Which is better xbox or playstation? Xbox 360 vs ps3 which is better

The gamer community can be conditionally divided into two opposing camps - fans of the Sony Playstation 3 and fans of the Xbox 360. Due to obvious bias, they cannot give an objective assessment of this or that game console, so a beginner who is just about to discover the world of video games faces a difficult choice between two leading manufacturers - Sony and Microsoft.


The design of both consoles is stylishly laconic, but the PS3 Slim is slightly smaller in size than the Xbox 360. The white one from Microsoft looks very impressive, but the Sony Playstation 3 in a black tinted plastic case looks no less luxurious.


Internal content is considered one of the most important factors influencing the choice of a gaming console, and the clear leader here is the Xbox 360 console, which has a central and graphic processor with more power, which means that the Microsoft console is capable of processing more data compared to its competitor.

As for video, the first place here, without a doubt, should be given to the Sony Playstation 3 game console, which is equipped with a system from NVIDIA, which produces only exemplary and functional video cards. That is why the PS3 console is capable of operating at a frequency of 600 MHz, while the Xbox 360 does not exceed 500 MHz.

Graphic arts

The level of graphics is a subject of heated debate between representatives of the two camps. True, we are not talking about any significant differences in picture quality. Thus, the graphics component of the Xbox 360 is characterized by a brighter and richer palette of shades, while the graphics of the Sony Playstation 3 are distinguished by a smoother image and ideal shadow placement.

Optical drive

In this regard, the functionality of the PS3 game console is much wider due to the Blu-Ray drive, which allows you to watch movies in HD format. This fact makes the Sony Playstation 3 not just a game console, but a real multimedia center.


The gamepad is another subject of controversy that flares up on opposite sides of the barricades. Of course, a game controller is not a determining factor when choosing a particular console, but one cannot but agree that the player’s comfort directly depends on its shape.

The Xbox 360 game controller has a round shape and is quite weighty, so it is very comfortable to hold in your hands. In addition, the sticks on the joystick are placed in such a way that there is no need to bend the index finger - it lies naturally and at ease. The PS3 gamepad looks more like a boomerang and is lighter and smaller. The location of the sticks is not as convenient as on the Xbox 360 game controller - during gameplay the index finger is constantly in a half-bent state, which causes some discomfort for the player, especially after many hours of online battles.

In turn, the PS3 controller has another advantage in the form of a built-in battery, while the owner of the Xbox 360 game console will have to spend additional money on purchasing batteries and a charger for them.

Motion controllers

The Xbox 360 game console is equipped with a Kinest motion controller, and the console from the Japanese manufacturer is equipped with a Move manipulator. The Kinest camera is able to determine the player’s position in space, as a result of which it is as if he himself becomes a joystick, controlling the gameplay using the movements of his body. With the Kinest game controller, the game is controlled in a more traditional way - using a manipulator held in your hand. It is quite difficult to determine the winner in this battle: the Kinest controller has proven itself well in sports simulators, and the Move manipulator is much more convenient to control in those games where fixation, accuracy and throwing power are required.


According to this indicator, the Xbox 360 clearly loses due to the monopoly established by Microsoft. So, if you decide to install a hard drive with a large amount of memory, you will have to buy only the original hard drive, which is quite expensive. The Sony Playstation 3 gaming console does not have this drawback - it can be used with accessories from any manufacturer.

Network resource

Each game console has its own network: for Xbox 360 it is Xbox Live, and for PS3 it is Playstation Network. Using these resources, the player can download games and demo versions, play online and communicate with other users. Fans of multi-hour online battles most often choose the PS3 gaming console, since participation in games is completely free for users, while the owner of an Xbox 360 will have to pay an additional fee for using the account.

Network hits or single games

For users who prefer to play various games and are indifferent to online fun, it is worth choosing the Xbox 360 game console. The fact is that the Microsoft product can be flashed and downloaded any games in unlimited quantities, because licensed games are not cheap - 1500 - 3000 rubles per game. However, if you ever want to play with friends online, you risk getting your account banned without the possibility of recovery.


Most buyers, when choosing a gaming console, focus on the games they support, namely exclusive shooters, fighting games and action games. For example, if you are a fan of games such as Uncharted, God of War, InFamous, Heavy Rain, KillZone, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance, Heavenly Sword, Gran Turismo, then choose the Sony Playstation 3. Exclusives for the Xbox 360 console are represented by such games as like Halo, Fable, Gears of War, AlanWake, Blue Dragon, LostOdyssey, etc.

When choosing a game console, the buyer is faced with the following question: What's betterXbox360 orPlayStation 3 ? Of course, such gaming products from leading manufacturers as PS3 and Xbox 360 have attracted enormous attention in the gaming and electronics market.

The struggle for leadership continues every day, companies constantly release more and more new accessories for their creations, thereby attracting buyers to pay attention to attention specifically for your product. Therefore, it is very difficult to decide what's betterXbox360 orPlayStation 3 .

To make the right onechoicegameconsole, buyer need to payattentionon the quantity and quality of games produced. This is one of the important factors for determining betweenPS3 orXbox 360 . Games are released in large quantities on these game consoles, but the graphics quality of the games, as well as their prices, differ from each other. If you take it incomparison of Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3games, it initially appears that PS3 games are being recorded ondiskand Blu-Ray, unlike games for the Xbox 360, which are written on DVD+R DL discs (double-layer). Therefore, their prices are different.

A gaming console is a good way to relax and switch gears for those who don’t want to leave the house. Now the current devices are PS 4 and Xbox One, but the previous generation has not yet left the store shelves. Games are released on it, buyers are purchasing it, and even the cost is still quite high. This article will discuss which is better – Xbox 360 or PS 3? Let's compare these consoles according to a number of criteria.


At the start of sales, it seemed that PlayStation was seriously winning. The eight-core processor surprised with its colossal performance, compared to the three-core Xenon from the Xbox 360. In fact, the Japanese outwitted themselves by using a relatively new technology; developers had to spend more time debugging games. Over time, this problem has disappeared, and the issue of performance is not particularly important - almost all games released on consoles run well. There is a difference in the image, different video systems, but here everyone decides for himself what he likes.


The price of the consoles is approximately the same, but Microsoft tries to put additional bonuses in the box with its console - various games, so that buying their product turns out to be more profitable.


The appearance of the consoles themselves is not particularly important; both manufacturers tried to make it ergonomic. But joysticks are a different matter; the feeling of using them is completely different. The version from Sony will appeal to fans of the classics, but we must admit that the gamepad from Microsoft is also quite practical.


The most important aspect when choosing. Pay attention to the exclusives released for the console. The ones you like best are worthy of becoming the reason for choosing one or another console. Do you like fighting games and Japanese RPGs? Your choice is Sony PS, for other directions - Xbox 360.

Both game consoles have their pros and cons - it is impossible to make a clear choice in favor of any of them. Before going to the store, be sure to ask which projects were released exclusively for a particular console; if one of them seems more interesting to you, you need to make a choice in favor of the console for which they were developed.

Well, we have finally saved up some money and are ready to fulfill our old dream and buy a good game console! We are eager to immerse ourselves in the fascinating and exciting world of games and devote ourselves to it without reserve for at least the next week. And now it's a day off! We're heading to the store! Let's go to the window! But at this moment you forget about all the recent anticipation and delight, because we are faced with the question of which is better - PS3 or Xbox 360.

And now we will try to guide the buyer and help him answer this difficult question.

First, let's look at the characteristics, equipment and price of the consoles.

Boasts the following filling. The brain of the console is an 8-core processor with a clock speed of 3.2 GHz. The physical memory of the device, depending on the model, ranges from 4 to 320GB. Operational XDR, capacity 256MB. The graphics are handled by the NVIDIA RSX graphics processor with its 256 MB of memory. All this makes it possible for the PS3 to run complex games with top-end Full HD graphics.

Among the additional features of the console, I would like to highlight the PS3's Blu-ray drive and the ability to play 3D movies. Therefore, if you have a 3D TV, then I think that you have already answered the question of which is better - PS3 or Xbox 360.

The package includes: the console itself, one joystick, a power cord, a cord for charging the controller and an AV cable (3RCA), popularly called a “tulip”. I would like to note right away that the image transmitted via an RCA cable will not allow you to watch 3D and provide a resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels. Therefore, when purchasing, immediately purchase an HDMI cable version 1.4.

Some versions may include a PlayStation Move controller.

The average PS3 ranges from 11,000 to 15,000 rubles, depending on the configuration.

Or maybe approach the problem from the other side? And ask about which is better - Xbox 360 or PS3, and not vice versa.

What does Microsoft offer us?

The console is driven by a powerful processor with 3 symmetrical cores and a clock frequency of 3.2 GHz, physical memory from 4 to 500 GB, RAM 512 MB and is crowned with a graphics chip from ATI called “Xenos”. The “X-box” drive is conventional, i.e. DVD. The console is capable of playing music files from flash media and even video files from For the latter, you need to install codecs by first connecting to the Internet.

The set-top box kit is as follows: a “body”, one wireless controller (the joystick battery is disposable, unlike the PS3), the same analog AV cable that can be immediately thrown away, a power supply (in this case it is located outside the console body).

Xbox may come with a kinect controller. This is a wireless console control option from Microsoft, as opposed to the aforementioned PlayStation Move. I won’t talk much about the advantages of this or that attachment to the console. I’ll just say that they differ radically, there are hit games in both places, and they are sold separately.

Now let's compare what we read. Xbox 360 or Playstation 3? And it seems that preference is again shifting to the side of the product from Sony. But now we will try to take into account the opinions of experienced users. Among the gamers surveyed, most preferred Xbox. The guys were very ordinary and motivated their position by the fact that when playing on Xbox, the picture is more dynamic, more interesting and colorful, and most importantly, it is possible to copy games to a hard drive.

PS3 fans, when asked which is better - PS3 or Xbox 360, answered unequivocally and confirmed their words with the following: the technical advantages of the console; the legendary joystick, which has not undergone any changes since the PS1, and most importantly, a huge number of exclusive games that are inaccessible even to PC owners. Whatever one may say, we are still at a crossroads.

So, let's summarize. Still, what is better PS3 or Xbox 360? Personally, I would buy myself a Sony console, because I think that the colorful picture of the Xbox is not able to cover all the opportunities that a consumer gets by buying a Play Station 3. Of course, this is my personal opinion, which has both opponents and supporters. The main thing is that you already have a specific idea about these products and the question that we tried to answer does not take you by surprise. Happy shopping! All the best!

Xbox 360 or Sony PS3– which of these game consoles is better? Below we will look at the advantages, disadvantages and features of each console in individual aspects.

But before we begin a comparative review of these consoles, we will provide brief background information about them.

Xbox 360 game console: quick reference

Xbox 360 - this game console is a product of the software giant Microsoft. This is the second model of the Xbox gaming console, created by the manufacturer with great ambitions in order to compete in the market with such gaming consoles as PlayStation and Nintendo Wii.
First edition Xbox 360 was introduced by Microsoft back in 2005. In 2010, the manufacturer upgraded the console and released an updated edition Xbox 360, having redesigned it somewhat, reduced in size, equipped with additional functionality and ports, in particular, built-in Wi-Fi and a 250 GB hard drive, while the first edition of the console had only a network port for connecting wired Internet and a memory card of only 4 GB. Today, the console can be purchased in various assemblies with a hard drive from 20 GB to 320 GB.
Xbox 360 is a whole multimedia center that, in addition to video games, can also play and download demo versions of games and various media content from the Internet - music, films, trailers, TV shows, etc.

Sony PS3 game console: quick reference

Sony PS3(the full name of the console is Sony PlayStation 3) is a product produced by the powerful Japanese corporation Sony Corporation, an evolutionary continuation of the previous generation consoles PlayStation and PlayStation 2. The first edition of the Sony PS3 saw the world a year and a half later than the first edition of the Xbox 360, in 2006.
Throughout production Sony PS3 configuration of this consoles has undergone many changes - this includes the external finish, the number of USB ports, and the presence of a built-in card reader. But for the most part, the configuration changes concerned the hard drive capacity. So, the first very simple assembly Sony PS3 provided an internal space of 20 GB, and today this console can be purchased in various assemblies - both with a pre-installed 320 GB hard drive, and in a budget assembly with 12 GB flash memory and the ability to later connect a 250 GB hard drive.
Sony PS3, like its main competitor Xbox 360, is also a full-fledged media center with which you can play video games, watch movies, and listen to music. Unlike the Xbox 360, the Sony PS3 is equipped with a built-in browser, through which you can work with email and also browse the Internet. Sony PS3 supports most of the games adapted for the previous generation PlayStation and PlayStation 2 consoles.

Well, now let's move on to a comparative review of consoles: Xbox 360 or Sony PS3 - in what moments which one is better?

Appearance and build quality

Xbox 360 outwardly it looks pretty good - the body is neat in appearance, plastic is pleasant to the touch, and almost does not get dirty. The simplicity of the design and ease of organization of the console body is visible even at first glance. But a more meticulous inspection, or rather touch testing, will reveal not only the simplicity of the design, but, unfortunately, also the ease of assembly. As soon as you turn the console a little in your hands, you can immediately hear the creaking and crunching of plastic parts.
One of the advantages Xbox 360 One could note the small size of the console case, but it’s worth remembering the huge external power supply in an awkward and inconvenient shape; you immediately want to forget about this plus.
With console Sony PS3 everything is different - the build quality here is excellent, everything is assembled firmly and flawlessly. The console body is also made of plastic, pleasant to the touch, in black, and much more can be said about the appearance of the Sony PS3 than about the Xbox 360 - everything is simply gorgeous. However, everything at Sony exudes elegance and luxury. To make the console case shine, you just need to wipe it thoroughly once with a special soft cloth. In this shine of the tinted case, even scratches that could appear during careless use will not be noticeable.
Therefore, the undisputed leader in terms of design and build quality of a gaming console is only the Sony PS3.

Contents of delivery

At the time of buying Sony PS3, you may have to run around computer outlets or “surf” online stores in search of a wire to output an image via an HDMI or AV output. Since the console does not come with a single cable that is capable of transmitting high-definition video. In the box with the console you can only find an outdated “coaxial” cable, which can be useful, perhaps, only for playing Dendy. Concerning Xbox 360, then this game console comes with a good high-quality component cable with gold-plated connectors, and in addition, a scart adapter. Using this set, the console can be connected to any type of TV - both digital and analogue, and, accordingly, get a picture of the highest resolution immediately after purchase, without bothering where else to get a video cable. Therefore, when it comes to the scope of delivery of a game console, the Xbox 360 is an obvious victory.


Console Sony PS3 equipped HDMI-, audio optical and analog output, as well as a network port for connecting to the Internet. All connectors are located very thoughtfully - separately, without interfering with each other when connecting wires. The connectors are technically independent - so, if necessary, you can supply video via an HDMI cable and at the same time audio via an optical or analog output.
The Xbox 360 console has no optical audio output at all, and the HDMI and analog outputs are located too close to each other, thus preventing cables from running through them at the same time. And if the console is connected to a TV via an HDMI output, then both video and sound will go through it.
It is possible that such subtleties as the separate video and audio output of the Sony PS3 may seem to many to be overly meticulous when compared. But as for the convenience of organizing outputs, the victory of this particular console can hardly raise any doubts. So, this is already the second victory for Sony PS3.


Sony PS3– while developing this particular console, Sony engineers made quite a lot of mistakes. And one of the main mistakes of the console was its joystick (gamepad). Firstly, the manufacturer failed to come up with something radically new, stunning with unique control capabilities - this is again the same boomerang that has become quite boring to gamers since the days of the first Sony. Secondly, the manufacturer failed to implement vibration support in the gamepad, and, which does not particularly paint the corporation as an honest market player, Sony explained this lack of vibration support by reducing the cost of the final price of the product. Despite the absence of fundamental changes in the organization of the joystick, it should be noted that this is a very convenient device, of high quality, and its main advantage, perhaps, is the built-in battery and short charging time. One hour of charging the joystick is enough for a whole week of moderate gaming.
Joystick from Xbox 360 much better. To be more precise, this is perhaps the most convenient joystick that has ever been invented on the game controller market. But the disadvantage of this joystick, unlike the Sony PS3 joystick, is its charging. It runs on batteries, which will have to be changed on average once every two weeks of active play.
In this matter, it is quite difficult to determine the leader - Sony’s commercial policy in the production of a joystick is unlikely to be of interest to true gamers, because ease of control will always be their priority. And both participants in the review have ease of control. And in this matter, individual preferences will probably play a huge role. So, it's a draw.


Sony PS3 has a more colorful and “adult” interface - bright themes, quite convenient navigation, convenient font, clear menu.
In the console Xbox 360 the interface is much simpler, and it seems that the interface was designed more for a child user audience than for adults.
The interface of consoles is another issue, the primacy in which is quite difficult to determine due to the individual preferences of users, but still we will give the victory, albeit a very conditional one, to the Sony PS3. At least for the efforts of the firmware developers. This is the third victory for this console.

Noise during operation

The technology and electronics market today is quite demanding in terms of device noise. The nervous system and user comfort are put at the forefront, therefore quiet and silent operation is a prerequisite for a quality product on the technology and electronics market.
Xbox 360: The Chinese twin parts that remove heat from the processor on this console simply cannot work quietly after a couple of months of use, although this may seem like a minor noise to many users. As for the drive noise, the Xbox 360 has nothing special to brag about: this console produces quite a lot of noise from the rotation of the disc in the DVD drive. Separately, it is worth noting another drawback of the Xbox 360 - the aforementioned power supply of the console also makes noise during operation, making unpleasant irritating sounds.
But the Sony PS3 works and reads discs very quietly.
As a result, the fourth, again unconditional victory for Sony PS3.

Graphic arts

There is an ongoing debate on the Internet - which of these two consoles has the better graphics? This is another question where it is unlikely that a winner will be determined, since both consoles - the Sony PS3 and the Xbox 360 - reproduce images of impeccable quality in video games, everything is detailed and realistic.
It is also worth noting that the graphics quality will always be better in exclusive games developed specifically for a particular platform. Special adaptation of a video game to the processor architecture of a specific game console will naturally have a positive effect not only on the quality of graphics, but also on the quality of other game parameters - sound, physics, controls, etc. A larger number of exclusive games have been developed for Sony PS3, therefore, the graphics in them will be ideal. But, for example, if we talk about multi-platform games, the Xbox 360 will render the picture a little better due to the fact that the processor architecture of this console is more similar to the architecture of the PC processor.
In the end, it was a draw again.

Blu-ray drive

The Xbox 360 only has a regular DVD drive. But the Sony PS3 assembly includes a Blu-ray drive. With its help, the console can read Blu-ray discs - high-capacity discs on which powerful, resource-intensive video games (16 GB or more) can be written in their entirety. When playing on a Sony PS3, you won't need to insert a second, third or even fourth disc, constantly fumbling around the drive and getting distracted. Games are neatly and conveniently contained on a single Blu-ray disc, with a capacity of 25 or 50 GB.
Despite the fact that Xbox 360 games can be installed on the hard drive, thereby solving the problem of constantly changing regular DVD discs, the advantages of having a Blu-ray drive in the Sony PS3 console are obvious - there is no need to change discs and get confused with them even when installing a game . Another advantage of having a Blu-ray drive in the Sony PS3 console is the playback of movies in 3D. These are resource-intensive films (usually from 20 GB), which, naturally, will not fit on regular DVDs.
Therefore, the victory is again for Sony PS3, and this is its fifth victory.

Online services

Xbox Live is an Internet service integrated into the Xbox 360 firmware, which additionally opens up the widest multimedia possibilities for the user - downloading videos, music, game demos, buying games, performing firmware updates, etc. You can become a member of the service using either a paid or free subscription. So, users of free accounts can communicate on the service forums, use the store, communicate via voice and video, but if they want to play online, they will have to face serious restrictions. A full-fledged online game is only possible with a paid subscription, which, by the way, will cost about 3,000 rubles per year.
PlayStation Network Platform is a clone of the Xbox Live Internet service, but for Sony PS3. And its nice feature, unlike the prototype, is that it is free and the functionality is available. Naturally, you will have to pay for downloaded games and various add-ons, but playing online with real players is always free. Another service for the Sony PS3 is the PlayStation Store, a kind of social network dressed in a virtual world where any user can create a character and explore this world, interacting with the same characters of other users.
A free online game, an original idea with a virtual world – another, sixth victory for the Sony PS3.

Game content

It's no secret that the popularity of the Xbox 360 in Russia began to gain rapid momentum thanks to flashing the drive and the ability to use pirated copies of games. In almost 100% of cases, this fact gave many gamers an advantage in purchasing an Xbox 360. After all, it is difficult to imagine what kind of income a person should have so that he could constantly pamper himself with new games on licensed discs, the cost of which on average is 2,500 rubles. With a reflashed drive, you can, in principle, play online on Xbox Live, but there will always be a chance of getting a ban. Some players play for several years, and some get banned in the first month after reflashing - this is a matter of chance.
Hacking a Sony PS3 can be a real headache for the user, because Sony zealously protects its copyrights, eliminating gaps and improving protection with each new firmware update.
Even though the Sony PS3 console supports games developed for PS2 and PS1, and the user may think that as many as three are conveniently combined in one console, one cannot help but give victory in terms of the variety and availability of gaming content to the Xbox 360 console. Pirated copies of the latest games that can be downloaded on any torrent tracker completely free of charge and recorded on a regular disc is an undeniable advantage that seriously saves the gamer’s budget without forcing him to settle for old games purchased at sales of licensed discs. So, when it comes to gaming content, the Xbox 360 is confidently in the lead, but this is only the second victory for the console in this review.

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