Calling up the BIOS on a Lenovo laptop. We go into bios (BIOS) on the Lenovo b590 laptop. How to enable the touchpad by rebooting

Monoblocks occupy a special place among gadgets from the manufacturer Lenovo. Externally, the monoblock differs from the usual monitor only in thickness. In other words, this device is very similar to a monitor, but in fact it is a computer in its own right.

A monoblock helps save space, because you don’t need to allocate space for the system unit. There are virtually no wires, and if you use a wireless keyboard and mouse, you can quickly move your computer from one place to another. One of the main disadvantages of such computers is their high price (for example, the cheapest Lenovo monoblock costs about 30 thousand rubles).

How to enter Bios on an all-in-one PC?

As mentioned above, a monoblock is a full-fledged computer, so a component such as BIOS must be present in it. In order to enter the BIOS on a candy bar, you need to use the F1, F2, Delete buttons during the system boot process.

Important! Do not forget that if you do not understand BIOS settings, you should not change any parameters yourself, as this may affect the performance of the computer.

Entering Bios on an all-in-one PC is not difficult, you just need to use the correct key.

In this article, you will learn several ways to open BIOS settings on Lenovo laptops, solutions to possible problems, and a way to enter the Boot Menu.

Novo Button

On Lenovo notebooks, next to the power button there is a button with a curved arrow icon. It is called Novo Button, OneKey Recovery or OneKey Rescue System. Turn off the laptop, and instead of the power button, turn it on using this button.

Novo Button Menu will appear on the screen. There you can use the arrows to select loading BIOS or Boot Menu.

Select “BIOS Setup”, press Enter and get into the BIOS.

Keyboard shortcut

The second method is to press the key combination during startup to launch the BIOS. On Lenovo laptops, these are most often the Fn+F2 or Fn+F1 buttons. During loading, button combinations are usually written.

Sometimes it helps to press the Esc+F1+Delete button combination when turning it on, the “Startup Interrupt Menu” will open, press F1 to get into the BIOS.

Another method is shown in the video - you need to have time to press Enter when loading:

People often make a mistake at this stage. They click shutdown and the computer seems to shut down. Then they turn it on, press the buttons and nothing works, the OS loads. In fact, the laptop goes into hibernation mode, since Windows 8.1 has fast startup settings by default. To avoid this problem, simply open the BIOS when you restart your computer.

Sometimes on built-in video cards the menu is not displayed when loading, and button prompts are not visible. In this case, try either VGA or use another method.

Open from Windows

BIOS can be opened through Windows. It can be useful when the keyboard does not work. Works on Windows 8, 8.1, 10.

Open Start - Settings.

Select Update & Security.

On the Recovery tab, under special boot options, there is a Restart Now button. Click it, the system will reboot and show Windows startup options.

Select Troubleshoot (Diagnostics) - Advanced Options - UEFI Firmware Options.

If you can't log into Windows but the login screen appears, you can also open the BIOS. Press the power button, hold Shift and click Restart. Special system boot options will open; further steps are described above.

If the BIOS does not open

There is a problem on Lenovo laptops: if you erase the old version of Windows and install another system on a clean hard drive, the BIOS stops opening by any means.

Solution to the problem:

Unplug your laptop and remove the battery. Unscrew the laptop lid from the back and remove the round battery for about 15 minutes. This will reset the BIOS settings. Put everything back in and turn on the laptop.

A couple of errors will appear and the computer will enter the BIOS on its own. On the Startup tab, change the “UEFI / Legacy boot” item to “Both”. In the adjacent settings item “UEFI / Legacy Boot Priority” there should be “Legacy”.

Now let’s save everything: on the “First Restart” tab, click “Exit Saving Changes”.

Boot menu

If you want to open the BIOS to change (to install the OS), you do not need to go into the BIOS to do this. You can open the Boot Menu. On Lenovo laptops this is done with the combination Fn+F12 (when restarting the computer).

Almost every laptop owner had to solve certain hardware problems in the BIOS system setup mode. The need to get into the very heart of the computer most often arises when it is necessary to install an operating system, so the problem of entering the BIOS is relevant for every active laptop user. It is often impossible to enter the basic configuration system due to simple ignorance of the keys that call it. This is especially true for Lenovo series laptops, since the key combinations on this model are almost always unique and do not match those of other computers. We bring to your attention information on how to enter the BIOS on a Lenovo laptop.

Exit to BIOS on a Lenovo laptop

You can enter system change mode on Lenovo devices in three main hardware ways:

  1. The most universal way is to press the F2 key while turning on the system. On some models you need to additionally hold down the “Fn” button
  2. The second way is to use the “Think Vantage” key, which is not present on all models
  3. Button “Access IBM”, “NOVA” – another option for hardware activation of the mode

Sometimes hardware methods may not work due to the characteristics of the installed operating system. From time to time, problems arise for Windows 8/8.1 users. You can enable the BIOS on these systems without holding down any keys - through the normal interface. Some of the simplest ways:

  1. Open the right panel, select the “Settings” tab – “Change computer settings” – “Recovery and update” – “Custom boot options” – “Restart now”. After reboot, go to the diagnostics section, go to additional options and click on “UEFI Software”
  2. At the command prompt, type and execute the command “shutdown.exe /r /o”

Exceptions to the rules - special Lenovo models

If none of the above methods for entering the BIOS are suitable, you should look for the name of your computer in the list of special Lenovo models on which the mode is called in a specific way.

Lenovo b590

On this model, to start the BIOS, you need to turn off the system, first remove the battery and disconnect the switched off device from the power cable for a few seconds. Next, you need to click on the small button (Nova) next to the laptop operation indicator. After launching the menu, selecting the Russian language and layout, follow the path “diagnostics - additional parameters - firmware parameters - BIOS”.

Lenovo g505

On this model, the BIOS can be launched by performing the same steps as the previous version, as well as using the “Fn” and “F2″ key combination. You must hold down the keys while turning on the laptop. The method is also suitable for Lenovo g500.

Let's look at how you can enter the BIOS of a Lenovo G500/G505 laptop to configure it to install the Windows 7 or Windows 8 operating system from a USB drive (flash drive) or disk.

We turn on the laptop. The flash drive or disk must already be installed in the USB port or CD/DVD drive, respectively. To get into the laptop BIOS, you must frequently press the “Fn” + “F2” button combination during boot.

Our laptop model has the Windows 8 operating system installed, so you may be put straight into the BIOS, or problems may arise. Problems usually arise if the Windows operating system was not shut down correctly.

To enter the BIOS in this case, you need to wait until the operating system starts loading - the loading icon appears on the screen and starts spinning. See the image below.

After this, you need to press and hold the power button on the laptop for about 5 seconds. The laptop will turn off.

Turn on the laptop again. We begin to frequently press the combination of the “Fn” + “F2” buttons. The problem should now be resolved.

After we have entered the BIOS, go to the “Boot” tab of the main menu. If you have a regular flash drive, like ours, then in the first line of “Boot Mode” change the “UEFI” value to the “Legacy Support” value. To do this, press the “Enter” button and select the desired value in the context window that appears.

Now the tab window will change, a new line will appear - “Boot Priority”, in which the default value will be “UEFI First”. We need to change it. To do this, press the “Enter” button. In the context menu window that appears, select the “Legacy First” value.

Next, go to the “Exit” tab of the BIOS main menu. Here, with the “Exit Saving Changes” line active (highlighted in white), press the “Enter” button. A context window will appear asking if we really want to exit and save the changes? Press the “Enter” button.

The computer will reboot.

When the system starts booting, we again begin to quickly and often press the combination of the “Fn” + “F2” buttons. We enter the BIOS. Go to the already familiar “Boot” tab of the main menu.

On this page we find a block of lines entitled “Legacy”. This is a list of devices arranged in the order in which the computer will access them when searching for an operating system to boot.

Since we will be loading the operating system from a flash drive, we need to move our flash drive to the first line in the list. Now, as can be seen in the image above, it is on the third line (USB HDD: USB DISK 2.0).

To raise it higher, let’s go to this line and use the “Fn” + “F5” button combination. (The combination of the “Fn” + “F6” buttons lowers the selected device from the list).

Now go to the “Exit” tab of the BIOS main menu and press the “Enter” button twice to save the changes. The laptop reboots again.

But after starting a new boot, the laptop will start using the operating system located on the flash drive.

When using a CD/DVD drive to load the operating system, we carry out all the same steps, only instead of a USB device, in the device queue list, we move the device located in the CD/DVD drive to the first line.

You will probably agree, dear reader, that the most hardworking nation on earth is the Chinese. Well, such a concept as “labor efficiency in the Middle Kingdom” in its colossal examples can be seen in literally everything that this country produces. In our case, we will consider a universal way to solve the question: “How to enter the BIOS on a Lenovo laptop,” which convincingly proves the correctness of the above. However, in this article we will touch on literally all known methods of entering the BIOS on laptops from the mentioned brand. Well, which one to use is up to you, dear friends!

Today we will look at:

Why does a laptop need a BIOS?

In simple words, this question can be answered like this: “In order for the computer to function normally.” Most likely you did not feel satisfaction from such “spatiality” and obviousness of what was said. However, in essence, this is how it is.

  • Basic input/output system (BIOS) - controls the operation of all internal components of the laptop. Otherwise, it controls the computer hardware.

An even simpler example, BIOS is a set of firmware that initializes the startup process of a computing device, in the process checking the integrity and functionality of every critical part of the computer system.

Any discrepancy with the proper test results and violation of the instructions embedded in the CMOS memory chip is an emergency deviation from a favorable boot scenario with the display of the corresponding service message, often accompanied by a certain set of sounds of different tones and a unique sound amplitude ( ).

In general, the basic microsystem is a kind of outpost of an electronic system with functioning programs for protection, diagnostics and management of optimization parameters.

Why is it so important to know how to enter BIOS on a Lenovo laptop

The default settings are set according to the system configuration. The optimality of the accepted values ​​(operating parameters of installed equipment) is regulated primarily by operational safety rules. In some cases, for example, when organizing sales of laptops with a pre-installed OS, large dealer companies make their own software adjustments to the operation of the BIOS.

  • Emergency recovery of the BIOS(a), which also includes the process of resetting the microsystem settings to their factory values, which often needs to be implemented and is initialized by the user.
  • Connecting external peripheral devices.

  • Some important nuances for optimizing individual components of the microsystem and the overall comprehensive process of software modernization of a computer.
  • Changing the boot order and assigning a priority bootloader when it is necessary to reinstall the OS or carry out the process of restoring it after a virus infection.

All of the above is just a few (however, the main thing!), which one way or another requires the generally accepted entry into the BIOS environment to perform the assigned tasks.

How to enter BIOS on a Lenovo laptop in two clicks: the “smart Chinese” method

Indeed, on laptops of the specified brand, the scenario for accessing BSVV is implemented in an incredibly convenient way. Almost all Lenovo laptops are equipped with a special “Novo Button” button, through which you can easily enter the holy of holies of the electronic system - the BIOS.

As a rule, such a key is located at the top of the front panel, almost next to the “POWER” button. It is not uncommon to find models in which the “fast Novo Button” is located on the left side of the case, directly next to the power connector or. In any case, such a button is graphically marked in the form of a curved arrow of left-hand rotation.

When reading the technical documentation for the device, you may come across another designation “OneKey Recovery”, as well as “OneKey Rescue System”.

  • Well, after you have found the “Novo Button”, turn off your computer.
  • Press the treasured shortcut key to BIOS settings.

  • After the menu of the same name (button) appears on the screen, use the “BIOS Setup” item.

Method No. 2: classic entry into the BIOS of a Lenovo laptop

Since we are talking about a laptop, it is not difficult to guess that on our portable device there are such function keys as (F1-F12), plus a couple of FN buttons.

These are the ones we will use in this case:

  • Reboot the computer.
  • Hold down the “FN” key and press the “F2” button several times with an intensity of two taps per second.

  • In a split second you will be taken to the primary window of the BIOS microsystem.

You can also use this method:

  • Turn off your laptop.
  • Turn it back on.
  • As soon as the graphical loading indicator appears on the screen, hold down the “Power” button until the laptop turns off (waiting time 3-5 seconds).
  • Press the “Power” button again and immediately use “FN+F2” according to the algorithm described above.

What to do if nothing helps?

Due to technological advances and the ubiquitous fast boot scenario, the following often happens: a fraction of a second and Windows boots. Naturally, no keys (except “OFF” or “Reset”) will help the user call up the BIOS menu. As for the next unsuccessful attempt to “catch the moment of entry,” everything will be repeated again and again. If something similar happens to you, dear reader, then most likely it will help you the method described in this article .

By the way, if you want to rid yourself of a certain predisposition of the laptop system to wander in every possible way the moment you enter the basic settings menu, then you should change some parameters in the “Boot” section of your microsystem.

  • After you have managed to enter the BIOS, go to the “Boot” tab in the boot menu of the microsystem.
  • In the first item “Boot Mode”, change the boot option to “Legacy Support”.
  • In the second - “Boot Priority”, in the second - “Legacy First”.

After you press the “Enter” key twice in a row, rest assured that your next login attempts will certainly be successful!

In conclusion: what to watch out for...

Of course, before changing anything in the BIOS settings, you should think carefully about what this kind of thoughtless manipulation could lead to. As a rule, having read various manuals on overclocking and not bothering to question the experience of the “famous upgrader”, a gullible user achieves truly “wonderful results”... sometimes even smelling of smoke! Do not be like the frivolous people of this world, be wise and prudent, friends. Well, as for the issues of optimizing a computer through settings of the basic microsystem, this is a topic for another article. Wishing you a safe and successful BIOS login!

Some users who have experience using Lenovo laptops strive not only to install additional programs, but also to change the basic parameters of the device. These include security system settings, touchpad functions, selecting a specific image output method, battery calibration, reinstalling the operating system, etc. To do this you need to visit the BIOS. In addition, it stores information about the serial number of the device and other similar data. Currently, different BIOS versions differ slightly in appearance. However, they all perform the same functions: testing the device and providing initial setup. How to enter the BIOS of a Lenovo laptop? Let's try to figure it out, but first we should familiarize ourselves with the basic concept.

What does the BIOS look like?

BIOS acts as an important structure of the laptop. Her responsibilities include checking the system during the boot process. Its interface is intuitive and looks like a text table. It is controlled using a keyboard. On forums on the Internet you can find a lot of ways to go to the BIOS, for which different combinations of buttons are used. How to enter the BIOS of a Lenovo laptop? Below are proven methods.

Options for switching to BIOS in Lenovo laptops

The first method involves performing simple steps:

Instead, there may be a key with headphones or an arrow, which is located near the power button or on the side (depending on the model).

  1. A menu appears on the screen in which you need to select Bios Setup.

The second method involves using the F 2 and F12 buttons, which are located on the keyboard.

When loading some laptop models, you can see a combination of keys on the screen that allow you to enter the BIOS if you hold them for a while. In the absence of this information, there is a general scheme.

  1. When turning on, hold down the F12 or Fn+F2 button, which allows you to get into the BIOS subsection to change the order in which devices are accessed when changing the operating system.

  1. When turning on, hold down the F2 or Fn+F2 button to enter the main BIOS menu and change the settings at your own discretion.

  1. Some laptop models, for example, Lenovo, allow you to enter the BIOS by holding down the F button. However, it is worth noting that to reinstall the system, you will need special parameters, which you should find out about on the Internet.

It is worth noting that some models may not respond to pressing these buttons. For example, Lenovo Z50, as well as g505, b560 and others. In this case, you need to use the first option.

It is important to make sure before carrying out such procedures that the laptop is sufficiently charged or should be connected to the network. It is advisable to choose both options, since a sudden power outage is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

How to open BIOS on Lenovo? It turns out that this is not difficult to do. It is enough to follow the above instructions. You can also look for the user manual that comes with every laptop. It contains information on how to go to BIOS. But, in principle, the data described in this article is sufficient to make such a transition.

In the process of reinstalling the operating system, as well as, if necessary, calibrating batteries and in a number of other cases, the user needs to refer to the basic settings of the laptop computer.

If you do not know how to enter the BIOS on a Lenovo laptop, then doing any of the above will be very problematic, and in some circumstances, even impossible. But what prevents you, dear reader, from finding out how you can enter the computer “abode” of control?

Specialized remote button “Novo Button”

In some modifications of the Chinese brand, in order to get into the basic input/output system, you just need to press the “Novo” key (aka “OneKey Recovery”). After the service menu appears on the display, you must select “Bios Setup” or the item with the abbreviation “UEFI”.

Typically, the “Novo Button” button is located on the front of the laptop, directly next to the laptop’s “Power” key. Carefully inspect the top edge of the keyboard module, if you find an icon in the form of an arcuate arrow - this is it!

In some modifications, the “Novo Button” key is installed in one of the end parts of the case. Again, you should carefully inspect the laptop for hidden buttons. If your laptop is not equipped with the OneKey Recovery “rescue” element, you can try the following option.

A universal way to enter the Bios of a laptop

In principle, using the “Delite” and “F2” keys you can enter the basic firmware of most computing devices, including desktop modifications. Perhaps your laptop supports, so to speak, the traditional access scheme.

  • Turn on your laptop.
  • Hold down the "F2" button.

After a short initialization process, the BIOS interface should be displayed on the device screen. Sometimes the procedure for calling the Bios firmware is carried out by intensively pressing the corresponding key when starting the laptop, as if the radio operator was transmitting a message in Morse code. However, do not overdo it, the keyboard is not made of iron...

Lenovo laptops are extremely popular in Russia and other countries. This is due to the fact that laptops are reliable, unpretentious, productive and have an adequate price.

The products of this Chinese manufacturer literally filled all the shelves of computer stores. But along with all the advantages, they have one small disadvantage: in some models it is completely unclear how to enter the BIOS. And this is necessary when installing the system or making any settings. While laptops from other companies respond to keyboard buttons, Lenovo refuses to do so. Especially the G series models. This raises the question: “How to enter the BIOS. Let’s try to answer it.

Why do you need to enter the BIOS?

BIOS is the basic input/output system. It is this that allows you to communicate with a PC or laptop at the hardware level. BIOS settings greatly affect the performance of the computer as a whole. You also need to go into it before installing the operating system in order to select booting from installation media and not from the hard drive. In general, knowing such information is very useful, as it may be useful in the future. And at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, it is highly recommended to know how to enter the BIOS of a Lenovo G50 or some other equally capricious laptop model.

In addition, BIOS can be incredibly useful for restoring the functionality of your computer. It is he who can reset the hardware settings to factory settings. Among other things, it is the settings of the basic I/O system that regulate the operation of the laptop hardware. Therefore, let’s take a closer look at the question of how to enter the BIOS

How to enter BIOS?

On regular laptops, the Enter or F2 buttons help with this. But it's a completely different story with the Lenovo G50-45. How to enter BIOS on this laptop?

Somewhere on the side of the device, near the power connector, there is a small, inconspicuous button. That's what we need. Sometimes it is indicated by an arrow. But it may well be without an arrow. This is the "New" button. It provides various options for loading a laptop:

  • loading into BIOS;
  • normal loading;
  • boot menu;
  • System Restore.

In our case, we need to select boot into BIOS. This is such a tricky button.

Please also note that in some laptop models (for example, B580 or B590), this very button may be located next to the device’s power button. However, on the above models there is another way to enter the BIOS - you need to press the Enter key during boot, see the desired line in the menu and press F1 to access the BIOS settings. In particular, this applies to the B580 model. As for the Lenovo G50-30, we already know how to enter the BIOS of this laptop. Using the small and inconspicuous "Novo" key. Let's move on to the basic BIOS settings on Lenovo laptops.

Settings for installing Windows 7

Lately, Lenovo laptops have come with the Windows 8 operating system pre-installed. But not everyone is happy with it, and when you try to install Windows 7 on a laptop, the laptop starts to throw errors. The situation can be saved by properly configuring the device’s BIOS.

Let's consider the situation using the Lenovo G50-30 laptop as an example. We already know how to enter the BIOS, so let's go straight to the settings. Go to the Exit tab and look for the OS Optimized Defaults item there. There is a Windows 8 system there. We need to change it to “seven”. That's all!

However, after this you need to load the optimal BIOS settings. This must be done before each installation of the operating system:

  • to do this, on the same Exit tab you need to select Load Default Settings;
  • then you need to click OK;
  • press F10;
  • reboot the laptop.

After all these manipulations, installation of the seventh version of Windows will be possible. There will be no more problems.

How can I change the boot order?

Sometimes you need to change the boot order of your device. That is, make sure that the laptop boots not from the hard drive, but from the installation media (CD or flash drive). Consider the G50:

  • We already know how to enter the BIOS, so we’ll skip this step.
  • After clicking the notorious “New” button, a menu will appear where, among other things, there will be a Boot Priority item. That's what we need.
  • We go to this item and see a list of devices that are currently available for download. If you are installing the operating system using a USB drive, then you need to select the USB-HDD item.
  • And if an optical disk is used as the installation media, then select the “ODD-device-name” item.

After this, the computer will begin to boot not from the hard drive with the preinstalled operating system, but from the bootable media. And you will be able to start installing the system.


So, how to enter the BIOS of Lenovo G50? This question has been answered. To enter the BIOS there is a special button called “New”. It can be located either on the side of the device (near the charging socket) or near the laptop’s power button. Clicking on this button activates an alternative menu, which also has the ability to enter the BIOS. This is very convenient, although for some old PC users it is very unusual.

With the advent of UEFI technology, attempts to enter the BIOS on new PCs are becoming increasingly sophisticated, especially on laptops.

If in the first versions it was possible to enter the BIOS by simultaneously holding down the power button and one of the function keys (for example F2), in subsequent versions of laptops the manufacturer replaced the actions of the function keys with multimedia actions and now to enter the BIOS you need to press Fn + F2 + power button.

Lenovo has gone beyond previous methods with its Ideapad Z500 laptop by making entering the BIOS incredibly easy. 😉

Now the Z500 laptop has a whole separate button for this!

The exclamation point is here because this button is hardly noticeable, is painted in the color of the case, has a diameter of 3 mm and practically does not protrude from the case.

And the easiest thing when you see this laptop for the first time is located next to the power plug, on the side, left side of the laptop. A more inconspicuous place could be perhaps on the bottom cover of the laptop. 🙂

Image 1. Lenovo Ideapad Z500 BIOS entry button

Now, entering the BIOS, running a system restore, or selecting a device to boot on a Lenovo Z500 laptop has become easier than ever, unless, of course, you are in the habit of reading the manufacturer's instructions. 🙂

Turn off the laptop, press this button (it starts the laptop) and in the menu that appears Novo Button Menu choose BIOS Setup.

The following items are available in this menu:

  • Normal Startup
  • BIOS Setup
  • Boot Menu
  • System Recovery

We now have the option to choose the normal boot procedure, enter the BIOS, select a device to boot, or proceed to restore the system to factory settings.

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