Applying thermal paste. Correct replacement of thermal paste. How to apply thermal paste to a processor? Detailed instructions and useful recommendations Where is the thermal paste located in the computer

If the computer just turns on by itself, these are some of the signs that the thermal paste on the processor needs to be replaced.
This is important because the processor is the brain of the computer. If you don’t keep an eye on him, then your work will be full of rather unpleasant surprises.

Thermal paste is applied in a layer between the processor itself and its cooler (some manage to call it a “fan”). It is an intermediate layer and serves as a conductor between these two components. With its help, proper cooling of the processor from the air entering through the cooler is ensured.
Why is it so difficult? Yes, because to ensure proper cooling, there must be a minimum distance between the processor and the cooler. And no matter how you grind both surfaces, it will not be perfectly smooth. Microscopic gaps still remain and the repair paste eliminates them (on the cooler and processor) by filling it in and creating a small additional layer.

The main problem is that many people are afraid to apply and change thermal paste because... They think they can’t handle it and will break something. Therefore, they either leave everything as is (ultimately leading to sad consequences), or give it to service centers (paying money) or to friends who are more or less versed in this.
However, the replacement process is not that difficult.

But before we start, wouldn’t it be better to make do with “small sacrifices”? Read the article. Maybe after this everything will be fine and you won’t need to replace the thermal paste.

However, if everything is in order in the system unit and you still decide to replace the thermal paste, then read on...

What do we need? A screwdriver, a plastic card (you can even use cardboard, but it’s thick enough), toilet paper (you can also use cotton wool or cotton swabs) and the thermal paste itself:

So, let's begin the procedure for replacing thermal paste.

First of all, turn off the computer, and then disassemble the system unit and place it sideways on the floor (table) so that the motherboard with all its components can be seen.

Now you need to disconnect the cooler from the processor in every possible way. And here a lot depends on your socket (connector) on the motherboard. For example, on the fairly popular socket 775 you need to unscrew the latches according to the arrows indicated on them

and then pull the fasteners up and try to lift the cooler. Very often this does not work out the first time.

There may also be other types of sockets, for example from AMD they often use the following latch coolers:

which needs to be moved aside and more fastenings removed:

In the end, we should end up with something like this:

The hardest part of replacing the thermal paste is over.

Next you need to disconnect the processor from the socket. If you are afraid, then you can leave it there (which is fraught with accidental clogging of the “motherboard”), but if you decide, then move the mount to the side (the metal handle) and lift it up:

Raise the mount vertically (the processor will feel free and may change its position slightly) and leave it in that position.

Then we remove the processor with our fingers and rejoice.

As a result, the table should look something like this:

Doesn't look very nice, does it? Therefore, now we clean the radiator and processor from the remnants of old thermal paste using toilet paper or cotton wool. By the way, you can even use a fine-pile cloth, such as microfiber. But few people dare to sacrifice such material.
If the old thermal paste is too dry and does not work, you can use alcohol-containing liquids by applying a little of it to paper/cotton/rag.

Ultimately it should be something like this:

Dry and clean.

And now the interesting part of applying thermal paste to the processor begins. Here are a few points to know:

1) Thermal paste is applied either to the heatsink or to the processor. On one of two surfaces that subsequently come into contact. Under no circumstances apply to both! Spare the thermal paste. Although you buy a tube for one replacement (in most cases) and there is a lot of it in the tube, you don’t need to use it all up.
Usually applied to the processor, because You can see it better there and it seems to be more important.

2) How much thermal paste should I apply? Not a particularly exciting question, but it follows from the first point. It is necessary to calculate as accurately as possible the amount required for distribution over the entire surface thin layer.
A very important note on this point - in the end, the thermal paste should not fall off the edges of the processor or, on the contrary, there should be “holes” and “patterns” with empty space. There shouldn't be any bubbles either. The layer should be as thin as possible and at the same time uniform.

3) How exactly to apply thermal paste? There is a lot of controversy about this. I mean that someone applies a little along the edge and then smears it:

and someone drips in the middle and starts from there:

This is a purely personal opinion and do whatever is more convenient for you. At least to the card first, and then to the percentage. The main thing is that in the end the point is met 2 , namely, so that the layer is thin, without gaps and does not flow down the edges:


This is precisely the difference between when the processor was removed from the socket and when it was changed directly on the motherboard. Be sure to remove any residue from the edges.
By the way, you need to smear it with a plastic card, namely its edge. You can determine the degree of pressure experimentally.

Everything worked out? Fine. Now we put everything back in place as it was.

If you took out the processor, then I remind you that in order to place it correctly in the socket, there is a special triangle on it:

it is also in the socket on the motherboard:

You just need to combine them and everything will be fine.

Don't forget about the processor mount.

The cooler is installed in the same way, only in reverse order.

After we have changed the thermal paste, we try to turn on the computer. If it turns on, check for functionality. Have all the facts that caused you to start the replacement disappeared?

If it doesn’t turn on, then look carefully to see if the processor, cooler and thermal paste are installed correctly in the socket. Everything should be in its place and securely and tightly fastened.

Finally, I will answer a few more related questions.

How much thermal paste should I apply?- Exactly enough so that if it comes into close contact with the radiator, it does not leak out, and also so that there are no gaps. If you neglect this, the processor may heat up even more than usual.
Some people advise that before finally fixing the cooler, move it around the processor a little so that the excess flows out on its own. However, I am not a fan of this method because... I believe that if you apply a thin layer and correctly, there will be no excess. And these “body movements” can create a gap between them, which can lead to overheating in the future.

Which thermal paste is the best?- Nobody will give a definite answer. Someone will praise one, and someone, on the contrary, will scold her because... depends on many factors (its shelf life, production, method of application, temperature, characteristics, “straightness”, etc.). Therefore, there is no better thermal paste. Everyone is good. But if you take it in the price segment, then it’s worth taking some strong, popular “mid-range” for about 500-800 rubles.

How often should you change thermal paste?- This is also a rather interesting question to which no one can give the correct answer. Depends on the use of the computer. For example, if the room is dusty and exposed to high temperatures (for example, near a battery), then it is advisable after six months to a year. If you treat it with care, then you can go 2-3 years without worrying about replacing it. Of course, now many people thought to themselves, “Pfft... yes, everything has been fine for me for 5-8 years now,” or “yes, mine has an 8-year guarantee that it will not dry out.” However, if there are no blue screens of death, freezes, reboots and other indications of thermal paste drying out, this does not mean that it should not be replaced. Maybe the processor there is trying with all its processing power to make it seem to you that everything is fine, but in fact the cooler has long been cooling not it, but the solid thermal paste, from which the processor gets little benefit.
In general, my advice is this: change it every 3 years during normal use and the processor will live peacefully.

If you have any questions or missed anything, write in the comments.

The processor is the real heart of any computer. In just one second it can perform thousands of different operations. Naturally, such crazy performance assumes that the processor gets very hot. To do this, each manufacturer supplies it with a cooler for cooling, and also treats it with thermal paste, which should be changed periodically. We will talk about this in this article.

First, let's figure out what thermal paste is. In short, it is a viscous multicomponent substance or even a mixture whose function is to assist in heat transfer. Due to the homogeneity of the mass and high thermal conductivity, it has the ability to transfer the generated heat from the processor to the cooling system.

In this case, thermal paste is used to remove the air cushion between the contacting surfaces. In our case, between the processor and the radiator. For what? It's simple. Air has an extremely low thermal conductivity coefficient. Therefore, if there is too much air between the surface of the radiator and the processor, the latter will begin to heat up. Thermal paste helps avoid this.

By the way, it is inexpensive. Usually sold in small tubes or special syringes. The most popular thermal pastes are Russian AlSil-3 and KPT-8. There are also imported options.

Many will ask how often to change. Experienced users recommend doing this at least once every 2 years. And this is provided that the computer does not heat up. If, for example, you did a test and determined that the processor temperature is close to 60-65℃ (and this is a critical temperature for many CPU models), then you should not delay. It is advisable to immediately disassemble and clean the cooler, and also replace the thermal paste.

The fact is that over time, thermal paste loses its properties. As a result, when it dries out, it stops conducting heat, and this leads to overheating. As a result, the following problems may occur with your computer:

  • Freezes and constant slowdowns;
  • Unstable operation of the OS;
  • Unplanned device shutdowns;
  • Failure of the processor (as well as the video card, if it is integrated), etc.

Therefore, under no circumstances delay replacing the thermal paste. Otherwise, one day the computer will simply stop starting, which means one thing - you need to prepare for expensive repairs.

Procedure for replacing thermal paste on a processor

Let's move on to the most important thing and tell you in detail how to change thermal paste:

That's all! Now you know how to replace thermal paste on your processor. Agree, this procedure is not at all complicated. In most cases, it helps to cope with CPU overheating.

However, what if the processor still gets hot? You can install a more powerful cooler, and also clean all the “internals” from dust. It is possible that the cause of overheating lies in the fact that there was too much thermal paste or the cooling system is not working. If the temperature continues to be high, we strongly recommend contacting a service center. Most likely, you cannot cope with the problem yourself at home.

It is important to know

  • Never apply a thick layer of thermal paste. In addition, apply it only to the part of the processor that is in contact with the cooling radiator. In this case, breaks and gaps are not allowed; the application must be continuous.
  • Do not use cotton swabs to distribute thermal paste. Some fibers remain, which has a bad effect on thermal conductivity. It is best to take a small spatula, an old and unnecessary bank card or a plastic ruler. Someone applying thermal paste with their finger is harmless.
  • Let us repeat that when applying thermal paste to the processor, the layer must be very thin! Ideally, it should only fill the free space created as a result of the uneven surface between the cooler and the chipset.
  • If the thermal paste on the processor has not been changed for more than 2 years, and recently the computer has been constantly overheating, then removing the cooler will be problematic. Naturally, due to very dried pasta. However, never try to insert a knife or other similar object between the heatsink and the processor to separate them. The correct thing to do in such a situation is to slightly turn the processor in a circle with your hand. This will soften the thermal paste a little and separate the PC components from each other.
  • Only special thermal paste should be used for the processor. You can purchase it in specialized computer stores. Any other substances may adversely affect the operation of the device!

Faced with overheating, users often do not know how to change the thermal paste on the processor. They think that it is too complicated and that they need to contact a service center.

In fact, you can do this yourself. To do this, you only need a new one, which can be bought at any store with computer equipment, a screwdriver and a little free time.

Step No. 1. Prepare the computer for replacing thermal paste.

If you want to change the thermal paste on the processor, you will have to disassemble the system unit. To do this, you must first disconnect the power cable from the system unit that connects to the power supply, as well as all other cables. After this, you need to put the system unit on its side and remove the side cover so that you have easy access to the inside of the computer.

Step No. 2. Removing the cooling system from the processor.

The next step is to remove the cooling system (CO) from. This procedure often frightens inexperienced users. They often feel that removing and installing the cooling system is too difficult. It's actually very simple and can be done with just a few movements.

The first thing you need to do is disconnect the cooler's power cable from the motherboard. It is better to do this first, otherwise this cable will interfere with you and complicate further actions.

After the cooler's power cable is disconnected, you can begin removing the cooler and radiator. Different cooling systems are fixed on the motherboard in different ways and it will not be possible to describe them all in one article. Therefore, we will look at the two most common options.

On the sides of the standard Intel cooler there are four legs with slots for a screwdriver. Each of these legs must be turned half a turn counterclockwise. After which the cooler and radiator can be removed.

In order to remove the standard AMD cooling system, you need to turn the handle, which is located on the side of the radiator. Then you need to release the radiator mounts on the sides and lift the radiator along with the cooler.

Step No. 3. Remove the processor.

In order to change thermal paste, it is better to remove the processor from the motherboard. Otherwise, you may damage something while you are wiping off the dried thermal paste.

In order to remove the processor from the motherboard, you need to release its mount. This is done using a metal lever that is located on the side of the processor. Move the lever to the side and lift it up. After this, the processor can be removed.

Step No. 4. Remove the old thermal paste.

Once the processor is removed from the motherboard, you can finally change the thermal paste. To do this, you first need to remove all the old thermal paste using toilet paper or cotton wool. If the thermal paste has stuck and cannot be removed, you can soak it in a small amount of alcohol.

In the same way, you need to remove the remnants of old thermal paste from the bottom of the radiator.

Step No. 5. Install the processor and apply new thermal paste.

After the processor is cleaned of old thermal paste, install it back on the motherboard. Installing a processor is performed in the same way as removing it, only in reverse order. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the correct placement of the processor.

In one of the corners of the processor there is a so-called key (in the form of a triangle). This key must match the key on the connector, then the processor will be installed correctly.

After this, the thermal paste must be distributed over the entire surface of the processor. It is very convenient to use a plastic card for this.

The layer of thermal paste must be very thin (less than 1 millimeter in thickness) and uniform over the entire area of ​​the processor.

Step No. 6. Install the cooling system and assemble the computer.

After you have changed the thermal paste on the processor, you can install the cooling system. Installation occurs in the same way as removal, only in reverse order. The main thing is not to forget to connect the cooler's power to the motherboard.

After the computer is assembled, you need to immediately check the processor temperature. If the processor temperature is normal, then everything is fine. If there is overheating, then this means that you did something wrong. Perhaps there was too much thermal paste or the cooler on the processor is not working.

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Let's talk about the topic “How to change thermal paste on a processor.” A detailed overview of removing, cleaning and lubricating a computer processor is given. After all the procedures, we will show you how to properly install it in its place.

In case of increased noise or overheating on the processor side, it is recommended to first clean the cooler from accumulated dust. During the cleaning process, you may have to resort to replacing thermal paste and lubricating the cooler itself.

Let's take for example a regular “boxed” fan from Intel, which comes standard with processors from this manufacturer. In general, its condition is good, but it causes a lot of trouble with its noise. You should be careful with the fastening antennae. Many novice users, without reading the necessary documentation, break them by putting excessive pressure on the motherboard. This is a fairly common mistake, so we will go through this process step by step.

First stage

If you visually notice a build-up of dust on the finned surface of the radiator, the easiest solution is to remove and vacuum it. Additionally, you can resort to lubricating the cooler itself.

If one vacuum cleaner is not enough for you, proceed directly to the second stage.

Removing the entire cooler

If you do not have thermal paste available, postpone the process of removing it. Only when you have it in your hands, proceed directly to removing the cooler. It is not advisable to install a radiator with old thermal paste, as it will certainly lead to overheating.

The cooler should be removed without using force, carefully, loosening it. After removal, inspect the layer of thermal paste. It may need to be replaced.

Before applying new thermal paste, be sure to remove the old layer, including from the processor. For these purposes, you will need to remove the processor itself. We remove our processor from the socket.

To wipe the monitor, use wet wipes.

Before installing everything back, be sure to make sure there is no moisture on the processor.

The layer of thermal paste should be thin, since during the installation process it should not be displaced from its place. Use a syringe to apply the paste. Squeeze it out carefully and spread it over the base of the radiator. Avoid getting paste around the edges of the radiator base. If you bought “silver” paste, be careful, as it conducts current very well and can short-circuit the motherboard and its components. This is due to the presence of metal elements in its composition, so it is not suitable for our purposes. Buy white thermal paste.

If you purchased the paste in a paper container or regular tube, you should not squeeze out all the contents at once, as it is designed for several uses.

After applying a layer of thermal paste, you can begin directly installing the cooler. To do this, rotate all 4 fastening antennae counterclockwise to the extreme position, then pull them up and rotate them 90 degrees in the same direction. Thus, the clamps should be in the required position.

Make sure that the clamps are in the correct position and if their legs are too crushed, gently squeeze them.

Install the processor into the socket (socket). Make sure it fits correctly. Typically, manufacturers add special notches that simply prevent you from installing the processor incorrectly. To do this, for example, triangles are depicted along the edges of the processors, which should coincide with the sides of the triangles depicted on the socket.

The processor itself should fit into the socket without much resistance. Do not press on him under any circumstances. This may result in subsequent tightening of the processor and damage to the motherboard.

After installing the processor, lower the mounting frame and lock the lever that presses the processor with the frame.

Let's move on to installing the cooler in its place. To do this, place the edges with a clamp directly opposite the holes on the motherboard. Don't use too much force. If the fasteners are bent, the cooler can no longer be reused.

Using progressive movements, we install the cooler in its place, and insert all 4 antennae into their holes. To do this, press down evenly until you hear a click. Then repeat the same with the opposite side. After both sides are latched, all that remains is to bring the latches to their original position and check the reliability of the fastening. To do this, simply tug the radiator from side to side, and if the fastener comes off easily on one of them, it means you latched it incorrectly, or pressed too hard, breaking the plastic latches at the ends of the latches.

After you have repeated the same with the two remaining ends of the clamps, you can safely plug in the cooler’s power plug on the motherboard and plug in the PC.

If the main symptoms of overheating have not disappeared, for example, the heat is not dissipated properly or the cooler does not fit tightly enough, turn off the PC and repeat the procedure.

Let's repeat this work on another representative of the Intel family.

In this case, the cooler is secured using latches with clamps, and the processor itself is equipped with legs.

First, let's turn the legs of the clamps in order to loosen the cooler fasteners. To do this, carefully, using a screwdriver, separate the cooler legs, made of plastic and used for fastening to the motherboard. We take out the cooler entirely. Below it you can see the processor in the socket. In order to release the cooler, pull the fastening lever towards you.

After this, we take out the chip and scrape off the excess old thermal paste from it. This processor is equipped with mounting feet. Be careful, because if they break, we will hardly be able to install the processor in its place.

After we got rid of the old layer of thermal paste, carefully apply a new layer to the top of the processor, or directly to the heatsink.

When installing the processor in its place, a hint from the manufacturers will come to our aid. This is a triangle drawn at one of the edges of the chip. According to its design, it should coincide with the same triangle on the board slot. Also, the absence of mounting legs on the processor and holes for their fastening in the corresponding corner of the slot can serve as a clue.

All this is created to reduce the likelihood of making mistakes. Therefore, you should be observant and see these clues.

Once you have placed the processor in place, secure it by lowering the release lever.

All that remains is to install the cooler in its place. To do this, without unnecessary movements, let’s install it in its place. Make sure that the mounting clips are secure and that the heatsink is securely attached to the processor. If the radiator does not lie flat enough, simply move it in different directions. Such actions will help us put it in its place and at the same time spread the new thermal paste.

All that remains is to connect our cooler to the corresponding socket on the motherboard and turn on the computer.

It seems that you should not pay the same close attention to the choice of thermal paste as to other elements of the computer. But the temperature conditions in the case and, accordingly, the duration of the processor’s operation depend on it. Those who purchased a PC case already assembled should not relax. Over time, the paste becomes less suitable, dries out, and jumps in processor temperature may occur until the system reboots due to overheating.

Where to change thermal paste on a computer? For this question, please refer to the instructions for the motherboard. But if it is not there or there is no Russian language in this brochure, then we will solve this problem together.

Such a thermal interface is necessary to effectively remove heat from the surface of the central processor and fill microcracks to level it. But first you need to choose a paste that makes the processor feel comfortable after applying it.

Thermal paste KPT-8

The most popular thermal paste is type KPT-8. It is domestically produced and is familiar to electronics connoisseurs with thirty years of experience in the former USSR. KPT-8 is the cheapest, but does not require replacement for a long time, which is its advantage. The thermal conductivity coefficient must be at least 0.7 W/(m K) at 20 ºС. The higher the temperature, the lower this indicator - at 100 ºС it reaches a minimum value of 0.65 W/(m K). This paste is made based on GOST 19783-74, but manufacturers interpret it in their own way, therefore, its consistency can be anything from liquid to thick.

Alsil-3 thermal paste

Another Russian thermal conductive paste is Alsil-3. Based on early tests, it gained several degrees over the previous paste KPT-8. The declared thermal conductivity reaches 2 W/(m K), which is its advantage. It is also much thicker, which you can feel when squeezing. On average it lasts for 2 years.

Titan Nano Grease Thermal Paste

Titan is a well-known cooler manufacturer. Therefore, it is usually supplied complete with them and looks much more serious: the thermal conductivity coefficient reaches 4.5 W/(m K), and the operating temperature range is from -50 to 240 ºС. It can be called the most reliable thermal paste, which does not dry out in the tube even before application.

Deepcool thermal paste

Another manufacturer of cooling systems is Deepcool. Entry-level Deepcool Z3 thermal paste, as the number in the name says. Therefore, its characteristics are not impressive - thermal conductivity is 1.13 W/(m K). The main advantage is its medium consistency, that is, it spreads easily and does not leak when installing the cooler.

Deepcool Z5 already has a rating of up to 1.46 W/(m*K) and is more liquid than the previous one, which will help even a novice user to apply it without problems.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of Deepcool Z9 is already close to Titan Nano Grease thermal paste and is 4 W/m*K, but it is slightly thicker than the other two samples.

Arctic Cooling thermal paste

The Swiss company Arctic Cooling specializes in the production of quiet cooling systems. Their thermal interfaces are also efficient. The use of Arctic MX-2 promises that replacement is only needed after eight years, and thermal conductivity is maintained at 5.6 W/(m*K). Arctic MX-4 appeared on the market after 2010 due to the unsuccessful release of MX-3. The new paste is easy to apply and highly effective, having a thermal conductivity coefficient of 8.5 W/(m*K).

If you do not skimp on the element directly responsible for the operation of the processor, it is better to purchase Arctic MX-4 thermal paste, while Titan Nano Grease is considered the “golden” mean.

Applying thermal paste to the processor

Let's turn to directly applying thermal paste to the “brain” of the computer. It comes in a tube and comes in different weights.

Where to apply thermal paste on a computer? On the surface of the processor. Before this, it must be installed in a special socket on the motherboard.

If the goal is to replace the thermal paste with a new one, then you first need to remove the cooler from the processor.

Then remove (for example, with a cotton swab) the old thermal interface from both surfaces, degreasing them. This must be done carefully so as not to scratch them, thereby not disturbing the temperature regime. The safest way to clean is to use an eraser. But you will have to tinker, it may take a lot of time.

The main thing that needs to be taken into account during this process is that spreading should occur in a thin and uniform layer, and not in a centimeter layer. Then this will not change the cooling parameters of the “stone”. After all, the thermal conductivity of the metal from which the cooler base is made is much greater than that of the thermal paste in question.

The classic version of the thermal interface distribution is as follows. It is necessary to squeeze a small amount of paste onto the CPU from a syringe and gently rub it over the entire surface. You can also use a plastic card for this.

Thermal paste should be applied as follows:

Another common method is to drop the paste into the center, hoping the cooler will do the work itself and distribute it evenly once pressed. But you can squeeze it out not in the center, but in a different way, for example, with a “cross” or “spiral”.

When the thermal interface is applied using one of the specified methods, the fan should be installed in place.

A video about how to properly apply thermal paste (replace thermal paste), as well as how to properly remove old dried thermal paste before doing this.

Replacing thermal paste on a video card

The graphics card is the most energy-consuming element in a computer. Previously, they were not the most powerful and an ordinary radiator was enough to cool them. Now, on the base of the video card you can find three fans. They also require maintenance, and not just cleaning from dust. The GPU temperature usually exceeds the temperature of the central processor, so to reduce it you need to replace the standard thermal paste with a more efficient one, for example, Arctic Cooling MX-4. This is most relevant if the user is trying to overclock the video adapter settings.

Here the task is similar, as in the case of the central processor - to get to the GPU silicon wafer. We remove the cooling system in the usual way, clean off the old thermal paste and apply new one.

We assemble the video card in reverse order and monitor the temperature of the graphics processor.

Replacing thermal paste on important computer components is a way to extend their life. There are different types of pastes, the main thing is to choose one that would satisfy both price and effectiveness. For the graphics processor of a video card, you need to buy the best thermal conductivity indicator - Arctic Cooling MX-4, and for a central processor that consumes little energy - Titan Nano Grease. In both cases, one thing should be remembered - the thermal interface layer between the bases of the cooling element and the fan should be minimal.

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