Natasha Koroleva Instagram: the peaceful singer enjoys rare moments of rest. Natasha Queen's husband flashed his buttocks Natasha Queen Instagram

Social networks give every girl the opportunity to become a star, model or socialite. What attracts thousands of subscribers to ordinary girls - not singers, not actresses or social activists? Who are these Russian Instagram queens? How do they start their day? And how does the night end?

the site has decided to collect for you the most gorgeous Russian girls who are not at all shy about showing themselves to the public.

Queens of Instagram in photos:

1. Olya Abramovich

A true Russian beauty, as if straight from the pages of a fairy tale book, has become the queen of Instagram. Olya gained popularity without doing anything at all: fans simply subscribed to her account until their number exceeded one and a half million.

2. Vicky Odintsova

Another queen of Instagram, who often pleases fans with very candid pictures on her profile. Vicky is one of the most famous new wave models from Russia.

3. Anastasia Kvitko

A few years ago, Instagram users discovered a Russian double of the famous Kim Kardashian: Anastasia Kvitko has such forms that she can outshine any Western star. The 22-year-old beauty works (as you might have guessed) as a model and simply loves taking “belvies,” filming her own butt with her phone. Yes, there is something to see here! She definitely became the Russian queen of Instagram.

4. Nita Kuzmina

Evil tongues accuse Nita of using expensive clinics too actively, but to be honest, there is nothing wrong with plastic surgery. The girl looks simply amazing and deserves to become the queen of Instagram!

5. Galina Mirgaeva

This Russian beauty, without the slightest outside help, not only promoted her Instagram, but also reached the top echelon of Russian models. Now only the page on this social network brings very good money to the savvy Permian.

6. Yana Yatskovskaya

Almost a million people have already followed this beauty on Instagram. Yana is not shy about sharing even the most candid pictures - maybe here lies the secret of the success of this Russian queen of Instagram.

7. Svetlana Bilyalova

A 23-year-old model who became famous thanks to social networks. It all started as usual: the girl simply showed off her looks and selfies, and as a result, modeling agencies became interested in her and offered Svetlana a job. Even short stature did not become an obstacle to success.

Now the girl looks like a real model: the photo is dominated by precise poses and not entirely natural breasts. Sveta has as many as 3 million subscribers, which makes her the queen of Instagram.

8. Sasha Markina

A young 21-year-old model from St. Petersburg started blogging at an early age. However, the young beauty was not of interest to modeling agencies. But after certain external transformations, Sasha achieved popularity. Today she has a million subscribers.

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Natasha Koroleva is a popular Russian pop singer, actress, TV presenter, producer, Honored Artist of Russia. The spectacular performer, who became famous for her timeless hits “Yellow Tulips”, “Dolphin and the Mermaid”, “Little Country”, continues to surprise and delight the audience today.

The stars are always of great interest. As soon as they make a mistake, the crowd immediately attacks them with criticism and reproaches. A striking example of this is the case of Natalya Koroleva.

Before the singer had time to post her photo without makeup, the photo was spread all over the public, with malicious captions that without Photoshop and cosmetics, celebrities are nothing special...

Natasha Koroleva photo without makeup, Instagram, Tarzan: wedding with Glushko

Natasha Koroleva has been happily married to Sergei Glushko for 15 years. However, many still cannot forget her union with composer Igor Nikolaev. According to her, her ex-husband did not give her the wedding of her dreams.

In an artist’s dreams, a wedding must have indispensable attributes: a fluffy dress, a Seagull car, a doll on the hood, a Mendelssohn waltz. “I wanted such a celebration, he knew all this, but he did it differently,” adds the Queen.

Ten years later, the Queen finally realized her wedding fantasies with her second husband, dancer and actor Sergei Glushko.

“Even before I was a contender, I already heard that she didn’t have a normal wedding, didn’t have a beautiful dress, sadness. I didn’t know how to react to this, and I just took her hand,” Glushko recalls.

Therefore, when Koroleva and Glushko decided to get married in St. Petersburg, they ordered a limousine, an expensive restaurant and chose a magnificent wedding dress.

Natasha Koroleva photo without makeup, Instagram, Tarzan: She decided on a new relationship

Singer Natasha Koroleva revealed the piquant details of her first date with stripper Tarzan - Sergei Glushko.

“I was sitting at home on May 4, all of Moscow was quiet, everyone had left. I leaf through the phone book and find Tarzan's phone number. I call and say that I will come to visit,” said the singer. And her husband retold the story of that evening in his own way...

“The house was a mess. I rented an apartment with a friend and asked him to go to the cinema. There was nothing in the refrigerator. Only one jar of apricot jam - my mother once cooked it and gave it to me with her to Moscow. I put her on a stool. And Natasha brought a bottle of whiskey. After spilling it, we realized that it was water. She even wanted to go take her back to the store and cause a scandal... But I persuaded her. From then on our romance began,” said Sergei Glushko. Since then, they have celebrated “apricot jam day” every year.

As we know from Natasha Koroleva’s past interviews, tired of Igor Nikolaev’s infidelities, she gave her husband exactly a year to decide whether their marriage would exist or not. During this period, the Queen experienced horror - depression, during which she could not eat anything and could not force herself to leave the house.

Milana Koroleva (Instagram @milanakoroleva) is a famous TV presenter, blogger, journalist and model. The media also likes to call her a fashion guru, since many girls are guided by her style of clothing and lifestyle.


Milana Koroleva was born on September 12, 1981 in Moscow. Her parents were military men. The girl graduated from school with a gold medal. At the insistence of her mother and father, she received an economics education, although since childhood she dreamed of television and an acting career. She received her third diploma in the specialty “TV presenter” and immediately went to Fashion TV with the author’s program “Russian Couture”. This turned out to be exactly the area in which the girl was able to fully realize herself.

Way to success

Photos of Milana Koroleva on Instagram are super high quality. For modern fashionistas, they replace glossy magazines. At one time, it was she who introduced a number of brands to the domestic audience, began reporting on fashion weeks in European capitals, and talking about designers from all over the world.

Now Milana Koroleva is at the peak of popularity, including thanks to Instagram. She promotes a healthy lifestyle, goes in for fitness, does not eat meat and limits herself to flour and sweets. All this is necessary to be in great shape. She has many creative and commercial projects ahead, including television and photo shoots.


Milana Koroleva posts fashion photos and videos on Instagram, but does not forget about the people closest to her. This is the grown-up daughter Dasha and very little, one-year-old Leo. He is happily married to businessman Mikhail Kuchment. It's nice to see that our star was able to maintain a balance between career and raising children, and also not forget about herself. She looks great and is always in high spirits, which is conveyed to her subscribers. We recommend her Instagram to all those who are looking for something to motivate themselves to change their lives for the better.

The country first heard about Natasha Koroleva in 1990. Then the Kyiv girl Natasha Poryvay was only 17 years old (she was born on May 31, 1973), and her song “Yellow Tulips,” written by Igor Nikolaev especially for Natasha, captivated the whole country.

The success was noisy, Natasha Koroleva became a star on an all-Union scale. Young and incredibly beautiful, talented and brave. It is not surprising that not only creative magic arose between Natalya and Igor; Soon the producer and the ward got married.

Natasha Koroleva turned out to be not as simple as it seemed at first: she managed to record both the main children's song of the nineties, “Little Country,” and the provocative “Magic Wand,” full of ambiguities. A new start to her career was given by her divorce from Nikolaev; Having married the famous stripper Tarzan, she recorded several songs together with him.

Today Natasha Koroleva is classified as a “star of the nineties”, but in this status she is quite in demand and feels good. She looks great at her age - and you can’t tell that her son Igor has already grown up that much.

Instagram of Natasha Koroleva - her little country

Everything works out in life! - such a motto can be placed over Natasha Koroleva’s Instagram. She posts photos and videos of her current life in large quantities. At first glance, it is clear how personal her photo blog is: there is practically no officialdom here, but there are many scenes of family vacations, everyday life, walks, personal events, from birthdays to wedding anniversaries.

At @natellanatella you can read what Natalya Koroleva lives and breathes today. Instagram for her is a means of self-expression, not PR. The photographs are sometimes extremely attractive. Natasha, for example, doesn’t mind being photographed on her 41st birthday in a swimsuit and showing off her beautiful shape.

However, she also posts a lot of simple interesting little things that surround her. Natasha Koroleva uses Instagram to share everything she likes. This could be a spectacular ceiling of an old building, a new dress with a picture of red peppers, new perfume, handbags, shoes; such creative photographs would be the envy of the young director Nikita Presnyakov (Instagram @npresnyakov). And quite a lot of Natasha herself in a variety of outfits. There are also Instagram cliches such as “photoleg” or “photoeaters” (with emphasis on the last syllable). This set is quite attractive to fans. Today, almost fifty thousand people have subscribed to Natasha.

If you want to get to the official page and look at Queen Natasha’s Instagram photos online, you should remember her address: @ natellanatella. All other pages are fake or belong to the namesakes of the popular singer.

Natasha was born in 1973 in Kyiv into a musical family. Queen's real name is Natalya Vladimirovna Poryvay. Her mother was an Honored Artist of Ukraine, and her father worked as a choirmaster of the Academic Choir. Therefore, it is not surprising that at the age of three Natasha first appeared on stage. Together with a large children's choir, little Natalya solemnly sang the song “Cruiser Aurora.” Naturally, at the age of 7, the girl went not only to a regular school, but also to a music school.

After school, Natasha enters the Kiev Variety and Circus School for a vocal class. In 1989, she became the leading soloist of the children's rock opera "Child of the World." The tour in the USA was a huge success. The Queen even received an invitation from the University of Rochester. But in the same year, Natasha leaves for Moscow to audition for Igor Nikolaev. This meeting became fateful. Nikolaev not only skillfully “promoted” the bright brunette from Ukraine, but soon made her personal happiness. It was at this time that the pseudonym was invented. And, I must say, the Queen walks along her creative path with truly royal bearing.

Natasha Koroleva looks like a queen on Instagram

Unlike many of her stage colleagues, Natasha Koroleva runs her own blog on Instagram. That is why there is no officialdom here - everything is homely, nice and cozy. Essentially, this is the singer’s personal diary, in which she shares everything that somehow “hooked” her. This could be a photo of incredible icicles, a photo of a beautiful landscape, a new dress, new shoes, a beautiful hairstyle. Natasha is an optimist in life, and fills her blog with the same optimism and joy.

Of course, a huge place in her blog is occupied by everyday photos - sketches from family evenings, pictures of relatives and friends, photos with her husband and children. Lots of photos of Natasha herself. And we must give her credit - few people look so wonderful after 40. For example, the photo published on Koroleva’s birthday shows the singer in a swimsuit, so followers were able to appreciate both her slender figure and proud posture.

Natasha Koroleva updates Instagram photos frequently and is happy to share her plans. She often announces some interesting events or events that she plans to attend. There are many photos on her page with other stars of Russian show business - both from the old guard and representatives of the younger generation of musicians.

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