How to work with Minergate for profit. Minergate service - always mine and everyone in Minergate can’t log into the program

An increasing number of users are making money online: some are engaged in collecting digital coins on faucets or surfing the Internet, others take the matter more seriously and prefer to mine cryptocurrency. Most often, mining is carried out as part of pools. In this article we will focus on the question from users of the Minergate community about how to withdraw money from the service.

Briefly about the Minergate project

Among the large number of digital currency mining communities, the Minergate project stands out for the better, which has a number of features. The main ones include the following:

  • The pool produces coins based on the CryptoNight algorithm, which is based on the CryptoNote protocol. The most famous cryptocurrencies developed using this algorithm are Bytecoin, Monero, AEON, DigitalNote.
  • The ability to simultaneously calculate blocks of several digital coins. Today, users are offered to mine 13 cryptocurrencies, 8 of them using the CryptoNight algorithm.
  • Considering that little time passes between blocks in this algorithm, not only video cards, but also personal computer processors are suitable for calculations.
  • The level of security and anonymity in this pool is higher than in the Bitcoin blockchain.

The graphical interface of the service is well thought out and easy to use. You can work on the pool using all major operating systems (MacOS, Linux, Windows from version 7 and higher). It is important for Russians that there is a Russian-language version of the site.

Considering that the pool can produce a whole range of far from the most common coins, most participants have a reasonable question about how to withdraw money from Minergate to a wallet. The developers of the resource recommend that clients use the services of the Changelly exchange office to withdraw money from the platform.

To use this service, you need to go through a basic registration by entering your email address, checking the box to confirm that you are not a bot and clicking the “Continue Signing Up” button. Immediately after this, a letter containing your username and password will be sent to the specified email address. Users are also given the opportunity to register using their Twitter, Google+ or Facebook accounts.

After entering the received data, the client can enter the "History" tab, which shows the history of all previously carried out exchanges. Here you can immediately exchange currency. To do this, you need to enter the coin being exchanged and the direction of exchange in the fields located at the top and click on “Exchange”.

However, before you withdraw money from Minergate to your wallet or card, you need to make sure that the rate offered by the service is profitable. To do this, you need to go to the “Change Rates” tab and insert the required indicators into the boxes, in our example this is the XMR/BTC pair.

We see that my Monero will give 0.02518792 Bitcoin, this is an indicator with the commission already deducted. Changelly charges 0.5% commission on the amount of funds withdrawn. If there are no much more favorable conditions on other crypto exchanges, then click “Next”.

Here we are asked to enter the Bitcoin address where we need to withdraw the money we earned from Minergate. Since I really don’t output anything, further screenshots will be based on the example of AEON transfer, which is no longer supported in this exchanger. However, as far as the procedure is concerned, nothing has changed; you just need to insert the desired coin. So, we have AEON, click “Next” and see the transfer details.

It is indicated what is given, what is received, the wallet address, the amount of service commissions and the Bitcoin blockchain. If everything is satisfactory, then click “Confirm & Make Payment”, after which we copy the system-generated address for sending crypto and go to the Minergate website to the page of the desired currency and click “Windraw”.

In the form that opens, you need to enter the exchange amount, the network commission and the address that was provided by the Changelly exchanger.

Then click on “Windraw” and wait for the transfer, the duration of which depends on the network load, but the developers assure that this will happen within half an hour. You can track the payment status in the "History" section.

It is worth recalling that the program sets a minimum withdrawal amount for each currency, for example:

  • Bytecoin - 100;
  • Monero - 0.1;
  • DigitalNote - 1;
  • AEON - 0.01;
  • Ethereum - 0.001;
  • Zcash - 0.0001, etc.

If the amount of accumulated earnings is less than the minimum wage (don’t forget about the commission), then the transaction will not be possible. The minimum threshold may change, so you should look at the most current data before making a withdrawal.

Using a cryptocurrency exchange for withdrawal

Withdrawing money from Minergate is possible through many cryptocurrency exchanges (Yobit, EXMO, Bittrex). We will show how to do this using the Poloniex trading platform as an example. The preliminary algorithm is:

  • You need to go to the official website of the exchange and register. In this case, the following data is indicated: first name, last name, country of residence, telephone number in international format, mailbox address and password.
  • To confirm your email and access your account, you need to follow the link sent in the email.
  • By carefully studying the information presented on the site, you can see in the “Markets” section the price of the cryptocurrency relative to the main currencies (BTC, ETH, XMR, USDT). Bitcoin provides the largest number of exchange options; not all forks exchange for the rest.

Take, for example, the Bytecoin/Bitcoin (BCN/BTC) exchange option:

Once the coins are in the account, the user can exchange them for any suitable currency. To do this, go to the “Exchange” section, select BCN in “Markets” and click on it. Through the “Sell” window, the exchange operation will be carried out instantly. Next, the whole question is how to withdraw Bitcoins from the exchange in the form desired by the client (cryptocurrency or fiat). There are many options, and it is not without reason that it is the most popular cryptocurrency.

The easiest way is not to exchange the crypt, but to withdraw it to your own Bitcoin wallet. To do this, go to the “Balances” section, select BTC and click on “Windraw”.

We indicate the wallet address and the transfer amount, click “Withdraw” and within approximately 24 hours the coins will be credited to the wallet balance. For the first time, the process of withdrawing money will be somewhat stressful, but over time, all actions will be carried out quickly and calmly.

Options with payment systems

It is possible to transfer money from Minergate to popular payment systems such as Qiwi and WebMoney.

QIWI wallet does not work directly with cryptocurrencies, but you can bypass this limitation using an exchanger. The diagram looks like this:

The option using the WebMoney payment system is best suited for withdrawing Bitcoins earned through cloud mining directly from Minergate. A special WMX title sign has been introduced for cue ball in WebMoney, and all other cryptocurrencies will have to be transferred through exchange offices. After crediting, WMX can be exchanged within the system for dollars or rubles, and then withdrawn to the card.

The option with WebMoney is not suitable for those users who wish to maintain anonymity, since to work in the system you need to have a formal certificate, and for this you will need to indicate your passport data.

One of the most popular ways to withdraw money from MinerGate in Russia and the CIS countries is the use of the Cryptonator cryptocurrency wallet.

It features a clear design, ease of use, and support for the Russian language.

In addition, it can store fiat currencies such as the US dollar, euro, ruble and hryvnia, as well as 19 digital coins. In particular, there is support for cryptocurrencies based on the CryptoNight algorithm (Bytecoin, Monero), so they do not need to be converted to Bitcoin first.

The advantage of the Cryptonator wallet is that clients can exchange one digital coin for another or for traditional currency within the system. You can withdraw money to bank cards through any payment system. For rubles, Yandex.Money or QIWI are best; for dollars, it is recommended to use Payeer.

As you can see, there are not so few ways to withdraw cryptocurrency from the MinerGate platform. The main thing for any miner, and especially a beginner, is to use only proven services so as not to become a victim of scammers. In addition, when choosing exchange routes, you must first carefully calculate the associated costs so as not to lose a significant part of your earnings to pay commissions. From the author:

many pools have created internal wallets into which they credit users’ mining rewards. But in some services you can often see a blocked balance. Beginners do not understand why funds cannot be withdrawn, but moreover, they cannot find the answer to this in the service’s help. Today we will talk about why MinerGate Monero is not confirmed, although there is already some amount in the account.

Transaction confirmation

As you understand, an unconfirmed transaction is one that was not included in the block, but exists on the network, in the so-called mempool. They get here instantly after sending a message that someone is going to send funds.

In addition, those transfers that come from the cryptocurrency storage as a reward for mining are unconfirmed. Also, this category includes funds that hang on the account in the pool. To be precise, these are funds that are not enough for the pool to send a message to the network.

Types of pool accounts

Most pools have two balances: active and blocked. The second stores funds that have not yet been verified by the network. In some cases, this is because the developers have set the number of confirmations for the coins that are the reward for mining. So, for example, to get the opportunity, you need to wait for 100 inclusions in the block.

Another option is that the pool simply requires the accumulation of a certain amount in the account so that these funds can be sent to the network and transferred to the main account. This was done for the reasons that almost any service sets the minimum possible amount for withdrawal. A commission is added to this. Thus, there is no point in immediately crediting funds directly to the main account, because they cannot be withdrawn.

Why can’t it be credited directly to the main account?

You ask, how does this make no sense? The fact is that Monero mining is very popular. When mining cryptocurrency through a pool, the reward is distributed among several users. Since there are many of them, most end up with very small particles. If they are immediately credited to an active account, all these transactions will need to be sent to the network, which will load it.

To prevent delays and reduce the speed of payment processing, the pool keeps the entire reward in its wallet. But when a miner collects enough coins to send a transaction to the network, the pool transfers funds from its address to the user's. Thanks to this, the Monero blockchain is not overloaded with microtransfers, which allows you to quickly include other payments in blocks.

Minergate Terms

If you're mining Monero on Minergate, you've probably already encountered a similar problem. Especially if you do not use your equipment to its fullest, or there is basically not much of it, which affects the profitability of mining.

This pool has set a threshold of 0.005 XMR for the ability to transfer funds to the main account. In fact, the amount is small. If you increase the load a little, you can accumulate them quite quickly.

Until you have that amount of Monero in your account, the transfer will not be included in the block. This is the only reason why Monero is not confirmed in Minergate. Do not accept all other arguments and advice on forums. Most likely, these are just tricks of scammers to somehow gain access to your data.

An exception is double spending on the part of the sender. Thus, the transaction has already been sent to the network, but due to the actions of the attacker it is returned back. However, this was not observed for Minergate.

There is an amount, but no confirmation

As already mentioned, transactions are included in blocks to protect them and allow for further verification of transfers. The developers of any cryptocurrency want to prevent repeated spending of funds, therefore they set a limit on the minimum number of confirmations to unlock money on the balance and the ability to use it.

This is due to the fact that many miners manage to open several blocks in a row. Accordingly, Brute Force attack has a chance of success. Even the most complex Bitcoin network succumbed to one computer 6 times in a row.

BruteForce- an attack based on the fact that the sender manages to solve more blocks than the store indicated before they accept the payment. Luck depends on the power of the equipment.

In XMR you need to wait for at least 10 confirmations. This will take approximately 26 minutes. Each block takes 2 minutes to open, however, it takes about 4 minutes to be included in the first one, since the transaction first waits for the block, and then it takes another 2 minutes to write it.

Monero transaction problems

The main disadvantage of Blockchain is that blocks are limited in size. Due to this, delays sometimes occur. Thus, the translation takes more than half an hour. Today it has decreased slightly, because XMR does not have such problems. Its network is almost completely unloaded, and miners can easily cope with their work.

But if digital money returns to its former popularity, there will be much more transfers. At the same time, the number of miners will not increase. Moreover, the block time will still be 2 minutes. Therefore, when the block is full, the remaining transactions will be postponed until the next one. In addition, they are included in order of priority, which depends on the commission that the sender pays.

If we talk about problems that relate specifically to Monero, we must not forget about anonymity. This cryptocurrency is considered the most confidential, because there is always a special interest in it from hackers, as well as law enforcement agencies.

In 2016, top US universities conducted research and showed that they could trace up to 90% of real coins. After this, an update was released that reduced this figure by half. Now this is much more difficult to do, but with the proper desire and opportunity there is a good chance of success.

Thus, the confirmation delay may be caused precisely by an attack by attackers on the network. Because of this, the transaction may be delayed or simply rolled back without the pool's knowledge. In the worst case, the coins will end up in the hacker’s account, although no one was able to redirect them.

However, if you notice that there are enough funds on your balance to confirm, but you are unable to transfer them to your main account, then you should contact the pool’s technical support. After explaining the problem, they will talk about the reasons and fix it.


Confirming Monero transactions is not the longest process, but it still requires you to wait at least 25 minutes. Don’t be afraid if the funds have already gone online, but do not reach your balance for a long time. This may be due to complexity or delays. Even attacks will not cause you to lose your money. You just need to contact support to resend it.

The main thing is to make sure that there are enough coins in your account for confirmation. After all, as was said, each pool sets restrictions for the minimum transfer amount to the main account, as well as for withdrawal to another wallet. If you have too little money, then continue mining in order to be able to transfer funds.

The Internet is rapidly developing and transforming from an entertainment and information platform into a commercial one. Of course, most users spend time on entertainment and social networks, but every year there are more people who are interested in making a profit from the network.

After digital currency appeared, many users began to actively look for simple ways to obtain it. Some settled on the Bitcoin system. Most users follow a proven path - they start with cryptocurrency faucets, which are free, but not everything is so simple.

Output problems

Users who have not initially thought about how to withdraw money to Minergate or other cryptocurrency mining systems may encounter difficulties. Imagine, everything is going well, digital money is accumulating and accumulating. But the day comes when you are going to take them out, but nothing happens.

Most miners on Bitcoin faucets earn little money, only a few manage to make a really big profit. We won’t talk about ways to increase earnings. In this article we discuss more important issues, for example, how to withdraw money to a wallet in Minergate or in another system.

About withdrawal restrictions

It is quite natural that banks do not support (and do not intend to) the function of converting bitcoins and do not give users the opportunity to withdraw them. Government structures completely ignore citizens' interest in this currency. Of course, many banks are trying to “modernize” and introduce services such as Internet banking, but few people are interested in this anymore. It would be nice if banks allowed Bitcoins to be withdrawn to a debit card. Unfortunately, there are no such opportunities yet (and they are unlikely to exist), so users are forced to use conversion services.

Using services such as Minergate will allow you to withdraw money, but in any case you will lose part of the withdrawn amount due to further conversion.

What is Minerrate?

Minergate is a cryptocurrency project and a platform for mining various currencies. The main feature of the system is the possibility of simultaneous rather than parallel mining of different coins. You just need to rent cryptocurrency mining capacity, set up a pool and start earning money in the form of crypto coins.

Minergate Features

This system is focused on different countries, supports a multilingual interface and provides the possibility of cloud mining. Here you can mine all types of cryptocurrencies known today using special and effective software. There are many cases where they tell you how to work with Minergate for profit - and this system has proven itself to be excellent. Also, users do not experience difficulties with withdrawing earned bitcoins.

Note that you need to choose a cloud mining system based primarily on reviews. Minergate wins in this regard, take note!

Instructions for withdrawing money from Minergate

First of all, create a request, indicate the exact amount to withdraw money. However, if this is not done, the system will withdraw all money available in the account. This is fraught with loss of money due to commissions on transactions, so be sure to indicate the amount you want to withdraw from the system.

The withdrawal process does not cause problems for users, but they may still occur. Below is a detailed description of how to withdraw money from Minergate:

  1. Go to the Withdraw tab.
  2. Enter your Bitcoin wallet address.
  3. Enter your ID. Most users get stuck here because... they don’t know what it is and where to get this ID. Admittedly, this is really a bit confusing. The fact is that Minergate works together with various exchanges to exchange digital currency for real money. Most often, users use the Poloniex exchange - be sure to register here. On this exchange, in the “Deposits and Withdrawal” section, you must indicate which cryptocurrency you are going to exchange and enter the platform from which it will be received. If you do all this and confirm, the system will automatically generate an ID, which will need to be entered on the Minergate platform when withdrawal of money.
  4. After entering all the data, all that remains is to confirm the request for withdrawal of money.

That's all. Now we just have to wait a little. By the way, many users are interested in whether it is possible to withdraw an unconfirmed balance to Minergate. In fact, it cannot be taken out, and there is no need to. You just need to wait until the unconfirmed balance becomes confirmed.

How to withdraw money from Minergate to Qiwi

One of the most popular methods of cashing out is withdrawing bitcoins to an electronic wallet in the Qiwi system. The usual functionality of using this wallet to cash out cryptocurrency is not yet supported, but management says that it is already working on this. Therefore, today you need to use currency conversion. This service is offered by exchange offices, however, they charge a commission for this.


  1. We go to the website of the exchange office (for example, Bankcomat).
  2. Select the direction of exchange.
  3. Specify your email address.
  4. Enter the details of your Qiwi wallet and Bitcoin wallet.
  5. We indicate the transfer amount.
  6. We confirm the application.

Also, using such services, you can withdraw money to a regular plastic card. Only in this case you will have to indicate the details of the card number, not the Qiwi wallet.

And one more thing: if you want to make an anonymous transfer, the withdrawal amount cannot exceed 15,000 rubles. However, this is the only limitation. Perhaps an exchange point is the only possible way to exchange and withdraw cryptocurrency to your wallet. We can also advise you to choose reliable exchangers with good support and reviews. Do not use unfamiliar exchangers - there are many scammers on the Internet.

Withdrawal to Webmoney

Another popular electronic wallet system is Webmoney - an extremely reliable and popular partner of many freelancers. Back in 2013, WebMoney introduced the WMX wallet, which is designed for withdrawing cryptocurrencies. By doing this, the company demonstrated its willingness to experiment. So at the moment Webmoney is the only Russian system that works with digital currency.

Withdrawals from cloud miners or faucets are carried out directly to the WebMoney WMX wallet. Then the cryptocurrency can be exchanged for rubles in the WebMoney system itself, and rubles can be easily withdrawn to a bank card.

The method is relevant for many countries, not only for Russia. For example, in the WebMoney system, Bitcoins can be exchanged for hryvnias and withdrawn to a bank card. Cryptocurrency is also exchanged for dollars, etc.

It is worth noting that to work with WebMoney, you must first register and receive a formal certificate. To do this, present to the administration documents that confirm your identity. After receiving the certificate, you can open any wallets, including the WMX wallet.

Now you know how to withdraw money to Minergate and more. Of course, there are other methods (there are a lot of them), but we have named the most popular and accessible for Russia.


There is nothing complicated with withdrawing cryptocurrency. However, it is important to note that you need to cooperate only with proven systems. And this applies not only to exchangers, but also to cloud mining systems such as Minergate. Reviews about this system are mostly positive, but there are plenty of other little-known systems.

Alexander Markov

MinerGate – two services in one. If you have the equipment, you can connect to the MinerGate pool and earn a little more than in other pools. If you don’t have equipment, buy power and mine in the cloud. The main functionality is similar to other cloud mining. We replenish the wallet, buy power, and watch how the selected coins are mined. Or download the program and run it.

Features of the service

Every cryptocurrency project must stand out in some way, otherwise it will not have users and money to live on. Cloud mining giants are increasing the capacity of data centers and dumping prices, not caring about usability. At the same time, MinerGate decided to make the mining process more understandable for mere mortals and launched three interesting things:

  1. Own pool.
  2. Mining program.
  3. Calculator.

Own pool

To get a stable profit even with a huge hashrate, you need to team up with other miners in . The pool is responsible for distributing tasks during mining and increasing the chance of a pool member finding a block. The block reward is divided among participants according to the rules of the pool: by percentage of power, by power expended, by the number of calculations performed.

MinerGate uses its own pool to mine all available cryptocurrencies. This is the main reason why cloud mining on MinerGate is unprofitable. By the standards of the complexity of the BTC or XMR network, a small pool will not provide stable and profitable coin mining. But mining other cryptocurrencies, if you use the MinerGate program, will bring noticeable profits.

MinerGate program

The program was written for owners of gaming PCs and serious workstations. The program is suitable for people who have only recently learned about mining and have not yet understood dozens of cryptocurrencies, who do not want to calculate the profitability of algorithms on their hardware, or who do not want to build a noisy farm at home.

Such miners only need to install the program and then run the benchmark. The computer will pass the tests and start mining with the greatest benefit, based on the PC configuration, cryptocurrency exchange rate, network complexity and several small factors.


The site has a calculator that calculates the profitability of mining Ether, Litecoin on Scrypt, and Bitcoin Gold on Equihash and other altcoins. You can also make calculations for cloud mining of the original Bitcoin.

The calculator has a single column “Power”, in which you need to indicate the power of your or rented system in order to get an approximate profit per day, week or month. There is a note about the calculator - all prices are indicated in BTC, which can confuse beginners who are accustomed to thinking in fiat money such as the dollar.

Registration on MinerGate

To register, go to the official website The site reads the location and will immediately turn on the Russian version. If this does not happen, the language selection is located in the site header on the left. The “register” button is in the header on the right.

To register, you need to enter your email, come up with a good password, and pass the captcha. As standard, you will receive an email to confirm your address - read it and click on the link below. Now you can log into the site using your login to start mining.

The registered mail is used as the miner ID. When you download the program, it will not require you to enter logins/passwords - only the email to which the account is registered. All mined coins will fall on him.

Authorization and downloading of the program

After logging into the site, look for the “Downloads” button in the header. A page will open where you can download the MinerGate client for mining. The site will automatically offer to download the required version of the program (depending on the platform and age of the PC itself). There are clients for Windows, UNIX (Ubuntu and Fedora), MacOS. If you want to download the old client, scroll down the page.

We install the miner; it does not contain additional toolbars or other malware. The characteristics of the program require only a video card and processor. If the miner does not see the video card, reinstall or update the drivers, or, as a last resort, download an older version of MinerGate.

Launch the miner and log in using one of the following methods:

  • Mail;
  • Mail + password.

If you enter only your email, the program will only be able to mine coins and transfer them to your account. You can manage coins only from your personal account on the MinerGate website. If you enter your email and password, an additional Wallet tab will appear in the program.

Through the wallet you can view the volume of mined cryptocurrency, transfer or accept a transaction. To change the mode, you need to re-enter the program using the Menu – Logout button. MinerGate has not yet localized in Russian, but the program can be easily used without it - the interface is simple, without unnecessary settings and checkboxes.

List of supported cryptocurrencies

After the first launch, the program automatically starts mining. Zeal is commendable, but first you should understand the cryptocurrencies that are mined in the program. You can view the list by clicking on the Logs button on the top panel. Alternatively, on the website you can click “Pool Statistics” in the header and see the list of mined coins.

Through MinerGate you can mine popular ETH and ETC, XMR, ZEC and . There are not the most famous AEON and QCN. You can also mine forks like BTG, BCN, FCN and XDN. We advise you to familiarize yourself with these cryptocurrencies, and if you decide to discard the MinerGate benchmark and mine something of your own.

Fees charged

The commission system is built cunningly. Cryptocurrencies are mined in MinerGate’s own pool, so the reward for mining blocks is distributed according to the company’s rules. Unlike other similar services, the user can choose one of the commission and reward calculation options. Please note: in this service hashes are called “shares”, so you should not be surprised by the line “Good shares” in the statistics.

  • PPLNS, 1% commission – payment for the last N shares. That is, the system calculates the average number of hashes and rewards the miner accordingly. It sounds logical, but MinerGate mixed the Luck parameter into the calculation formula and does not acknowledge where exactly this parameter comes from. The FAQ says that Luck can either increase profits by up to 30% or reduce them by 30%. “On average, profits from PPLNS are 5% higher” - but the results of the experiment are different.
  • PPS, 1.5% commission – payment for each completed share. Accurate and fair payment method.

For the experiment, we mined Monero on a GTX 1050ti for 4 hours at intensity 3. The computer was slightly loaded and did not slow down in simple tasks (FullHD video, Photoshop, text editor). Believing in the words about increasing profits on PPLNS, we mined for 2 hours using this reward system. The remaining two hours are on PPS with a commission of 1.5%.

Result: in PPLNS mode, 0.000091 XMR was earned, in PPS mode – 0.000105 XMR. Conclusion - check your Luck parameter first before feasting on a lower commission. Is it possible to make any significant money on an average gaming PC? Let's do the math.

How much can you earn on MinerGate?

The calculator is activated by clicking the “Calculator” button in the site header. Tabs:

  • Ethereum – profitability of Ethereum when mined through the MinerGate pool.
  • Cryptocurrency - coins that can be mined in the program.
  • Scrypt – profitability of LTC mining through the MinerGate pool.
  • Equihash – ZEC and Bitcoin Gold in the pool (power measured in Sol/s).
  • Cloud Mining – cloud mining of BTC.

It may be confusing at first that returns must be calculated in BTC. To change display units, simply click on the BTC button and select the desired currency.

Setting up mining in MinerGate and how to use the program

Go to the program and enter your email. We look for the Benchmark icon in the top panel and click on it, click the big Start Benchmark button. The computer will pass the tests, and you can look at the hashrate of each cryptocurrency on a live chart. 90% of users will recommend mining XMR - the most favorable difficulty/rate ratio with a normal hashrate for modern video cards.

Perhaps, in order to squeeze out the maximum profit, you will be advised to mine another simple altcoin, which will give, at best, 5–10 dollars per month.

After the benchmark, click “Start smart mining” and get into the miner interface. Here you can see the main and “additional” cryptocurrency (the main one is in the row on the left, the additional one is in the Merged column), their hashrates and mining intensity. The intensity can be changed by clicking on the corresponding button and selecting a new value from the list.

Don't like automatic program selection? Go to the mining tab and mine the selected cryptocurrency yourself. To do this, you need to stop the current mining (pause icon) and start a new one (gray triangle).

Some cryptocurrencies are only mined on the GPU or CPU, so you can cheat and run AEON on the processor and ZCASH on the video card at the same time. Study your PC and mine only the most profitable coins.

MinerGate doesn't mine? Check whether you entered your email correctly in the program or contact technical support.

Do you want to mine cryptocurrency in a console miner through the MinerGate pool? To do this, go to the FAQ (link at the bottom of every MinerGate page). There, click Mining and select the desired cryptocurrency from the list. A huge plus of the service is that the FAQ automatically generates console commands to connect your account. To mine through Claymore or NiceHash, you do not have to create a separate wallet, since all coins will fall into your MinerGate account.

Cloud mining on MinerGate

MinerGate was originally created as, but has already lost its functionality. Currently (02/02/2018) only BTC and XMR powers are available for purchase. First, click on “Cloud Mining”, then select the desired cryptocurrency and click BUY. Specify the required power using the slider, enter the power or the amount you are willing to invest. The service will withdraw the required amount from your balance, so you need to top it up before purchasing.

You can also mine the required number of coins on your PC in order to pay for the purchase of power. The contract period is 1 year; during the contract period, a small commission for servicing the facilities is charged.

What is the payback of cloud mining on MinerGate? 20 TH/s will cost 0.288 BTC or $2900 at the current rate. On HashFlare 20 TH/s will cost $4400. MinerGate offers 1PH/s for purchase for 14.4 bitcoins.

We calculate the profitability of 20 TH/s on the calculator - it turns out to be about 0.027 BTC per month. Over the course of a year, we will earn 0.324 BTC minus the service fee and pool commission. They paid 0.288 BTC for the purchase of power, the net profit was 0.036 BTC, which is a third more than the average monthly profit.

MinerGate is a professional, effective pool for earning cryptocurrencies. Many users are wondering how to work in MinerGate. It is not difficult to understand this, despite the fact that the resource site has its own characteristics and a number of technical nuances.

The main differences of the resource include the following positions:

  • The work uses the CryptoNight algorithm, which is based on innovative Note technology. This development is considered the best effective mining tool at the moment.
  • A unique currency, Bytecoin, has been created and is being used. There are also cryptocurrencies: Monero, Aeon, MonetaVerde, which are freely mined on
  • To mine cryptocurrency, the user’s personal computer and the resources of his video card and processor are used.
  • Anonymity in the algorithm of use is very high and surpasses the Bitcoin network.
  • Exclusive graphical interface of the site.

Activation of MinerGate

How to work in MinerGate? You can easily find out about this immediately after registration. After it is completed and authorized by clicking the Sign up button, users are transferred to the gaming site. Next, MinerGate is configured by activating your account and following the link.


The gaming pool operates according to a transparent algorithm - this type of income is considered quite profitable. The system offers several opportunities for quick and decent earnings:

  • Mining on the service (without downloading software and exploiting the resources of the user’s personal computer).
  • Cryptocurrency mining using a special program (miner) using a PC processor.
  • Mining using a video card.

The most popular for most users is mining with a video card. You can activate the GPU button only if the computer has more than 2 GB of RAM. Otherwise, you will see the Not available message on the website. This type of error indicates that the technical characteristics of your device are not suitable for mining. You won't be able to mine cryptocurrency on a laptop either.

The basis of the entire process of making money on the site is mining using a CPU processor. To do this, go to the special Downloads section and download the software. The general pool interface is full of convenient graphical controls and a friendly user interface.

MinerGate program management skills

How to work in MinerGate using the program? Many users ask this question after installing the software. Some technical preparation is required here. The order is as follows:

  • After launching the application, you must enter your registration data - after entering the ID, the control panel will open.
  • Next, the user is redirected to the SMART MINER section.
  • Here, when you press the green key, the search and mining of the most profitable cryptocurrency is automatically performed. If the user requires a specific type of currency, he is redirected to the MINER section to select from a proposed list of cryptocurrencies. Mining is performed after pressing the Start mining key.
  • The resource provides a numerical menu where you can find out how to increase the speed of MinerGate when mining. These numbers determine the number of free and available cores on the user's computer. With a good number of cores, you can mine more than three currencies at once. Cryptocurrency that has already been mined is automatically reflected on the pool website.

Cryptocurrency mining on the site

How to operate MinerGate and make money on the site, and not just using your personal PC? The Web Mining section is provided for this. After selecting the currency, click Start. In this category, the power of the computer is not important, and there is no problem here in how to increase the speed of MinerGate, but the income will be less.

MinerGate currency withdrawal

To withdraw any cryptocurrency from the pool, a special exchanger, Changelly, is used. To find it, press the Withdraw key. The required link will appear in the window that opens. After clicking on it, you should register and decide on the direction of the exchange. After specifying the withdrawal amount, press the Exchange key. At the next stage, click on the Next button, indicate the wallet number for withdrawing the earned currency, and confirm the payment. The address generated by the exchanger is copied and returned to the site. Here we press the Withdraw key again, paste the copied address and activate the blue key at the bottom.

Feedback from MinerGate users

MinerGate, a service for mining a variety of currencies, has only positive reviews from more than one million users. They talk about the main issues: stability and speed, the reality of withdrawal, profit, profitability.

The system lives up to all its stated characteristics:

  • Profitability and relevance of the site.
  • Intuitive interface.
  • We can quickly resolve the issue of how to withdraw money from MinerGate.
  • Payments every day.
  • The minimum amount is 0.01 coins.
  • Simplicity and convenience of mining programs.
  • Supports a wide variety of currencies.
  • Mining on multiple devices (personal computer, tablet).
  • The entire process of earning cryptocurrencies is carried out automatically, without any effort or participation of the PC user.
  • There is the most profitable affiliate program.
  • There is access to cloud mining.
  • The mining program can be easily installed even on a mobile device.

The user is completely freed from the technical work and details of the distribution of coin generation blocks. Without any deposits, anyone can quickly start mining efficiently. The pool cryptocurrency is in the long term stage and is very profitable at the moment.

Console miner for MinerGate

There is a console miner MinerGate, which has a convenient graphical interface and a detailed description of the flags. To go to the client, use the activation link. Next, the program is unpacked as usual. Then you need to log in to your profile and start earning currency.

The work is carried out in stages:

  • First, the console miner is installed with authorization at the first launch.
  • Then the setup is carried out. Initially, the type of currency earned is determined. You should choose the coins that are most frequently and quickly exchanged.

The main mining is carried out through the processor and video card. The program displays two columns: CPU, GPU. You can easily choose the number of cores for productive earnings.

Professional miners strive to create mining farms by assembling various devices into a single whole. This way they ensure maximum profit for their earnings.

Before you start working on a gaming pool, you should immediately calculate the power of your equipment. There is a mining profitability calculator for this. Mining of useful cryptocurrency coins is carried out based on theoretical benefits and profitability. The calculator is very easy to use. To do this, you should select the currency of earnings, enter its name in a certain field, and indicate the hashrate data here. The result obtained will indicate the future efficiency of earnings with such a resource.

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