How to create a Google account, set it up and use it: detailed step-by-step instructions. How to register on YouTube: the simplest step-by-step instructions and basic necessary settings. What is the difference between registering an account and a channel on Youtube

Can't sign in to your Google account? Go to the account recovery page and answer the questions there, following the advice in this article.

If you are unable to verify that you are the owner of the account, create a new one.

Why can't I log into my old account?

If we are not sure that the account belongs to you, we do not provide access to it for security reasons.

These tips will help you restore access.

I want to close an account to which I have lost access

This can only be done after you enter it.

How to create another Google account

Strengthen your Google Account security

If you notice suspicious activity on your account, use the instructions in this article.

Enable saving passwords

This feature is available in browsers and other programs. You can:

  • Purchase and install a password manager

Notify your contacts about the change of address

Share your new email address with your family, friends and colleagues.

Hello, dear visitors of my blog, few of you have not heard of Youtube - but not everyone knows how to register on YouTube. My article will help you understand this issue. This video hosting has long and firmly entered our lives, I can say for myself that I use it often. I watch reviews of various gadgets or software, cartoons with a child, video instructions on website building and promotion. You can find a video answer to almost any question on YouTube. And people actively use it.

How to register on YouTube? It's simple!

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that if you have a Google account, you do not need to register on YouTube, since Google uses a single account in all its services.

Otherwise, go to the site itself and click on the “Login” button, of which there are already two - in the upper right corner and in the lower left.

And then, if we didn’t have a Google profile through which we can log in and log in, then click on the button below...

We fill in the fields in the form that appears - first name, last name, email address, date of birth, gender, phone number (optional), come up with a username and password, and then click on the next button...

That's the whole registration procedure. In principle, it only takes a couple of minutes. But by registering, you will get access not only to youtube but also to:

  • social network google+
  • gmail
  • google play store
  • excellent google maps
  • you can synchronize the google chrome browser on all computers
  • and other useful services.

What is good about YouTube for a blogger? Since everyone knows that a huge number of people log into it every day, why not use this fact to attract traffic. Typically, bloggers create their own channels (creating them is no more difficult than registering on YouTube) and post videos there on the topics of their blogs. If the video turns out to be useful or somehow attracts the attention of users (well, for example, charisma), then the blog author receives good traffic from this video hosting. Also important is the fact that you can add advertising to your videos and have quite a passive income from this.

In the future, I also plan to start my own channel on YouTube or at least post videos on our blogger video channel “Round Table Bloggers,” which we and the rest of the community members created relatively recently. I would especially like to note the activity in this direction of two wonderful bloggers - Alexandra Dubrovchenko and Tatiana Sova. The guys did some good work that was necessary for the common good.

By the way, I would like to note that USB flash drives with an OTG interface for connecting to a smartphone are now very popular. There are tens of thousands of orders for Ali.

I hope that my article helped you learn how to register on YouTube. Read and don’t forget about mine. Well, that's probably all. Bye!

All users of the popular video hosting can be divided into three groups. Those who sometimes come to the site. Those who have an account. And those who have both an account and a channel. If you want to get additional features for convenient use of YouTube, then you need an account. And if you want to become a blogger, then you can’t do without a channel. Below we will tell you the difference between creating an account and a channel, and how to do them via PC.

What is the difference between registering an account and a channel on Youtube?

An account on YouTube allows you not only to expand your activity on it, but also to use additional services from Google. If you have a personal account on YouTube, then you can:

  • create your own channel, promote it and earn income;
  • subscribe to bloggers' projects. Subscription prevents you from missing new publications;
  • add videos to bookmarks and return to watching later. This function is useful when you do not have time to finish viewing, but would not like to look for the publication again and remember where you left off;
  • comment on videos;
  • Rate content: give thumbs down or thumbs up. Thus, deciding the fate of the video in the rating table;
  • communicate with other users in private messages.

A YouTube channel is a project that opens up even more video hosting functions to you. You can easily upload your content, create playlists and monetize your activities, that is, earn income from them.

The difference between an account and a channel is that without the first there will be no second. If you have not registered in the system, you will not be able to open your project.

Oh, you can get information from the corresponding article.

When should I register an account and when should I register a channel?

If you have no plans to conquer the video platform with your videos, then it will be enough to create a personal account there. But if you want to promote your product, share knowledge and skills, and plan to earn income, then you cannot do without your own project.

Instructions on how to create an account on YouTube

Registration in video hosting is completely free. You will need a Google account. If you don't have it, then follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to the video hosting and click on the “Login” button. It is located in the upper right corner of the page.
  2. Click on “Create an account”.
  3. Start filling out your personal information: first name, last name, email address. If you don't have an email address, here you can create a Gmail address. After this, create a strong password of at least 8 characters.
  4. Enter your mobile phone number and backup email address. This is necessary so that you can always regain access to your Google account.

You can create many accounts on YouTube. To do this, you need to create a new Gmail account every time and have an unlinked phone number. But we do not recommend creating more than 3-5 profiles. Since for everyone you need to come up with a password, remember it and in the future not get confused in so many combinations.

Instructions on how to start a channel on Youtube

When you have created a profile, you can move on to the project:

  1. Verify your YouTube account using your mobile number.
  2. Come up with a name for the blog if the option entered during registration was a draft.
  3. Add a profile description. In it, tell us what the essence of your page is and what it can give to the viewer. For detailed information, please refer to the article " "
  4. Add links to your social networks and other external resources.
  5. Set up access to your information, that is, make the channel open. Specify who can comment on posts, who can see your subscriptions, and so on.
  6. Customize advertising and notifications to your preferences.
  7. Create or order a logo and . For independent development, you can use an online editor such as Canva. It is quite simple and at the same time powerful in its functions. If you don’t want to bother with pictures and master programs, you can always find illustrator designers who will do the work for you for a fee.
  8. Record a blog trailer. This is a mini-video introducing new users to the contents of the project.
  9. When you have enough material, create playlists.

In the future, when you collect more than 1000 subscribers, you can apply to join the YouTube affiliate program. This will allow you to earn income from your content.

See also,

Youtube is the most popular video hosting site on the Internet. Many users watch videos on this resource every day. And ultimately the question of registration arises, since having an account provides many opportunities. Need to knowhow to register in YouTube and create an account through a computer, smartphone, TV or other device, depending on the user’s preferences.

At what age is registration possible? Youtube

Before you start creating an account on video hosting, recommended make sure that the user’s age is within the limits permitted by the administration YouTube . In fact, you can create a personal account from a very young age, or rather from 2.

If you specify one year or less, registration will not be available.

But in fact, age is not as important for registering on a video hosting site as it is for creating Google mail. The user must be at least 13 years old to be able to independently manage their account. For younger children, registration is also allowed Google services, but his parents will manage his personal account.

To enable monetization on the channel, the user must be at least 18 years old, otherwise they will have to register an account for older relatives.

Read also:

How to register in YouTube

You can create a personal account from various devices, it all depends on the user’s personal preferences. It is worth noting that when registering on one device, there is no need to do the same on all the others; just enter your username and password.

From computer

To register on video hosting from a PC, you need to do the following:

Thus, the user will register in all services from Google . And this is a large complex of resources, from mail to maps.

From phone

If the user only uses a smartphone to access the Internet, then he can create a personal account on YouTube and from this device.


Registration from a phone is practically no different from the same action from a computer. Everything is done as follows:

  1. Required to open the application YouTube on the phone. Most often it is already preinstalled.If no suchon a smartphone, you need to download it from the official games and application store.
  2. In an open application And There will be several tabs. You need to click on the one depicted in the form of a man.
  3. In the open tab there will be an inscription “Log in to your account”, click on it.
  4. A window will pop up Where you need to click on the plus sign.
  5. If your phone has a password or pattern, you will need to enter it. Only after this the Google account login window will open.
  6. If the user has mail from this service, you just need to enter your login and password. If n no, then you need to click on the button "Create an account", P then enter all personal data requested by the system.
  7. When registration is completed, just open the application YouTube and log in to your account. In this case, there is no need to press the plus sign, since the mail will already be displayed, registered n a I previously. You need to click on it and you will be logged into your account.

There are other Google applications on your phone that you can log in to using the data used to log in to Youtube.


On iPhone registration follows the same template as on Android. The only difference is that, if there is no application on the phone YouTube , you need to download it from the official storeAppStore, not Google Play.

From TV

Register on video hosting YouTube from the TV is not possible, since all interaction SmartTV with the service will go through a smartphone. Thus recommended First, register on the site via phone, and then do the following:

In addition, such a connection can be configured manually:

  1. Go to YouTube on your TV.
  2. Connect the TV to the phone.
  3. A code will appear on the screen, his must be entered on your computer in your personal video hosting account or in the application on your phone.
  4. To do this, you need to go to the application and go to settings.
  5. Select item "View on TV", further under the item “Connect manually” there will be a blue inscription "Enter code".
  6. Click on it and enter the symbols that are indicated on the TV screen.

Setting up your profile and account

After creating your personal account required go to settings. For that, to set up your profile, you need to click on the round icon in the upper right corner and press "Change" under the photo. A window will open to upload your personal avatars , it is also possible to change other personal data here, such as name, age, gender, occupation.

To open your account settings, you need to click on avatar and, after a small window pops up, click on the gear-shaped button. After this, a page with the following settings will open:

  • General information. It includes: Name, Account type (There are paid and free), Password (you can change it here if you wish).
  • Linked accounts. Necessary for those users who upload videos to the site.
  • Confidentiality. In the settings it is possible to hide subscriptions and videos from other users.
  • Alerts. It is possible to unsubscribe from email newsletters.
  • Playback. Controls the disabling of annotations, notifications during viewing, and subtitles.
  • Connected TVs. Through it you can connect a TV and watch videos on it.

What to do if you don’t have a Google account

It is not necessary to have a Google account or G mail mail to register for YouTube . When creating a personal account in the email address column, you can enter your existing email ( mail, yahoo etc.). In this case, all alerts associated with the account on YouTube will arrive to the specified mailbox.

What opportunities are available after registration?

After a user has registered on a video hosting site, the following opportunities open up to him:

  • Subscribe to the channels of popular video bloggers;
  • See which videos were watched, unwatched or started;
  • Receive notifications about the release of new material on your favorite channel;
  • Save your favorite video to watch later;
  • Add your own videos;
  • Create a channel and promote it;
  • Earn money from viewing personal content by other users;

    Albina Timofeeva

    Bachelor's degree in Radiophysics, mid-level specialist. Completed her studies in 2019. I have been involved in copywriting and studying Computer Science since 2016.

    Articles written

Greetings, friends. Vasily Blinov is in touch with you and in today’s article I will tell you how to register on YouTube and what basic necessary settings need to be made.

Step-by-step registration on YouTube

Step 1

We go to the site and click the blue “Login” button in the upper right corner or lower left.

Step 2

YouTube is Google's video hosting service, so it works through a Google account. If you have previously registered an account with Google, then simply log into it. If not, then click the “Create account” button.

Step 3

Fill in the information required to register an account.

Filled data:

  1. Enter your first and last name. Then they can be edited.
  2. We indicate your email address. It doesn’t have to be on Gmail; my main account is registered at e-mail at If you want to create a new one, then switch the field by clicking on the “Create a new Gmail address” link. It will be relevant for those who register a second account on YouTube.
  3. We come up with a more complex password so as not to be picked up and hacked by intruders. It will be even better if you enable double authentication after registering your account.
  4. We set the date of birth and gender.
  5. We indicate a mobile phone. You can register without a phone number, but for your own safety, I advise you to confirm your number.
  6. Choose your country.

All! You have successfully registered with YouTube and can now use all its features.

Setting up your profile and account

Profile setup

First of all, let's set up information about ourselves. Click on your account icon and go to your profile settings, to do this, click on the empty icon where it says “Change”.

A window will immediately open where you need to upload a photo that will be your avatar on YouTube. Upload any photo, crop it to size and save.

Here you can also provide general information about yourself and, by clicking on the lock, make it appear to other YouTube users.

account settings

After setting up your profile, return to the main and go to settings by clicking on your newly installed photo and the gear-shaped button.

Today I will only talk about the standard settings for the average user who does not have his own channel. I will tell you more about all the settings in a separate article, about creating your own YouTube channel (link will come later).

1. General information

Displayed here:

  1. Name. For those who also create a profile on Google Plus.
  2. Account type. Everyone will have “Standard”, since RED doesn’t work for us yet. Ed is a paid account type, without displaying advertising and with access to paid channels.
  3. Password. In the future, you can change your password through this function.

2. Linked accounts

This setting is only needed if you upload your own videos to the channel.

3. Privacy

If you don't want other users to see who you follow or what videos you like, you can turn these settings off.

4. Alerts

Alerts are letters that will be sent to your email address. Various news about changes to your account, subscriptions, popular videos of the week, etc.

5. Playback

Here you can:

  1. Disable annotations and notifications when watching YouTube videos.
  2. Disable or enable subtitles.

6. Connected TVs

A function for those who watch videos on TVs.


This concludes the instructions “How to register on YouTube”, you can now fully use it.

You should be able to:

  • subscribe to channels;
  • put likes and dislikes on videos;
  • write comments under the video;
  • see which videos you've already watched.

In the following articles we will talk about how to make money using your channel and learn everything you need to know about YouTube.

Leave your questions and comments below this article. Good luck to everyone!

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