How to attract the attention of a potential client. What makes a negative impression on your customers? Free goods or services

Any business - be it a start-up or a long-running one - needs clientele. It is the end consumer of goods and services that serves as a source of financial resources, which means that it gives your business the opportunity to grow and develop. A lot has already been said about how to attract clients, but such information will never be superfluous. No matter how much marketing research is conducted, questions always remain, for example, why, given equal conditions, the client chooses one of the offers. However, these are special cases; in general, customer preferences can be calculated with a fairly high degree of probability, which is what marketers do within the same company, city or country. There is also international marketing. And all these specialists are looking for an answer to the same question: “How to attract clients?” The accumulated material is very interesting, so today we will study it.

A mysterious creature called "client"

It is very important to have a good idea of ​​who our client is. This is a key concept because it allows you to focus your efforts and direct them towards achieving specific goals. Since it is much easier to attract customers of one target group, we must first figure out in which direction we need to act.

In general, all potential clients are divided into corporate and private. Every company is primarily attracted to citizens of the first category, since they represent an entire segment in the consumer market. It is difficult to get such a client, but the benefits from such transactions are very good. However, you should not focus on large-scale production, because an attentive attitude towards each individual customer can ultimately work into your hands, because he may one day lead an entire corporation with him. Therefore, when discussing how to attract clients, we can confidently say that individuals are the category that is most worth working with.

The most popular ways to get new clients

In fact, private businesses do not always have a team of marketing specialists on staff, so they have to get out of the situation using proven means. At the same time, businessmen often adopt methods to attract customers from their competitors and quickly adapt them to their own needs. We will consider both typical and non-standard methods of winning new consumers of goods or services.


Who among us has not paid attention to such signs? Promotions, sales, discounts - all this attracts the consumer, and he will most likely take an interest in at least the terms offered. If you are looking for a way to quickly attract customers, then you need a bright and well-designed banner in a crowded place. Moreover, the content can be different: a bonus for the procedure received in a beauty salon or lending with preferential terms - it doesn’t matter, the most important thing is that the person receives your message in an accessible form.

It is very important that, by resorting to such a method of stimulating customer activity, the service seller counts on the population’s commitment to “free cheese.” Even if a person does not really need what you offer, he may be interested in the product solely because the conditions seem favorable to him. As a result, he can not only take advantage of the offer himself, but also tell others.

We continue to attract freebie lovers

Indeed, a huge number of advertising gimmicks are connected precisely with this. Marketers play on people’s impulsiveness, and therefore try to make their “web” as attractive as possible. When talking about how you can attract customers, you cannot ignore such a method as planned price reductions. “All seasonal procedures are 40% cheaper”, “The entire assortment of the outgoing summer is now 60% more affordable!” - these and similar slogans gather customers at tremendous speed.

The principle of providing a discount on a product also works very well. This method always works, regardless of whether we understand market mechanisms or not. This can be seen very clearly when the price tag is 999 rubles or 2990.

Promotions and discounts are rather crude mechanisms; moreover, if business owners are asked how effective the promotion was, they cannot always answer. The product or service has been sold, but not at the original price. Has sales increased enough to cover this difference? It is precisely so that you understand well how to attract profits and customers that today we want to reveal the best ways to attract them.

Increased loyalty

Only the laziest businessman does not use the listed methods, but their effectiveness may vary. Therefore, in order for them to actually work, we recommend that you use the following methods. First of all, it is advisable to limit the validity period of your offer. Such a marketing ploy will make it possible to instill in a potential client the idea that conditions may soon change in a direction unfavorable for him.

The second option is similar to the first, but has some nuances. In this case, the main task is to colorfully describe the advantages of the product (service), and then mention that their quantity is very limited. This could be a VIP collection or a unique offer that is difficult to refuse.

Let's talk a little more about how to attract new clients. Agree, initially a person doesn’t care whether he goes to you or to the company opposite. Offer the first person to purchase a product or service a valuable prize. This does not necessarily have to be a product; a free consultation with an expert (a master class on makeup or appearance care) is perfect.

And finally, you can come up with some kind of souvenir for your first clients. This could be a cosmetic bag, a flashlight keychain with a logo, some companies practice serving sweets and fruits, especially if the visit is timed to coincide with some holiday. It's a small thing, but nice.

How can a retailer get any customer to buy anything? There are several tricks, gimmicks, tricks that work reliably and 100% on every consumer. In our material we will talk in detail about 11 of them.

How to get a customer to buy more

Each of us has faced this situation more than once: when we go to sales or retail stores that offer promotions for the sale of certain goods, we seem to lose control of ourselves and buy everything in a row until the money in our wallet completely runs out.

At such moments, it seems that we are controlled by an unknown force, which forces us to buy, in fact, unnecessary goods, succumbing to some kind of outside influence. It turns out that such sensations arise for a reason: a person succumbs to cunning psychological influence, which results in hundreds of purchases.

Today, retailers actively use certain tricks and tricks to get their customers to buy more. Every salesperson can use them in their work, and you don’t have to be an experienced psychologist or wizard to do this.

How to encourage a buyer to make a purchasing decision. Video

Types of marketing ploys for the client

1. “Free” gift

The vast majority of people subconsciously react positively to such advertisements and inscriptions as “Second item for free”, “Free delivery”, “Find cheaper and we will return your money”, etc.

But every retailer knows that any “free” gift is already “included” in the price of the product that the buyer will purchase with money.

This “trick” has been working for many decades in all countries of the world, and not only in retail sales, but also in catering establishments, in telephone sales and many other areas.

It is the imaginary “free” that attracts the attention of a huge number of people who, for starters, will simply go into the store to “see” what kind of “free” unprecedented promotion is taking place there, and then experienced retailers will do everything to prevent the client from leaving without purchasing.

Word of mouth also works great here. Having learned about a “delicious” promotion in your store, the buyer will bring more of his friends and acquaintances there so that they can all buy more things together and receive even more “free” goods as a gift.

Advice: Periodically arrange “free” promotions in the store, for example, “50% discount on the second pair of shoes” or “second item for half price and a free accessory”, while slightly raising prices on the most popular goods and giving away stale out-of-season ones as a “gift”. things or products that still cannot be sold in the near future.

Thus, the goods will go into circulation and bring some kind of profit. But when organizing such promotions, calculate all the risks and benefits - it often happens that with an illiterate approach, retailers go into the red instead of receiving an increase in sales.

Create a detailed customer database using the Business.Ru CRM system. Conduct a detailed analysis of your target audience, identify its exact needs, predict demand and thereby increase sales.

2. In the fight for red price tags

As you know, prices or price tags highlighted in red in retail stores have a better effect on customers than the red banner of a bullfighter on an angry bull - here the long-established association of the color red on price tags with lower prices is “triggered” in the minds of consumers.

It is the color red that retailers around the world try to highlight the size of discounts, and it is the red price tags that sellers in stores urge to look for, promising their customers discounts.

The retailer can use such an association to its advantage.

Advice: The red price tag in your store may not always “promise” a stunning discount for the buyer - it may be small or very insignificant, or the price may remain the same, but it is doubtful that the vast majority of consumers will subconsciously take goods with red price tags from the shelves no need to.

Therefore, good advice would be to sometimes use this approach in your work and deliberately reduce prices on expensive goods as little as possible, “hang” red price tags on them and wait until buyers buy everything in the confidence that they are making a bargain.

3. Hiding the hottest items

Perhaps the most well-known and popular, and therefore effective, technique for “motivating” store visitors to buy more is the location of the most popular products at the very end of the store.

Showcases with dairy products, bread, and sausages in stores and supermarkets are always located in the farthest corner. The same rule applies to the most expensive and popular goods among the population.

Even on the product racks themselves, more expensive products will flash before our eyes, and their cheap counterparts will be lost on the lower shelves in the very depths.

This is due to the fact that a wise retailer will try to make sure that a store visitor goes as far as possible to get the necessary essential goods and along the way buys a whole basket of “related” goods.

Advice: Place the most popular and therefore inexpensive products in the store on the stands and display cases furthest from the entrance, but at the same time place the most expensive and less popular items in the most visible place - on the display case, at the entrance and in places that will be visible even to those passing by .

4. We sell goods in batches

A fairly common technique today for selling larger quantities of goods is to sell goods in batches, for example, under the “ten packs for 300 rubles” promotion.

In this case, the discount, as a rule, seems insignificant, but this “trick” again affects such a simple human trait as the desire to save, even minimally.

Advice: Try to sell more and more promotional products in the store, because these are the first things that every customer subconsciously pays attention to, and often does not think about why he needs 15 packs of paper towels with a purchase benefit equal to ten rubles.

It is this desire to buy at a discount and benefit that an experienced retailer can “play on.” Both the most popular goods, and goods with an expiration date in the near future, and illiquid goods can be sold in “lots” - such goods “go away” under the “Ten for Ten” promotion very quickly.

5. Promotion “one product in one hand”

Many retailers use this simple marketing tactic to attract customers' attention - this is the so-called "buying restrictions".

It is when the consumer is directly told that “no more than two pieces of this product are issued per person,” he begins to perceive it as special, unique and in demand.

This means that the consumer will strive to purchase more and more of this product, since he will be confident that “since there is a high demand for it, it means that it will run out in the near future, which means that you need to buy more at once.”

Advice: Don’t be afraid to add a special touch to certain types of products and place similar ads near them. This artificially limited demand is sure to motivate customers to buy more.

6. Rule of nine

Each of us, having briefly noticed a price tag in a store with the value: “19.99 rubles,” will round the figure to 19, and not to 20 rubles - as would be mathematically more correct.

This “deceptive” effect of the human brain is called the “left sign effect”: a person subconsciously rounds a number down even before fully realizing its real value.

And despite the fact that at school we were taught to round numbers from five after the decimal point up, our brain automatically rounds numbers down. It is this subconscious effect that a retailer can intelligently “play on.”

Advice: When creating and printing price tags, use numbers ending in 9, 95 or 99 - so-called "charm prices". They will visually reduce the cost of goods for buyers and become more attractive to them.

7. Use color, light, scents

It has long been proven that purchasing activity is directly influenced by color, light and aromas.

We are talking about the release of the hormone of joy, which affects purchasing activity. Thanks to this hormone, a person is in pleasant anticipation of shopping, subconsciously wants to buy more goods and please himself.

It is very easy to provoke the appearance of the hormone “dopamine”, which causes a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction, in the buyer in your store.

Advice: Use bright colors; as for grocery stores, it is better to place bright fruits and vegetables closer to the entrance so that a person can see them from afar and feel the pleasure of future shopping.

A good idea would be “scent marketing” or other “sensory marketing” - that is, influencing the feelings of buyers and their emotional state in order to increase sales.

8. The law of the right hand and the rule of the “golden triangle”

As you know, the vast majority of people spontaneously move around the trading floor in a counterclockwise direction, that is, they begin to walk around the retail outlet to the right of the entrance. It is this rule that must be taken into account when placing goods on store shelves.

You should also remember the rule of the “golden triangle”, according to which the most popular products must be located in the back of the store, at the most distant point - this will be the “top” of the golden triangle, and its two remaining corners make up the entrance to the store and the checkout area.

It is on the square of the “golden triangle”, that is, on the territory through which every buyer will definitely pass, that it is necessary to lay out goods that require speedy sale - a person will go through the entire store for the most necessary goods, which means he will get acquainted with all the products and assortment and head to checkout.

As they say, “for every product there is a buyer.” But often managers are faced with a problem when the client does not want to make contact. And from the first words it is clear that he is bored, that he is not interested in anything from the range of products sold or the range of services offered.

You can encounter this kind of reaction from people both at the store counter and during a telephone conversation. But many profitable deals fall through not so much because of the client’s intractability as because of the manager’s inability to work with it. It’s not just a matter of excessive assertiveness or, conversely, lack of self-confidence; there are many nuances that can either save a deal or ruin it.

This article highlights the correct behavior of a manager in communicating with a client. Below are ten ways to attract the client's attention in order to further work with him.

1. Client specifics.

What can capture the client's attention and pleasantly surprise him? Its uniqueness, its difference from others. It’s like a person’s name - as soon as you call him, he turns around, instinctively tuning into contact.

The client is attracted by his personal specificity, his dignity, what he has long and diligently achieved. We are talking about positive specificity. If you know some facts about the client, you can safely use them in your appeal:

  • I know that you are the largest furniture manufacturer in our region;
  • the newspapers wrote that your company’s products are of the highest quality;
  • I am aware that you position yourself as a company for wealthy clients;
  • I think I heard that your organization works in several directions at once;
  • It’s great that the prices for your company’s products are so affordable.

By emphasizing the specificity of the client, the manager automatically attracts his attention and interests. After which you need to continue the conversation, briefly tell about your company. If the conversation takes place over the phone, then you need to offer a personal meeting.

2. Client news.

If a business is alive, it changes. Business changes are the client's news on which his attention is focused. If the manager is also aware of the client’s business news, then the latter will only be impressed. In order to know all the possible news, you need to make some effort: read thematic newspapers, visit company websites on the Internet, watch the news.

Discussing the progress of his company with a client and quoting his own words is always good. A person feels that the manager is interested in him, not only as a client, but also as a person. You can try to present it like this:

– Good afternoon, Sergei Innokentyevich, in yesterday’s “DP” program you noted that, I quote, “the most important thing in our baths is the coziness and comfort of vacationers.” My name is Nikolay Antokhin, I represent the company “Everything for the Bath”. We are ready to help you make your premises even more comfortable, friendly and functional.

The bridge has been crossed - the client is pleased that a stranger is interested in his words, understands the essence of the matter and wants to help him in business, making the rest of bathhouse visitors even more enjoyable, thanks to his products.

3. Company specifics.

Any company has its own characteristics and positive advantages. This can and should be used in conversation, because if the company is so wonderful, why not say so right away? You can start a telephone conversation as follows:

– Hello, Alexey Nikiforov, I represent the water delivery company “Crystal”; about a thousand offices and shops in the city use our services.

– Good morning, my name is Elena Zelenaya, the Popular Insurance company, our company is very famous - it insured the Titanic.

– Hello, Anton Kuzin, I am a representative of the Tekhnika Plus company. Our company has been pleasing customers with its products for over a hundred years.

The better the information provided satisfies the client’s potential need, the greater the likelihood of a favorable and productive dialogue. Having interested a person, you need to briefly inform him about your company and arrange a personal meeting.

4. The method of the obvious and indisputable.

It is easy to establish contact with the client by noting in the dialogue information that he cannot argue with and does not want to. It is a long-known fact that the more a person agrees in a conversation, the more difficult it will be for him to say “no” in the future. For example, consider the following dialogue:

Manager: Good afternoon, Mr. Vasilev, this is Ivan speaking to you from the Modern Fashion Publishing House company. I know that any company carefully calculates its advertising budget.

Client: Indeed, it is so. What do you need?

M.: Have you ever read our magazine?

K.: Yes, several times, but so what?

M.: I would like to introduce you to the new sections of our magazine. By the way, do you have a new number?

M.: In that case, allow me to drive up to you to deliver the magazine and tell you in more detail about our company?

If the manager conducts the conversation correctly, then the client most likely will not refuse. This means that the manager did an excellent job.

This method is based on the use of a simple phenomenon: you cannot argue with obvious facts, moreover, obvious things cannot make you angry and cause other negative emotions. The manager conducts a conversation, trying to get the client’s approval, and he gets it in this simple way. After the client agrees with the manager, the latter can only move on to the essence of cooperation.

Let us give a few more examples of “obvious facts”.

– Good afternoon, Ivan Ivanov, Vacuum Cleaners for Everyone company. It is known that every self-respecting cafe cares about the comfort of its customers and does everything so that they linger and have a pleasant time.

– Hello, dear Denis Petrovich, Inga Sukhareva, Juices from New Guinea company, is speaking to you. Every company strives to optimize its product range.

Good recommendations are highly valued in sales. A fairly productive way is to ask clients for recommendations. Sometimes asking for recommendations is inconvenient, difficult or scary; the results almost always pay off. It might look like this:

“Now that you are convinced of the quality of our products, could you tell me which of your clients or partners I can contact to offer the company’s services?”

– Hello, Pyotr Ivanovich, my name is Igor Semenov, Furniture Paradise company. I am calling you on the recommendation of Sergei Gribkov, director of the “Everything for the Garden and Garden” enterprise.

By referring to a face familiar to the client, the manager automatically captures his attention. The authority of the recommending person has a strong influence on the situation.

If the manager feels that he has no right to ask for recommendations and refer to other clients, then it is worth thinking carefully and logically about the situation. If the work was done well, the product sold was of excellent quality, and the customer was satisfied with everything, doesn’t this mean that the manager did an excellent job?

In this case, the client is unlikely to refuse to give recommendations, because this not only ensures a good income for the manager, but also supplies his friends and acquaintances with quality products. The main thing in this method is courage and perseverance.

If the manager has some suspicion that it will be very difficult for him to talk with the client at first, you can follow the method described below. You should find out who in the company is in a position parallel to the one the manager is interested in contacting.

If possible, try to find out or guess who is one step lower. This person will not be dismissive in a conversation with the manager, because the latter wants to ask for advice, to find out who to talk to about the delivery of mineral water to the office.

After all, the manager is a representative of the largest company in the southwest, “Clean Water”. We must remember: the people with whom managers sometimes have to communicate are literally and figuratively parallel to this service; they do not need to be afraid that anything will be imposed on them.

Such a person will calmly redirect the manager to the person he really needs. But there it will be possible to refer to the person who sent it, saying that he recommended the client of interest as the most knowledgeable in matters of purchase and delivery.

7. “And if, then...” method

This method is based on the client focusing on the main advantages of the company. In this case, the manager immediately, from the first moment, invites the client to think about what he really wants from his business and from those people who are external to his business. This method has its own peculiarity, which lies in the conditions in which the manager places the client.

Manager: Hello, my name is Oleg, I represent the popular newspaper “Businessman”.

Client: Good afternoon, what do you want?

M.: Viktor Sergeevich, if you are interested in considering the possibilities of increasing impact on your target audience, then I would like to talk about some interesting paths that our publication proposes to take.

How does this formula for focusing attention work? It offers the client a solution tailored to their needs. Correctly constructed remarks from the manager will not allow the client to isolate himself from the offer or refuse to cooperate.

Well, what entrepreneur would agree that he is not interested in attracting a client base to his company? No. The dialogue should proceed in such a way that the client understands that he really needs the services offered.

8. Our new products.

In any advertisement on the radio and on TV screens, people hear “new product”, “new technology”, “new variety”, and half of the assortment in stores has “new” labels. All this is because people are attracted to everything new; the fact that something has recently come off the assembly line acts like a magnet. It is in the blood of every person and it is difficult to resist this mania.

Having this information, at the first meeting with the client, you can tell about all the company’s new products. This will surely interest many. Below is an example of interaction with a client based on advertising of new products.

Manager: Hello, Anatoly Alekseevich. Company “Everything for advertising”. My name is Yuri Fedorov. Have you already heard about CD business cards?

K.: No, what is it?

M.: This is our latest technology: business cards, which contain complete information about the company in electronic form. This solution is suitable for any modern and progressive organization.

K.: Interesting, tell me more.

The twist is that no organization would want to admit that it is backward or out-of-date. Therefore, it will not be difficult to agree on such a deal.

This method is based on the fact that the manager refers to some sources authoritative for the client that speak in his favor.

– Good afternoon, Alena! Company “One Hundred Little Things for the Office”. We work with four thousand companies in Moscow, providing the opportunity to quickly and economically supply office supplies. My name is Natalya Ozertsova.

- Hello, Alexander! My name is Olga Zaitseva. Glacier Water Company. According to the All About Business magazine, our company is among the top ten companies whose service is rated as excellent by clients. We sell and transport environmentally friendly water for the needs of office workers.

10. Compliments.

It is a great art to give compliments. It is believed that it is either given or not. A bad compliment is like a bad joke: the parties will be overwhelmed by bewilderment and awkwardness, and the manager will be fixated on only one thought - how to save the situation.

Therefore, you should not commit rash actions if you are not completely sure that this will benefit your business relationship. But it is a well-known fact that a well-placed compliment is the path to success.

- Hello, Angelina! Company “Three Comrades”. We provide advice in the field of financial security. I was reviewing the financial market, looking for information on the Internet, and came across your site. It is clear that the work was done by professionals, well done.

There would be more such sites. What I learned from it gave me a certain idea. Do you know what it is? I'd like to tell you about what we do.

People like to hear nice words, even if sometimes they realize that the boast is not based on anything. This must be used, but used wisely and carefully, without stooping to rude and undisguised flattery.

The listed methods will help every manager in their work. Some things can be supplemented and adapted for a specific client, but in general the scheme is clear. The main thing for a manager is not to get hung up on his desire to sell a product; this is the wrong position.

The task of every self-respecting employee is to interest the client in his products, and not to impose them. If a person likes the advertised product or admires the services offered, then he will certainly be ready to cooperate.

The manager needs to unobtrusively persuade the client to work together. Some methods may have different effects on different clients, but we should remember that we are all human, which means we can find an individual approach to each one.

Hello! In this article we will tell you how to attract customers and increase sales in , and introduce you to the principles of customer focus.

Today you will learn:

  1. What does "customer centricity" mean?
  2. What are the main ways to attract clients?
  3. What acquisition channels can be used.

The success of any business project directly depends on the number of clients. The issue of attracting them remains the main one for any enterprise that is interested in a stable increase in sales and making profits. Any methods and techniques are used, different ways of presenting information that help to interest potential buyers of the product.

Customer Focus

Customer centricity refers to an important element of any business, aimed at finding ways to satisfy customers and their needs. This helps ensure the most complete and constant flow, increasing sales.

In simple words, companies direct all resources to studying the needs of consumers, and the principle “the customer is always right” is put into practice.

It is customer focus that can make a business project more effective and increase turnover. This is not just about improving the quality of service or sending SMS messages with promotional offers. This is the desire to please in everything and turn a casual visitor into a regular customer.

Basic rules of customer focus:

  • All staff must be attentive to visitors and try to anticipate their wishes;
  • Customer focus needs to be developed within the company itself and directed towards employees;
  • Any changes to the range, models or modifications should be dictated only by the desire to give consumers maximum benefit, and not by the whims of business owners;
  • Service must be ahead of the demands of visitors.

Establishing a customer focus starts from within the company. To do this, management can encourage sales managers and other personnel with cash bonuses for high quality service. Regular trainings, where conflict situations and the peculiarities of communication with “problem” clients are worked out, have a good effect.

Basic principles of customer focus

  1. Conscientious attitude to work. To satisfy the needs of customers, you should be diligent in serving each person and offering them only high-quality, high-quality products.
  2. Attention to every detail. It is necessary to take into account points that may cause dissatisfaction or irritation, and eliminate shortcomings in the work of service personnel.
  3. Studying customer needs. In addition to studying wishes and requirements for products, you can establish feedback. This will help you understand whether the expectations from the quality or properties of the purchased item were met.
  4. Working ahead. To attract potential customers, you need to provide better service than the potential buyer expects. Having received positive emotions, he will definitely return and tell his friends about the company.
  5. Desire to understand the consumer. A good way to work on weaknesses is to put yourself in the shoes of a potential client. This will help to understand whether he is comfortable making a purchase, and how high-quality the product is offered to him.

The company must understand who its potential customers are and what they expect from the product or service. It is necessary to build relationships based on trust and mutual understanding. This is not always profitable for the company in the early stages, but it will certainly bring excellent income in the future.

Main channels for attracting clients

Customer acquisition channels refer to various ways of establishing contact between a buyer and a seller. They should be created by the entrepreneur himself, who is interested in increasing income. He can use active or passive channels, adjusting them to the characteristics of goods or services.

The most interesting active channels for attracting customers are:


The channel involves the redistribution of sales between different companies (direct manufacturer and intermediate distributor of goods).

Among the positive aspects of such a recruitment channel:

  • High productivity and achieving results in a short time;
  • Availability of trained marketers and personnel who understand the intricacies of advertising, display or promotion of brands;
  • Savings, which consist in the absence of the need for the manufacturer to hire such employees, spend time and money on advertising campaigns.

Direct sales

In this case, the channel is sought by the entrepreneur himself, who tries, during a personal meeting, to persuade the client to buy and to conclude a deal. It is actively used in the field.

Has the following advantages:

  • The goal is to obtain a result, i.e. a product or service sold;
  • It gives high productivity, because in a personal meeting the chances of achieving a positive result are much higher.

Disadvantages of the direct sales channel:

  • High costs for training and constant retraining of personnel;
  • There is a risk that the time spent on a potential buyer will not pay off;
  • Finding an individual approach to each customer, which requires time.


This channel involves concluding a cooperation agreement between two companies or private entrepreneurs. It aims to share the customer base, increase it and cater to a large segment of the market.

Such a union has advantages:

  • Saving the budget of enterprises;
  • Quick launch of projects and the possibility of wide coverage.

But with a partnership, there is always a risk of losing profit or part of the clientele if the other party is deceived or unexpectedly withdraws from the project.


A popular and well-known channel that is actively used by many commercial companies. It does not involve direct sales and meetings with the client. Managers limit themselves to a short telephone conversation, where they voice a proposal and talk about the merits of the product.

Benefits of telemarketing:

  • A fairly economical channel that eliminates unproductive trips and loss of time moving around the city;
  • Short period before the channel launch.

Of the negative points:

  • Minimum opportunities for product presentation;
  • A small number of products that can be sold under such conditions.

The so-called “word of mouth” has always been the best channel for attracting new consumers. Many satisfied customers not only return, but also willingly recommend the company or its products to acquaintances and friends, and post reviews on the Internet.

The main advantages of such a channel:

  • Big savings on advertising;
  • The effectiveness of reviews based on trust among friends.


  • The need to find an individual approach to each client, which requires professionalism from the staff;
  • The duration of promotion of the method, which takes several months or even years.

It would be a mistake not to use all channels to one degree or another. Experienced entrepreneurs skillfully manipulate the strengths of each, achieving good results and sales.

Ways to attract clients

When opening a new enterprise, there is a need to find consumers. At this stage, you should use various methods that will help make the brand or store more recognizable.

You can use simple and inexpensive methods to disseminate information:

  • Post advertisements in areas with the highest traffic volumes of potential buyers.. This method is designed for consumers who do not have the Internet or older people. Ads should be original and eye-catching.
  • Ask acquaintances and friends to spread information about the new company among their circle. This will not only help attract your first customers, but will also create a certain positive image from reviews and improve your reputation.
  • Distribute leaflets periodically to passers-by on the street. A good marketing move would be to exchange such a leaflet for a discount, bonus card or small gift. It can be passed on to friends or work colleagues, which will only increase the circle of people who know about the company or brand.
  • Take advantage of different advertising options using the Internet, television or print media. Inexpensive options include colorful billboards, signs or banners.
  • Presents for first clients. A small discount on a purchase will not hit the enterprise’s budget, but will attract attention through word of mouth, bring in new guests, and quickly pay for itself in turnover.

For new businesses, it is important to create a positive first impression. If you immediately choose to focus on a satisfied client, the company will quickly and more confidently consolidate its position in the market.

For businesses that want to increase profits due to a large number of customers, marketers suggest using a wide range of interesting and creative ways:

  • The right approach to product demonstration. It is better to involve display specialists (merchandisers) who will help present the products with a “face” and design the display windows in an original way.
  • Give customers the opportunity to save. This is a normal desire for most consumers, so a small gift on your first or regular visit will attract attention (an additional bonus service in a beauty salon, a free cocktail for new cafe clients).
  • Issue of limited coupons. A good way of advertising and an option to increase sales. With quality service, some visitors with coupons will remain regular consumers.
  • Discounts and discount cards for regular customers. This option works well with a cumulative bonus system, stimulating purchases of goods or services in one place.
  • Drawing valuable prizes and holding lotteries. The costs will be more than recouped by attracting a large number of new customers.
  • Original design of all signs. They should attract attention, inform about promotions and evoke a positive attitude, and be remembered by random passers-by.
  • The highlight of the service. A good example is pampering customers with a cup of coffee and candy with the establishment’s logo on the wrapper.
  • Spectacular appearance. In any store or salon that wants to attract customers, attention is paid not only to the presentation of goods or the sign. What matters is an unobtrusive pleasant smell, convenient arrangement of shelves, level of illumination and cleanliness of staff uniforms.

Such methods can be combined and combined in different sequences. Only by constantly reminding about your brand can you achieve an increase in demand and an increase in customer flow.

How to attract clients during a crisis

The latest financial crisis hit the pockets of consumers at all levels. Sales of non-essential goods have dropped noticeably, and many services are not in demand. With the aim of resource economy and the desire to interact more closely with potential buyers, many companies are intensifying their work on the Internet.

In times of crisis, searching for an answer to a question “how to attract new clients?” becomes the main task of all management personnel. Among the latest developments of marketers that will help during a crisis are:

Use of advertising on the Internet

During an economic downturn, banners in print publications become a luxury and do not bring the expected profit (and circulations themselves are reduced). Using contextual or useful articles with links and interesting information will perfectly attract attention to the product.

Development of your own website

You can use it as an excellent economical option. With its help, the main information is presented well, it is easier to describe the positive aspects of a service or product, and stimulate its purchase.

In the age of technology, every company strives. It will bring good results if an experienced specialist handles the filling and promotion. Much attention must be paid to the quality of design, extraordinary presentation of materials, and adaptation of the site to mobile devices.

Increasing active sales

This is a good option for attracting customers, which can increase income if presented correctly. It is better to invite a trained specialist to play the role of call manager. He will try, using various techniques, to persuade someone to conclude an agreement or transaction, and will be able to present the product in the most favorable light.

These can be conducted not only through telephone conversations. A new option is sending emails to customers with offers or auction coupons.

To increase interest in the manufacturer and the company among Internet users, creative and extraordinary methods should be used: holding competitions and drawings for valuable prizes, producing humorous content, and giving subscribers more positive emotions.

How to attract new clients using the Internet

The number of active Internet users is growing rapidly every year. Therefore, you should not ignore such a simple and very effective channel for attracting customers to your business. With the right approach, it can reach a large number of potential consumers living in remote areas.

As we said, every company tries to have its own website. To attract visitors, it must become a real showcase with perfect layout, interesting design and the most convenient feedback.

It can be used as or as a product catalog, conduct surveys about products or organize prize draws.

The best ways to attract customers to your business using the World Wide Web are increasingly showing greater effectiveness than traditional marketing techniques.

The most popular options available to any entrepreneur:

  • . We are talking about “promotion” using modern methods. It is better to attract a marketing specialist who will select high-quality content and help raise the site to the first place in the search engine.
  • Managing groups and communities on social networks. Entertainment sites like Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte have long become an excellent trading and advertising platform. Attracting customers with their help is an inexpensive but very effective way. In some cases, the group perfectly replaces the website, giving consumers quick feedback and maximum information about the products. But the result will only come if you regularly fill it with good and meaningful content and maintain activity in the community at a high level.
  • . Another way to attract customers on the Internet, which is based on searching for certain phrases or words. It is often resorted to in the initial stages of “promotion”. It is quite expensive, so it is better to use the services of professionals to set up contextual advertising.
  • . The method of attraction is to distribute letters with a commercial or promotional offer to the email addresses of potential clients. This is a fairly effective channel that requires certain skills. Therefore, it is better to entrust email campaigns to an experienced specialist who knows how to prevent these advertising emails from ending up in spam.
  • Teaser advertising. It is configured for a specific group of potential consumers and appears in different parts of the monitor. Offers the company's services to people most interested in it.
  • . The new method is gaining momentum and allows you to attract customers with interesting reviews and testimonials in video format. You can use hidden advertising by inviting famous bloggers or media personalities to “praise” your products for a small fee.

If you have no knowledge in this area, you can contact. On specialized sites you can find specialists who will help you attract clients for a reasonable fee. In times of crisis, it is brand promotion via the Internet that can generate the largest percentage of new consumers with minimal investment.

Mistakes that prevent you from attracting clients

Many businesses spend huge amounts of money on attracting new customers, but complain about low returns and lack of the desired result.

By studying the principles of their operation and maintenance, you can identify several typical errors:

  • There is no clear portrait of the consumer of goods or services. A successful company always collects and analyzes information about customers. This helps create advertisements and promotions targeted at a specific niche.
  • The staff is not familiar with new customer optimization techniques and does not participate in special trainings.. Interesting programs in the form of webinars are often demonstrated on the Internet, and experienced psychologists can help organize training.
  • A small number of methods are used. Management must skillfully manipulate any available methods to attract new customers. You can simultaneously combine active advertising on the Internet and hand out flyers to passers-by, hold prize draws in the store and post videos on your own channel.
  • There is no specific selling proposition that will make the brand and products stand out from other competitors. It should explain all the benefits of the product, the features of the manufacturer and the benefits for the buyer.
  • Managers do not master cold calling techniques and do not know how to provide information as profitably and completely as possible.

With the onset of the crisis, the level of sales in the retail store decreased significantly. The turnover of goods consumption in Russia fell by 10.4% in 2015. This created additional sales problems.

With such low purchasing power of the population, campaigns began to look for additional incentives for the development of trade. To increase sales in retail trade, successful organizations have identified the main trends in retail trade and current methods of organizing sales.

What could be the ways to competently organize the trading process, leading to increased profits?

Method 1. Organization of a vending sales network

Vending is the sale of goods and services through vending machines. This is the organization of the operation of terminals, vending machines for selling piece goods (hygiene products, shoe covers, drinks, small confectionery). This method of sales is especially popular among small companies that cannot open their own chain of stores on their own, or among trading structures with a developed network.

Thus, 15% of products can be sold through the vending sales network.

Method 2. Competent pricing policy

Pricing policy is one of the most important conditions for promoting a product. Raising or lowering prices, offering people various discounts or favorable conditions when purchasing - these are the methods that greatly influence making a profit.

Pay attention to competing companies. It is not at all necessary to reduce the price of a product after you see price reductions from competitors. Better think about how you can attract customers through discounts. Give a discount on the same products that your neighbors have reduced prices for. The buyer will respond faster to your marketing ploy. Do this during the last days of your competitor’s discounts or immediately after their promotion ends.

Method 3. Giving the product additional value

An additional way to attract a buyer to a product is when the product is given “special value.” This can be done by adding unusual product properties, functions and applications to the description. Items can also be included in kits. Give these kits interesting names. In these cases, the target audience will increase many times. This means that the quantity of goods sold will increase.

Method 4. Focus on clients with high demands

It is believed that product prices should be designed for the average consumer and even satisfy the needs of a buyer with below average income. And this is correct, because. this is the largest percentage of the population.

It is also important to know that if the buyer purchases the highest quality product every day and receives a professional level of service, he will be ready to purchase goods at a fairly high price. Focus on buyers with high demands. Perhaps sometimes such a product will be purchased by a low-income customer. This can be done on a holiday, in a special mood, through a desire to pamper yourself.

Method 5. Creating an “emotional” showcase

Create an attractive storefront. The showcase should attract, even entice, the buyer. The product that will be displayed on it must be “emotionally charged.” This works under certain conditions. Products presented in the entrance area should reflect the general price level in the store. Products must be available, otherwise the buyer will first be “excited” and then “disappointed.” And you won’t see it in your retail outlet anymore. Even if you reduce prices by 90%.

Such a marketing move will attract the attention of every passerby to your product. This is currently a hot trend in retail.

Method 6. Correct display of goods

A large percentage of purchases depend on the display of goods. There are several secrets to how to place a product on a shelf. The end placement of goods should have bright, orderly colors. This will attract additional attention. Enabling peripheral vision will provide from 130 to 450% increase in sales.

Products that have been left behind due to high prices or other circumstances are placed in a basket in the center of the aisle or at the ends of the rack. It is necessary that the buyer literally “collides” with this product. And an additional small discount on a product can increase income from its sales by 800%.

Method 7. Managing customer behavior

Use special technical means (audio or video) in your stores that will turn on when a customer passes a certain product. For example, a consumer approaches a shelf with avocados, and at this time he hears information about an “unusually tasty salad” using this product.

When the beacon enters the coverage area (10–70 m), a signal is received and the user immediately sees a message on the screen about promotions, discounts and personal offers from the store.

Method 8. Using a tablet when working with clients

Use a tablet with specially designed software. Thanks to this, when communicating with the buyer, the seller will be able to immediately show the client the product and allow him to examine the product from all sides. You can also check the availability of products in stock and set deadlines for ordering. Record the wishes of customers and send the selected project to their email inbox. Using this method of attracting customers to the store will not only increase the speed and quality of customer service in the store by at least 20%, but will also bring additional profit.

Use our tips. And your business will be the most prosperous!

Tatiana Zagumennova

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