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In just a few steps, you will be collecting and publishing your testimonials or reviews. Beginners and pros alike will appreciate the wealth of flexible features refined over 4 years from user feedback and requests.


Premium features only available in Strong Testimonials — Paid version:

  • Import reviews from: Facebook, Google My Business, Yelp, Zomato and WooCommerce
  • With our dedicated 3-rd party importer, you can now automate importing, managing and displaying of your testimonials.
  • Custom Testimonial Collection Form Fields
  • The perfect example is with a car review website. Using the Custom Fields extension, you can gather detailed testimonials that include information such as car manufacturer, model, and horsepower.
  • Multiple Testimonial Collection Forms
  • You can now create multiple forms to collect testimonials from your website visitors and customers. You can easily create new forms to gather testimonials for different types of products on your website. There is no limit to the number of forms you can create or use.
  • Schema.org Markup
  • The extension that will help you get **** in your Google search results for your business.
  • Advanced Views
  • _ For example, one view to display your testimonials, another view for the testimonial submission form, another view for a slideshow widget._
  • Properties
  • You are not a fan of calling your product reviews testimonials? Then use this extension to replace the default text (testimonials) with another one such as reviews or ratings.
  • Captcha anti-spam form Protection
  • Protection for spam is something all websites need
  • PRO templates
  • Beautifully designed & pixel perfect templates, ready to use with to showcase your testimonials. Don’t loose clients with a poor design.
  • Priority email support
  • Support and updates for 12 months.


This plugin provides a few designs with only basic style options for background color and font color. Everything else will be inherited from your theme.

Some templates have light & dark versions and other options. If you want to customize things like fonts, margins and borders, you will need custom CSS.

Testimonial Submission Form

This plugin provides one form with custom fields. Customize the form by adding or removing fields and changing properties like the order, label, and placeholder.

Send custom notification emails to multiple admins.

Submit the form via Ajax for use with plugins like Popup Maker .

Displaying Testimonials

Everything happens in a View . Instead of learning multiple shortcodes with dozens of options, a View contains all the options in a simple, intuitive editor that no other testimonial plugin has.

Create unlimited views. For example, one view for a form, another for a static grid, another for a slideshow, and so on.

Display a view using a shortcode or the widget.

A variety of templates are included that work well in most themes.

For ultimate control and seamless integration, copy any template to your theme and customize it.

The template function will add a view to your custome theme templates:

Privacy and GDPR

By default, this plugin:

Try these plugins too

  • Wider Admin Menu lets your admin menu b r e a t h e.

3rd party or external service disclaimer

The plugin connects to our website through an API call (https://strongtestimonials/wp-json/mt/v1/get-all-extensions) in order to request a list of available extensions.


Our privacy policy can be found at this URL https://strongtestimonials.com/privacy-policy/



  1. Go to Plugins > Add New.
  2. Search for «strong testimonials».
  3. Click «Install Now».
  1. Download the zip file.
  2. Upload the zip file via Plugins > Add New > Upload.

Activate the plugin. Look for «Testimonials» in the admin menu.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

What are the shortcodes?

— To display your testimonials as a list or a slideshow, or to display the form. The first step is to create a view which manages all the options in an easy-to-use (some call it fun!) editor.

— To display the number of testimonials you have. For example:

Read some of our testimonials!

— To display the average rating of all your testimonials. Includes stars!

Can I show more than one testimonial in the slider (i.e. a carousel)?

Yes. you can show 1, 2 or 3 at a time and you can scroll 1, 2 or 3 at a time.

Can I add testimonials from YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook? Can I change the fields on the form?

Yes. There is a custom fields editor to add or remove fields, change field details, and drag-and-drop to reorder them.

After the form has been submitted, can I redirect them to another page or display a custom message?

Can I set the status of the newly submitted testimonial?

Yes, either pending or published.

Can I reorder my testimonials by drag and drop?

Can I change the fields that appear below the testimonial?

Yes. In views, change these custom fields in a few clicks.

Can I display a large version of the featured image in a popup?

Yes. This requires a lightbox so if your theme does not include one, you will need a lightbox plugin.

Will it automatically use my existing testimonials?

No. If you already have testimonials in another plugin or theme, you will have to re-enter them. Why? Because every theme and plugin stores data differently.


Sorry but immediately uninstalled due to no captcha in the plugin by default. Anything with a form should have captcha. You can get it but you have to pay for it. I cant even test if I want to buy pro without captcha. Going to a different plugin.

I’m not a programmer and guilty of clicking on something wondering what it will do only to have contact support for help to undo! I can’t remember a time I have received such thorough, complete and understandable support. I would recommend this plugin just to experience the support if you need them, but on its own, the plugin is great too. I have three areas on the home page I attend to that I am able to have clients read testimonials. One of my favorites is the slider at the bottom of the page that gives a sampling of testimonials and offers the option to read more just by clicking the link. Very-very impressive!! THANK YOU SUPPORT FOR BEING THERE FOR ME!!

War eines der besten Plugins für Feedbacks. Leider kam irgendwer auf die bescheuerte Idee sämtliche Funktionen, Einstellungen etc. in die Pro-Variante zu packen. Dem Autor spenden oder zusätzliche Funktionen kaufen ist kein Problem. Aber absolut grundlegende Dinge aus einer Basis-Version zu nehmen ist...sorry... unter aller Sau. Und tschüss. 🙂

Рассказываю, как сделать на сайте ротацию отзывов клиентов, покупателей о ваших услугах и продуктах с помощью бесплатного плагина Testimonials Widget и не только.

Для чего нужны отзывы на сайте

Продающий сайт без отзывов клиентов сейчас выглядит немного странно. Не секрет, что именно отзывы часто помогают принять окончательное решение при покупке товаров или услуг, повышают доверие. Есть много исследований на эту тему, которые доказывают положительное влияние отзывов на принятие решений о покупке. Коллеги из Hidden Marketing недавно поделились конкретными цифрами.

Как видим, отказываться от столь мощного инструмента продаж не очень разумно, мягко говоря.

Как работают отзывы

Визуально система отзывов представляет из себя форматированный список, часто в виде динамической карусели или слайдера, включающий в себя непосредственно текст отзыва, какой-то медиаконтент, информацию об авторе, иногда какие-то контакты, оценку товара, услуги.

Технически работа системы отзывов выглядит так: после приобретения товара или услуги покупателю предлагается оставить отзыв, он заполняет некую форму, отправляет продавцу, который ее модерирует: утверждает публикацию, отправляет на доработку или запрещает. После утверждения отзыв появляется на странице товара / услуги и в общем списке отзывов.

На практике такие полностью автоматизированные системы нужны редко. Крупные российские продавцы интегрируются с отзывами Яндекс Маркета, зарубежные с Гугл Ревьюс и др. Среднему сайту часто вполне достаточно простой формы обратной связи, ручной обработки и публикации отзывов.

Отзывы в Вордпресс

Разработка обычно сводится к регистрации нового типа записей (CPT) с каким-нибудь логичным названием testimonial, верстке списка, страницы отзыва и его привязке к товарам или услугам.

Напомню, регистрация новых типов записей в Вордпресс осуществляется в файле functions.php следующим образом:

// Регистрация CPT add_action("init", "create_post_type"); function create_post_type() { register_post_type("testimonial", array("public" => true, "has_archive" => true, "exclude_from_search" => false, "publicly_queryable" => true, "labels" => array("name" => "Отзывы", "singular_name" => "Отзывы", "menu_name" => "Отзывы", "all_items" => "Все отзывы"), "supports" => array("title", "editor", "thumbnail", "custom-fields", "page-attributes"),)); }

Сделать простую систему отзывов на Вордпресс можно без программирования и плагинов.

Для этого достаточно создать страницу или запись, назвать ее «Отзывы» и разрешить комментирование. Простейшая и полностью автоматизированная система отзывов готова!

В премиум-темах Вордпресс системы отзывов часто интегрированы в тему.

Например, в одной из моих любимых тем Бридж ротация отзывов реализована в виде слайдера.

Другие коммерческие плагины.

Тестимониал (testimonial ) - маркетинговый прием при продвижении товара и(или) услуги, основанный на активном использовании чужого положительного мнения об объекте маркетинга.

Термин тестимониал происходит от английского testimonial - свидетельство.

Цель тестимониал – популяризация товаров и услуг, увеличение их продаж, создания положительного имиджа у предмета маркетинга.

Виды тестимониал:

  • рекомендательное письмо;
  • авторская хвалебная характеристика, отзыв потребителя;
  • прямая реклама известным человеком - потребителем, который дает товару положительную оценку;
  • использование образа известного человека в непрямой рекламе.

Суть тестимониал – уважаемый персонаж или обычный потребитель рассказывает о своем личном положительном опыте использования товара. Тестимониал часто представляет собой использование оплаченных позитивных мнений и заявлений лидеров мнения, авторитетных для определенных целевых аудиторий, популярных лиц, звезд эстрады и спорта, политиков и других знаменитостей.

Применение тестимониал . Этот инструмент маркетинга применяется для популяризации товаров, при выборе которых люди руководствуются советами. Сегодня «добросовестный» тестимониал практически заполонил отечественную рекламу товаров FMCG, продуктов питания, банковских услуг. Помимо этого тестимониал применяется для популяризации сложных услуг и товаров, когда сложная тема раскрывается, как бы от частного лица, языком, доступным для массового потребителя.

Тестимониал стал активным инструментом маркетинга с наступлением эры социального маркетинга (Маркетинг 3,0 по Ф. Котлету).

Помимо сферы массового потребления, тестимониал активно применяется в b2b-сегменте. В этом случае, компания распространяет хвалебные отзывы о своей деятельности, продуктах или услугах, полученные от клиентов или партнеров / аффилиатов.

Тестимониал в интернет-маркетинге. Тестимониал применяется как в оф-лайн маркетинге, так и в интернет-маркетинге. В этом случае, тестимониал существует под видом сообщений в форумах, чатах, социальных сетях, блогах и т.п.

Активность использования тестимониал послужила причиной формулирования принципов новой «технологии управления виртуальными потребителями» (Management of Virtual Consumers, МVC)

Что отличает обычную коммуникацию от тестимониал-коммуникации? Главная цель тестимониал сайта, брошюры, презентации - показать людям, что:

  • они не первые, кто воспользуется услугами и(или) товарами компании;
  • что они пришли сюда не зря, и здесь их не обманут;
  • использовать сложный продукт или воспользоваться сложной услугой просто;
  • тема может быть освещена не профессионалом, простым и доступным языком.

Принципы тестимониал-коммуникации .

Have a feature request?

Sweet! Feature requsts on Github: https://github.com/lukerollans/clean-testimonials/issues?labels=enhancement

Want to contribute?

Clean Testimonials on Github: http://github.com/lukerollans/clean-testimonials

Clean Testimonials enables you to easily and quickly add Testimonials to your WordPress website. The plugin integrates seamlessly with your existing WordPress admin area, so you will feel right at home.

There are a few simple ways to manage your testimonials:

  1. Easy to use shortcodes when editing content in the WordPress admin area.
  2. The built-in Testimonial Widget to display a specific or random testimonial
  3. PHP code if you are a developer (see FAQ).

This plugin is in constant development. If you have any feature requests or questions, please feel free to submit them via the support forum.


  • Creates a «Testimonials» link in your WordPress admin area which allows you or your visitors to submit Testimonials.
  • Leverages the simplicity of WordPress shortcodes, allowing you to easily display your Testimonials wherever you like (see FAQ for individual shortcodes).
  • Categorize Testimonials any way you see fit and display those categories wherever you like.
  • Creates a Testimonial Widget which allows you to display your testimonials in sidebar or widgetized areas.
  • Display random testimonials using either a shortcode or the built-in widget.
  • Ships with CAPTCHA support, but you can turn it off if you like
  • Allows your visitors to upload a thumbnail with their testimonial.
  • Allows your visitors to choose whether their contact details are displayed with their testimonials.
  • Allows powerful customizations for developers.
  • Setup for translation, so if you’re a translator, get translating!
  • Supports WP-Paginate if installed.

Please Note: Although any output Clean Testimonials generates is well structured, no styling is shipped out of the box. This means it is up to your theme to decide how the output will be styled.

If you have found this plugin useful, consider taking a moment to rate it, or perhaps even a small donation.



  1. Upload the clean-testimonials folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Can testimonials be submitted by my visitors automatically?

Yes. On top of your ability to add and edit testimonials in the WordPress admin area, you can also use a shortcode to display a form on any page you like. This form will create a new testimonial when a user fills it out. The shortcode to do this is

When a user submits a testimonial, it will default to «Draft» status. You will need to publish any testimonials this way before they will display on your site. Just in case someone writes anything naughty!

How do I display all of my testimonials?

To display all testimonials with pagination, use the shortcode.

How do I display a testimonial?

To display a single testimonial you can use the shortcode, where «xyz» is the ID of the testimonial you wish to display.
You can copy and paste the testimonial shortcode complete with ID from your Testimonials admin page in WordPress.

How can I display a category of testimonials?

To display a category of testimonials (with pagination!), you can use the shortcode. where «xyz» is the ID of the testimonial category you wish to display.
You can also display testimonials from multiple categories by using where «xyz» is the first ID and «abc» is the second. You can pass in as many ID’s as you like, just separate them with commas.

You can copy and paste this shortcode complete with ID from the Testimonials -> Categories admin page in WordPress.

Can I display a random testimonial?

Yes, you can use the Testimonial Widget and specify the «random» option, or you can use the shortcode.

Can I change the number of testimonials shown per page?

Yes. Specify the «per_page» attribute when using the shortcode. EG, .

Available filters

The following filters are available in Clean Testimonials so you can customise it to your liking.

  1. new_testimonial_notification — Filter whether an email notification should be sent to the administrator when a new testimonial is submitted.
  2. new_testimonial_email — Filter which email address which the new testimonial notification email is sent to. Defaults to administrator email.
  3. new_testimonial_confirmation_message — Filter the text which is displayed when a new testimonial is received.
  4. new_testimonial_failure_message — Filter the text which is displayed when a testimonial submission fails.
  5. ct_disable_captcha — Return true to disable captcha on the testimonial submission form
Available actions

The following actions are available in Clean Testimonials so you can customise it to your liking.
1. ct_before_render_testimonial — Fires before a testimonial is rendered. Passes in $testimonial and $context
1. ct_after_render_testimonial — Fires after a testimonial is rendered. Passes in $testimonial and $context

I am a developer, what can you tell me?

The following information might be handy for you to know.

  1. Testimonials operate via a custom post type which is simply named «testimonial».
  2. Testimonials are grouped in a custom taxonomy named «testimonial_category».
  3. The Testimonial widget class name is «Testimonial_Widget» and of course extends WP_Widget.

Журнал изменений

  • Removed developer output from shortcode


  • Added translation support.
  • Added filter «ct_disable_captcha» to allow disabling captcha.
  • Multiple categories can now be passed in a shortcode. EG, .
  • Added a one donation donation/rating request. Enjoying this free plugin? Please show some one time love!
  • Updated PayPal donation address in readme


  • Added ct_pre_render_testimonial, ct_render_testimonial and ct_after_render_testimonial hooks.
  • ct_pre_render_testimonial is a filter which allows a developer to completely override how a testimonial looks.
  • ct_render_testimonial is a filter which allows a developer to filter the default testimonial styling before Clean Testimonials outputs it.
  • ct_after_render_testimonial is an action which triggers every time a testimonial is rendered, allowing you to perform your own actions afterwards.
  • Added ‘context’ parameter to each testimonial render (including the above hooks). This allows a developer further flexibility in how a testimonial should be rendered.
  • Minor tweak to the testimonial cycle code
  • The testimonial cycle AJAX request now takes ‘context’ and ‘word_limit’ as a parameter

Props to @ericdaams for this release!


  • Simple maintenance release. No functionality change.


  • Fixed bug causing testimonial widget to display a PHP warning when no random categories were selected


  • Introduced new filters to customize testimonial submission behaviour. See FAQ.
  • Added filter to customize CAPTCHA theme. EG, red (default), white, blackglass or clean. See FAQ.
  • Added ability to specify ordering in the shortcode. EG,
  • Added shortcode attribute to allow basic AJAX powered random testimonial cycling


  • Bug fixes. Woops!


  • An email notification is now sent to the site owner when a new testimonial is submitted
  • The Testimonial Widget «random» option now allows you to specify source categories if you wish
  • Added «word_limit» attribute to and shortcodes, allowing you to truncate long testimonials if you wish


  • Fixed bug causing testimonial submission form to appear incorrectly


  • Fixed bug causing Testimonials submitted via the template submission form to be saved as incomplete


  • Added CAPTCHA to testimonial submission form


  • Added «per_page» attribute to shortcode which allows you to specify how many testimonials to display per page. EG, . Default is 2
  • Fixed small PHP warning which could be generated when testimonial pagination is rendered


  • When displaying a testimonial, the comma separating the client name and company name will no longer be displayed if the company name is not set


  • Fixed output positioning of shortcode data


  • Small security updates


  • Fixed bug causing Featured Images (thumbnails) to not appear on the Testimonial edit page
  • Added Testimonial Widget
  • Changed shortcode to accept «random» as an ID which, in turn, outputs a random testimonial

Testimonials are essential in building trust with potential customers. Before people buy a product or a service, they want to be sure that they’re making the right choice. A good number of positive testimonials might be the last push needed to convert hesitant buyers into loyal customers.

If you’re considering adding testimonial content on your site, you’ll be glad to know that it’s easily done in WordPress using free or premium plugins. Most plugins use shortcodes to insert the content into any part of your site, so no actual coding is required. Some premium plugins even have visual editors that let you preview testimonials before publishing.

There are many plugins for this task, but we’ve rounded out the ten best WordPress testimonial plugins for crafting the perfect testimony page to support your product or service. These are the best-rated plugins from the WordPress.org and Codecanyon repository, and all plugins have been updated to this year.

Here are the 11 best WordPress testimonial plugins:

Testimonial Plugins for WordPress

#1. Easy Testimonials

Easy Testimonials plugin has a free and pro version. The free version allows for displaying testimonials with images and links to other pages on your site (such as a sales or landing page). Testimonials are created just like blog posts, and you can choose to display any collection of testimonials on a sidebar using a widget or anywhere else on your site using a shortcode. Testimonials can be displayed randomly on sidebars.

Testimonials Widget also has a free and premium version. The free version offers basic display functions for testimonials. Its primary feature is the random or specific rotation of testimonials by widget, shortcode or theme function. Testimonials can be filtered by category or tags.

Transition includes a carousel, slide and fade animations with support for text, . When using shortcodes, you can configure it to show all testimonials, recent ones, randomly or by category or tag. The premium version offers support, caching, excerpts, user-submitted testimonials, RSS feeds and “More” links.

Testimonial Basics keeps everything simple and to the point, without over complicating something as basic as adding a testimonial. But even though it is simple, it does not lack by any means. The plugin is filled with styling options and different fonts(nine to be exact) to help you customize the appearance of the testimonials. The plugin provides the testimonials to support a five-star rating system as well as Gravatars. This means that you don’t have to go through any hassle of uploading an image, granted the person who has written the testimonial has a Gravatar.

Other than this, there are also input forms that you can use either as widgets or shortcodes to get testimonials from customers directly on your website. Then you can immediately display it with the help of another shortcode or widget. Everything is that easy and intuitive. Overall, the plugin is an ideal choice for people who don’t wish to spend time on configuring their testimonials.

#4. Handsome Testimonials

This plugin’s best feature is the handful testimonial pre-built themes available in the free version. You can customize almost all elements of design including background colors, text size and image shape. The design editor has a live preview so you can see what your testimonial looks like before publishing.

All settings are saved in an auto-generated shortcode that you can then insert anywhere in your site. Widgets are also supported, and you can use the shortcode within a widget if you want.

#5. Strong Testimonials

Strong Testimonials is a free full-featured WordPress testimonial plugin that works out of the box. It supports shortcode and widget displays, with the ability to filter testimonials by categories. When displaying several testimonials, you can add pagination with a specified number of items per page. You can choose to show the full text for each testimonial or show an excerpt with a customizable “Read More” link.

Not only does this plugin provide the basic display functions found in most plugins, but it also enables users to create a testimonial submission form – a feature that’s mostly available for an upgrade with other plugins. On top of the default shortcode display option, you can also create slide shows for any number of testimonials (chosen by you or randomly). Multiple slide shows can be used on the same page, and you can customize the transition interval and speed.

#6 Testimonials Showcase

This is a premium plugin that costs $16 from Codecanyon. Testimonial content is displayed in two ways: Grid and Slider. The Grid puts testimonials in boxes with any number of rows and columns you specify. The Slider is best to show on your homepage header, which you can insert using a shortcode.

Testimonials WordPress plugin is not to be confused with the previous plugin, Testimonials Showcase. Although both are from Codecanyon, they are made by different developers. This plugin (premium cost at $18) offers to display modern and clean testimonial designs in four ways: grid, thumbnail slider, slider, and list.

Screenshots of each style are found on the product page, and you can also run a demo by clicking the “Live Preview” button. Visual Composer is integrated with the plugin for code-less creation of testimonials and submission forms. Also available is the shortcode generator with live preview, similar to Testimonials Showcase. Designs are responsive and will look great for all screen sizes.

#8. GS Testimonial Slider

GS Testimonial Slider allows a user to create testimonial sliders anywhere in the site using shortcodes. Built-in designs are available out of the box, but you can customize design elements from the back-end if you want.

Custom post types are supported and each testimonial can display an image, with an option to adjust height and width (available in the Pro version). Upgrading also activates more transition styles, themes and image shapes. You can also control slider behavior like speed, pausing on hover and toggling the navigation arrows.

#9. Rich Reviews

If you want your reviews directly from your customers but you don’t wish to spend a dime, this plugin should do the job. Rich Reviews enables a site owner to collect reviews from customers via the website and display chosen reviews anywhere in the site using shortcodes.

Testimonials can be posted in any post, page, sidebar or footer widget. Shortcode customizations allow you to generate an aggregate review rating from some reviews, e.g., an average of 4.5 from 10 reviews.

#10 AB Testimonial Plugin

AB Testimonial plugin costs $17 and displays testimonials using jQuery sliders. It’s responsive, translation ready and uses shortcodes to show the slider. Two built-in designs are available, and testimonials can be filtered by category and can be limited to displaying a specified number of testimonials per slide.

It also supports user-submitted testimonials via Ajax form, and you can screen them first and control which ones are included in a slide. There seems to be no mention of the option to change design elements like color or text, so this may not be the best choice if you want to have more control over the slider’s appearance.

#11 Clean Testimonials

Clean Testimonials is another free plugin that displays testimonials using shortcodes or PHP code (for developers). In addition to being able to display testimonials in any part of a website, the plugin also enables visitors to submit their testimonials. This is done using another shortcode to display the submission form. Visitors can choose which details to display in their submission, and they can also upload their photo via the form.

The testimonials can be displayed with pagination if WP-Paginate is installed. You can display all testimonials, filter by certain categories or randomly all using different shortcodes or built-in widgets.

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It’s easy to get overwhelmed with which plugins would be perfect for your testimonial content, but with this roundup, you should know which ones are important to you and your audience. Whether you’re looking for basic functionality or , there is at least one plugin in this list to suit your purpose. The choice comes down to whether or not to go with a free or premium plugin for creating a testimonial page for your site.

Free plugins can offer some functions that paid plugins to do, but most of the time these free plugins will have limitations or you don’t always get the support that you might need when you run into some issues. On the other hand, premium plugins can have too many options that you don’t need, and you might end up paying for something you could have gotten for free.

If you’re looking for a free option with most features, Strong Testimonials seem to be an excellent choice. For a feature-packed premium option, Testimonials Showcase looks like it has all possible features. Again, it boils down to knowing which features are an absolute must and which ones you can do without. In the end, the goal should always be to gain your visitor’s trust by reading these testimonials and for them to finally click on the Buy button.

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