Found the nasty secret of unlimited tariffs. Cut speed. Tariffs with unlimited mobile Internet Beeline Limit Internet Beeline

Any modern Beeline subscriber, to one degree or another, uses the mobile Internet. Someone needs a high-speed connection to communicate on social networks, someone to watch movies and videos. However, there are subscribers who need unlimited Beeline Internet. What Internet products does the mobile operator have, their cost and terms of provision - you will learn about all this from our article.

Overview of tariffs with unlimited internet

Beeline tariffs with unlimited Internet have recently appeared in the arsenal of the telesystem. Previously, the operator offered subscribers only night unlimited. And then, this service was available only to users of the "Highway" function. During the daytime, the client could only use a limited amount of GB.

Today, everything has changed. Now Beeline offers unlimited use of wireless online networks through the following tariff plans and options:

  • any postpaid TP of the “Everything” line;
  • TP "#everything is possible";
  • family of options "Highway" (only at night from 24.00 to 8.00 hours Moscow time).

Let's consider each of the products in detail.

TP "#possibleEverything" is based on prepaid billing. In other words, the client first pays a subscription fee, and then uses the mobile product. The user will be able to connect Beeline unlimited Internet within the framework of the “#possibleEverything” TP through the Personal Account in the “Tariffs” section, or by calling 0781.

After activation of the TP, the subscriber receives:

  • unlimited use of the mobile Internet without limiting traffic and speed, with the ability to use a high-speed connection, both in your region and throughout the country;
  • free outgoing calls to network numbers throughout the Russian Federation;
  • 250 min. (for Moscow and the region) or 100 min. (for other regions of the country), for conversations with subscribers of other Russian television systems;
  • 250 SMS (for Moscow and the region) or 100 SMS (for other regions), with the ability to send in the home network.

The subscription fee is 10 rubles / day in the first month. From the second month, the payment rises to 13 rubles / day. For Muscovites, a subscription fee of 20 rubles per day is provided.

TP features:

  • the package can only be used on a smartphone or phone. The product does not work on a tablet and USB modem;
  • through the TP, you cannot distribute Wi-Fi and use it as an access point;
  • when downloading large files, the traffic speed may be reduced;
  • downloading torrent files is prohibited. If the client bypasses this restriction, the data transfer rate will be reduced to 64 kb / s.

Internet without restrictions is also available on postpaid TPs of the "All" line. Postpaid involves first using cellular services, and then paying for them. Postpaid TP of the "All" line can be connected at the Beeline office.

Unlimited Internet is available on any tariff plan of the family. That is, it will be able to be used by both a subscriber on the Vse 300 tariff plan and a client with an activated Vse 1800 product.

All products of the line also provide full unlimited communication with network numbers throughout the country. In addition, absolutely TPs include packages of minutes for calls to other cellular directions, and SMS, with the possibility of sending within Russia.

How much does it cost to use TP on the Vse line? The subscription fee will depend on the TP option chosen by the subscriber, as well as on the actual use of cellular services. That is, if the TP "All 500" is active on the client's phone, and he did not use additional minutes and SMS, his monthly fee will be 500 rubles. per month.

Family Features:

  • TP cannot be used as an access point for distributing Wi-Fi;
  • TP is intended only for phones and smartphones. The product does not work on other devices;
  • any product of the line does not support downloading torrent files;
  • The connection speed may be reduced due to the congestion of the cellular network.

All the above-described TPs with unlimited mobile Internet from Beeline are intended only for phones and smartphones. TP "Unlimited for tablet", involves the use of the product on tablet devices.

This Internet tariff provides completely unlimited Web access, without traffic and speed limits. TP consists of prepaid billing. The subscription fee is 890 rubles / month.

Despite the impressive fee, the product does not include free minutes and SMS packages. Moreover, there is no possibility to use voice and text mobile communications at the TS. However, if desired, the subscriber can activate these services at the office of the mobile operator.

TP features:

  • the subscriber has access to downloading large files, including torrent protocols;
  • web connection is served at maximum speed;
  • otherwise, the features of previous products are also inherent in this TP.

Through the Highway service, you can get unlimited Internet on Beeline for a phone, tablet or modem. However, unlimited Internet on a phone or other device, the function can offer only indirectly.

The Internet option provides unlimited use of Web access only at night (from 24.00 to 08.00 Moscow time). In the daytime, traffic from the provided package will be spent.

As part of the Highway service, you can get packages of 8, 12 and 20 GB. Inet quota is allocated for a month. The cost of the service will depend on the option option chosen by the subscriber:

  • "8 GB" - 600 rubles / month;
  • "12 GB" - 700 rubles / month;
  • "20 GB" - 1200 rubles / month.

Service features:

  • high-speed Web stream may decrease depending on the subscriber's region of residence. The maximum speed will only work in LTE (4G) networks;
  • dedicated traffic is not consumed at night;
  • night unlimited ceases to operate when connected to any TP of the Vse family;
  • TP can be used on any device;
  • downloading torrent files is allowed.

For several years, tariffs offering unlimited Internet from Beeline for a modem or phone without traffic restrictions have been preferred by many owners of smartphones and other devices. VimpelCom is known as an operator with an honest unlimited. How much does the connection cost, what tariff to choose, whether there are restrictions - read in the review.

Since 2019, Beeline has left only one tariff plan for owners of USB modems - “For a computer”.

For new subscribers, the mobile operator offers preferential connection conditions:

  • The subscription fee for the first 14 days is 300 rubles. Starting from the 15th day from the date of conclusion of the contract - 900 rubles.
  • The volume of traffic allocated to the subscriber for the first 2 weeks is 10 GB. In the future, every month after the subscription fee is charged, the user will receive 30 GB.
  • Without limiting the speed and amount of data, the Internet can be used as part of the “Night Unlimited” option. The service is activated by default on the 15th day after the contract is signed.

When switching from another tariff plan:

  • Subscription fee - 900 rubles.
  • The volume of traffic (from 8:00 to 00:59) is 30 GB, accrued after the monthly payment is debited, while billing takes into account the time of the subscriber's region of residence.
  • Access to nightly unlimited traffic is provided from the first day of connection.

To use the Internet for free, you must disconnect and reconnect to the network.

Phone tariffs

For smartphone owners, Beeline has also launched several new tariff plans and options, under which Internet for the phone can be obtained without restrictions on the volume and speed of data transfer.

The cheapest Internet "Beeline" for 99 rubles at the new generation tariff "". Favorable conditions and unlimited traffic are also provided for subscribers who have connected the tariff plans "" and "Double Unlim".

The benefits of the "Family" line will be appreciated by subscribers who want to receive the maximum package of opportunities and services for themselves and their loved ones for a small subscription fee. You can clarify how to switch to Beeline and get unlimited Internet from the support service operator.

Subscribers who have not yet connected to the new tariffs can use the Night Unlimited option.

"Night Limit"

You can activate the service for free on any tariff plan. By paying a monthly subscription fee of 150 rubles, the user gets the opportunity to use the Internet for communication, watching movies, downloading files without speed limits and traffic billing from 01:00 to 07:59 local time. To enable night unlimited, you need to break the session and reconnect to the network.

In the daytime, Internet traffic is paid according to the terms of the main tariff plan.

Unlimited Internet in roaming

The option will help reduce Internet costs when traveling to other countries.

After activation of the service, the subscription fee in the amount of 350 rubles is charged only on the days of the actual connection to the Internet, while the amount of data available for download per day is not limited.

The first 100 MB of traffic can be used at the maximum available speed. For active users who did not have enough of the provided package, an additional 1 GB of high-speed Internet is allocated for 99 rubles. After using it, the connection speed is reduced to 128 Kbps until the end of the connection day.

You can activate the option at any tariff, except for "All for 1800 + roaming". When you try to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi, access to the service will be suspended.

How to connect and disconnect unlimited internet

Beeline subscribers can manage tariffs, services and options in any convenient way:

  • In "Personal account". The service is available on the official website of the operator, to connect or disconnect, you must go through the registration procedure and enter the control panel.
  • Through the mobile application "My Beeline". The utility works on any devices with iOS and Android operating systems.
  • A call to a call center operator. You can contact technical support by calling 0611 .
  • In the customer department. After checking the identity card, the employee of the company will be able to either disable the service or transfer to another tariff plan, enable an additional option or arrange a replacement SIM card.

You cannot activate or deactivate the service using a USSD command. Due to software conflicts between different manufacturers of 3G/4G modems and Wi-Fi routers, the service was disabled by the mobile operator.

Where are unlimited tariffs

Access to the Internet at the rates of the home region can be obtained throughout the Russian Federation, subject to connection to the Beeline network. The exception is the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

For trips abroad, the "Unlimited Internet in roaming" option is intended, which is valid in more than 100 countries.

Beeline is one of the oldest Russian mobile operators, which enjoys well-deserved popularity among subscribers throughout Russia. Thanks to the developed network of LTE base stations and the availability of modern equipment, Beeline mobile Internet is distinguished by stable signal quality and high speed. Wireless communication from Beeline in 3G or 4G standard provides reliable reception in the most remote areas of Moscow and the Moscow region, and in other regions of the Russian Federation.

To connect high-speed Internet, it is enough to purchase an unlimited Beeline SIM card at competitive rates. A variety of SIM-cards from Beeline allows you to choose the best option. Beeline unlimited mobile Internet without speed limits allows at home, in the country and while traveling:

  • chat and listen to your favorite music;
  • search for the information you need and watch high-definition movies and videos;
  • study and work remotely, download large files;
  • pay current bills and buy various goods.
Beeline unlimited Internet is used in business and provides an opportunity to inexpensively organize high-speed communication in the office, with branches and service employees.

In "" you can buy unlimited Beeline tariffs at affordable prices. Our company offers a wide range of SIM cards that allow you to choose the best option for various mobile devices. The catalog contains popular tariffs for a USB modem, laptop, smartphone, router, tablet and desktop computer

Exclusive Beeline SIM cards with unlimited internet tariffs

Why is it profitable to buy Beeline unlimited Internet tariffs at Firstly, we promptly fulfill orders and deliver SIM cards throughout the capital and other Russian regions. In addition, guarantees are valid for 6 months from the date of purchase: in case of disconnection, money is returned to customers. However, our main advantages are:

  • Really unlimited Beeline tariffs, a full description of which is presented on the site. You can order SIM cards from us without traffic and speed limits and get access to fast Internet without additional conditions.
  • Current tariff plans for 2020. We offer Beeline unlimited mobile tariffs, which allow you to connect to the Internet on exclusive terms. "" is the official representative of the provider and implements non-public tariffs with unlimited possibilities. Such options are not available on websites and in communication stores, and are distinguished by acceptable cost and convenient service.

Tariff plans from Beeline are chosen for a simple reason - for a certain monthly payment, a subscriber can use "unlimited" access to the network, unlimited minutes for calls, as well as message packages. Unlimited traffic plays the most important role here, because it is this requirement for the tariff that the lion's share of consumers makes. But it should be noted that it is not available in all offers.

The Beeline company has currently created several offers that do not have restrictions on Internet access - these are the tariffs "All for 500" postpaid and "Everything is Possible". It is about how to connect unlimited Internet to Beeline, we will talk in this review.

First of all, the tariff is interesting for unlimited access to the network, but now we need to consider all its main properties. It should be emphasized that the review is carried out precisely according to the “postpaid” version, because the prepaid version has slightly different terms of use, in particular, access to the Internet is provided there for a certain MB package.

Important! The presented tariff plan assumes a difference in the cost of options, which depends on the region of its use. In other regions of the country, it can be referred to as "All for 300" or as "All for 400". As part of this review, a proposal for Moscow and the region is being considered. The main characteristics for all versions are absolutely identical, the only difference is the name and cost.

Subscribers are provided with:

  • Unlimited minutes for making calls to Beeline users, both in "their" region and throughout the country.
  • 600 bonus minutes for calls with subscribers of other operators.
  • A package of 300 SMS messages to all numbers.
  • Unlimited mobile internet with unlimited traffic. The only restriction that takes place in this case is a ban on using it in a router and distributing traffic to other gadgets.

Internet on the tariff

“All for 500” postpaid can not be called a completely unlimited tariff. When a smartphone with a SIM card is used as a router or access point for distributing Wi-Fi, access to the network is immediately limited. First of all, the connection speed suffers - the device loads a regular web page with great difficulty. The SIM card refuses to work in the router. It also blocks the download of torrent files. Unlimited traffic is available only when using the tariff on a smartphone.

To remove such restrictions, the operator offers to activate the "Internet distribution" option. But its cost, to put it mildly, is high - the daily payment is 150 rubles, which is completely unprofitable.


The name of the tariff plan is voiced and its cost. For Moscow and the region, the subscription fee for 30 days of use is 500 rubles. An obligatory condition of the operator is the payment by consumers of a guarantee fee, the amount of which is equal to 500 rubles. The transition to this tariff is not paid.

The postpaid system works as follows - the subscriber first uses the cellular communication options, and pays for them later. The guarantee fee paid by the consumer is not blocked. It is credited to the balance of the cell and can then be used as a mandatory monthly payment.

How to connect

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to activate via USSD commands or via SMS messages. They are simply not provided. And this is not only a flaw "All for 500" - this is a pattern for any tariff plan that involves a post-payment system.

To activate, the consumer will need to contact the operator's office. There it will be possible to switch to the tariff with the current SIM card or purchase a new one, on which it is already preinstalled.

Attention! To activate this tariff on your SIM card, make sure that it is registered specifically for your passport data. If it is issued to another person, then the Beeline employee will refuse to replace it. The fact is that the owner of the SIM card is obliged to personally sign the concluded contract.

Detailed description of the service "Everything is Possible"

Beeline makes sure that consumers feel confident and comfortable. With the "You Can Do Everything" tariff plan, the subscriber will no longer have to worry about the balance of the bonus account or the dedicated Internet traffic package. And all because the operator provides them in unlimited quantities.

As part of the service, the user is provided with:

  • Unlimited network access.
  • Unlimited minutes for calls in "your" region and beyond.
  • 250 bonus minutes for calls with users of other operators.
  • A package of 250 SMS messages to all numbers.

To find out the balance of bonus minutes and messages provided, the subscriber needs to make a free request to 06745.


Activation of the tariff plan is completely free, but only on the condition that 30 days have not passed since the replacement of the old tariff. When switching to it, an amount of 600 rubles is debited from the consumer's balance - a subscription fee immediately for 30 days. The transition itself will cost the user 100 rubles. The daily subscription fee for use is 20 rubles.

After 250 bonus minutes, intended for calls to other operators, each minute of communication will cost the consumer 1.60 rubles. The same applies to an SMS package of 250 pieces - after they are used up, each notification sent will cost 1.60 rubles. Multimedia message MMS will be charged in the amount of 7.95 rubles.

Internet on the tariff plan

Consumers "You Can Do Everything" get unlimited Beeline Internet on your phone. At the same time, unlimited traffic is provided at the maximum connection speed in 2G, 3G or 4G networks. You can spend traffic throughout the country.

It would seem that everything is extremely beneficial for the subscriber, but even here there are limitations. The proposal under consideration is designed exclusively for functioning in a smartphone. It will not work to distribute traffic from it, just like using it as an access point. It is also not intended to function in a router.

To distribute traffic to other gadgets, the operator offers to connect a service called "Internet Distribution". It can be connected with the following commands:

  • * 157 * 1 # - activation of the option for 60 minutes. The cost is 50 rubles.
  • * 157 * 24 # - activation of the option for a day. The cost is 150 rubles.

If the network is overloaded, then the connection speed can be significantly reduced.

Important! Unlimited access to the network does not function in some regions of the country: Chukotsky Okrug; city ​​of Norilsk; Taimyr region; Magadan Region; The Autonomous Republic of Crimea and in particular the city of Sevastopol, as well as Yakutia.

How to connect

You can use the offer on your subscriber number in different ways, namely:

  • Buy a new SIM card in the official communication store, with this tariff plan already preinstalled.
  • Use the user's personal account. In the "Tariffs" tab, you can connect any available. After ordering a transition to a new tariff, the consumer will receive an SMS with a special code on the cell phone, which must be entered in the "Personal Account". Only after that the tariff will be activated.
  • Make a free call from your phone to 0781. Next, you need to follow the commands of the automatic assistant.
  • Call the customer support center with a request to activate the tariff plan. You can use the phone number 0611 or 8 800 700 0611 .

How to disable

You can also deactivate in a few simple ways:

  • Buy a SIM card with a different tariff plan or just switch to some new one.
  • Call the support service 0611 with a request for deactivation.
  • Through a personal account, where in the "Tariffs" tab, the consumer can independently select a new tariff plan and deactivate the old one.
  • Make a call to service number 0781, where the automatic assistant will give detailed instructions on how to turn it off.

After performing any of the above operations, the tariff plan will be deactivated.

A huge number of offers from various mobile operators for unlimited Internet access, unfortunately, did not grow into quality. And about the affordable cost of such services, subscribers do not have to dream. Therefore, we draw your attention to special offers from Beeline. This operator has real unlimited service packages in which there are no restrictions on traffic and Internet speed.

Just connect to Beeline and get "All in one". The essence of this tariff is the following main points:

  1. It provides not only mobile communications with a large number of GB, free minutes and sms, but also home high-speed Internet with unlimited traffic and television.
  2. Additionally, you can connect up to 5 phone numbers within one package for only 100 rubles. This will allow you to distribute free minutes, GB, SMS between family members, relatives.
  3. Wi-fi router will be able to provide unlimited high-speed (up to 100 Mbps) Internet to all residents of the apartment.
  4. Available mobile and home TV, respectively, you can connect 25 and 132 channels.

Depending on your needs, you can choose from the 4 offered the most optimal tariff plan.

The entire line of the "Vse" tariff for mobile Internet

If the client does not need Wi-Fi, or TV, or high-speed unlimited Internet, then in this case, Beeline is ready to make an excellent offer that is hard to refuse. Tariff plan "All" is designed to provide the maximum range of mobile services. Due to the widespread transition to the 4G standard, mobile Internet traffic is in no way inferior in terms of signal stability to home wired connections. And a stream speed of up to 20 Mb / s is quite sufficient for any actions on the Internet on a smartphone, tablet, via a modem.

Beeline offers a choice of 5 tariff packages for Moscow. For each specific region of Russia, special tariffs have been developed:

Tariff nameMobile Internet, GBNumber of minutes/sms per month included in the package priceMonthly subscription fee, rub.
All 11 300/- 350
All 26 400/500 550
All 310 1200/500 900
All 415 2000/500 1500
All 515 5000/500 2500

With an advance payment for communication services for 30 days, Beeline is ready to double the volume of Internet traffic. But that's not all surprises, there are additional nice options:

  1. Intranet unlimited.
  2. The provided Internet traffic is valid in all regions of Russia.

To connect the tariff plan you like "Everything" just dial a short number

Favorable Internet at Highway tariffs

Some subscribers do not need anything other than mobile Internet. Beeline also did not forget about them and provided for a whole family of Internet options. If the subscriber uses a smartphone, tablet with 3G / 4G support, then he will like the "Highway" from Beeline. Moreover, you can now check the traffic speed in this tariff plan absolutely free of charge during the week by activating the “Highway 1 GB” service using a simple number

Traffic volume, GBPayment in r. month/dayAccess pointMobile TVNight unlimitedPhones/USSD codes for service activation
1 200/7 Home region / *115*04#
4 400/18 All Russia+ /*115*061#
8 600/- All Russia+ + / *115*071#
12 700/- All Russia+ + / *115*081#
20 1200/- All Russia+ + / *115*091#

If you need internet for a day

Although our modern society is mired in virtual networks, there are still people who prefer to limit their communication with the Internet. But periodically you need to see what events are happening in the world on your smartphone. For inactive users of the global web, Beeline has a special offer for 500 MB of Internet for 29 rubles. per day, if this is too much, that is, 100 MB for 19 rubles. per day.

If the traffic just runs out, then Beeline offers an additional package for 150 rubles, which guarantees the subscriber, if necessary, to receive 5 GB. The client does not have to worry about being disconnected and save the remaining MB - the service will automatically connect when the balance of Internet traffic is topped up.

Special tariff unlimited for tablet

Modern tablets have high performance. In order for the owner of the gadget to appreciate the full potential of the device, the highest possible quality connection is necessary. Beeline offers special conditions for tablet users:

  1. High data transfer speed in the 4G+ network (for Moscow) up to 65 Mb per second.
  2. 10 GB monthly for 550 rubles. during the first 3 months.
  3. 15 GB monthly, starting from the 4th month of connection for the same 550 rubles.

Connecting your tablet to mobile high-speed Internet at beeline tariffs is very simple. All you have to do is dial a number on your phone.

or USSD code

Find out how to profitably connect unlimited Internet to Beeline

Beeline develops a friendly partnership with its customers based on mutually beneficial conditions. Therefore, now it is proposed to connect real unlimited Internet on very attractive conditions:

  • For regular customers who want to improve mobile communications, receive a Wi-Fi router as a gift, you need to call the number or log in to the site to receive a profitable personal offer.
  • There is a special offer for potential customers - ask a Beeline subscriber to make a promo code for you by sending a free SMS by phone, and both of you will receive 50% discounts in the form of bonuses for communication services within 2 months.

Unlimited from Beeline is received by customers connecting to the All in One tariff plan. Even if we compare this offer with all mobile communication services without home Internet, television, then this product is more profitable. A similar product is not currently available from any mobile operator. Such giants as Megafon, MTS cannot boast of offering home television, unlimited Internet, installing a free Wi-Fi router and a set of mobile options. In addition to the above points, the “All in One” tariff line attracts customers with the ability to connect all services centrally. It is enough to pay one subscription fee per month to receive a full set of telecommunication services.

Beeline personal account - account appearance

To connect unlimited mobile internet from beeline, just select the appropriate tariffs and order sim cards. Access to communication on the network will appear automatically after activating the SIM card in a mobile device. After that, you can select the options, packages that are needed. Customers are given the opportunity to independently select and install the necessary services using the mobile numbers listed above or USSD codes. But it is most convenient to use your personal account to perform the necessary financial transactions. A user-friendly interface and a clear algorithm of actions allows you to quickly and reliably conduct banking operations.

Unlimited Internet Beeline is easy to disable

Everything is simple in Beeline - no problems with connecting, disconnecting and changing tariff plans. This is especially true for customers using postpaid services and roaming. To reduce your costs, you need to turn off options that are no longer relevant in time.

For example, if a subscriber needs to disable the service - Internet for one day:

If you need to disable other additional options or switch from one tariff to another, it is easier to use your personal account. After all, it is always available to a subscriber of unlimited Internet.

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