In which folder are the css files? Absolute and relative links. Connecting multiple CSS files to one HTML document

Hello everyone, friends. Today I will answer the simplest question: “how to connect a css style sheet to an html page?”
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To do this, you need to insert the following line into the content of the tag:

Let me explain: The link tag allows you to connect external files to the page. The rel = “stylesheet” attribute gives instructions that the included file is a style sheet. Href is the path to the styles file. As a rule, its value is “style.css” if the style sheet is called that way and lies in the same folder as the html page for which it is connected.

How to specify the path to a file

Accordingly, if the css file is located somewhere else, then the path to it is written differently. Examples to make it clearer:
The table.css file is located in the styles folder, which is located in the same folder as the html page: href = “styles/table.css”
The fonts.css file is located in the styles folder, which is located in the css folder, which in turn is located where the html page is: href = “styles/css/fonts.css”

Two dots allow you to indicate the path back from the original location (from the place where our html page is located). So you can reach it like this:
Href = “../style.css” – the file is one level above the html file.
Href = “../../style.css” – two levels higher.
Href = “../../../css/style.css” – three levels higher + the style file itself is also located in the css folder.
I hope you understand these simple examples in order to fully understand how to set the path to a file.

Deprecated attribute

Previously, when connecting a style sheet, it was also necessary to specify the type = “text/css” attribute in the link tag, but today this is no longer a mandatory requirement - browsers already understand everything perfectly well. However, for full support in older browsers, you can play it safe and still add it.

Which we will now consider in order.

As I said earlier, css is designed to design html structures, that is, give them appearance, color, size, location, and so on, and therefore directly influence the html code.

To ensure this effect, a css connection is made to the html document.

The first way to include css is linked styles. It is used when the style sheet is written in a separate file.

In this case, the style.css file with the style sheet is connected to the html file in the head tag, using the link tag

<link href ="css/style.css " type ="text/css " rel ="stylesheet ">
Untitled document

link is a single tag;

href – a link attribute familiar to us, css/stile.css – a value indicating the path to the file, and the name of the file;

type – an attribute indicating the type of element to be connected, in our case it is text/css;

rel is an attribute that defines a relationship, and its value is usually written stylesheet;

In this code, usually only the value of style.css (the name of the connected table) changes. Tables are connected.

Now the browser will display the html file in the form that will be written for it in the style.css file.

By the way, for the future. You can connect as many style sheets as you like to one html file. All of them are included in the head tag.

And, what is used much more often, on the contrary, one table can be connected to many html files.

This is the most preferred way to include style sheets, since they are all in one file and therefore easier to define.

And also, if you have to change the style of several elements of the same type, it will be much easier to do this if they are collected in one group selector.

The fact is that one of the webmaster’s tasks is to reduce the amount of code while maintaining the same final result, and a separate style.css file most fully meets this requirement.

Just imagine, to write a title for an article, you need to set its size, color, font and, possibly, some other styles. And so for each post.

In the style.css file, you can set styles once, but for all post titles on the site.

Now do you understand the difference?

Nevertheless, other methods of connecting styles have a right to exist, so let's look at them and the situations in which they are used.

The second way to connect css is global styles allows you to connect (place) a style sheet directly in an html file.

This is done using the style tag, and it is written in the same way as in the first case in the head tag.

Untitled document

Как видите, таблица стилей расположена прямо в html файле. Всё это работает так-же, как и при первом способе подключения, но применяется реже, из за громоздкости, и главное, из-за невозможности воздействия стилей на несколько файлов.

Когда его применять? Я, например использую этот способ при создании дизайна в редакторе файлов.

Гораздо проще отлаживать документ, если и html и css находятся на одной странице и можно быстро подправить и то, и другое.

Третий способ подключения css — внутренние стили позволяет прописывать стили прямо внутри html тега.

Реализуется он при помощи атрибута style , который не стоит путать с одноимённым тегом.

Применяется он тогда, когда нужно оформить только один элемент контента.

Для примера возьмём кусочек текста, и зададим ему стили, заключив в тег span

В этой части самоучителя мы познакомимся с новыми для вас терминами, которые используются при описании папок и HTML-элементов.

Примечание: папку также часто называют директорией или каталогом.

Структура сайта

Не держите все файлы в одной папке. Даже небольшими сайтами намного проще управлять, если разложить HTML документы , изображения и другие ресурсы в разные папки, создав тем самым определенную структуру расположения различных файлов. Структурируя файлы как вам удобно, вы можете выбрать для себя достаточно гибкую систему организации файлов, учитывая то, что сайт может расти, система файлов при этом будет оставаться ясной и понятной. Структуру (иерархию) каталогов, в которых располагаются различные файлы, обычно можно увидеть в виде древа. Рассмотрим в качестве примера следующее изображение.

Как вы видите, структура - это всего лишь схема, отображающая вложенность одних каталогов в другие. В примере мы использовали всего три каталога, однако этого будет достаточно для того, чтобы описать всю необходимую информацию. Часто каталоги описывают с помощью терминов наследственных (семейных) связей. У нас есть папка под названием "Бананы", она расположена внутри папки "Фрукты". Папка "Фрукты" - это родитель каталога "Бананы", а каталог "Бананы" - ребенок (дочерний каталог) папки "Фрукты". Также у нас есть еще папка "Киви", которая является тоже ребенком каталога "Фрукты".

Чтобы вам лучше запомнить, опишем термины отдельно:

  • Дочерний каталог - это папка, над которой в иерархическом древе есть родительский каталог.
  • Родительский каталог - это папка, содержащая другой каталог.
  • Есть еще такое понятие как "корневой каталог" - это основная (главная) папка, в которой расположены все прочие каталоги и файлы.

Структура элементов

Структуру элементов также можно представить в виде схемы, отображающей вложенность одних элементов в другие. Рассмотрим простой пример:

A diagram showing the nesting of elements can be represented as follows:

  • Child element is an element that has a parent element above it in the hierarchical tree. A child element is also called child.
  • Related element is another child element of the same parent element at the same branch level. Such elements are also called sisterly, in the example such elements are And , And <style> .</li> <li><span>Root element</span>- the topmost element in the hierarchy ( <html>), all other elements are its descendants.</li> <li><span>Parent element</span> is an element that contains another element. Sometimes it is simply called the parent.</li> <li>A child can be a direct child of an element, but is usually a generic name for all elements that are nested within other elements, no matter how deeply they are nested, e.g. <head>, <title>, <body>, <p>And <style>are descendants of the element <html>.</li> </ul> <p>In this article I will describe only the most necessary folders and files of the Joomla 1.5 template, but I plan in the future (as far as possible and time) to supplement the article with additional descriptions.</p> <h3>Where are the Joomla 1.5 template files located?</h3> <p>The location of template folders and files on your hosting or server is easy to determine. All templates are located in a special folder <b>/templates</b>. Which, in turn, is located in the Joomla root folder.</p> <p>Open the folder <b>/templates</b>. There are folders with templates there by default: beez, ja_purity, rhuk_milkyway, system. To consider the contents of the last folder <b>system</b> I will return in a later article. For now, let's look at the contents of the rhuk_milkyway template folder.</p> <h3>List of folders and files of the rhuk_milkyway template</h3> <p><b>Folders:</b> <br>1. css <br>2.html <br>3. images</p><p><b>Files:</b> <br>1.favicon.ico <br>2.index.html <br>3.index.php <br>4. params.ini <br>5. templateDetails.xml <br>6. template_thumbnail.png</p> <h3>Folder No. 1. CSS</h3> <p>The css folder contains the template style files. Here you can create as many css style files as you want (if needed). Specifically in the template in question they are called: black.css, black_bg.css, blue.css, blue_bg.css, green.css, green_bg.css, ieonly.css, orange.css, orange_bg.css, red.css, red_bg.css , template.css, template_rtl.css, white.css, white_bg.css.</p> <p>A lot really? In this case, the number of styles is due to the fact that it is possible to change the color scheme of the template. I usually only use one file. Because When making a template for myself, I don’t see the point in such a variety of color schemes.</p> <h3>Folder No. 2. HTML</h3> <p>Because in Joomla, all extensions have HTML code ready for output with the necessary markup and their own styles; the developers have provided the ability to change it without editing the files of the extensions themselves. This is necessary so that when updating Joomla or its extensions, the changes made are not lost. To do this, just copy the required file to the html folder and correct it as you need it. Now I will not describe in detail how this is done correctly, because this is not what the article is about :), but I will definitely describe it in one of the following articles.</p> <h3>Folder No. 3. IMAGES</h3> <p>This is where the template images are stored.</p> <h3>File No. 1. favicon.ico</h3> <p>This is a 16x16 pixel image that is the site icon. The icon is displayed in the browser tab and in some search engines next to your site in the results for relevant search queries.</p> <h3>File No. 2. index.html</h3> <h3>File No. 3. index.php</h3> <p>The file is intended for html markup of the template. Here it is written down: where the modules will be placed, where the contents of the components will be displayed, which style files will be connected to the template, the conditions for displaying the modules. You will have to work with this file more than others, because this is nothing more than the frame and basis of the template.</p> <h3>File No. 4. params.ini</h3> <p>The params.ini file is required to save your template settings. It must be present in the template with write rights 777.</p> <h3>File No. 5. templateDetails.xml</h3> <p>The templateDetails.xml file contains several useful functions: it is used to install the template through the Joomla admin panel; Contains information about the template name, author, creation date, version, license, etc.; Template parameters.</p> <h3>File No. 6. template_thumbnail.png</h3> <p>The file (image) shows what the template looks like. It is necessary so that when distributing you can quickly see what the template is, without installing it on the site. And if it is already installed, then it performs the same function but from the admin panel.</p> <p>We continue the theme of the last lesson, where we tried a little to understand what CSS is. First of all, we need to create a style file and save it next to our HTML files. But since, during the process of creating a website, there may be several files with the CSS extension, it is better to create a separate folder for them. And so we open the folder where our index.html file is stored, create a folder in the open folder and call it “CSS”, this will make it easier for us to understand what is stored here. Next, open the “Notepad++” editor File > New, and save the document under the name “STYLE” with the extension “CSS”, that is, it should look like this, style.css. And we have two folders and one index file.</p> <p><b>Figure No. 1.</b></p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Connecting CSS to HTML.</span></h3> <p>In order for our style.css file to be able to interact with the index.html file, we need to place the following line of code between the “HEAD” tags:</p><p> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css"> </p><p>The first thing we see is the tag <link>which translates as “communication channel”, that is, we tell the browser to now connect the document, then the rel attribute (relation) and stylesheet (styles). That is, this communication channel is related to styles. Then “type”, that is, the document type “text/css” and the final critical stage here is the link to the included file itself, href="css/style.css", where we indicate the name of the created folder with styles and the style file itself.</p> <p><b>Figure No. 2.</b></p> <h3><span>Transferring styles from HTML to CSS.</span></h3> <p>In previous lessons, we practically created styles on our entire HTML page. Now we need to transfer these ready-made styles to the style.css file, and let's start with the BODY tag, where we have the background of our template. In the CSS file we write the following body(), where BODY is the tag selector, and the curly braces are where the style rules for this tag will be placed. Now in the index.html file, where the style attribute comes after the BODY tag, copy all the content that goes between the double quotes and paste it into the css. With a little trimming, it should look like this:</p><p>Body( background-image: url("images/fon.jpg"); background-attachment: fixed; )</p><p>In the index.html file, we remove the extra code in the BODY tags so that it remains clean like this <body>as if we had just created it. We save the changes in the document and go to view it in the browser. If everything was done correctly, then the background of our page should disappear; this happened because the browser cannot find the path to the image. Let's find the cause of the error. Pay attention to the top code, the browser comes in and reads that the background should be an image, then the url, that is, the path, and it sees it. That in the folder in which he entered there should be an images folder and a fon.jpg file in it, everything seems to be correct. But the whole point is that the browser entered the CSS folder and in this directory we do not have any images folder and we must tell the browser to start searching from the root folder, that is, the main one. To do this, you need to tell the browser to indent one step back, like this (../) two dots and a forward slash. If our style.css file was located even deeper by one folder, we would have to specify a return to two directories, that is, duplicate (../../). In general, try to understand and remember this in order to distinguish between paths for files and documents, both direct and nested. In this case, the style.css file is nested and cannot have direct paths for documents.</p><p>Body( background-image: url("../images/fon.jpg"); background-attachment: fixed; )</p><p>After correcting this path, everything should work and our background will appear. With this, I propose to finish this lesson, and as homework, you test the nesting of folders and paths to files. That is, create another folder, for example with the name “STYLES”, put the “CSS” folder there along with the style.css document and set the correct path to the image so that everything works.</p> <p><b><span><i>And I’m waiting for you in the next lesson “Simple layout in HTML + CSS. Lesson No. 11”, where we will transfer all the remaining styles and compare the difference and advantages of “CSS” when using it.</i> </span> </b></p> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var _acic={dataProvider:10};(function(){var e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript";e.async=true;e.src="";var t=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];t.parentNode.insertBefore(e,t)})() //--> </script><br> <br> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> </div> </article> </div> </div> <div id="secondary"> <aside id="search-2" class="widget widget_search clearfix"> <form action="/" class="search-form searchform clearfix" method="get"> <div class="search-wrap"> <input type="text" placeholder="Search" class="s field" name="s"> <button class="search-icon" type="submit"></button> </div> </form> </aside> <aside id="recent-posts-2" class="widget widget_recent_entries clearfix"> <h3 class="widget-title"><span>Recent Entries</span></h3> <ul> <li> <a href="">Tonality determination for the laziest</a> </li> <li> <a href="">How to recover deleted Mac OS system files</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Instructions for returning money for applications from the App Store Is it possible to return money from the app store</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Connecting MacBook to TV via Wi-Fi and HDMI</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Detailed review and testing of Apple iPad Air</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Achievement Guide - Main Game</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Windows Live won't start</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Xbox 360 vs ps3 which is better</a> </li> </ul> </aside> <aside id="text-5" class="widget widget_text clearfix"> <div class="textwidget"> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <div id="vk_groups"></div> </div> </aside> <aside id="text-4" class="widget widget_text clearfix"> <div class="textwidget"> </div> </aside> <aside id="text-3" class="widget widget_text clearfix"> <div class="textwidget"> </div> </aside> </div> </div> </div> <footer id="colophon" class="clearfix"> <div class="footer-socket-wrapper clearfix"> <div class="inner-wrap"> <div class="footer-socket-area"> <div class="footer-socket-right-section"> </div> <div class="footer-socket-left-sectoin"> <div class="copyright">2023 <a href="" title=""><span></span></a>. 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