Create an XML data file and an XML schema file from worksheet data. Convert Excel files to XML and vice versa Convert file to xml

If you need to create an XML data file and an XML schema file from a range of cells in a worksheet, you can use version 1.1 of the XML Tools for Excel 2003 add-in to extend the existing XML capabilities in Microsoft Excel 2007 and later versions.

Note: This add-in was developed for Excel 2003. The documentation and user interface refer to lists, which are called Excel tables in versions of the application later than Excel 2003.

For more information about working with this add-in, see Use the XML Tools add-in version 1.1 for Excel 2003.

Step 2: Convert a range of cells to an XML table

    Enter the data for which you want to create an XML data file and an XML schema file. The data must be presented in a tabular format in the form of columns and rows (called ordinary data).

    On the tab Add-ons in Group Menu commands click the arrow next to the caption XML Tools and press the button Convert range to XML list.

    Enter the range of cells with the data you want to convert as an absolute reference in the text box.

    In field The first line contains the column names select No, if the first row contains data, or Yes if the first row contains column headers, and click OK.

    Excel will automatically create the XML schema, link the cells to the schema, and create the XML table.

    Important: If the Visual Basic Editor opens and you see a Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) error message, follow these steps:

    1. Click the button OK.

      In the highlighted line of the VBA code module, remove "50" from the line. In other words, change:
      XMLDoc as MSXML2 . DOMDocument50
      To whom:
      XMLDoc as Msxml2. Domdocument

      Press F5 to search for the next line containing the text "XMLDoc As msxml2.DOMDocument50", click OK and change the line as in the previous paragraph.

      Press F5 again to find and change other instances of the line.

      If you no longer see the VBA error message after you press F5, close the Visual Basic Editor to return to the workbook. The range of cells will be converted to an XML table.

      Note: To display all XML maps in a workbook, in the tab Developer in Group XML click the button Source to display the XML Source task pane. At the bottom of the XML Source task pane, click XML Maps.

      If tab Developer is not visible, follow the first three steps in the next section to add it to the Excel ribbon.

Step 3: Export the XML table to an XML data (XML) file

Note: When creating XML maps and exporting data in Excel to XML files, there is a limit to the number of rows that can be exported. When exporting to an XML file from Excel, you can save up to 65,536 rows. If the file contains more than 65,536 rows, Excel will only be able to export the first rows (number of rows mod 65,537). For example, if a worksheet contains 70,000 rows, Excel exports 4,464 rows (70,000 mod 65,537). We recommend following one of the following tips: 1) use the XLSX format; 2) save the file in "XML 2003 Table (*.xml)" format (this will lose the mappings); 3) delete all lines after 65536 and then export again (this will keep the mappings but will lose the lines at the end of the file).

Let's look at the procedure for converting a database object into XML format:

  1. In the database window, select the required object by left-clicking and select the command File, Export(File, Export) or right-click on the object and select the command from the context menu Export(Export).
  2. A dialog box will appear Export an object(Export To). In the dropdown list Types(Save as type) select the element XML Documents(XML Documents). In field File name(File name) enter the name of the HTML document and click the button Export(Export).
  3. A dialog box will appear XML export(Export XML) (Fig. 12.9).
  4. This dialog box contains three checkboxes for the three components of an XML document: data, data schema, and data presentation. (For more information, see the “XML Format in Microsoft Office 2002” section of this chapter). Select the check boxes for the parts of the XML document that you want to export. For example, if you select the checkboxes simultaneously data (XML)(Data (XML)) and data schema(Schema of the data), the data schema will be exported and saved separately from the XML data file, in an XSD file. For tables, you can export only the data or its structure, or the data and structure together and not export the table view as a Web page: checkbox data presentation(XSL) (Presentation of your data (XSL)) can be removed.

Rice. 12.9. Dialog window XML export


The Data (XML) check box should only be cleared if you only want to export a new representation of the database object and the data has previously been exported to an XML file. Otherwise, when you open the resulting Web page, you will receive a message about an error connecting to the data source, and the page itself will be almost empty.

  1. To set additional conversion options, click the button Additionally(Advanced) (Fig. 12.10).

Rice. 12.10. Tab Data dialog box XML export

  1. In addition, this dialog box contains two more tabs for the two remaining components of the XML document: data schema and data representation. On each of these tabs, you can select a checkbox that allows you to export the corresponding part of the XML document, specify the path and name of the file in which this part of the document will be saved, and set some additional parameters:
    • on the tab Data(Data) using dropdown list Encoding(Encoding) you can select the encoding to save the page contents;
    • on the tab Scheme(Schema) you can use radio buttons to choose whether to export the data structure to a separate XSD file or embed it in an XML file along with the data;

Rice. 12.11. Account report opened in database

  • on the tab Presentation(Presentation) using the switches, you can select the presentation format of the Web page: HTML processed on the client side or ASP server side. If the exported object contains pictures that you want to include in the resulting document, you can specify the name of the folder in which they are located. On the same tab there is a field for entering the name of the XSL file with a description of the page design. If the specified file does not exist, Access 2002 will create an XSL file describing the external representation of the document (the developer can later use this as the basis for developing an XSLT file to convert the XML document to another format).

If you need more information about representing data in XML format, click the button Reference(Help). Information about developing and converting XML documents can be found on the Microsoft Developer Web site:

Rice. 12.12. The Invoice report, the data of which is converted into XML format, opened in Internet Explorer

  1. Click OK.
  2. If the proposed transformation parameters have not been changed, three files will be created as a result: XML - with data, XSL - with styles, and HTM - with a representation of the converted object. To open the resulting Web page, you need to open an HTM or ASP file in Internet Explorer, depending on which presentation format you selected.

Unfortunately, subforms and reports, and associated graphics, will not be added to the XML document obtained from the database object. However, simple objects with embedded graphics exported to XML will look almost exactly the same as the original ones in Access. You can verify this by comparing, for example, the original and the Invoice report converted to XML format from the Northwind database (Figures 12.11 and 12.12).

If there is a lot of data in the data source of the selected object, loading the Web page into the Internet browser may take a significant amount of time.


Since the data itself contained in such a Web document is stored entirely in the XML file, there is no need to access the database from which the data was originally taken (as, for example, is the case when converting a report to XML format). This means that that to provide access to such a document, it is enough to place only the mentioned set of files containing a description of this document on the Web server. On the other hand, this means that changing the data in such a document is only possible using applications that have access to the XML file and are able to perceive this format.

XML to Excel and vice versa, let's take a closer look at the types of these files. Here it should be immediately noted that Excel documents have many formats, while XML is the file format. Therefore, you should not confuse these two concepts.

Microsoft Excel is a powerful calculation program with many useful features

Microsoft Excel is a special utility designed for creating and editing tables. With them you can already do whatever you want: create databases, charts, formulas and other types of data. This is a very powerful tool, so we will not discuss all its capabilities. Today our goal is somewhat different, and we will not deviate from the topic of today's discussion.

XML files, for easier understanding, are designed for storing and exchanging various data between utilities. This markup language is especially often used when transmitting information over the Internet. And when you need to transfer tabular data from Excel to a website, for example, you will need to transform your document so that it displays correctly. Therefore, let's not delay the moment of truth and immediately begin the operation.

How to Convert Excel to XML

Dear friends, in fact, converting files is quite a simple task. However, some users may have problems transferring data, so today we will look at several ways to implement our plan. Therefore, we must be patient and proceed to action:

  1. The simplest method, which may not work in some cases, is to save the file in the desired format in Microsoft Excel itself. To do this, open the required document in this application. Then click on the “File” button (discussed using Office 2013 as an example, in other versions the saving process may be slightly different) in the upper left corner of the Excel window, then “Save As”, then select the location to save the document, give it a name and in the tab Specify the file type as “XML data”. After that, check if everything worked out correctly for you. If not, then try the following methods.
  2. So, if the error in the previous case occurs, then perhaps your copy of the program does not provide support and the corresponding add-ons. To install them, go to the Microsoft website, download and install this file on your computer or laptop. Next, launch Microsoft Excel and click on the large colored button in the upper left corner of the application window (here we are already looking at an example on the 2007 version). In the block that appears, click on the parameters to the left of exiting the utility. Now go to the add-ons item and click on the “Go” button opposite the “Manage” item. A dialog box will pop up where you need to click on the review and find the document that you downloaded from the Microsoft website earlier. Now click OK and go to the main program window, where you now have the XML Tools tab - with it you can now easily create an XML file from an existing table. You need to save it in the same way as the previous point.
  3. If you don’t want to load both yourself and your computer with such information, you can resort to using special converter utilities or online versions of these programs. For example, you can download the Format Factory application, which will allow you to perform all the necessary actions. But it is worth remembering that files saved and converted in this way do not always work in the future. That is, during the operation, sectors or areas in the document’s memory may be damaged, which will negatively affect it - it simply may not open in an XML editor, for example. Therefore, it is recommended to use either professional programs or Microsoft Excel itself.

How to translate XML to Excel

Before you can translate XML into Excel, you need to open it first. Let's look at this entire short process below. So let's get started:

  1. Launch the program using a shortcut on your desktop or through the Explorer menu.
  2. Click on "Open More Workbooks" at the bottom of the home page if you're using Office. The process may be slightly different in other versions.
  3. Next, click on “Computer” or other location where your XML file is located, then click “Browse” and change the data type to “XML Files” in the window that appears.
  4. Now we look for the required file and open it in our program using the button of the same name.
  5. Next, we'll discuss how to transform our document. Go to the developer tab, then click on the import button.
  6. In the window that opens, you will need to again find and select our document on which you want to perform the action, then click on the “Import” button.
  7. Then you customize everything for yourself: the import area, save location and other parameters. After which you will receive a table, which you can later save in the format you need. As you can see, there is nothing complicated.

Let's sum it up

Dear readers, today we learned not only how to convert XML files to Excel and vice versa, but also how to create and open them if the versions are incompatible. We hope that everything worked out for you and there are no more questions left. Don’t forget to share your opinion and experience in the comments: perhaps you know a simple conversion method. Tell other users if you were successful in translating one type of document. If it worked, then share what method you used.

Microsoft Excel is a convenient tool for organizing and structuring a wide variety of data. It allows you to process information using different methods and edit data sets.

Let's consider the possibilities of using it to generate and process web application files. Using a specific example, we will study the basics of working with XML in Excel.

How to create an XML file from Excel

XML is a file standard for transmitting data on the Web. Excel supports its export and import.

Let's look at creating an XML file using the example of a production calendar.

  1. Let's make a table from which you need to create an XML file in Excel and fill it with data.
  2. Let's create and insert an XML map with the required document structure.
  3. Export table data to XML format.

We save the file as XML.

Other ways to get XML data (schema):

  1. Download from a database, specialized business application. Schemes can be provided by commercial sites and services. Simple options are publicly available.
  2. Use ready-made samples to test XML maps. The samples contain the main elements and XML structure. Copy and paste into Notepad and save with the desired extension.

How to save an Excel file in XML format

One of the options:

  1. Click the Office button. Select “Save as” - “Other formats”.
  2. We assign a name. Select the save location and file type – XML.

More options:

  1. Download XLC to XML converter. Or find a service that allows you to export the file online.
  2. Download the XML Tools Add-in from the official Microsoft website. It is freely available.
  3. Opening a new book. Office button – “Open”.

How to open an XML file in Excel

Click OK. You can work with the resulting table as with any Excel file.

How to Convert XML File to Excel

We edit the created table and save it in Excel format.

How to collect data from XML files in Excel

The principle of collecting information from multiple XML files is the same as the principle of transformation. When we import data into Excel, the XML map is transferred at the same time. Other data can be transferred to the same schema.

Each new file will be linked to an existing map. Each element in the table structure corresponds to an element in the map. Only one data binding is allowed.

To configure linking options, open the Map Properties tool from the Developer menu.


  1. Each new file will be checked by Excel for compliance with the installed card (if we check the box next to this item).
  2. Data may be updated. Or new information will be added to the existing table (makes sense if you need to collect data from similar files).

These are all manual ways to import and export files.

1. Select one image to convert.
2. Press the button Convert.

7. Enjoy it for your health

1. Select one ZIP file containing images to convert. Only 20 files can be converted at a time.
2. Press the button Convert.
3. The file is sent to our server and the conversion begins immediately.
4. The conversion speed depends on the file size, the speed of your Internet connection and the available resources on our servers.
5. When the conversion is complete, the file returns to the same browser window (do not close your browser).
6. If conversion is not possible, the reason will be indicated in red.
7. Enjoy it for your health

Select an image to convertOnly JPG/JPEG/JFIF/PNG/BMP/GIF/TIF/TIFF/ICO files are supported

JPEG image JFIF image BMP image GIF image PNG image TIF image ICO original size image ICO 16x16 image ICO 32x32 image OCR recognition (Russian)

Conversion in progress

This may take a few minutes

This page only allows conversion JPG JPEG JFIF PNG BMP GIF TIF ICO to other image formats and recognition of Russian text in images.

  • To convert MS Word (DOC DOCX) to PDF, use the Word to PDF link.
  • To convert JPG JPEG PNG BMP GIF TIF TIFF to PDF, use the link Image to PDF.
  • To extract text from a PDF document, use the PDF to TXT link.
  • To convert DOC DOCX DOT DOTX RTF ODT MHT HTM HTML TXT to FB2, use the link Documents in FB2.
  • To convert PDF to MS Word (DOC, DOCX), use the link Convert PDF to Word.
  • To convert PDF to JPG, use the Convert PDF to JPG link.
  • To convert DJVU to PDF, use the link Convert DJVU to PDF.
  • To recognize text in PDF or images, use the Recognize PDF or image link.

Select ZIP archive to convertOnly ZIP files are supported

JPEG image JFIF image BMP image GIF image PNG image TIF image ICO image original size ICO 16x16 image ICO 32x32 image

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