, no one will be able to connect to your router, and only allow necessary devices (Device MAC addresses). This method is great for additional protection of your Wi-Fi network. Paired with a good password, this will make your wireless network very secure. But, if you often connect new devices, then this is not very convenient, since you will have to register their MAC addresses each time.
  • Well, the second method, which is used most often, is blocking certain Wi-Fi network clients. For example, you have 10 devices connected to your router at home, and you want to block the Internet (connection) for one of them.

If you want to block a device that is not currently connected to your Wi-Fi network, then you need to find out its MAC address. If this is a mobile device, then you can view it in the settings, usually on the “About device” tab, etc. If you need to find out the MAC address of the laptop’s wireless adapter, then in the command line you need to run the command ipconfig/all. Information will appear where the physical address of the wireless adapter will be indicated. Just don't confuse it with a network card.

Let's take a closer look at the process itself on different routers. Find the instructions below for your router and follow the instructions.

Blocking devices by MAC address on an Asus router

Connect to the router and open the settings at Or, see details on logging into the control panel. In settings go to the tab Wireless networkWireless MAC Address Filter.

Opposite the point Enable MAC Address Filter set the switch to position Yes. On the menu MAC address filtering mode you can choose Reject or Accept. I will enter the devices that we will add to the list. If you select Accept, then absolutely all devices will be blocked, except those that you add to the list. Most likely you need to leave Reject, to block only some clients.

The added client will appear in the list. To save, click on the button Apply. The device will be disconnected from your Wi-Fi network and will not be able to connect to it until you unlock it.

To remove the lock, click the button next to the device Delete (-), and press Apply. Asus implements this function very simply and clearly. I think you will agree with me.

Blocking Wi-Fi clients by MAC address on a Tp-Link router

Already according to the standard scheme, . Go to the tab WirelessWireless MAC Filtering. Click on the button Enable to enable filtering.

By default it will be set Deny, this means that only those devices that you specify will be blocked. If you choose Allow, then absolutely all devices will be blocked. Click on the button Add New... to add a new device.

In field MAC Address We enter the address of the device that we want to block.

To view the currently connected devices and their addresses on the Tp-Link router, go to the DHCP tab - DHCP Client List. There you can copy the MAC address of the desired client.

In field Description write an arbitrary name for the rule. On the contrary Status leave Enabled (this means the rule is enabled). To save, click on the button Save.

The created rule appears. You can delete it or change it by clicking on the appropriate links opposite it. Or, create a new rule for another client.

To unlock the device again, just delete the rule, or edit it, and change the Status to Disabled.

How to block a Wi-Fi device on a D-Link router?

So, now we will block clients on . Go to settings at If you are doing it for the first time, or it doesn’t work, then see the instructions. In the settings go to the tab WiFiMAC filterFilter mode. Opposite on the menu MAC Filter Restriction Mode, select one of two options: Allow or Deny.

If you want to block one or more clients, then select Forbid. And if you want to block absolutely all Wi-Fi connections, except for those devices that you add to the list, then select Allow. Click on the button Apply.

Next, go to the tab MAC filterMAC addresses. And choose from the list (devices that are connected) the device we want to block. Or click on the button add, and enter the address manually. Press the button Apply.

Added devices will appear in the list and will not be able to connect to your network. You can remove them from the list, or add new ones.

This is how it is configured on D-Link routers. Everything is simple, but it’s a pity that the device name is not displayed in the list next to the address. It's difficult to know who to block.

Controlling Wi-Fi clients by MAC addresses on Zyxel

Let's take a look at setting up MAC filtering on ZyXEL Keenetic devices. Go to your router settings. First, we need to register the required device on the home network. To do this, go to the tab below home network, click on the desired device in the list, and click on the button Register.

Next go to the tab Wi-Fi network, and open the tab at the top Access list. First of all, in the Blocking mode field, select the one that suits you. White list– block all devices except those in the list. Black list– block only those clients who are in the list.

Select the checkbox for the device you want to block and press the button Apply.

After this, the client will be disconnected from the router and will no longer be able to connect.

To remove a device from the blacklist, just uncheck the box and Apply settings.

That's all the instructions.

It may happen that you accidentally block yourself. In this case, go to the settings by connecting to the router using a cable, or from another device, and remove your device from the list. If suddenly it doesn’t work out, then you can reset the router settings.

I hope my instructions were useful to you. Good luck!

I'll tell you a story that is still going on with one Internet provider in my city. One day, visiting a friend, I asked him for access to Wi-Fi. The network is preserved in the smartphone. While in another part of the city, I suddenly discovered that I had reconnected to a friend's Wi-Fi. How is this possible? It turns out that the Internet provider set the same network name and password on all routers that were issued to subscribers upon connection. More than one year has passed, and I still have free Wi-Fi in almost every yard. By the way, the login and password for accessing the routers are also the same. :)

Naturally, I told my friend about this funny discovery and reconfigured his router. Are you sure you are not in a similar situation?

The dangers of unauthorized access to your Wi-Fi and router

Imagine that an attacker connected to your Wi-Fi, downloaded several gigabytes of child pornography, and posted a couple of hundred extremist and other “incendiary” messages. The contract for the provision of Internet services is issued in your name, and accordingly, you will also be held accountable for violating the law.

Even if the connected person does not commit illegal actions, he can download and distribute large files (including illegal content from torrent trackers) for days, which will affect the speed and stability of your Internet connection. The network is full of stories about free neighbor Wi-Fi. Perhaps you, too, are that good neighbor?

The situation when an outsider knows the login and password for the router itself includes all the risks listed above, and also adds several new ones.

For example, the prankster simply changes the Wi-Fi password and you lose access to the Internet. He may change the password to the router, and you will have to reset to factory settings and configure everything again (or call a specialist if you do not have the appropriate skills) to regain control of your equipment. The prankster himself can also reset the settings.

There is no absolute protection, but you don’t need it

There are many ways to hack networks. The likelihood of hacking is directly proportional to the motivation and professionalism of the hacker. If you haven’t made enemies and don’t have any super-valuable information, then it’s unlikely that you will be purposefully and diligently hacked.

In order not to provoke random passers-by and neighbors eager for freebies, it is enough to close basic security holes. Having encountered the slightest resistance on the way to your router or Wi-Fi, such a person will abandon his plan or choose a less protected victim.

We bring to your attention a minimum sufficient set of actions with a Wi-Fi router that will allow you to avoid becoming the object of cruel jokes or someone’s free access point.

1. Access your Wi-Fi router

The first step is to take control of your own router. You must know:

  • Router IP address,
  • login and password to access the router settings.

To find out the router's IP address, turn the device over and look at the sticker on the bottom. There, among other information, the IP will be indicated. Typically this is either or

The router address is also indicated in the user manual. If the box with the instructions from the router has not been preserved, then Google will help you find the user manual in electronic form.

You can find out the router address yourself from your computer.

  1. On Windows, press the Windows key + R.
  2. In the window that appears, type cmd and press Enter.
  3. In the window that appears, enter ipconfig and press Enter.
  4. Find the "Default Gateway" line. This is the address of your router.

Enter the received IP address of the router in the browser. You will see a login page for the router settings.

Here you need to enter your username and password, which you must know. In most cases, the default login is the word admin, and the password is either an empty field or also admin (the default login and password are also listed at the bottom of the router). If you got the router from your Internet provider, then call them and find out.

Without the ability to change settings, you essentially lose control over your own equipment. Even if you have to reset your router and set everything up again, it will be worth it. To avoid problems with accessing the router in the future, write down your username and password and store them in a safe place without access to others.

2. Create a strong password to access the router

Having gained access to the router, the first thing you need to do is change the password. Router interfaces vary depending on the manufacturer, specific model and firmware version. The user manual for your router will help you with this matter, as well as with subsequent steps to improve protection.

3. Come up with a unique name (SSID) for your Wi-Fi network

If your neighbors are completely new to technology, then a network name like fsbwifi or virus.exe may scare them away. In fact, a unique name will help you better navigate among other access points and uniquely identify your network.

4. Create a strong password for your Wi-Fi network

By creating a password-free access point, you essentially make it public. A strong password will prevent strangers from connecting to your wireless network.

5. Make your Wi-Fi network invisible

You will reduce the likelihood of an attack on your network if it cannot be detected without special software. Hiding the access point name improves security.

6. Enable encryption

Modern routers support various methods of encrypting data transmitted over a wireless network, including WEP, WPA and WPA2. WEP is inferior to others in terms of reliability, but is supported by older equipment. WPA2 is optimal in terms of reliability.

7. Disable WPS

WPS was created as a simplified way to create wireless networks, but in reality it turned out to be extremely vulnerable to hacking. Disable WPS in your router settings.

8. Enable MAC address filtering

Router settings allow you to filter network access by unique identifiers called MAC addresses. Each device that has a network card or network interface has its own MAC address.

You can create a list of MAC addresses of trusted devices, or block connections to devices with specific MAC addresses.

If desired, an attacker can spoof the MAC address of the device from which he is trying to connect to your network, but for an ordinary household wireless access point such a scenario is extremely unlikely.

9. Reduce Wi-Fi signal range

Routers allow you to change the signal strength, thus increasing or decreasing the range of the wireless network. Obviously, you only use Wi-Fi inside your apartment or office. By reducing the transmission power to a value where the network signal is reliably received only within the premises, you, on the one hand, will make your network less noticeable to others, and on the other hand, reduce the amount of interference for neighboring Wi-Fi.

10. Update your router firmware

There is no perfect technology. Craftsmen find new vulnerabilities, manufacturers close them and release “patches” for existing devices. By periodically updating your router's firmware, you reduce the likelihood that an attacker will take advantage of flaws in older versions of the software to bypass security and gain access to your router and network.

11. Block remote access to the router

Even if you protect your wireless network and login with passwords, attackers will still be able to access your router via the Internet. To protect your device from such external interference, find the remote access function in the settings and disable it.

12. Firewall

Some routers have a built-in firewall - a means of protection against various network attacks. Look in your router's security settings for a feature with a name like Firewall, "Firewall" or "Firewall" and enable it if it is present. If you see additional firewall settings, read the official instructions on how to configure them.


They create something like an encrypted tunnel for secure data transfer between the device and the server. This technology reduces the likelihood of identity theft and makes it more difficult to find the user's location.

To use a VPN, you need to install a special client program on your gadget. Such software exists for mobile devices and computers. But some routers can also be connected to VPN services. This function allows you to protect all gadgets on a local Wi-Fi network at once, even if they do not have special programs.

You can find out whether your router supports VPN in the instructions or on the manufacturer’s website. The same applies to the necessary settings.

In this article, you will learn how to remove a third-party device that someone has used to connect to your wireless network. This can be done on the configuration pages of most routers. You can also use NetCut for Windows. As a last resort, you can reset your router to factory settings.


Using the router configuration page

    This is the easiest way to determine if a third-party device is connected to your network because any addresses found will belong to your computer or the third-party device.

    • If any devices (such as game consoles) are connected to the router using Ethernet cables, disconnect those cables.
  1. Determine the router's IP address. You will need it to open the router configuration page. For this:

    Go to the router configuration page. Open your browser, enter your router's IP address in the address bar at the top of your browser window, and click ↵Enter.

    Log in (if required). To do this, enter your username and password in the appropriate lines. If you have not set up such credentials, look for them on the router case, in the router manual, or on the router manufacturer's website.

    • You may have to log in later when you try to change your router settings.
  2. Find the section with wireless network settings. It should list all current connections. Look for a section called "Wi-Fi Connections", "Connected Devices" or something similar.

    • On some routers, you need to find the “Parental Controls” section.
  3. View your current connections. If you see a connection that doesn't apply to your connected devices (such as consoles, computers, phones, tablets, smart TVs, etc.), block it.

    Select the connection you want to block. To do this, click on the connection or check the box next to it.

    Click "Block" or "Remove". This option is next to the connection you want to delete. The selected connection will be deleted.

    Save your changes. To do this, click “Save” or a similar button.

    • Don't use your browser's back button to navigate away from this page—just click on your router manufacturer's name or the "Dashboard" link at the top of the page.
  4. Change your network password (if you wish). This will prevent someone else from connecting to your network, even if you reset your router or if your router clears its list of blocked connections. To change your password, find the Settings section on your router's configuration page.

    • When you change your password, you will have to reconnect all your devices (phone, computer, etc.) to the Internet.

    Using NetCut on Windows

    1. Disconnect all devices from the Internet except your computer. This is the easiest way to determine if a third-party device is connected to your network because any addresses found will belong to your computer or the third-party device.

      Click Download NetCut(Download NetCut). This link is in the center of the page.

      Install NetCut. Double-click the downloaded netcut.exe file and follow the on-screen instructions. Keep in mind that along with NetCut, WinPcap will be installed, which will provide NetCut with a user interface.

      • Once the program is installed, restart your computer.
    2. Launch NetCut. To do this, double-click on the NetCut icon. A new browser tab will open (or a new browser window if it is not already running).

      Click on the icon . It's at the top of the page. All devices that are connected to the network will be found.

      Find the foreign device. The right side of the page will display information about devices connected to the network. Find an unknown device.

      • For example, if you don't have any Apple devices, but you see "Apple" under Manufacturer, remove the device from your network.
      • If an unfamiliar address appears in the Gateway or Network host line, it is the router's address, so do not block it.
    3. Remove the rogue device from your wireless network. Drag the unknown device to the left side of the page. It will appear in the left panel of the program - this means that an unauthorized person using this device will no longer be able to connect to your wireless network.

      • Repeat the described steps with other unfamiliar devices connected to the network.
      • The described process may have to be repeated every time you restart your computer.

    How to reset your router

    1. Disconnect the router from the modem. To do this, disconnect the Ethernet cable from the back of the router that is connected to the modem.

      • Skip this step if your router and modem are the same device.
    2. Click "Reset" on the router case. This button is usually located on the back of the router. This button is not visible, so look carefully for it.

      • As a rule, the “Reset” button is recessed, and its diameter is slightly larger than the diameter of a regular needle.
    3. Press and hold the Reset button. Insert a needle, straightened paperclip, or similar thin object into the button hole and hold the button down for at least 30 seconds.

      Release the Reset button after 30 seconds. The router settings will be reset to factory settings, and the router will reboot.

      Wait for the router to turn on. You may have to wait a few minutes for the router to reboot and turn on.

Nowadays it’s difficult for us to imagine a full life without wireless Internet access. A sea of ​​information and entertainment is available at home, in offices, in shopping malls and other places from any device that supports Wi-Fi technology. It is very convenient and practical. But every owner of a router may have an urgent need to stop distributing a wireless signal from their device for various reasons. How can I do that?

To disable the wireless signal from your router, you need to make changes to the configuration of the network device. If you want to leave access to Wi-Fi only to yourself or selected users, you can enable and configure filtering by MAC, URL or IP address. Let's take a closer look at both options using equipment from TP-LINK as an example.

Option 1: Disabling Wi-Fi distribution on the router

Turning off Wi-Fi on the router is extremely simple; you need to log into the device’s web interface, find the desired parameter and change its state. These actions should not cause any insurmountable difficulties for the average user.

Option 2: Configure MAC Address Filtering

If you wish, you can disable Wi-Fi only for individual users on the local network. To do this, the router configuration contains special tools. Let's try to enable filtering on our router and leave wireless access only to ourselves. As an example, we use a computer with Windows 8 installed.

  1. First you need to clarify your MAC address. Right-click on "Start" and in the context menu select the item "Command Prompt (Administrator)".
  2. In the command line that opens, type: getmac and press the key Enter.
  3. Let's look at the results. Rewrite or remember a combination of numbers and letters from a block "Physical adress".
  4. Then we open an Internet browser, enter the IP address of the router, go through user authentication and get into the web client of the network device. Select a section in the left column "Wireless Mode".
  5. In the drop-down submenu, feel free to go to the page "MAC Address Filtering". All the settings we need are there.
  6. Now you need to enable the wireless MAC address filtering service on the router.
  7. We decide on filtering rules, that is, to prohibit or, conversely, to allow wireless access to stations that we will add to the lists. Place a check mark in the appropriate field.
  8. If necessary, confirm your choice of rule in a small window.
  9. On the next tab, write your MAC address, which we previously found out, and click on the button "Save".
  10. The problem is solved. Now you will have wireless access to the router, while other users will only have wired access.

Summarize. You can disable Wi-Fi on your router completely or for individual subscribers. This can be done without much difficulty and independently. So take full advantage of this opportunity.

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