How to find out who unfollowed on Instagram? How to find out who unfollowed you on Instagram on iPhone or Android Program to find out who unfollowed you on Instagram

Every subscriber is important and there is a struggle for their attention. Acquiring subscribers is not an easy task. This requires interesting content, imagination and effort. And what a shame it is when a subscriber, obtained with great difficulty, suddenly unsubscribes.

The fact of unsubscription, unless specifically checked, is unknown. Instagram does not notify the user in any way about this unwanted event. But as you know, a bitter truth is better than a sweet lie. Therefore, you need to know who and when left you on Instagram.

How to find out who unfollowed on Instagram

There are two options:

  1. Using special sites.
  2. Using special applications.

Special sites

A popular method of tracking subscribers. You need to go to such a site (see the list of sites below), enter data from your Instagram account and update periodically.

The site counts subscribers and, when updating, compares the results with previous ones. This way you get information about who unfollowed you.

  • Unfollowers.
  • Justunfollow.
  • Friendorfollow.
  • Crowdfireapp.

Each of the above sites copes with the task of recording unsubscribed users. The registration process and further actions are intuitive.

As an example, consider Unfollowers

First of all, go to the website. Click on “Login in with Instagram” and enter your details. Then search for “Who Unfollowed Me” on the site and click. As a result, you will receive a list of users who have unsubscribed from you.

But only those users who unfollowed after you registered on Unfollowers will be shown. In addition, the site has other useful options.

Special Applications

Things are better with apps. There are more of them and they are easier to manage. In the modern world, applications take on many different tasks, and subscriber monitoring is no exception.

Using this application, you will monitor your subscribers. You can easily find out who unsubscribed and followed you. Those who have unsubscribed can be found by clicking on the inscription “Lost followers”.

Additionally, the app shows users you follow, but who don't follow you. The application is compatible with both Apple and Android devices.

For owners of smartphones based on Windows Phone, UnfollowSpy is suitable. The program has a simple design and interface. The functionality is a little poorer than the previous application, but the application copes with the main task. In addition, with the help of UnfollowSpy, you can follow not only followers on Instagram, but also on Twitter.

In fact, all applications cope with such a simple function as monitoring those who have subscribed and unsubscribed. Therefore, you need to pay attention to additional functions, as well as design and ease of use.

In addition to the above applications, owners of Apple devices can pay attention to:

  • Followers for Instagram.
  • Real Unfollowers.
  • Followers Mania.

By downloading one of the proposed applications or visiting the site, you will no longer wonder: “ how to find out who unfollowed on Instagram" If you have the appropriate services, you can find out this in a few clicks. But taking into account the unsubscribed users, it is important not to forget the essence and purpose of Instagram - high-quality, attractive and catchy photos.

How to find out who unfollowed your account on Instagram? You can notice this by the number of subscribers, which has decreased, but it is impossible to find out who exactly it was, at least in the application itself.

How to check unsubscribers from a computer

Is it possible to find out who unfollowed on Instagram? Until recently, there were many sites that allowed you to find out online who had unsubscribed, right from your computer. But due to Instagram innovations, most of these sites either stopped working or retrained, for example, as auto-posting services. This happened with the popular, which directly states on its website that the previous functionality is no longer available., and other well-known sites also do not work. Our team has not yet found a secure site that allows you to find out who has unfollowed you.

Important information:no matter what third-party site or application you use to track unsubscribes, namely by entering your username and password, you are putting your account at risk. If Instagram considers such a site unsafe, your account may be temporarily blocked for suspicious actions.

We have selected several applications that allow you to monitor your account and which have proven themselves well. However, we repeat, you give access to your account to any third-party applications at your own peril and risk, because this is prohibited by the official rules of Instagram.

How to check who unfollowed on Instagram using apps

We have tested and recommend such applications as FollowMe and Followers; they are available for both iPhone and Android. Followers allows you to see new followers, who unfollowed you, who you follow but who doesn't follow back, and users who have blocked you.

FollowMe is a partially paid app, but it still allows you to see who has unfollowed you. We would like to note that statistics begin to be collected the moment you enter your username and password. That is, who unsubscribed yesterday and the day before yesterday, if you installed the application only today, you will not be able to.

How to see who unfollowed on Instagram using applications from iPhone and Android? After installation, you just need to enter your account login and password, and then the application will collect the information itself.

How to unfollow someone on Instagram?

To unfollow a specific user, simply go to their page, click the “Following” button and then “Unfollow”. Ready!
Many people are interested in the question: if you unsubscribe on Instagram, will the person find out? We want to reassure you that the user will not receive a notification on the iPhone that you have unsubscribed.

How can I unsubscribe a user from my updates?

Recently, some Instagram users have the opportunity to remove a person from their list of subscribers. That is, the user will no longer be able to view your feed (if your profile is private or you have blocked it). To do this, go to the list of your subscribers, and click on the three dots on the right next to a specific user and select “Delete”.

In this case, the person will also not receive a notification that he is now unsubscribed from your feed.

Hello, dear blog readers. Today we’ll talk about the social network Instagram, and in particular we’ll understand how to find out who unfollowed on Instagram. Agree, if we develop our account on this popular social network, it will be a shame to realize that the number of subscribers is rapidly decreasing. Instagram has a form for subscribing to an account you like, but it does not allow you to maintain a list of unsubscribed followers. However, you can find such people in other ways. Which ones? You will find out if you read the article to the end.

Agree, we all monitor the number of subscribers on our Instagram account. And when the number of subscribers begins to decline, we experience a nagging feeling inside.

But why does such a seemingly trifle as a simple, meaningless number produce such a strong effect on our lives? That it's just our human nature? Is vanity on the rise in the age of selfies? Pride?

Who knows. What do we start doing when we realize that the number of subscribers is sharply declining? After exclaiming “WHY DO THEY UNSUBSCRIBE, I HAVE SUCH WONDERFUL PHOTOS,” our next question will be...

WHO. Who did this to me?

As I already mentioned, Instagram currently does not allow you to find out who has unfollowed you. Perhaps this was done by the developers specifically so that you experience only joyful emotions when working on Instagram.

Watch how this man gains several dozen followers a day on his Instagram account without spending a penny on it.

And trying to identify a deserter among subscribers, behaving like an egoist, we certainly look far from ideal. Fortunately, there are now a large number of opportunities to understand who unfollowed on Instagram from a computer online or from an application.

And, like a good Samaritan, I will show you those apps, both paid and free, as well as those that I use myself.

Because, in all seriousness, if you're not just there to chat with friends, it's extremely important to keep track of your loyal followers. So, let's look at those services and applications that will help us find out who unfollowed on Instagram.

How to find out who unfollowed on Instagram

5 best tools to find out who unfollowed us on Instagram


Let's go to the resource and if you are not registered yet, please register. Since I'm already registered, all I have to do is log in.

After registration, you will be taken to a section where you can choose to manage publications or see the number of “New Unfollowers” ​​who have unsubscribed:

The resource will show unsubscribed subscribers of the account, but only from the moment you registered in it. Another disadvantage of the resource is that it is paid, and although its basic version is free, its capabilities are extremely limited, and the Premium version will cost $20 per month.

Unfollowgram (online only)

Unfortunately, the ability to view unsubscribed readers on Instagram has been disabled in this service, as indicated when trying to log in through Instagram. But it does provide an opportunity to recognize those who have unsubscribed on the social network Twitter.

Crowdfire(there is also a smartphone app)

Formerly known as Justunfollow, this resource, available both online and for all mobile applications, is the most popular choice among those who decide to find out the number of unfollowers on Instagram. Crowdfire is beautifully designed, easy to use, and available in all formats. You can add several accounts on Instagram and Twitter at once.

Another method you can use is to download a special application for your phone. Now it is possible to choose various applications of this type for phones on various platforms. Go to the Play Market and request, for example, “Followers Insight For Instagram”

The search engine will show several options for choosing applications with similar functionality, but we should choose the first one from the list:

As we can see, the application has more than 5 million downloads, and the rating is quite high, therefore, the developers have made it high quality; feel free to install it on your phone by clicking on the “Install” button.

All you have to do is wait until the installation of the application is completed. Once the installation is complete, it can be opened both in the Play Store itself and on the phone. Click the “Open” button and perform the suggested actions:

Enter your login and password to access Instagram and after authorization, connect to your account:

The menu that opens displays information about the number of subscribers added and how many were lost. Just the “Subscribers Lost” parameter shows how many subscribers have unsubscribed. In my case, it shows zero unsubscribers, since the application collects data only from the moment it was installed, and not for the entire history.

I hope the listed applications will help you better understand how to find out who unfollowed you on Instagram. Of course, it can be not very pleasant to realize that someone is unfollowing your account, especially if it was a mutual subscriber, but I think you still need to know this information in order to change the tactics of maintaining your posts and recruiting subscribers in the future.

is a communication application that has been downloaded by hundreds of millions of people. Some of them prefer to communicate with friends and colleagues here, while others compete in terms of the number of subscribers. When another user wants to keep up with the events of his friend or just a celebrity, he subscribes to his account. After this, he will be notified of all his publications by a system message.

Some users notice that the number of their subscribers has decreased. In this case, the question of who unfollowed on Instagram becomes relevant for them, especially if there were no reasons for this at that time.

There are no statistics on these actions on Instagram. Therefore, you won’t be able to find out when and who unsubscribed from your account using built-in tools. The only way to find out is to know all your subscribers by heart, and see who has stopped appearing in the list. For those accounts that have thousands of subscribers, this method is unlikely to work. Therefore, online services that automatically identify unsubscribed people can come to the rescue. The principle of operation of such sites is quite simple. Initially, they create a database of user subscribers. If you contact them over time, they will check their list with what is currently available. Then the names of those who are not currently present will be displayed on the screen.

There are quite a lot of similar services, so there will be no problems finding them on the Internet. Some of them can work not only with Instagram, but also with other social networks. There are services equipped with additional functionality that allow you to work with the “black” list, your own statistics, etc.

In addition to online services, the App Store contains utilities that allow you to track an unsubscribed subscriber. Among the most popular and convenient programs are Follower Tracker for Instagram, installed on Android, and Followers on Instagram Free for iOS devices. Among their advantages is that they are distributed completely free of charge and do not require much space in the smartphone’s memory.

The operating principle of almost all such applications is similar and quite simple. After installation, you need to enter your account information and allow access to them. Applications work on the principle of online services, saving lists and checking them with new ones every time you open the program.

The number of subscribers is one of the most important criteria for a successful account. This data is monitored by every user of this social network - this figure is used to judge the popularity of a person or company. Sometimes it becomes necessary to find out those who unfollowed a user without a smartphone. In this case, to find out, you will need a computer with Internet access.

The easiest ways are without installing third-party applications. It is enough to use a standard browser; you just need to know the special sites that provide the necessary services.

Is it possible to watch from a computer?

Yes, it is enough to use only the site of the social network itself. To find out which subscriber “escaped”, you will have to do the following:

  1. Go to the Instagram website and go through the authorization procedure for the desired account.
  2. Once logged in, you need to go to your account profile. The profile button looks like a silhouette of a person (head and shoulders).
  3. Go to the subscribers section. Users subscribed to updates and this person are displayed here.
  4. Find missing people. To do this, you need to completely scroll through the list and determine the “lost” ones. Remember who subscribed to an account in the past and is now missing from the list.

This method is the simplest and does not require any additional software or the use of third-party suspicious sites. But to use it, you will have to remember subscribers, which may be an impossible task if the number of users is more than a hundred. The problem may arise from the fact that most subscribers unsubscribe at one time - a person will not be able to “catch” each of them in memory.

It is also worth remembering that if a user deletes his Instagram account, he automatically disappears as a subscriber from all those to whom he was subscribed. You will have to check this separately - enter possible remote users in the search tab.

Since Instagram does not provide detailed statistics about subscribers (only general information), and does not have any services (even paid ones) for tracking them, you will have to use third-party services to find unsubscribers among several hundred. Of these, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • FriendFollow.
  • Crowdfire.
  • StatusBrew.
  • UnFollowGram.
  • Picalytics.

These are some of the most reliable sites. The rest are less reliable and popular, and therefore it is better to choose one of the above.

All of these sites have approximately the same principle of operation and operation - they differ only in minor nuances. Some of them are free, and you will have to pay to use the rest (to get richer functionality). And it's worth noting that not everyone speaks Russian, which can be an obstacle for users who are not familiar with the English language.

Working with websites doesn't have to seem complicated. First, you need to register on the selected site, and then log in to the desired Instagram account through this service. This is necessary to track statistics, and you cannot do without authorization, no matter how much you would like it.

All that remains is to find and go to the tab with unsubscribed users. It usually has the name “Unfollowers” ​​or something similar. All collected statistics will be contained there. Different services provide different information and are able to track the exact time at which the user unsubscribed from the account.

Using programs

If you don't want to tinker with websites, you should try installing special software. The programs will run in the background and be always ready for use. Unlike websites, you need to constantly visit them and almost always go through authorization.

A prominent representative is Statusbrew. In addition to the social network Instagram, the service can also monitor followers from Twitter.

To use, you need to go through the registration procedure and log in to the program. All that remains is to connect to the desired profile on Instagram, and on the appropriate tab track users who have unsubscribed. Tracking, as in all other cases, is carried out from the moment of registration. Therefore, the application is physically unable to display those who unsubscribed from an earlier period.

The basic version of the program is free. If you want to open access to advanced functions, you will have to pay. Cost - US dollars per month.

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