Windows 10 does not set screen resolution. How to change screen resolution. Changing screen brightness through the Start menu

In this article we will tell our readers how to change Screen resolution in Windows 10. The Windows 10 operating system is new, so PC users are encountering problems with the recommended resolution, which is set automatically. Mostly, problems with screen resolution are observed on old monitors and rarely on new ones. Problems usually manifest themselves as a very stretched image on the display, which makes it very uncomfortable to work on the computer. This is due to driver support for both the monitor and the graphics adapter. In order to solve the problem with a stretched image and incorrect resolution, we have prepared examples where we will describe their detailed solution.

We set the monitor resolution using the built-in tools of Windows 10

You can set the correct screen resolution using Windows 10 itself. In this example, to solve our problem, we will take Samsung S19D300N monitor, which has a TN matrix resolution of 1366x768 pixels. Using Windows 10, the problem of a stretched image can be solved in two ways.

For first method we need to go to the new panel "".

This can be done in the menu " Start", by clicking on the item "". In the "" panel that opens, you need to follow the link "". This action will take us to the point we need " Screen" in the window that opens.

Now in this window we need to follow the lowest link “”.

In the window that opens, we are interested in the “” block. In the image you can see that this block has a resolution of 1280x720 pixels, but we need to set it to 1366x768 pixels. To change the resolution to the correct one, we will click on the drop-down list and select the correct item “1366 x 768 (recommended)”. Also in this list you can see how the resolution changes from finer to recommended resolution.

After these actions you need to confirm them. To do this, click the Apply button. At this stage, the setup using the first method ends.

For second method we need to go to the control panel, which is familiar to many users. To quickly navigate to it, Windows 10 provides a special menu that opens with the key combination WIN + X. IN " Control panels"We need to follow these links" Design and personalization» - « Screen" - "". These actions will open the panel window that we need.

" From the image above, you can see that the monitor resolution is 1280x720 pixels, while our Samsung S19D300N supports 1366x768 pixels. To solve our problem, we need to increase the resolution of the Samsung S19D300N monitor to 1366x768 pixels. Therefore, let's click on the drop-down list and set the monitor resolution we need.

Just like in the first method, after the actions taken, confirm them with the Apply button. From the examples you can learn that setting the correct screen resolution is not at all difficult, and any PC user can cope with this task.

Setting the correct resolution using the graphics adapter driver

In this chapter, we will look at ways to change the monitor resolution using video card drivers. Changing monitor settings by driver is especially important when Windows 10 does not see such ultra-high resolution formats as “Full HD (1920x1080) and Ultra HD 4K (3840x2160).” First we will look at the video card driver Radeon from AMD. For all current graphics adapters from AMD, new driver packages called Radeon Software Crimson Edition. To go to the monitor settings, in this package you need to go to the desktop context menu and select the “” item in it.

After this action we will be taken to the main settings panel, in which we are interested in the “ Display».

In advanced settings, go to “ Properties (VGA screen)", which will open such a window.

In this window we are interested in the block “ Monitor properties" In this block we need to uncheck the “Use EDID” box. After this action, we will be able to independently set the size from low to ultra-high screen resolution.

Now let's look at setting up the monitor using the graphics adapter driver NVIDIA. To open the NVIDIA panel, just as in the case of Radeon, let's go to the desktop context menu. In the context menu, select "".

After this, the Nvidia panel will open, where we are interested in the item “ Change resolution».

In the window that opens, the item “ Change Resolution» you can clearly find out what resolution we can set for a given monitor model. If you want to fine-tune your monitor resolution, use the Customize... button.

In this chapter, we looked at the setup for the major video cards currently on the market. From the examples it is clear that adjusting the monitor resolution using drivers is not at all difficult.

Problem solving

Below we have compiled a list of monitor resolution issues that PC users encounter in Windows 10:

  • The first most common problem is old video card drivers. Typically, Windows 10 automatically looks for graphics card updates. But if the computer is not connected to the Internet, video card drivers will not be automatically updated.

    In this case, the driver discs included with the video card package will help you. Pre-downloaded updates in the form of installers from the official websites of video card manufacturers Intel, AMD and Nvidia can also help.

  • Another problem could be incorrectly installed drivers. Typically, this situation occurs when the user downloaded the wrong driver for his video card and installed it on the system.

    In this case, removing this driver and installing a new one, specially created for your video card, will help.

  • Like video cards, some monitors Same require installation of their own drivers in Windows 10. Typically, these drivers are included with the purchased monitor; they can be downloaded from the official website of the monitor.
  • Often users, to save money, use cheap Chinese HDMI adapters and cables. This option of connecting the monitor to the computer often causes problems in which the image is stretched, the picture becomes fuzzy and its quality constantly changes.

    This problem is solved by replacing adapters and cables with better ones.

In this chapter, we have described the most common problems that lead to incorrect monitor resolution and stretched images. If you follow all the recommendations presented in this chapter, then you will certainly solve the problem.


In this material, we answered the question of how to change the screen resolution in Windows 10 in various ways. We have also described a list of problems that affect monitor resolution. We hope that our material will be useful to you, and you will be able to solve the problem with stretched images and incorrect resolution.

Video on the topic

In almost all operating systems, screen resolution changes the same way. Everything related to the screen can be configured from the context menu by right-clicking on a free area of ​​the screen. But if you came to my site with this question, perhaps you are just a new user and your first operating system is Windows 10, or maybe you just forgot :). But in any case, the article below describes step by step how to change the screen resolution in Windows 10. By the way, the screen resolution can be changed not only from the context menu, the same operation can be done using the utility of your video card. After all, by and large, it is the video card that controls the resolution and allows you to display information with the specified parameters. Let's talk about this too.

How to change screen resolution in Windows 10 using OS tools

Step 1: Right-click on a free area of ​​the screen and select “Display Settings” from the context menu.

Screen options context menu

Step 2: In the System Settings window on the left side, select "Display". On the right side of the window, at the bottom, find the “More display options” link.

Go to advanced screen options

Step 3: In the additional parameters, the screen resolution is configured, or rather, it is not configured, but selected. Click on the drop-down list.

Step 4: From the list of available permissions, select the required one and click “Apply”. The apply button will appear only after changing the existing permission to a new one.

If the required resolution is not in the list, and only standard ones are present (640x480, 800x600), then most likely your video card drivers are not installed or installed incorrectly. Download the latest drivers from the manufacturer's website and install.

Select the required resolution

Utilities from video card manufacturers are supplied along with drivers and utilities for configuring various parameters. With their help, you can both find out the screen resolution on Windows 10 and change it (increase or decrease).

Step 1: There are two ways to open the NVIDIA Control Panel. First - in the lower right part of the screen in the notification area, click on the arrow to show hidden icons, click on the NVIDIA icon and in the list run “Open NVIDIA Control Panel”.

Launch the NVIDIA Control Panel Utility

Step 2: The second way is through the screen context menu. When installing drivers and utilities from NVIDIA, the program installs a context link by default. Launch NVIDIA Control Panel. Both of these methods launch the video card management utility.

The second way to launch the utility

Step 3: In the task column, expand the Display list and select Change Resolution. On the right side, in the “Resolution:” area, set the required parameters and confirm by clicking “Apply”. Again, the apply button appears only after changing the set resolution to a new one.

Change your screen resolution

Setting resolution using AMD Catalyst utility

If you have a video card from AMD installed, you, just like in the previous example, can change the screen parameters using the utility from the manufacturer.

Step 1: Right-click on a free area of ​​the screen and find and launch “AMD Catalyst Control Center” in the list.

Step 2: In the menu list on the left, open “Desktop Management” -> “Desktop Properties” (in the Russian version of the drivers this will be Desktop Management -> Desktop Properties). In the properties area, set the required screen resolution and click “Apply” or “Apply”.

Select the required options

How to change screen resolution in Windows 10

After installing or updating to Windows 10, many people have problems with the screen resolution on their computer or laptop.

Sometimes it cannot be changed, for example, from 1920x1080 to 1366x768. This is not tragic - everything can be done.

To change the screen resolution to minimum or maximum you do not need to edit anything in the registry. Everything can be configured “without leaving the cash register.”

It also often happens that the settings do not contain what you need. It was established small and at least killed.

Some people think that to increase it you need a program, this is wrong - you need a driver.

Below you will find a special guide on how to change the wrong screen resolution to the one you need.

How to adjust screen resolution on Windows 10

To adjust the screen resolution on Windows 10 (change it to low or set it to maximum), click LMB on the desktop (empty space) and click on the line “screen settings”

In the open window, you can only change the text, so go ahead and click on additional options.

Now we can find out which one (click determine) and make a change. To install what you need, click on what you see and the required parameters will open to you. Select them and confirm your selection by clicking the Apply option.

ATTENTION: sometimes this option is inactive in Windows 10 - it is not configurable. Then click define - usually after this you can see what permissions are available and set the required ones.

That's all with the settings. If your screen resolution is lost and in your opinion it is incorrect (changed), you can quickly restore it.

If you decide to add a new monitor, then in the same window you will find settings for it.

How to change the screen resolution in Windows 10 if it is not adjustable

If it doesn’t work for you, then you need to install the required video card and monitor driver.

Each computer component needs its own individual driver, which should always be freely available on the manufacturer’s website.

It seems like everything has been sorted out. Let's say goodbye. Of course, some will have problems, but they should be resolved individually. You can do it through comments. Good luck.

Screen resolution changed after installing Windows 10

After completing the Windows 10 installation process, many users who installed the new OS on their computer are faced with problems changing the screen resolution. Today we will look at several methods for solving this issue.

Resolution is the number of pixels displayed on the screen (the minimum particle of the image formed on the display) horizontally and vertically. In most cases, Windows 10 automatically selects the optimal value for this setting based on the size of your monitor. But this function does not work perfectly. And the absence of a video driver in the installation distribution with the OS makes changing the resolution completely impossible.

So, let's look at how to set the required number of pixels that form the image on the display matrix in both planes, assuming that the video adapter drivers are installed.

Through the settings dialog

The most common method for changing the monitor resolution is to use the screen settings interface.

  • To do this, call up the desktop context menu and go to the “Display Settings” item.
  • Then go to the “Advanced Settings” tab, where you will see a drop-down menu with the inscription “Resolution” and the settings options supported by your monitor.
  • If there is more than one monitor, select the monitor whose resolution will be adjusted, otherwise we skip the step.
  • In the drop-down menu, select the required, or better yet, recommended screen resolution and click “Apply”.

After this, the image on the display will change for a few seconds to evaluate the picture and be able to restore the previous resolution settings. If problems occur (screen flickering, black background, artifacts), wait 15 seconds, after which Windows 10 will reset the settings to the previous ones.

Via Control Panel

In a similar way, the display resolution is changed through the Control Panel, and in the old interface, familiar from Windows XP:

  • Call the context menu of the free part of the desktop.
  • Select the “Screen” option from the drop-down list or go to the Control Panel and look for the component of the same name, which is one of the last.
  • After opening the window where you can resize text and interface elements, click on the “Setting screen resolution” link located in the left menu of the dialog.

See also: If after installation Windows 10 does not work

  • We select the required screen resolution and, if you use multiple monitors, indicate the settings of which we intend to change.

After clicking on the “Apply” button, as in the first case, we will have the opportunity to evaluate the selected settings and, if you are dissatisfied with them, cancel the changes. After clicking “OK”, the parameters will take effect instantly when the window is closed.

In addition to the classical methods mentioned above, it is possible to change the screen resolution using specialized software.

Carroll app

Carrol is a tiny utility designed to help you adjust your screen resolution. A simple user interface allows you to change monitor settings in two clicks.

  • Launching the application on Windows
  • Select a computer monitor.
  • Specify a set of parameters (refresh rate, color depth).
  • Click: “Change screen...” to apply the settings without logging out.
  • We agree with the changes.

Drivers from AMD

If you are using a video card manufactured by ATI, then the monitor resolution in Windows 10 changes as follows:

  • In the context menu of the desktop area free of interface elements, select the first item, as in the screenshot.
  • Follow the link: “Desktop Management”.
  • Call “Properties...” by clicking on the corresponding inscription.
  • In the dialog that appears, indicate the value inherent to your display and apply the changes made.

Nvidia driver

  • In the desktop context menu, select “Nvidia Control Panel”.
  • Open the menu item called “Display”.
  • Select the appropriate parameters (here you also set the screen refresh rate in Windows 10 and color depth).
  • Applying the new settings.

Possible problems

Windows 10 is a human creation, which is why it simply cannot be perfect and work flawlessly. This also applies to automatically detecting and setting the display resolution. In the absence of drivers, naturally, this function does not work normally. But it happens that the problem also appears when the latest version of the driver for the video adapter is available. To solve it, use the tips given below.

  • Try restarting Windows 10 or reinstalling the drivers for your video card.
  • Install the monitor driver from the manufacturer's support site.
  • If possible, change the monitor connection interface.
  • If the required computer resolution is not available in the drop-down list of options, call the “Properties” of the graphics processor and click on the button to display the “List of all modes”.

See also: How Windows 10 spies on users

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How to properly change screen resolution in Windows 10

In this article, we will look in detail at the question of how to change the screen resolution in Windows 10, and we will also pay attention to the problems that may arise in connection with this: the value we need is missing, the image looks small, blurry fonts, etc. For clarity, in At the very bottom of the page there is a video that duplicates what was written.

Screen resolution is a combination of two values ​​that identify the horizontal and vertical width of the image in pixels (the points that make up the picture). At higher values, the picture looks small.

For modern monitors based on a liquid crystal matrix, you need to specify a resolution that exactly matches the physical value of the screen. In other words, the number of horizontal and vertical pixels in the image must be equal to the number of matrix points.

How to adjust screen resolution on Windows 10 in system settings

The easiest way is to get into the settings, where you can change the screen resolution by right-clicking on an empty space on the desktop and selecting “Display Settings”.

In the “Screen” tab (the left side of the window that opens) there is a field for setting the resolution. The values ​​that we can use most often depend on whether the monitor supports them. In other words, you can only set the value that the screen matrix supports. The exception is rare cases when the system cannot recognize a non-standard device or the user forces an unsupported mode.

You can find out the maximum resolution that your monitor supports from its operating instructions or on the manufacturer’s website. Select the desired value from the drop-down list, the screen will go dark and light up again. In order to apply the changes, click on the button indicated in the screenshot.

If the selected resolution is not suitable for you, you will see it displayed incorrectly on the monitor and can cancel the changes. If you do not do this, then after a certain time, this will happen automatically.

There is no required screen resolution - what to do?

In Windows 10, non-standard 4K and 8K resolutions are supported by default; the system selects the most suitable value for you automatically. But when connecting a monitor, this algorithm does not always work correctly, and then the user asks - what to do if I don’t have my permission? In this case, people try to configure it manually and, to their surprise, do not see the desired value in the list of available parameters.

In order to correct the situation, we take the following steps:

  1. In the same way as in the method described above, right-click on the desktop, launch Screen Settings and select “Graphics Adapter Properties”.
  1. Next, click on the button that we circled in the screenshot with a red frame.
  1. In the window that opens, try to find the resolution and frequency (you can look in the documents for the device) that your monitor supports, for example, 1366x768 for a laptop or 1920x1080 for a PC.

You should also check whether the latest drivers for the video card are installed on your computer. The fact is that after updating to Windows 10, if any, the old drivers from the “Seven” may no longer be suitable, and then it happens that the resolution is lost or becomes small.

Note: Some monitors may also require a driver. This happens rarely, but it does happen. Play it safe and download the software from the manufacturer's website.

If all else fails, try checking the connection between the monitor and the computer, and specifically the cable, adapter or plug itself. In some cases, the lack of the required resolution was caused by low-quality Chinese HDMI cables.

Another reason for a poor-quality image may be setting the wrong resolution. In such cases, the picture becomes distorted or blurry. Most often, users switch the parameter down in order to increase the content on the screen. So the scale does not change; you need to do it a little differently.

  1. To increase the fonts (decrease their resolution) on the monitor, right-click on an empty space on the desktop and call up screen settings. In the “Display” tab, change the value of the field indicated by the red frame, for example, from 100% to 125% or more.

After this, the fonts will increase in size, and the system will notify us that some programs require a restart to fully apply the changes.

Let's sum it up

In the article, we looked at the question of how to change the screen resolution in Windows 10. If you still have questions on this topic, you can leave them in the comments a little lower, we will help you restore the resolution when it has disappeared.

Video instruction

How to change screen resolution in Windows 10. Problem solution | Serious blog about serious things

Greetings, friends. It turns out I’m not the only one experiencing a problem with screen resolution in Windows 10 immediately after installation or update. If you want to make it 1920 x 1080, but you simply cannot do it, that is, it simply cannot be done in the settings, then the reason, as usual, is trivial and fixing it will not be difficult. It's all about the drivers that need to be installed, and now we'll do that. we will do approximately the same thing when the sound disappeared.

How to change screen resolution in Windows 10

Having gone into the screen parameters, we discovered that the resolution cannot be changed, the required one is not there, and we need to increase it so that all elements are displayed correctly, and not stretched across the entire width because it is too small. So, write Device Manager in the search bar. Let's open it. Right-click on Video adapters and select Update hardware configuration.

Then in the drop-down list, click on the item that will be there and click on the line Update drivers. We need their Automatic Search. The system will search for them on the Internet, so a connection to it must be present on your computer. A reboot may be required. The firewood should work fine and changing the resolution will be available and you can set the one you need. Or rather, even so, everything will correct itself and the incorrect screen resolution in Windows 10, which could not be changed, will no longer bother you.

Personally, this method helped me. My monitor has a resolution of 1360 x 768. It may seem non-standard to some, but it is quite ordinary. True widescreen, called Samsung. Write in the comments if it worked for you. And here we figure out why Skype freezes and then we return the gadgets.

After switching to a better OS, problems with your monitor resolution may appear. The image will appear fuzzy and small. You can adjust the screen resolution of Windows 10 yourself and go back; there is no need to go back to the old Windows.

Monitor screen resolution is the number of pixels in the entire volume on the desktop, in pixels. If the resolution is high, desktop icons and everything else become distant.

Problems with monitor size are extremely rare. You cannot change the screen resolution of Windows 10 at all, but it is possible in several cases. If on the PC, the drivers are not installed or installed incorrectly. You can change the resolution by installing the video card drivers again.

How to change screen resolution in Windows 10?

There are several ways to troubleshoot problems. Before installation, you need to look at the physical resolution. This can be done by looking at the technical specifications.

1.The easiest way is to right-click on the desktop and click on “Display Settings”. Next, the “Advanced screen options” option should appear.
When you select it, a window with the monitor size will appear. There you can select what you need. If you have multiple monitors, it is possible to set any screen resolution on Windows 10 by selecting one of them. Having made your selection, click “Apply”.
The picture on the screen will change. You can save the selection or change it to something else.

2. The second method of change is through “Start”. By clicking on it, select “Options” - “System” - “Screen”.

You can then change the monitor size by scrolling the mouse wheel. Click “Apply” and the screen will change. The recommended resolution should be 100% for apps and other elements to look normal.

3. Another easy way is through the “Control Panel”. You can find it by going to Start. In the control panel there is “Adjust screen resolution”. There you will be able to reduce or increase the size of the Windows screen

4. You can also change the resolution using the graphics adapter driver. This method will help you change the resolution settings if the previous ones did not help. Windows 10 may simply not see tall monitor size formats. Let's look at an example of how to change the screen resolution using the NVIDIA driver. Right-click on the desktop and select “NVIDIA Control Panel”. The panel of this driver will open, where you need to click on “Change Resolution”. There are all kinds of resolutions, also a finer size, you can configure it yourself by selecting “Customize”.

Windows automatically sets the most suitable screen resolution. It does not work for some monitors. It depends on the compatibility of the monitor with Windows. The required permission may not be available.

The resolution for Windows 10 should be the highest. For example, if after changing Windows 7 to 10, the resolution is automatically set to 1280x720 pixels, then you need to change it to 1366x768 pixels. There may be something else, in which case you need to pay attention to the resolution that is recommended. Next to the suggested Windows 10 screen size, there will be a “recommended” next to it.

Changing the screen resolution on Windows 10 is very easy. You can do this yourself, without outside help.

How to change screen resolution on Windows 10: step by step steps

Screen resolution is the number of pixels (dots) that we see on the screen. This indicator is calculated relative to the size of the monitor. By default, the Windows system itself sets the appropriate screen parameters (refresh rate, color depth and resolution). But sometimes you have to select the screen resolution manually, for example, adjusting to a certain game with non-standard graphics or if Windows has selected a less than optimal resolution.

How to change resolution

In the latest operating system from Microsoft, the process of changing the screen resolution is slightly different from the same operation in Windows 8 or 7. To change the resolution in Windows 10, you need to learn a number of sequential steps:

If the permission list is inactive

If you updated your system from previous versions of Windows, you may experience difficulties with your video card drivers. In this case, the list of permissions will be inactive and displayed in gray.

The solution to this problem is to download and install the latest drivers that support Windows 10. Once the drivers are installed, the list will become active and you can easily complete the process.

Other methods

In addition to the method of changing the resolution described above, there is another method - adjusting the screen using proprietary software from video card manufacturers.

Using AMD Drivers

In the case when a video card and drivers for it from AMD are installed on your computer, then setting the screen resolution using them looks like this:

Process with Nvidia video drivers

In the case when a video card and drivers from this manufacturer are installed on the device, the process of changing the resolution occurs in a similar way:

Video instructions will demonstrate how you can change the resolution.


By following these sequences, you can change the number of pixels on the monitor at any time, thereby adjusting the image to suit your needs. You can always look at the recommended resolution values ​​for a monitor in its instructions.

Changing screen resolution in Windows 10

In order to ensure image quality without any defects, you need to set the correct screen resolution that matches the physical one.

Changing screen resolution

There are different methods for changing the display resolution.

Method 1: AMD Catalyst Control Center

If your computer uses drivers from AMD, then the configuration can be done through the AMD Catalyst Control Center.

Method 2: NVIDIA Control Center

Similar to AMD, you can configure your monitor using NVIDIA.

Method 3: Intel HD Graphics Control Panel

Intel also has a display customization feature.

Method 4: Standard system tools

One of the simplest and most accessible ways.

  1. Right-click on any free space on your desktop and find "Display Settings."
  2. Now select "More display options".
  3. Set the value.

Or you can do this:

Solving some problems

  • If the list of resolutions is not available to you or nothing has changed after applying the settings, update your graphics drivers. You can check their relevance and download them using special programs. For example, DriverPack Solution, DriverScanner, Device Doctor, etc.
  • Read more: How to update drivers on your computer using DriverPack Solution The best programs for installing drivers

  • There are some monitors that require their own drivers. You can find them on the manufacturer’s official website or try searching using the above-mentioned programs.
  • The problem may also be caused by the adapter, adapter or cable with which the monitor is connected. If there is another connection option, try it.
  • When you change the value, and the image quality becomes very bad, set the recommended parameters and change the size of the elements in the “Screen” section
  • If the system did not automatically adjust the resolution when connecting an additional monitor, then follow the path “Display settings” - “Graphics adapter properties” - “List of all modes”. Select the desired size from the list and apply.

With these simple manipulations you can adjust the screen and its resolution in Windows 10.

We are glad that we were able to help you solve the problem.

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How to change screen resolution in Windows 10

Hello to all blog readers What?! What?!, today we will explain how to change the screen resolution in Windows 10 to your own, even if it does not change.

Operating systems of the Windows family from early releases allow you to change the screen resolution to any one supported by the technical characteristics of the device. In versions of Windows XP and Windows 7, everything was done simply - you had to right-click on an empty space on the desktop and select “Display Properties”, where you can change the current screen resolution to the desired one.

And on the new tenth version of Windows, the ability to change the screen resolution has been preserved, but it is performed in slightly different ways, different from previous versions. The resolution can also be changed using third-party software. We will look at both methods in this article.

How to change screen resolution in Windows 10 if my permission is not there

You can open the screen settings window in an easier way than described in the first step of these instructions. To do this, right-click on the free space of the desktop and select “Display Settings”, clicking on which will take us directly to the screen settings. Next, follow the instructions described in step 2-3.

Changing resolution on Windows 10 using AMD Catalyst Control Center

Right-click on the desktop, select “AMD Catalyst Control Center” in the context menu. In the program that opens, select “Desktop Control” in the “Desktops and Displays” section, then click on the text “Desktop Properties” in the appropriate section.

Inside the “Settings:” area, select the desired desktop resolution and click on the “Apply(A)” button. Afterwards, a dialog box will appear asking you to save or cancel the previously performed action, click “Save”.

We are often asked: “I can’t change the screen resolution,” I hope we have answered this question completely. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

Required reading:

After completing the Windows 10 installation process, many users who installed the new OS on their computer are faced with problems changing the screen resolution. Today we will look at several methods for solving this issue.

Resolution is the number of pixels displayed on the screen (the minimum particle of the image formed on the display) horizontally and vertically. In most cases, Windows 10 automatically selects the optimal value for this setting based on the size of your monitor. But this function does not work perfectly. And the absence of a video driver in the installation distribution with the OS makes changing the resolution completely impossible.

So, let's look at how to set the required number of pixels that form the image on the display matrix in both planes, assuming that the video adapter drivers are installed.

Through the settings dialog

The most common method for changing the monitor resolution is to use the screen settings interface.

  • To do this, call up the desktop context menu and go to the “Display Settings” item.
  • Then go to the “Advanced Settings” tab, where you will see a drop-down menu with the inscription “Resolution” and the settings options supported by your monitor.
  • If there is more than one monitor, select the monitor whose resolution will be adjusted, otherwise we skip the step.
  • In the drop-down menu, select the required, or better yet, recommended screen resolution and click “Apply”.

After this, the image on the display will change for a few seconds to evaluate the picture and be able to restore the previous resolution settings. If problems occur (screen flickering, black background, artifacts), wait 15 seconds, after which Windows 10 will reset the settings to the previous ones.

Via Control Panel

In a similar way, the display resolution is changed through the Control Panel, and in the old interface, familiar from Windows XP:

  • Call the context menu of the free part of the desktop.
  • Select the “Screen” option from the drop-down list or go to the Control Panel and look for the component of the same name, which is one of the last.
  • After opening the window where you can resize text and interface elements, click on the “Setting screen resolution” link located in the left menu of the dialog.

  • We select the required screen resolution and, if you use multiple monitors, indicate the settings of which we intend to change.

After clicking on the “Apply” button, as in the first case, we will have the opportunity to evaluate the selected settings and, if you are dissatisfied with them, cancel the changes. After clicking “OK”, the parameters will take effect instantly when the window is closed.

In addition to the classical methods mentioned above, it is possible to change the screen resolution using specialized software.

Carroll app

Carrol is a tiny utility designed to help you adjust your screen resolution. A simple user interface allows you to change monitor settings in two clicks.

  • Launching the application on Windows
  • Select a computer monitor.
  • Specify a set of parameters (refresh rate, color depth).

  • Click: “Change screen...” to apply the settings without logging out.

  • We agree with the changes.

Drivers from AMD

If you are using a video card manufactured by ATI, then the monitor resolution in Windows 10 changes as follows:

  • In the context menu of the desktop area free of interface elements, select the first item, as in the screenshot.

  • Follow the link: “Desktop Management”.

  • Call “Properties...” by clicking on the corresponding inscription.

  • In the dialog that appears, indicate the value inherent to your display and apply the changes made.

Nvidia driver

  • In the desktop context menu, select “Nvidia Control Panel”.

  • Open the menu item called “Display”.
  • Select the appropriate parameters (here you also set the screen refresh rate in Windows 10 and color depth).

  • Applying the new settings.

Possible problems

Windows 10 is a human creation, which is why it simply cannot be perfect and work flawlessly. This also applies to automatically detecting and setting the display resolution. In the absence of drivers, naturally, this function does not work normally. But it happens that the problem also appears when the latest version of the driver for the video adapter is available. To solve it, use the tips given below.

  • Try restarting Windows 10 or reinstalling the drivers for your video card.
  • Install the monitor driver from the manufacturer's support site.
  • If possible, change the monitor connection interface.
  • If the required computer resolution is not available in the drop-down list of options, call the “Properties” of the graphics processor and click on the button to display the “List of all modes”.

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In this article we will take a closer look at the question: how to change the screen resolution in Windows 10. We will also pay attention to the problems that may arise in connection with this: the absence of the value we need, the image looks small, blurry fonts, etc. For clarity, in At the very bottom of the page there is a video that duplicates what was written.

Screen resolution is a combination of two values ​​that identify the horizontal and vertical width of the image in pixels (the points that make up the picture). At higher values, the picture looks small.

For modern monitors based on a liquid crystal matrix, you need to specify a resolution that exactly matches the physical value of the screen. In other words, the number of horizontal and vertical pixels in the image must be equal to the number of matrix points.

The easiest way to get to the settings where you can change the screen resolution is by right-clicking on an empty space on the desktop and selecting “Display Settings”.

In the “Screen” tab (the left side of the window that opens) there is a field for setting the resolution. The values ​​we can apply most often depend on whether the monitor supports them. In other words, you can only set the value that the screen matrix supports. The exception is rare cases when the system cannot recognize a non-standard device or the user forces an unsupported mode.

You can find out the maximum resolution that your monitor supports from its operating instructions or on the manufacturer’s website. Select the desired value from the drop-down list, the screen will go dark and light up again. In order to apply the changes, click on the button indicated in the screenshot.

If the selected resolution does not suit you, you will see it displayed incorrectly on the monitor and can cancel the changes. If this is not done, then after a certain time, the system will automatically return to the previous state.

There is no required screen resolution - what to do?

Windows 10 supports non-standard 4K and 8K resolutions by default, and the system automatically selects the most suitable value for you. When connecting a monitor, this algorithm does not always work correctly, and then the user asks: what should I do if I don’t have my permission? In this case, people try to configure it manually and, to their surprise, do not see the desired value in the list of available parameters.

In order to correct the situation, we take the following steps:

  1. In the same way as in the method described above, right-click on the desktop, launch Screen Settings and select “Graphics Adapter Properties”.

  1. Next, click on the button that we circled in the screenshot with a red frame.

  1. In the window that opens, try to find the resolution and frequency (you can look in the documents for the device) that your monitor supports, for example, 1366x768 for a laptop or 1920x1080 for a PC.

Should I also check? whether the latest drivers for the video card are installed on the computer. The fact is that after updating to Windows 10, if any, the old drivers from the “Seven” may no longer be suitable, and then it happens that the resolution is lost or becomes small.

Note: Some monitors may also require a driver. This happens rarely, but it does happen. Play it safe and download the software from the manufacturer's website.

If all else fails, try checking the connection between the monitor and the computer, and specifically the cable itself, adapter or plug. In some cases, the lack of the required resolution was caused by low-quality Chinese HDMI cables.

Another reason for a poor-quality image may be setting the wrong resolution. In such cases, the picture becomes distorted or blurry. Most often, users switch the parameter down in order to increase the content on the screen. So the scale does not change; you need to do it a little differently.

  1. To enlarge fonts (reduce their resolution), on the monitor, click on an empty space on the desktop with the right button of the manipulator and call up screen settings. In the “Display” tab, change the value of the field indicated by the red frame, for example, from 100% to 125% or more.

After this, the fonts will increase in size, and the system will notify us that some programs require a restart to fully apply the changes.

Let's sum it up

In the article, we looked at the question: how to change the screen resolution in Windows 10. If you still have questions on this topic, you can leave them in the comments a little lower - we will help you restore the resolution when it has disappeared.

Video instruction

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