We exit VKontakte - all methods using a phone or computer. How to leave Contact? How to leave the group

Today we will try to tell you how easy and simple it is to log out of VKontakte on all devices at once and how to do this in the mobile application on your phone

News feeds on the Internet constantly flash messages about hacking and theft of all kinds of compromising files from the pages of celebrities on social networks. And it’s not always about hacker attacks; sometimes we, the users, are to blame for this ourselves.

It happens that someone accesses their page (for example, VKontakte) from someone else’s computer or phone, and then forgets to log out of the site, leaving their profile on display. What to do? And everything is simple - use the function to exit the page on all devices.

How to log out of the VKontakte website on all devices at once? Let's consider the chain of actions in order.

You need to log in to your page. In the upper right side, click on the username to open the context menu of the page.

In the menu that appears, select the “Settings” section.

The profile settings page should open. The right side contains a list of sections (“general, security, privacy…”). Click the mouse and go to the “Security” tab.

In the middle part of the page, in the “Security” section, the latest activity of the VKontakte profile is shown. It shows login statistics, the name of the operating system from which the login was made, the IP address...

If you click on the “Show activity history” link, you can see all visits to our page. Below is the inscription “End all sessions”, clicking on which will exit our VKontakte profile from all devices, ending all sessions except the current one.

Above we learned how to log out of VK on all devices from a computer. Now let's perform a similar action from a mobile phone.

How to log out of VK on all devices from your phone

  1. The settings page will open, you need to go to the “Security” tab.

  1. We are waiting for the notification that should appear at the top of the page about successful exit from all devices.

Here we have completed the instructions on how to log out of VKontakte on all devices from your phone. Be vigilant in the virtual spaces of the network, because our safety on the Internet often depends on ourselves!

It would seem that leaving a social network is not particularly difficult, but sometimes the “Exit” button in the upper right corner of the interface does not work, and the profile remains active. Let's try to find a way to get out of Contact in this situation.

Exiting Contact via browser capabilities

When the “Exit” button refuses to work, and you urgently need to change the page or exit the social network, try clearing the Cookies in your browser.

The steps to clear browsing history in browsers are approximately the same; let’s look at the two most popular ones as examples.

  1. Firefox. Select the “Service” button. In it, find the item “Clear personal data”. In this section, make sure that “Cookies” is selected. And click on the “Clear personal data now” button.
  2. Opera. Also select “Service”. In it, look for the “Settings” button. Next - “extended”. Select “Cookies” there. This browser allows you to select sites from which you have decided to remove personal data. You make your choice. Click “Delete”.

These simple steps will help you figure out how to exit Contact if the “Exit” button does not work.

In this article we will talk about how to correctly log in and log out of the VKontakte social network.


  • All you have to do is write the login information for your page and it will open.
  • In the special form on the left, enter your phone number or email to which the page was sent registered.
  • On the next line, enter your password and select "To come in ".

  • If you have forgotten your password, then click on "Forgot your password ?" to begin the recovery process.
  • Sometimes it happens that when you enter your page, someone else’s page opens. This happens when another person logs into their account from your computer.
  • The program remembers his page and therefore loads it.
  • To remove it, simply exit. To do this, click on «« in the right corner at the top of the site.

If your PC, smartphone or tablet is used by someone else besides you, then do not forget to log out of your page so that there are no problems. Although in this case you will have to go to it every time.

How to log into VKontakte from a smartphone or tablet?

  • Enter your login information - phone number or e-mail and password

  • Your page information will be loaded immediately

How to log into VKontakte without installing the application?

  • Open any browser
  • Enter in the address bar vk.com
  • Enter your username and password and click on ««
  • At the very bottom of the page you can go to "Full version of the site", so your page will be displayed as on a computer

How to log out of VKontakte?

For example, if you want to access the site using different data or came to visit and decided to log in to your page, then you definitely need to log out. Let's talk how to do this.

To log out of your account on your computer, you need to click on the button "Go out ", which is located on the top right of the screen.

Sometimes the problem lies in the fact that when you press a given key, nothing happens at all. As a result, it is not clear to the user what needs to be done. Indeed, such a problem does exist, and not only In contact with. It is difficult to say why this happens, but in any case the problem can be solved. Here you have two options:

  1. Use for communication
– Igor (Administrator)

As part of the previous article, I told you how to register in VKontakte, in this same article I will tell you how to log out of VKontakte both from one browser and from all of them at once.

Social networks have become very popular means of communication and sharing various media, such as photos, videos, etc. However, there is one important nuance. The fact is that after entering the site, authorization data is saved in the browser. Therefore, the next time you open it, you will be automatically logged in, and not everyone needs this. Plus, there are always other reasons, such as using multiple accounts on one computer.

It is also worth considering that you can always use several browsers to log into a contact’s social network, and this complicates the situation somewhat, especially in the case when the login was carried out on someone else’s computer and you would not want to leave the solution to the decision of another person.

First, let's look at the standard method of logging out of a contact in a browser. And here everything is simple:

1. Open the VKontakte website

3. In this menu you need to click on the “Log out” item

4. After this you leave the contact

Agree, incredibly simple. However, from time to time a more radical method may be required to ensure that no browser is left with up-to-date authorization data.

To end all VKontakte sessions at once, you will have to do a little more action.

1. Open the VKontakte website

2. At the top right, you need to left-click on your small image to open a menu

3. Now, click the "Settings" button

4. A page with your settings will open. On the right side there will be a menu where you need to select “Security”

5. Now, all that remains is in the central part of the page in the “Security” block of the same name, click on the “End all sessions” link, as shown in the figure above

6. After this, all sessions will be completed

As you can see, it’s also nothing complicated. I would like to note that this method is safer and is suitable for those who always leave contact after communicating and doing other things. However, it is worth understanding that this link exits from all places. In other words, if you are logged in on someone else's computer and yours, then by clicking this link in any browser, you will close the sessions on both the other person's and your computer, even if the computers are hundreds of kilometers apart.

Now, you know how to exit VKontakte using at least two different methods.

In this article, we will explain to you how to log out of Odnoklassniki using different methods, as well as how to log out of a page in Odnoklassniki on all devices forever, if the need arises.

For many of us, over time, social networks become almost like a home: all our friends and relatives are here, a lot of photos are like memories of the most pleasant moments of life, as well as a huge gallery of video files, which we love to while away the time watching. But, after all, we regularly have to leave our home, what can we say about a social network?

Why do you need to completely exit the social network every time, and not just simply close the browser? Of course, first of all, this is the desire for safety. If suddenly your device falls into the wrong hands (or, in the case of a desktop computer, a random person gains access to it), then your profile can easily be stolen, and the robber will not even need to work on hacking: after all, the inattentive user himself provided him with everything possibilities. This can become even more dangerous if you have linked a bank card to your account - in this case you will also be left without money...

Therefore, whenever you leave the Ok.ru website, exit it in the traditional way, and you will read below how to do this.

How to log out of Odnoklassniki on a computer?

In the full version of the site, the exit is as follows:

How to log out of Odnoklassniki on your phone?

To exit the default setting that all phones and tablets use, do the following:

How to leave Odnoklassniki completely and forever: deleting your account

Sometimes circumstances arise in life when we have to leave our favorite social network forever due to reasons beyond our control. In this case, you should delete your profile there. You can do it like this:

“I can’t leave my classmates - what should I do?” and other most common questions.

I can’t log out of Odnoklassniki, what should I do?

Sometimes the cause of various problems when working with websites, including problems with exiting, can be a full cache in your browser. To solve the problem, it should be cleaned. To do this, go to your browser's settings or options (for most of them you can do this by clicking the three dots in the upper left or right corner) and look for cached data or just cache there. Empty this folder, and then try logging out again.

I click on the "Exit" button, but nothing happens. Why?

This is possible when the device freezes due to full memory or the same cache. Try closing the page and opening it again, and if this does not help, clear the cache as described above.

I can’t delete my account through my phone, and I don’t have a computer. What should I do?

Indeed, this is a fairly common problem - people open the regulations, scroll through the license agreement to the end, but for some reason the “Refuse services” button is missing. In order for profile deletion to be successful, we recommend that you switch to the full version of the site as follows:

  • Open the mobile panel on your page by clicking the icon in the left corner.
  • Scroll to the Other section and then tap Full Site.
  • A warning will pop up that the mobile version is recommended for your device, but you still click on go.

If you still have unresolved questions, contact us in the comments and the answer will not be long in coming!

How to exit OK

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