How to see hidden folders in Windows 10. Configuring folder settings and sharing them. Get suggested folders

As in any other system, in Windows 10 you can configure many settings related to directories and their contents. However, folder options in Windows 10 have a slightly expanded appearance compared to other similar OSes. And you can access the settings in several alternative ways.

Where are the folder options in Windows 10?

First of all, you should know the difference between general settings that apply to all folders and personalized settings for a particular directory.

For a selected directory, the folder parameters in Windows 10 can be viewed in the same way as in all other systems, by right-clicking on the directory in standard Explorer. However, if you want to view global settings or change basic folder settings, there are other methods.

How to open Folder Options in Windows 10?

In the system, access to setting up folders is made in several main ways, each of which duplicates any other.

In the simplest version, folder options in Windows 10 can be viewed if you use the “File” menu in the standard “Explorer”, where the line of options is selected.

The exact same menu is called up from the view section (again, in Explorer) when you click the Options button.

Another method is to use the classic “Control Panel”, which, in order not to go in a roundabout way, is accessed by the control command in the “Run” menu. Here you select the Explorer settings section.

Finally, you can change or customize folder options in Windows 10 by setting Control Panel to show items by category, selecting Appearance and Personalization, and then going to File Explorer options.

What can you learn from the settings?

As for changing the basic settings, a wide field of activity opens up for the user. On the general settings tab, you can configure the method of opening directories (single or double click, in the same or in different windows), enable the display of the most frequently used directories in the Quick Access Toolbar or in the file manager.

Most of the settings are on the view tab. Not to mention enabling hidden objects, there are several fields here that many users simply don't pay attention to. For example, for advanced antivirus scanning or search, you can enable the display of system and protected files. You can also enable the launch of Explorer windows as independent processes from each other, and even use a special “Sharing Wizard” and much more.

Saving parameter changes will only affect the currently active location, unless you apply them to all folders (there is a special button for this).

Among other things, in the search settings on the corresponding tab you can specify the desired parameters that are set by default (by name, by content) using analysis of archives or system directories, etc. In general, there are enough parameters.

Instead of a total

But in general, if we talk about the preferred method of accessing the main parameters, for a specific directory it is easiest to use the right click, and for general settings regarding global parameters - the “File” or “View” menu, where you go to the corresponding line or button . Logging in through the “Control Panel” looks quite long and extremely inconvenient, although in some cases, when disabled (and this happens), this method seems optimal. And you cannot do without this if you need to restore files, folders and default settings when other methods do not work.

All important system files and directories in Windows 10 are invisible by default - they do not appear in Explorer. This was done primarily for security, so that users do not accidentally delete data necessary for the correct operation of the system. However, sometimes there is a need to access this system data - for this it is useful to know how to open hidden folders in Windows 10.

Just launch and follow the instructions, or do everything manually as described below!

How to open hidden folders in Windows 10

You can show hidden folders in Windows 10 in the Explorer window without having to configure the system through the Control Panel:

You managed to make hidden Windows 10 folders visible, so be careful not to accidentally delete their contents.

How to make a folder invisible

If you need to hide a folder on your desktop, doing so is quite simple:

  1. Right-click on an empty area of ​​the desktop → “Create” → “Folder”.
  2. Click on the folder RMB → “Properties” → “Settings” → “Change icon”:
  3. After completing these steps, the folder icon will become invisible.
  4. Press the combination “Win+R” → enter the command charmap.
  5. Select the empty symbol at the end of the table → copy it.
  6. Right-click on the folder → “Rename” → erase the name → paste the copied symbol.

Now this folder is invisible and cannot be found through a search on the computer. To see it on the desktop, you need to select all the icons using the combination “Ctrl + A”.


Try not to leave the display of hidden folders enabled in Windows 10 - immediately after performing the necessary manipulations with their contents, make the directories invisible again. If you constantly need access to a certain directory, then simply remove the “Hidden” attribute from it.

It doesn’t matter at all what version of Windows OS you have installed, since any Windows operating system by default hides many different folders and files, thereby preventing users from deleting or changing files that they should not touch.

But you can tell Windows to show hidden files by changing one setting. This will easily make any hidden file visible. To do this, you just need to right-click on the folder or file, select “properties” and select the “hidden” attribute to turn on or off. To make folders and files invisible in Windows 10, click the “hide selected items” button.

Show hidden files in Windows 10

This option is easily accessible in File Explorer in Windows 10.

On the Explorer ribbon, you need to go to the “View” tab and click the “Hidden Items” checkbox in the Show/Hide section. File Explorer will automatically show hidden files and will remember this setting until you change it.

Show hidden files in Windows 7

This option is a little more hidden in Windows 7, found in the Folder Options window.

Click the Organize button in Windows Explorer in the toolbar and select Folder and Search Options to open it.

In the folder properties, at the top of the window, go to the “View” tab. Then, under hidden files and folders, you need to select “Show hidden files, folders and drives”. To save the new setting, click the “OK” button.

In this window, this option is also available in Windows 8 and Windows 10 - just click the “Options” button on the toolbar in Explorer. But it will be faster to be able to easily switch between hidden items or turn them off using the ribbon.

This window is also available in any version of Windows through the Control Panel. Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Folder Options. In Windows 8 and Windows 10, it is called “File Explorer Options”.

View protected operating system files in Windows 7, 8 and 10

There are two different types of hidden files in Windows 7, 8, 10: normal hidden items, and protected system files. Once you can see hidden files and folders, Windows will continue to hide protected system files. These hidden files will have the “System” attribute.

These files are “protected” because they are important system files, and if they are deleted or modified, it can damage your operating system and even prevent Windows from booting. But, if you know what you're doing and you need to view these protected system files, then there are settings that you can change. We do not recommend doing this unless you know why you need to open one of these files or folders.

First, open the folder with the desired window. In Windows 10, on the toolbar, click the “Options” button. In Windows 7, click Organize > Folder and Search Options.

Windows will warn you that deleting or changing protected system files may break the operating system. If you know what you are doing, click “Yes” to continue.

Click the “OK” button to save the settings. Windows will show you protected system files and hidden files.

If you want to hide all these files again, you will need to return to the “Folder Options” window and here, enable the “Hide protected system files (recommended)” checkbox.

Hi all! Today we will look at basic knowledge of Windows, without which you can’t go anywhere. All modern Windows operating systems by default hide system files and folders from our eyes so that you do not accidentally harm yourself or delete them. However, there are many reasons when access to these files becomes necessary - this is where the question arises of how to show hidden folders in Windows 10.

When might this be useful? For example, the hidden AppData/Roaming folder contains a huge amount of user data (the same toy saves). Or maybe you just don’t like that the system is trying to limit you - you can and even need to view hidden folders!

Many users use hiding various files and folders to protect information. It’s clear that the method is so-so, but I know people who have hidden the folder... and don’t know how to get into it (hid from themselves)

I decided to tell you about three ways to open hidden folders and files in Windows 10 (although it will work perfectly for any other Microsoft OS). In this regard, Ten has gone far ahead and it is possible to show the necessary files in a couple of clicks, without wandering through the system settings.

How to show hidden folders in Windows 10 through Explorer

The shortest way to get what you want is to use a small tweak in the standard and beloved Windows Explorer. Find the "View" tab and make sure that "Hidden Elements" is checked. That's all - the system will show you hidden files and folders.

Hidden files and folders in Windows 10 through Folder and Search Options

If the method above appeared only with Windows 8... then the second option has probably been around since the very first versions (at least it was in Windows 98, but previously I didn’t even have a computer).

Click on the “File” tab and select “Change folder and search options” from the drop-down menu.

In the window that opens, go to the “View” tab and check the “Show hidden files, folders and drives” option, click “Apply”

This is how we enabled the display of hidden folders in Windows 10 - as you can see, everything is simply outrageous.

How to open hidden folders on Windows 10? - Control Panel

If the previous two methods seemed too simple to you, then meet the longest and most inconvenient option with displaying hidden files in Windows 10 (for those who like to complicate things).

You can enable showing hidden files through the Control Panel. In fact, we use the second method with setting up Explorer, but we do this not from the program interface, but from the global system settings.

Go to the Control Panel and for easier searching, change the view to “Small icons” and find the “File Explorer Options” item.

On the “View” tab, check the “Show hidden files, folders and drives” option and click the “Apply” button. From now on you will be able to see hidden files.

You will most likely be warned that showing hidden files is not entirely safe - edit them wisely and know what you are doing... (if you want to show system files, then uncheck “Hide protected system files”)

Bottom line

We looked at 3 different ways to show hidden folders in Windows 10. Please note that system files are also hidden and simply checking the “Show hidden files” checkbox is not enough... you need to make settings according to the third method in the control panel - then you will see everything !

Sometimes it happens that data from your computer (whether folders or files) disappears somewhere. Some think that their children did this, others believe that the information was deleted by viruses. However, the reason for the disappearance of files and folders is not always their deletion from the hard drive or, for example, flash drives.

They might just be hidden. And not necessarily moved to another location on the disk, but literally hidden from the user’s eyes.

Let's look at how this happens.

The reason for the disappearance of folders and files

It’s worth saying right away that any operating system (including Windows 10, of course) offers a number of options for managing data stored on the media. These are, first of all, well-known functions creating files and folders, them copying, moving And deletion. But many, not yet experienced PC users, do not know that the Windows system (from the very first version to 10) is also capable of changing certain file and folder options, called attributes.

Currently, Windows 10 can assign objects up to 7 attributes. We will not list and describe each one, but consider only one of them - “ Hidden" As you might guess, it is this attribute that makes the data invisible for the user. In fact, this parameter gives a command to a specific program do not show file or folder in the general list with other files and folders that do not have the " Hidden" Ultimately, when entering a particular directory, the user will not be able to see the data hidden in this way. Let's look at everything using an example.

Hiding a folder or file is quite simple. Let's do that:

  • Let's create at first folder anywhere on the disk;
  • Now select the folder, right-click and go to “ Properties»;
  • At the bottom of the window that appears, find the section “ Attributes»;
  • Check the box " Hidden", and then click Apply;
  • After closing the folder properties window, you will notice that the folder disappeared.

As you can see, any computer user can make a directory invisible. However, this does not mean that data was lost on your PC due to someone else’s actions. Set attribute " Hidden» to a folder or file can also any program, even without the user's knowledge. If you can’t figure out where your data went from the hard drive, then most likely this is to blame viruses.

Similar malicious programs that change the attributes of files and folders are quite widespread throughout the global network. And it happens that even if they are completely removed from the computer, it is not possible to restore data damaged by the virus.

Luckily, unhiding invisible files and folders is not that difficult. This can be done standard using Windows 10. Various programs will also help you open hidden data. Let's look at how to do this.

How to enable the display of invisible data using Windows 10

To enable showing hidden files and folders in Windows 10, you need to do the following:

  • Click on the " Start"right-click (or on the keyboard simultaneously Win + X), and then select the menu item "";
  • Now find the “” item in the list presented and go into it;
  • Go to the section " Show hidden files and folders»;
  • A small window will open and the “” tab will immediately be active. View»;
  • In the "Advanced options" section, find the item " Show hidden files, folders and drives» and move the switch, clicking OK when finished;
  • In most cases, virus programs, in addition to the “ Hidden"also sets the attribute " System" In this case, you will additionally need to disable it. To do this, in the section " Folder properties» additionally uncheck the item « Hide protected system files».

Unfortunately, when it comes to the effects of viruses, even the described actions may sometimes not help. Many virus programs can block any user actions on setting up Windows 10, which makes it not only impossible to open hidden data, but also to perform many other actions with files and directories. If you have a similar situation, move on to the next part.

We use the Namad.NET program to display hidden data

Nomad.NET is a free program that is file manager(like the standard " Windows Explorer"). If for some reason you are unable to find hidden data on your computer, we recommend using this application. All you need to do is:

Now the program will show all the hidden data on your PC, you just need to go to the desired directory.

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