Avast full version. How to install free Avast antivirus. Available tool package

Avast! Free Antivirus– a new version of a full-fledged free antivirus. The program is intended for home use and provides comprehensive protection for your computer against viruses. Avast has a simple and user-friendly interface; program settings are easily accessible and can be changed in one click.

The peculiarity of this antivirus is its very fast operation, minimal load on the system and reliable protection of your computer from viruses. Download Avast! Free Antivirus is available for free in Russian on this page, and you can use automatic program registration for 1 year.

Installing Russian language

To have Avast in Russian, just download and install it on your computer. It will automatically detect the language and install everything according to your region. That is, no special actions are required from you.

The advantages of this antivirus include a high degree of protection, fast and regular updating of anti-virus databases. This guarantees your safety if you have an Internet connection. With each release of a new version, the program is optimized and loads the processor less and less with its services, and at the moment we can safely say that its presence in your system will not affect its performance. To download Avast Free Antivirus for free, use the direct link in this article.

Antivirus characteristics:
  • High degree of protection against all known viruses;
  • Scanning archives;
  • Email scanning;
  • Quarantine isolated from the system;
  • Lightweight antivirus databases allow you to quickly update it automatically from the Internet;
  • Ability to use different graphic themes for Avast.

Avast Free Antivirus is one of the most popular antivirus applications for PCs with powerful functionality that provides reliable protection against all known types of cyber attacks, including phishing, ad extensions, Trojan horses, worms, scripts, backdoors, exploits, and rootkits " and spyware.

To download Avast Free 2017 for free, go to (download from the official website)

The license file is provided in Russian and is intended for installation on a computer or laptop with the Windows operating system.

The latest version of the program includes the most necessary tools for the security of not only system components, but also routers connected to the home network. Thanks to the new “Nitro” technology, Avast Free Antivirus 2017 prevents hackers from accessing sensitive data on your router, which completely eliminates webcam interception, DNS spoofing, banking hacks, or unauthorized use of network traffic.

Features and new functions

The product's performance has received excellent reviews as it puts minimal strain on PC performance. Among many competitors, Avast is one of the “lightest” antiviruses for system resources, as it captures and analyzes malicious objects in the cloud space.

Now the free version of 2017 comes with an updated browser SafeZone. Unlike standard web browsers, it moves all sessions into a special virtual module, completely isolating online banking and Internet surfing from external threats. In addition, the browser already has an ad blocker installed.
Also included in the antivirus product is an upgraded function CyberCapture. The technology allows you to block and analyze “newly created” threats that are temporarily unknown to the laboratory. Potentially dangerous objects are automatically moved to a safe environment and sent for analysis by the company’s virus analysts. Upon completion of the analysis, the user receives information about the suspicious file. This allows you not to wait for available updates, but to immediately respond to danger.

While navigating through sites, the application checks HTTPS traffic for cyber threats. In just 1 day, the service identifies more than 50 thousand infected URLs. According to experts from Canada's Concordia University, the software has the most effective HTTPS scanner among all competitors.

The Russian version is updated monthly to quickly identify and neutralize new threats. Renovation is carried out automatically. The installer is provided absolutely free for a year and does not require an activation code. To upgrade to a paid distribution with additional functionality, you must purchase a license key.

Available tool package

The initial version of 2017 has a new interface. The menu is divided into 4 sections, each of which includes a wide range of tasks. The following actions are available for free use:

  • checking your PC for viruses, spyware, suspicious files, etc.;
  • identifying hidden browser add-ons that have a bad reputation;
  • searching and updating outdated software;
  • network threat scanning (fixing home network vulnerabilities);
  • recording on a USB drive or CD a list of the latest detected viruses;
  • creating one uncrackable password for all accounts in the browser;
  • 1 year license file

Supported operating systems and interface languages:

System requirements

  • RAM: from 556 MB;
  • Free hard disk space: 1.5 GB;
  • Works on 32- and 64-bit PCs.

Avast! Free Antivirus is a good free antivirus with a standard set of functions. Provides basic protection for your computer while offering paid advanced security features.

The antivirus has a nice-looking interface that presents the basic antivirus functions. These are a scanner, an always-on file system screen, a mail screen, and a web screen. Avast constantly monitors new files, scanning them as they appear. When you first launch the antivirus, a quick scan is activated, but you can run it manually at any time. There are 5 types of scanning, differing in the depth of the scan.

There are many tools in the interface, but not all of them work in the free version. As soon as you want to use them, Avast will offer to buy a paid subscription. Among them there is a tool for updating other programs, installing a secure VPN connection, optimizing the operating system and some others. There is a very interesting feature that allows you to manage all your devices. If you install paid Avast antivirus software on your computer and smartphone, you will be able to control your mobile device from your computer (for example, take pictures from the camera, transfer data, etc.). However, all this does not work in the Free version.

As for the active functions in the free version, the following options are available: creating a rescue disk, cleaning the browser from malicious add-ons, and manually updating software. The first of these functions is very convenient and may be needed in case of a severe infection of your computer. Booting the system from rescue media will allow you to scan your hard drive outside of the Windows operating system. The antivirus has voice notifications about the execution of certain operations. A female voice will tell you when the update or scan is complete.

Overall, the security this antivirus product provides is sufficient for the first layer of protection. There is no firewall and no behavioral analysis of the programs that form a set of advanced antiviruses that provide comprehensive protection.

Avast Free Antivirus is a free multi-profile antivirus for Linux, Windows, Mac OS operating systems and also for PDAs on the Android, Windows CE, Palm platform. More than 230 million users have become fans of the program.

To protect your home Wi-Fi and devices connected to it, the developers equipped the Home Network Security antivirus program with powerful technological protection. Owners of iPhone and iPad can enjoy secure Wi-Fi connections, saving passwords and privacy while on the Internet thanks to the Secure Line application. Mobile devices with the Android version are also not left out - they also have excellent protection from various harmful “garbage”.

Why does Avast take a leading position among software in its category in various tests and expert opinions? Its reliability and safety can be the envy of competitors, and the load on the fast operation of the system is minimal.

Trojans, worms, viruses and other pests are quickly detected and removed thanks to four types of scanning. The presence of protective screens conducts a comprehensive check of both opened files, unknown sites and mail, as well as P2P connections and instant messenger messages, and also isolates quarantine from the OS.

If you want to be sure of effective protection of your device, we recommend downloading Avast Free Antivirus for free on your computer and smartphone from the official website and smartphone. In addition, this antivirus program can work as a second “defender” of your PC.

Today we will talk about how to install Avast for free, and also look at the features of this antivirus and, perhaps, give some tips on how to use it.

Now antivirus is almost as necessary as air.

After all, not thousands, but tens of thousands of viruses appear on the Internet every now and then, striving to penetrate your computer by any means, take control of it, lure money out of the user, steal data, block access to some important files, and so on. .

Antiviruses can be paid or free. But even paid ones are sometimes given to the user as a trial version.

A trial antivirus program is no different from a paid one, with the only difference being that they are given to use either for a month, that is, for 30 days, or for 1 year.

Of course, a free license for a year is more attractive for the average user, so everyone is looking for where they can download a free version of the antivirus without SMS.

But the question arises, which antivirus to choose? There are so many of them.

Antivirus installation

First of all, you need to go to the official website of the antivirus.

Of course, there are many other sites on the Internet that offer this product, both paid and free.

It will be:

  • Safely
  • Fast
  • Informative (the site contains information for users)
  • Interesting

Advice! Having gone to the official Avast website in Russian, immediately click on the “Download for free” button, which is located right in front of your eyes on a blue background. It is noteworthy that the latest version of Avast is compatible with Windows 10 (this is indicated by the inscription located directly under the button - see the screenshot).

After you click on the button, you will be instantly taken down the page of the site and you will see three columns at once, which will tell you about three product options - basic, complex and maximum.

Naturally, we are interested in the basic option, because it is free.

By clicking on the “Download for free” button, you will be taken to a website with an installer that will very simply explain what you need to do next.

In general, you won’t have to do anything, because the main file will start downloading automatically.

But even if this doesn't happen (perhaps you have a browser that doesn't support automatic downloads), you can click the "Click Here" link.

Just below it will be written that to install a free antivirus you need to follow three simple steps. Here they are:

Double-click on the file, confirm the installation and follow the simple instructions on the screen.

No problems with installation can arise even theoretically, because the developers have done a good job on the comfort of ordinary users.

True, there is one thing. You should not have another antivirus installed, otherwise they may begin to conflict.

It even happens that one antivirus considers another antivirus to be a virus program that infects a computer.

What to do - competition between companies has not been canceled.

Benefits of installing Avast

By downloading Avast without registration for Windows, you can be sure that the protection of your computer is at the highest level.

Now not a single cybercriminal, with the exception of special professionals, will be able to encroach on your personal computer or laptop.

The program, specially designed for Windows 7 and Windows 8, and also supports Windows 10, will cope with any threat, be it a DDoS attack, automatic downloading of a dangerous program through a browser, or an attempt to crack the password to archives or other places that are important to you.

Advice! There are various versions of Avast antivirus available on the Internet. You can download Avast 7, Avast 8 and so on. However, these are already outdated versions, which, although they will protect the computer from most viruses, are no longer one hundred percent. Therefore, we recommend downloading only the current version. At the moment, this is the 2016 version, which offers the most modern and effective protection.

The free version has the following features:

  • Anti-spyware protection (anti-spyware)
  • Basic antivirus (a basic set of codes that protect the computer)
  • Streaming update (your antivirus database will never become outdated, because it will be updated via the Internet with enviable regularity)
  • Protection against software that can harm your computer, as well as phishing
  • Securing your home network
  • Protecting passwords from hacking

Why should you choose Avast?

Last year for Avast was marked by the fact that the developers introduced a very powerful and inherently innovative settings scanner that worked with the security of the router.

This was a very pleasant innovation for most users - numerous reviews speak about this.

The new Avast also adds a password manager and an improved user interface, which is now even more convenient and comfortable to work with.

Despite the fact that Avast is essentially a free antivirus (with the exception of additional paid versions), in laboratory tests it is not much inferior to the market giants.

It shows efficiencies that can move the best commercial solutions forward.

What are the advantages of this antivirus? So:

  1. It achieved excellent results in laboratory tests.
  2. Amateur tests were also carried out, in which he scored very good points.
  3. Now the antivirus scans the network and router, eliminating any security problems.
  4. It has a password manager that will make your life much easier.
  5. There is a system cleaning function and disk scanning at boot.

One of the disadvantages is the fact that a full scan takes quite a long time to complete.

Perhaps this is even an indirect drawback, because the duration of the scan may indicate that the antivirus carefully processes each file and does not miss anything.

What’s also striking is the relative limitation of the password manager’s functionality.

Review of Avast Free Antivirus 2016 Beta windows 10

How to install Avast for free - Guide and tips for use

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