I am my own designer. How to create perfect pictures for FB and VK. The best way to change the cover photo on Facebook How to change the cover photo of a group on Facebook

Change Facebook covers, Twitter or other social network no longer surprises anyone. However, it is noteworthy that it was the Facebook developers who were the first to introduce this feature. No wonder the number 1 social network in the world is so popular! Despite the fact that covers are familiar to many users, some get confused with the settings. Part of the reason for this may be the interface of a foreign social network, which is unusual for domestic users. Its illogicality is legendary. You have to search the Internet for instructions on how to ! But for some reason this does not make the network any less popular.

So, why might you need to change your Facebook cover? Yes, for the same reason you need to change your avatar or desktop wallpaper! Plus, it's a great way to practice your wit. Practice shows that a little imagination allows you to have fun by changing the cover and entertain your friends. The public loves humor, so a creative Facebook cover photo can go a long way in increasing audience loyalty. Certainly, will give a much greater effect, but you shouldn’t discount the design.

What should be the profile background for FB? The social network does not impose strict restrictions on content. But it is logical to assume that shocking content, explicit photos and offensive materials will not remain published for long. If other users complain about your account background image, moderators may remove it. Do not resort to dubious methods of attracting attention. Fast for these purposes it is much better suited.

How to change your cover photo on Facebook

Despite the sophisticated interface of the site, despite the fact that change cover on Facebook, it shouldn't take much time. Before you go to the settings and change (or even install for the first time) the background image in your account, you should first bring it into proper form. The cover size should be 815 pixels wide and 315 pixels high. It is worth noting that if you upload an image of a smaller width, it will automatically increase to the width specified above, and the height of the image will also increase proportionally.

If you are familiar with graphic editors, you can crop the image or photo you like exactly the way you like. If Photoshop or at least Paint are not your best friends, you can upload the entire photo. So, to change the background image at the top of your Facebook profile, you need to do the following:

  1. Enter your login and password on the main page of the social network to get full access to your account settings.
  2. Find in the upper left corner, below the Facebook logo, a small translucent camera icon. When you hover your cursor over it, the phrase “Update cover photo” will appear. This is what you need to click on.
  3. In the drop-down menu from several items, select the option that suits you best. You can upload photos from your computer or from previously uploaded photos.
  4. After the image appears, you will be asked to move it with the mouse to a position so that the fragment you need is visible (provided that the photo is more than 315 pixels in height).
  5. When you are completely satisfied with your new cover, click the “Save Changes” button. It is located in the lower right corner of the image.

The cover will be shown to every visitor to your page. Now is the time to get busy . A message will appear in your friends' news feed indicating that you have changed your profile cover to the attached image.

Beautiful covers for Facebook

Are you having difficulty making a choice? beautiful covers for Facebook Is it difficult to find? We offer you some examples of interesting covers from creative people who think outside the box. Take inspiration from those who have already amused, surprised or delighted with their Facebook profile covers.

Today there are five friend requests on my personal Facebook page awaiting confirmation. I have been seeing them for several days now, but have not taken any action. Why do you think? Why don't I even want to go to these people's profiles to get information about them? I think you guessed it - these people don't have profile photos! Tell me, how can you be friends with a faceless creature? Social networks are primarily intended for communication.

Profile photo

This must be a personal photograph of you. Preferably good quality. There is no need to introduce yourself at full length; people want to see your facial features and eyes, so your chest-length image will be quite enough. Let your photo convey your mood - joy, positivity, goodwill. Prepare this photo in advance; it should be square. You can shape a photo (or cut out the required fragment of a photo) by opening the photo you need using the Microsoft Office Picture Manager application. Remember the location of the photo on your computer.

Uploading a profile photo

Log in to your personal profile. Move the cursor to the place of the profile photo, in the lower left corner of which there is a camera, an offer to download and update the photo will immediately appear, click. A window appears asking you to upload a photo. Moreover, if you already have photos uploaded to your page, you can choose the appropriate one from them. If not, click “upload photo”, go to the place where you saved the prepared photo, select it, click “open”. A new window will appear with the loaded photo and information about the size and quality of the photo, the ability to move it to select the required angle. Follow the directions and don't forget to save the image.

Profile cover

This is the top location of your personal profile on your account, i.e. this is the very beginning of your chronicle. Your photo is on the cover. This is where people start to get to know you. Therefore, the image presented on your cover can express your passion, mood, emotions. There is no need to advertise your company on the cover - your page should represent, first of all, you as a person. People will get to know you and communicate with you. For example, look at the covers of profiles of people you know and trust; think about what first impression you want to make on people.

You can choose a photo for the cover from your personal archive, if it contains interesting and high-quality subjects that you like - nature, plants, images... By the way, you can also be in these photos. The shape of the photo should be rectangular, approximately 851*315 pixels in size (by the way, photo size requirements may change) - the Microsoft Office Picture Manager application will again help you with this. Remember the place where you saved the photo.

Uploading cover photo

Move the cursor to the upper left corner of the cover area (there is also an image of a camera there). The message Upload-update cover photo appears, click. In the drop-down menu, select “select from my photos” - if you already have suitable uploaded photos. But, most likely, you need to select “upload photo”, click, go to the location of the photo you prepared, select it (click on it, then click on the “open” button). The photo is loaded and a prompt appears to drag the photo, move it to get the required fragment of the photo. Don’t forget to click “save changes” at the bottom right under the cover page. Ready!

See how your photo and cover work together. You like? If something is wrong, you can use the same algorithm to change the image that does not suit you. By the way, the cover can be selected from the existing image archive in any browser. Or you can use specialized sites to create covers. Use the search bar in the browser you are using to write the query “how to upload a cover photo to Facebook”; From the proposed options, you can choose the one that is more optimal for you.

Where can I find the picture?

Use the Google image search engine. In the search bar, enter the words that characterize the image you need (for example, winter nature). There will be a lot of pictures on this topic. Under the search bar, a line of tools appears, in it select “search tools”. Explore the buttons that appear, with their help you can find the image of the desired size and adjust the color. Pay special attention to the “use rights”, use “with any license”.

If you have decided on a picture, right-click on it and select “save picture as”, give it a name and select the location on your computer where you want to save it. Now you can use it to upload to your album on a social network or for the cover of your profile (don’t forget to adjust the form if necessary).

Change the cover image as your attitude and mood change - let people see the changes in you. After all, initially it is your profile and cover photos that will create the image of your future brand. What will it be like for you? Remember that “you can’t make a first impression twice”?

Facebook is the largest social network in the world, which is used not only for communication, but also for business promotion. In 2017, there were more than 65 million pages and groups of companies online from all over the world. It is incredibly difficult to stand out among so many organizations, especially for small businesses. One way to attract attention is a bright and memorable cover for a Facebook group. You can also put the cover on your personal and on business page.

Rules for creating a bright Facebook cover

A unique image plays a huge role both for a small group and a huge online store. Most people don’t attach any importance to this, downloading a non-unique and unremarkable picture from the Internet. This action reduces user trust and repels potential customers.

A good cover helps:

  • Increase the number of subscribers. Even if you have written posts from experts on your topic and created an effective description, people will have to spend a lot of time reading it. In turn, a bright design can attract a person’s attention in just 60 seconds.
  • Stand out from your competitors. Business page posts attract a small number of people, and with 65 million companies competing, it becomes almost impossible to attract the attention of potential customers. A unique cover allows you to forever differentiate yourself from competitors, become unique and attract potential customers.
  • Increase conversion. Let's say the nth number of visitors come to the group every day, some of them subscribe to you, and the other part passes by. So, one of the options to ensure that more visitors are converted into a subscription base is to install an attractive cover.

But you will never attract users with an unattractive image. There are 2 rules that will help you make an attractive background image:

Just a couple of the rules described above will help to significantly increase the number of subscribers and conversion.

Facebook Cover Dimensions

When creating an image on Facebook, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • When viewing the cover on a computer, the size will be 820x312 pixels, on a mobile device - 640x360.
  • The file must not be smaller than 400x150 pixels.
  • Files smaller than 100 kilobytes load faster.

If there is text on the cover and you want a high-quality image, upload a PNG file. The system does not compress such covers much, which allows them to maintain high quality even with the presence of text on them.

How to make a Facebook cover for a group

How to set a group cover on Facebook

To set the fruit of our creativity as the cover of your Facebook group (business page or personal account), go to the desired page and click "Add cover."

After this, a drop-down menu will appear where you need to select “Upload photo/video” and select the background we created on your computer. After that, it will download and you just have to click “Save”. You can also use a video or slideshow of several images as your cover.

For a long time now, you know, posting posts, liking publications, writing messages in the messenger and much more. But there are times when you want to upgrade your profile a little. Now we’ll talk about how to change some settings on FB.

How to change your name on Facebook

Facebook allows you to change your first and last name after registration. Maybe you decided to write your name in a different language or use your maiden name rather than your husband's last name. Or you made a spelling mistake when registering.

Please note that Facebook requires you to write your first and last name exactly as it appears on your documents (passport, birth certificate, driver's license, etc.). At the same time, you have the opportunity to specify an additional name - you can already write aliases in the corresponding field.

If you change your first or last name, you will not be able to edit them for the next two months. Therefore, check your spelling carefully. Everything here is stricter than in the registry office.

Now step by step on how to change your name on Facebook. To do this, you need to go to the “Settings” section (in the upper right corner, click the down arrow and select the “Settings” line from the list that opens). Then select the “General” tab on the left. This will take you to a page where you can edit your name and “Facebook username” (displayed in the browser bar when you open your profile). Click “Edit”, then write your first and last name and click “Check changes”.

How to change your password on Facebook

Experts advise periodically changing passwords to your email accounts and social networking pages. And Facebook is no exception in this regard.

So, in order to change your password, you need to go to the “Settings” section. As you remember, you can get there by clicking on the drop-down list on the top line of the site. After that, on the left, select the “Security and Login” section. We are looking for the “Login” block, where there is a line “Change password”. Opposite these words, click the “Edit” button.

In the field that opens, enter the old password and the new one twice. Then click on the “Save changes” button.

And a few more tips for choosing a new password:

  • the password must be unique - do not use the same password for different sites;
  • use both uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers at the same time;
  • change your passwords periodically (be sure to change your password if your profile has been hacked or at least you have suspicions about this).

How to hide friends on Facebook

You never know who you are friends with or against. Sometimes you need to hide your friends on Facebook. To do this, you need to go to the “Settings” section and select the “Privacy” tab.

This is where you can configure other people's access to information on your page. For example, who can see your posts or contact information. And this is where you can specify who will see your friends’ lists. In total, Facebook offers three options:

  1. The lists will be available to all users of the social network. That is, anyone who visits your page will be able to view the list of your friends.
  2. Information about who you are friends with can only be seen by people you have added as friends. Although even this way, friends of your friends can find you.
  3. The list of friends will be visible only to you. That is, you hide friends from all other users. However, you will still appear on your friends' lists unless they have set similar privacy settings.

How to delete a photo on Facebook

The one who doesn’t post anything is not mistaken. If you decide to delete a photo from your chronicle as defamatory or for some other reason, do the following.

In this case, not only the photo is deleted, but also the entire post that contains the image. If you want to leave the text but delete or change the photo, then the steps will be different.

  • Find the desired publication in your timeline and click on the three dots in the upper right corner.
  • In the list that opens, select the “Edit publication” line.
  • Place the cursor over the image. A cross will appear in the upper right corner of the photo.
  • Click on the cross that appears. This deletes the image.
  • Click the “Save” button.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about deleting a photo on Facebook. Of course, this only applies to those images and photos that you posted yourself. You cannot delete photos posted by other people.

How to change your cover photo on Facebook

Designing a Facebook page is the work of each individual user. You choose which profile photo to post and which cover to put on. As a cover for Facebook, you can use images offered by the social network or choose any other photo. The only requirement that Facebook now puts forward for the cover is that the image width must be at least 720 pixels. In all other respects, the choice is yours.

To change your cover photo, you need to go to your page and click on the camera icon in the upper left corner (Update cover photo).

After this you can:

In the first case, your profile is blocked, your name and photo are removed from your publications. But you can restore your account at any time.

In the second case, which is generally provided for in the event of the user’s death (after the system is informed that his account is becoming “memorable”), the information contained in the profile is completely deleted within three months. And it will no longer be possible to restore the data. You can read more about this

Changing the appearance of a Facebook page is usually done at the very beginning of its creation. This is the first thing that attracts the visitor's attention. Because when a public page has already become popular, changing the cover can negatively affect traffic. So you need to think in advance about how to change your cover photo on Facebook; The more subscribers you have, the more undesirable it is to change the appearance of the page.

Changing and designing your Facebook cover

A lot can be said about fine-tuning the appearance of a page from the point of view of attracting visitors. In this article we will simply talk about how to technically perform this operation.

  • You can set any photo from those that have already been uploaded to the page previously as the cover photo. To do this, click on the “Select photo” menu item and find the one you need in the album that opens.
  • You can install not your photo, but any image that Facebook itself offers you. To see these offers, click on the “Select Design” option.
  • The “Create a collage” item is used to arrange a group of several photos into one composite picture.
  • And finally, the “Upload Photo” item opens a dialog box where you need to select a picture on your computer to upload it to the cover.
  • If the selected picture is large, then after loading you can move it with the mouse in order to select the best fragment.
  • The last step is when everything is ready, click the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the photo window.

You can upload as many pictures as you like to your page in advance and change the cover in this way at least every day.

Requirements for photos on Facebook

For the cover, it is better to take images with a width of 720 pixels or larger. If less, the site will offer to choose another picture. The best file format is jpg or png.

In addition, you need to remember that images containing scenes of violence, inciting any kind of hatred or containing obscene phrases are prohibited for posting on a social network.

Where to download beautiful pictures for the cover

The design of corporate pages of companies - legal entities must contain only legal images. To avoid copyright problems, it is better to buy a photo from a photo bank or download it from a resource that offers obviously free images (under a free Creative Common license).

For personal resources, this requirement is usually not relevant; moderators turn a blind eye to such violations.

The photo for registration should be memorable and bright. Choose those where large details and small ones can merge into an unreadable background. Of course, the image should match the theme of your page as closely as possible.

Otherwise, the choice of image is only your personal creativity.

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