A utility for cleaning and configuring the system. Programs for cleaning your computer from unnecessary files. What to do when your computer slows down? Typical problems and solutions

  • The real-time scanner will notice every threat on your hard drive or internal storage. It has five engines in its “arsenal”, each of which has a unique specificity and focus. By combining the strengths of each engine, you get comprehensive protection.
  • In addition to the standard functions of antivirus programs, 360 Total Security offers to clean your computer from debris. Cleaning the hard drive, registry, startup list. Without "junk" the computer will work like new!
  • The secure Sandbox environment allows you to work with suspicious files. Sandbox restricts access to the network, communication with the operating system and devices connected to the computer.
  • A simple and user-friendly interface that allows you to easily manage the program's functionality.

To protect your computer, you don't have to buy expensive software. All you need to do is visit the main page of the site and click the “Download for free” button. Follow the installer's instructions, and after a few seconds you will become the owner of a powerful tool that no virus can hide from.

Applications or programs. S-Cleaner frees up space on your hard drive, optimizes system files - and Windows begins to function more efficiently and, as a rule, faster. It’s even more pleasant that it is possible to download CCleaner for free in Russian. When you need a program to clean the registry, and cleaning the registry is a pressing problem for many users, not just any computer cleaning program will do.

Cleaning your computer

If something wrong is going on with your computer, you definitely need to download the CCleaner cleaner for free without registration in Russian. First of all, the following “corners” of the computer need cleaning:

1) OS (Windows operating system). The system recycle bin, recently opened documents, temporary (tempo) files and system log are cleaned. The history of: help, recent documents in the Start menu, executed commands in the Start menu, and search assistant is also cleared.

2) Registry Cleaner (registry cleaning). The CCleaner program, free in Russian, has advanced capabilities for removing irrelevant, unused, old system registry data.

Cleaning browsers and programs

If your computer has access to the Internet and is used by several people, then all browsers used may need urgent, thorough cleaning:

  • Internet Explorer is primarily cluttered with temporary files, browsing history, cookies, and autofill information.
  • (Mazila Firefox browser) accumulates unnecessary temporary files, long history, cookies, the entire download history, form data.
  • (Google Chrome browser) also needs to clean temporary files, browser history, cookies, links to download history, form data.
  • (Opera browser) also accumulates temporary and cookie files, the entire history of browser use.
  • Safari (Safari browser) also requires clearing temporary files, cookies, and history.

In almost any case, it is enough to download CCleaner for free, which cleans not only the system and browsers. Old and temporary files and many other data in programs installed on the computer are cleared. For example, these are: Adobe Acrobat Reader, Nero, WinRAR and WinZip archivers, Media Player and even Microsoft Office.

Be careful with your computer cleaner

Please note that the program only clears the account data of the active user on the computer. If several computer users have their own accounts, you will need to download CCleaner for free several times and carry out the cleaning procedure. Fortunately, the program does not weigh much and downloads quickly. There is also a function for permanently deleting files with several stages of recording. This is sometimes necessary during attacks of “paranoia”. It will become impossible to restore files in any way.

Free computer cleaner CCleaner is very neat

Don't worry that an important file, document or information will be deleted on its own. The program has several levels of verification. Just be careful and everything will be fine. Moreover, as a rule, no language problems arise. S-Cleaner works in more than 30 languages. Many people ask where CCleaner can download the latest version in Russian for free for a computer with Windows 7 x64. Fortunately, all versions of Windows are supported without restrictions. Other advantages of SKliner: ease of use, small size, speed, excellent interface.

The previous version of the program does not need to be uninstalled before installing the new version. The new SKliner fits perfectly onto the old one, preserving all the settings. On the program's website for Windows, the download link leads to CCleaner's official website. Please leave reviews, comments, likes and bookmarks for the CCleaner program on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, mail ru and Facebook.

CCleaner program free download Russian version

Free programs download for free

Now you are on the page "CCleaner free - optimization and cleaning of the computer", CCleaner in the section of the site, where everyone has the opportunity to legally download free programs for a computer with Microsoft Windows for free without captcha, without viruses and without SMS. The page about optimizing and cleaning your computer was significantly updated on June 26, 2019. Having started your acquaintance with legally free programs for the Windows operating system from this page, check out other materials on the site https://site at home or at work. Thank you for visiting the section.

Hello, friends. In this lesson I will show you how to clean your computer from junk and unnecessary files. It’s no secret that all the rubbish that is on our computers does not bring any benefit to our system, and in some cases, on the contrary, can be the cause of computer slowdown and various glitches.

Let me show you how you can clean your computer of junk and unnecessary files in a few simple steps.

Cleaning the Registry and deleting unnecessary files

Using the free CCLEANER program, we can remove a huge amount of junk. Download the latest version from the official website: https://piriform.com.

Install CCleaner and run it. Go to the Registry tab, make sure all the checkboxes in the section Registry integrity installed and then click Search for problems.

After a few seconds, all unnecessary entries will be found. To clear them, click Fix and in the window that opens Correct marked.

Now open the first tab - Cleaning. Here you can see what checkboxes are in the section Windows and Applications. I usually leave everything by default and click Analysis.

Upon completion, we see a list of all files ( trash), which can be deleted. Their size is also indicated (almost 1 gigabyte). Click Cleanup to delete this whole thing.

System disk cleaning: TEMP folders, Disk Cleanup

On the way to the next step we need clear TEMP folders, in which temporary files are stored, and perform “Disk Cleanup,” which allows you to clean your computer of unnecessary files using standard system tools. Some functions have already been performed by the CCLEANER program, but I assure you that manual checking will not be superfluous!

Open the Computer section, then the system drive (C:) and the following folders: Windows – TEMP.

The contents of the TEMP folder can be completely deleted. Temporary files are stored here and are of no use. If errors appear, for example, " These files are used", then we just click " Skip all". Usually it is not possible to delete the minimum number of files!

There is another temporary folder in Windows, and the easiest way to get to it is in the following way. Click Start and type %TEMP% into the search bar. The Temp folder will appear as found.

In Windows 8 and 10, the search can be launched using a keyboard shortcut WIN+Q.

The found folder needs to be opened and the contents cleared!

After cleaning the TEMP folders, do not forget to perform a “disk cleanup” using standard system tools. To do this, right-click on the system disk and select "Properties".

On the "General" tab there is a "Disk Cleanup" button. Click it to analyze unnecessary files.

After a couple of minutes, the program will offer to delete a certain number of files. Check all the boxes and click "OK".

If you have recently updated the system, then in this window you will see an additional “” button.

Click it to delete temporary files that were downloaded to update Windows.

Important! If you have little space on your system partition, then I advise you to read my lesson: . There I told you 10 cool tricks for cleaning the system disk

Scan your computer for viruses: Dr.Web CureIt

One of the important steps when cleaning your computer from unnecessary files– this is of course the same. To do this, you will not need a utility from Doctor Web! Download the latest version from the official website.

Launch Dr.Web CureIt ( does not require installation) and after accepting the agreement, click “Continue” and “Start verification”.

Within approximately 15 minutes, the system will be scanned for malware. If viruses are found, the program will offer to neutralize them.

To clean your computer of junk, it is not enough to simply delete old and unnecessary files. You should not forget about autoloading, which can also become clogged with various rubbish!

We return to the previously installed CCleaner program and go to the "" section. Here we will see all the programs that run with the computer. I advise you to select unnecessary software and click the "Turn off" button.

I consider unnecessary software to include all programs that are not used immediately after turning on the computer. They can be started manually when needed.

Removing unnecessary programs. 2 ways

If you decide clean your computer of junk, then many programs can become unnecessary if you just take it and think about how often we use them? Some users install everything into their system without hesitation. It's time to analyze the software and clean your computer of unnecessary programs.

This can be done, for example, using standard system tools by going to Start – Control Panel – Uninstall a program.

After launching Revo Uninstaller, you will also see a list of all programs and clicking on any of them calls the “Uninstall” function.

But here, immediately after deleting the program, we are asked to search for remaining traces. Select "Moderate search" and click "Next".

First, the remaining items in the registry will be found. Select what is indicated in bold and click “Delete”.

And in the next step the program will find the remaining files and folders. They also need to be selected and click “Delete”.

Removing duplicates

From time to time, duplicate files may appear on your hard drive. Today you downloaded a movie, and six months later you forgot about it and downloaded it again, you download music and then lose it, you download photos from your phone to your computer several times. All this leads to an accumulation of duplicates on the computer.

It is very difficult to manually search for identical files, so let's use special programs.

We return to the CCleaner program we are already familiar with and open the Service section, tab Search for duplicates. There are many different parameters that you can customize to suit your needs. For example, I don’t configure anything, I just click “Find”.

After a few minutes, the search for duplicate files will be completed. After carefully studying, I see that I have a couple of identical videos on my computer that can be safely deleted.

I don’t go into detail here, because the program found a lot of files and to remove all the junk you need to spend a lot of time on analysis. But I think the essence of this function is clear!

Up to this point, we have been figuring out how to clean your computer from junk in Windows itself, using standard and third-party programs. But don't forget that Computers and laptops also need to be cleaned from the inside..

Don’t forget to look inside the system unit at least once a year and clean it of dust, as well as apply new thermal paste to the processor. Monitoring the temperature of components will also not be superfluous. On this topic, I advise you to read my lesson:. Using the knowledge gained, you will know whether your device is overheating or not!

Now you know how to clean your computer from unnecessary files, junk and programs. That's all, thank you for your attention, I wish you good luck!

A modern computer with a Windows operating system on board begins to slow down over time and contains, mainly in the registry, unnecessary or unused material, which is just ordinary garbage. Therefore, cleaning Windows and the registry becomes so necessary. Most often, this is precisely cleaning the registry. But unnecessary files or duplicate files can also be deleted. To do this, use a computer cleaning program. Cleaning the computer and registry itself in most cases has an automatic mode. You can download a program to clean your computer and registry completely free of charge. This could be a program for cleaning your computer, a utility for cleaning the Windows registry, a program for cleaning your computer from junk, a program for cleaning Windows, in general, whoever calls such a utility what. And there are many such utilities. The nice thing is that each of them can be downloaded for free.

The registry is cleaned first. The registry contains all the keys responsible for the performance of the system. For such a procedure, you can use a special program to clean the registry or defragment it, which can be downloaded in this section. Cleaning the Windows registry speeds up system startup and improves overall performance. The registry is scanned for incorrect, inoperative or unnecessary keys, which are deleted. Free programs for cleaning the registry can be downloaded for free on the Internet - there are plenty of them there. They can also be downloaded for free in this section. Moreover, having decided to download this or that software from us, you don’t have to worry that in addition to the utility for optimizing your computer and registry, you will also download a couple of malicious elements. Each file that can be downloaded from us for free is thoroughly checked and is completely safe for your computer.

The computer cleaning program that you choose and decide to download usually contains many additional modules, which are either already included in the kit or are installed additionally. And such modules can be downloaded for free. There are not modular, but stand-alone cleaning programs, which can be downloaded for free for less experienced users. This applies to the registry, hard drive, etc. Your computer's disk and registry can contain a huge amount of unnecessary material. In Windows, cleaning the computer disk, and especially the registry, manually is a troublesome task. It is better to trust a specialized utility in the form of a hard drive cleaning program, which we offer for free download in this category. No less important is the fact that the registry is also cleaned at this time, since the corresponding keys are removed from it.

Cleaning Windows sometimes has another side to it. This is Windows Memory Cleaner. Most often, this term is applied to RAM. All unnecessary or unused dynamic libraries or drivers are unloaded or removed from it. It goes without saying that memory cleaning programs can also be downloaded for free here.

We have dealt with the basic utilities of this kind. Windows Registry Cleaner, disk or memory cleaner must interact with other modules. The computer and the operating system registry, of course, are a priority. But optimizing and speeding up the Windows system also involves defragmenting the disk or registry. In this case, if you download a free computer cleaning program and install it on your computer, you can achieve a significant increase in performance. Free programs that can be downloaded from us provide many possibilities. Accordingly, you can download the cleaning program without any restrictions. Moreover, the capabilities of a paid analogue for cleaning Windows may be even weaker than that of a free computer cleaning program, which you can download for free in this section.

Each cleaning program, which can be downloaded for free on any trusted resource, usually has two main modes in which Windows is cleaned - standard automatic and advanced for advanced users. It is better to use automatic mode in a computer cleaning program (especially in a Windows registry cleaning program). Without knowing the basics of working with the registry, you can bring the system to complete collapse. And the cleaning itself takes quite a lot of time. To download a program to clean all elements of the operating system, you can use Internet searches using keywords. From the list where applications of this type are presented, you can select and download a free cleaning program at your discretion. It is better to pay attention to a free computer cleaning utility that contains all modules in one package. You can also download such software for free in this section.

The most famous program for cleaning your computer from junk has a free version. You can download CCleaner Free for free in Russian for Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, as well as for other supported operating systems on our fan site at the bottom of this page. In the meantime, a short description of the program.

CCleaner Free can clean your computer just as well as the paid version. Its functionality is almost unlimited, with the exception of a few functions, the limitation of which only reduces the usability of the “cleaner”, but does not affect the efficiency of its operation.

Among main features of CCleaner Free, in addition to cleaning the Windows system and registry, there are such as:

  • removing installed programs;
  • complete destruction of traces of information on disks without the possibility of recovery;
  • managing add-ons (plugins) installed in your browsers;
  • search for duplicate (identical) files on your computer.

We recommend always using the latest version of CCleaner Free, as it constantly adds support for new programs released for Windows (for example) or other OSes, and also takes into account all operating system updates and features that may appear when cleaning it.

Differences between CCleaner Free and the paid version

  1. There is no “silent update” - if a new version is released, the program will send you to its download page on the official website, from where you will need to download and install it on your computer manually;
  2. You can also start cleaning manually or automatically immediately after Windows starts (if we talk about the version for this OS). The paid version also includes scheduled cleaning;
  3. CCleaner Free is installed either just for you or for all users on the computer at once. The paid PRO version has settings for accessing the program for different users on the same computer. This feature will be mainly useful in commercial structures, in which several different people usually work on the same computer;
  4. CCleaner Free has a limited system monitoring function - the program will not be able to automatically begin removing new junk files from it and from browsers until you tell it to do this manually.

Benefits of CCleaner Free

Without paying a penny, you can effectively and quickly clean your computer and even your phone of unnecessary files, speeding up its operation and freeing up additional disk space.

Download the program for cleaning your computer from junk CCleaner Free from the official website for your operating system using the link below.

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