Globe money for viewing advertising. Globus - earn money (automatically) by viewing advertisements. Review of the globus inter com service Is it possible to earn money? My review

Every person has a mobile phone. Did you know that you can earn some money with it? Today we will talk about the Globus application, which allows you to passively earn money on your phone.

Globus is a mobile application that you can install on your mobile phone and start earning money by viewing advertisements. You get paid to rent out your phone screen, which displays promotional offers. It’s for viewing them that you get paid.

How to download the Globus app?

First you need to register in the system:

When you install the application on your phone, you will almost immediately begin to see advertisements of this type:

For each view you will receive money. You can find out your balance in the section "Finance". Also in this section, an application for withdrawal of funds is created through the payment systems WebMoney (from $0.50) and PayPal (payment from $10).

How to earn more using the Globus application?

To increase your earnings, you will need to form your own team. To do this, go to the section "Team" and click on the button "To invite a friend". Then choose an invitation method and send it to your friend. By recommending this method of earning money to him, you will also begin to receive money from his ad views. Moreover, if he invites someone, then you will also receive a percentage from him. This structure has 7 levels:

In the settings, you can set a suitable notification when new advertising arrives. And don’t forget to fill out your profile completely, this will allow you to receive more advertising through targeting.

The application is completely free and easy to use. You can easily start making money on your phone immediately after installing Globus. Funds are credited in dollars, and the earning scheme itself is passive - install and earn every day, without investment. If you need simple income, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the method of earning money on RuCaptcha, you can also watch a video about other earning applications on your phone:

Today I will introduce you to the company Globe Intercom(Globus Intercom LLC), this service pays money for viewed advertisements. I found this site recently, it surprised me with its simplicity and popularity, where you can earn money on the Internet without any investment, crazy money from 100 euro in a day!!! Read the article to the end and find out how?

Description of Globus Intercom

You've probably heard or know about the Active Advertising System (ADS); these services pay for ads you watch or for completing certain tasks. But I assure you that this is not an ATS, but much better than an active advertising system! Now you will understand and see everything for yourself!

Globus Intercom differs from other sites in that to make money there is no need to spend a lot of your time or perform special actions. No need to sit on the site and click on banners. Earning money from the Globus service happens in the background! And this is very important! It turns out that Globus will do all your work for you. You won't have to do almost anything, but you will receive some money for it. All actions are very simple and convenient, even a small child can handle it. You can start with small earnings, but over time you can earn big money without investment! This is very IMPORTANT for those who are still taking their first steps on the Internet, but also for those who are going to build their own business!

Why is it beneficial to connect to Globus Intercom?

Because you will not have to pay for anything, since this service refers to earnings without investments. The policy of the company itself is structured in such a way that here you can make money from viewing advertisements for absolutely no money, you don’t have to pay for anything, and this is not a scam or a “pyramid”. If you look at other services on the Internet, they first lure people to their project, and then require them to pay a small amount of money in order to receive large earnings in the future. Usually they do not earn much money and at the same time lose their money.

You do not need to spend your time on the Globus Intercom website viewing advertising and informational content; here everything happens outside the website “in the background”, using a special program. What does it mean? This means that advertisements appear from time to time on your computer desktop, phone, or tablet. You can configure the appearance of these messages on your Globus account - view them now or leave them for later.

You will also be able to express your individual opinion regarding the advertising content you accept for viewing and get what you like by saving them, and what you don’t like by limiting their appearance to a minimum.

If you liked something while watching an advertisement and decide to buy something, you will be able to receive certain discounts on these products.

You, in turn, will earn money from this by simply viewing or not viewing (simply closing) the advertisement.

You will also always be up to date with the latest news on the Internet, sales, and certain discounts.

You will be able to earn “real” money, which you can withdraw and cash out. You can also buy any product on the Internet for this money.

Where does the money on the Globus Intercom website come from?

But in Globus Intercom everything is different. The advertiser pays for advertising in this service. And Globus loads it to you, and pays you for viewing, which results in earnings from viewing advertisements. I looked at the advertisement and got paid, there’s nothing complicated about it.


Download the program to your computer or tablet.

Invite 7 friends to the project and your friends do the same.

And exactly 7 days later you receive from 100 Euro per day!

Or 3000 Euro per month!

Look at the picture:

What should I do to make money with Globus Intercom?

To do this, you must first register on the Globus Intercom project and install the software. With the help of this program you will be offered to watch advertisements after a certain time. Your task is to watch (or not watch) these advertising brochures; you can simply close them with a simple click of a button, and your earnings for viewing will be counted and transferred to your account.

  1. Choose a login for yourself
  2. Specify gender
  3. Date of birth
  4. Indicate the major nearest city
  5. Next, select a password, repeat it, enter the security code, check the box “I accept the rules and will comply,” click on register.

We put ticks on those sections on which topics you want to receive advertisements. But keep in mind, you can’t tick all the boxes!

After that, click on the “downloads” tab and select “download”. Download the application to your computer and install it. Also, in parallel, we can install the program on our tablet to earn more money.

How to make money on the globe intercom from 100Euro per day!!!

There are several types of earnings in the project, which I am sure you will like.

1. Globus Intercom has a powerful 7-level affiliate program. To participate in it, you need to invite friends and acquaintances to your team, and you will be able to earn and get more money into your account from this service. As you can see, the benefits of using the Globe are obvious, so you won’t be ashamed to invite friends to join your team.

For inviting people to the affiliate program, you will receive a % of their earnings for ad impressions up to level 7. Invite any number of people to the project, there are no restrictions. You can invite no one at all, or you can invite at least 1000 people. It's up to you to decide! ?

2. Globus Intercom pays 10% of the bonuses of the money spent for advertising the partners you invite in the first line. This means that when you bring an advertiser to the project, the project will pay you 10% of the money for life when they spend it on advertising their projects. To earn this 10% of the payment amount, you just need to find and connect an advertiser, like a regular partner.

3. When you gather a small team, you can increase your earnings from viewing advertising with a package of additional services "Premium", paying only 1 Euro per month, increase your income by 4 times, it will work out 14,430 Euro per month!!!

This package will also allow you to have income from the purchase of this package from your team. Believe me, this is quite a solid income.

With Globus Intercom you can find and attract thousands, hundreds of thousands and even millions of users to your team around the world, and all those invited will earn you a lot of money from ad views. The more and more people you invite to Globus Intercom, the faster and more your structure will grow, and therefore your earnings along with it.

But there are also 2 rules on the Globus website:

Firstly. To receive your money from your team, you must be active every day. The system will consider you active when you view at least 1 advertisement per day. By doing so, you confirm that you are working with your team and want to get your money.

Secondly . the number of levels from which you are awarded % is equal to the number of your active attracted first-level partners. For example, if 10 people are connected to your first line, but only 3 of them are active, then your % of accruals will come only from 3 levels. Therefore, it is always necessary to motivate your invited partners to be active every day, especially since they themselves are interested in this.

Globus Intercom guarantees fair payment for your services and the services of your partners; soon you will be able to see this for yourself.

The Globus service does not send spam, and there are no viruses in its program. The company is officially registered in Ukraine. This can be verified very easily if you study the registration documents located at the bottom of the site.

Withdrawals are made by the company, even every day, the minimum amount is only 0.5 Euro!

Therefore, the company Globus Intercom LLC is a real and serious project with far-reaching plans. If you liked the article, help spread it, click on the social network buttons, write your comments. If you have any questions, ask.

Don't waste time connect Globe Intercom or go to another one.


Hello! In this article we will discuss how to make money with Globus.

  • How much can you earn: 30 cents per day.
  • Minimum Requirements: none.
  • Is it worth it?: definitely not .

Brief overview of the Globus service

In total, about 2.5 million users are registered on Globus. These are not active accounts, but simply people who log into the project at least once a month.

The service itself acts as an intermediary. People order from him, he provides traffic and makes money on the difference between the cost of displaying advertising and the final cost of traffic. By attracting users with a “New Way to Earn Money,” the service simply recruits a huge army of performers who bring in money.

Globe Intercom - a typical bookstore, characterized by low wages, luring users with simple tasks and a cool referral system.

There are only a few words on the official website: about the company’s policy, what it does, and what services it provides. Nothing worthwhile or interesting.

Now let’s take a closer look at what Globus provides, whether it’s possible to earn at least some money without investments, and whether it’s worth working with this company at all.

Ways to earn money in Globus

You can earn money on Globus Intercom in two ways:

  • While watching an advertisement.
  • Attracting referrals.

Viewing advertisements is the main way to earn money. They show you a video, and at the end of it you receive money into your account. Advertising is paid depending on the advertiser’s budget: from 0.0075 to 0.013 dollars per 1 commercial. 1 advertisement lasts from 15 to 60 seconds.

To make work easier, Globus Mobile has made its own program for making money on Android. You can install it on your phone, and you will periodically receive push notifications about new advertisements. The videos will start automatically after the device is unlocked.

If you get confused, you can install this program to make money through an emulator on your PC.

The second way to earn money is referral system and or whatever they call it “Team Gathering”. You receive income for each referral you attract. The referral system consists of 7 levels:

  • Level 1 – 15%;
  • Level 2 - 10%;
  • Level 3 – 5%;
  • Level 4 – 4%;
  • Level 5 - 3%;
  • Level 6 - 2%;
  • Level 7 - 1%.

As you can see, it’s a pretty promising system if implemented correctly. There is just a slight complication:

It is very difficult to make money from referrals. You need to work with every person who registers using your link, explain to them what to do and how to make money from the service.

How much can you earn on Globus?

If you build a referral system in 7 levels, so that each person attracts 7 new members, and watch 40 videos every day, then you can earn $14,000 per month.

But Globus is just an ordinary box office; attracting about 90 thousand people there will be unrealistic. This means your income will be significantly less.

Using the referral system, they earn about 3 - 5 thousand rubles a month in buks if they have a stable source of traffic (a website or blog about making money on the Internet).

It will take you six months to a year to get traffic. If you do, get ready for hundreds of hours of work. If you order, it costs a huge amount of money. In any case, not very profitable.

Intercom", we’ll look at reviews about it, and also talk a little about scammers on the World Wide Web and real earnings. After all, a modern user cannot do without looking for additional money. So now we’ll figure it out with you what’s what.

How do they earn money?

But before we look at Globus Intercom, reviews about this company, as well as its activities, let’s find out how you can make money using a computer. Now there are a lot of quite interesting approaches.

The first way is Internet surfing. This is how many users start earning money. Honestly, this is the most suitable option for a student. Especially if you have a lot of time.

Another option is to make money on clicks. Not the most profitable, but a true and reliable method. This is what Globus Intercom uses most often, reviews of which we will look at a little later.

The third method is to do hired work. The so-called freelancing. You are given a task and a deadline for submitting the work (usually everything can be completed on a computer and sent via the Internet), after which you receive money. This option is the main source of profit. But what does this have to do with reviews? What does Globus Intercom LLC offer us? Let's figure it out.

How do they deceive?

The point is that there are scammers and deception everywhere. Including on the World Wide Web. So you can not only make money, but also become a victim of deception. Now we will find out what “employers” are coming up with to leave us hanging, after which we will look at Globus Intercom, reviews about this company and its activities.

The first option is nothing more than placing “left” ads. You are offered work from home as a PC operator/pen assembler/typewriter and so on. To get started, you will have to pay an “insurance premium,” which they promise to reimburse you upon delivery of your first order. You deposit money and the employer disappears. Congratulations, we were deceived!

Another way to cheat on the World Wide Web is to complete “test” tasks. And a large volume. Let's say, writing articles to order. To test your skills, the future employer asks you to complete a task. With all this, if you cope, they promise to find you a place in the company. You do everything, and after that the contacts disappear.

The last option is to attend various webinars and seminars on the World Wide Web, where they will teach you how to earn a lot of money in a short time. Firstly, you will simply waste time, and secondly, in the end you will be asked to buy a book/disc/video that will help you cope with the task. Now let’s take a look at Globus Intercom, reviews about it, as well as the company’s activities. A little later it will become clear why we raised the topic of earnings and fraud.

What's happened?

Well, now we have reached our topic for today. Now we will introduce you to Globus Intercom. In addition, let's find out what users are saying about this company. After all, it is always important to know what those who have already been to the project think.

The Globus Intercom company, reviews of which we will discuss in detail below, is nothing more than a service that helps us earn money. It is based on surfing sites, reading special letters (mailings), and clicks. It seems that everything that a novice user needs is offered. True, as soon as you open the company’s website, you can begin to think: “Globus Intercom” - a scam or not?” Now we will look at why this kind of topic may arise.

Home page

So, we decided to try to work with the Globus project. To do this, as they say, you need to go through a short registration (as elsewhere, nothing suspicious so far), and then start browsing sites and advertising. For this you will receive money. Basically, nothing suspicious yet. A typical service that helps novice users (and sometimes advanced ones) make money online. The Globus Intercom project, reviews of which we will look at a little later, looks quite interesting and attractive.

This is exactly what should alert you. On the main page there are several advertisements that say that you will earn money without special expenses and absolutely without investments. Yes, indeed, without “depositing money” you can earn a lot of money. But, nevertheless, you should treat this topic carefully. You never know what modern scammers can come up with.

Free cheese

“Globus Intercom” (reviews are of interest to many) is, as already mentioned, a project that promises you earnings without investment. Indeed, this is possible. Especially when viewing advertisements and surfing websites. But after the first visit to the company’s page, you should think about it: “Is Globus Intercom a scam or true?” Now we will try to figure it out.

The main sign that casts doubt is one of the advertisements on the main page. The fact that we will earn by registering in the project is normal. The fact that you can install a program to make working with the service easier is also the norm. But the third announcement, which says that we can earn money even “without doing anything,” is the main reason why we should think about it. Particularly advanced users immediately begin to look for reviews about the company, earnings, and so on. Let's see what they can find on the World Wide Web.


"Globus Intercom" - a scam or not? Now we will look at the reviews about the company, and then we will figure out what kind of project it really is. After all, before using this or that site, it is always important to know what users think.

Nowadays, it’s quite common to find a wide variety of negative reviews. The thing is that after the user starts working with the project, he, as a rule, begins to be disappointed in it. Why? For many reasons.

The first thing they say about Globus Intercom is that in this place you cannot earn the money that they promise us on the main page. If you start viewing advertisements, then all that “shines” for you is about 1.5 rubles per day. Well, if you work like this every day for a month, you can earn your way on the bus. But no more. So, as users say, the earnings here are, to put it mildly, rather weak.

The second point that participants complain about is the withdrawal of funds. You must earn 4 so-called points (which is about 15-20 rubles). Only after this will you be able to withdraw your earned money. To be honest, this is not so much, but, nevertheless, you will have to “sweat a lot.” And the money may not arrive within the specified period. That is, you just surf the World Wide Web. Not the best situation, especially if you decide to start making money on the Internet for your living, and not for travel on public transport. So we can say that Globus Intercom is a pure scam. However, now we will find out in more detail what else can be seen as feedback on the work of the project.

Everything is fine

So, we cannot always find only negative aspects in any Internet service. There will definitely be those who will praise even bad sites. So, if you decide to look at opinions about Globus Intercom, reviews about the work of this project, then be prepared for the fact that opinions will definitely be divided.

The point is that now you can see such assurances that you can really earn a lot without any investments. In addition, “screenshots” of withdrawals of funds, as well as pictures of earnings, can be attached to such posts. After this, naturally, the user literally flies to register. True, not everything is as good as it seems. Why? Let's figure it out now.

Such projects are used to paying for reviews. Moreover, if the “scam” is colossal, then the fee for flattery will be quite high. Write a few sentences about how good the Globus Intercom project is, get your money and enjoy life - this is what pleases those who are just starting to think about making good money on the World Wide Web. Moreover, one person can write a lot of “opinions”, and quite positive ones, in order to receive even more income. So, if you come across a review that says that you will really earn a lot, then it is better to be wary. You cannot sit and do nothing, and at the same time receive huge real money. True, Globus Intercom also has its secrets. Now we will figure out which ones exactly.

Secrets of making money

Well, if we already had to get acquainted with this project, then let's see how you can really make money here. Do you just have to sit and watch an advertisement where you can only pay for one bus fare?

In order for the Globus Intercom service to become our faithful ally in making a profit from the World Wide Web, we will have to try hard. The first and main condition is the presence of referrals. Yes, yes, the site is based on a referral program, with the help of which we can very easily and simply make a profit. And we don’t need anything for this. All earnings will depend on the users we invite.

So we can say that the project we are considering is truly a hoax. To get money, you will have to find a lot of users for whom you will become a “mentor”. For them and their “earnings” you will be awarded quite a significant amount of money. Thus, Globus Intercom is a scam of honest people to work for pennies.

How to invite?

However, if you really want to make money on this service, then you can attract other users here. And you will receive money for them. Yes, this is not millions, but, nevertheless, it should be enough for the Internet and some utility bills.

Naturally, in order to generate income, you need to attract other users and ask them to become your “students”. To do this, as a rule, a lot of advertisements are made. They are often found on specialized boards. Quite a popular method that will definitely help you. Place an advertisement for a “work at home without investment” job. After that, describe all the advantages of the project (namely, large passive income), and then provide your referral link for registration. That's it. If people “fight” and then work, then money will start to “drip” into you. So the Globus Intercom project, reviews of which we reviewed, is really a scam.


So, today we have learned some ways to make money on the World Wide Web, quite interesting ways of deception that can overtake us, and also found out about a very interesting Internet project. As you can see, Globus Intercom receives rather negative reviews. If you don't mind your time, you can, of course, work here.

In addition, this site is good if you have a lot of friends who prefer to surf the World Wide Web. They will be the ones who can help you earn passive income from the referral program. So be careful when trying to find a job on the World Wide Web.

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