Installing a new font in Windows 7. Methods for installing fonts in Windows. How to install a custom font

With the development of digital technology, great opportunities have opened up for the user in various business structures. New movements of music, paintings and other art began to appear in society. Modern life has become more colorful and dynamic. The very idea of ​​presenting information has especially changed. People stopped seeing the same font in books, posters, posters and advertisements. Now it is possible to convey the mood and atmosphere using letters.

But many operating systems installed on a computer (for example, Windows 7) have a meager set of “letter styles”. Naturally, many users are puzzled by this question of how they can be installed.

This article describes in detail how you can install various fonts in the Windows 7 operating system. Moreover, to add this data, you do not need to have third-party programs on your computer for this. To replenish the “beautiful alphabet”, the internal resources of the system itself will be sufficient.

To add different fonts in the Windows 7 operating system, you can use two methods

But first you need to download the necessary files from the source. Windows 7, like newer operating systems, works with OpenType and TrueType styles. As a rule, this data has the extension *.ttf and *.otf. When PC owners see these files for the first time, they will not confuse them with anything. The system displays *.ttf and *.otf as a blank sheet on which you can preview the downloaded font.

Having downloaded the archive where the fonts are stored or uploaded it as a separate file, the user must hover over the required mouse cursor and press the right button. After this, Windows will provide a choice in the form of a context menu, where you will need to select the “Install” item.

Microsoft operating systems are designed to make life easier for ordinary users. So in our case, in order not to waste time with each file in Windows, it is possible to install several at once. To do this, select the required quantity, right-click and select “Install”.

There are times when the usual method does not help to add the desired font. At the same time, the PC owner is sure that he has a working working file with the required *.ttf and *.otf extension. To still add the desired style, you can use the following method.
To do this, copy the necessary data and go to the specified path “C:\Windows\Fonts”. This is where the OS stores all installed fonts, so this is where you should save the file.

After all the actions, the user can see these alphabet styles in various text editor programs (MS Office, OpenOffice, etc.), which take them from the above-described location in the OS. Applications also have their own set, which during the installation process puts their styles in this folder.

To view the entire set in Windows 7, the user needs to click the “Start” button, then select the “Control Panel” section and select “All Control Panel Items” in the menu that opens. In order not to waste time, you can also use the search. In the Control Panel at the top, enter “fonts” in the search field and press Enter. By selecting the line that appears, you can see the entire list of letter styles in the system. Here you can, if necessary, delete or hide the selected data.

If the font does not install

During installation, users may encounter various difficulties and errors. Here, the main thing is not to despair, because they all have a simple solution. The most common problem of all arises from the fact that the user cannot install, and the OS displays an error of the following kind: “This file is not an operating system font.”

There are times when a PC owner, having downloaded a style he liked from a website, sees that the file has a different extension (does not have the required *.ttf and *.otf format). These styles are suitable either for other operating systems or are used by individual programs. In order not to look for a similar one and not waste time on this, you can use special free services that are located on the Internet. They can convert from other font formats to the one required for installation in the Windows operating system.

Hello, dear readers, Denis Trishkin is with you.
Sometimes your computer needs to use additional fonts installed on the system. This may be needed for work, or for some, study, because tasks often appear that force you to go beyond the existing rules. But how to add fonts in Windows 7? You can answer right away - simply. And there are several basic ways to do this.

Where are the font files in Windows 7?
As in other versions of this operating system from Microsoft, fonts are stored in a separate folder. You can get to it simply: System drive\Windows\Fonts.


In addition, it is possible to get to the same place through “ Control Panel" You only need to click “” after opening the window, and then find the corresponding folder.


Turn on and off unused( )

Having entered the section, we will see that in fact, Windows by default only displays those components that match the current language settings. So, for example, if your OS uses two input languages ​​- for example, Russian and English, then those that do not have Cyrillic and Latin characters (this can be Japanese or any other) are not displayed. In order not to overload the computer once again, unsuitable components are simply not connected to Word, Photoshop and other programs that use text elements.

How to change this situation? To enable all text types, in the window in the left menu, select the “” tab and remove “ Hide based on..." We confirm our actions. Now you will have many more text elements. You may not even need to install additional ones. And if this still does not solve the problem, you need to add suitable ones.


Methods for adding new fonts( )

So, how do you set up a new text element? There are several basic options, each of which allows you to change system settings without administrator rights. You can use any - they all lead to the same result.

After any method, it is advisable to refresh the window, or better yet, restart the OS. Sometimes only after this it will be possible to find an addition.

Notes( )

Over my long history of working in Windows, I've had to add, remove, and enable various text components. However, I have come across some features that may help with your problem:

Removal( )

Sometimes there are situations when you need to remove a text element from the OS. How to remove a font? Just. We go to the folder in which all types of text are located: Windows\Fonts. Select the required component and click "".


It is important to remember that you should not erase elements involved in the operation of the system. These include the following:

  • Times New Roman;

Cache( )

There is a certain area in memory that is responsible for storing the most frequently used fonts. It helps when working with different programs. Sometimes the font cache can take up quite a lot of space, and therefore the so-called “ cleaners“They advise cleaning it out. Here you have the right to do as you want. If cleaned, the usage history will be lost, but in theory the system will work faster.

Each of us prefers to use our favorite text editor in Windows, which shows our favorite letters. This can be either a standard element or a new one, which will not be difficult for anyone to add.

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Today we will talk about different ways installing fonts in Windows 7. This procedure, it would seem, should not cause any special problems for system users and administrators, but it also has its pitfalls. Let's try to figure out how to install a font in Windows 7, I will give several methods, as the complexity increases. Naturally, we assume that you have already downloaded the new font and, if it was in the archive, you unpacked it. Let me remind you that the font file has the extension .ttf.

Installing a new font inWindows 7

To install a new font, just right-click on the ttf file and select " Install" (Install)

A window will then appear showing the installation progress.

Another way to install fonts is that you need to open the Font Control Panel ( ControlPanel\AllControlPanelItems\Fonts) and simply drag & drop the font file into this window.

If you need to install several fonts at once, you can just as easily select them with the mouse and drag them onto the panel.

There is another interesting option for adding new fonts to Windows 7. If there are a lot of new fonts, but there is not enough space on the system disk, you can install fonts using shortcuts. To do this, in the font control panel on the left, click on the item “ FontSettings» (Font settings) and in the window that appears, check the box "Allow fonts to be installed using a shortcut (advanced)"(Allow installation of fonts using shortcuts). In this case, Windows will use the new font directly from the directory in which it is located.

Now, if you right-click on a font, an additional menu item “ Install as shortcut» (Set as shortcut).

Bulk installation of fonts inWindows 7 script

Let's imagine a situation where you need to install several dozen fonts on several computers at once. Naturally, doing this manually is very long and tedious. Is there a way to automate the installation of new fonts in Windows 7. Luckily there is!

In the days of Windows XP, to install a font, you simply had to copy its file to the C:\Windows\Fonts directory. In Windows 7, this trick will not work, and although you can say that just above we are using Explorer to copy the file with the font to the C:\Windows\Fonts directory, I will object by saying that it is not so simple. When you copy a font using Windows Explorer, it's not just copying. The system detects that a new font is being copied and automatically starts installing it on the system, which is why a pop-up window appears with the text “Installing”.

To install fonts in Windows 7, you can use a VBS script file. Let's say we have a directory c:\install\font that contains the font files that need to be installed. We create a new file on disk with the vbs extension (for example, batch_install_font.vbs), copy the specified code into it and run it as a regular program:

Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace("c:\install\font")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

For Each FontFile In objFolder.Items()
Set objFolderItem = objFolder.ParseName(FontFile)
If Not objFSO.FileExists("c:\windows\fonts\" & FontFile) Then
End If

As a result, a sequential installation of new fonts from the directory will begin c:\install\font into the system and for each of them a window will appear with a progress bar.

If these fonts are already installed in Windows 7, then they will not be installed again.

To improve personalization, now let's look at how to change the font on a computer in Windows 7 in order to improve the responsiveness of the text and embellish the OS interface.

Windows 7 has a rich collection of standard fonts, which are located in the Windows\Fonts directory. By going to Fonts, you can preview their abundance. Here you can notice files with icons for one page (individual styles) and several overlaid on each other (font families).

Double-clicking on individual fonts will open a window showing the style in detail. Accordingly, by double-clicking on the family, you will see a cluster of fonts, the style of which can also be familiarized with.

After becoming familiar with the styles, you can move on to the steps to change the font in Windows 7.

Change through additional design options

To change the font on your computer in Windows 7, you need to open the window appearance settings. In Windows 7 Starter, Home Basic editions, select large (small) icons in the view. Find the “screen” element and open it. From the left menu, select “change color scheme.”

In all editions of Windows 7 above, right-click on the desktop (where there are no icons), then click “personalization” in the menu. There are 4 elements at the bottom of the window, click on the “window color” option, which is located next to .

In the Settings and Windows window, click “advanced appearance options.” As a result, a window will pop up where you can change the Windows 7 font. In the “element” area, in the drop-down list, select what you want to change. Then, in the “font” field, specify the style (from the drop-down list). To suit your taste, set the color, as well as the style (bold, italic). Not all elements will be able to change the font.

Monitor the new style for a number of changed elements in test windows (see screenshot below). After selecting your style, click OK.

Changing all fonts through the registry

The method will allow you to change the font on your computer of the entire Windows 7 interface, setting a single design. To get style names, visit the Fonts folder (described at the beginning) or in the control panel, when viewing small icons, select the “fonts” element. Next, having looked at the style, remember its English part of the name and follow these steps.

1. Download the reg file and unzip it. In the last line of the file, the font is set to Britannic; you can change it if you wish.

2. Right-click the Izmen-Font.reg file and select “edit” from the menu. As a result, the contents of the reg file will open in notepad. In the last line, enter the name of the font, save the changes, close the file.

3. Double-click to launch Izmen-Font.reg. Click "yes" (UAC message), then "yes", OK. This will make changes to the registry.

4. Log out, restart your PC (at your discretion).

If you want to return the default style, then download the reg file. Follow steps 3, 4 above.

Installing new fonts

Download fonts from trusted sources. For training, I suggest downloading an archive with 5 files, the extensions of which are (ttf). Unpack the archive and install the font using one of the methods below.

1. Right-click on the font, select “install” from the menu. If UAC is enabled, click yes.

2. Double-click on the font to get to know it better. At the top of the window, click “install”. If User Account Control works for you, click “yes”.

3. Drag the file to a storage location, either directly into the Fonts folder or into the control panel (read above). In the UAC message, click "yes".

This way you can install a new font in Windows 7. To change the old font to a new one, use the methods above.

That's all, as you can see, changing the font on your computer in Windows 7 is not difficult at all. The style changes both partially and for all OS elements. There are a decent number of standard fonts, but this list can be expanded indefinitely. If desired, you can highlight the design of the OS.

In this article I will tell you how to install fonts in Windows 7. I will show you two simple methods that are easy to implement and explain them with pictures.

Windows 7 has over two hundred built-in fonts. Among them there are Cyrillic, Latin and even various hieroglyphs. However, during the work you may need to install some additional font, for example, decorative or for a specific language. And now you will learn how to install fonts in Windows 7.

How to install a font in Windows 7 - the easiest way

Before you install fonts in Windows 7, you need to download them. Once they are collected on your computer, you just need to double-click on the font files to open them, and then click on the “Install” button in the window that appears.

The installation process will begin, which will last a few seconds, and at the end the font will be installed on the system. There will be no success message, just the “Install” button will become inactive.

Installing a font via a folder

Before you install fonts in Windows 7, you should learn about another method. The second method will be very useful if you want to install not a couple of fonts, but a whole pack. Instead of opening each one and installing it manually, you can simply copy them all into your fonts folder.

Click the “Start” button and open “Control Panel”. In it, select the “Design and Personalization” item.

Then open the “Fonts” item.

And we find ourselves in the folder where all the system fonts are stored.

Now you just need to copy the font files and paste them into this folder, just like you do when copying any other files.

For new fonts to appear in any programs, they must be restarted after installing the font.

How to remove fonts

In order to remove unnecessary fonts from Windows 7, you need to go to the folder where they are stored (as I showed a little above), right-click on the font and select “Delete”.

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