Curse of Tails Dollar. History of creepypasta characters Tails doll killed sonic

Additional Information View Fox doll Floor Male Color Dirty orange Eye color Black Birthday April 12 (12 years old)

Tails Doll- a secret character in the game Sonic R, released on two consoles - Sega Saturn, which did not have much success, and on. It could be unlocked by collecting all the gold medallions in the Radical City level and then beating it on that track. First of all, Tails Doll differs from other characters in that he has no backstory - this created such a mysterious aura around the character and soon rumors began to spread about the Tails Doll Curse.


This character makes his first and last appearance in Sonic R as a secret character unlockable in Radical City. It is a “copy” of Miles “Tails” Prower (like Metal Knuckles or Metal Sonic). Although the character appeared in the year, there is still a halo around him of the terrible events that “happened” to those who allegedly saw him at night speaking in a hoarse childish voice the phrase “Can You Feel the Sunshine?”...) First of all, Tails Doll differs from other characters in that he has no backstory - this created such a mysterious aura around the character and soon rumors began to spread about the Tails Doll Curse. it is that if you “taint” Super Sonic with Doll in the Tag 4 Players mode (in Russian - Fifteen. 4 players), he will kill Sonic and suck the soul out of him, and then crawl out of the screen and try to kill you, sometimes “witnesses” were announced of this curse.However, many of the secrets of his curse have not been revealed, and Tails Doll is actively discussed on major Sonic forums.

Who is he?

There are several options, but no one can confirm any of them. Everyone has their own way of doing things differently.
Tails Doll is the real Tails. There is such a version. It says that Teils was supposedly a very brave and strong character, not like the one we see now, and was not afraid of anything. Yuji Naka of course didn't like him. And so he made a SEGA Saturn and the comic/game/or whatever gave it to him. When the old one (that’s what we’ll call him) started playing it, she sucked him in and turned him into Doll and created the duplicate we see now. There is a second option: TD used to be Tails the robot and had to kill Sonic. But he got better. Dr. Robotnik didn't like it and remade him into Doll. And I made a good duplicate.
Tails Doll is Tails' brother Nails. This legend says that the evil and bad Doctor Robotnik terrorized Mobius. The brave and strong brother Tails - Nails (probably that was his name) did not like this, and he went to save the world. But an accident happened - he was struck by an electric current of 300 volts at the base and died. Robotnik, so that they wouldn’t suspect anything, stuffed Nails’ bones into Tails’ doll and brought it to life. Niles did not want to obey the doctor and began to kill everyone. Probably, Tails was small then and does not remember anything about his brother, or is silent.
Tails Doll is a ROBOT! a. k. a. Metal Tails.

  • The game developers wanted to make the game more colorful and for this purpose they came up with a copy for Tails, just like that.
  • One of the developers was a Satanist and was fond of magic. (unlikely)
  • It was assumed that Tails Doll was connected with the favorite toy of Tails's grandmother when she was still very young, but then she gave this toy to her grandson as a small inheritance. The granddaughter made an unsuccessful experiment and now the toy has come to life and become evil. (interesting, but too long and probably invented by fans)
  • This is an evil spirit imprisoned in a toy doll as punishment.
  • The character is possibly dedicated to the beautiful and mysterious girl Tod (last name is not exactly known, but it started with T or G), associated with the Sonic games. (not true, but original)
  • Simple advertising to lure people into playing.


In Sonic R Tails Doll, when moving, he floats in the air, and he also does not drown in water, unlike other characters. Not very fast, but playable.

  • In most works, Tails Doll is depicted from head to toe covered in blood and something life-threatening.


Characters of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe
Game Characters and Sonic X: Heroes Sonic | Tails | Knuckles | Amy Rose | Cream | Silver | Tikal | Emerl | Big | Chaotix (Espio, Vector, Charmy, Mighty) | Blaze
villains Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik | Metal Sonic | Metal Knuckles | Tails Doll|Gemerl | Biolizard | Black doom | Mephiles
neutrals Shadow | E-102 Gamma | E-123 Omega | Rouge | Babylon Rogues
Sonic Underground characters Sonic's Family (Manic | Sonia | Queen Aleena)
Archie/SatAM characters Fiona Fox | Bean | Bark | Fang/Nack | Sally Acorn

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Tails Doll" is in other dictionaries:

    Tails Doll- es un personaje secundario de la saga de videojuegos de Sonic the Hedgehog (creado por SEGA). Aparece en pocos videojuegos. La apariencia de Tails Doll consiste en un muñeco/robot de Tails (otro personaje de la saga), tiene una antena, cuya punta … Wikipedia Español - line of Barbie related dolls. Several fashion, wig, and activity packs were also released for the What s Her Face line. Features What s Her Face is approximately 9.5 tall. A What s Her Face Doll s most recognizable feature is her lack of facial... ... Wikipedia

    Japanese cover of the game on Sega Saturn Developer Traveller’s Tales ... Wikipedia

    Metal Sonic- En el mundo de Sonic the Hedgehog, Metal Sonic es un copia robótica de Sonic y uno de los mayores enemigos y rivales de éste. En varios videojuegos de Sonic aparece un sonic robótico, pero ninguno llegó a ser tan famoso como Metal Sonic. Según… … Wikipedia Español

    Index of Sonic the Hedgehog characters- This is a complete list of characters who have appeared in Sega's video game franchise Sonic the Hedgehog in order of appearance. 1991 1997*Sonic the Hedgehog: The main protagonist of the series. Sonic is a male hedgehog with blue fur. His... ...Wikipedia

My name is Misha and I will tell you what happened to me.
When I have nothing to do, I look for creepypastas in the form of different files.
I went to VKontakte, you know, a social network.
I was surfing in groups about creepypastas and then someone wants to add me
TD AVI user. I didn't add it for about 2 minutes.
He wrote: 20.00, and I could also send him messages.
- Who are you?
- Tails Doll
_ Who???
- Tails Doll
- Your nickname TD Avi
- (Link)
- What is this?
- Download it.
I opened it and there was one button on the site, download.
Suddenly the file itself began to download.
- What is this?
- Look...
I wanted to press the cancel button but it wouldn't click.
This really started to scare me.
I went to his page, but it told me that the page was not found.
I started the video
First there was some kind of doll in the shape of Tails from the cartoon Sonic the Hedgehog.
There was static, and then a scream. Then the inscription appeared on the floor of the Screen
"Don't talk about the video." The video was called Tails Doll 01.avi
I tried to close the video, but when I pressed the button it started and the screen disappeared
and the video opened in full screen. Then there was something in English,
I didn't have time to read it. Then there was music, probably backwards and forwards. And then I remembered
What my interlocutor who sent the link wrote 20.00
I thought it was time, my watch said 19:57
Then the music stopped and there were terrible sounds.
Then the inscription appeared in the middle of the screen
I see you, which meant “I see you”
Then this little fox appeared, he looked at me
right at me... Then he smiled. His teeth, they were like those of the White Shark and even more
sharper. Then he raised his hands, just above the camera. Then he said... Good night.
And he opened his mouth, there were 2 - 3 rows of teeth and he seemed to eat the camera, then through
30 seconds, there was a scream... Such a scream, as if someone was standing to your left. After that
Screaming, there was interference and the video turned off. And then I noticed that the computer also turned off,
because the power supply has turned off. I was shocked after I saw this video. It's 20:00
I turned on the TV, the light and lay down, and accidentally dozed off.
I wake up... I get up abruptly... It's 5:53 on the clock
I think I left the light on when I fell asleep. I covered myself with a blanket and then there was a noise
from my room, but there was no TV in my room and I had to go to the hall.
I tried to turn on the light, but the light was turned off. Then I took my flashlight that was lying on the table
and I didn't need it. I took it and went to my room. Here I am standing near my door and suddenly
I open it. No one, looked back. And what I saw shocked me. There was
doll poops. There was something like an antenna on the head, but it hung over the head, and it glowed
eyes. Scarlet, red light and it was shining as if from the taillight of a car. I wanted
scream, run away, but couldn’t. The shock left me unable to move.
The heart began to beat at breakneck speed. And then I noticed that the doll was holding
cleaver knife And he lost consciousness. I woke up... I looked at the time 08:49
The sun was shining, the TV light was on too. I was lying near my room. The flashlight sat down.
I turned off the light and started watching TV. And then I heard a tiny rustle. I ran to my
room and looked at the computer. VK was open there and my interlocutor wrote
“from now on I will come to you every night” and the date 01/01/1666
I refreshed the page thinking that this was the element code, but our conversation with him disappeared.
It's been 3 days since this doll came to me. But I survived for now. I'm looking now
how to get rid of it. I'm telling you, NEVER RUN THIS FILE.

Original video on YouTube:

Tails Doll is the horror of all sonic fans, a killer doll that devours energy. The curse of TD is that if on the original Sonic R Sega Saturn you open all the characters and collect all the emeralds, then everything will end badly. Playing in overtaking mode as Tails Doll is very dangerous. There you can chase Metal Knuckles and Mega Eggman. But there is also Super Sonic. If you catch up with him and crash into him, the screen will fade. Doll will grab Sonic, kill him and drain his energy. Then inexplicable things will start happening, and eventually Doll will crawl out of the screen and kill you.

Several stories.
1) One girl from America decided to sew herself a Tails Doll. She almost embroidered it in a few days, only the head remained. She decided to summon the spirit of Tails Doll and show him the toy, as if to appreciate it. Tails Doll did not show up, but the next morning this girl was found completely covered with a blanket, but when they pulled back the blanket, the girl was headless. In its place was a small toy TD head.

2) Also, one American decided to write a letter to Tails Doll. He created a text file on his desktop called "Tails Doll" and wrote his letter there. The next day the computer did not turn on. It didn't turn on even after a week. When this American managed to turn on the computer, he found the answer to his letter there. Then he began to constantly receive messages by email from an unknown sender with the same text - “Can you feel the sunshine?” At the end of this story, the American’s computer turned off again, but when turned on, only the image of a doll with empty eyes began to appear on the screen...

3) Sally was a sonic fan. At 23, she was a little too keen on the supersonic blue hedgehog. Her room was filled with all sorts of Sonic stuff, be it McDonald's toys or stuffed animals. Her library included British choose-your-own-adventure books, and her music collection included such rarities as Sonic Boom and the Japanese X soundtrack. Her collection was complete. Or so it seemed to her.

One day, she and her next boyfriend (a plump guy who pleasantly reminded her of Big the cat) were walking through Little Tokyo, buying all the Sonic X trading cards in stores. Along the way, they came across an antique store. On display was a strange stuffed animal with a blank look and a red gem on its head.

It was Tails Doll.

Sally was a collector and wanted to own the toy.
Walking into the store, she asked the owner how much it cost.
He refused to sell it, saying it was too valuable.

Sally offered him everything she had, but he still didn't want to sell her. She looked at the toy and felt that she simply had to get it. With a shaking hand, she took a bottle of soda from a nearby drawer and smashed it on the counter.

She stabbed the store owner in the throat.

Sally's boyfriend was stunned. He said she was crazy! He told her not to come near him!

She told him to DIE.

A minute later, covered in blood, Sally came to her senses and realized what she had done. She became a murderer and took the lives of two innocent people.
But at least now she could complete her collection. This Tailsa doll was hers!

Only when she looked back at the display case, the doll was no longer there. The display case was extremely, absolutely and undeniably empty. She looked down at her shaking, blood-stained hands as a song started playing on the late store owner's radio.

"...Can you feel the Sunshine?..."

A! Here's a legend!: Everyone probably knows that girls love to guess at guys. And so, the girl decided to tell fortunes about the guy. She inserted a candle between two mirrors and stared at the mirror 20 meters away. She noticed in the reflection of the mirror the silhouette of a fox, a dead fox. (Tails dollar) She turned to him with a frightened face. Tails quickly flew up and scratched her cheek. She fainted.

And the girl spent the rest of the night with her parents.

There was an ordinary boy who had a toy that we all know. And so one day, when his parents went into the kitchen, that kid started playing Sonic R, and always put the doll next to him. And so then he passed that damned level, everyone will think that the kid just passed the level and met death, but he didn’t managed to finish it. When the parents returned to his son’s room, they saw the boy’s bloody corpse. In one of the boy’s hands there was a knife, and on the dead boy’s stomach lay a TD doll.

Tails Doll (Tails Doll, plush Tails, Tails Doll, Creepy Tails) is a mysterious and sinister character from the Sonic universe (Sonic the Hedgehog is a character in Sega video games). Tails Doll has a creepy appearance and a dark origin, he looks like a plush doll, vaguely reminiscent of Tails (one of the main characters from the Sonic universe), but he has empty eye sockets, a zipper on his back and a strange red ruby ​​on his head, mouth there is no charming creature at all. Moves by floating in the air. In short, it was quickly remembered by many players and gained considerable popularity on the Internet, especially in fan fiction and creepy threads.

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The character appears in the game Sonic R and nowhere else. He is a secret character and to unlock him you need to collect all the gold medallions in the Radical City level and then beat him on that track. After this it will become playable.

Legends and myths

There are a couple of myths and legends about the character.

1) If in the game, in the “Tag 4 Characters” mode, select Tails Doll and catch all the characters on the original disc on the Japanese version of the Sega Saturn console, then Tails Doll will fly out of the TV and try to kill you.

2) If at exactly 24:00 at night you go into the bathroom, turn off the light and play the music “Can you feel the sunshine” (OST from the game) backwards, then Tails Doll will fly out of the mirror.

3) If you play the Sega Saturn version of the game for more than 10 hours, Tails Doll's palette will turn gray. In this case, his name is backwards. Namely - Llod Sliat (Llod Sliat or Llod Angry).

Official art

The official art of the character also deserves special attention—or rather, one remarkable picture. It shows Tails Doll standing on a checkerboard floor, looking straight at you with his head turned slightly.

There is an opinion that if you stain Super Sonic with this character in the “Tag 4 Characters” game mode, the game will completely freeze and after a few seconds this picture will suddenly appear. In this case, the game still remains inoperative until it is rebooted.


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