How to clear messages in Odnoklassniki. Deleting an interlocutor in messages in Odnoklassniki. Delete correspondence with a friend on Odnoklassniki using the mobile application

Active users of the Odnoklassniki website accumulate a large number of messages from friends and acquaintances over time. All correspondence created on this social network is stored on servers and does not affect the operation of the computer. However, if the user’s account contains unnecessary incoming/outgoing letters, it makes sense to delete them. In this article we will look in detail at how to delete correspondence in Odnoklassniki.

What do you need to know?

A user who decides to erase correspondence in Odnoklassniki must remember:

  1. Deleted messages cannot be restored.
  2. To get rid of SMS, you must go to your OK.RU page.
  3. A dialogue erased by the user remains in the interlocutor’s profile.

Getting rid of selected messages

Go to your profile by entering your username and password. We go to dialogues through the “Messages” tab.

In the left vertical frame we find the correspondence from which we want to get rid of SMS. We go into the dialogue, move the cursor to unnecessary letters and click on the cross that says “Delete message”.

In the window that appears, confirm your intentions by clicking on the “Delete” button.

This way you can delete both your SMS and those written by your interlocutor.

We delete the correspondence completely

Often, users of the Odnoklassniki website want to thoroughly clean up their messages and erase one or more dialogues. If you need to remove a person from your correspondence, follow these simple instructions.

Go to the “Messages” menu from your page and click on the dialogue that you want to get rid of. Click on the gear icon representing the Settings menu. In the list that appears, select “Delete correspondence.”

Click “Delete” to completely clear the dialog.

We will disappoint users who are interested in how to delete all correspondence at once: there is no instant clearing function. If there are a lot of unnecessary dialogs accumulated, to delete them you will have to perform similar actions with each of them separately.

Is it possible to erase your messages from your interlocutor?

The motto of the developers of the social network Odnoklassniki regarding chat history is: “What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax.” If a person sent an SMS to his interlocutor that he regretted, then it is not possible to erase it from someone else’s SMS history. This also applies to unread incoming emails.

An exception to the rule is deleting your profile. If a person deletes his Odnoklassniki page, all his SMS and comments automatically disappear from the site and his interlocutors will no longer see them.

Although outdated messages cannot be deleted, they can be edited immediately after sending - before the recipient reads them.

  1. We move the mouse cursor over the text that needs to be corrected.
  2. Next to it, click on the pencil image.
  3. We make the necessary corrections in the editing field.
  4. Click on the “Submit” button.

Please note that the editing function only works for a short time. After reading it by a friend or the next day, you won’t be able to correct what you wrote.

Social networks are present in the life of every person. Odnoklassniki is one of the most popular ways to communicate with friends. And it is quite natural that a large number of messages accumulate over time. Therefore, it is important to know how to delete correspondence in Odnoklassniki.

Deleting a letter

Sometimes it is necessary to clear only some messages from correspondence with a certain person. To do this you need to take several steps:

  1. Go to the Odnoklassniki website page using your password and login.
  2. Next, go to the “Messages” section. The tab is located at the top in the orange information field.

By clicking on it, you will go to the page where all contact letters are located.

The list of friends you've chatted with is on the left. You can quickly find a story with the interlocutor you need using the search bar by entering his name. Another way to find the desired contact is to use the vertical slider.

After you have found the person in messages whose letter you want to clear, you need to click on the icon with a friend’s photo. After this, the history of your communication will open.

Next, select the desired message and click on the “Delete message” button (the cross on the right). After this, a tab will open confirming the operation. By clicking the “Delete” button, you permanently delete this message from the correspondence.

Delete all history

It is not possible to get rid of correspondence with several friends at the same time. You can only clear all the letters of one interlocutor. To do this, you can remove a person from the correspondence, and, accordingly, the entire correspondence at once. To do this, you need to go through several steps:

Is it possible to delete a message from an interlocutor?

We often find ourselves in situations where we mistakenly send a person an incorrect letter or with information that was not intended for him. Unfortunately, you cannot delete a message from your interlocutor. But the letter can be edited by changing its content. To do this you should:

How to get rid of unwanted messages?

Often on a social network, letters can be sent by contacts who are not your friends. And often this communication is negative. You can also protect yourself from unwanted communication. To do this you can do the following:

  1. Go to your page and select the “More” tab in the right corner.
  2. Next, go to the “Settings” page.
  3. Select the “Publicity” tab.
  4. Find the line “Write messages to me” and check “Only friends”.

After this, only people with whom you are friends will be able to write to you.

No one is immune from mistakes - a couple of careless clicks and the note has flown to the wrong recipient. What to do? How to delete a message in Odnoklassniki without being read? There are several options to solve the problem.

Option one: erase the message

Any message from correspondence on Odnoklassniki can be removed. To do this you need:

Select the desired dialog from the list that opens.

Click on the cross next to the text.

Click the “Delete” button in the window that appears.

Ready! You can remove both your own and other people's messages from the dialogue. In this case, the changes will affect only your account - the messages will be saved in the interlocutor’s profile and will be available for reading. This function is relevant if many people have access to the computer, and you do not want specific correspondence to be accidentally read by someone. But how can you make sure that the interlocutor does not read the message sent to him?

Option two: change the content of the letter

To change the text of a sent message, click on the pencil next to it.

After clicking, the message will appear in the sending form again, edit it.

As a result, the interlocutor will receive only the corrected version - he will not see the original one.

It is important to know:

  • editing is available only for some time after sending, so you need to edit faster;
  • the recipient can see that the text has been changed - the same pencil will appear next to the message and if you hover the cursor over it, the “edited” mark will appear;
  • In this way, it is impossible to remove the contents of the letter completely - you will still have to write something in the editing form, at least a period or an emoticon.

Option three: deleting correspondence completely

Odnoklassniki also provides a function for completely deleting communication history. To do this, you need to find the settings button in the upper right corner of the message window and click on it.

A list of settings will be displayed - select the “Delete chat” column.

In a pop-up window, the site will warn that the correspondence will be destroyed irrevocably and will offer the choice of continuing the action or canceling it.

Click the "Delete" button to delete your communication history. This method, like the first, will delete correspondence only on your account - the entire communication history will still be available to the interlocutor.

Option four: through a mobile application

All the possibilities mentioned are also possible from the application on your smartphone.

To completely destroy communication history, you need to:

We will tell you how easy it is to delete a message or entire correspondence with a person in dialogues in Odnoklassniki.

Hundreds of people send dozens of messages every day, their number is incalculable. Correspondence, or chats as they are called, is especially popular on social networks. Using his account, the owner starts hundreds of such chats.

Sometimes they are completely useless, especially when the messages come from strangers or, more simply, spam. Users often need to clear such dialogues, but do not know how to delete correspondence in messages in Odnoklassniki.

Getting rid of unnecessary chats is very easy. You can delete messages using a desktop computer or phone (tablet).

How to delete correspondence with a person in Odnoklassniki:

To delete chats using your computer, you need to follow these steps:

With these simple steps you can delete your correspondence. In this case, the question arises: “Is it possible to delete correspondence in Odnoklassniki with an interlocutor?” The answer is no, someone else’s chat can only be deleted by the interlocutor through his own account.

It will also be available to him, even if you deleted it on your page. The same principle applies to your correspondence, which only you can delete. If the interlocutor deleted it, your copy is not deleted; only the owner of the page can manage it.

How to delete correspondence in Odnoklassniki from your phone

In order to delete messages in Odnoklassniki using a smartphone, you should do the following:

Thus, we answered the question of whether it is possible to delete messages in Odnoklassniki and how to do this from both a stationary and mobile device. There can be as many correspondences as you like, all of them can be deleted using these simple steps. After confirmation, correspondence will be deleted forever; restoring them will be problematic and only possible with the help of the site administration or special services.

You need to delete a message in Odnoklassniki, and if you want them to disappear from the friend to whom you wrote, remove entries from the forums, then you need to remove him from friends.

How to delete only a received Odnoklassniki message? Go to (1) messages. Everyone with whom you communicated is on the left side. Select the person where the message will be deleted (2). Messages sent to a friend and messages received will appear in front of you. To remove one of them, click the red cross (3) on the right or left side of the text, respectively. It will appear when you hover your mouse over the message you want to delete.

How to delete all correspondence?

Deleting a dialogue in Odnoklassniki with a specific user is quite possible. You need to click on (1) messages. We find (2) correspondence by a person. Click on gear, located on the right above the dialogue with the user. Press (4) Remove all correspondence. Confirm your choice by clicking on the button Delete. That's how easy it is to delete a message on Odnoklassniki.

In order for the correspondence between your friend and you to disappear, you need to remove him from your friends list. If you then return him as a friend again, then the dialogue will be restored again for both him and you.

If you were unable to delete messages

It was not possible to get rid of correspondence in Odnoklassniki according to the instructions, write to us at. We will personally answer your problem.

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