How to fix system errors in Windows 10

New operating systems are not immune to problems in their operation. The more nodes and components there are in the system, the more possible types of hardware errors people or programs can cause. Windows has several thousand error variants in its range. Each of them has its own code, which can be used to determine the cause of the problem and, as a result, eliminate its source.

Errors in Windows 10, reasons for their occurrence and ways to fix them

Errors have their causes and effects, but not all of them can be easily eliminated. For example, some problems can only be fixed by reinstalling the OS. There is also a small proportion of errors, the cause of which is a malfunction of the hardware of a computer or laptop. In this case, you cannot do without the service center technicians.

If any error occurs in Windows 10, you need to check your hard drives for virus-infected files. To do this, you need to use more than one antivirus program and conduct a thorough system scan.

If we are talking about non-critical system errors, then first of all you need to understand the principle of treating the problem. The Windows Event Log can help you decipher the error code, providing information about the service that is experiencing the problem, as well as information about the problem that occurred.

Table: popular error codes, causes of their occurrence and solutions

Error codeCause of occurrenceRemedy
0x80070422It can occur in several different situations: a firewall or Windows update fails. But the reason is always that the requested service is not running. This situation may arise as a result of the service being disabled by programs or by the user himself. It is also possible that files can be damaged by viruses.Enable the desired service.
0xc004f074Indicates problems with activating the system or Microsoft products, such as Office. This happens during a virus attack, unsuccessful updates, or incorrect shutdown of applications or the OS. There may also be a licensing problem when your computer lives on the “wrong” time.Set time zone.
0xc00007bIt may appear when trying to launch heavy graphic applications and indicates that the system does not have some library files that are responsible for graphic effects; they may be damaged or missing. There may be video driver errors.Update video card drivers.
Install DirectX.
Install Net.Framework.
Install Microsoft Visual C++.
0x80070091Indicates that you are encountering an unsolvable problem when attempting to interact with a folder that contains a file that cannot be moved or cannot be deleted.Check the disk for errors.
0x80004005It can appear in a variety of areas, but most often it can be found when trying to update Windows 10. It means problems with files, missing or excess files.Scan system files for viruses.
0x800f081fAfter the release of Windows 10, a new NET Framework platform appeared, but not all applications managed to adapt to it and therefore require an earlier version. That is, error 0x800f081f states that NET Framework version 3.5 does not want to be installed on your operating system.Enter the commands into the Command Prompt.
0xc000012fThis indicates that the application you are trying to launch is incompatible with Windows 10. This often happens when the “ten” is installed by updating another system, which is why some kind of “system conflict” arises.Run the Compatibility Fixer.
0xC1900101A group of errors whose codes begin with 0xC1900101 indicate problems with the system. It could be:
  • incorrect operation of drivers;
  • installation of drivers and applications of incorrect bit depth;
  • lack of disk space.
Find out the system bit depth and install the correct programs and drivers.
0x80000ffffOccurs when you try to update an application in Windows 10. It appears when you try to update an application that is not suitable for the “top ten”. Also, the reasons for its occurrence include setting the incorrect date and time on the computer or losing the connection during an update attempt.Check time settings.
Run the application in compatibility mode.
Check network settings and Internet access.

Troubleshooting errors in Windows 10

Of course, the table from the previous paragraph does not show all the errors associated with Windows 10, but the codes presented are more common than others when this OS is running. By checking the code of any error, looking at the description of the event in the log, you can independently understand how to solve the problem and prevent it from occurring in the future.

Error code 0x80070422

To resolve this error, do the following:

After completing all manipulations, do not forget to restart your computer.

Error code 0xc004f074

The first thing to do after checking for viruses is to set the time zone.

If the problem persists, repeat the Windows activation procedure.

Video: how to change date and time in Windows 10

Error code 0xc00007b

The first step is to update the drivers of all video cards:

The second probable cause of the error is damage or absence of DirectX.

The final cause of the error is faulty or missing Net.Framework or Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable components.

Video: how to update video card drivers in Windows 10

Error code 0x80070091

Make sure you are not trying to delete an important system folder from the drive where the OS is installed. “Cleaning up order” on this partition of the disk yourself is highly not recommended.

Error 0x80070091 means the folder cannot be deleted

If you are trying to delete the most ordinary folder and get this kind of problem, there is a high probability that there is a file in the folder that has an error. You should try to disinfect the entire file system:

Video: How to check your disk for errors in Windows 10

Error code 0x80004005

After scanning your computer for viruses, run a system scan:

If the error does not disappear, most likely the cause of the problem is a problem in the update cache. To fix it, you need to clear the folder with temporary data.

Video: How to run System File Checker in Windows 10

Error code 0x800f081f

The treatment is very simple.

Error code 0xc000012f

The first thing to do is run the Compatibility Fixer.

  1. Right-click the shortcut or executable file and select “Fix compatibility issues.”
  2. Using the wizard's prompts, start the correction work. After completing the procedure, try launching the application.

If the error persists, run sfc /scannow in Command Prompt. How to do this is described in the paragraph dedicated to error code 0x80004005. Wait until the service finishes.
If this method does not help, try reinstalling the application, look on the Internet for a more recent version, as well as analogues.

Video: How to run an application in compatibility mode in Windows 10

Error code 0xC1900101

To get rid of error 0xC1900101, you need to double-check the system bitness and compare it with the products that you install on your device.

If a 64-bit system is installed on your computer, you can install 32-bit applications, but you cannot install non-64-bit drivers. If you have a 32-bit one, then only 32-bit applications and the same drivers are suitable for you. If you try to install an incorrect driver, you will receive an error.

Also, if there is not enough memory on your hard drive, remove unnecessary applications and user files or move them to another disk partition.

Video: how to find out the system bit depth in Windows 10

Error code 0x80000ffff

The solutions to this problem are as follows:

  • Check the time settings and switch the toggle switch in the “Set time automatically” item to the “Off” position. How to do this was described in the paragraph dedicated to error code 0xc004f074;
  • try running the application in compatibility mode, as described in the paragraph on error 0xc000012f;
  • Check your network settings and Internet access. Also make sure that your antivirus software does not block access to the program servers.

Where to find Event Log in Windows 10 and how to use it

“Event log” is a service that marks all events that are recorded while the OS is running. Literally everything - from the operating system startup and shutdown times to unsuccessful attempts to install updates and the occurrence of critical errors during operation - is recorded in the log. It is very simple to use: you just need to open it and view information about the event.

Video: How to view information about errors in the Event Log and fix them in Windows 10

Windows errors are not as scary as they might seem at first glance. There are not many truly critical problems that fatally affect the operation of a system or computer. Most errors can be easily resolved if you use the right instructions.

Windows 10 is one of the most complex operating systems ever created. Millions of lines of code, many different components and services work so that the user can comfortably perform their tasks. But in such a complex mechanism, sooner or later problems arise. Windows 10 has several services that can fix system errors. We will tell you about them in this manual.

How to Fix Windows 10 Errors Using System File Check

The first thing you should do when you detect system problems in Windows 10 is to use the System File Check(check system files). It analyzes and collects data on the status of critical system components. In addition, its functions include fixing non-critical system errors.

Warning: If you have manually modified any system files (including DLLs), then this mechanism can return them to their original state.

The screenshot above shows that the utility did not detect any damage to the system. Other results may also be displayed:

  • Resource Protection detected and corrected the corruption. In this case, we advise you to run the process again to ensure that there is no damage.
  • Resource Protection detected corruption but was unable to fix it. In this case, run the process again, and if the system errors are still not corrected, proceed to the next section of this article.

The recovery service cannot be started

When executing the command scannow possible error The recovery service cannot be started. You can try to fix it like this:

If this does not help, continue to the next section of this instruction.

Fixing Windows 10 errors using DISM

If System File Checker does not help, then you should use a more powerful utility to repair system files in Windows 10 and fix errors.

Could not find source files

You may receive an error when executing the command Could not find source files. This means that the recovery service does not have temporary files with which to perform the operation. To actually launch it, you will have to perform some rather time-consuming steps:

  1. , and exactly the version of the system that you have installed.
  2. , which you have installed. That is, if the image is version 14393.0, and you have build 14393.970 installed, then you need to integrate update 14393.970. Otherwise, the recovery mechanism will not work correctly.
  3. with this image.
  4. Now run as administrator just like you did before.
  5. Enter the following command:
    DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /source:WIM: X:\Sources\Install.wim:1 /LimitAccess
    Here X- the letter that indicates the inserted bootable flash drive in the system.
  6. Run the recovery mechanism again.

As you can see, this is not that easy, so it may be worth following the instructions in the last section of this article.

How to run recovery mechanisms in safe mode

There is a possibility that when you start the system in safe mode (minimal configuration), the utilities described above will be able to restore system files.

  1. Run in minimal configuration.
  2. Follow the steps above (apply SFC and DISM mechanisms).

How to restore all system files

If none of the instructions above help, the only option left is a full recovery method.

Note: Some screenshots and steps may differ slightly from what you see when applying this recovery method. This is due to the fact that Microsoft is constantly improving the utility used.

Windows 10 will essentially be reinstalled with your settings, apps, and files intact. All system files will be returned to their standard state. This process may take 1-1.5 hours. During this time, do not touch the PC.

If this instruction did not help you, think about it as a universal solution to all problems.

Malicious programs, incorrect installation/uninstallation of applications, improper editing of the registry, etc. lead to critical errors and failures in the Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP operating system. But even if the user knows which “jamb” led to the error, he will not always be able to fix it on his own.

Correcting system errors in this case must be entrusted to third-party utilities and programs. We have selected the five most famous and effective programs that will help fix operating system errors.

Microsoft Fix it

Fix it- a whole set of programs developed by Microsoft. Using this tool, you can troubleshoot specific problems with Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP. They cannot be used as a universal product. Utilities work pointwise, correcting individual system errors. For example, Fix it will help with problems that arose after emptying the recycle bin or programs that started automatically. It will also fix problems with the DVD drive, copying files and a number of others.

Fix it utilities are downloaded on Windows 7 automatically and absolutely free.

How to fix system errors in operating systems from Microsoft (all versions) using the Fix it set of utilities:

Since the set of utilities was created by OS developers, they are safe and perform only authorized actions. The program will not do anything that would disable the computer.

The Fix it utility can easily be considered one of the best free programs for fixing errors in Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP, and using it is simple, fast and reliable, but it is not always effective.

NetAdapter Repair All In One

This program, developed by Conner Bernhard, can be called a universal solution. Using it, you can diagnose and fix any problems related to network connections and adapters. The new "ten" does not support the program, but it works fine in XP, 7 and 8.

You can download NetAdapter (free) at.

The main feature of NetAdapter Repair (all utilities in one program) is that it diagnoses problems, and the decision to fix problems is made by the user himself. The work starts with the "Advanced Repair" button. That is, the program does not work in automatic mode. The utility has a separate menu with which you can configure network connection parameters by checking the boxes below. You can select all areas by selecting "Run All Selected".

The program will quickly correct all existing errors.

The utility allows every user to diagnose the system for errors, but only the administrator can make decisions about troubleshooting.

Beginners may be intimidated by the lack of Russian-language support, but experienced users can easily figure it out and make all the necessary settings.

Using NetAdapter Repair you can fix:

  1. Settings for the network protocol responsible for automatically obtaining an IP address for the computer (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).
  2. Text hosts file.
  3. Electronic routing file.
  4. Domain name system addresses.
  5. Protocol for working in local networks (Network Basic Input/Output System).
  6. Settings for ensuring confidentiality, data authenticity, and online privacy.
  7. Operating system network services settings.
NetAdapter Repair is ideal for advanced users and is not recommended for beginners.

Kerish Doctor

Kerish- a real doctor Aibolit for a “problematic” computer. This is a universal utility that will simultaneously eliminate all problems that have arisen in the operating system. Moreover, Kerish Doctor will also solve the problem of low computer performance.

What the utility can do:

  • Fix registry errors;
  • Optimize the operation of OS services;
  • Increase the speed of your network connection;
  • Monitor system events;
  • Protect from malware;
  • Prevent OS crashes;
  • Protect your computer from overheating;
  • Remove unnecessary application files, invalid shortcuts, temporary links, etc.;
  • Close system and application vulnerabilities;
  • Create an optimal mode for players.

It is important! The utility runs in manual and automatic mode. If you choose the second mode, be prepared that the program, working in the background, will significantly load the processor. To avoid this, configure Kerish Doctor manually by selecting optimization options yourself.

Although the program is universal, it can scare trained users with its “permissiveness.” But beginners who prefer not to delve into any processes, but to get the final result of a “flying” operating system, will certainly use it.

Kerish Doctor has a shareware version that lasts for half a month, and full functionality can be purchased for 380 rubles.
You can download Kerish Doctor for free.

Anvisoft PC PLUS

Anvisoft is a universal and free option that can be used to fix various problems.

Anvisoft PC PLUS can:

  • Troubleshoot problems with graphic files on the desktop related to moving, copying, highlighting;
  • Correct system errors, for example, when a dynamic link library is missing;
  • Fix network connection errors;
  • Clean temporary files;
  • Eliminate bugs in games;
  • Detect OS errors and warn about them;
  • Support users 24 hours a day (however, managers speak English).
You can download Anvisoft PC PLUS (free) on the page.

Although the program does not support the Russian language, it is popular among domestic users, especially active players.

By selecting the error search area, you can start scanning your computer.

Registry Repair

A special utility that deals with registry problems. Registry Repair can recognize and correct almost 20 types of errors, and therefore will be indispensable for those who like to edit registries at their own risk. The utility will find all errors and fix them automatically. It works neatly and does not load the RAM and processor.

Registry Repair can:

  • Check the entire registry for errors or individual sections of it. Using the utility, you can check file extensions and history,
  • Custom elements and services launched by the operating system, fonts, application directories, the Start menu and much more;
  • Find and destroy everything left behind by spyware and adware applications;
  • Scan the entire system partition and check all users on this computer;
  • Create a list of events that do not need to be checked;
  • Undo all previously made changes (a backup copy is created before each change);
  • Create a text file of all changes made to the registry.
Registry Repair is a good solution for beginners and experienced users. The utility is free, and the developers guarantee correct operation.

To download Registry Repair, go to .

When you start the program, it will automatically scan the system for errors, after which you can launch the fix using the "Fix Registry" button.

All existing errors in windows xp, 7, 8, 10 will be corrected.

What to choose?

All the utilities presented are among the best free programs for fixing errors in Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP, while each is good in its own way. But Kerish Doctor has the greatest functionality, however, in order to use all the tools, you need to buy it.

NetAdapter Repair is a professional solution, but only for advanced users. Registry Repair perfectly scans the registry and fixes the problems found. Anvisoft is universal. And Fix it is the best choice in our opinion. Utilities from the Windows OS developer work accurately, safely and quickly.

FixWin 10 for Windows 10 is a portable free program that allows you to fix and remove problems and annoyances in Windows 10. The new release of FixWin has an updated user interface for Windows 10 and includes a new section, the program was updated on 04/03/2016.

The program interface is divided into 6 tabs:

  1. Explorer: Fixes errors that occur in Explorer.
  2. Internet and communications (Internet & Connectivity): Correcting errors related to the operation of the Internet and network.
  3. Windows 10: This new section offers several new bug fixes:
  • Reset Win10 settings. If the settings do not start or some error is displayed
  • Fixing errors in the START menu
  • Fixing Wi-Fi if it doesn't work after upgrading to Windows 10
  • Fixing Windows Update Errors
  • Fixing Windows Store errors. Re-registering all applications from the store
  • Fixing errors in opening office documents after upgrading to Windows 10
  • Restoring .EXE files and fixing WerFault.exe application errors.
  • Control Panel (System Tools): Fixes built-in tools in the control panel. New extension - System Information tab displays some additional information about your system:
    • Number of threads per processor
    • Number of logical processors (cores)
    • Maximum screen resolution
    • Maximum refresh rate, etc.
  • Troubleshooters (Troubleshooters: This section provides links to troubleshooters and download links for four troubleshooters from Microsoft itself.
  • Additional fixes (Additional Fixes: Offers several other fixes for Windows 10.
  • We watch a video with a translation of all functions.

    I translated all the inscriptions in the program in their order, it will help those who are not fluent in English. The translation itself:


    The trash can icon has disappeared.
    Treatment of WerFault and WerMgr errors. Memory stuck or memory cannot be WRITE/READ
    The control panel has disappeared or was hidden by a virus.
    The cart icon is not updated.
    The desktop does not start.
    Icons are not displayed in Explorer.
    Reset the recycle bin to default settings.
    The CD/DVD drive is not detected.
    Class not registered error in Explorer and IE.
    Displaying hidden files and folders does not work.

    Internet and connections

    The context menu does not work in IE.
    Internet connection problems with TCP\IP protocol.
    Problems with DNS detection, clearing the DNS cache.
    Windows update errors.
    Errors with Windows Firewall. Reset Firewall settings.
    Reset IE to default settings.
    Runtime errors appear while surfing the Internet in IE.
    Optimization of IE performance.
    Additional settings are missing in IE.
    Recovering the Winsock stack.

    Problems with Windows Store components.
    Reset the settings of programs installed through the store.
    Disabling OnDrive.
    START menu does not work.
    Wi-Fi does not work after updating to 10.
    Updates fail with an error.
    Problems downloading applications through the store.
    The error says that the application is not installed through the Store.
    The store does not open/start.

    Control Panel and System Settings

    Task Manager requires administrator rights or does not start.
    The command line requires administrator rights or does not start.
    The registry requires administrator rights or does not start.
    The ability to edit group security policies is disabled.
    Reset search and Cortana settings.
    Recovery requires administrator rights or does not start.
    Device Manager does not work correctly or does not show all devices.
    Defender restoration.
    The notification bar and security bar don't work.
    Reset silent Windows settings to factory settings.

    Troubleshooting information.
    There are a ton of links to English resources, I didn’t translate) Anyone planning to go there will understand what is written there.

    Other settings

    Enable hibernation mode.
    Restoring the operation of Velcro.
    Aero modes do not work.
    Problems with icons on the desktop.
    Restoring the work of Explorer in the window.
    Disable notifications.
    Unblocking access to WSH.
    Correction of errors with opening office documents after updating to 10.
    Restoring a reading image in case of an error.
    Restoring Windows media player.

    How to use FixWin 10

    1. We recommend running System File Checker first. This can be done in recovery mode, recovery using the command line. Run the command sfc /scannow Check and replace any damaged Windows system files. This will take 5-10 minutes. If necessary, restart your computer.
    2. If you encounter problems with the Windows Store or Store apps, please re-register for the App Store.
    3. If you are facing basic problems in Windows 10, run the command dism in the command line as an administrator, this is a utility for restoring Windows system images.
    4. . In case of any problems, you can always roll back to this restore point.
    5. Once the restore point is created, correct any errors and restart your computer. After the reboot, check whether the errors have been corrected; if the errors remain, then you have the option of restoring from a restore point.
    6. If you want to know what each fix does, click on ‘?’ If you know English, you can find out in detail what exactly this fix fixes.
    7. Some problems can only be fixed through the command line.

    Some antiviruses may trigger false positives, the program is 100% clean, for those who are paranoid, just don’t download it.

    FixWin 10 for Windows 10, has been tested on original Windows 10, 32 and 64-bit versions. FixWin may not work on modified Windows images (assemblies, repacks). If you have any questions, write them in the comments.

    Many users have a variety of problems related to the operation of the system - the start or settings do not open, Wi-Fi does not work, applications from the Windows 10 store do not launch or download. In general, everything that I do my episodes about is to you could fix any Windows 10 errors.

    To solve these problems there is a program called FixWin 10 is a free program that allows you to fix many of these errors automatically, as well as solve other problems with Windows that are typical not only for the latest version of this OS.

    You can download this program from the official website of the developer "The Windows Club".

    To download the program, scroll the page with your mouse roller down and find the button in the text "Download File" , click it and you will be redirected to the download page.

    You don't need to press anything else! The download will start automatically after 5 seconds.

    The program does not require installation on your computer: you can save it somewhere on your computer in case you ever have problems with the system: indeed, many of them can be fixed without further searching for a solution.

    Extract the program from the archive and run it as an administrator. Run as administrator– this is a prerequisite, otherwise the program will not work!

    As you probably noticed, the main drawback of this program is the lack of a Russian interface language. But in this issue I will try to translate and tell you about all the points of this program to the best of my ability.

    FixWin 10 allows you to fix any Windows 10 errors

    After launching FixWin 10, in the main window you will see basic information about the system, as well as buttons to launch 4 actions: checking system files, re-registering Windows 10 store applications (in case of problems with them), creating a restore point and restoring damaged Windows components using the DISM.exe utility.

    Before starting work, I recommend that you definitely use the button "Create Restore Point"(Creating a restore point), in this case you can return the computer to its original state if suddenly something goes wrong and you want to undo the changes made by the program.

    There are several sections on the left side of the program window, each of which contains automatic fixes for the corresponding errors. First, let's look briefly at each of these sections, and then we'll look at them in more detail.

    • File Explorer section - contains typical Explorer errors (the desktop does not start when you log into Windows, WerMgr and WerFault errors, the CD and DVD drive does not work, and others).
    • Internet and Connectivity Section - contains errors in connecting to the Internet and network (resetting DNS and TCP/IP protocol, resetting the firewall, resetting Winsock, etc. Helps, for example, when pages in browsers do not open, but Skype is working normally at this time).
    • Windows 10 partition - contains errors typical for the new OS version.
    • In the System Tools section - there are errors that occur when launching Windows system tools, for example, Task Manager, Command Prompt or Registry Editor, disabled restore points, resetting security settings to default settings, etc. These errors can occur if any system applications have been disabled by the administrator systems.
    • In the Troubleshooters section - contains buttons to start diagnosing Windows problems for specific devices and programs.
    • And the last section Additional Fixes - contains additional tools: such as adding hibernation to the start menu, fixing disabled notifications, Windows Media Player internal error, problems opening Office documents after upgrading to Windows 10

    Important point: each fix can be launched not only using the program in automatic mode: by clicking on the question mark next to the “Fix” button, you can see information about what actions or commands you can use to do this manually (if this requires a command or PowerShell, then by double clicking you can copy it).

    1. The name of the first error is translated as - The Trash icon is missing from the desktop.(When you click the Fix button, this fix will restore the Recycle Bin icon to your desktop that may have been deleted by some program or virus. It will make minor changes to the registry.
    2. The second mistake is WerMgr.exe or WerFault.exe application error. The instruction accessed memory that could not be read. Click OK to complete the program. (This error may occur due to an issue with Windows error reporting. Fix 1 will run Windows Memory Diagnostics, and Fix 2 will make changes to the registry and disable the WerSvc service.)
    3. The third error translates as “There are no File Explorer settings in the Control Panel, this could have been done by an administrator or malicious programs.” The Fix button corrects this error.
    4. Correction of the basket, if its icon is not updated automatically (here we mean that when the basket is empty, then its icon is an Empty Basket, but when there is something in it, the basket icon looks filled with pieces of paper. Fix and correct if there is such a mistake.
    5. The desktop does not start (This Fix will help you in the following case: if when you turn on the computer, you see nothing but the wallpaper. The taskbar and other Windows components are not visible.)
    6. Thumbnails don't show up in File Explorer. (As you probably guessed, this means that image thumbnails are not displayed, but the default icon is shown instead.
    7. Reset the cart. The cart is damaged. (This Fix will fix all problems associated with the Recycle Bin. However, everything that is in the Recycle Bin will be deleted from it.)
    8. The CD/DVD drive is not recognized by Windows and other programs. This fix will help fix this.
    9. An error called “Class not registered” in Explorer and IE. Fixed with this fix.
    10. There is no “Show hidden files, folders and drives” item in the folder properties. This occurs mainly if someone accidentally messed up the registry.

    1. The first error in this section translates as “The context menu does not work in IE.” (This fix fixes a bug in Internet Explore where right-clicking the mouse does not open the context menu.)
    2. The next error is “There is no internet connection. Problems with the TCPIP protocol." (This fix will make changes to the registry to reset the TCPIP protocol settings.)
    3. The following error, “Problems with DNS detection,” can be fixed by clearing the DNS cache.
    4. The next item translates as “Long list of failed and installed updates.” This fix allows you to clear the history of installed and uninstalled Windows updates.
    5. The following fix allows you to solve problems related to the Windows Firewall. Reset Windows Firewall Configuration.
    6. Reset IE settings to default.
    7. Runtime errors occur in Internet Explorer when surfing. (These errors can be caused if the website uses HTML code that is not compatible with the given web browser.)
    8. Next comes a fix to optimize IE for the maximum number of connections when downloading more than 2 files at the same time.
    9. If the “Advanced” tab is missing in the properties of the Internet Explore browser, then this fix will help solve this problem.
    10. And the last paragraph translates as “Problems with your Internet connection? Restore Winsock (Reset Directory)." (This fix fixes the dll library responsible for connecting to the Internet if it was damaged).

    1. Problems with Windows Store components. (May occur after Windows update). Solved by this fix.
    2. Resetting the settings of programs that were installed through the store and launched with errors.
    3. Disabling the OneDrive application (The “Revert” button turns it back on).
    4. or does not work in Windows 10. This fix fixes this.
    5. Wi-Fi does not work after upgrading to Windows We fix it and fix it.
    6. Windows Update freezes while checking for updates. This fix will help fix that.
    7. Problems downloading applications through the Windows Store. The fix solves the problem by clearing and resetting the cache.
    8. The application cannot be installed from the Windows Store. Error code: 0x8024001e. We fix and solve the problem.
    9. Windows Store apps won't open. Re-registration of all applications is required. This fix solves this problem.

    1. Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator and won't start (If you get the message "Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator" when you start Task Manager, this fix will help you).
    2. Command Prompt has been disabled by the administrator and will not start. Similarly, as in the first case, this fix fixes this.
    3. “Registry Editor has been disabled by the administrator” and will not start.
    4. Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) is disabled. (This fix includes this editor, and you can make your changes in it.)
    5. Reset Windows Search to default settings. This fix fixes problems with Windows search functionality.
    6. The following error is translated as “The recovery system has been disabled by the administrator. Please contact your system administrator." This fix includes a recovery system
    7. Device Manager does not work correctly or does not show all devices. We fix it with this fix.
    8. Defender restoration. The fix resets all Windows Defender settings to default settings.
    9. The notification and security panels do not work (This error means that Windows cannot detect the installed antivirus program. This may be due to the fact that the previous antivirus program was removed incorrectly and some traces of it remained). We fix it with this fix.
    10. Reset Windows security settings to default settings.

    This section contains buttons for running diagnostics of various components of your computer. It makes no sense to translate it so as not to lengthen the video. Moreover, if you click on any of the buttons, a diagnostic launch window will open in Russian and you will be able to read what diagnostics will be performed.

    1. Mail or Calendar app errors
    2. Application Settings does not open or the application store opens instead.
    3. Troubleshooting printer-specific problems
    4. Windows Store apps for troubleshooting post-update issues.

    1. Enable hibernation mode. (If the list of options for shutting down does not include sleep mode, then this fix will help enable it).
    2. Restoring Sticky Notes.
    3. Aero Snap, Aero Peek or Aero Shake modes do not work (this fix fixes this).
    4. Fixing damaged desktop icons. This fix fixes and restores a damaged icon cache.
    5. The next paragraph is translated as “There is no taskbar jump list or does not store a list of recently used files”
    6. Notifications have been disabled (If you disabled system notifications, this fix will turn them back on)
    7. Unblocking access to WSH (Windows Script Host). This server is responsible for launching batch files with the .bat extension. If an error message pops up when running a batch file, this fix will fix it.
    8. Office documents do not open after upgrading to Windows 10 (This fix fixes errors related to Microsoft Office after upgrading to Windows 10)
    9. The recovery image could not be written. And the error code is 0x8004230c (we fix it with this fix)
    10. And the last point is when Windows Media Player shows the following error message: “An internal application error has occurred”

    VIDEO: How to fix any Windows 10 errors using FixWin 10

    Well, that's all for today! Please write in the comments, did you manage to fix any error in Windows 10 using the FixWin 10 program?

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