Printing services state secret license. FSB license. Main steps and procedures

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The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, among other functions, is responsible for the registration, issuance and maintenance of a register of permits. The FSB license allows commercial companies, individual entrepreneurs, and organizations of variable legal forms to work in areas affecting strategically important information. The latter include state secrets, confidential, personal data.

Legal basis

Why do you need an FSB license? The law requires it to be issued for activities related to:

  • use of data representing state secrets - including the provision of services/performance of work in which it is involved;
  • creation of security information tools containing and working with the above information;
  • cryptography, encryption technology.

Work that directly or indirectly affects the above areas is carried out only with the permission of the FSB of Russia. In practice, the principle means the following. Companies and individual entrepreneurs wishing to cooperate on a commercial basis with a sensitive facility must take care of obtaining a permit. It doesn’t matter what the company is going to do - restore monuments in areas with a special regime, provide accounting, engineering, cleaning services, erect buildings, outbuildings, and so on. You need to go through a standardized procedure and participate in a tender for a government order. Typically, an application to the local Office of the authority takes up to four to five months; if received through separate divisions, it takes up to two.

The legislation fixes the need for the procedure in the state regulations of the Russian Federation:

  • Laws - No. 5485-1, 57-FZ, 99-FZ, 152-FZ;
  • Presidential Decree No. 1203;
  • Regulations approved by the Government by resolutions No. 333 (04/15/1995), 63 (02/06/2010).

Fundamental norms complement specific, “narrow-profile” ones. Information technology enterprises working with confidential information are guided by Government Decree No. 79 and Federal Law No. 152.

Having found out why the FSB license is needed, it is worth pointing out: there is a division into two conditional groups - activities related to state secrets and encryption/cryptography. A significant part of commercial organizations are faced with the first type of work. They require a license related to state secrets.

Issuance of a license for access to state secrets

The official permit document of the FSB of Russia, which allows working with “closed” data, is issued by a specialized body - the LSZ Center of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Applying for the first time, the applicant has the right to obtain a permit valid for three years, and again - for five years. The license area is all of Russia plus institutions located outside the borders but belonging to the country.

When providing services or performing work at sensitive special facilities, entrepreneurs/companies are forced to encounter secret information and must “interact” with information within the framework of the Law - for which an FSB license is needed. It is required:

  • construction companies constructing, reconstructing, and performing major repairs of buildings belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Defense, etc.;
  • private structures guarding sensitive/secret/special facilities;
  • trade and catering organizations working with “closed” organizations;
  • IT companies, installers of fire and alarm systems, cryptographers and other companies/entrepreneurs who come into contact with “closed” data of national importance.

When contacting the Health Care Center, the application indicates why the FSB license is needed. The list is compiled in free form and is quite arbitrary, since permits are not classified by type of activity. The Security Service does not issue any separate “restoration” or “construction” documents - the rights granted by the license apply to any legal activity related to classified information.

Registration procedure

In order for a company to officially work with state secrets, the manager must obtain clearance. There are three forms:

  • the first is the maximum degree (nuclear weapon launch codes);
  • the second - “top secret”, issued in extreme cases, with serious justification, after agreement with the first department, verification activities;
  • the third is “secret”, formalized by employees of security structures in a routine manner at their own discretion, with the submission of a report to the local Administration.

Heads of executing companies and individual entrepreneurs receive permits of the third form - as an individual - and:

  • undergo training at a certified institution;
  • receive drug treatment and psychiatric certificates confirming that there are no contraindications to work;
  • submit a questionnaire to the FSB of Russia and undergo an interview by invitation.

A successful interview completes the issuance of a permit. The director, in addition to him, needs four photos 4cm/6cm, a copy of the foreign passport. The company submits to the licensing authority the original application of the customer of services/works, information about managers, details, contact numbers, mail addresses. It is necessary to pay the state fee (the price is regularly adjusted), provide notarized copies of:

  • charter with registered amendments, constituent agreement;
  • OGRN/GRN certificates, TIN assignment;
  • letters from the State Statistics Service (statistical codes);
  • decisions/protocol on the creation of a legal entity, election of a general director;
  • extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (not older than 20 days before the filing date);
  • rental agreement, legal address (must match the real one), evidence of ownership of the premises.

Copies along with the application and questionnaire are submitted to the local Center. At the same time, the enterprise undergoes an examination, and its management undergoes certification. Information technology companies need an additional special license from FSTEC. Even without it, the package is voluminous, which is why professional assistance is required in obtaining an FSB license. Support will allow you to reduce time costs and get started quickly.

The standard procedure for obtaining permits to carry out activities is as follows:

  • checking the company, receiving the customer’s application;
  • training the general director, obtaining permits for him;
  • compilation of a package of documentation submitted to the Central Labor Protection Center;
  • examination of the EAC, transfer of the documentation package to the licensing Center.

Cryptographic and encryption licenses

TsLSZ issues permits granting the right to develop, manufacture, and sell cryptography, encryption, and data protection tools. The procedure for obtaining is similar to that described above, so assistance in obtaining an FSB license of this type is appropriate and in demand. It is worth resorting to support when performing work, providing services in the field of information encryption, maintenance of telecommunications and information systems.

Permission is required for organizations that install, assemble, maintain encryption and cryptographic tools, and provide secure communication channels to customers. To get it you will need:

  • fulfill the company's personnel requirements by preparing appropriate confirmations;
  • confirm the ownership of equipment (testing, control and measurement), the legitimacy of the software;
  • provide security clearances;
  • guarantee the confidentiality of information.

Three years after receiving the permit, they undergo a scheduled examination. During the audit, the declared equipment, software, employee qualifications, and certificates are verified.

Dedicated support will help simplify licensing. Territories for which an FSB license is promptly issued are Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions. The advantages of support are guarantees of correctness, legality, timeliness, saving effort, qualified and comprehensive advice.

According to Russian legislation, when business entities work with information data protected by the state, they are first required to undergo an expert assessment procedure of the organization’s operating conditions in the FSB of Russia.

Based on the results of expert work, an appropriate permit (license) is issued. The document is valid in Russia and abroad (in cases where the business entity carrying out licensed activities is under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation).

Which structures require

Obtaining a special permit from the FSB is necessary to work at military infrastructure facilities and enterprises with a special regime of activity.

These include life support facilities, enterprises operating in industry, the field of environmental safety, especially valuable complexes of the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation (museums, libraries, scientific and artistic organizations, theaters, archival funds).

Licensees can be:

  • business entities in the construction industry (general and special profile);
  • security service units, private security companies;
  • companies performing their functions in the IT field,
  • commercial and industrial commercial structures.

The FSB permit allows enterprises of all forms of ownership to participate in open and closed competitive bidding, and to take part in joint activities with commercial enterprises established by the state.

What types of activities are subject to licensing control?

Specific types of activities that require a state secret license from the FSB are established in the process of working on a package of documents submitted by the applicant for examination. Regulatory documents of the Government of the Russian Federation define a general list of such work.

These include the following:

  1. Construction of buildings and structures at facilities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, nuclear industry enterprises, and other sensitive facilities with enhanced security measures.
  2. Development and implementation of control measures to protect state-protected information from unauthorized access by third parties.
  3. Carrying out work to develop the procurement system in the nuclear and energy industries.

Please note: upon initial licensing in order to obtain permission to carry out activities using classified data, a state secret license is issued for a period of 3 years. Upon subsequent renewal, the license term increases to 5 years. At the same time, the re-licensing procedure is simplified.

Any type of activity at a sensitive facility requires licensing from the TsLSZ FSB of Russia, and only with the issuance of the appropriate permit is access to information containing confidential information possible. Licensing examination and issuance of permits are carried out within a period of 3 to 12 months.


The procedure for obtaining a license for state secrets from the FSB provides for preparatory measures, including the formation by the applicant of a standard package of documents and the actual licensing examination of the activities of the legal entity.

The examination for compliance with licensing requirements is carried out by authorized persons as part of a special commission.

During the inspection, the level of competence of the licensee’s manager is established, and whether the director has a special form of access to classified data. Additionally, the working conditions of the secret-security unit are studied, and methods for protecting confidential data are clarified.


Licensing for the purpose of obtaining permission to work with classified data includes a number of actions that are combined into two main stages.

At the first stage, the manager's clearance to classified information is checked. The minimum requirement is the third form of admission (there are no restrictions on traveling abroad).

This stage takes a lot of time, since if the first person of the enterprise does not have access to confidential information, it must be formalized and appropriate verification measures must be carried out. In addition, all close relatives of the manager are subject to verification procedures.

The second stage contains measures to verify the authenticity of documents sent to the FSB for granting a license.

During the examination, the following documents are analyzed:

  • personal data for the manager, security clearance;
  • activities of a service customer who has information classified by the state as protected;
  • contract for maintenance of a sensitive facility;
  • system for working with secret documents, paperwork procedures.

Access to classified information of a higher level provides grounds for issuing access to data of a lower level of secrecy. If the head of an enterprise has open access to protected information, this significantly reduces the time required for consideration of an application for the purpose of issuing a license for state secrets.

What is an FSB license, see the following video:

Activities in the field of work related to CIPF and encryption are regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, which clarifies 99-FZ regarding the licensing of near-cryptographic work. Let us remind you that the federal law“On licensing of certain types of activities” lists the types of activities that can be carried out only on the basis of a special permit, that is, a license.

Kind of activity

Difficulty obtaining a license

When relevant

Resale of CIPF

Slightly below average

If necessary, expand the range of products sold using encryption means

Resale, installation and maintenance (configuration) of CIPF

When issuing electronic signature certificates (for example, for working with electronic trading platforms), when installing and configuring CIPF or systems inextricably linked with CIPF for clients, for information encryption services

Resale, installation, maintenance and development of own systems using CIPF

Above average

When developing or producing products that include CIPF, or when integrating CIPF into your products, or when repairing CIPF

In practice, an FSB license is applied for in two cases: after an inspection by a regulatory authority so that the activity is not suspended (usually one of the requirements in an order to eliminate comments is to obtain a license), or when a company decides to expand the range of goods and/or services beyond account of licensed activities, so as not to lose income or market share, and possibly expand the circle of clients.

Favorable conditions for obtaining a license for state secrets and data protection (FSB license), features of the procedure and requirements for applicants.

Temporarily we don't do it

All licenses have a full set of documents and are ready to take part in the tender.

The following types of licenses exist:
- FSB license for construction;
- FSB license for state secrets (state secrets);
- FSB license for data protection;
- FSB license for encryption, etc.

One of the activities of our company is obtaining a license for state secrets. We work closely with the FSB and know all the nuances of licensing in this particular matter. Our main task is to help you obtain such a license as quickly as possible. The terms themselves will directly depend on the region of your residence; you can also buy a ready-made license or order a license with quick receipt.

The main principles of obtaining a license in our company

Before we begin to carry out the tasks set by the client, we must sign an agreement with him, in which we indicate the terms of our cooperation. The agreement will be signed by our director and the owner of the company.

In addition to obtaining a license, we assist in obtaining a number of certificates, which are often necessary to participate in a tender. These are certificates ISO 9001, ISO 27000, OHSAS 14001, construction permits, FSTEC licenses, registration with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Additionally, we help in registering companies, offer director services, assist in opening bank accounts, maintaining accounting records, prepare for participation in tenders, etc.

The meaning of a license for state secrets

A license for state secrets may be required in the following cases:
- carrying out construction work at sensitive sites that require access to state secrets;
- performing tasks directly related to the protection of state secrets and other information that is not subject to distribution to third parties;
- provision of encryption and cryptography services;
- provision of services for the supply of goods at nuclear and power plants.

FSB license is issued for a period of five years, after which it can be reissued. Renewing an FSB license takes less time than obtaining a new one.

Types of licenses and secrecy

Licenses can be of the following types:
- opening access to state secrets;
- aimed at protecting state secrets and implying the storage of classified information.

There are several types of secrecy; our company provides assistance in obtaining second and third level access.

Features of obtaining an FSB license, including for a tender

When obtaining an FSB license, the following facts must be taken into account:
1. Recently, the refusal to issue a license by the FSB is often argued by the foreign citizenship of the head of the company; the reason may be his criminal record, low level of qualifications in his chosen field of activity, lack of trained personnel in the required quantity.

2. Since the end of October 2012, the procedure for obtaining an application from government agencies, which is required to successfully complete the licensing procedure with the FSB, has become more complicated. Many authorities and companies that used to issue them are simply not listed today, and in some cases, applications from them can even be harmful. Thus, without receiving new documents from verified government officials. authorities and corporations are difficult to get by.

3. Since August 2013, a new regulation has been put into effect, in accordance with which secret data submitted to the FSB is confirmed. Thus, here, too, new documents will be needed, and not many people specialize in correctly filling them out.

Applicants for an FSB license for state secrets are required to provide:
- a recommendation issued by a government agency or corporation that will act as a customer for the services of the applicant company;
- construction permits (if we are talking about a construction company) and a list of equipment for work (to perform encryption and cryptography tasks);
- approved list of certificates;
- a non-disclosure agreement signed between the company and employees for a minimum period of 5 years.

There must also be staff available (at least 1 staff unit), officially registered in accordance with the labor code. Employees should not be part-time workers – they should not be registered in other similar organizations. It is mandatory to have a real office with a city telephone number, while the legal and actual addresses of the company must be identical.

Stages of obtaining an FSB license

The procedure for obtaining an FSB license includes the following steps, which our company undertakes:
- conclusion of an agreement with the state. authority or corporation and receipt of the petition;
- conclusion of an agreement for the provision of services between a secret or sensitive department and the head of the company (he acts as an individual);
- supplementing the organization’s charter with clauses that deal with the individual responsibility of the manager for the disclosure of secret information;
- performing a check and subsequently obtaining a third form of access to the head of the organization (he acts as an individual);
- hiring qualified personnel (if there were none);
- obtaining information security certificates;
- sending an application and all necessary documents to the FSB Directorate in Moscow and the Moscow Region to obtain a license;
- passing a special examination (conducted by the Certification Center);
- passing accreditation by the head of the company in accordance with the rules of the FSB;
- obtaining a license from the FSB (within 8 weeks).

Documents for obtaining an FSB license

When obtaining a license for state secrets, you will need a package of documents, which includes:
- a copy of the education diploma certified by a notary;
- a copy of the work book of the head of the enterprise;
- certificate of absence of criminal record and residence abroad of the head of the enterprise;
- certificate of physical and mental health of the head of the company;
- company details + certificate of opening a bank account;
- a petition from a government agency, an agreement signed with it;
- updated company charter (after introducing clauses on the individual responsibility of the company director);
- extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (received no earlier than 30 days before sending the documents);
- agreement with the First Department (not expired!);
- certificate of registration of the company and certificate of changes made to the constituent documents;
- data on assignment of TIN (certificate can be obtained from the Federal Tax Service);
- certificate issued by the State Statistics Committee (on the assignment of OKPO and OKONH);
- decision on registration of a legal entity and appointment of a director of the company;
- a rental agreement for premises, a letter of guarantee or a document confirming ownership.

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State secret is information protected at the state level, related to foreign policy, economic, intelligence, operational investigative, military activities, the disclosure of which allows the possibility of causing any damage to the security of the Russian Federation. The validity period of initially issued licenses is 3 years, repeated ones are increased to 5 years, it is valid throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation and beyond its borders within the walls of institutions belonging to the Russian Federation.

Subject to the licensing procedure are, most often, sensitive state facilities, enterprises participating in tenders held by the state, developing programs aimed at protecting information, managing personal data databases, IT technologies and others, the work process of which involves information that is a state secret. Even if an enterprise provides services for the supply of food products, equipment, repairs, construction, reconstruction at sensitive facilities, a license must be obtained for these types of work provided. Restoration of cultural and historical monuments also falls into this list. The company submits a description of its activities in any form; regulatory authorities approve and prescribe the permitted types in regulatory documents.

In practice, obtaining a license on your own takes a long period of time and varies from six months to several years! Using the help of specialists, you can significantly reduce the preparation time for the licensing procedure, save time, reduce financial costs and the risks of an unfavorable outcome following this procedure. Our company provides organizations with accompanying services to undergo the licensing procedure from the moment a decision is made about the need for one until the actual receipt, or re-registration of an existing one due to the imminent expiration of the validity period.

Features of cost calculation

Assistance in registration or a package of full support - calculated individually.
The final cost is calculated individually depending on the degree of compliance of the organization with the licensing requirements.

Support services include:

  • Consultations on legislative aspects and features of stage-by-stage registration;
  • Supporting the conclusion of an agreement with a potential customer for the type of closed work;
  • Filling out a mandatory questionnaire in the prescribed form;
  • Obtaining access to the head of the organization;
  • Preparation of an application on behalf of the company and subsequent submission. Confirmation of the level of secrecy in the internal ministry;
  • Assistance in certification of managers in the field of protection of state secrets;
  • Providing assistance in the selection of a secret security unit. Signing agreements. The list of RSPs will be provided by our specialists;
  • Submission of generated documents;
  • Development of regulatory and technical documentation;
  • Preparation for successful examination;
  • Obtaining a completed permit.

Basic principles of our work

  • Compliance with legislation;
  • obtaining a license with a maximum validity period for service in secret security units;
  • the urgency of completing work in accordance with the minimum possible time frame within the specific legislation in this area;
  • mutual settlement in accordance with the concluded service agreement in stages;
  • attracting exclusively specialized specialists with extensive and successful experience in this area of ​​activity.

The standard period for completing the procedure is sixty days from the date of submission of the list of documents, but an urgent order is also possible, negotiated individually!

Documents for licensing

  • Application in the approved form;
  • Constituent documents;
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (received no more than a month ago);
  • Access for the director to information that is secret;
  • Confirmation of the required degree of secrecy;
  • Premises rental agreement;
  • A contract signed by the customer confirming the future implementation of these works;
  • A payment with a special bank mark confirming payment of the duty.

They choose us because

This procedure is a complex and painstaking process, requiring knowledge, free time, and compliance with licensing requirements.
To avoid possible difficulties and obtaining a refusal from higher authorities, we recommend contacting highly qualified
specialists of our organization.
With us you can either apply for this type of permit, renew an existing one, or apply for a repeat one.

The standard period for obtaining this type of permit is calculated from the date of submission and is 60 days. The duration is affected by whether your company meets the requirements of the licensing authority and the timing of the actions by the security authorities aimed at verifying this type of compliance, compliance with which is regulated by law for the licensee company.

Why choose us?

  • Accumulated experience base in this area
  • Individual approach to each customer and taking into account the specifics of the work
  • Highly qualified specialists in this field
  • Step-by-step payment procedure and guarantees of passing the licensing procedure
  • Consulting support at every stage of gaining access

If you decide to go through the licensing procedure yourself, but you need help in some matters, check out the list of services provided by our company as part of assistance in obtaining FSB licking. You have the opportunity to choose a full package of support for the licensing procedure, but if for any reason you require one or more services, then we provide a unique opportunity to order only a single one according to the following list:

Full consulting support at all stages of this procedure. Obtaining access to state secrets and certification of management personnel for security awareness. Development of a long-term contract for closed work with the customer, as well as its structural divisions. Correctly drafted application. Submitting a list of documents by proxy to the appropriate authorities, representing your interests.

Even if you have already submitted documents, but some difficulties arose during the verification process, we are ready to help you solve them.

Our specialists are always familiar with the latest changes in the legislative framework and, thanks to their accumulated experience, can solve any
even the most difficult problem.
If you have any questions or haven’t found the information you need, call us and we will advise you for free!
By calling us, you can be sure of timely and qualified support!

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