How to remove the original audio track from. How to remove audio track from video. Adding a new track

A personal computer is not just a tool for work. Perhaps this was initially the case; websites were created with the help of a personal computer, they worked with 3D graphics, and complex calculations were made, but over time, the computer increasingly began to be used for entertainment purposes.

Computer technology has gained truly wide popularity mainly thanks to video games and entertainment video content. Why wait for a movie to come out on TV when you can easily download it from the Internet and watch it with the dubbing that suits the user’s taste.

One way or another, the computers of most modern users are “filled” with multimedia content.

Movies and music make up the majority of the occupied space. This is not surprising, because a high-definition film can take up from ten to thirty gigabytes of disk space, not to mention the 4K format, which also has its fans.

Why delete audio tracks?

In fact, the most effective way to reduce the size of a video file is conversion, but this is a rather complicated procedure that is not available to all users.

Before you start converting videos, you need to understand all the intricacies because converting a file almost always leads to improved quality of the material.

In addition, for an acceptable conversion speed, the user must have a fairly powerful system, especially the processor.

However, there is a much more effective way to significantly reduce the size of your video collection. The fact is that high-quality video recording uses the same high-quality sound.

In other words, the volume of an audio track embedded in a file can take up at least 500 megabytes. Everything would be fine if films did not use several sound tracks at once. Sometimes, a film has up to ten built-in tracks, the total size of which sometimes exceeds the volume of the video sequence.

Most often, a film has one or two high-quality dubs, while the rest of the dubbing is a one-voice translation or amateur dubbing over the original sound.

Working with MKVTool

To remove an unnecessary audio track, you can use a proposal such as MKVTool. This program is free.

After installing and launching the application, you need to drag the video file into it, after which a list of all available audio tracks will appear at the bottom of the program.

To define an audio track, you need to select it, after which the name will appear in the “Track name” section. Often, instead of the name, the inscriptions rus or eng are indicated.

In order to find out which track is of the highest quality, the film must be opened using any player with a function for switching audio tracks, for example PotPlayer or KMPlayer.

To remove unnecessary audio tracks, you just need to uncheck them. Video recordings and audio tracks are specified as codecs, that is, if films have an AVI container, the video recording itself can be compressed using MPEG -4.

In addition, the list may contain subtitle files, which are also deleted by unchecking them. If desired, you can delete all audio tracks.

If instead of an audio track, you delete a video sequence, separately from the video, the audio track will remain, which, if desired, can be connected to the video separately, or embedded in another video file.

At the bottom of the program, you can specify the path where the file will be saved, and then click on the “Start processing” button.

Adding a new audio track

Using the MKVTool program, the user can not only delete unnecessary tracks, but also add new ones. This is especially useful for reducing file size.

For example, a person can cut an audio track with a bitrate of 1000 kbps, then convert it to MP3 format and 192 kbps bitrate and add it back to the video.

Since this did not change the duration of the audio track, there will be no desynchronization with the video.

To add a new track, you need to drag it into the same window as the main file, after which it will automatically appear in the lower list, next to other data.

Now, a person checks the compressed audio track and unchecks them from other tracks, after which he can begin processing the file.

To summarize, it can be noted that MKVTool is currently the most functional application for working with audio tracks.

In addition, unlike other video editors, MKVTool does not convert audio or video, so file processing takes a matter of minutes, and processor power does not play any role.

However, you should remember one important detail: after processing, the film is automatically placed in the MKV container, support for which is implemented mainly on computers.

Often, when downloading foreign films, you can find several audio tracks in them with translations into different languages, as well as with original sound. It even happens that for one film there are several versions of translation into Russian.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • – video editing programs.


1. Use the MKVtoolnix program to remove sound track from a file in mkv format and without losing the quality of the video recording. Launch the application, open the video file using the menu command “File” - “Open”, then select a folder and select the desired movie. The selected video will appear in the program window.

2. Go to the Tracks, chapters and tugs window, uncheck the boxes next to the components you want to remove. After removing the audio path from the video, save the file using the Browse command in the Output filename window, then click the Start muxing button. Wait for the process to complete and exit the program.

3. Use the Avidemux program to remove sound track from a video file in avi format. Launch Virtual Dub Mod in the program, then drag the desired file into the application window, execute the command Streams – Stream list, then select with the left mouse button track that you want to delete and click the Disable button. Then click “OK”. Save the file in Direct stream copy mode. Exit the program.

4. Remove audio track from a video with support for the Mkvmerge GUI program, you can download it from the official website Load the initial file into the application, demux it into mkv format, but do not change any settings. Then follow the link and download the latest version of the tsMuxer utility.

5. Run it and open the resulting mkv file in the program window. Next, leave the checkboxes next to the audio tracks. Set the switch next to the Demux command. Start demuxing. Exit the program and erase the initial file. As a result, you ended up with two or more sound files. Find out which one you need.

6. Launch the Virtual Dub program, load the initial file in *.avi format into it, execute the command Video – Direct stream copy, then Audio – Audio from other file... and specify the desired audio file obtained using the support of the previous step. Next, click the Save as Avi command in the “File” menu. As a result, all audio tracks will be replaced with the one you selected.

Not all household DVD players have the function of switching paths, and when recording a movie with several “built-in” audio paths onto a disc, there is a need to leave only one, removing all the indecent ones. Let's look at the procedure in such a situation.

You will need

  • VirtualDubMod program


1. Before everyone else, you need to stock up on tools. To do this, go to the website and download the VirtualDubMod program to your computer, which can be used to remove indecent sound paths from a video file. The program is completely free and quite easy to use.

2. The program does not require installation, but after downloading it must be extracted from the archive; on the contrary, you will not be able to run it. Unzip the file by placing the program in a folder on your computer's hard drive, and then run it.

3. From the File menu, select the Open command and add a video file from which the obscene paths should be removed.

4. In the Vide menu, check the box next to Direct Stream Copy so as not to make metamorphoses to the video stream.

5. Open the Streams menu and select the Stream List command. Select obscene audio paths and click the Disable button. This way you will exclude these paths from the file.

6. All that remains is to write the new file with the changes made. To do this, select the Save as command from the File menu, specify the folder in which you want to save the result, and click OK.

7. Wait for the recording process to complete and you will receive a video recording with one audio track.

Video on the topic

Replacing the audio path or simply removing it can be done by any program that can edit video. For example, if several sound paths are embedded in a video file, while significantly increasing its size, without any problems you can “throw away” the indecent one with the help of only a few operations.

You will need

  • Video editing program Virtual Dub, MKV Toolnix or TSMuxer.


1. The easiest video editing program that handles most operations is Virtual Dub or Virtual Dub Mod. This is a free, small, but functional program with its own set of codecs. To begin with, you need to open the desired file through it (menu “File” - “Open”). After this, you need to go to the “Streams” item (also in the top menu), and select “Stream List” (the item responsible for editing streams). Next, use the left mouse button to select the audio tracks that need to be deleted, and press the “Disable” button. Inactive audio streams are grayed out, and you can now click the “Ok” button.

2. After this, you need to go to the “Audio” – “Direct Stream Copy” and “Video” – “Direct Stream Copy” tabs, after which you can save the file (“File” – “Save Video”). The paths have been removed.

3. If the video file is in mkv format, then Virtual Dub will not always be able to cope with it. Then the MKV Toolnix package comes to the rescue, which includes the mkvmerge GUI program. It does an amazing and quick job of removing obscene paths from the selected file. After loading the file (“File” – “Open”), the program displays a list of all video parameters. After this, you can easily uncheck unnecessary items. After selecting the directory to save the target file, you must click the “Start” button.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice
The TSMuxer program does a great job of cutting out unnecessary parameters of a video file. It has a huge number of settings and is stable in use (it opens virtually all audio formats). Moreover, if any problems arise with video playback, then by running the necessary file in TSMuxer you can find out the cause of the error and, if possible, correct it.

When creating video materials using editing programs, you need to synchronize audio and video streams. In some cases, the audio track may be replaced, for example, by other audio files. In order to superimpose sound files onto a video image, you need to use a special program.

You will need

  • Software VirtualDub Mod.


1. This program can be found in the public domain on the Internet. Use any search engine, enter “Download VirtualDub Mod” without quotes and press Enter. Among all the requests, select the line in which you can see the word “Download”. After following the selected link, click the “Download” or Download button on the page that opens.

2. After unpacking the program from the archive, run it. Open the video file where you want to add audio track, click the top menu File, in the list that opens, select Open video file.

3. You see a file selection window, after you find the video, click the “Open” button. The video you selected will be loaded into the program window. You need to add audio recording, i.e. you will not touch the video file itself. But by default, the program includes the possibility of editing both a video file and an audio file; therefore, when saving the video, the stream will be created again. Creating a new thread will take some time, so it is better to disable this option. To do this, click the top Video menu and select the Direct stream copy item in the list that opens.

4. To add any audio stream to the program window, you need to click the top menu Streams, in the list that opens, select Stream list. The Available streams window will appear in front of you, in which you can connect new streams or disable existing streams. To delete a stream, you need to select it, and then click the Disable button.

5. To add a new stream, click the Add button, find the stream in the window that opens and click the “Open” button. You can add a ton of audio streams to the Available streams window, but the one at the top of the list will play. After adding all the audio tracks, click OK. All that remains is to save the fruit of your creations: click the top File menu, then click the Save As button or press the F7 button.

To improve your knowledge of a foreign language, it is recommended to watch videos in it in the original, without translation. Using the VirtualDubMod program, you can remove the Russian path from virtually any foreign film.


1. Download and install the application. To do this, follow the link below and download the zip archive. In order to open it you will need an archiver. Use WinRar, but if you don’t have it installed, download and install it also by following the link Once the installation is complete, unzip VirtalDubMod. This is strictly because if you run the application from the archive, this may affect the correct operation of the program.

2. Launch the program. Click on the File – Open menu, then locate the video file you need. Select it, wait for the download to finish. Next, go to the Video menu. Check the box opposite Direct Stream Copy. This is necessary in order to leave the video stream unchanged - in this case, its quality will remain the same.

3. Enter the Streams menu and click on the Stream List button. Listen to audio tracks and delete the one that contains translation. Later, you will save the resulting video. Go to the File – Save As menu and specify the folder to save. Don't close the program. Wait until the recording finishes, and then test the resulting file. If you accidentally delete the wrong audio path, undo the last action and re-record the video.

4. If there is only one audio track, then you have a choice: either remove it and insert the latest translation in its place, or remove the audio and attach subtitles to the film. Separately, subtitles and audio tracks can be downloaded online; in extreme cases, you can download the same film in the original, but of worse quality, and extract audio from it using the Adobe Audition program. Launch it, then open the video file from which you plan to extract audio. Wait for it to load, then use the “Extract audio from video” menu and save the resulting file. Later, using the VirtualDubMod program, add this file as a new audio path and save the film.

5. If you have multiple audio tracks, one of which contains actual audio, you can move between them while playing the video file. Select the video file with the right mouse button and open the file through Media Player Classic. Go to the Audio menu. Several threads will appear in front of you. Select the one that contains the original sound without translation and click on it. When viewing through other players, follow the same scheme - go to the audio settings, then select the stream that contains the original sound.

Video on the topic

While working with video, some users may need to remove sound from a video. This could be an unsuccessful audio track, the need to add your own audio instead of the existing one, or other reasons that inspire the user to cut out the audio from the desired video. Of course, you can turn to the functionality of various desktop programs, but I suggest the user not to waste his time installing third-party applications, but to use network services that make it easy to separate video from music online.

The online services that I will describe below are in most cases video converters that have a function to turn off the music, thus allowing you to extract music from the video.

Most of them work in the following way: you go to such a resource, upload the video you need to it, and activate the audio mute function. Carry out the process of converting your video by pressing the appropriate button, and then save the resulting result file to your disk (usually in the same format as the video file uploaded to the resource).

Top 4 tools for removing audio from videos online

To extract excess music from a video, leaving only the video sequence itself, I recommend using the following network services:

The most popular service on the RuNet for removing sound from a video is the English-language resource The main purpose of this resource is to convert files from one format to another (there are various document formats, audio, video, presentations, fonts, and so on). We are interested in the ability to separate video from audio online, and the cloudconvert service gives us such functionality.

To remove music from a video using the cloudconvert website, follow these steps:

The second English-language online service that I want to talk about is Its free functionality is designed to separate video from music, the whole process is completed in a couple of clicks, and then you can easily save the result to your disk. However, the resource is only capable of processing video files up to 500 megabytes in size.

To work with do the following:

  1. Go to;
  2. Click on the “Browse” button and tell the service the path to your video on your computer’s hard drive;
  3. Click on “Upload” to upload this video to the resource and process it;
  4. Click on “Download video” to save the video without sound to your PC;

The specified service is another popular online video and audio converter. Among its advantages are its free nature and the presence of a Russian-language interface, which will undoubtedly appeal to many Russian-speaking users. It's worth mentioning that this tool is not capable when needed.

To cut audio from a video using this service, do the following:

The functionality of the service is quite wide, allowing you to perform various operations on working with video (, changing its size, adding various effects, converting to GIF format et cetera). We are interested in the reverse functionality, which allows you to scroll the video, as they say, “backwards”, and turn off the sound on it. Then the video processed in this way is again run through this resource, it again takes on a normal appearance, but without sound.

To work with do the following:


In this material, I reviewed online converters that allow you to remove sound from the required video, described their functionality and characteristic features. The most convenient of all services is the service - you just need to upload a video with music to this resource, and then save the specified video without music to your PC.

You've probably encountered films with excellent frame quality but terrible sound. Because of this, the desire to watch such a film simply disappears. But don’t get excited, because you can remove the extra audio track and nothing will stop you from enjoying watching an exciting movie.

You will need

  • - personal computer with access to the global network.


  • Download the SolveigMM AVI Trimmer program. This free program is designed for video editing without losing quality. All operations are performed quickly and very simply.
  • Install the program downloaded to your PC and open it. In the field labeled "Original", select the movie in which the excess audio track will be removed. The program will automatically open the ActiveMovie Window - you won't need it, so to avoid confusion, close this dialog box.
  • Almost in the center of the main software window of SolveigMM AVI Trimmer there is a white field (it is titled “Stream”). In this field, the program displayed all available file information about the film and the codecs used. To delete an extra audio track, click with your computer mouse on the cell located next to the Audio inscription - this will uncheck the box next to this inscription.
  • In the same program window (more precisely, on the right side), find the “Inversion” button and click on it. After this, a line with numerical values ​​indicating the time interval of the audio track of the entire video file will appear in the “Task List” field. Then click on the “Start” button.
  • To remove unnecessary audio tracks, also use the VirtualDubMod program. Open this program and start the video. Then open Stream List. Left-click on the unnecessary audio track and click the Disable button. The selected track will immediately appear blocked. After that, click “OK” and save the video.
  • Tip added on May 11, 2011 Tip 2: How to remove an audio track Not all household DVD players have a track switching function, and when recording a movie with several “embedded” audio tracks on a disc, it becomes necessary to leave only one, removing all unnecessary ones. Let's consider the procedure in such a situation.

    You will need

    • VirtualDubMod program


  • First of all, you need to stock up on tools. To do this, go to the website and download the VirtualDubMod program to your computer, with which you can remove unnecessary audio tracks from a video file. The program is completely free and quite easy to use.
  • The program does not require installation, but after downloading it must be extracted from the archive, otherwise you will not be able to run it. Unzip the file by placing the program in a folder on your computer's hard drive, and then run it.
  • From the File menu, select the Open command and add a video file from which you want to remove unnecessary tracks.
  • In the Vide menu, check the box next to Direct Stream Copy to avoid making changes to the video stream.
  • Open the Streams menu and select the Stream List command. Select unnecessary audio tracks and click the Disable button. This way you will exclude these tracks from the file.
  • All that remains is to write a new file with the changes made. To do this, select the Save as command from the File menu, specify the folder in which to save the result, and click OK.
  • Wait for the recording process to complete and you will receive a video with one audio track.
    • VirtualDubMod
    How to remove an audio track - printable version

    When working with video materials, there is often a need to remove the original sound of the recording in order to correct it and add it separately or replace it, for example, with musical accompaniment. This is easy to do in the Sony Vegas program.

    The nuances of working with sound in Sony Vegas.

    There are two ways to get rid of an audio track: delete it or simply mute it. The latter is preferable if you do not know for sure whether it will be useful during the creation of the project or not.

    Method 1

    Before deleting the audio track, add the video to the Sony Vegas editor. You see the storyboard at the top, and the audio layer below, and they are inextricably linked. If you try to erase the audio at the moment, the clip will disappear along with it.

    To separate audio from video, select it and press U. Check element dependencies by dragging the edge of the video sequence. If it moves on its own, the separation was successful.

    Opposite the audio track there is a small settings window. Right-click on it and select “Delete Audio Track” or “Remove Audio Track” (depending on the software version). The audio will disappear.

    Method 2

    You can also simply remove the sound, muting it but keeping the track. To influence not the entire row, but only an element, press S on the keyboard and select the desired piece, then right-click and select “Switches” (or “Toggle”) - “Muffle”.

    To mute a whole audio track or several at once (if the track consists of fragments), look at the menu opposite it - there is an icon with the corresponding caption.

    In this way, you can not only achieve silence, but also make volume changes in the right places. To do this, press Shift + V and place markers on the track where changes will be made. As you move the markers, a sound curve is created. To use this function effectively, a fair amount of skill is required, but it produces interesting transitions. Now, if necessary, you can return to the original sound, which would be impossible if you deleted the audio track.

    Adding a new track

    Now let's talk about how to insert music or voice recording into a project. First of all, you need to prepare the appropriate file in MP3 format and save it in some folder. Then import the video sequence into the editor and press Ctrl + Shift + Q (or through the “Insert” menu – “Audio/Video Track”).

    Next, insert the desired piece of music. If several tracks are planned throughout the clip, a separate audio track is created for each of them: Sony Vegas follows the same principle - “one object - one layer” - which is typical for graphic editors like Photoshop. If you muted the original audio track, it is not necessary to separate the video and audio before Sony.

    We voice the video

    If you want to voice over the video with your own voice, connect an external microphone (laptops have it built-in) and create a new empty audio track (right-click on the leftmost menu, where the editing tools are located). A window will pop up asking you to save the recording to a specific folder. We agree or change the location and click OK.

    A multi-colored indicator appears on the right - the microphone is ready for use. At the bottom, press the “Rec” button and dictate the text.

    On the same line you will find a Stop icon. After recording, the audio can be listened to and, if necessary, processed - at the end of the track there is an icon that opens the corresponding options. In the list you will find a great variety of sound effects, clarity settings, and reduction of extraneous noise.

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