How to remove numbering from content. How to remove numbering from individual pages in Word. Selecting number formatting

In the process of formatting a document, be it an essay or a term paper, the user has to remove page numbers in accordance with technical requirements. You can remove page numbering in Word from the entire document at once, or remove it only on certain sheets. All of the methods listed below will be relevant for versions of Microsoft Word such as 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2017.

Remove numbering from an entire document

There are cases when, due to inattention, errors are made in the process of numbering a document. To remove page numbers from an entire document, you must follow these steps.

After completing the actions, numbers will be deleted from the first, second, and so on until the last page.

Manual removal of page numbers

If you need to remove numbering from one sheet, then in this case, the manual method will help. You need to go to the corresponding sheet, the numbering on which you want to remove, double-click on the page number.

After the number is highlighted, press the “Backspace” key on the keyboard.

Disabling numbering using headers and footers

To remove numbers only on the first page, without affecting subsequent ones, you need to use the “Header and Footer” function.

After completing the steps, the numbering will disappear from the first page, and will remain in sequential order on subsequent pages. That is, accordingly, the second sheet will be numbered 2, the third sheet will be numbered 3.

It should be taken into account that if there are section breaks in the document, then the removal of numbering will be implemented for each section separately.

Many users find it very difficult to remove page numbers in Word. Problems arise with the placement of numbers, the page number, or the style of the footer. In this article we will figure out how to remove numbering on some pages in Word or from the entire document.

How to remove a number from the title page?

To remove a number from the first page, You need:

1. In the main menu, click on the “Insert” section.

2. Then click on "Bottom" or "Page header".

3. In the settings under all number templates, you must select the option "Change... footer."

4. To avoid numbers on the main page, you need to check the box on the “Designer” tab "Special footer for the first page."

5. Then close the header and footer window - to do this, click "Close the header and footer window."

If you need to display the number 1 on the second sheet, then for this you need set up page numbering:

1. Go to the “Insert” tab in the item "Page number" select “Format of page numbers...”.

2. In the window "Page Number Format" in the block "Pagination" you need to select “start with:” and write the number “0”.

Next you need to click “OK”.

How can I remove the numbering digit from the second page?

1. Place the cursor on the first page at the end.

3. After this option, if there was no number on the first sheet, then it will disappear on the second sheet, since a new section will begin and numbering will begin from the third sheet.

How to remove numbering for an entire document?

1. Open the "Insert" section. "Page number" 2. In subsection must be selected

"Remove page numbers."

When working with text documents, there is often a need to number pages. Numbering allows you to create a correct table of contents and simplifies navigation through the document.

In the Word text editor, page numbering is enabled using the “Page Number” button on the “Insert” tab. Most users know about this and usually there are no problems with it. However, sometimes page numbering needs to be adjusted to the specifics of a particular document, for example, removing numbering from the first page, and not everyone can cope with this task.

Now we will consider just such a problem. The material will be relevant for users of modern versions of Word. Such as Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

To remove page numbers from the title page, first make a simple page number that will appear on all pages of the document, including the first. After that, go to the “Page Layout” tab. Here you need to click on the small button, which is located in the lower right corner of the “Page Options” button block.

After clicking this button, the “Page Settings” window will open. Here we go to the “Paper Source” tab and turn on the “Distinguish between first page headers and footers” option.

But, there is one important point: now there is no number on the first page of the document, but on the second page there is the number “2”. If this numbering option suits you, then you can finish here. If you want the numbering on the second page to start from the number “1”, then you need to go to the “Insert” tab, click on the “Page Number” button and open “Page Number Format”.

As a result, a small window with numbering parameters will appear. In order for the number “1” to appear on the second page of the document, here you need to enable the “Start with” option and set the value to “0”.

Thus, after saving this setting, Word will begin numbering pages not from one, but from zero. This means that on the second page we will get not “2”, but “1”, as needed.

It should be noted that this method of removing numbering works great only for the first page of a Word document; if you need to leave the first two pages or more without numbering, it will not work. In this case, the document must be separated using section breaks. You can read about how this is done.

If you don’t know the answer to this question yet, read our article carefully. We will tell you how to remove page numbers from the entire document, remove numbering from the title page (starting page), how to do this in various versions of the Word text editor. Rest assured, even a novice Word user can handle this.

Page numbering in a Word document can be located in both the header and footer. Removing page numbers may be necessary when creating any text document, be it an official paper or some kind of scientific work. How to do it? We'll tell you now.

Removing page numbers in Word 2011

So, what is required from the user to remove numbering from the entire document:

  1. First, on the toolbar, find the “View” tab, then select the item called “Page Layout”.
  2. Then, in the same tab we find the “Header and Footer” item.
  3. Select the number of the required page.
  4. Press the DELETE key on the keyboard.

How to remove numbering from the initial page in Word 2011?

Hiding the numbering on the first page of a document is necessary if it is a title page where page numbers are not required. In order to change the numbering of the very first page in a document, the user is required to do the following. The user goes to the “Document Elements” tab, which is located in the “Header and Footer” section. Then you need to click on “Page.” The section called “Number on the first page” must be unchecked. After this, the numbering from the initial sheet of the Word document will disappear.

By the way, if your document contains sections and subsections, then you can remove the numbering from the first pages in them too.

To do this, just do the following. First, find an item called “Insert” in the main menu of Word. Next, select the section we need: “Header” or “Footer”. Next, find the item “Change...footer”, click on it.

To prevent a number from being displayed on the title page of your document, on the “Designer” tab you need to check the box called “Special header and footer for the first page.” The last step is to finish the job by closing the header and footer window.

Is it possible to start numbering from the second page?

Can. And there is nothing complicated about this either. How to remove a number from the second page? To do this, you need to place the cursor at the very end of the initial page of the document. Next, go to the “Markup” tab on the toolbar, then open the “Breaks” section, click on “Next”. After adding a break to the document, the number on the second sheet should disappear, provided that it was also missing on the initial sheet of the document.

If there is a number on the initial sheet and there is no way to remove it, then the user needs to place the cursor on the second page. Next, you need to go to the “Insert” section, go to the “Header or Footer” item. Next, click on the “Change” item and check the box next to the “Special footer” item. We finish the work by closing the header and footer window.

How to completely remove numbering?

Method No. 1.

The user needs to double-click on the page number, which one you decide for yourself. Then hold down the left button, highlight the number and press the “Delete” button.

Method number 2.

How to remove the page number in Word, but not from all pages?

In this section we will talk about selective numbering, which allows you to put numbers only on some pages of a Word document. To do this, you need to break your document into several sections; to do this, place the mouse cursor at the end of the page, where the end of the first and the beginning of the second section will be located.

Next, open the “Sections” tab, click on the “Breaks” item, select the “Next...” option. Next, click on “Tab”, then on “Number...”, then select the template we need (“Top”, “Bottom”). The user must then go to the very beginning of the section where the numbering format needs to be changed.

In this article we examined the question “ how to remove page number in Word" As you already understand, there is nothing complicated about this. The main thing is to strictly follow the specified algorithm of actions. Only in this case the result of the work will not disappoint you, and the process itself will not cause any hassle or difficulties.

The easiest way to hide the numbering is to divide the document into sections. Then for each section the numbering can be set individually.

Place the cursor where you intend to break sections, for example, at the end of the table of contents, and go to the “Page Layout” tab. In the "Layout" group, select "Breaks" and then in the "Section Breaks" list, select the "Next Page" command. Word will add a section break at the location you specify.

Now place the cursor in the place where the numbering should begin, that is, at the beginning of the main text of the document. In the ribbon, on the “Insert” tab, find the “Header” or “Footer” button, depending on where on the page you need to add numbering. Click on the desired button and in the expanded menu click “Change Header” (or “Change Footer”).

A new section “Working with Headers and Footers” with a “Designer” tab will appear in the ribbon.

Place the cursor where you want the page number to be and select “Page Number | Current position”, and also customize their appearance.

In the menu “Page Number | Page Number Format" Specify whether Word should start numbering over or continue numbering the previous section.

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