How to clean a computer screen. How to wipe a computer monitor at home. Traditional methods for cleaning the screen

02.07.2012 2 37943

Cleaning the LCD Monitor- it's not a simple matter. So let's look at the algorithm of actions.

Before we begin the process of cleaning the LCD monitor, let’s unplug it.

While we can simply wipe the back and side panels of the monitor, as well as the plastic frame of the screen, with an ordinary wet cloth, we should never do this with the screen itself. For this case, the rule applies: the less we touch him, the better for him. But if our screen is dirty, then we have no choice and will have to clean it...

First, let's carefully examine the screen and decide what kind of cleaning we should use - dry (the best option) or wet (as a last resort).

Dry cleaning can be done in several ways. Using a blower, blowing vacuum cleaner, etc. devices (you need to make sure that the cleaning devices themselves do not touch the screen itself!), or using devices like furry synthetic dust brooms. This way you can remove dust from the screen.

But if we found stains on the monitor from splashes of saliva, tea, juice, etc. or, alas and ah, greasy fingerprints, then dry cleaning alone will clearly not be enough: greasy traces are washed off very poorly.

TO wet cleaning of LCD monitors the requirements are somewhat lower than for CRTs, because LCD displays have neither protective nor anti-glare layers. You can simply wipe the monitor screen with a dry or slightly damp cotton cloth. But it must be very soft, lint-free, so as not to scratch the screen. It is best to take flannel or napkins for glasses, and also, of course, special napkins. Never use towels or regular rags - they can severely scratch and even damage the screen.

For cleaning the LCD screen Special sprays for LCD monitors are also suitable. If we want to use other screen care products, then first of all they need to be checked for the absence of ethyl alcohol. As a last resort, you can use a paper towel soaked in isopropyl alcohol.

Never spray any liquid directly onto the LCD display. Apply it first to the cloth, and then wipe the monitor. The screen should be wiped strictly in one direction - from top to bottom. Never try to use force during the cleaning process.

And a final tip: during operation, make sure that no one pokes dirty, greasy fingers at your monitor!

How to clean an expensive monitor from grease stains and drips.

  1. Disconnect the monitor from the network
  2. Take clean cotton wool, preferably non-absorbent. This is an average piece of clothing. Wet it in warm water so that water flows from it. You will get wet cotton wool about 5 centimeters in diameter. Place a drop of any dishwashing liquid on it that is on the kitchen sink (just not bleach).
  3. Tilt the monitor forward so that water does not flow in, the screen faces down.
  4. Wash the screen thoroughly with cotton wool and running water. Dip the cotton wool several times in warm water, the water should flow straight out.
  5. Then we take clean cotton wool, soak it in clean warm water and wipe the screen, thereby removing “smudges.” You can slightly acidify it with food vinegar and soften the water.
  6. Then we take an ordinary hair dryer and start drying the screen from a distance of 30-40 cm, so as not to burn the active layer. When washing, we try to ensure that as little water flows inside the monitor as possible, be careful, in short.
  7. Then we dry it with a hairdryer on the back of the monitor through the grilles and other holes in case water gets inside.
  8. Let's play it safe. If the screen has not previously been scratched by sandpaper or other available cleaning agents, it becomes better than new.
  9. Let's connect and take a look. We don’t paw with fat fingers, we don’t eat close to the monitor (prevention.) That’s it.

P.S. It’s better to try it on the old one for the first time, so as not to immediately damage the new monitor. Professional photographers wipe and wash wet film from the emulsion side and remove drops of water, and the emulsion can easily be damaged even by a strong jet of air. So try it, good luck!

Does not repel dirt. Over time, dust settles on it, stains and prints appear. The display will get dirty even if you don't touch it with your hands. Therefore, it is useful to know how to clean a laptop screen at home. Not all rags and detergents are suitable for this. Some can even damage the LCD. You need to choose the right tools. And find out what exactly cannot be used.

Your computer monitor needs to be cleaned periodically

If you think that any sponge is suitable for cleaning, you are mistaken. A computer display is a fragile thing. Of course, it won't break into pieces if you just touch it. But the screen can be accidentally scratched. You can press so hard that the liquid crystals are destroyed (if you scrub a stain too zealously, for example). Or damage the LCD by using unsuitable cleaning fluids. Many mixtures contain substances that gradually destroy the surface of the monitor. Even if you don’t use such products at all, and a wet cloth is all you need, this information will be of interest to you.

Before you clean your laptop screen, here are some things you shouldn't use while cleaning:

  • Terry towels or other fabrics with pile. They leave behind small threads that “stick” to the display. In addition, lint can scratch it.
  • Paper napkins or other paper products. When cleaning the LCD, particles of material settle on it. They stick to the surface of the LCD monitor, just like lint.

Paper napkins should not be used

  • Waffle towels. They scratch the screen.
  • Sponges for washing dishes (foam rubber). They leave stains. Because of them, you will have to clean the computer display again. Dust, crumbs and grains of sand often get into the pores of the sponge. They can damage the LCD.
  • Hard or rough fabrics.
  • Any types of brushes.

If you decide to use detergents, do not take:

  • Substances containing acetone or alcohol. They destroy the anti-reflective coating. If you clean the surface of the laptop with such a liquid once, the damage will not be particularly noticeable. Microcracks will appear and slowly expand. With regular use of alcohol mixtures, the monitor will look like shabby glass. From the outside it seems to be transparent. But it’s clear that it’s not new.
  • Abrasive compounds.
  • Cleaning powders. The screen is severely scratched.
  • Soda. A folk method that is recommended for wiping off dirt at home. But they are better off scraping burnt-on food from the stove rather than removing greasy marks from the LCD display.

Never use baking soda

In general, you should not use tools unless they are specifically designed for a computer. Shampoos, soaps, liquids for washing dishes or windows, polishes and the like - all this is created for other purposes. And it’s not a fact that the screen will “withstand” wet cleaning with foam and a pleasant smell.

What is the best way to clean?

A standard “damp” rag is not the best option for stubborn dirt. But it is suitable for regular cleaning. It's cheap and accessible. If you choose good material, you will not need any auxiliary detergents. Handkerchiefs, the edges of T-shirts, or any parts of clothing are definitely not suitable. The rag should be made of soft, lint-free fabric that does not leave streaks. Here's what you can use:

  • Wet wipes for cleaning a laptop monitor. Sold in computer stores. Since it is a specialized tool, it is safe for PC. Removes static electricity and attracts dust. It is important that these are things created specifically for the computer. Wipes intended for personal hygiene (for example, to wipe your hands) are impregnated with a completely different composition. If you clean the LCD screen with them, it will not end well.

  • Fabrics that are used for wiping glasses are suitable.
  • If you don’t want to buy professional wipes to care for your display, try any lint-free materials: microfiber, flannel. You need to prepare two pieces of rag: wet for cleaning, dry for erasing stains.
  • Cotton pads from which cotton wool does not fall out. They must be of very good quality. Otherwise, the entire laptop monitor will be covered in white fluff that is difficult to remove.


Do not use liquids made at home. You need specialized gels or sprays. They are sold in stores. If the contamination is not severe, wipe the computer screen with a slightly damp cloth. Without any impurities - just water. In extreme cases, you can use baby soap.

Liquids that are in your bathroom or kitchen are not suitable. Even if you constantly clean fragile objects with them and don’t see any scratches. To care for LCDs, you need a special composition. Without it, you will have to rely solely on water.

Cleaning process

Before cleaning your monitor screen at home, you must turn it off. Don’t just turn off or activate standby mode, but remove the plug from the socket. The laptop display must be completely de-energized.

If you have a special spray, do not spray it on the LCD. The detergent should be applied to a napkin. Do not try to scrape off dirt with your fingernails or other sharp objects. To get rid of it, carefully “walk” over this area with a rag. Do not press too hard on the monitor. But wipe it several times, moving horizontally, vertically, and in a circle.

The fabric should be slightly damp, not wet. Wring it out well before cleaning. If water gets on the surface of your laptop or PC, it will damage it.

It is better to remove jewelry from your hands while working. To avoid accidentally scratching the display with a ring or bracelet. This is not necessary if you are careful.

After wet cleaning, wipe the LCD with a dry cloth to get rid of stains. Remove dust even from corners.

If you decide to clean the screen with baby soap, do not mix a concentrated soap solution. Just a small amount of detergent is enough.

  1. Wipe the display with a dry cloth to ensure there is no dust left on it.
  2. Then apply the soap to a cloth and gently wipe the LCD monitor with it.
  3. Wash off the foam with a damp cloth.
  4. And wipe again with dry material.

The frequency of cleaning depends on the degree of contamination. If a stain appears on the display, it is better to wipe it off immediately before it dries. You need to wipe off the dust with a dry cloth once a week. Use a wet wipe once a month.


  • Do not touch the display unless absolutely necessary.
  • Do not wipe it with bare hands. So fingerprints and stains may appear on it.
  • Do not place plates of hot food or mugs of tea in front of the screen. The steam from them will condense and settle on the LCD in the form of greasy spots.

If you don’t know how to clean your computer monitor at home, you shouldn’t experiment. A soft, lint-free cloth is all you need. But if the screen is very dirty, you will have to go to the store. To properly care for your LCD display, you need to purchase specialized products.

In order for your computer (or TV) to last a long time, the monitor must be cleaned regularly. Dirt spoils the appearance of the device and interferes with comfortable viewing of the image on the display.

What should you not use to clean your computer screen at home?

  • It is strictly forbidden to clean the monitor with alcohol. Why? It's simple. Modern screens are equipped with special anti-reflective coatings. Imagine the effect pure alcohol has on a delicate and sensitive surface. When in contact with alcohol-containing products, the screen becomes covered with small cracks, and the device itself quickly loses its novelty and original appearance.
  • It is highly recommended not to use powder and soda. Their impact is perfectly illustrated by commercials that compare cleaning a stove with a powder detergent to figure skating. If you polish the sensitive surface of the screen with soda or powder, cracks and scratches will not take long to appear.

  • Sponges are also not suitable for cleaning the screen, since hard grains of sand penetrate into the porous structure. When wiped, they will certainly leave marks on the display.
  • Do not use towels, clothes, or handkerchiefs - they leave lint or scratches behind.

How to clean a laptop screen at home?

Regular dust can be wiped off with a dry cloth or napkin. A good habit of regularly dusting your monitor will extend the life of your device and improve its performance. You can clean the screen from dust using cellophane or cling film: you just need to disconnect the computer from the network, and the dust itself will quickly stick to the material.

Dirt, spots, traces of insects are wiped off with wet wipes. Do not wipe the LCD display with your hands! If there are no napkins in the house, you can use a cloth soaked in water, but you should wring it out well. And in general, try to prevent the screen from coming into contact with water.

Grease stains can be easily removed with a soap solution. Here you should remember the rule from the previous paragraph: the napkin or cloth must be squeezed out well. Regular baby soap is best.

How to clean a matte laptop screen? If your device has a matte screen, the cleaning procedure is greatly simplified. Just wipe the display with a damp cloth and wipe dry.

How to clean a laptop screen?

Before cleaning, the computer must be turned off and completely disconnected from power. If you have a CRT monitor, you need to unplug it a couple of hours before cleaning. It is recommended to remove jewelry from your fingers, as one careless movement can easily damage the screen.

The display should be wiped with light circular movements, without pressing hard on the cloth or napkin. It’s better to repeat the procedure again than to put pressure on the screen and risk damaging it. The more often you use your laptop, the more often the screen needs to be wiped. To keep your monitor clean, use a thin cloth when closing the laptop lid.

How to clean your phone screen from scratches?

Modern smartphones, tablets and other gadgets have a touch screen, which becomes covered with scratches and abrasions from daily use. Stores sell many sets and wipes designed for polishing screens, but if you don’t have the opportunity to buy special products, you can use what you have on hand.

  • Toothpaste. Or, more correctly, a dental gel: it does not contain strong abrasive substances that can damage the delicate coating of the display. To treat the surface, it is best to use a regular cotton pad. The gel should be gently rubbed into the screen until the surface is completely clean. After this, just wipe the phone with a microfiber cloth.

  • Baby powder. It must be mixed with water and gently rubbed over the surface of the screen until the solution is completely absorbed. Fine talc particles will fill the voids created by cracks and keep the display free from scratches.
  • Furniture polish. Regular furniture care product also works great on scuffs and cracks. Directions for use: Apply gently onto a cotton pad and rub until scratches disappear completely.

  • Baking soda. Mix soda and water in a 2:1 ratio and treat the surface of the screen with the resulting paste. When the abrasions are removed, wipe the display with a paper napkin.
  • Vegetable oil. Just one drop is enough to restore your screen's newness and smoothness.

  • A mixture of aluminum foil, one egg and potassium sulfate (popularly called alum, sold at the pharmacy). First, mix one egg with a teaspoon of potassium sulfate and heat it in an aluminum container to a temperature of 65 degrees. Then we soak a piece of microfiber in the prepared solution, place it on foil and put it in the oven until the fabric is completely dry. We take out the microfiber and lower it into cool water for 30 seconds.

We repeat the steps described above several times and leave the fabric to dry for a couple of days. After this, you can clean the screen.

How to clean the contacts on the phone screen cable?

Many users are faced with the problem of oxidation of contacts, which are covered with a greenish oxide film. This usually happens when the phone falls into water. The following remedies will help get rid of plaque:

  • Alcohol. It is recommended to use only pure alcohol, since vodka, cologne and other alcohol-containing products contain foreign impurities.
  • Toothpick. You can also use a soft lead pencil.

  • Solvent. We take the most ordinary A4 paper and apply a certain amount of solvent to it. Then we apply the cable to the paper and rub it with strong pressure along its surface, cleaning the contacts. After that, we wash them with the same solvent, and then carefully clean them with a brush.
  • Acetic or hydrochloric acid. A regular 10 percent solution will do. You can also use ammonia, which is sold at any pharmacy.

How to properly handle electronic devices?

Always remember that the key to long service life of any device is proper care of it. To learn how to handle equipment carefully and minimize the number of wipes, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Food and drinks have no place near the monitor.
  • Not confident in your own accuracy? Apply protective film to the display.
  • Do not touch the screen with your fingers or try to remove dirt with your hands.
  • Remove fresh dirt and spills immediately. When frozen, they are more difficult to remove.

  • Do not allow the monitor to overheat. Heating appliances negatively affect the operation of the device, so placing the monitor next to them is unacceptable. Also avoid exposing the device to direct sunlight. If your windows are located on the south side, move the monitor or buy a curtain.
  • Do not place flowers directly above the computer, as water may drip onto the monitor when watering the plants.

  • Teach children how to handle electronic devices carefully.
  • Do not allow water to enter the ventilation openings.
  • Do not place papers behind the monitor or directly on it, as this will block the ventilation holes and prevent the device from cooling.

  • Get into the habit of cleaning the monitor and the device itself from dust once every one or two days, since the latter is not only harmful to your health, but also has the unpleasant property of accumulating a static charge. Over time, this can lead to various computer malfunctions.

How can I clean my LCD TV screen?

No matter how carefully we treat our equipment, sooner or later dirt appears on the monitor. Only use a soft, lint-free cloth to clean dust from the LCD display. The ideal option is microfiber. Wet, dry, or wipes soaked in a special solution will also cope with the task.

Solutions that do not contain alcohol are suitable as cleaning agents. A great way to clean your display from dust is to use laundry soap. Rub soap onto a lint-free cloth and clean the screen until there are no streaks left. The method is quite long and requires patience, but the result is worth it: with the help of laundry soap you can get rid of greasy stains.

To get rid of heavy dirt, you can wipe the display with a mixture of table vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio. Please note: if you have hard water coming from your tap, it is better to use distilled water to wipe the LCD display.

How to properly clean your LCD TV screen?

The correct sequence of actions is:

  1. Turn off the TV and unplug it.
  2. If the fabric is reusable, make sure there are no small grains of sand on it that could damage the display.
  3. Apply the product to a napkin and wipe with light circular movements without pressing.
  4. Repeat the procedure until the desired effect is obtained.

How to clean a plasma screen at home?

During use, TV screens become covered with dust, greasy fingerprints and other dirty marks appear on them. Similar to an LCD display, a plasma screen can be wiped with soapy water, a lint-free cloth, or a microfiber sponge. Cotton swabs will help remove dust from hard-to-reach places. You can also use the vacuum cleaner at minimum power, after installing a nozzle for delicate surfaces on the hose. Attention: do not bring the nozzle close to the screen!

How else can you clean your TV screen at home? All kinds of gels, foams, aerosols, and special sprays will help you get rid of dirt. Before using such products, be sure to read the included instructions and become familiar with the composition. A thin suede cloth or a soft cloth for glasses will help remove fingerprints. This type of cleaning takes a lot of time, but helps achieve excellent results.

  • ethyl chloride;
  • abrasives;
  • acetone;
  • ammonia;
  • washing powder;
  • soda;
  • dyes;
  • petrol;
  • solvents;
  • glass cleaners and other alcohol-containing substances.

You need to wipe the TV screen at least once a week or two, otherwise a large amount of dust accumulates on it.

Today, in developed countries, almost every family has a computer. The degree of comfort in using any computing equipment directly depends on its appearance. So, working with clean equipment is pleasant and productive: nothing distracts you, nothing interferes with the perception of visual information. But, with active use, contamination of the computer screen is inevitable. How and with what to clean the PC screen - read below.

Cleaning your computer screen is a standard procedure for keeping your equipment in good condition.

Thus, screen cleaners should not contain abrasive particles, alcohol, acetone, or ammonia.

That is, powder, soda, nail polish remover, medical alcohol, etc. are not suitable for cleaning. Using such products and others like them may cause cracks and scratches on your computer screen. This is due to the fact that most modern displays have a special antibacterial coating that is resistant to aggressive agents. What then should you use to wipe the screen? At home, you can clean the screen using two flannel cloths.

In this case, one cloth should be slightly damp. You can replace cloths with a microfiber cloth. These are sold in hardware stores, and you probably have them at home.

The cleaning itself should proceed as follows:

  1. Wipe the screen from dust with a dry cloth (or napkin).
  2. Dampen one of the cloths with a solution of water and white vinegar (1:1 ratio).
  3. Clean the screen from grease and stains using a damp cloth (or napkin).
  4. Wipe the screen dry.

It is strictly prohibited to use chemical cleaning agents with microfiber cloths. Microfiber cloths and flannel cloths must be washed when they become dirty.

Tips: how to clean your computer monitor at home

When cleaning your computer screen from dirt, grease stains and stains, it is very important to work extremely carefully, because it is quite easy to damage the screen. To ensure that your computer or laptop display does not become scratched over time and continues to delight you with a bright image, you must follow certain rules when cleaning it.

This will lead to streaks appearing on the screen, which will be more difficult to remove than to wipe off dust. At the same time, alcohol-containing wipes can thin out and in some places corrode the top, antibacterial coating on the display, which will lead to the formation of microcracks on the display.

In addition, when cleaning your computer monitor, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. Do not spray a special product directly onto the monitor body. Liquid may seep into the screen through cracks in the housing. At the same time, irreversible processes that are destructive to the display will occur inside.
  2. Do not use paper towels, napkins, or toilet paper to clean the screen: they can scratch the screen.
  3. When cleaning, do not press on the screen, do not scrape off grease or deposits using foreign objects. This way you can not only degrade the color rendition of the monitor, but also damage individual pixels.
  4. Do not use soapy solutions for cleaning: they may leave streaks on the screen.
  5. After wet cleaning, be sure to wipe the screen dry.

Also, if you have a computer with a matte screen (anti-glare), before cleaning it, find information on how to properly care for this type of surface. This will allow you to choose the most delicate cleaning agent, thereby maintaining the quality of color rendering and the anti-glare property of the screen.

Choosing a cleaning product: how to wipe the TV screen

To clean the TV display, it is better to use special care. Thus, the household chemicals market today can offer a wide selection of cleaning products for every taste.

The most popular means by which you can wash the LCD TV screen are:

  1. Special lint-free wet wipes. Such cleaning wipes are most often sold complete with cleaning aerosols. They are great for cleaning LED screens, as they not only clean, but also remove static electricity. They can also be used to wipe off plasma.
  2. A set of wet and dry wipes. This option has an antiseptic effect and is most suitable for cleaning LSD screens.
  3. Cleaning aerosols, gels, foams. When choosing products, you need to look at their composition: screen cleaners should not contain alcohol or ammonia. At the same time, it is worth noting that cleaning foams are inferior in effectiveness to other products.

The above products can also be used to clean computer monitors, laptops, and tablets from various contaminants.

Cleaning your LCD TV screen is a lot like cleaning your computer display. So, before cleaning, you need to turn off the screen and disconnect the TV from the power supply. This way, you will protect both yourself and your equipment from dangerous situations.

In addition, to ensure that cleaning does not damage the delicate surface of the equipment, you should:

  • Do not spray the liquid directly onto the screen, but transfer it first to the wiping material.
  • For two-level cleaning, use a damp, but not wet, cloth.
  • Choose only lint-free materials for cleaning the screen. At the same time, you can wipe the screen body with cotton pads with a special product applied to them.
  • Refrain from turning on the screen until its surface is completely dry.

Each time you clean, use clean wipes. At the same time, it is not necessary to open a new set: most napkins can be washed at home.

Methods: how to wipe a computer monitor at home (video)

Cleaning your computer screens and home appliances is an important step in keeping your equipment in proper working order. In order to carry out high-quality cleaning of your computer and TV screen, you must follow the above instructions, the advice of specialists and the recommendations of experienced users. In addition, safety rules must be followed. Only then will your equipment delight you with rich and clear images for many years!

Dirt, fingerprints and unsightly scratches can ruin your enjoyment of your monitor. When cleaning your screen, it is important to choose a gentle method as it is made of plastic that can be easily scratched and damaged by harsh chemicals. This article will tell you how to clean your computer monitor without harming it, and how to repair scratches if necessary.
Cleaning Your Monitor Safely

Turn off your monitor. When the monitor is turned off, dirt and dust on it become more visible, and it will also be safer for your computer.

  • If you try to clean your monitor while the pixels are still lit, you may damage the screen.

  • Although the risk is low, cleaning while the monitor is on carries the risk of causing a short circuit.
  • 2.
    Clean the screen frame. Buy a non-aggressive window cleaning liquid, apply it to a cloth and wipe the screen frame.

  • The monitor body is made of fairly durable plastic, so you can scrape it a bit if you have to remove dried-on grease and the like.

  • Do not spray liquid directly onto the monitor body, as there is a danger of getting it on the screen, from which liquid may seep through the cracks inside.

  • Clean the monitor's base, back, and buttons. Wrap a tissue around your finger or a toothpick and clean hard-to-reach crevices (without touching the screen itself).

  • If there are cords attached to the monitor that lead to the computer or network, unplug them and give them a good cleaning as well.

  • 3.
    Wipe the screen with a clean, soft cloth.
A microfiber (microfiber) cloth works best for this. This type of antistatic fabric leaves no lint behind and is soft enough not to scratch the surface of the screen. Use this cloth to wipe away visible dust, dirt, and grease (microfiber cloths are sold in electronics stores as screen cleaners).
  • Do not use towels, paper napkins or tissues or other materials that may cause scratches to wipe the screen. They leave fibers and can scratch the screen.

  • Disposable microfiber cloths, sold in home improvement departments, also work well.

  • Do not press on the screen or try to scratch it. By doing this, you can damage it, worsening color rendition (or even completely destroying individual pixels), which will be revealed the next time you turn it on.

  • If the screen is very dirty, rinse or replace the cloth between each session. Wipe the screen gently and smoothly.

  • 4.
    Do not use products with ammonia or acetone. They can easily damage your screen, especially if it has a matte anti-glare coating.
  • When wiping the screen, use as much distilled water as possible.

  • You can also purchase a special screen cleaning liquid. Read reviews and instructions to make sure this liquid is suitable for your type of monitor.

  • To make a cleaning liquid at home, mix equal parts water and white vinegar. Use this solution to dampen (but not wet) the cloth you use to wipe the screen.
  • Another homemade liquid option: mix vodka or isopropyl alcohol in equal amounts with water.

  • To prevent liquid from dripping, always apply it to a tissue and not directly to the monitor.

  • Do not use anything soapy that might leave streaks.
  • You can also use special wipes to clean screens. This is a very convenient tool that was designed specifically for cleaning monitors.

  • If your monitor is matte (equipped with an anti-glare coating), make sure these wipes are safe for it.

  • To choose a good product, read reviews on the Internet or consult with a salesperson in a store.

  • 6.
    If you encounter a stubborn stain, scrub the area very gently. To remove dirt (whether food, ink, or other substances), work in a gentle, circular motion.

  • Don't rub too hard or try to scrape the stain off.

  • Be patient - it may take a couple of minutes for the liquid to loosen the dried dirt well enough for you to remove it.

  • To help the liquid soak up dirt, press a damp cloth onto it and hold it there for a while (be careful not to let the cloth start to drip onto the screen).

  • When faced with a stubborn stain, resist the temptation to spray the liquid directly on it.

  • After you have cleaned off the dirt, wipe the area with a dry, clean cloth.
  • Make sure everything is dry before turning on the monitor. This will protect the monitor from damage (moisture that gets inside can cause a short circuit).

    • Always read the instructions for your specific model (and product).

      • Before cleaning your monitor, unplug it from your computer and power. If you have a laptop/netbook, make sure it is completely turned off.

      • Do not use spray varnish near open fire sources.
        You will need:
      • Microfiber cloth (microfiber)

      • Liquid for cleaning LCD monitors

      • Vinegar and water

      • Scratch removal kit

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