How to open access to a port. How to open ports. Opening ports for games

Not everyone knows how to open ports on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, but many PC users have probably heard about them. However, for some online games or programs that require Internet access, opening additional connections becomes necessary. Sometimes you need to open or check already open ports.

A port is a specific numeric code that allows the system to exchange data with hosting providers from the Internet. This is a kind of path that helps you check the necessary data and get it from a remote server to your computer, exactly at the address.

Some applications do not require opening an additional connection, since it is already open. But for some closed resources, games (for example, Minecraft), this has to be done manually.

Opening methods

Easiest general way

The most accessible method is quite simple. Below is an algorithm of actions that need to be performed:

  • In the “Control Panel” we find the “System and Security” item, then open “Windows Firewall”.

Open Windows Firewall

  • Select "Advanced options"
  • In the window that appears, select “Rules for incoming connections” (left column).

Select “Rules for incoming connections”

  • Next, you need to create a rule, click on the corresponding icon.
  • Rule type “For port”, click the “Next” button, put a marker on “TCP Protocol” and enter the number (you need to check it exactly). Click “Next” again.

Place a marker on “TCP Protocol”

  • Leave all the checkboxes - they determine which profiles the rule will apply to.

Leave all the boxes ticked

  • Then you will need to come up with a name and, if you require it, a description. Click “Finish”.

Specifying a name

That's it - you have a new rule, now the computer will be able to connect to the desired server.

Connection for the program

This method may be required if the previous one was unable to provide the required application with the required network activity. That is, simply, the required program still does not connect to the Internet.

  1. According to the previous algorithm, we get to the place where we need to select the type of rule, select the type of rule “For program”
  2. Place a marker on the “Program Path”, select using the “Browse” button, or manually enter the program address.
  3. Click “Next” and check “Allow connection”.
  4. Then we repeat everything we did with the previous method.

As a result, this program will be allowed to connect to the network.

By itself, it can often block many connections, so in some cases you can simply try disabling it. However, if you do not have any antivirus installed on your computer, then using the Internet with the firewall disabled can be dangerous for your computer.

To disable the firewall, you just need to go into it, select the “Turn Windows Firewall on or off” option, check the “Turn off Windows Firewall” option in the settings settings and click “OK”.


It is not always necessary to enter a new number and select a protocol; sometimes it is enough to know how to check if the port is open. This can be done using a special command. First, enter “cmd” (without quotes) in the command line (opened by pressing Win+R), then click “OK”, and in the window that appears, enter the command “netstat -a”. A list of all open protocols will then appear. This way it is easy to check their quantity. Such a check can be carried out on various free Internet services, which will also provide this information.

It's quite easy to open new connections or disable blocking them altogether. These restrictions, with small skills, will not prevent you from gaining access to the necessary information or data from the Internet. Now, if necessary, you can both open a port on your computer and check which ones are open.

If you actively play Minecraft or other multiplayer games that require connecting to a server, then sooner or later you will probably be faced with the question of how to open ports. By default, the firewall and antivirus close most ports, so games and programs may not work correctly. This deficiency can only be corrected manually.

Setting up a firewall

Before you start opening a port, you need to find out its number. For example, for GTA V online mode to work properly, you need to open port number 80. Unturned requires open port 25444. You can find this information on game forums or support pages.

In some cases, you need to specify permission for two protocols - TCP and UDP.

It's simple: two incoming rules are created, for which different protocols are specified. The rest of the data must match.

Firewall in antivirus

Some antiviruses manage the firewall themselves, so you need to open the logins in their settings. There is no fundamental difference, but the order changes slightly. Let's look at the algorithm using the example of ESET Smart Security antivirus.

If you do not want to configure rules in your antivirus settings, disable its firewall. The system will prompt you to activate the Windows Firewall, after which you can open access using the first part of our instructions.

Allowing access in the router

If you have a router, then you need to additionally open access in its interface, otherwise the data packets will not go through as intended. First, look at the physical address of the computer on the network - the input opens for a specific machine.

  1. Go to Network and Sharing Center and click on the connection you are using.
  2. Click Details.
  3. Find and remember the IPv 4 address.

You have found out the physical address of the computer on the network, now you need to open ports for it in the router. Go to the router's web interface (usually available at Go to the section responsible for the operation of the firewall. You need to configure a virtual server.

Click "Add" to open the virtual server setup form. Please provide the required information:

  • Name (use the name of the game).
  • The interface is everything.
  • The protocol is the one you need, TCP or UDP.
  • External and internal starting port - a specific number, for example 25444.
  • Internal IP – the IPv4 address that you looked at in the connection details.

After saving the configuration, the port will be open. To check its operation, go to the website There is a "Port Test" tool here.

If not all, then many users, especially those who prefer online team games, know that for some applications on Windows systems special ports must be used, without which the correct functioning of some programs that require access to Internet resources in their work , it will be impossible. For example, the same Skype application uses port 443, which corresponds to the TCP protocol; browsers mainly use port 80. We will discuss later how to open the port on Windows 7. I would immediately like to reassure all users who are far from understanding such technologies that after reading this material, they will be able to open ports on their own and use them, for example, for the popular game Minecraft.

What are ports and why are they needed?

Before considering the main question regarding how to open a port on Windows 7, let’s dwell a little on theoretical information.

What are ports in a general sense? These are certain communication channels that are allocated for the operation of certain applications. However, only the program for which they are assigned uses them. Each port corresponds to a protocol (TCP or UDP), that is, a set of rules governing the Internet connection to the desired resource and the reception and transmission of data.

Typically, in the operating system for standard (typical applications) there is no need to make manual settings. But just for some specific programs (for example, the game Minecraft), the ports must be opened independently. In addition, open ports in Windows 7 or similar systems allow them to be used to provide access to some resources within the local network, and not just on the Internet. In general, the scope of use of ports is quite extensive.

How to open a port on a computer with Windows 7: general technique

Now let's move on to practical actions. The whole methodology comes down to setting the firewall parameters. Please note right away that opening ports using the operating system is used exclusively for wired connections. In the case of accessing a network or the Internet via wireless communication, when a router or ADSL modem acts as a router, this technique is not suitable. And the ports will have to be opened or reassigned exclusively on the router.

So, first we call the standard “Control Panel” and go to the firewall section in it. In the main settings window, use the line of additional parameters located in the menu on the left, after which you will be asked to open them as an administrator. We agree.

This will open the settings window in enhanced security mode. Now the question of how to open a port on Windows 7 involves creating a new rule (the column with the corresponding line is in the right menu).

In the new window, which is a kind of “Configuration Wizard”, in the rule type, select creating a rule for the port and click the continue button.

The next step is to set the type of protocol to use, since applications can use both TCP and UDP. We select TCP, and then indicate for which ports the new rule will be used (for all or for a specific one). Let's open port 443 for Skype and specify it in the settings.

At the next stage, you must give permission to connect using the port being opened. We mark the appropriate line (it is better not to use a secure connection with authentication).

Next, the profile settings can be left unchanged (the checkboxes will be checked opposite all the items), then enter an arbitrary name for the new rule and click on the “Finish” button. All. The created rule is active and the port is available for use.

Note: in some cases, such settings may not produce results if the port being opened is blocked by your provider for some reason.

How to open a port on Windows 7 through the command console?

As you can see, the firewall settings are quite simple. However, there is another equally effective technique. In Windows 7, the command line makes it even easier and less time-consuming to open a port of any type, although many users clearly do not like using it. Nevertheless, we will dwell on this option.

We launch the command console as an administrator using the main Start menu or the Run menu with the cmd command. Then we write a combination of the following content:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="RULE_NAME" protocol="PORT_NUMBER" localport=Port action=allow dir=IN.

The name of the rule, as in the case of firewall settings, is entered arbitrarily, and the port number that should be opened is indicated (for example, 443, as in the previous method).

View open ports

Now you need to make sure everything is done correctly. You can view open ports on a computer with Windows 7 through the same command console, in which you should enter the netstat -a command.

A list of all open ports will be displayed on the screen. Each of them will have a specific description, where:

  • ESTABLISHED - connection is established and the port is in use;
  • TIME_WAIT - the port is in waiting mode for opening to establish communication;
  • CLOSE_WAIT - port in standby mode;
  • LISTENING - the port is in listening mode.

Port reassignment issues

In principle, to do this, you can use the environment variables section (the line of additional options in the computer properties), create a new parameter DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES in it and assign the value as one. After this, we call the standard “Device Manager”, sort the devices by type, and in the LPT and COM ports section you can immediately identify all the devices that use these ports, without any need. Reassignment can be done from additional menus corresponding to each device (or delete them altogether).

Brief summary

If we draw a line under all of the above, it seems that the optimal solution with the least amount of time would be to use the command line. But for a novice user, the first method is also suitable due to its simplicity and accessibility.

As for the issues of reassigning ports, it is not recommended to do this unnecessarily, otherwise some devices will stop working altogether. Opening ports on routers was not considered, since in this case only a web browser is used among the operating system tools, and the opening technology is somewhat different from that adopted as a standard in the system.

On routers, many people know. But there are often situations when the user does this, but an external check shows that the port is still closed. Some are stuck with this problem and don’t understand what to do next. One of the common reasons is the security system of the personal computer. The fact is that, having learned how to open ports for a router, a person does only half the job. They also need to be opened in the firewall rules on the computer. Next, we will describe in detail how to open ports on Windows 10 and lower versions of the operating system.

How to get into the firewall settings

These settings are located in the Control Panel, where there is a “System and Security” section. In new versions of the operating system, you can use a desktop element such as search. In it you need to start typing the word “firewall”, and the user will see the desired link in the results. Another very quick and convenient method for getting into the settings is to press the Win+R combination. A line will appear in which you should write: “firewall.cpl” and click OK.

How is the computer in the firewall?

In the built-in firewall settings, you need to go to “Advanced settings”, after which the section with settings in enhanced security mode will open. On the left there is a field with rules for incoming connections. You need to open it and create a rule. To do this, in the “Actions” window on the right, click the corresponding item, and the “Wizard for creating a connection rule” will open. The rule type must be selected for the port. Next, the protocol type is selected and the port is specified. As a rule, TCP is chosen as the protocol, and less often - UDP. The port number is also indicated here. How do you know which port to open? Each game and program requires its own specific number. You can find it using the search engine. After this, the checkbox is checked to allow the connection, a name is created for the rule, and that’s it. The port is now open. You can check its availability from the outside using the special program PFPortChecker. If the check shows that the port is closed, you can resort to this option: allow the program any type of network activity. How to open ports this way? Again you need to go to the settings and create the rule again. But now it is created not for the port, but for the application. In the window that opens, you need to select the program you need access to. The checkbox is checked again to allow the connection, and a name is invented. Now the rule has been created for the program.

If this step did not help, then how can I open more ports? You can try to completely disable the firewall built into the system.

How to disable the firewall?

To disable it, you need to select the item called “Turn on and off” in the settings. A window will open with parameter settings for network types. For each, you need to check the box that disables the firewall. After confirmation, it will become inactive, and the operating system on the current computer will become completely open to threats from the external network. Therefore, it is recommended to disable the security system either for a short period of time to check for problems related to port availability, or if migrating to a third-party packet filter. And it is highly undesirable to constantly work on the network with the firewall disabled.

How to open ports for the server?

To do this, you need to open the router settings, log in, and then go to the “Firewall” item. Here you select the “Virtual Servers” option. It is worth noting that the names may differ on all routers. A window will open where you need to fill in all the fields in accordance with which server is needed. There is nothing difficult here.

How to open a port in Ubuntu?

It's no secret that Windows is aimed even at inexperienced users. That is why in this system all operations are performed using a graphical interface. In Ubuntu, all operations are carried out using special commands written on the command line. How to open ports in this system?

The answer may surprise you: not at all. The thing is that here no ports are blocked at all by the default firewall. The user, on the contrary, can block them if he wishes. If somehow the port turns out to be closed, then you can use the Nmap program to check it. It is able to recognize different port states. Thus, the Open state means that the application is ready to receive packets on this port. Filtered means that a filter or firewall is blocking a port on the network. The program cannot determine whether it is open or closed. Closed means that the port is not currently associated with any application, but can be opened at any time. Finally, the Unfiltered state means that the port is responding to the utility's request, but there is no way to determine whether it is open or closed.

If you press the spacebar while scanning, the progress will appear.

If the user is closer to graphical rather than textual programs, then there is the Zenmap utility, which is a graphical shell for Nmap. She knows how to build a network map.


Thus, in order to open ports on computers, there are many different ways. Some are suitable for some operating systems, others for others. The user must decide on the appropriate means, and the operation itself will not take much effort. In addition, it is useful to become familiar with the operation of computer technology in more detail. Such skills will always come in handy.

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