How to delete an application on iPad. Removing applications from iPad Why applications are not deleted on iPad

Apple tablets are famous for their intuitive interface. However, figuring out how to remove an app, music, or photo from your iPad can be difficult. The secret will be revealed in this article.

Removing apps from iPad

Uninstalling a program from your iPad is very easy. Just touch the icon of any application on the home screen and hold it for a while. After a couple of moments, all the icons will begin to sway slightly, and a cross will appear in the upper left corner of each of them. If you click on this cross, the program will be deleted.

If you have many applications installed, in this mode you can freely scroll through the iPad screens and delete programs on any of them. Once you've removed all unnecessary apps, press the round home button below the screen to exit uninstall mode.

This way you can remove any application from your iPad. Only the main programs that are pre-installed on the iPad by default are not removed: App Store, FaceTime, Game Center, iTunes, Photo Booth, “Video”, “Notes”, “Calendar”, “Camera”, “Maps”, “Contacts”, “ Music", "Reminders", "Messages", "Photos" and "Clock". By the way, you can restore any deleted application from the App Store if you need it again.

Removing music from iPad

To delete music from your iPad, launch the Music app and open the Songs section. On the right side of the screen, tap the track you want to delete and swipe left. A Delete button will appear. Click it and the song will be deleted.

Deleting videos from iPad

Videos from iPad are deleted in almost the same way as music, only you need to launch the “Video” application. Touch the unwanted video file on the right side of the screen and slide it to the left to see the Delete button.

Deleting photos from iPad

Deleting photos from iPad is perhaps even easier than deleting music or videos. Launch the Photos app, open the Photos section, and tap the photo you want to delete. It will appear in the center of the screen, and at the bottom right you will see a trash can icon. Touch it and click "Delete Photo".

Removing from iPad via iTunes

There is another way to delete any files from iPad. To do this, install iTunes on your computer and connect your tablet. If this is your first time doing this, iPad will ask you whether to trust this computer. Select the "Trust" option.

Launch iTunes. In the top right corner you will see an "iPad" button. Click on it to go to view the contents of the tablet. Open the On This iPad section. Here you'll see the songs, movies, TV shows, and books stored on your tablet. You can select any file in the list, right-click on it and select “Delete” or simply press a key on the keyboard. Confirm the deletion in the dialog box that appears.

In the "Applications" section, you can see what files are downloaded to the applications installed on the iPad. To do this, select the application at the bottom of the window in the “Programs” list - and you will see the files on the right in the “Documents” list. Select the unnecessary file and press a key on the keyboard, and then confirm the deletion by clicking the “Delete” button in the window that appears.

Uninstall from iPad in Windows Explorer

Finally, another way to delete files from iPad is through Windows Explorer. Open This PC ("My Computer" or just "Computer" in earlier versions of the operating system) and double-click iPad under "Devices and drives." Then double-click on the "Internal Storage" object, and inside - on the "DCIM" folder. In it you will see subfolders in which photos and videos are stored on the tablet. You can open any of these subfolders by double-clicking, view the files and delete unnecessary ones in the usual way - by right-clicking and selecting the “Delete” command, or simply by pressing the key.

From this article you will learn how to remove an application (program) from your iPad tablet, any generation (1,2,3,4, mini, etc.).

Perhaps many of you have only recently become the owners of an iPad and working on it at first is problematic, because it is so different from what we are used to seeing on a computer. The main thing is not to despair, over time you will get used to it and everything will be easier for you.

The main problem of many beginners is that they like to download applications, but do not really like to delete them, so over time your device becomes clogged with unnecessary software, which you definitely need to get rid of.

Why you need to remove apps from iPad:

  1. Free up space - this way we will save it for more necessary software, music or movies;
  2. This will allow the device to work faster;
  3. Keep your iPad desktop neat and clean;
  4. And so on.

And of course you may have your own reasons for this.

Learning to remove an application from iPad

In order to remove a program or game from the iPad, we need to find it on the desktop, then press on it and hold our finger for a few seconds, after which all our icons on the screen will begin to shake and a cross will appear above them, in the upper left corner .

How to delete a program from iPad - selecting the application to delete

How to Delete an App from iPad - Request to Delete

After you have deleted everything that you no longer need, click on the button "Home"(round button on iPad) and that's it.

This concludes our lesson, isn’t it easy?!

Why are apps not removed from iPad?

Sometimes it happens that the above method does not work and the application cannot be deleted, and all because the iPad has a restriction on deleting applications. This restriction could be set by your friend, one of your parents, or perhaps someone you know. To disable this restriction you need to go to “Settings” -> “General” -> “Restrictions” and already here, opposite the point "Deleting Apps" change switch from "Off" (Off)" on "On" (On)".

Now you can remove applications you don't need!

Video - how to remove an application from iPad

As you can see, it turned out to be very simple. If you have questions about this topic, write them in the comments, we will sort it out

Greetings, dear reader.

In today's short post, I will tell you how to remove a program from an iPad tablet. It would seem that it could be easier to remove programs from a tablet, but if you don’t know how, then no matter how simple this action is, it will not be possible to perform it.

Apple promotes a closed file system policy (of course, if you use jailbreak, then this is not a problem for you), so you can delete applications only using the interface of the tablet computer itself, or using a special management program - iTunes.

This article will look at both of these options.

While working on your tablet, many different kinds of applications accumulate. They definitely need to be deleted in a timely manner, otherwise the memory of your tablet computer will be full and you will not be able to install a single program, there will simply be no room for it. Applications can also store files that were created by this application or used by it; when you delete the application, service files will also be deleted, which will free up additional space on your tablet computer.

To avoid such situations, you should know how to properly remove applications. In fact, it’s not at all difficult to do this, if, of course, you know how, about three seconds of your time is enough.

Let's move on to the lesson, this is what you came here for.

Uninstall without iTunes

1. Press your finger on the screen of your tablet and hold until the icons on your desktop begin to vibrate, i.e. sway from side to side. It looks like this:

2. Now, in order to delete a program, click on the cross in the upper left corner of the program that you want to delete.

3. That's it, the program has been deleted. You can praise yourself.

Uninstall using iTunes

1. Connect your tablet computer to your personal computer using USB (included with the gadget).

It is completely logical that in order to control your tablet computer from your regular personal computer, you need to connect it to it.

2. Launch iTunes. This step must be done carefully; if you do not have iTunes installed, then you need to download and install it. The installation process of the program is very simple, you just need to follow the instructions that appear on the screen, it comes down to simply clicking the “Continue” button.

3. In the side menu (if you do not have a side menu, then press the keyboard shortcut - CTRL + S) select your device (just left-click on it). On the work area you will see information about your tablet computer.

4. In the top menu, select “Programs”, after this action you will see a list of all programs installed on your device.

5. Select, on the panel, the program that you want to remove, and click the “delete” button to the right of it. The application you select will be instantly removed. Through iTunes, you can not only remove programs from your device, but also install them on it.

If you actively use your iPad, then it probably has a large number of unnecessary applications and games accumulated on it. Usually this does not create problems, but if you run out of space in the device's memory, you will have to delete old ones to install new applications.

Now we will look at three ways to delete an application on the iPad and thereby free up space in the device’s memory. We will also tell you why applications may not be uninstalled and how to fix it.

The iOS operating system allows you to remove installed applications directly from your desktop. This removal method is the most convenient and fastest, so in most cases it is used.

To remove applications, find its icon on the desktop, click on it and hold your finger on the screen until a button in the form of a cross appears next to the application icons.

After that, click on this cross and confirm deleting the application.

As a result, the application you selected will be removed from the iPad. To remove the crosses next to application icons, simply click on the “Home” button.

It should be noted that in some cases this method of removing applications from an iPad may not work. Sometimes when you click on an application icon, the delete button does not appear. If you encounter such a problem, then try one of the methods described below.

Uninstalling apps using Settings

iOS also provides the ability to delete applications through iPad Settings. To do this, open the Settings app and go to the iPad Storage section.

Note that in some cases this settings section may be called “Storage and iCloud Usage”), and in older versions of iOS (before iOS 9) you need to go to the “Statistics” section.

In the “iPad Storage” section, you need to wait a little while the list of installed applications loads. After the applications have appeared, find the one you want to remove and click on it.

As a result, a window with information about the selected application will open in front of you. This will indicate the size of the application, as well as the volume of documents and data that relates to this application. To remove this application, click on the “Remove program” button.

The “Download program” function will also be available here. In fact, “Download the program” is the same as deleting an application, but preserving the data that relates to this application. Using the "Download program" function, you can reinstall the application without losing user data.

Uninstalling apps via iTunes

As a last resort, applications on iPad can be deleted through iTunes. To do this, you need to connect your iPad to your computer, launch iTunes and click on the device icon, which should appear in the upper left corner of the window.

This will take you to the iPad settings in iTunes. To remove applications here you need to go to the “Programs” section, the link to which is on the left side of the window.

As a result, a window with the desktops of your iPad should appear. Here, using a double click, you need to open one of the desktops.

Then move the cursor over the application and click on the delete button.

After this, the icon of the selected application will disappear from the desktop. Now all that remains is to confirm the action using the “Done” button at the bottom of the iTunes window and the application will be removed from your iPad.

Applications are not uninstalled

If none of the described methods worked, then you may have the restriction on deleting applications enabled. To disable this restriction, open the iPad settings and go to the “General - Restrictions” section.

There will be a large list of different restrictions. Find the program removal restriction and disable it. After this, you can try deleting the application again.

All the icons that you see on the screen of an iPhone or iPad are shortcuts to launch a program. Some of them, such as the Safari browser, are part of the iOS operating system and cannot be removed. The rest you can safely delete, which we will talk about in this article.

Uninstalling a program through the interface of your smartphone

This is the easiest and fastest way to get rid of an unwanted application on your iPhone or iPad. The actions in this case are almost the same as those you perform when rearranging application icons. First, you will need to press the icon of the application you are interested in with your finger and hold until all the icons on the desktop begin to shake. After that, click on the cross in the upper right corner and confirm the deletion by clicking the “Delete” button in the pop-up window that appears. This method applies to any application or game.

Uninstalling a program using the standard Settings application

This opportunity became available to users of Apple products after the release of iOS version 5.0. This method is convenient because you do not need to search for the icon of the application you are interested in across desktops and folders. Instead, you can use a convenient list.

You will need to open the Settings app and go to the General section. Then select the “Statistics” section. Here you should see a list of all your applications and games, as well as how much space in your phone memory they take up. Now all you have to do is find the application you don’t need in the list, click on it and select “Delete”.

Uninstalling applications using a PC and iTunes

In order to use this method, you will need to install iTunes on your computer and connect your phone to it using a USB cable. Select it when it appears in the list of devices and go to the Applications submenu. Here, flipping through the screens, we find an unnecessary application and proceed similarly to the first method, that is, click on the cross. In case of an error, everything can be returned back using the “Return” button. Otherwise, complete the removal with the “Apply” button.

What to do if applications are not completely deleted on iPhone

If the methods described above do not work, then most likely this is due to the fact that the restriction on deleting applications is enabled on the phone. To remove it, you need to open the “Settings” application, go to the “General” menu and open the “Restrictions” section there. The phone will require you to enter your password, after which all you have to do is toggle the “Limit software removal” toggle switch and continue removing programs you don’t need.

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