Board game manager printable. Board game monopoly: download and print. Economic game managers on PC

In one way or another connected with the management of something. However, unlike conventional strategies, where, in general, we are also traditionally talking about managing something, managers pay a lot of attention to detail, which is why they are quite reminiscent of simulation games and many projects often combine these two genres. In addition, a distinctive feature of management games is the focus on development, instead of military action.

Sports managers on PC

Sports managers on PC became widely known thanks to the Football Manager series of games being developed Sports Interactive and released SEGA . Football managers on PC are the most popular. However, there are also other sports managers: hockey, American football, motorsports, even cricket and other sports.

In sports management, you typically manage a team, making transfers, calculating budgets, fielding players for matches, choosing tactics, managing the training process, etc. In general, everything that people who manage sports teams actually do. It is worth noting that you perform the functions not only of coaches, but in general of all people holding management positions.

Famous games of the genre: Football Manager, Championship Manager, Eastside Hockey Manager.

Economic game managers on PC

Perhaps the most common managers on PCs fall into this category. You can remember Sim City, Caesar III, Zeus: Master of Olympus and many, many others. These games are different, but they are all built around economics. In Caesar and Zeus there is the opportunity to fight, but this is only one of the features that entertains the player, and the main focus remains on city planning and economics.

Famous games of the genre: Anno, Sim City, Caesar, Patrician.

You will be surprised if you find out how many different management games, sometimes on the most unexpected topics, exist at the moment. Only in our catalog you can find: gladiator ludus manager, ghostbusters manager, occult sacrifice manager and, as icing on the cake, dirty cop manager. And this is not all that you will find on this page - this is only a small part.

How many hours did we spend playing this interesting game as children? We spent days and days playing Monopoly with our friends. The most successful was the first version of the monopoly, which was called NEP. It is this version that we scanned and redrawn for those who would like to download and then print the game in order to once again plunge into the most interesting economic world.

Playing field

First of all, you will need to print out the game board for your future Monopoly. Even from the miniature presented above, you can recognize one of the very first games of this genre. This option was called “NEP”. This version of Monopoly has the most successful playing field, as, in principle, all the elements of this board game. The best part is that when playing this monopoly we will be dealing with small numbers. The most expensive enterprises are the Ring - 400 and the Pearl - 350. You can download the playing field for Monopoly in PDF. After printing two A4 sheets, simply fold them together. At the junction, you can glue strips of transparent tape on both sides. For those who have the opportunity, it is better to laminate the playing field, then it will last much longer. Download and print parts.

If a field of two A4 sheets does not seem large enough for you, then you can print it and glue it onto 4 sheets of regular size. In this case, download this one, consisting of 4 sheets.

Monopoly cards

On the first sheet of cards for monopoly, we will need to print: Arabskaya, Orlovskaya, Donskaya, and Gingerbread, Bulka, Cake. We print both sides, cut them out and glue them back together. The first A4 sheet for printing is here.

The second A4 sheet with cards for monopoly contained: Pineapples, Sausage, Sevruga, and Yar, Metropol, Astoria. You can download and print these 6 cards at.

The next sheet of cards contains such enterprises as: Fur coat, Manto, Fur, and Teriyazh, Chest of drawers, Armchair. .

By printing this page with cards, we will get the following enterprises: Silver, Porcelain, Ring, Pearl, Water and Energy. Download this one to print.

We do the same with the next sheet, which shows lotteries for Monopoly. Don’t forget, if printed lotteries are wrapped in film, they will last much longer. .

And we download the last 6 lotteries. In total you will get 18 lotteries. All we have to do is print out the chance cards, money and game rules. And you can gather friends for an exciting time.

"CHANCE" cards from Monopoly

Unlike the lottery, we made the chance card in bright orange. They will also need to be printed in 3 sheets of 6 pieces. on each. Download and print.

If you took double-sided photo paper, you could print the chance shirt on the other side of the description itself. But due to the fact that it is very difficult to get millimeter to millimeter on a home printer, it is easier to cut it out and then glue the first and second sides to each other. — 2 sheets of chance.

Rules of the board game "Monopoly"

All you have to do is download the rules of the game, and your own monopoly is ready. The content of the rules was conveniently distributed on two A4 sheets. It is best to print them on one sheet, on both sides. Download and print: , .

Download and print the following PDF to glue together a 60 x 60cm field so the business cards can be laid out in their place.

I remembered my long-forgotten childhood and the game from it “Gift for the Manager”. This masterpiece was released in 1989 back in the USSR and cost 10 rubles.

  • This game is designed for 2-6 players.
  • Players age approximately 10+
  • Tour time is negotiable (but I don’t think you’ll get away with 60 minutes… some games lasted for weeks.)

As stated in the rules of the game: “This economic game will not only allow you to have an interesting time, but will also introduce you to some concepts and ideas from the field of economic activity.”

But I recommend that you still treat it as an interesting game in which you can feel like a serious “businessman” and immerse yourself in the wonderful world of Soviet business with such mysterious words as “concern” or “cooperative”.

This game is very difficult to acquire at the present time, and almost impossible to buy. In addition, some may have lost cards or rules for the game. The information below is just for them:

Rules for the game:


Economic game
GAME “GIFT FOR MANAGER” is the best gift for the holiday. It is an excellent tool for developing your economic thinking. This economic game will not only allow you to have an interesting time, but will also introduce you to some concepts and ideas from the field of economic activity.

This business game can be interesting for both adults and children. However, it should not be considered as direct guidance for practical activities. It's just a game. Before you start the game, be sure to read the rules of the game.



Imagine that you have decided to become the head of a state-owned enterprise, the economic basis of which is self-financing, or the chairman of a new cooperative. To do this, you need to choose the type of activity, the sector of the national economy in which you will work. Then purchase the patents necessary for this purpose, organize a state-owned enterprise or cooperative in the relevant industry, purchase equipment - machines, robots and produce products that would be in demand in order to obtain a certain profit. In this universal game you can do all this without leaving the table, with your family, friends or acquaintances.
The main content and goal of the game is the creation of a MONOPOLY, that is, the organization of a state-owned enterprise and a cooperative of one industry to produce products of world standards with access to the foreign market in order to achieve maximum profits. The winner is the one who will have the most developed production, who will achieve the goal of the game and create a MONOPOLY. The loser is the one who cannot withstand the competition and becomes bankrupt.
The game includes toy check banknotes, which players use to pay each other and the bank. Before the game starts, each participant receives a bank loan of 2,000 checks. The game can be played by 2 to 6 people. Everyone chooses one of the chips by color, which will represent him on the playing field. They begin to walk clockwise from the “Start” field and move the chips by the number of fields corresponding to the sum of points rolled on 2 dice. If a chip lands on a space representing a field of activity and no one has yet taken a patent for it, the owner of the chip can take that patent by paying the value of the field to the bank. If the patent is taken, then the field is the property of the person who took the patent. Anyone who lands on this field must purchase goods produced by the patent owner for the amount indicated on the patent card. Products are sold conditionally; There are no chips depicting goods in the game.
The value of the patent depends on the amount of equipment and type of work. The equipment is purchased from the bank and installed on the field of activity.
If a chip lands on the “Chance” or “Penalty” field, representing life situations, the player must take the corresponding card and follow the instructions that it contains.
The game board also has fields: “Start”, “Vacation”, “Parking”, “Accident”, “Sick Leave” and others.
Descriptions of these fields are given below.
During the game, only before your turn can you make deals. agreements with other players, redeem and pledge patents to the bank, purchase the necessary equipment, announce the creation of a new state-owned enterprise or cooperative, exchange banknotes-checks of different denominations in the bank, exchange checks for currency in a ratio of 1:5, etc.


The game package includes:
1. Playing field - 1 pc.
2. Patent cards - 46 pcs.
3. Cards “Chance” and “Fine” - 24 pcs.
4. Player chips - 6 pcs.
5. Dice - 2 pcs.
6. Chips-machines - 36 pcs.
7. Robot chips - 18 pcs.
8. Banknotes-checks of different denominations - 149 pcs., namely: 500 - 14 pcs., 100 - 48 pcs., 50 - 30 pcs., 25 - 24 pcs., 10 - 18 pcs., 5 - 15 pcs.
9. Currency checks of different denominations - 12 pcs., namely: 100 - 4 pcs., 50 - 4 pcs., 25 - 4 pcs.
10. Packing - 1 pc.


Place stacks of “Chance” and “Fine” cards on the board with the labels facing down. Place the player chips on the “Start” field. Give each player 2000 checks in this way: two banknotes - 500, seven - 100, four - 50, three - 25, two - 10, one - 5.
The remaining banknotes remain in the bank.
Choose a bank manager from among the players.


Before the start of the game, one of the players is selected as the bank manager. This is a player like everyone else, subject to all the rules, but he has additional obligations - to be an intermediary between the bank and the players. He cannot use the bank's funds for his own purposes.

The bank carries out its activities through the bank manager.
A place is allocated for the bank where a box is placed in which banknotes, patent cards, and equipment chips are placed.
The bank pays premiums, prizes, collects taxes, fines, fees, sells equipment, issues patents, buys them back at half the price, arranges auctions, issues checks against the patent.
If the bank runs out of checks, the banker writes promissory notes for whatever amount is required. This is a piece of paper with the indication “Bill” and the number of the debt.
The bill is exchanged for checks as soon as they appear in the bank. The bank does not give checks just like that - only against the mortgage of the property.


To determine the order of moves, the dice are thrown one at a time. The player who rolls the highest amount goes first. He rolls the dice /both at once/ and moves his piece clockwise by a number of fields equal to the sum of the numbers rolled on the dice.
After he completes all the actions that the player needs to do on the field where he ended up, the turn of the move passes to the player sitting on the left clockwise. Before his throw, the player can perform various operations with the bank and offer deals to other players. During other players' turns, he cannot do this.
The chips remain on the field where they hit and move only after the next dice roll. Several chips can be located on one field.
If a player rolls a double (the same numbers on both dice), then he moves the chip as usual, performs all the actions that need to be done on this field, and then makes another move.
If a player rolls three doubles in a row, he goes on vacation. The piece is moved to the "Vacation" field, and the turn of the move is transferred to the next player.
Every time a player's piece stops on the "Start" field or passes it during its movement, the player receives a prize from the bank - 400 checks. If he does not claim the prize from the bank manager before the dice are rolled by the next player, he loses the right to receive it.


If the chip lands on such a field, the player can take the patent by paying the bank the full or half of the “pledged” value of the patent.
If a player has paid the full price for a patent, then the patent is his property and other players can no longer buy the patent without the owner’s desire. The owner can offer anyone who wants to buy the patent at any price. If a player bought a patent for half the price, the patent card is placed up with the word “pawned”, and the patent is not the property of the player and can be purchased by another player.
The value is indicated on the field and on the patent card. The bank manager gives the patent card to the player, and he places it in front of him on that side, depending on how much he paid to the bank.
If the player refuses to take the patent, the bank manager must immediately offer it for sale at auction. The one who paid the highest price receives the patent. Bidding at the auction begins with the starting price indicated on the Card, with the player sitting to the left of the one who refused.

If a player's piece lands on such a field, the player must pay the patent owner the amount indicated on the patent card. This amount depends on the amount of equipment installed on a given field.
If the patent is pledged, no fee is charged. And the player. who finds himself in such a field can purchase a patent for this field by paying the cost of the pledged patent to its former owner and depositing the same fee into the bank. After this operation, the patent is the property of that player.
The patent owner must ensure that the payment is received on time. Neither the player entering the field of the patent owner nor other players should remind him of this. If the patent owner does not claim the payment due before the next roll of the dice, it is not collected.


A state-owned enterprise or cooperative is formed: if the player was able to take all the patents from the group of patents of a given industry, the cards of which are indicated in the same color, and pay a fee to the bank for acquiring a patent for the creation of this state-owned enterprise or cooperative in the amount of 1000 checks.
A state-owned enterprise or cooperative provides special advantages. Firstly, the fee for entering any of the fields included in their composition increases. Secondly, and this is the most important thing, the player gets the opportunity to install equipment on these fields, which sharply increases the entry fee.
In order to form a state-owned enterprise or cooperative, a player can buy or exchange missing patents from other players. The terms of the transaction are determined only by a general agreement during the trading process. If at least one of the patents is pledged, a state-owned enterprise or cooperative cannot be formed.


When a chip lands on these fields, the player takes the top card from the pack, reads the instructions aloud, places the card at the bottom of the pack and does everything that is prescribed.
Cards “Return from vacation”, “You avoided an accident”, “You are in excellent health. Diseases will not threaten you” can remain with the player until the need arises, or can be sold to another player by agreement.
When you stop at the “Parking” field, you do not need to do anything. The chip moves on in its next move.


A player goes on vacation in the following cases:
1. If the chip stops on the “Vacation” field.
2. If you take a “Fine” card with the instruction “Go on vacation.”
3. If a double is thrown three times in a row.
At the same time, no matter where the chip is, it moves directly to the “Vacation” field, without receiving 400 prize checks.
The player returns from vacation:
1. If he rolls a double on one of his next three dice rolls. In this case, he moves to a number equal to the sum rolled on the dice and makes
repeat moves, as usual, when a double is rolled.
2. If he has a "Get Out of Vacation" card or buys it from another player. The card is returned to the pile after use.
3. If he pays 200 checks to the bank before he rolls the dice.
4. After three moves and paying 100 checks - after the third roll of the dice, the player must move the chip from the “Vacation” field to a number of fields equal to the sum of the numbers rolled on the dice.
A player on vacation cannot receive payment, enter into transactions or conduct transactions with the bank.


A player who lands on the “Accident” field or takes a “Fine” card called “You have an accident” gets into an accident and places his chip on the “Accident” field. This player automatically misses three turns. If there is an accident, the player does not receive a payment and does not have the right to enter into transactions or carry out various operations with the bank. The player can avoid an accident only by having a “Chance” card called “You avoided an accident.” The card is returned to the pile after use.


A player goes on sick leave in the following cases:
1. If the chip lands on the “Sick leave” field.
2. If you take a “Fine” card with the instruction “You are sick,” move back to the “Sick Leave” field.
In this case, the chip remains on the “Sick Leave” field, and the player misses one move. While on sick leave, the player receives payment, but cannot participate in transactions and operations with the bank. If a player lands on this field by throwing a double, then another throw is made.
The player returns from sick leave:
1. If he throws a double.
2. If he has a card “You are in excellent health. You are not in danger of illness."


A player's piece that lands on the "Taxi" field moves forward to the nearest "Parking" or "Start" field.

Once on such a field, the player has the right to purchase a patent for this field, worth 500 checks. The owner of such a field has the right:
1. Receive payment when other participants enter this field in the form of currency. The player caught in this
field, exchanges checks at the bank for foreign currency checks in the amount of 5:1 /125 ordinary checks = 25 foreign currency checks/ and pays the owner in foreign currency. The amount of the fee consists of the amount indicated on the “Currency” patent card and the amount of currency already owned by the patent owner.
2. Purchase patents for the formation of a state-owned enterprise or cooperative at half price, i.e. for 500 checks and subsequently purchase equipment / machines, robots / at half the cost, making a profit of 100 percent.
3. Having created a MONOPOLY in any industry, produce products of world standards /for this you need to have a patent “Currency” and at least 100 foreign currency checks/. In this case, the profit becomes the maximum allowable in the game, namely, it increases by another 100 percent above the profit received when creating MONOPOLY
A player, once on a currency field whose patent has already been purchased, can buy this patent from the owner for double the price, i.e. for 1000 checks plus the cost of available currency.


A player who, during the game, has formed two state-owned enterprises or cooperatives of related industries, may, before his next move, announce the creation of a trust or concern, respectively. In this case, the fee for passing through these fields increases by 50 percent. The following industries are considered related:
1. Agroindustry and food industry.
2. Light industry and trade.
3. Construction industry and transport.
If the player has formed a state-owned enterprise and a cooperative of the same industry, then he has achieved the goal of this game, i.e. created a MONOPOLY on this branch of production. The fee increases by 100 percent. And having created a MONOPOLY and having a currency /patent for a currency field and at least 100 currency checks/, the player, before his turn, announces that he has begun producing products of world standards, which means the amount of the fee becomes the maximum in the game and increases by another 100 percent compared to the fee when creating MONOPOLY.
During the game, between players who have state-owned enterprises or cooperatives related or in the same industry, transactions can be concluded to form joint ventures / trusts, concerns, MONOPOLY /.
At the same time, the amount of profit and the amount of losses from the creation of this joint venture is divided between these players by mutual agreement.


Equipment can only be installed on fields that are part of a state-owned enterprise or cooperative. No more than two machines or one robot can be installed on each field. Equipment is purchased from the bank at the prices indicated on the patent cards. The purchase is made before the player's next move.
The equipment is installed evenly on all fields of a state-owned enterprise or cooperative /one/ - the difference in the number of machines in different fields should not be more than one. This rule also applies when withdrawing Machine Tools and selling them to a bank.
For example, there cannot be 2 machines on one field, while there are none on another. Robots can be installed only after all fields of the cooperative have two machines. When installing robots, the machines are removed.
Installing equipment is very profitable, as it allows you to dramatically increase the payment received by the player. If the bank is sold out of all the equipment, the player wishing to purchase it must wait until someone wants to sell it to the bank. Players do not have the right to exchange or sell equipment to each other. In transactions, the equipment must be handed over to the bank at half the price. The equipment cannot be mortgaged; it is only sold to the bank at half the price.

The equipment cannot be installed if at least one of the company’s patents is pledged. A patent from a state-owned enterprise or cooperative can be pledged only after the sale of equipment from all fields included in this state-owned enterprise or cooperative.


All patents owned by a player can be exchanged or sold to another player under any contractual conditions. The conditions are determined in the process of mutual trade. The initiator of the transaction is the player whose turn it is. Trades must be completed before the dice are rolled.
The exchange and sale of patents in the fields in which the equipment is installed is not permitted. It must first be handed over to the bank at half the price.
If patents are pledged, they can be sold to another player or donated to the bank.


If financial difficulties arise during the game, the player can take checks from the bank against the patent. The mortgage value is indicated on the patent card. If a patent is pledged, the patent card is turned face down and the field
belonging to this patent is considered free, i.e. no fee is charged for entering this field, however, the right to dispose of the pledged patent remains with its owner.
When repurchasing a pledged patent, the mortgaged value of the patent is paid to the bank. This must be done by both the patent owner and the player purchasing or trading the pledged patent. You can redeem pledged patents only before your turn.
In order to supply the equipment again, it is necessary to buy out all the patents of the enterprise, pay the mortgage price and buy the equipment for the full price from the bank.


Bankruptcy is the inability to pay off your debts. The bankrupt leaves the game. If a player cannot pay other players, he must transfer everything he has, having first handed over the equipment to the bank at half the cost. Only patents and checks are given away.
If the player cannot pay the bank, the bank will confiscate his property. Confiscated patents go to auction and are sold to the highest bidder. The last player remaining is the winner.


Before the game starts, the end time of the game is set. After the set time has elapsed, the player with the highest profit is determined. He is the winner.
Players' profits consist of:
1. Checks available to the players.
2. The total value of patents and equipment owned by players.
3. Half the value of the pledged patents.



CHANCE cards:

Penalty cards:

Field cards:

This economic game is designed for those who are born for success and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. Become a top manager of a large manufacturing corporation, open new enterprises and conquer the sales market, mercilessly and decisively displacing all competitors from it! To win this game, players will have to show their best business skills, weigh risks, make the right management decisions and turn a loan of 100 million into a successful, thriving business and an unsinkable brand.

The playing field depicts enterprises that players can buy and develop, special cells that influence the course of the game and add unpredictability to the gameplay, and the sales market itself, on which the players’ profits depend. Players can enlarge and modernize their enterprises, increasing their competitiveness, attract investors, and advertise their products. As soon as one of them manages to occupy the entire market with his products, he becomes the winner and the game ends.

The economic board game “Top Manager” is designed for 2-4 players and is intended for children and their parents aged 9 to 101 years. The average duration of a game is 60 minutes.

Welcome to the world where dreams come true!

© Manufacturer: Russian Style LLC. 2016

In addition to this game, the “Formula for Success” series includes three more economic games: “Millionaires: Battle of the Wallets”, “Capital” and “Entrepreneur”.

The Russian Style company is one of the leading manufacturers of entertaining, educational and educational games and toys for children on the Russian market. It does everything possible to ensure that interesting and useful games are affordable to as many customers as possible and meet their best expectations. When choosing a game for your children or as a gift, remember that a high price does not guarantee interest, but at best the quality and readiness of its components for play, and is often due only to the fact that everything is already cut out and the cardboard is thicker. If you are not too lazy to spend 5-10 minutes before the first game and cut out the cards yourself, then by choosing products from the Russian Style company, you can buy more good board games for your children, superior in artistic design, clarity of rules, balance and interest in the gameplay many much more expensive domestic and foreign gaming products.


The economic board game "Manager" is one of the most popular options. It is interesting that "Manager" was very popular in the Soviet Union, while the classic "" remained little known.

This is an economic game, the rules of which define classic and aggressive methods of business strategy, and will be of interest to teenagers and adults even now. In many reviews and comparisons of board games, “Manager” is among the top most popular. By playing the board game “Manager,” you can feel like the owner of a future business empire and hone the reflexes of a financial shark.


The Manager game can be played by two to six people. All the action takes place on a playing board, divided into cells, which represent the corresponding areas, that is, branches and enterprises. At your disposal there will be cards with the names “Notice” and “Surprise”. In this case, you can acquire the “Right to Property” in the process. The rules provide for the use of banknotes of almost all existing denominations.


Before the game process, you need to put cards with the name “Right to Property” on the plots. Cards with other names should be placed on the playing field to which they correspond. After this, one of the players is appointed as a banker who will accept and issue banknotes to the participants. Initially, everyone receives bills totaling 20 thousand.

Rules, game progress

The rules of the “Manager” board game provide an opportunity to test your abilities in the strategic management of a business structure.

The gameplay begins from the “start” position. The first participant rolls the dice and thereby begins the game. The move in the board game “Manager” is made by the participant whose dice rolled the higher number. Next, participants enter the playing field clockwise. Every time a participant passes the “start” position again, he receives another 20 thousand.

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